diff --git a/jme3-vr/src/main/java/com/jme3/input/vr/OpenVR.java b/jme3-vr/src/main/java/com/jme3/input/vr/OpenVR.java
index 509e84987..cb2042885 100644
--- a/jme3-vr/src/main/java/com/jme3/input/vr/OpenVR.java
+++ b/jme3-vr/src/main/java/com/jme3/input/vr/OpenVR.java
@@ -1,525 +1,524 @@
- * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties.
- * To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates
- * and open the template in the editor.
- */
-package com.jme3.input.vr;
-import com.jme3.app.VREnvironment;
-import com.jme3.math.Matrix4f;
-import com.jme3.math.Quaternion;
-import com.jme3.math.Vector2f;
-import com.jme3.math.Vector3f;
-import com.jme3.renderer.Camera;
-import com.jme3.system.jopenvr.HmdMatrix34_t;
-import com.jme3.system.jopenvr.HmdMatrix44_t;
-import com.jme3.system.jopenvr.JOpenVRLibrary;
-import com.jme3.system.jopenvr.OpenVRUtil;
-import com.jme3.system.jopenvr.TrackedDevicePose_t;
-import com.jme3.system.jopenvr.VR_IVRCompositor_FnTable;
-import com.jme3.system.jopenvr.VR_IVRSystem_FnTable;
-import com.jme3.util.VRUtil;
-import com.sun.jna.Memory;
-import com.sun.jna.Pointer;
-import com.sun.jna.ptr.FloatByReference;
-import com.sun.jna.ptr.IntByReference;
-import com.sun.jna.ptr.LongByReference;
-import java.nio.IntBuffer;
-import java.util.Locale;
-import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
-import java.util.logging.Level;
-import java.util.logging.Logger;
- * A class that wraps an OpenVR system.
- * @author reden - phr00t - https://github.com/phr00t
- * @author Julien Seinturier - (c) 2016 - JOrigin project - http:/www.jorigin.org
- */
-public class OpenVR implements VRAPI {
- private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(OpenVR.class.getName());
- private static VR_IVRCompositor_FnTable compositorFunctions;
- private static VR_IVRSystem_FnTable vrsystemFunctions;
- private static boolean initSuccess = false;
- private static boolean flipEyes = false;
- private IntBuffer hmdDisplayFrequency;
- private TrackedDevicePose_t.ByReference hmdTrackedDevicePoseReference;
- protected TrackedDevicePose_t[] hmdTrackedDevicePoses;
- protected IntByReference hmdErrorStore;
- private final Quaternion rotStore = new Quaternion();
- private final Vector3f posStore = new Vector3f();
- private static FloatByReference tlastVsync;
- /**
- * The actual frame count.
- */
- public static LongByReference _tframeCount;
- // for debugging latency
- private int frames = 0;
- protected Matrix4f[] poseMatrices;
- private final Matrix4f hmdPose = Matrix4f.IDENTITY.clone();
- private Matrix4f hmdProjectionLeftEye;
- private Matrix4f hmdProjectionRightEye;
- private Matrix4f hmdPoseLeftEye;
- private Matrix4f hmdPoseRightEye;
- private Vector3f hmdPoseLeftEyeVec, hmdPoseRightEyeVec, hmdSeatToStand;
- private float vsyncToPhotons;
- private double timePerFrame, frameCountRun;
- private long frameCount;
- private OpenVRInput VRinput;
- private VREnvironment environment = null;
- /**
- * Create a new OpenVR system
- * attached to the given {@link VREnvironment VR environment}.
- * @param environment the VR environment to which this API is attached.
- */
- public OpenVR(VREnvironment environment){
- this.environment = environment;
- }
- @Override
- public OpenVRInput getVRinput() {
- return VRinput;
- }
- @Override
- public VR_IVRSystem_FnTable getVRSystem() {
- return vrsystemFunctions;
- }
- @Override
- public VR_IVRCompositor_FnTable getCompositor() {
- return compositorFunctions;
- }
- @Override
- public String getName() {
- return "OpenVR";
- }
- private static long latencyWaitTime = 0;
- @Override
- public void setFlipEyes(boolean set) {
- flipEyes = set;
- }
- private boolean enableDebugLatency = false;
- @Override
- public void printLatencyInfoToConsole(boolean set) {
- enableDebugLatency = set;
- }
- @Override
- public int getDisplayFrequency() {
- if( hmdDisplayFrequency == null ) return 0;
- return hmdDisplayFrequency.get(0);
- }
- @Override
- public boolean initialize() {
- logger.config("Initializing OpenVR system...");
- hmdErrorStore = new IntByReference();
- vrsystemFunctions = null;
- JOpenVRLibrary.VR_InitInternal(hmdErrorStore, JOpenVRLibrary.EVRApplicationType.EVRApplicationType_VRApplication_Scene);
- if( hmdErrorStore.getValue() == 0 ) {
- vrsystemFunctions = new VR_IVRSystem_FnTable(JOpenVRLibrary.VR_GetGenericInterface(JOpenVRLibrary.IVRSystem_Version, hmdErrorStore).getPointer());
- }
- if( vrsystemFunctions == null || hmdErrorStore.getValue() != 0 ) {
- logger.severe("OpenVR Initialize Result: " + JOpenVRLibrary.VR_GetVRInitErrorAsEnglishDescription(hmdErrorStore.getValue()).getString(0));
- logger.severe("Initializing OpenVR system [FAILED]");
- return false;
- } else {
- logger.config("OpenVR initialized & VR connected.");
- vrsystemFunctions.setAutoSynch(false);
- vrsystemFunctions.read();
- tlastVsync = new FloatByReference();
- _tframeCount = new LongByReference();
- hmdDisplayFrequency = IntBuffer.allocate(1);
- hmdDisplayFrequency.put( (int) JOpenVRLibrary.ETrackedDeviceProperty.ETrackedDeviceProperty_Prop_DisplayFrequency_Float);
- hmdTrackedDevicePoseReference = new TrackedDevicePose_t.ByReference();
- hmdTrackedDevicePoses = (TrackedDevicePose_t[])hmdTrackedDevicePoseReference.toArray(JOpenVRLibrary.k_unMaxTrackedDeviceCount);
- poseMatrices = new Matrix4f[JOpenVRLibrary.k_unMaxTrackedDeviceCount];
- for(int i=0;i 0 ) VRUtil.sleepNanos(latencyWaitTime);
- vrsystemFunctions.GetTimeSinceLastVsync.apply(tlastVsync, _tframeCount);
- float fSecondsUntilPhotons = (float)timePerFrame - tlastVsync.getValue() + vsyncToPhotons;
- if( enableDebugLatency ) {
- if( frames == 10 ) {
- System.out.println("Waited (nanos): " + Long.toString(latencyWaitTime));
- System.out.println("Predict ahead time: " + Float.toString(fSecondsUntilPhotons));
- }
- frames = (frames + 1) % 60;
- }
- // handle skipping frame stuff
- long nowCount = _tframeCount.getValue();
- if( nowCount - frameCount > 1 ) {
- // skipped a frame!
- if( enableDebugLatency ) System.out.println("Frame skipped!");
- frameCountRun = 0;
- if( latencyWaitTime > 0 ) {
- latencyWaitTime -= TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toNanos(1);
- if( latencyWaitTime < 0 ) latencyWaitTime = 0;
- }
- } else if( latencyWaitTime < timePerFrame * 1000000000.0 ) {
- // didn't skip a frame, lets try waiting longer to improve latency
- frameCountRun++;
- latencyWaitTime += Math.round(Math.pow(frameCountRun / 10.0, 2.0));
- }
- frameCount = nowCount;
- vrsystemFunctions.GetDeviceToAbsoluteTrackingPose.apply(
- environment.isSeatedExperience()?JOpenVRLibrary.ETrackingUniverseOrigin.ETrackingUniverseOrigin_TrackingUniverseSeated:
- JOpenVRLibrary.ETrackingUniverseOrigin.ETrackingUniverseOrigin_TrackingUniverseStanding,
- fSecondsUntilPhotons, hmdTrackedDevicePoseReference, JOpenVRLibrary.k_unMaxTrackedDeviceCount);
- }
- // deal with controllers being plugged in and out
- // causing an invalid memory crash... skipping for now
- /*boolean hasEvent = false;
- while( JOpenVRLibrary.VR_IVRSystem_PollNextEvent(OpenVR.getVRSystemInstance(), tempEvent) != 0 ) {
- // wait until the events are clear..
- hasEvent = true;
- }
- if( hasEvent ) {
- // an event probably changed controller state
- VRInput._updateConnectedControllers();
- }*/
- //update controllers pose information
- environment.getVRinput().updateControllerStates();
- // read pose data from native
- for (int nDevice = 0; nDevice < JOpenVRLibrary.k_unMaxTrackedDeviceCount; ++nDevice ){
- hmdTrackedDevicePoses[nDevice].readField("bPoseIsValid");
- if( hmdTrackedDevicePoses[nDevice].bPoseIsValid != 0 ){
- hmdTrackedDevicePoses[nDevice].readField("mDeviceToAbsoluteTracking");
- VRUtil.convertSteamVRMatrix3ToMatrix4f(hmdTrackedDevicePoses[nDevice].mDeviceToAbsoluteTracking, poseMatrices[nDevice]);
- }
- }
- if ( hmdTrackedDevicePoses[JOpenVRLibrary.k_unTrackedDeviceIndex_Hmd].bPoseIsValid != 0 ){
- hmdPose.set(poseMatrices[JOpenVRLibrary.k_unTrackedDeviceIndex_Hmd]);
- } else {
- hmdPose.set(Matrix4f.IDENTITY);
- }
- }
- @Override
- public Matrix4f getHMDMatrixProjectionLeftEye(Camera cam){
- if( hmdProjectionLeftEye != null ) {
- return hmdProjectionLeftEye;
- } else if(vrsystemFunctions == null){
- return cam.getProjectionMatrix();
- } else {
- HmdMatrix44_t mat = vrsystemFunctions.GetProjectionMatrix.apply(JOpenVRLibrary.EVREye.EVREye_Eye_Left, cam.getFrustumNear(), cam.getFrustumFar());
- hmdProjectionLeftEye = new Matrix4f();
- VRUtil.convertSteamVRMatrix4ToMatrix4f(mat, hmdProjectionLeftEye);
- return hmdProjectionLeftEye;
- }
- }
- @Override
- public Matrix4f getHMDMatrixProjectionRightEye(Camera cam){
- if( hmdProjectionRightEye != null ) {
- return hmdProjectionRightEye;
- } else if(vrsystemFunctions == null){
- return cam.getProjectionMatrix();
- } else {
- HmdMatrix44_t mat = vrsystemFunctions.GetProjectionMatrix.apply(JOpenVRLibrary.EVREye.EVREye_Eye_Right, cam.getFrustumNear(), cam.getFrustumFar());
- hmdProjectionRightEye = new Matrix4f();
- VRUtil.convertSteamVRMatrix4ToMatrix4f(mat, hmdProjectionRightEye);
- return hmdProjectionRightEye;
- }
- }
- @Override
- public Vector3f getHMDVectorPoseLeftEye() {
- if( hmdPoseLeftEyeVec == null ) {
- hmdPoseLeftEyeVec = getHMDMatrixPoseLeftEye().toTranslationVector();
- // set default IPD if none or broken
- if( hmdPoseLeftEyeVec.x <= 0.080f * -0.5f || hmdPoseLeftEyeVec.x >= 0.040f * -0.5f ) {
- hmdPoseLeftEyeVec.x = 0.065f * -0.5f;
- }
- if( flipEyes == false ) hmdPoseLeftEyeVec.x *= -1f; // it seems these need flipping
- }
- return hmdPoseLeftEyeVec;
- }
- @Override
- public Vector3f getHMDVectorPoseRightEye() {
- if( hmdPoseRightEyeVec == null ) {
- hmdPoseRightEyeVec = getHMDMatrixPoseRightEye().toTranslationVector();
- // set default IPD if none or broken
- if( hmdPoseRightEyeVec.x >= 0.080f * 0.5f || hmdPoseRightEyeVec.x <= 0.040f * 0.5f ) {
- hmdPoseRightEyeVec.x = 0.065f * 0.5f;
- }
- if( flipEyes == false ) hmdPoseRightEyeVec.x *= -1f; // it seems these need flipping
- }
- return hmdPoseRightEyeVec;
- }
- @Override
- public Vector3f getSeatedToAbsolutePosition() {
- if( environment.isSeatedExperience() == false ) return Vector3f.ZERO;
- if( hmdSeatToStand == null ) {
- hmdSeatToStand = new Vector3f();
- HmdMatrix34_t mat = vrsystemFunctions.GetSeatedZeroPoseToStandingAbsoluteTrackingPose.apply();
- Matrix4f tempmat = new Matrix4f();
- VRUtil.convertSteamVRMatrix3ToMatrix4f(mat, tempmat);
- tempmat.toTranslationVector(hmdSeatToStand);
- }
- return hmdSeatToStand;
- }
- @Override
- public Matrix4f getHMDMatrixPoseLeftEye(){
- if( hmdPoseLeftEye != null ) {
- return hmdPoseLeftEye;
- } else if(vrsystemFunctions == null) {
- return Matrix4f.IDENTITY;
- } else {
- HmdMatrix34_t mat = vrsystemFunctions.GetEyeToHeadTransform.apply(JOpenVRLibrary.EVREye.EVREye_Eye_Left);
- hmdPoseLeftEye = new Matrix4f();
- return VRUtil.convertSteamVRMatrix3ToMatrix4f(mat, hmdPoseLeftEye);
- }
- }
- @Override
- public HmdType getType() {
- if( vrsystemFunctions != null ) {
- Pointer str1 = new Memory(128);
- Pointer str2 = new Memory(128);
- String completeName = "";
- vrsystemFunctions.GetStringTrackedDeviceProperty.apply(JOpenVRLibrary.k_unTrackedDeviceIndex_Hmd,
- JOpenVRLibrary.ETrackedDeviceProperty.ETrackedDeviceProperty_Prop_ManufacturerName_String,
- str1, 128, hmdErrorStore);
- if( hmdErrorStore.getValue() == 0 ) completeName += str1.getString(0);
- vrsystemFunctions.GetStringTrackedDeviceProperty.apply(JOpenVRLibrary.k_unTrackedDeviceIndex_Hmd,
- JOpenVRLibrary.ETrackedDeviceProperty.ETrackedDeviceProperty_Prop_ModelNumber_String,
- str2, 128, hmdErrorStore);
- if( hmdErrorStore.getValue() == 0 ) completeName += " " + str2.getString(0);
- if( completeName.length() > 0 ) {
- completeName = completeName.toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH).trim();
- if( completeName.contains("htc") || completeName.contains("vive") ) {
- return HmdType.HTC_VIVE;
- } else if( completeName.contains("osvr") ) {
- return HmdType.OSVR;
- } else if( completeName.contains("oculus") || completeName.contains("rift") ||
- completeName.contains("dk1") || completeName.contains("dk2") || completeName.contains("cv1") ) {
- return HmdType.OCULUS_RIFT;
- } else if( completeName.contains("fove") ) {
- return HmdType.FOVE;
- } else if( completeName.contains("game") && completeName.contains("face") ) {
- return HmdType.GAMEFACE;
- } else if( completeName.contains("morpheus") ) {
- return HmdType.MORPHEUS;
- } else if( completeName.contains("gear") ) {
- return HmdType.GEARVR;
- } else if( completeName.contains("star") ) {
- return HmdType.STARVR;
- } else if( completeName.contains("null") ) {
- return HmdType.NULL;
- }
- }
- } else return HmdType.NONE;
- return HmdType.OTHER;
- }
- @Override
- public Matrix4f getHMDMatrixPoseRightEye(){
- if( hmdPoseRightEye != null ) {
- return hmdPoseRightEye;
- } else if(vrsystemFunctions == null) {
- return Matrix4f.IDENTITY;
- } else {
- HmdMatrix34_t mat = vrsystemFunctions.GetEyeToHeadTransform.apply(JOpenVRLibrary.EVREye.EVREye_Eye_Right);
- hmdPoseRightEye = new Matrix4f();
- return VRUtil.convertSteamVRMatrix3ToMatrix4f(mat, hmdPoseRightEye);
- }
- }
+ * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties.
+ * To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates
+ * and open the template in the editor.
+ */
+package com.jme3.input.vr;
+import com.jme3.app.VREnvironment;
+import com.jme3.math.Matrix4f;
+import com.jme3.math.Quaternion;
+import com.jme3.math.Vector2f;
+import com.jme3.math.Vector3f;
+import com.jme3.renderer.Camera;
+import com.jme3.system.jopenvr.HmdMatrix34_t;
+import com.jme3.system.jopenvr.HmdMatrix44_t;
+import com.jme3.system.jopenvr.JOpenVRLibrary;
+import com.jme3.system.jopenvr.OpenVRUtil;
+import com.jme3.system.jopenvr.TrackedDevicePose_t;
+import com.jme3.system.jopenvr.VR_IVRCompositor_FnTable;
+import com.jme3.system.jopenvr.VR_IVRSystem_FnTable;
+import com.jme3.util.VRUtil;
+import com.sun.jna.Memory;
+import com.sun.jna.Pointer;
+import com.sun.jna.ptr.FloatByReference;
+import com.sun.jna.ptr.IntByReference;
+import com.sun.jna.ptr.LongByReference;
+import java.nio.IntBuffer;
+import java.util.Locale;
+import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
+import java.util.logging.Level;
+import java.util.logging.Logger;
+ * A class that wraps an OpenVR system.
+ * @author reden - phr00t - https://github.com/phr00t
+ * @author Julien Seinturier - (c) 2016 - JOrigin project - http:/www.jorigin.org
+ */
+public class OpenVR implements VRAPI {
+ private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(OpenVR.class.getName());
+ private static VR_IVRCompositor_FnTable compositorFunctions;
+ private static VR_IVRSystem_FnTable vrsystemFunctions;
+ private static boolean initSuccess = false;
+ private static boolean flipEyes = false;
+ private static IntBuffer hmdDisplayFrequency;
+ private static TrackedDevicePose_t.ByReference hmdTrackedDevicePoseReference;
+ protected static TrackedDevicePose_t[] hmdTrackedDevicePoses;
+ protected static IntByReference hmdErrorStore;
+ private static final Quaternion rotStore = new Quaternion();
+ private static final Vector3f posStore = new Vector3f();
+ private static FloatByReference tlastVsync;
+ /**
+ * The actual frame count.
+ */
+ public static LongByReference _tframeCount;
+ // for debugging latency
+ private int frames = 0;
+ protected static Matrix4f[] poseMatrices;
+ private static final Matrix4f hmdPose = Matrix4f.IDENTITY.clone();
+ private static Matrix4f hmdProjectionLeftEye;
+ private static Matrix4f hmdProjectionRightEye;
+ private static Matrix4f hmdPoseLeftEye;
+ private static Matrix4f hmdPoseRightEye;
+ private static Vector3f hmdPoseLeftEyeVec, hmdPoseRightEyeVec, hmdSeatToStand;
+ private static float vsyncToPhotons;
+ private static double timePerFrame, frameCountRun;
+ private static long frameCount;
+ private static OpenVRInput VRinput;
+ private VREnvironment environment = null;
+ /**
+ * Create a new OpenVR system
+ * attached to the given {@link VREnvironment VR environment}.
+ * @param environment the VR environment to which this API is attached.
+ */
+ public OpenVR(VREnvironment environment){
+ this.environment = environment;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public OpenVRInput getVRinput() {
+ return VRinput;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public VR_IVRSystem_FnTable getVRSystem() {
+ return vrsystemFunctions;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public VR_IVRCompositor_FnTable getCompositor() {
+ return compositorFunctions;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public String getName() {
+ return "OpenVR";
+ }
+ private static long latencyWaitTime = 0;
+ @Override
+ public void setFlipEyes(boolean set) {
+ flipEyes = set;
+ }
+ private boolean enableDebugLatency = false;
+ @Override
+ public void printLatencyInfoToConsole(boolean set) {
+ enableDebugLatency = set;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public int getDisplayFrequency() {
+ if( hmdDisplayFrequency == null ) return 0;
+ return hmdDisplayFrequency.get(0);
+ }
+ @Override
+ public boolean initialize() {
+ logger.config("Initializing OpenVR system...");
+ hmdErrorStore = new IntByReference();
+ vrsystemFunctions = null;
+ JOpenVRLibrary.VR_InitInternal(hmdErrorStore, JOpenVRLibrary.EVRApplicationType.EVRApplicationType_VRApplication_Scene);
+ if( hmdErrorStore.getValue() == 0 ) {
+ vrsystemFunctions = new VR_IVRSystem_FnTable(JOpenVRLibrary.VR_GetGenericInterface(JOpenVRLibrary.IVRSystem_Version, hmdErrorStore).getPointer());
+ }
+ if( vrsystemFunctions == null || hmdErrorStore.getValue() != 0 ) {
+ logger.severe("OpenVR Initialize Result: " + JOpenVRLibrary.VR_GetVRInitErrorAsEnglishDescription(hmdErrorStore.getValue()).getString(0));
+ logger.severe("Initializing OpenVR system [FAILED]");
+ return false;
+ } else {
+ logger.config("OpenVR initialized & VR connected.");
+ vrsystemFunctions.setAutoSynch(false);
+ vrsystemFunctions.read();
+ tlastVsync = new FloatByReference();
+ _tframeCount = new LongByReference();
+ hmdDisplayFrequency = IntBuffer.allocate(1);
+ hmdDisplayFrequency.put( (int) JOpenVRLibrary.ETrackedDeviceProperty.ETrackedDeviceProperty_Prop_DisplayFrequency_Float);
+ hmdTrackedDevicePoseReference = new TrackedDevicePose_t.ByReference();
+ hmdTrackedDevicePoses = (TrackedDevicePose_t[])hmdTrackedDevicePoseReference.toArray(JOpenVRLibrary.k_unMaxTrackedDeviceCount);
+ poseMatrices = new Matrix4f[JOpenVRLibrary.k_unMaxTrackedDeviceCount];
+ for(int i=0;i 0 ) VRUtil.sleepNanos(latencyWaitTime);
+ vrsystemFunctions.GetTimeSinceLastVsync.apply(tlastVsync, _tframeCount);
+ float fSecondsUntilPhotons = (float)timePerFrame - tlastVsync.getValue() + vsyncToPhotons;
+ if( enableDebugLatency ) {
+ if( frames == 10 ) {
+ System.out.println("Waited (nanos): " + Long.toString(latencyWaitTime));
+ System.out.println("Predict ahead time: " + Float.toString(fSecondsUntilPhotons));
+ }
+ frames = (frames + 1) % 60;
+ }
+ // handle skipping frame stuff
+ long nowCount = _tframeCount.getValue();
+ if( nowCount - frameCount > 1 ) {
+ // skipped a frame!
+ if( enableDebugLatency ) System.out.println("Frame skipped!");
+ frameCountRun = 0;
+ if( latencyWaitTime > 0 ) {
+ latencyWaitTime -= TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toNanos(1);
+ if( latencyWaitTime < 0 ) latencyWaitTime = 0;
+ }
+ } else if( latencyWaitTime < timePerFrame * 1000000000.0 ) {
+ // didn't skip a frame, lets try waiting longer to improve latency
+ frameCountRun++;
+ latencyWaitTime += Math.round(Math.pow(frameCountRun / 10.0, 2.0));
+ }
+ frameCount = nowCount;
+ vrsystemFunctions.GetDeviceToAbsoluteTrackingPose.apply(
+ environment.isSeatedExperience()?JOpenVRLibrary.ETrackingUniverseOrigin.ETrackingUniverseOrigin_TrackingUniverseSeated:
+ JOpenVRLibrary.ETrackingUniverseOrigin.ETrackingUniverseOrigin_TrackingUniverseStanding,
+ fSecondsUntilPhotons, hmdTrackedDevicePoseReference, JOpenVRLibrary.k_unMaxTrackedDeviceCount);
+ }
+ // deal with controllers being plugged in and out
+ // causing an invalid memory crash... skipping for now
+ /*boolean hasEvent = false;
+ while( JOpenVRLibrary.VR_IVRSystem_PollNextEvent(OpenVR.getVRSystemInstance(), tempEvent) != 0 ) {
+ // wait until the events are clear..
+ hasEvent = true;
+ }
+ if( hasEvent ) {
+ // an event probably changed controller state
+ VRInput._updateConnectedControllers();
+ }*/
+ //update controllers pose information
+ environment.getVRinput().updateControllerStates();
+ // read pose data from native
+ for (int nDevice = 0; nDevice < JOpenVRLibrary.k_unMaxTrackedDeviceCount; ++nDevice ){
+ hmdTrackedDevicePoses[nDevice].readField("bPoseIsValid");
+ if( hmdTrackedDevicePoses[nDevice].bPoseIsValid != 0 ){
+ hmdTrackedDevicePoses[nDevice].readField("mDeviceToAbsoluteTracking");
+ VRUtil.convertSteamVRMatrix3ToMatrix4f(hmdTrackedDevicePoses[nDevice].mDeviceToAbsoluteTracking, poseMatrices[nDevice]);
+ }
+ }
+ if ( hmdTrackedDevicePoses[JOpenVRLibrary.k_unTrackedDeviceIndex_Hmd].bPoseIsValid != 0 ){
+ hmdPose.set(poseMatrices[JOpenVRLibrary.k_unTrackedDeviceIndex_Hmd]);
+ } else {
+ hmdPose.set(Matrix4f.IDENTITY);
+ }
+ }
+ @Override
+ public Matrix4f getHMDMatrixProjectionLeftEye(Camera cam){
+ if( hmdProjectionLeftEye != null ) {
+ return hmdProjectionLeftEye;
+ } else if(vrsystemFunctions == null){
+ return cam.getProjectionMatrix();
+ } else {
+ HmdMatrix44_t mat = vrsystemFunctions.GetProjectionMatrix.apply(JOpenVRLibrary.EVREye.EVREye_Eye_Left, cam.getFrustumNear(), cam.getFrustumFar());
+ hmdProjectionLeftEye = new Matrix4f();
+ VRUtil.convertSteamVRMatrix4ToMatrix4f(mat, hmdProjectionLeftEye);
+ return hmdProjectionLeftEye;
+ }
+ }
+ @Override
+ public Matrix4f getHMDMatrixProjectionRightEye(Camera cam){
+ if( hmdProjectionRightEye != null ) {
+ return hmdProjectionRightEye;
+ } else if(vrsystemFunctions == null){
+ return cam.getProjectionMatrix();
+ } else {
+ HmdMatrix44_t mat = vrsystemFunctions.GetProjectionMatrix.apply(JOpenVRLibrary.EVREye.EVREye_Eye_Right, cam.getFrustumNear(), cam.getFrustumFar());
+ hmdProjectionRightEye = new Matrix4f();
+ VRUtil.convertSteamVRMatrix4ToMatrix4f(mat, hmdProjectionRightEye);
+ return hmdProjectionRightEye;
+ }
+ }
+ @Override
+ public Vector3f getHMDVectorPoseLeftEye() {
+ if( hmdPoseLeftEyeVec == null ) {
+ hmdPoseLeftEyeVec = getHMDMatrixPoseLeftEye().toTranslationVector();
+ // set default IPD if none or broken
+ if( hmdPoseLeftEyeVec.x <= 0.080f * -0.5f || hmdPoseLeftEyeVec.x >= 0.040f * -0.5f ) {
+ hmdPoseLeftEyeVec.x = 0.065f * -0.5f;
+ }
+ if( flipEyes == false ) hmdPoseLeftEyeVec.x *= -1f; // it seems these need flipping
+ }
+ return hmdPoseLeftEyeVec;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public Vector3f getHMDVectorPoseRightEye() {
+ if( hmdPoseRightEyeVec == null ) {
+ hmdPoseRightEyeVec = getHMDMatrixPoseRightEye().toTranslationVector();
+ // set default IPD if none or broken
+ if( hmdPoseRightEyeVec.x >= 0.080f * 0.5f || hmdPoseRightEyeVec.x <= 0.040f * 0.5f ) {
+ hmdPoseRightEyeVec.x = 0.065f * 0.5f;
+ }
+ if( flipEyes == false ) hmdPoseRightEyeVec.x *= -1f; // it seems these need flipping
+ }
+ return hmdPoseRightEyeVec;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public Vector3f getSeatedToAbsolutePosition() {
+ if( environment.isSeatedExperience() == false ) return Vector3f.ZERO;
+ if( hmdSeatToStand == null ) {
+ hmdSeatToStand = new Vector3f();
+ HmdMatrix34_t mat = vrsystemFunctions.GetSeatedZeroPoseToStandingAbsoluteTrackingPose.apply();
+ Matrix4f tempmat = new Matrix4f();
+ VRUtil.convertSteamVRMatrix3ToMatrix4f(mat, tempmat);
+ tempmat.toTranslationVector(hmdSeatToStand);
+ }
+ return hmdSeatToStand;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public Matrix4f getHMDMatrixPoseLeftEye(){
+ if( hmdPoseLeftEye != null ) {
+ return hmdPoseLeftEye;
+ } else if(vrsystemFunctions == null) {
+ return Matrix4f.IDENTITY;
+ } else {
+ HmdMatrix34_t mat = vrsystemFunctions.GetEyeToHeadTransform.apply(JOpenVRLibrary.EVREye.EVREye_Eye_Left);
+ hmdPoseLeftEye = new Matrix4f();
+ return VRUtil.convertSteamVRMatrix3ToMatrix4f(mat, hmdPoseLeftEye);
+ }
+ }
+ @Override
+ public HmdType getType() {
+ if( vrsystemFunctions != null ) {
+ Pointer str1 = new Memory(128);
+ Pointer str2 = new Memory(128);
+ String completeName = "";
+ vrsystemFunctions.GetStringTrackedDeviceProperty.apply(JOpenVRLibrary.k_unTrackedDeviceIndex_Hmd,
+ JOpenVRLibrary.ETrackedDeviceProperty.ETrackedDeviceProperty_Prop_ManufacturerName_String,
+ str1, 128, hmdErrorStore);
+ if( hmdErrorStore.getValue() == 0 ) completeName += str1.getString(0);
+ vrsystemFunctions.GetStringTrackedDeviceProperty.apply(JOpenVRLibrary.k_unTrackedDeviceIndex_Hmd,
+ JOpenVRLibrary.ETrackedDeviceProperty.ETrackedDeviceProperty_Prop_ModelNumber_String,
+ str2, 128, hmdErrorStore);
+ if( hmdErrorStore.getValue() == 0 ) completeName += " " + str2.getString(0);
+ if( completeName.length() > 0 ) {
+ completeName = completeName.toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH).trim();
+ if( completeName.contains("htc") || completeName.contains("vive") ) {
+ return HmdType.HTC_VIVE;
+ } else if( completeName.contains("osvr") ) {
+ return HmdType.OSVR;
+ } else if( completeName.contains("oculus") || completeName.contains("rift") ||
+ completeName.contains("dk1") || completeName.contains("dk2") || completeName.contains("cv1") ) {
+ return HmdType.OCULUS_RIFT;
+ } else if( completeName.contains("fove") ) {
+ return HmdType.FOVE;
+ } else if( completeName.contains("game") && completeName.contains("face") ) {
+ return HmdType.GAMEFACE;
+ } else if( completeName.contains("morpheus") ) {
+ return HmdType.MORPHEUS;
+ } else if( completeName.contains("gear") ) {
+ return HmdType.GEARVR;
+ } else if( completeName.contains("star") ) {
+ return HmdType.STARVR;
+ } else if( completeName.contains("null") ) {
+ return HmdType.NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ } else return HmdType.NONE;
+ return HmdType.OTHER;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public Matrix4f getHMDMatrixPoseRightEye(){
+ if( hmdPoseRightEye != null ) {
+ return hmdPoseRightEye;
+ } else if(vrsystemFunctions == null) {
+ return Matrix4f.IDENTITY;
+ } else {
+ HmdMatrix34_t mat = vrsystemFunctions.GetEyeToHeadTransform.apply(JOpenVRLibrary.EVREye.EVREye_Eye_Right);
+ hmdPoseRightEye = new Matrix4f();
+ return VRUtil.convertSteamVRMatrix3ToMatrix4f(mat, hmdPoseRightEye);
+ }
+ }