Add OculusVRInput

Campbell Suter 8 years ago
parent c26316d81c
commit 2464dcd17a
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG Key ID: 754A66CCF3F73C0F
  1. 43
  2. 367

@ -101,11 +101,21 @@ public class OculusVR implements VRAPI {
private final Vector3f[] hmdRelativeEyePositions = new Vector3f[2];
* The current state of the tracked components (HMD, touch)
private OVRTrackingState trackingState;
* The position and orientation of the user's head.
private OVRPosef headPose;
* The state of the Touch controllers.
private OculusVRInput input;
// The size of the texture drawn onto the HMD
private int textureW;
private int textureH;
@ -129,8 +139,8 @@ public class OculusVR implements VRAPI {
public OpenVRInput getVRinput() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
public OculusVRInput getVRinput() {
return input;
@ -184,7 +194,7 @@ public class OculusVR implements VRAPI {
if (ovr_Create(pHmd, luid) != ovrSuccess) {
System.out.println("create failed, try debug");
//debug headset is now enabled via the Oculus Configuration util . tools -> Service -> Configure
return false;
return false; // TODO fix memory leak - destroy() is not called
session = pHmd.get(0);
@ -198,7 +208,7 @@ public class OculusVR implements VRAPI {
System.out.println("ovr_GetHmdDesc = " + hmdDesc.ManufacturerString() + " " + hmdDesc.ProductNameString() + " " + hmdDesc.SerialNumberString() + " " + hmdDesc.Type());
if (hmdDesc.Type() == ovrHmd_None) {
System.out.println("missing init");
return false;
return false; // TODO fix memory leak - destroy() is not called
resolutionW = hmdDesc.Resolution().w();
@ -206,7 +216,7 @@ public class OculusVR implements VRAPI {
System.out.println("resolution W=" + resolutionW + ", H=" + resolutionH);
if (resolutionW == 0) {
System.out.println("Huh - width=0");
return false;
return false; // TODO fix memory leak - destroy() is not called
// FOV
@ -254,6 +264,12 @@ public class OculusVR implements VRAPI {
// Do this so others relying on our texture size get it correct.
// Set up the tracking system
trackingState = OVRTrackingState.malloc();
// Set up the input
input = new OculusVRInput(this, session, sessionStatus, trackingState);
// throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not yet implemented!");
return true;
@ -261,12 +277,13 @@ public class OculusVR implements VRAPI {
public void updatePose() {
double ftiming = ovr_GetPredictedDisplayTime(session, 0);
OVRTrackingState hmdState = OVRTrackingState.malloc();
ovr_GetTrackingState(session, ftiming, true, hmdState);
ovr_GetTrackingState(session, ftiming, true, trackingState);
ovr_GetSessionStatus(session, sessionStatus);
//get head pose
headPose = hmdState.HeadPose().ThePose();;
headPose = trackingState.HeadPose().ThePose();
@ -278,6 +295,9 @@ public class OculusVR implements VRAPI {
public void destroy() {
// fovPorts: contents are managed by LibOVR, no need to do anything.
// Clean up the input
// Check if we've set up rendering - if so, clean that up.
if (chains != null) {
// Destroy our set of huge buffer images.
@ -299,6 +319,7 @@ public class OculusVR implements VRAPI {
// Wrap everything up
@ -636,6 +657,10 @@ public class OculusVR implements VRAPI {
public OVRPosef getEyePose(int eye) {
return eyeRenderDesc[eye].HmdToEyePose();
public VREnvironment getEnvironment() {
return environment;
/* vim: set ts=4 softtabstop=0 sw=4 expandtab: */

@ -0,0 +1,367 @@
package com.jme3.input.vr;
import com.jme3.math.*;
import com.jme3.renderer.Camera;
import com.jme3.scene.Spatial;
import com.jme3.util.VRViewManagerOculus;
import org.lwjgl.ovr.*;
import static org.lwjgl.ovr.OVR.*;
public class OculusVRInput implements VRInputAPI {
// State control
private final OVRInputState inputState;
private final OVRSessionStatus sessionStatus;
private final OVRTrackingState trackingState;
private final OculusVR hardware;
private long session;
// Setup values
private float axisMultiplier = 1;
// Cached stuff
private int buttons, touch;
// Used to calculate sinceLastCall stuff
private int lastButtons, lastTouch;
private final Vector2f[][] lastAxises;
* The state data (linear and angular velocity and acceleration) for each hand
private OVRPoseStatef[] handStates;
* The position and orientation of the Touch controllers.
private OVRPosef[] handPoses;
* The object forms of the tracked controllers.
private final OculusController[] controllers = {
new OculusController(0),
new OculusController(1)
public OculusVRInput(OculusVR hardware, long session,
OVRSessionStatus sessionStatus, OVRTrackingState trackingState) {
this.hardware = hardware;
this.session = session;
this.sessionStatus = sessionStatus;
this.trackingState = trackingState;
inputState = OVRInputState.calloc();
handStates = new OVRPoseStatef[ovrHand_Count];
handPoses = new OVRPosef[handStates.length];
lastAxises = new Vector2f[handStates.length][3]; // trigger+grab+thumbstick for each hand.
public void dispose() {;
session = 0; // Crashing > undefined behaviour if this object is incorrectly accessed again.
public void updateControllerStates() {
// Handle buttons, axies
ovr_GetInputState(session, ovrControllerType_Touch, inputState);
buttons = inputState.Buttons();
touch = inputState.Touches();
// Get the touch controller poses
// TODO what if no touch controllers are available?
for (int hand = 0; hand < handPoses.length; hand++) {
handStates[hand] = trackingState.HandPoses(hand);
handPoses[hand] = handStates[hand].ThePose();
private Vector3f cv(OVRVector3f in) {
// TODO do we want to reuse vectors rather than making new ones?
// TODO OpenVRInput does this, but it will probably cause some bugs.
return OculusVR.vecO2J(in, new Vector3f()); // This also fixes the coordinate space transform issues.
private Vector2f cv(OVRVector2f in) {
// TODO do we want to reuse vectors rather than making new ones?
// TODO OpenVRInput does this, but it will probably cause some bugs.
return new Vector2f(in.x(), in.y());
private Quaternion cq(OVRQuatf in) {
// TODO do we want to reuse quaternions rather than making new ones?
// TODO OpenVRInput does this, but it will probably cause some bugs.
return OculusVR.quatO2J(in, new Quaternion()); // This also fixes the coordinate space transform issues.
private Vector2f axis(float input) {
// See above comments about reusing vectors
return new Vector2f(input, input);
// Tracking (position, rotation, velocity, status)
public Vector3f getPosition(int index) {
return cv(handPoses[index].Position());
public Vector3f getVelocity(int controllerIndex) {
return cv(handStates[controllerIndex].LinearVelocity());
public Quaternion getOrientation(int index) {
return cq(handPoses[index].Orientation());
public Vector3f getAngularVelocity(int controllerIndex) {
return cv(handStates[controllerIndex].AngularVelocity());
public Quaternion getFinalObserverRotation(int index) {
// Copied from OpenVRInput
VREnvironment env = hardware.getEnvironment();
VRViewManagerOculus vrvm = (VRViewManagerOculus) hardware.getEnvironment().getVRViewManager();
Object obs = env.getObserver();
Quaternion tempq = new Quaternion(); // TODO move to class scope?
if (obs instanceof Camera) {
tempq.set(((Camera) obs).getRotation());
} else {
tempq.set(((Spatial) obs).getWorldRotation());
return tempq.multLocal(getOrientation(index));
public Vector3f getFinalObserverPosition(int index) {
// Copied from OpenVRInput
VREnvironment env = hardware.getEnvironment();
VRViewManagerOculus vrvm = (VRViewManagerOculus) hardware.getEnvironment().getVRViewManager();
Object obs = env.getObserver();
Vector3f pos = getPosition(index);
if (obs instanceof Camera) {
((Camera) obs).getRotation().mult(pos, pos);
return pos.addLocal(((Camera) obs).getLocation());
} else {
((Spatial) obs).getWorldRotation().mult(pos, pos);
return pos.addLocal(((Spatial) obs).getWorldTranslation());
public boolean isInputDeviceTracking(int index) {
int flags = trackingState.HandStatusFlags(index);
return (flags & ovrStatus_PositionTracked) != 0; // TODO do we require orientation as well?
// Input Getters
public Vector2f getAxis(int controllerIndex, VRInputType forAxis) {
Vector2f result = getAxisRaw(controllerIndex, forAxis);
return result == null ? null : result.multLocal(axisMultiplier);
public Vector2f getAxisRaw(int controllerIndex, VRInputType forAxis) {
switch (forAxis) {
case OculusThumbstickAxis:
return cv(inputState.Thumbstick(controllerIndex));
case OculusTriggerAxis:
return axis(inputState.IndexTrigger(controllerIndex));
case OculusGripAxis:
return axis(inputState.HandTrigger(controllerIndex));
return null;
public boolean isButtonDown(int controllerIndex, VRInputType checkButton) {
return isButtonDownForStatus(controllerIndex, checkButton, buttons, touch);
public boolean isButtonDownForStatus(int controllerIndex, VRInputType checkButton, int buttons, int touch) {
int buttonMask = (controllerIndex == ovrHand_Left) ? ovrButton_LMask : ovrButton_RMask;
int touchMask = (controllerIndex == ovrHand_Left) ?
(ovrTouch_LButtonMask + ovrTouch_LPoseMask) :
(ovrTouch_RButtonMask + ovrTouch_RPoseMask);
switch (checkButton) {
return false;
case OculusTopButton: // Physical buttons
case OculusBottomButton:
case OculusThumbstickButton:
case OculusMenuButton:
return (buttons & buttonMask & checkButton.getValue()) != 0;
case OculusTopTouch: // Standard capacitive buttons
case OculusBottomTouch:
case OculusThumbstickTouch:
case OculusThumbrestTouch:
case OculusIndexTouch:
case OculusThumbUp: // Calculated/virtual capacitive buttons
case OculusIndexPointing:
return (touch & touchMask & checkButton.getValue()) != 0;
// Since-last-call stuff
public void resetInputSinceLastCall() {
lastButtons = 0;
lastTouch = 0;
public boolean wasButtonPressedSinceLastCall(int controllerIndex, VRInputType checkButton) {
boolean wasPressed = isButtonDownForStatus(controllerIndex, checkButton, lastButtons, lastTouch);
lastButtons = buttons;
lastTouch = touch;
return !wasPressed && isButtonDown(controllerIndex, checkButton);
public Vector2f getAxisDeltaSinceLastCall(int controllerIndex, VRInputType forAxis) {
int index;
switch (forAxis) {
case OculusTriggerAxis:
index = 0;
case OculusGripAxis:
index = 1;
case OculusThumbstickAxis:
index = 2;
return null;
Vector2f last = lastAxises[controllerIndex][index];
if (last == null) {
last = lastAxises[controllerIndex][index] = new Vector2f();
Vector2f current = getAxis(controllerIndex, forAxis);
// TODO could this lead to accuracy problems?
return current;
// Misc
public boolean init() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Input initialized at creation time");
public void updateConnectedControllers() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Automatically done by LibOVR (I think?)");
public float getAxisMultiplier() {
return axisMultiplier;
public void setAxisMultiplier(float axisMultiplier) {
this.axisMultiplier = axisMultiplier;
public void triggerHapticPulse(int controllerIndex, float seconds) {
// TODO: How do we time so we can turn the feedback off?
public boolean isInputFocused() {
return sessionStatus.IsVisible(); // TODO do we need HmdMounted, or is it counted in IsVisible
public Object getRawControllerState(int index) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Cannot get raw controller state!");
public void swapHands() {
// Do nothing.
// TODO although OSVR and OpenVR if it has more than two controllers both do nothing, shouldn't we be
// TODO throwing an exception or something?
public int getTrackedControllerCount() {
// TODO: Shouldn't we be seeing if the user has the touch controllers first?
return 2;
public VRTrackedController getTrackedController(int index) {
return controllers[index];
* The object form representation of a controller.
public class OculusController implements VRTrackedController {
* The ID of the hand to track
private int hand;
public OculusController(int hand) {
this.hand = hand;
public String getControllerName() {
return "Touch"; // TODO
public String getControllerManufacturer() {
return "Oculus"; // TODO
public Vector3f getPosition() {
return OculusVRInput.this.getPosition(hand);
public Quaternion getOrientation() {
return OculusVRInput.this.getOrientation(hand);
public Matrix4f getPose() {
Matrix4f mat = new Matrix4f();
return mat;