* Proper aging for particles emitted in a frame

git-svn-id: https://jmonkeyengine.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@7958 75d07b2b-3a1a-0410-a2c5-0572b91ccdca
sha..rd 14 years ago
parent 6dcf5f2d50
commit 2767600fe3
  1. 90

@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ public class ParticleEmitter extends Geometry {
private boolean selectRandomImage;
private boolean facingVelocity;
private float particlesPerSec = 20;
private float emitCarry;
private float timeDifference = 0;
private float lowLife = 3f;
private float highLife = 7f;
private Vector3f gravity = new Vector3f(0.0f, 0.1f, 0.0f);
@ -206,8 +206,6 @@ public class ParticleEmitter extends Geometry {
meshType = type;
// Must create clone of shape/influencer so that a reference to a static is
// not maintained
shape = shape.deepClone();
@ -859,13 +857,13 @@ public class ParticleEmitter extends Geometry {
// assert !unusedIndices.contains(index);
// unusedIndices.add(index);
// }
private boolean emitParticle(Vector3f min, Vector3f max) {
private Particle emitParticle(Vector3f min, Vector3f max) {
// int idx = newIndex();
// if (idx == -1)
// return false;
int idx = lastUsed + 1;
if (idx >= particles.length) {
return false;
return null;
Particle p = particles[idx];
@ -896,7 +894,7 @@ public class ParticleEmitter extends Geometry {
firstUnUsed = idx + 1;
return true;
return p;
@ -924,7 +922,7 @@ public class ParticleEmitter extends Geometry {
while (emitParticle(min, max));
while (emitParticle(min, max) != null);
bbox.setMinMax(min, max);
@ -971,13 +969,37 @@ public class ParticleEmitter extends Geometry {
particles[idx2] = p1;
private void updateParticle(Particle p, float tpf, Vector3f min, Vector3f max){
// applying gravity
p.velocity.x -= gravity.x * tpf;
p.velocity.y -= gravity.y * tpf;
p.velocity.z -= gravity.z * tpf;
// affecting color, size and angle
float b = (p.startlife - p.life) / p.startlife;
p.color.interpolate(startColor, endColor, b);
p.size = FastMath.interpolateLinear(b, startSize, endSize);
p.angle += p.rotateSpeed * tpf;
// Computing bounding volume
temp.set(p.position).addLocal(p.size, p.size, p.size);
temp.set(p.position).subtractLocal(p.size, p.size, p.size);
if (!selectRandomImage) {
p.imageIndex = (int) (b * imagesX * imagesY);
private void updateParticleState(float tpf) {
// Force world transform to update
TempVars vars = TempVars.get();
Vector3f min = vars.vect1.set(Vector3f.POSITIVE_INFINITY);
Vector3f max = vars.vect2.set(Vector3f.NEGATIVE_INFINITY);
@ -994,31 +1016,7 @@ public class ParticleEmitter extends Geometry {
// position += velocity * tpf
//p.distToCam = -1;
// applying gravity
p.velocity.x -= gravity.x * tpf;
p.velocity.y -= gravity.y * tpf;
p.velocity.z -= gravity.z * tpf;
// affecting color, size and angle
float b = (p.startlife - p.life) / p.startlife;
p.color.interpolate(startColor, endColor, b);
p.size = FastMath.interpolateLinear(b, startSize, endSize);
p.angle += p.rotateSpeed * tpf;
// Computing bounding volume
temp.set(p.position).addLocal(p.size, p.size, p.size);
temp.set(p.position).subtractLocal(p.size, p.size, p.size);
if (!selectRandomImage) {
p.imageIndex = (int) (b * imagesX * imagesY);
updateParticle(p, tpf, min, max);
if (firstUnUsed < i) {
this.swap(firstUnUsed, i);
@ -1029,18 +1027,22 @@ public class ParticleEmitter extends Geometry {
float particlesToEmitF = particlesPerSec * tpf;
int particlesToEmit = (int) particlesToEmitF;
emitCarry += particlesToEmitF - particlesToEmit;
while (emitCarry > 1f) {
emitCarry -= 1f;
for (int i = 0; i < particlesToEmit; ++i) {
this.emitParticle(min, max);
// Spawns particles within the tpf timeslot with proper age
float interval = 1f / particlesPerSec;
tpf += timeDifference;
while (tpf > interval){
tpf -= interval;
Particle p = emitParticle(min, max);
if (p != null){
p.life -= tpf;
if (p.life <= 0){
updateParticle(p, tpf, min, max);
timeDifference = tpf;
BoundingBox bbox = (BoundingBox) this.getMesh().getBound();
bbox.setMinMax(min, max);
