@ -9,4 +9,311 @@ typedef float16 mat4; |
//All matrix functions are prefixed with mat3 or mat4 |
//All matrix functions are prefixed with mat3 or mat4 |
//Returns the zero matrix |
inline mat4 mat4Zero() { |
return (float16)(0); |
} |
//Returns the identity matrix |
inline mat4 mat4Identity() { |
return (float16) |
(1, 0, 0, 0, |
0, 1, 0, 0, |
0, 0, 1, 0, |
0, 0, 0, 1); |
} |
inline mat4 mat4FromRows(float4 row1, float4 row2, float4 row3, float4 row4) { |
return (float16) (row1, row2, row3, row4); |
} |
inline mat4 mat4FromColumns(float4 col1, float4 col2, float4 col3, float4 col4) { |
return (float16) |
(col1.x, col2.x, col3.x, col4.x, |
col1.y, col2.y, col3.y, col4.y, |
col1.z, col2.z, col3.z, col4.z, |
col1.w, col2.w, col3.w, col4.w); |
} |
inline mat4 mat4FromDiagonal(float4 diag) { |
return (float16) |
(diag.x, 0, 0, 0, |
0, diag.y, 0, 0, |
0, 0, diag.z, 0, |
0, 0, 0, diag.w); |
} |
//Returns the i-th row (0-based) |
inline float4 mat4GetRow(mat4 mat, int i) { |
if (i==0) return mat.s0123; |
else if (i==1) return mat.s4567; |
else if (i==2) return mat.s89ab; |
else return mat.scdef; |
} |
//Sets the i-th row (0-based) |
inline mat4 mat4SetRow(mat4 mat, int i, float4 row) { |
if (i==0) mat.s0123 = row; |
else if (i==1) mat.s4567 = row; |
else if (i==2) mat.s89ab = row; |
else mat.scdef = row; |
return mat; |
} |
//Returns the i-th column (0-based) |
inline float4 mat4GetColumn(mat4 mat, int i) { |
if (i==0) return mat.s048c; |
else if (i==1) return mat.s159d; |
else if (i==2) return mat.s26ae; |
else return mat.s37bf; |
} |
//Sets the i-th column (0-based) |
inline mat4 mat4SetColumn(mat4 mat, int i, float4 col) { |
if (i==0) mat.s048c = col; |
else if (i==1) mat.s159d = col; |
else if (i==2) mat.s26ae = col; |
else mat.s37bf = col; |
return mat; |
} |
//Returns the diagonal |
inline float4 mat4GetDiagonal(mat4 mat) { |
return mat.s05af; |
} |
//Sets the diagonal |
inline mat4 mat3SetDiagonal(mat4 mat, float4 diag) { |
mat.s05af = diag; |
return mat; |
} |
mat4 mat4FromFrame(float3 location, float3 direction, float3 up, float3 left) |
{ |
float3 fwdVector = direction; |
float3 leftVector = cross(fwdVector, up); |
float3 upVector = cross(leftVector, fwdVector); |
return (float16) ( |
leftVector.x, |
leftVector.y, |
leftVector.z, |
dot(-leftVector, location), |
upVector.x, |
upVector.y, |
upVector.z, |
dot(-upVector, location), |
-fwdVector.x, |
-fwdVector.y, |
-fwdVector.z, |
dot(fwdVector, location), |
0, 0, 0, 1 |
); |
} |
inline mat4 mat4Transpose(mat4 mat) { |
return mat.s048c159d26ae37bf; //magic |
} |
mat4 mat4FromAngleNormalAxis(float angle, float3 axis) { |
float fCos = cos(angle); |
float fSin = sin(angle); |
float fOneMinusCos = 1.0f - fCos; |
float fX2 = axis.x * axis.x; |
float fY2 = axis.y * axis.y; |
float fZ2 = axis.z * axis.z; |
float fXYM = axis.x * axis.y * fOneMinusCos; |
float fXZM = axis.x * axis.z * fOneMinusCos; |
float fYZM = axis.y * axis.z * fOneMinusCos; |
float fXSin = axis.x * fSin; |
float fYSin = axis.y * fSin; |
float fZSin = axis.z * fSin; |
return (float16) ( |
fX2 * fOneMinusCos + fCos, |
fXYM - fZSin, |
fXZM + fYSin, |
0, |
fXYM + fZSin, |
fY2 * fOneMinusCos + fCos, |
fYZM - fXSin, |
0, |
fXZM - fYSin, |
fYZM + fXSin, |
fZ2 * fOneMinusCos + fCos, |
0, |
0, 0, 0, 1 |
); |
} |
mat4 mat4FromAngleAxis(float angle, float3 axis) { |
return mat4FromAngleNormalAxis(angle, normalize(axis)); |
} |
inline mat4 mat4Scale(mat4 mat, float s) { |
return mat * s; |
} |
inline mat4 mat4Add(mat4 A, mat4 B) { |
return A + B; |
} |
//Multiplies the two matrices A and B |
inline mat4 mat4Mult(mat4 A, mat4 B) { |
return (float16) ( |
dot(A.s0123, B.s048c), |
dot(A.s0123, B.s159d), |
dot(A.s0123, B.s26ae), |
dot(A.s0123, B.s37bf), |
dot(A.s4567, B.s048c), |
dot(A.s4567, B.s159d), |
dot(A.s4567, B.s26ae), |
dot(A.s4567, B.s37bf), |
dot(A.s89ab, B.s048c), |
dot(A.s89ab, B.s159d), |
dot(A.s89ab, B.s26ae), |
dot(A.s89ab, B.s37bf), |
dot(A.scdef, B.s048c), |
dot(A.scdef, B.s159d), |
dot(A.scdef, B.s26ae), |
dot(A.scdef, B.s37bf) |
); |
} |
//Computes Av (right multiply of a vector to a matrix) |
inline float4 mat4VMult(mat4 A, float4 v) { |
return (float4) ( |
dot(A.s0123, v), |
dot(A.s4567, v), |
dot(A.s89ab, v), |
dot(A.scdef, v)); |
} |
//Computes vA (left multiply of a vector to a matrix) |
inline float4 mat4VMult2(float4 v, mat4 A) { |
return (float4) ( |
dot(v, A.s048c), |
dot(v, A.s159d), |
dot(v, A.s26ae), |
dot(v, A.s37bf)); |
} |
inline float4 mat4MultAcross(mat4 mat, float4 v) { |
return mat4VMult2(v, mat); |
} |
inline float3 mat4MultNormal(mat4 mat, float3 v) { |
return mat4VMult(mat, (float4)(v, 0)).xyz; |
} |
inline float3 mat4MultNormalAcross(mat4 mat, float3 v) { |
return mat4VMult2((float4)(v, 0), mat).xyz; |
} |
mat4 mat4Invert(mat4 mat) { |
float fA0 = mat.s0 * mat.s5 - mat.s1 * mat.s4; |
float fA1 = mat.s0 * mat.s6 - mat.s2 * mat.s4; |
float fA2 = mat.s0 * mat.s7 - mat.s3 * mat.s4; |
float fA3 = mat.s1 * mat.s6 - mat.s2 * mat.s5; |
float fA4 = mat.s1 * mat.s7 - mat.s3 * mat.s5; |
float fA5 = mat.s2 * mat.s7 - mat.s3 * mat.s6; |
float fB0 = mat.s8 * mat.sd - mat.s9 * mat.sc; |
float fB1 = mat.s8 * mat.se - mat.sa * mat.sc; |
float fB2 = mat.s8 * mat.sf - mat.sb * mat.sc; |
float fB3 = mat.s9 * mat.se - mat.sa * mat.sd; |
float fB4 = mat.s9 * mat.sf - mat.sb * mat.sd; |
float fB5 = mat.sa * mat.sf - mat.sb * mat.se; |
float fDet = fA0 * fB5 - fA1 * fB4 + fA2 * fB3 + fA3 * fB2 - fA4 * fB1 + fA5 * fB0; |
if (fabs(fDet) <= 0.000001f) { |
return mat4Zero(); |
} |
mat4 store; |
store.s0 = +mat.s5 * fB5 - mat.s6 * fB4 + mat.s7 * fB3; |
store.s4 = -mat.s4 * fB5 + mat.s6 * fB2 - mat.s7 * fB1; |
store.s8 = +mat.s4 * fB4 - mat.s5 * fB2 + mat.s7 * fB0; |
store.sc = -mat.s4 * fB3 + mat.s5 * fB1 - mat.s6 * fB0; |
store.s1 = -mat.s1 * fB5 + mat.s2 * fB4 - mat.s3 * fB3; |
store.s5 = +mat.s0 * fB5 - mat.s2 * fB2 + mat.s3 * fB1; |
store.s9 = -mat.s0 * fB4 + mat.s1 * fB2 - mat.s3 * fB0; |
store.sd = +mat.s0 * fB3 - mat.s1 * fB1 + mat.s2 * fB0; |
store.s2 = +mat.sd * fA5 - mat.se * fA4 + mat.sf * fA3; |
store.s6 = -mat.sc * fA5 + mat.se * fA2 - mat.sf * fA1; |
store.sa = +mat.sc * fA4 - mat.sd * fA2 + mat.sf * fA0; |
store.se = -mat.sc * fA3 + mat.sd * fA1 - mat.se * fA0; |
store.s3 = -mat.s9 * fA5 + mat.sa * fA4 - mat.sb * fA3; |
store.s7 = +mat.s8 * fA5 - mat.sa * fA2 + mat.sb * fA1; |
store.sb = -mat.s8 * fA4 + mat.s9 * fA2 - mat.sb * fA0; |
store.sf = +mat.s8 * fA3 - mat.s9 * fA1 + mat.sa * fA0; |
store /= fDet; |
return store; |
} |
mat4 mat4Adjoint(mat4 mat) { |
float fA0 = mat.s0 * mat.s5 - mat.s1 * mat.s4; |
float fA1 = mat.s0 * mat.s6 - mat.s2 * mat.s4; |
float fA2 = mat.s0 * mat.s7 - mat.s3 * mat.s4; |
float fA3 = mat.s1 * mat.s6 - mat.s2 * mat.s5; |
float fA4 = mat.s1 * mat.s7 - mat.s3 * mat.s5; |
float fA5 = mat.s2 * mat.s7 - mat.s3 * mat.s6; |
float fB0 = mat.s8 * mat.sd - mat.s9 * mat.sc; |
float fB1 = mat.s8 * mat.se - mat.sa * mat.sc; |
float fB2 = mat.s8 * mat.sf - mat.sb * mat.sc; |
float fB3 = mat.s9 * mat.se - mat.sa * mat.sd; |
float fB4 = mat.s9 * mat.sf - mat.sb * mat.sd; |
float fB5 = mat.sa * mat.sf - mat.sb * mat.se; |
mat4 store; |
store.s0 = +mat.s5 * fB5 - mat.s6 * fB4 + mat.s7 * fB3; |
store.s4 = -mat.s4 * fB5 + mat.s6 * fB2 - mat.s7 * fB1; |
store.s8 = +mat.s4 * fB4 - mat.s5 * fB2 + mat.s7 * fB0; |
store.sc = -mat.s4 * fB3 + mat.s5 * fB1 - mat.s6 * fB0; |
store.s1 = -mat.s1 * fB5 + mat.s2 * fB4 - mat.s3 * fB3; |
store.s5 = +mat.s0 * fB5 - mat.s2 * fB2 + mat.s3 * fB1; |
store.s9 = -mat.s0 * fB4 + mat.s1 * fB2 - mat.s3 * fB0; |
store.sd = +mat.s0 * fB3 - mat.s1 * fB1 + mat.s2 * fB0; |
store.s2 = +mat.sd * fA5 - mat.se * fA4 + mat.sf * fA3; |
store.s6 = -mat.sc * fA5 + mat.se * fA2 - mat.sf * fA1; |
store.sa = +mat.sc * fA4 - mat.sd * fA2 + mat.sf * fA0; |
store.se = -mat.sc * fA3 + mat.sd * fA1 - mat.se * fA0; |
store.s3 = -mat.s9 * fA5 + mat.sa * fA4 - mat.sb * fA3; |
store.s7 = +mat.s8 * fA5 - mat.sa * fA2 + mat.sb * fA1; |
store.sb = -mat.s8 * fA4 + mat.s9 * fA2 - mat.sb * fA0; |
store.sf = +mat.s8 * fA3 - mat.s9 * fA1 + mat.sa * fA0; |
return store; |
} |
float mat4Determinant(mat4 mat) { |
float fA0 = mat.s0 * mat.s5 - mat.s1 * mat.s4; |
float fA1 = mat.s0 * mat.s6 - mat.s2 * mat.s4; |
float fA2 = mat.s0 * mat.s7 - mat.s3 * mat.s4; |
float fA3 = mat.s1 * mat.s6 - mat.s2 * mat.s5; |
float fA4 = mat.s1 * mat.s7 - mat.s3 * mat.s5; |
float fA5 = mat.s2 * mat.s7 - mat.s3 * mat.s6; |
float fB0 = mat.s8 * mat.sd - mat.s9 * mat.sc; |
float fB1 = mat.s8 * mat.se - mat.sa * mat.sc; |
float fB2 = mat.s8 * mat.sf - mat.sb * mat.sc; |
float fB3 = mat.s9 * mat.se - mat.sa * mat.sd; |
float fB4 = mat.s9 * mat.sf - mat.sb * mat.sd; |
float fB5 = mat.sa * mat.sf - mat.sb * mat.se; |
float fDet = fA0 * fB5 - fA1 * fB4 + fA2 * fB3 + fA3 * fB2 - fA4 * fB1 + fA5 * fB0; |
return fDet; |
} |
inline bool mat4Equals(mat4 A, mat4 B, float epsilon) { |
return all(isless(fabs(A - B), epsilon)); |
} |
#endif |
#endif |