@ -36,6 +36,9 @@ public class CursorLoader implements AssetLoader {
* /
public JmeCursor load ( AssetInfo info ) throws IOException {
isIco = false ;
isAni = false ;
isIco = ( ( AssetKey ) info . getKey ( ) ) . getExtension ( ) . equals ( "ico" ) ;
if ( ! isIco ) {
isIco = ( ( AssetKey ) info . getKey ( ) ) . getExtension ( ) . equals ( "cur" ) ;
@ -125,7 +128,7 @@ public class CursorLoader implements AssetLoader {
nextInt = leIn . readInt ( ) ;
if ( nextInt = = 0x4f464e49 ) { // Got an INFO, skip its length
// this part consist of Author, title, etc
// int skipped = leIn.skipBytes(length - 4);
leIn . skipBytes ( length - 4 ) ;
// System.out.println(" Discarding INFO (skipped = " + skipped + ")");
nextInt = leIn . readInt ( ) ;
} else if ( nextInt = = 0x6d617266 ) { // found a 'fram' for animation
@ -144,6 +147,12 @@ public class CursorLoader implements AssetLoader {
byte [ ] data = new byte [ icoLength ] ;
( ( InputStream ) leIn ) . read ( data , 0 , icoLength ) ;
// in case the header didn't have width or height
// get it from first image.
if ( width = = 0 | | height = = 0 & & i = = 1 ) {
width = data [ 6 ] ;
height = data [ 7 ] ;
icons . add ( data ) ;
// at this point we have the icons, rates (either
@ -180,7 +189,7 @@ public class CursorLoader implements AssetLoader {
BufferedImage bi [ ] = parseICOImage ( icoimages ) ;
CursorImageData cid = new CursorImageData ( bi , 0 , 0 , 0 ) ;
CursorImageData cid = new CursorImageData ( bi , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 ) ;
cid . completeCursor ( ) ;
return setJmeCursor ( cid ) ;
@ -513,23 +522,22 @@ public class CursorLoader implements AssetLoader {
public CursorImageData ( ) {
CursorImageData ( BufferedImage [ ] bi , int delay , int hsX , int hsY ) {
CursorImageData ( BufferedImage [ ] bi , int delay , int hsX , int hsY , int curType ) {
// cursor type
// 0 - Undefined (an array of images inside an ICO)
// 1 - ICO
// 2 - CUR
IntBuffer singleCursor = null ;
ArrayList < IntBuffer > cursors = new ArrayList < IntBuffer > ( ) ;
int bwidth = 0 ;
int bheight = 0 ;
// cursor type
// 1 - ICO
// 2 - CUR
// Anything else is invalid.
int curType = 0 ;
boolean multIcons = false ;
// make the cursor image
for ( int i = 0 ; i < bi . length ; i + + ) {
BufferedImage img = bi [ i ] ;
bwidth = img . getWidth ( ) ;
bheight = img . getHeight ( ) ;
curType = img . getType ( ) ;
if ( curType = = 1 ) {
hsX = 0 ;
hsY = bheight - 1 ;
@ -539,8 +547,19 @@ public class CursorLoader implements AssetLoader {
hsY = bheight - 1 ;
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException (
"An image contained is not of the right type! Only proper ICO and CUR formats are valid." ) ;
// We force to choose 32x32 icon from
// the array of icons in that ICO file.
if ( bwidth ! = 32 & & bheight ! = 32 ) {
multIcons = true ;
continue ;
} else {
if ( img . getType ( ) ! = 2 ) {
continue ;
} else {
// force hotspot
hsY = bheight - 1 ;
// We flip our image because .ICO and .CUR will always be reversed.
@ -555,10 +574,18 @@ public class CursorLoader implements AssetLoader {
cursors . add ( singleCursor ) ;
int count ;
if ( multIcons ) {
bwidth = 32 ;
bheight = 32 ;
count = 1 ;
} else {
count = cursors . size ( ) ;
// put the image in the IntBuffer
data = BufferUtils . createIntBuffer ( bwidth * bheight ) ;
imgDelay = BufferUtils . createIntBuffer ( bi . length ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < cursors . size ( ) ; i + + ) {
for ( int i = 0 ; i < count ; i + + ) {
data . put ( cursors . get ( i ) ) ;
if ( delay > 0 ) {
imgDelay . put ( delay ) ;
@ -568,14 +595,14 @@ public class CursorLoader implements AssetLoader {
height = bheight ;
xHotSpot = hsX ;
yHotSpot = hsY ;
numImages = cursors . size ( ) ;
numImages = count ;
data . rewind ( ) ;
if ( imgDelay ! = null ) {
imgDelay . rewind ( ) ;
private void addFrame ( byte [ ] imgData , int rate , int jiffy , int width , int height ) throws IOException {
private void addFrame ( byte [ ] imgData , int rate , int jiffy , int width , int height , int numSeq ) throws IOException {
BufferedImage bi [ ] = parseICOImage ( imgData ) ;
int hotspotx = 0 ;
int hotspoty = 0 ;
@ -585,15 +612,16 @@ public class CursorLoader implements AssetLoader {
hotspotx = imgData [ 10 ] | imgData [ 11 ] ;
hotspoty = imgData [ 12 ] | imgData [ 13 ] ;
} else if ( type = = 1 ) {
// ICO type, hotspot not stored. Leave at 0;
// ICO type, hotspot not stored. Put at 0, height - 1
// because it's flipped.
hotspotx = 0 ;
hotspoty = 0 ;
hotspoty = height - 1 ;
// System.out.println("Image type = " + (type == 1 ? "CUR" : "ICO"));
if ( rate = = 0 ) {
rate = jiffy ;
CursorImageData cid = new CursorImageData ( bi , rate , hotspotx , hotspoty ) ;
CursorImageData cid = new CursorImageData ( bi , rate , hotspotx , hotspoty , type ) ;
if ( width = = 0 ) {
this . width = cid . width ;
} else {
@ -605,13 +633,21 @@ public class CursorLoader implements AssetLoader {
this . height = height ;
if ( data = = null ) {
if ( numSeq > numImages ) {
data = BufferUtils . createIntBuffer ( this . width * this . height * numSeq ) ;
} else {
data = BufferUtils . createIntBuffer ( this . width * this . height * numImages ) ;
data . put ( cid . data ) ;
} else {
data . put ( cid . data ) ;
if ( imgDelay = = null & & numImages > 1 ) {
if ( imgDelay = = null & & ( numImages > 1 | | numSeq > 1 ) ) {
if ( numSeq > numImages ) {
imgDelay = BufferUtils . createIntBuffer ( numSeq ) ;
} else {
imgDelay = BufferUtils . createIntBuffer ( numImages ) ;
imgDelay . put ( cid . imgDelay ) ;
} else if ( imgData ! = null ) {
imgDelay . put ( cid . imgDelay ) ;
@ -631,7 +667,7 @@ public class CursorLoader implements AssetLoader {
// since the sequence can be larger than the number
// of images in the ani if it reuses one or more of those
// images.
if ( animSeq ! = null ) {
if ( animSeq ! = null & & animSeq . length > 0 ) {
for ( int i = 0 ; i < animSeq . length ; i + + ) {
if ( rate ! = null ) {
frRate = rate [ i ] * MULT ;
@ -640,7 +676,7 @@ public class CursorLoader implements AssetLoader {
// the frame # is the one in the animation sequence
frame = icons . get ( animSeq [ i ] ) ;
addFrame ( frame , frRate , jiffy , width , height ) ;
addFrame ( frame , frRate , jiffy , width , height , animSeq . length ) ;
// System.out.println("delay of " + frRate);
} else {
@ -651,7 +687,7 @@ public class CursorLoader implements AssetLoader {
} else {
frRate = rate [ i ] * MULT ;
addFrame ( frame , frRate , jiffy , width , height ) ;
addFrame ( frame , frRate , jiffy , width , height , 0 ) ;
// System.out.println("delay of " + frRate);