@ -441,11 +441,12 @@
<includepath path= "${bullet.java.include}" />
<includepath path= "${bullet.java.include}" />
<includepath path= "${bullet.java.include}/win32" />
<includepath path= "${bullet.java.include}/win32" />
<includepath path= "${bullet.bullet.include}" />
<includepath path= "${bullet.bullet.include}" />
<!-- compilerarg value=" - m32"/ -- >
<compilerarg value= "-m32" / >
<linker name= "${bullet.windows.compiler}" debug= "${bullet.compile.debug}" >
<linker name= "${bullet.windows.compiler}" debug= "${bullet.compile.debug}" >
<linkerarg value= "-o${bullet.library.name}.dll" />
<linkerarg value= "-o${bullet.library.name}.dll" />
<linkerarg value= "--kill-at" />
<linkerarg value= "--kill-at" />
<linkerarg value= "-static" />
<linkerarg value= "-static" />
<linkerarg value= "-m32" />
<libset dir= "build/bullet-base" libs= "BulletMultiThreaded,BulletDynamics,BulletCollision,LinearMath" />
<libset dir= "build/bullet-base" libs= "BulletMultiThreaded,BulletDynamics,BulletCollision,LinearMath" />
@ -455,7 +456,7 @@
<target name= "-nativelib-windows-64" if= "doBuildWindowsBinary64" >
<target name= "-nativelib-windows-64" if= "doBuildWindowsBinary64" >
<echo message= "Building Windows 64bit version of native bullet" />
<echo message= "Building Windows 64bit version of native bullet" />
<mkdir dir= "${bullet.output.dir}/windows" />
<mkdir dir= "${bullet.output.dir}/windows" />
<cc multithreaded= "" name= "${bullet.windows.compiler}" warnings= "none" debug= "${bullet.compile.debug}" outtype= "shared" outfile= "${bullet.output.dir}/windows/${bullet.library.name}64" objdir= "build/bullet-native" >
<cc multithreaded= "" name= "${bullet.windows.compiler}" warnings= "none" debug= "${bullet.compile.debug}" outtype= "shared" outfile= "${bullet.output.dir}/windows/${bullet.library.name}64" objdir= "build/bullet-native-64 " >
<compilerarg value= "-fpermissive" />
<compilerarg value= "-fpermissive" />
<fileset dir= "${bullet.source.dir}" >
<fileset dir= "${bullet.source.dir}" >
<include name= "*.cpp" >
<include name= "*.cpp" >
@ -464,12 +465,13 @@
<includepath path= "${bullet.java.include}" />
<includepath path= "${bullet.java.include}" />
<includepath path= "${bullet.java.include}/win32" />
<includepath path= "${bullet.java.include}/win32" />
<includepath path= "${bullet.bullet.include}" />
<includepath path= "${bullet.bullet.include}" />
<!-- compilerarg value=" - m32"/ -- >
<compilerarg value= "-m64" / >
<linker name= "${bullet.windows.compiler}" debug= "${bullet.compile.debug}" >
<linker name= "${bullet.windows.compiler}" debug= "${bullet.compile.debug}" >
<linkerarg value= "-o${bullet.library.name}64.dll" />
<linkerarg value= "-o${bullet.library.name}64.dll" />
<linkerarg value= "--kill-at" />
<linkerarg value= "--kill-at" />
<linkerarg value= "-static" />
<linkerarg value= "-static" />
<libset dir= "build/bullet-base" libs= "BulletMultiThreaded,BulletDynamics,BulletCollision,LinearMath" />
<linkerarg value= "-m64" />
<libset dir= "build/bullet-base-64" libs= "BulletMultiThreaded,BulletDynamics,BulletCollision,LinearMath" />
<delete file= "${bullet.output.dir}/windows/history.xml" />
<delete file= "${bullet.output.dir}/windows/history.xml" />
@ -520,7 +522,7 @@
<available file= "${ndk.dir}/${ndk-build-name}" property= "haveAndoidNdk" />
<available file= "${ndk.dir}/${ndk-build-name}" property= "haveAndoidNdk" />
<target name= "compile-bullet-sources" description= "downloads and compiles the bullet native library to static binaries to be included in the final libbulletjme" depends= "-check-conditions-pre, -get-bullet-sources, -compile-bullet-sources-windows, -compile-bullet-sources-macosx, -compile-bullet-sources-linux, -compile-bullet-sources-linux-64, -compile-bullet-sources-linux-mingw, -compile-bullet-sources-linux-mingw-64" />
<target name= "compile-bullet-sources" description= "downloads and compiles the bullet native library to static binaries to be included in the final libbulletjme" depends= "-check-conditions-pre, -get-bullet-sources, -compile-bullet-sources-windows, -compile-bullet-sources-windows-64, -compile-bullet-sources- macosx, -compile-bullet-sources-linux, -compile-bullet-sources-linux-64, -compile-bullet-sources-linux-mingw, -compile-bullet-sources-linux-mingw-64" />
<target name= "-get-bullet-sources" unless= "haveBulletSource" >
<target name= "-get-bullet-sources" unless= "haveBulletSource" >
<echo > Downloading bullet source..</echo>
<echo > Downloading bullet source..</echo>
@ -541,7 +543,32 @@
<arg value= "-DBUILD_EXTRAS:BOOL=OFF" />
<arg value= "-DBUILD_EXTRAS:BOOL=OFF" />
<arg value= "-DBUILD_DEMOS:BOOL=OFF" />
<arg value= "-DBUILD_DEMOS:BOOL=OFF" />
<arg value= "-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release" />
<arg value= "-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release" />
<arg value= "-DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS=-fpermissive" />
<arg value= "-DCMAKE_C_FLAGS=-m32 -fpermissive" />
<arg value= "-DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS=-m32 -fpermissive" />
<arg value= "-DCMAKE_LD_FLAGS=-m32" />
<arg value= "." />
<arg value= "-G" />
<arg value= "MinGW Makefiles" />
<exec executable= "${make.windows}" dir= "${bullet.folder}" />
<target name= "-compile-bullet-sources-windows-64" if= "doBuildWindowsBase64" >
<mkdir dir= "build/bullet-base-64" />
<property location= "build/bullet-base-64" name= "build64.folder.resolved" />
<replace file= "${bullet.folder}/CMakeLists.txt" token= "#TODO add better GLUT detection for MinGW" value= " INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES($${BULLET_PHYSICS_SOURCE_DIR}/Glut)${line.separator}SET(GLUT_glut_LIBRARY $${BULLET_PHYSICS_SOURCE_DIR}/Glut/glut32.lib)" />
<exec executable= "${cmake.windows}" dir= "${bullet.folder}" failonerror= "true" >
<arg value= "." />
<arg value= "-DLIBRARY_OUTPUT_PATH='${build64.folder.resolved}'" />
<arg value= "-DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=OFF" />
<arg value= "-DBUILD_EXTRAS:BOOL=OFF" />
<arg value= "-DBUILD_DEMOS:BOOL=OFF" />
<arg value= "-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release" />
<arg value= "-DCMAKE_C_FLAGS=-m64 -fpermissive" />
<arg value= "-DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS=-m64 -fpermissive" />
<arg value= "-DCMAKE_LD_FLAGS=-m64" />
<arg value= "." />
<arg value= "." />
<arg value= "-G" />
<arg value= "-G" />