@ -1,19 +1,20 @@ |
# Version number used for plugins, only 3 numbers (e.g. 3.1.3) |
jmeVersion = 3.0.10 |
# Version used for application and settings folder, no spaces! |
jmeMainVersion = 3.1 |
# Version addition pre-alpha-svn, Stable, Beta |
jmeVersionTag = pre-alpha-svn |
# specify if SDK and Native libraries get built |
buildSdkProject = true |
buildNativeProjects = false |
# Path to android NDK for building native libraries |
#ndkPath=/Users/normenhansen/Documents/Code-Import/android-ndk-r7 |
ndkPath = D:/android/android-ndk-r8e |
# Path for downloading native Bullet |
bulletUrl = |
bulletFolder = bullet-2.82-r2704 |
bulletZipFile = |
# Version number used for plugins, only 3 numbers (e.g. 3.1.3) |
jmeVersion = 3.0.10 |
# Version used for application and settings folder, no spaces! |
jmeMainVersion = 3.1 |
# Version addition pre-alpha-svn, Stable, Beta |
jmeVersionTag = pre-alpha-svn |
# specify if SDK and Native libraries get built |
buildSdkProject = true |
buildNativeProjects = false |
buildAutogen = false |
# Path to android NDK for building native libraries |
#ndkPath=/Users/normenhansen/Documents/Code-Import/android-ndk-r7 |
ndkPath = D:/android/android-ndk-r8e |
# Path for downloading native Bullet |
bulletUrl = |
bulletFolder = bullet-2.82-r2704 |
bulletZipFile = |
@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ |
//apply plugin:'application' |
if (!hasProperty('mainClass')) { |
ext.mainClass = 'com.jme3.util.GLAutoGen' |
} |
//mainClassName = ext.mainClass |
dependencies { |
compile project(':jme3-core') |
compile project(':jme3-desktop') |
compile project(':jme3-jogl') |
compile project(':jme3-lwjgl') |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,313 @@ |
package jme3tools.autogen; |
import; |
import; |
import; |
import java.lang.reflect.Field; |
import java.lang.reflect.Method; |
import java.lang.reflect.Modifier; |
import java.util.ArrayList; |
import java.util.Collection; |
import java.util.HashMap; |
import java.util.List; |
import java.util.TreeSet; |
import org.lwjgl.opengl.ARBDrawInstanced; |
import org.lwjgl.opengl.ARBGeometryShader4; |
import org.lwjgl.opengl.ARBInstancedArrays; |
import org.lwjgl.opengl.ARBMultisample; |
import org.lwjgl.opengl.ARBTextureMultisample; |
import org.lwjgl.opengl.EXTFramebufferBlit; |
import org.lwjgl.opengl.EXTFramebufferMultisample; |
import org.lwjgl.opengl.EXTFramebufferObject; |
import org.lwjgl.opengl.EXTTextureArray; |
import org.lwjgl.opengl.EXTTextureFilterAnisotropic; |
import org.lwjgl.opengl.GL11; |
import org.lwjgl.opengl.GL12; |
import org.lwjgl.opengl.GL13; |
import org.lwjgl.opengl.GL14; |
import org.lwjgl.opengl.GL15; |
import org.lwjgl.opengl.GL20; |
import org.lwjgl.opengl.GL21; |
import org.lwjgl.opengl.GL30; |
import org.lwjgl.opengl.NVHalfFloat; |
public class GLAutoGen { |
private static class ConstantInfo { |
Class<?> declaringClazz; |
String constantName; |
Class<?> constantType; |
Object constantValue; |
public ConstantInfo(Class<?> declaringClazz, String constantName, |
Class<?> constantType, Object constantValue) { |
this.declaringClazz = declaringClazz; |
this.constantName = constantName; |
this.constantType = constantType; |
this.constantValue = constantValue; |
} |
@Override |
public String toString() { |
return "ConstantInfo{" |
+ "declaringClazz=" + declaringClazz |
+ ", constantName=" + constantName |
+ ", constantType=" + constantType |
+ ", constantValue=" + constantValue |
+ '}'; |
} |
} |
private static class MethodInfo { |
Class<?> declaringClazz; |
String methodName; |
Class<?> returnType; |
Class<?>[] paramTypes; |
public MethodInfo(Class<?> declaringClazz, String methodName, Class<?> returnType, Class<?>[] paramTypes) { |
this.declaringClazz = declaringClazz; |
this.methodName = methodName; |
this.returnType = returnType; |
this.paramTypes = paramTypes; |
} |
@Override |
public String toString() { |
return "MethodInfo{" + "declaringClazz=" + declaringClazz + ", methodName=" + methodName + ", returnType=" + returnType + ", paramTypes=" + paramTypes + '}'; |
} |
} |
private static final HashMap<String, ConstantInfo> constantMap |
= new HashMap<String, ConstantInfo>(); |
private static final HashMap<String, List<MethodInfo>> methodMap |
= new HashMap<String, List<MethodInfo>>(); |
private static final TreeSet<String> usedConstants = new TreeSet<String>(); |
private static final TreeSet<String> usedMethods = new TreeSet<String>(); |
private static void scanConstantsFromType(Class<?> clazz) { |
Field[] fields = clazz.getDeclaredFields(); |
for (Field field : fields) { |
if ((field.getModifiers() & (Modifier.STATIC | Modifier.PUBLIC)) != 0) { |
String name = field.getName(); |
Class<?> type = field.getType(); |
Object value = null; |
if (constantMap.containsKey(name)) { |
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(name + " constant redeclared"); |
} |
if (type == int.class) { |
try { |
value = field.getInt(null); |
} catch (Exception ex) { |
ex.printStackTrace(); |
} |
} else if (type == long.class) { |
try { |
value = field.getLong(null); |
} catch (Exception ex) { |
ex.printStackTrace(); |
} |
} |
if (value == null) { |
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Unsupported type: " + type); |
} |
constantMap.put(name, new ConstantInfo(clazz, name, type, value)); |
} |
} |
} |
private static void scanMethodsFromType(Class<?> clazz) { |
Method[] methods = clazz.getDeclaredMethods(); |
for (Method method : methods) { |
if ((method.getModifiers() & (Modifier.STATIC | Modifier.PUBLIC)) != 0) { |
String name = method.getName(); |
Class<?> type = method.getReturnType(); |
Class<?>[] paramTypes = method.getParameterTypes(); |
List<MethodInfo> overloads = methodMap.get(name); |
if (overloads == null) { |
overloads = new ArrayList<MethodInfo>(); |
methodMap.put(name, overloads); |
} |
MethodInfo info = new MethodInfo(clazz, name, type, paramTypes); |
overloads.add(info); |
} |
} |
} |
private static void scanType(Class<?> clazz) { |
scanConstantsFromType(clazz); |
scanMethodsFromType(clazz); |
} |
private static Collection<String> scanConstants(String line) { |
List<String> constants = new ArrayList<String>(); |
int next_gl = line.indexOf("GL_"); |
while (next_gl > 0) { |
char chrBefore = line.charAt(next_gl - 1); |
if (!Character.isWhitespace(chrBefore) |
&& chrBefore != '.' |
&& chrBefore != '!' |
&& chrBefore != '(') { |
// System.out.println(line + "\t\t\t\tPreceding character \"" + chrBefore + "\" not acceptable.");
} else { |
for (int scan_idx = next_gl + 3; scan_idx < line.length(); scan_idx++) { |
char chrCall = line.charAt(scan_idx); |
if (Character.isLowerCase(chrCall)) { |
// GL constants cannot have lowercase letters.
break; |
} else if (!Character.isLetterOrDigit(chrCall) && chrCall != '_') { |
constants.add(line.substring(next_gl, scan_idx)); |
break; |
} |
} |
} |
next_gl = line.indexOf("GL_", next_gl + 3); |
} |
return constants; |
} |
private static Collection<String> scanMethods(String line) { |
List<String> methods = new ArrayList<String>(); |
int next_gl = line.indexOf("gl"); |
while (next_gl > 0) { |
char chrBefore = line.charAt(next_gl - 1); |
if (!Character.isWhitespace(chrBefore) |
&& chrBefore != '.' |
&& chrBefore != '!' |
&& chrBefore != '(') { |
// System.out.println(line + "\t\t\t\tPreceding character not acceptable.");
} else { |
for (int scan_idx = next_gl + 2; scan_idx < line.length(); scan_idx++) { |
char chrCall = line.charAt(scan_idx); |
if (chrCall == '(') { |
String methodName = line.substring(next_gl, scan_idx); |
methods.add(methodName); |
break; |
} else if (!Character.isLetterOrDigit(chrCall)) { |
// System.out.println(line.substring(next_gl) + "\t\t\t\tFound non-letter inside call");
break; |
} |
} |
} |
next_gl = line.indexOf("gl", next_gl + 2); |
} |
return methods; |
} |
private static void scanFile(String path) { |
FileReader reader = null; |
try { |
reader = new FileReader(path); |
BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(reader); |
while (true) { |
String line = br.readLine(); |
if (line == null) { |
break; |
} |
usedMethods.addAll(scanMethods(line)); |
usedConstants.addAll(scanConstants(line)); |
} |
} catch (IOException ex) { |
ex.printStackTrace(); |
} finally { |
if (reader != null) { |
try { |
reader.close(); |
} catch (IOException ex) { |
} |
} |
} |
} |
private static void exportInterface() { |
System.out.println("package autogen;"); |
System.out.println(); |
System.out.println("/**"); |
System.out.println(" * Auto-generated interface"); |
System.out.println(" */"); |
System.out.println("public interface GL {"); |
System.out.println(); |
System.out.println("// -- begin constants"); |
for (String constant : usedConstants) { |
ConstantInfo info = constantMap.get(constant); |
if (info == null) { |
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot find required constant: " + constant); |
} |
String typeStr = info.constantType.toString(); |
String valueStr = null; |
if (info.constantType == int.class) { |
valueStr = "0x" + Integer.toHexString((Integer)info.constantValue).toUpperCase(); |
} else if (info.constantType == long.class) { |
valueStr = "0x" + Long.toHexString((Long)info.constantValue).toUpperCase(); |
} |
System.out.println("\tpublic static final " + typeStr + " " + info.constantName + " = " + valueStr + ";"); |
} |
System.out.println("// -- end constants"); |
System.out.println(); |
System.out.println("// -- begin methods"); |
for (String method : usedMethods) { |
List<MethodInfo> infos = methodMap.get(method); |
if (infos == null) { |
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot find required method: " + method); |
} |
for (MethodInfo info : infos) { |
String retTypeStr = info.returnType.toString(); |
System.out.print("\tpublic " + retTypeStr + " " + method + "("); |
for (int i = 0; i < info.paramTypes.length; i++) { |
System.out.print(info.paramTypes[i].getSimpleName() + " param" + (i + 1)); |
if (i != info.paramTypes.length - 1) { |
System.out.print(", "); |
} |
} |
System.out.println(");"); |
} |
} |
System.out.println("// -- end methods"); |
System.out.println(); |
System.out.println("}"); |
} |
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { |
String lwjgl = "D:\\engine\\jme3-lwjgl\\src\\main\\java\\com\\jme3\\renderer\\lwjgl\\"; |
String jogl = "D:\\engine\\jme3-jogl\\src\\main\\java\\com\\jme3\\renderer\\jogl\\"; |
String ogles = "D:\\engine\\jme3-android\\src\\main\\java\\com\\jme3\\renderer\\android\\"; |
scanType(GL11.class); |
scanType(GL14.class); |
scanType(GL12.class); |
scanType(GL13.class); |
scanType(GL15.class); |
scanType(GL20.class); |
scanType(GL21.class); |
scanType(GL30.class); |
scanType(NVHalfFloat.class); |
scanType(ARBGeometryShader4.class); |
scanType(EXTFramebufferObject.class); |
scanType(EXTFramebufferBlit.class); |
scanType(EXTFramebufferMultisample.class); |
scanType(ARBTextureMultisample.class); |
scanType(ARBMultisample.class); |
scanType(EXTTextureArray.class); |
scanType(EXTTextureFilterAnisotropic.class); |
scanType(ARBDrawInstanced.class); |
scanType(ARBInstancedArrays.class); |
scanFile(lwjgl); |
exportInterface(); |
} |
} |
@ -1,42 +1,47 @@ |
/** |
* This is the global settings file used by all subprojects. |
**/ |
|||| = 'jmonkeyengine' |
// Core classes, should work on all java platforms |
include 'jme3-core' |
include 'jme3-effects' |
include 'jme3-networking' |
include 'jme3-plugins' |
include 'jme3-terrain' |
// Desktop dependent java classes |
include 'jme3-desktop' |
include 'jme3-blender' |
include 'jme3-jogl' |
include 'jme3-lwjgl' |
// Other external dependencies |
include 'jme3-jbullet' |
include 'jme3-niftygui' |
include 'jme3-jogg' |
include 'jme3-android' |
include 'jme3-ios' |
//native builds |
include 'jme3-bullet' //java |
if(buildNativeProjects == "true"){ |
include 'jme3-bullet-native' //cpp |
include 'jme3-bullet-native-android' //cpp |
} |
include 'jme3-android-native' //cpp |
// Test Data project |
include 'jme3-testdata' |
// Example projects |
include 'jme3-examples' |
if(buildSdkProject == "true"){ |
include 'sdk' |
/** |
* This is the global settings file used by all subprojects. |
**/ |
|||| = 'jmonkeyengine' |
// Core classes, should work on all java platforms |
include 'jme3-core' |
include 'jme3-effects' |
include 'jme3-networking' |
include 'jme3-plugins' |
include 'jme3-terrain' |
// Desktop dependent java classes |
include 'jme3-desktop' |
include 'jme3-blender' |
include 'jme3-jogl' |
include 'jme3-lwjgl' |
// Other external dependencies |
include 'jme3-jbullet' |
include 'jme3-niftygui' |
include 'jme3-jogg' |
include 'jme3-android' |
include 'jme3-ios' |
//native builds |
include 'jme3-bullet' //java |
if(buildNativeProjects == "true"){ |
include 'jme3-bullet-native' //cpp |
include 'jme3-bullet-native-android' //cpp |
} |
include 'jme3-android-native' //cpp |
// Test Data project |
include 'jme3-testdata' |
// Example projects |
include 'jme3-examples' |
// GL Autogen |
if (buildAutogen == "true") { |
include 'jme3-gl-autogen' |
} |
if(buildSdkProject == "true"){ |
include 'sdk' |
} |
Reference in new issue