A complete 3D game development suite written purely in Java.

250 lines
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import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.StandardCopyOption;
buildscript {
repositories {
dependencies {
classpath 'com.android.tools.build:gradle:3.1.4'
classpath 'com.jfrog.bintray.gradle:gradle-bintray-plugin:1.8.4'
Android openGL ES 3 support (#1147) * Update GLImageFormats.java * Added basic support for openGL ES 3.0 and GLSL300 for android Added instancing support for android which is core feature in GLES3.0 Added fix for shadows in android * Fixed required types of GLES30.glDrawElementsInstanced * Properly check GLES3 version and setting precision for shaders for all GLSL ES versions * Added support for Opengl ES 3.1 and 3.2 and their shader versions Added proper checkings for new OpenGL ES versions Fixed some issues with shadow rendering in GLES 3.0 or better (strict type checking, OpenGL ES specific extensions and percision definition) Added GLSL320 and GLSL300 to Unshaded and Lighting materials * Added depth texture 24bit for OpenGL ES * Added geometry shaders and tessellation to GLES 3.1 as extension and GLES 3.2 as core Modified test materials to use GLSL310 * Added FB blit for android GLES30 * Added GlSL300 or better to all effects not able to run in GLSL100 Mods on Shadows.glsllib to try to fix android shadow rendering Fixed ssaoBlur.frag that was using a reserved word Fixed precision type missmatch from vertex to fragment shader * Partial multisample support Framebuffer MRT support * Temporarily removed texture multisampling (not being able to compile using GLES31) * Updated android.jar to api28 Enabled multisampling * Better checking for GLES3 * Removed insert precision for all shaders. This avoided some random precision missmatch error but created rendering issues * Removed border check for GLES, caused filtered shadows not to render on GLES2.0 devices Added texture compare mode for GLES3.0 and better to be able to use sampler2DShadow Modified base materials (Lighting and Unshaded) to use only GLSL100 for post shadow pass * Corrected texture comparison function that were incorrectly changed * Added precision to samplers for GLESSL300 also * Created a subclass of Glsl150ShaderGenerator (Glsl300ShaderGenerator) to support ShaderNodes in GLES SL30 and included it's usage in DesktopAssetManager. Nowadays just copied and overwrote the version string. Needs a full review Added image format RGB16F to be used as texture format only in GLES30 (cannot be used as FB format) Added GLSL300 and/or GLSL310 to different materials * Cleaned GLSL300 generator Fixed shadows glsl lib removing use of GL_EXT_gpu_shaders5 * Fixed usag of textureCubeLod in fragment shader of envMapping which is unsupported in GLES2.0 Modified PBRLighting frag to properly compile on GLES3 * Added GLSL300 and 310 to PostShadowFilter material definition * Make post shadow filter use GLSL100 for GLSL300 Set highp as default precision to fix glitched shadows caused because not enough precision * Changed water_normalmap.dds to uncompressed RGB8 because DXT1 is mostly unsupported in GLES * Fixed GLES30 compilation issues in Water shaders and added GLSL300 to LightScattering material. ** Not fully tested * Added RGB8 dds formatted FullskiesSunset to be used in any platform. Previous file moved to _dtx1.dds * Set GL_TEXTURE_MAX_LEVEL in GLES30 contexts fixing issue with not fully mipmapped images and PBR rendering * Fixed compilation of jme3-android-examples and upgraded sdk version to use * Fixed Geometry Shader and Tessellation Shaders in testdata package to properly compile on GLES320 * Added non-compressed textures to be able to run all examples on android Enabled texture arrays and 3d textures on opengl es 3.0. Peding to implement wrappers to android gl functions (currently getting NullPointerException) * More GLES30 functions included to properly support texture arrays, 3d textures and multisampling matching jme core code * Fixed 3D texture tests for GLES30 Fixed texture 3D and texture array example shader compilation on GLES30 Fixed some random missing precision compilation errors on GLES30 * Fixed TestTextureArray for GLES30 * Some multisample additions and removal of GLES3 multisampling enable caps Added RGBA16F as valid format for GLES32 and using it by default in env camera instead of RGB16F. kept fall back to RGB8 * added float and half float formats for gles30 added rgb10a2 format for gles30 fixed usage of glTexImage2D removed EnvironmentCamera fallback image format as it's useless now * Added more image formats for GLES30 Fixed rgb8 if having Caps.Rgba8 * Enabled RadialBlur for gles30 * Fixed luminance texture formats for gles * Added more depth image formats for gles3 * Enabled multisampling in gles3 * Added GLES30 functions to GLDebugES Reverted TestTexture3D and TestTextureArray to use RGB8 format Updated EnvMapping100.frag to use EXT_shader_texture_lod in gles sl 100 if available * Removed all aditional not used compressed dds files Removed also Pond and rock png files previously used in TestTextureArray * Removed compressed water_normalmap_dxt1.dds * Changed GLES_30 and AndroidGL implementing GL2 to avoid duplicated code checking GL2 vs GLES30 * Added aditional checking to avoid gles30 calls from gles20 only devices
5 years ago
allprojects {
repositories {
apply plugin: 'base'
apply from: file('version.gradle')
// This is applied to all sub projects
subprojects {
if(!project.name.equals('jme3-android-examples')) {
apply from: rootProject.file('common.gradle')
8 years ago
if (!project.name.equals('jme3-testdata')) {
apply from: rootProject.file('bintray.gradle')
} else {
apply from: rootProject.file('common-android-app.gradle')
task run(dependsOn: ':jme3-examples:run') {
description = 'Run the jME3 examples'
defaultTasks 'run'
task libDist(dependsOn: subprojects.build, description: 'Builds and copies the engine binaries, sources and javadoc to build/libDist') {
doLast {
File libFolder = mkdir("$buildDir/libDist/lib")
File sourceFolder = mkdir("$buildDir/libDist/sources")
File javadocFolder = mkdir("$buildDir/libDist/javadoc")
subprojects.each {project ->
if(project.ext.mainClass == ''){
project.tasks.withType(Jar).each {archiveTask ->
if(archiveTask.classifier == "sources"){
copy {
from archiveTask.archivePath
into sourceFolder
rename {project.name + '-' + archiveTask.classifier +'.'+ archiveTask.extension}
} else if(archiveTask.classifier == "javadoc"){
copy {
from archiveTask.archivePath
into javadocFolder
rename {project.name + '-' + archiveTask.classifier +'.'+ archiveTask.extension}
} else{
copy {
from archiveTask.archivePath
into libFolder
rename {project.name + '.' + archiveTask.extension}
task createZipDistribution(type:Zip,dependsOn:["dist","libDist"], description:"Package the nightly zip distribution"){
archiveName "jME" + jmeFullVersion + ".zip"
into("/") {
from {"./dist"}
8 years ago
into("/sources") {
8 years ago
from {"$buildDir/libDist/sources"}
task copyLibs(type: Copy){
// description 'Copies the engine dependencies to build/libDist'
from {
subprojects*.configurations*.compile*.copyRecursive({ !(it instanceof ProjectDependency); })*.resolve()
into "$buildDir/libDist/lib-ext" //buildDir.path + '/' + libsDirName + '/lib'
task dist(dependsOn: [':jme3-examples:dist', 'mergedJavadoc']){
description 'Creates a jME3 examples distribution with all jme3 binaries, sources, javadoc and external libraries under ./dist'
task mergedJavadoc(type: Javadoc, description: 'Creates Javadoc from all the projects.') {
title = 'jMonkeyEngine3'
destinationDir = mkdir("dist/javadoc")
8 years ago
options.encoding = 'UTF-8'
// Allows Javadoc to be generated on Java 8 despite doclint errors.
if (JavaVersion.current().isJava8Compatible()) {
options.addStringOption('Xdoclint:none', '-quiet')
8 years ago
options.overview = file("javadoc-overview.html")
// Note: The closures below are executed lazily.
source subprojects.collect {project ->
classpath = files(subprojects.collect {project ->
// source {
// subprojects*.sourceSets*.main*.allSource
// }
classpath.from {
subprojects*.configurations*.compile*.copyRecursive({ !(it instanceof ProjectDependency); })*.resolve()
task cleanMergedJavadoc(type: Delete) {
delete file('dist/javadoc')
task mergedSource(type: Copy){
ext {
ndkCommandPath = ""
ndkExists = false
task configureAndroidNDK {
def ndkBuildFile = "ndk-build"
// if windows, use ndk-build.cmd instead
if (System.properties['os.name'].toLowerCase().contains('windows')) {
ndkBuildFile = "ndk-build.cmd"
// ndkPath is defined in the root project gradle.properties file
String ndkBuildPath = ndkPath + File.separator + ndkBuildFile
//Use the environment variable for the NDK location if defined
if (System.env.ANDROID_NDK != null) {
ndkBuildPath = System.env.ANDROID_NDK + File.separator + ndkBuildFile
8 years ago
if (new File(ndkBuildPath).exists()) {
ndkExists = true
ndkCommandPath = ndkBuildPath
gradle.rootProject.ext.set("usePrebuildNatives", buildNativeProjects!="true");
if (skipPrebuildLibraries != "true" && buildNativeProjects != "true") {
String rootPath = rootProject.projectDir.absolutePath
Properties nativesSnasphotProp = new Properties()
File nativesSnasphotPropF = new File("${rootPath}/natives-snapshot.properties");
if (nativesSnasphotPropF.exists()) {
nativesSnasphotPropF.withInputStream { nativesSnasphotProp.load(it) }
String nativesSnasphot = nativesSnasphotProp.getProperty("natives.snapshot");
String nativesUrl = PREBUILD_NATIVES_URL.replace('${natives.snapshot}', nativesSnasphot)
println "Use natives snapshot: " + nativesUrl
String nativesZipFile = "${rootPath}" + File.separator + "build" + File.separator + nativesSnasphot + "-natives.zip"
String nativesPath = "${rootPath}" + File.separator + "build" + File.separator + "native"
task getNativesZipFile {
outputs.file nativesZipFile
doFirst {
File target = file(nativesZipFile);
println("Download natives from " + nativesUrl + " to " + nativesZipFile);
ant.get(src: nativesUrl, dest: target);
task extractPrebuiltNatives {
inputs.file nativesZipFile
outputs.dir nativesPath
dependsOn getNativesZipFile
doFirst {
for (File src : zipTree(nativesZipFile)) {
String srcRel = src.getAbsolutePath().substring((int) (nativesZipFile.length() + 1));
srcRel = srcRel.substring(srcRel.indexOf(File.separator) + 1);
File dest = new File(nativesPath + File.separator + srcRel);
boolean doCopy = !(dest.exists() && dest.lastModified() > src.lastModified())
if (doCopy) {
println("Copy " + src + " " + dest);
Files.copy(src.toPath(), dest.toPath(), StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING);
assemble.dependsOn extractPrebuiltNatives
//class IncrementalReverseTask extends DefaultTask {
// @InputDirectory
// def File inputDir
// @OutputDirectory
// def File outputDir
// @Input
// def inputProperty
// @TaskAction
// void execute(IncrementalTaskInputs inputs) {
// println inputs.incremental ? "CHANGED inputs considered out of date" : "ALL inputs considered out of date"
// inputs.outOfDate { change ->
// println "out of date: ${change.file.name}"
// def targetFile = new File(outputDir, change.file.name)
// targetFile.text = change.file.text.reverse()
// }
// inputs.removed { change ->
// println "removed: ${change.file.name}"
// def targetFile = new File(outputDir, change.file.name)
// targetFile.delete()
// }
// }
//allprojects {
// tasks.withType(JavaExec) {
// enableAssertions = true // false by default
// }
// tasks.withType(Test) {
// enableAssertions = true // true by default
// }