// OpenAL Soft r1.15.1
//String openALSoftUrl = 'http://repo.or.cz/w/openal-soft.git/snapshot/9b6a226da55a987cb883f425eeb568776ea12c8d.zip'
// OpenAL Soft r1.15.1 + Android OpenSL Support
String openALSoftUrl = 'http://repo.or.cz/w/openal-soft.git/snapshot/be25e6802dacad78876c6fa1d6a5c63797b8a9ed.zip'
// OpenAL Soft r1.15.1 latest build (at the time)
//String openALSoftUrl = 'http://repo.or.cz/w/openal-soft.git/snapshot/3f5914e0949ee12b504ee7254990e007ff8057ef.zip'
String openALSoftZipFile = 'OpenALSoft.zip'
// OpenAL Soft directory the download is extracted into
// Typically, the downloaded OpenAL Soft zip file will extract to a directory
// called "openal-soft"
String openALSoftFolder = 'openal-soft'
//Working directory for the ndk build.
//Must be the parent directory of the jni directory
//Libs directory (output of ndk) will be created in this directory as well
String openalsoftBuildDir = "${buildDir}" + File.separator + 'openalsoft'
// jME Android Native source files path
String openalsoftJmeAndroidPath = 'src/native/jme_openalsoft'
// Download external source files if not available
task downloadOpenALSoft(type: MyDownload) {
sourceUrl = openALSoftUrl
target = file(openALSoftZipFile)
// Unzip external source files
task unzipOpenALSoft(type: Copy) {
def zipFile = file(openALSoftZipFile)
def outputDir = file(".")
from zipTree(zipFile)
into outputDir
unzipOpenALSoft.dependsOn {
def zipFilePath = project.projectDir.absolutePath + File.separator + openALSoftZipFile
def zipFile = new File(zipFilePath)
// println "zipFile path: " + zipFile.absolutePath
// println "zipFile exists: " + zipFile.exists()
if (!zipFile.exists()) {
// Copy external source files to jni directory
task copyOpenALSoft(type: Copy) {
def sourceDir = file(openALSoftFolder)
def outputDir = file(openalsoftBuildDir + File.separator + 'jni')
// println "copyOpenALSoft sourceDir: " + sourceDir
// println "copyOpenALSoft outputDir: " + outputDir
from sourceDir
into outputDir
copyOpenALSoft.dependsOn {
def openALSoftUnzipDir = new File(project.projectDir.absolutePath + File.separator + openALSoftFolder)
// println "openALSoftUnzipDir path: " + openALSoftUnzipDir.absolutePath
// println "openALSoftUnzipDir exists: " + openALSoftUnzipDir.isDirectory()
if (!openALSoftUnzipDir.isDirectory()) {
// Copy jME Android native files to jni directory
task copyJmeOpenALSoft(type: Copy, dependsOn:copyOpenALSoft) {
def sourceDir = file(openalsoftJmeAndroidPath)
def outputDir = file(openalsoftBuildDir + File.separator + 'jni')
// println "copyJmeOpenALSoft sourceDir: " + sourceDir
// println "copyJmeOpenALSoft outputDir: " + outputDir
from sourceDir
into outputDir
jar.into("lib") { from openalsoftBuildDir + File.separator + 'libs' }
task generateOpenAlSoftHeaders(dependsOn:copyJmeOpenALSoft) <<{
String destDir = openalsoftBuildDir + File.separator + 'jni'
String classes = ""
.concat("com.jme3.audio.android.AndroidOpenALSoftAudioRenderer, ")
// println "openalsoft classes = " + classes
// println "openalsoft destDir = " + destDir
// println "openalsoft classpath = " + project.projectClassPath
classpath: project.projectClassPath,
destdir: destDir,
class: classes
task buildOpenAlSoftNativeLib(type: Exec, dependsOn: generateOpenAlSoftHeaders) {
// println "openalsoft build dir: " + openalsoftBuildDir
// println "ndkCommandPath: " + project.ndkCommandPath
args 'TARGET_PLATFORM=android-9'
workingDir openalsoftBuildDir
executable project.ndkCommandPath
compileJava.dependsOn {
// ndkPath is defined in the root project gradle.properties file
if (ndkCommandPath != null && new File(ndkCommandPath).exists()) {
// Helper class to wrap ant dowload task
class MyDownload extends DefaultTask {
String sourceUrl
File target
void download() {
ant.get(src: sourceUrl, dest: target)