/ *
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package com.jme3.input.vr ;
import java.util.ArrayList ;
import java.util.List ;
import java.util.logging.Level ;
import java.util.logging.Logger ;
import com.jme3.app.VREnvironment ;
import com.jme3.math.Quaternion ;
import com.jme3.math.Vector2f ;
import com.jme3.math.Vector3f ;
import com.jme3.renderer.Camera ;
import com.jme3.scene.Spatial ;
import com.jme3.system.jopenvr.JOpenVRLibrary ;
import com.jme3.system.jopenvr.OpenVRUtil ;
import com.jme3.system.jopenvr.VRControllerState_t ;
import com.jme3.system.jopenvr.VR_IVRSystem_FnTable ;
import com.jme3.util.VRUtil ;
import com.jme3.util.VRViewManagerOpenVR ;
/ *
make helper functions to pull the following easily from raw data ( DONE )
Controller # 1 , Axis # 0 X : 0 . 0 , Y : 0 . 0
Controller # 1 , Axis # 1 X : 1 . 0 , Y : 0 . 0
Controller # 1 , Axis # 2 X : 0 . 0 , Y : 0 . 0
Controller # 1 , Axis # 3 X : 0 . 0 , Y : 0 . 0
Controller # 1 , Axis # 4 X : 0 . 0 , Y : 0 . 0
Button press : 8589934592 ( when full ) , touch : 8589934592
touchpad ( upper left ) :
Controller # 1 , Axis # 0 X : - 0 . 6059755 , Y : 0 . 2301706
Controller # 1 , Axis # 1 X : 0 . 0 , Y : 0 . 0
Controller # 1 , Axis # 2 X : 0 . 0 , Y : 0 . 0
Controller # 1 , Axis # 3 X : 0 . 0 , Y : 0 . 0
Controller # 1 , Axis # 4 X : 0 . 0 , Y : 0 . 0
Button press : 4294967296 ( when pressed in ) , touch : 4294967296
Controller # 1 , Axis # 0 X : 0 . 0 , Y : 0 . 0
Controller # 1 , Axis # 1 X : 0 . 0 , Y : 0 . 0
Controller # 1 , Axis # 2 X : 0 . 0 , Y : 0 . 0
Controller # 1 , Axis # 3 X : 0 . 0 , Y : 0 . 0
Controller # 1 , Axis # 4 X : 0 . 0 , Y : 0 . 0
Button press : 4 , touch : 4
Controller # 1 , Axis # 0 X : 0 . 0 , Y : 0 . 0
Controller # 1 , Axis # 1 X : 0 . 0 , Y : 0 . 0
Controller # 1 , Axis # 2 X : 0 . 0 , Y : 0 . 0
Controller # 1 , Axis # 3 X : 0 . 0 , Y : 0 . 0
Controller # 1 , Axis # 4 X : 0 . 0 , Y : 0 . 0
Button press : 2 , touch : 2
* /
/ * *
* A class that wraps an < a href = "https://github.com/ValveSoftware/openvr/wiki/API-Documentation" > OpenVR < / a > input . < br >
* < code > null < / code > values will be returned if no valid pose exists , or that input device isn ' t available
* user code should check for < code > null < / code > values .
* @author reden - phr00t - https : //github.com/phr00t
* @author Julien Seinturier - ( c ) 2016 - JOrigin project - < a href = "http://www.jorigin.org" > http : / www . jorigin . org < / a >
* /
public class OpenVRInput implements VRInputAPI {
private static final Logger logger = Logger . getLogger ( OpenVRInput . class . getName ( ) ) ;
private final VRControllerState_t [ ] cStates = new VRControllerState_t [ JOpenVRLibrary . k_unMaxTrackedDeviceCount ] ;
private final Quaternion [ ] rotStore = new Quaternion [ JOpenVRLibrary . k_unMaxTrackedDeviceCount ] ;
private final Vector3f [ ] posStore = new Vector3f [ JOpenVRLibrary . k_unMaxTrackedDeviceCount ] ;
private static final int [ ] controllerIndex = new int [ JOpenVRLibrary . k_unMaxTrackedDeviceCount ] ;
private int controllerCount = 0 ;
private final Vector2f tempAxis = new Vector2f ( ) , temp2Axis = new Vector2f ( ) ;
private final Vector2f lastCallAxis [ ] = new Vector2f [ JOpenVRLibrary . k_unMaxTrackedDeviceCount ] ;
private final boolean needsNewVelocity [ ] = new boolean [ JOpenVRLibrary . k_unMaxTrackedDeviceCount ] ;
private final boolean needsNewAngVelocity [ ] = new boolean [ JOpenVRLibrary . k_unMaxTrackedDeviceCount ] ;
private final boolean buttonDown [ ] [ ] = new boolean [ JOpenVRLibrary . k_unMaxTrackedDeviceCount ] [ 16 ] ;
private float axisMultiplier = 1f ;
private final Vector3f tempVel = new Vector3f ( ) ;
private final Quaternion tempq = new Quaternion ( ) ;
private VREnvironment environment ;
private List < VRTrackedController > trackedControllers = null ;
/ * *
* Create a new < a href = "https://github.com/ValveSoftware/openvr/wiki/API-Documentation" > OpenVR < / a > input attached to the given VR environment .
* @param environment the VR environment to which the input is attached .
* /
public OpenVRInput ( VREnvironment environment ) {
this . environment = environment ;
public float getAxisMultiplier ( ) {
return axisMultiplier ;
public void setAxisMultiplier ( float set ) {
axisMultiplier = set ;
public void swapHands ( ) {
if ( controllerCount ! = 2 ) return ;
int temp = controllerIndex [ 0 ] ;
controllerIndex [ 0 ] = controllerIndex [ 1 ] ;
controllerIndex [ 1 ] = temp ;
public boolean isButtonDown ( int controllerIndex , VRInputType checkButton ) {
VRControllerState_t cs = cStates [ OpenVRInput . controllerIndex [ controllerIndex ] ] ;
switch ( checkButton ) {
default :
return false ;
case ViveGripButton :
return ( cs . ulButtonPressed & 4 ) ! = 0 ;
case ViveMenuButton :
return ( cs . ulButtonPressed & 2 ) ! = 0 ;
case ViveTrackpadAxis :
return ( cs . ulButtonPressed & 4294967296l ) ! = 0 ;
case ViveTriggerAxis :
return ( cs . ulButtonPressed & 8589934592l ) ! = 0 ;
public boolean wasButtonPressedSinceLastCall ( int controllerIndex , VRInputType checkButton ) {
boolean buttonDownNow = isButtonDown ( controllerIndex , checkButton ) ;
int checkButtonValue = checkButton . getValue ( ) ;
int cIndex = OpenVRInput . controllerIndex [ controllerIndex ] ;
boolean retval = buttonDownNow = = true & & buttonDown [ cIndex ] [ checkButtonValue ] = = false ;
buttonDown [ cIndex ] [ checkButtonValue ] = buttonDownNow ;
return retval ;
public void resetInputSinceLastCall ( ) {
for ( int i = 0 ; i < lastCallAxis . length ; i + + ) {
lastCallAxis [ i ] . x = 0f ;
lastCallAxis [ i ] . y = 0f ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < JOpenVRLibrary . k_unMaxTrackedDeviceCount ; i + + ) {
for ( int j = 0 ; j < 16 ; j + + ) {
buttonDown [ i ] [ j ] = false ;
public Vector2f getAxisDeltaSinceLastCall ( int controllerIndex , VRInputType forAxis ) {
int axisIndex = forAxis . getValue ( ) ;
temp2Axis . set ( lastCallAxis [ axisIndex ] ) ;
lastCallAxis [ axisIndex ] . set ( getAxis ( controllerIndex , forAxis ) ) ;
if ( ( temp2Axis . x ! = 0f | | temp2Axis . y ! = 0f ) & & ( lastCallAxis [ axisIndex ] . x ! = 0f | | lastCallAxis [ axisIndex ] . y ! = 0f ) ) {
temp2Axis . subtractLocal ( lastCallAxis [ axisIndex ] ) ;
} else {
// move made from rest, don't count as a delta move
temp2Axis . x = 0f ;
temp2Axis . y = 0f ;
return temp2Axis ;
public Vector3f getVelocity ( int controllerIndex ) {
if ( environment ! = null ) {
if ( environment . getVRHardware ( ) instanceof OpenVR ) {
int index = OpenVRInput . controllerIndex [ controllerIndex ] ;
if ( needsNewVelocity [ index ] ) {
( ( OpenVR ) environment . getVRHardware ( ) ) . hmdTrackedDevicePoses [ index ] . readField ( "vVelocity" ) ;
needsNewVelocity [ index ] = false ;
tempVel . x = ( ( OpenVR ) environment . getVRHardware ( ) ) . hmdTrackedDevicePoses [ index ] . vVelocity . v [ 0 ] ;
tempVel . y = ( ( OpenVR ) environment . getVRHardware ( ) ) . hmdTrackedDevicePoses [ index ] . vVelocity . v [ 1 ] ;
tempVel . z = ( ( OpenVR ) environment . getVRHardware ( ) ) . hmdTrackedDevicePoses [ index ] . vVelocity . v [ 2 ] ;
return tempVel ;
} else {
throw new IllegalStateException ( "VR hardware " + environment . getVRHardware ( ) . getClass ( ) . getSimpleName ( ) + " is not a subclass of " + OpenVR . class . getSimpleName ( ) ) ;
} else {
throw new IllegalStateException ( "VR input is not attached to a VR environment." ) ;
public Vector3f getAngularVelocity ( int controllerIndex ) {
if ( environment ! = null ) {
if ( environment . getVRHardware ( ) instanceof OpenVR ) {
int index = OpenVRInput . controllerIndex [ controllerIndex ] ;
if ( needsNewAngVelocity [ index ] ) {
( ( OpenVR ) environment . getVRHardware ( ) ) . hmdTrackedDevicePoses [ index ] . readField ( "vAngularVelocity" ) ;
needsNewAngVelocity [ index ] = false ;
tempVel . x = ( ( OpenVR ) environment . getVRHardware ( ) ) . hmdTrackedDevicePoses [ index ] . vAngularVelocity . v [ 0 ] ;
tempVel . y = ( ( OpenVR ) environment . getVRHardware ( ) ) . hmdTrackedDevicePoses [ index ] . vAngularVelocity . v [ 1 ] ;
tempVel . z = ( ( OpenVR ) environment . getVRHardware ( ) ) . hmdTrackedDevicePoses [ index ] . vAngularVelocity . v [ 2 ] ;
return tempVel ;
} else {
throw new IllegalStateException ( "VR hardware " + environment . getVRHardware ( ) . getClass ( ) . getSimpleName ( ) + " is not a subclass of " + OpenVR . class . getSimpleName ( ) ) ;
} else {
throw new IllegalStateException ( "VR input is not attached to a VR environment." ) ;
public Vector2f getAxisRaw ( int controllerIndex , VRInputType forAxis ) {
VRControllerState_t cs = cStates [ OpenVRInput . controllerIndex [ controllerIndex ] ] ;
switch ( forAxis ) {
default :
return null ;
case ViveTriggerAxis :
tempAxis . x = cs . rAxis [ 1 ] . x ;
tempAxis . y = tempAxis . x ;
break ;
case ViveTrackpadAxis :
tempAxis . x = cs . rAxis [ 0 ] . x ;
tempAxis . y = cs . rAxis [ 0 ] . y ;
break ;
return tempAxis ;
public Vector2f getAxis ( int controllerIndex , VRInputType forAxis ) {
VRControllerState_t cs = cStates [ OpenVRInput . controllerIndex [ controllerIndex ] ] ;
switch ( forAxis ) {
default :
return null ;
case ViveTriggerAxis :
tempAxis . x = cs . rAxis [ 1 ] . x ;
tempAxis . y = tempAxis . x ;
break ;
case ViveTrackpadAxis :
tempAxis . x = cs . rAxis [ 0 ] . x ;
tempAxis . y = cs . rAxis [ 0 ] . y ;
break ;
tempAxis . x * = axisMultiplier ;
tempAxis . y * = axisMultiplier ;
return tempAxis ;
public boolean init ( ) {
logger . config ( "Initialize OpenVR input." ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < JOpenVRLibrary . k_unMaxTrackedDeviceCount ; i + + ) {
rotStore [ i ] = new Quaternion ( ) ;
posStore [ i ] = new Vector3f ( ) ;
cStates [ i ] = new VRControllerState_t ( ) ;
cStates [ i ] . setAutoSynch ( false ) ;
cStates [ i ] . setAutoRead ( false ) ;
cStates [ i ] . setAutoWrite ( false ) ;
lastCallAxis [ i ] = new Vector2f ( ) ;
needsNewVelocity [ i ] = true ;
needsNewAngVelocity [ i ] = true ;
logger . config ( " Input " + ( i + 1 ) + "/" + JOpenVRLibrary . k_unMaxTrackedDeviceCount + " binded." ) ;
return true ;
public VRTrackedController getTrackedController ( int index ) {
if ( trackedControllers ! = null ) {
if ( ( trackedControllers . size ( ) > 0 ) & & ( index < trackedControllers . size ( ) ) ) {
return trackedControllers . get ( index ) ;
return null ;
public int getTrackedControllerCount ( ) {
return controllerCount ;
public VRControllerState_t getRawControllerState ( int index ) {
if ( isInputDeviceTracking ( index ) = = false ) return null ;
return cStates [ controllerIndex [ index ] ] ;
//public Matrix4f getPoseForInputDevice(int index) {
// if( isInputDeviceTracking(index) == false ) return null;
// return OpenVR.poseMatrices[controllerIndex[index]];
public boolean isInputFocused ( ) {
if ( environment ! = null ) {
return ( ( VR_IVRSystem_FnTable ) environment . getVRHardware ( ) . getVRSystem ( ) ) . IsInputFocusCapturedByAnotherProcess . apply ( ) = = 0 ;
} else {
throw new IllegalStateException ( "VR input is not attached to a VR environment." ) ;
public boolean isInputDeviceTracking ( int index ) {
if ( index < 0 | | index > = controllerCount ) {
return false ;
if ( environment ! = null ) {
if ( environment . getVRHardware ( ) instanceof OpenVR ) {
return ( ( OpenVR ) environment . getVRHardware ( ) ) . hmdTrackedDevicePoses [ controllerIndex [ index ] ] . bPoseIsValid ! = 0 ;
} else {
throw new IllegalStateException ( "VR hardware " + environment . getVRHardware ( ) . getClass ( ) . getSimpleName ( ) + " is not a subclass of " + OpenVR . class . getSimpleName ( ) ) ;
} else {
throw new IllegalStateException ( "VR input is not attached to a VR environment." ) ;
public Quaternion getOrientation ( int index ) {
if ( isInputDeviceTracking ( index ) = = false ) {
return null ;
if ( environment ! = null ) {
if ( environment . getVRHardware ( ) instanceof OpenVR ) {
index = controllerIndex [ index ] ;
VRUtil . convertMatrix4toQuat ( ( ( OpenVR ) environment . getVRHardware ( ) ) . poseMatrices [ index ] , rotStore [ index ] ) ;
return rotStore [ index ] ;
} else {
throw new IllegalStateException ( "VR hardware " + environment . getVRHardware ( ) . getClass ( ) . getSimpleName ( ) + " is not a subclass of " + OpenVR . class . getSimpleName ( ) ) ;
} else {
throw new IllegalStateException ( "VR input is not attached to a VR environment." ) ;
public Vector3f getPosition ( int index ) {
if ( isInputDeviceTracking ( index ) = = false ) {
return null ;
if ( environment ! = null ) {
if ( environment . getVRHardware ( ) instanceof OpenVR ) {
// the hmdPose comes in rotated funny, fix that here
index = controllerIndex [ index ] ;
( ( OpenVR ) environment . getVRHardware ( ) ) . poseMatrices [ index ] . toTranslationVector ( posStore [ index ] ) ;
posStore [ index ] . x = - posStore [ index ] . x ;
posStore [ index ] . z = - posStore [ index ] . z ;
return posStore [ index ] ;
} else {
throw new IllegalStateException ( "VR hardware " + environment . getVRHardware ( ) . getClass ( ) . getSimpleName ( ) + " is not a subclass of " + OpenVR . class . getSimpleName ( ) ) ;
} else {
throw new IllegalStateException ( "VR input is not attached to a VR environment." ) ;
public Quaternion getFinalObserverRotation ( int index ) {
if ( environment ! = null ) {
VRViewManagerOpenVR vrvm = ( VRViewManagerOpenVR ) environment . getVRViewManager ( ) ;
if ( vrvm ! = null ) {
if ( isInputDeviceTracking ( index ) = = false ) {
return null ;
Object obs = environment . getObserver ( ) ;
if ( obs instanceof Camera ) {
tempq . set ( ( ( Camera ) obs ) . getRotation ( ) ) ;
} else {
tempq . set ( ( ( Spatial ) obs ) . getWorldRotation ( ) ) ;
return tempq . multLocal ( getOrientation ( index ) ) ;
} else {
throw new IllegalStateException ( "VR environment has no valid view manager." ) ;
} else {
throw new IllegalStateException ( "VR input is not attached to a VR environment." ) ;
public Vector3f getFinalObserverPosition ( int index ) {
if ( environment ! = null ) {
VRViewManagerOpenVR vrvm = ( VRViewManagerOpenVR ) environment . getVRViewManager ( ) ;
if ( vrvm ! = null ) {
if ( isInputDeviceTracking ( index ) = = false ) {
return null ;
Object obs = environment . getObserver ( ) ;
Vector3f pos = getPosition ( index ) ;
if ( obs instanceof Camera ) {
( ( Camera ) obs ) . getRotation ( ) . mult ( pos , pos ) ;
return pos . addLocal ( ( ( Camera ) obs ) . getLocation ( ) ) ;
} else {
( ( Spatial ) obs ) . getWorldRotation ( ) . mult ( pos , pos ) ;
return pos . addLocal ( ( ( Spatial ) obs ) . getWorldTranslation ( ) ) ;
} else {
throw new IllegalStateException ( "VR environment has no valid view manager." ) ;
} else {
throw new IllegalStateException ( "VR input is not attached to a VR environment." ) ;
public void triggerHapticPulse ( int controllerIndex , float seconds ) {
if ( environment . isInVR ( ) = = false | | isInputDeviceTracking ( controllerIndex ) = = false ) {
return ;
// apparently only axis ID of 0 works
( ( VR_IVRSystem_FnTable ) environment . getVRHardware ( ) . getVRSystem ( ) ) . TriggerHapticPulse . apply ( OpenVRInput . controllerIndex [ controllerIndex ] ,
0 , ( short ) Math . round ( 3f * seconds / 1e - 3f ) ) ;
public void updateConnectedControllers ( ) {
logger . config ( "Updating connected controllers." ) ;
if ( environment ! = null ) {
controllerCount = 0 ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < JOpenVRLibrary . k_unMaxTrackedDeviceCount ; i + + ) {
int classCallback = ( ( OpenVR ) environment . getVRHardware ( ) ) . getVRSystem ( ) . GetTrackedDeviceClass . apply ( i ) ;
if ( classCallback = = JOpenVRLibrary . ETrackedDeviceClass . ETrackedDeviceClass_TrackedDeviceClass_Controller | | classCallback = = JOpenVRLibrary . ETrackedDeviceClass . ETrackedDeviceClass_TrackedDeviceClass_GenericTracker ) {
String controllerName = "Unknown" ;
String manufacturerName = "Unknown" ;
try {
controllerName = OpenVRUtil . getTrackedDeviceStringProperty ( ( ( OpenVR ) environment . getVRHardware ( ) ) . getVRSystem ( ) , i , JOpenVRLibrary . ETrackedDeviceProperty . ETrackedDeviceProperty_Prop_TrackingSystemName_String ) ;
manufacturerName = OpenVRUtil . getTrackedDeviceStringProperty ( ( ( OpenVR ) environment . getVRHardware ( ) ) . getVRSystem ( ) , i , JOpenVRLibrary . ETrackedDeviceProperty . ETrackedDeviceProperty_Prop_ManufacturerName_String ) ;
} catch ( Exception e ) {
logger . log ( Level . WARNING , e . getMessage ( ) , e ) ;
controllerIndex [ controllerCount ] = i ;
// Adding tracked controller to control.
if ( trackedControllers = = null ) {
trackedControllers = new ArrayList < VRTrackedController > ( JOpenVRLibrary . k_unMaxTrackedDeviceCount ) ;
trackedControllers . add ( new OpenVRTrackedController ( i , this , controllerName , manufacturerName , environment ) ) ;
// Send an Haptic pulse to the controller
triggerHapticPulse ( controllerCount , 1 . 0f ) ;
controllerCount + + ;
logger . config ( " Tracked controller " + ( i + 1 ) + "/" + JOpenVRLibrary . k_unMaxTrackedDeviceCount + " " + controllerName + " (" + manufacturerName + ") attached." ) ;
} else {
logger . config ( " Controller " + ( i + 1 ) + "/" + JOpenVRLibrary . k_unMaxTrackedDeviceCount + " ignored." ) ;
} else {
throw new IllegalStateException ( "VR input is not attached to a VR environment." ) ;
public void updateControllerStates ( ) {
if ( environment ! = null ) {
for ( int i = 0 ; i < controllerCount ; i + + ) {
int index = controllerIndex [ i ] ;
( ( OpenVR ) environment . getVRHardware ( ) ) . getVRSystem ( ) . GetControllerState . apply ( index , cStates [ index ] , 64 ) ;
cStates [ index ] . readField ( "ulButtonPressed" ) ;
cStates [ index ] . readField ( "rAxis" ) ;
needsNewVelocity [ index ] = true ;
needsNewAngVelocity [ index ] = true ;
} else {
throw new IllegalStateException ( "VR input is not attached to a VR environment." ) ;