A complete 3D game development suite written purely in Java.
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import org.gradle.api.artifacts.*
//location of jme3 engine sources
String jmeSvnRoot = '../jme3-gradle/engine/'
apply plugin: 'base' // To add "clean" task to the root project.
//apply plugin: 'java-library-distribution'
// This is applied to all sub projects
subprojects {
// Don't add to native builds
// if(!project.name.endsWith('native')){
apply from: rootProject.file('common.gradle')
// }
task(run, dependsOn: ':jme3-examples:build', type: JavaExec) {
main = 'jme3test.TestChooser'
classpath = files(subprojects.collect {project ->
// classpath = sourceSets.main.runtimeClasspath
// args 'mrhaki'
// systemProperty 'simple.message', 'Hello '
defaultTasks 'run'
//evaluationDependsOn ":jme3-examples"
//task run(dependsOn: subprojects.run)
//run.dependsOn subprojects.'jme3-examples'.run//':jme3-examples:run'
task clearjme(type: Delete){
description 'Deletes the source folders inside the project folders for copying a new version of the engine sources'
delete 'jme3-android/src'
delete 'jme3-android-native/src'
delete 'jme3-blender/src'
delete 'jme3-jbullet/src'
delete 'jme3-bullet/src'
delete 'jme3-bullet-native/src'
delete 'jme3-core/src'
delete 'jme3-desktop/src'
delete 'jme3-effects/src'
delete 'jme3-examples/src'
delete 'jme3-jogg/src'
delete 'jme3-jogl/src'
delete 'jme3-lwjgl/src'
delete 'jme3-networking/src'
delete 'jme3-niftygui/src'
delete 'jme3-plugins/src'
delete 'jme3-terrain/src'
delete 'jme3-testdata/src'
task copyjme(dependsOn: clearjme) << {
description 'Copies the jME3 sources from a svn checkout to the project folders'
ant.copy(todir: 'jme3-android/src/main/java',
includeEmptyDirs: false) {
fileset(dir: jmeSvnRoot + 'src/android') {
include(name: '**/*.java')
ant.copy(todir: 'jme3-android-native/src/native/android',
includeEmptyDirs: false) {
fileset(dir: jmeSvnRoot + 'src/openal-soft-native/android') {
include(name: '**/*.cpp')
include(name: '**/*.h')
include(name: '**/*.mk')
exclude(name: '.**')
ant.copy(todir: 'jme3-blender/src/main/java',
includeEmptyDirs: false) {
fileset(dir: jmeSvnRoot + 'src/blender') {
include(name: '**/*.java')
ant.copy(todir: 'jme3-bullet/src/main/java',
includeEmptyDirs: false) {
fileset(dir: jmeSvnRoot + 'src/bullet') {
include(name: '**/*.java')
ant.copy(todir: 'jme3-bullet/src/common/java',
includeEmptyDirs: false) {
fileset(dir: jmeSvnRoot + 'src/bullet-common') {
include(name: '**/*.java')
ant.copy(todir: 'jme3-jbullet/src/main/java',
includeEmptyDirs: false) {
fileset(dir: jmeSvnRoot + 'src/jbullet') {
include(name: '**/*.java')
ant.copy(todir: 'jme3-bullet-native/src/native/cpp',
includeEmptyDirs: false) {
fileset(dir: jmeSvnRoot + 'src/bullet-native') {
include(name: '**/*.h')
include(name: '**/*.cpp')
exclude(name: 'android/**')
ant.copy(todir: 'jme3-bullet-native/src/native/android',
includeEmptyDirs: false) {
fileset(dir: jmeSvnRoot + 'src/bullet-native/android') {
include(name: '**/*.mk')
ant.copy(todir: 'jme3-core/src/main/java',
includeEmptyDirs: false) {
fileset(dir: jmeSvnRoot + 'src/core') {
include(name: '**/*.java')
ant.copy(todir: 'jme3-core/src/main/resources',
includeEmptyDirs: false) {
fileset(dir: jmeSvnRoot + 'src/core') {
exclude(name: '**/*.java')
exclude(name: '**/*.html')
ant.copy(todir: 'jme3-core/src/main/resources',
includeEmptyDirs: false) {
fileset(dir: jmeSvnRoot + 'src/core-data') {
exclude(name: '**/*.java')
exclude(name: '**/*.html')
ant.copy(todir: 'jme3-core/src/plugins/java',
includeEmptyDirs: false) {
fileset(dir: jmeSvnRoot + 'src/core-plugins') {
include(name: '**/*.java')
ant.copy(todir: 'jme3-core/src/tools/java',
includeEmptyDirs: false) {
fileset(dir: jmeSvnRoot + 'src/tools') {
include(name: '**/*.java')
ant.copy(todir: 'jme3-desktop/src/main/java',
includeEmptyDirs: false) {
fileset(dir: jmeSvnRoot + 'src/desktop') {
include(name: '**/*.java')
ant.copy(todir: 'jme3-desktop/src/main/resources',
includeEmptyDirs: false) {
fileset(dir: jmeSvnRoot + 'src/desktop') {
exclude(name: '**/*.java')
exclude(name: '**/*.html')
ant.copy(todir: 'jme3-effects/src/main/java',
includeEmptyDirs: false) {
fileset(dir: jmeSvnRoot + 'src/core-effects') {
include(name: '**/*.java')
ant.copy(todir: 'jme3-effects/src/main/resources',
includeEmptyDirs: false) {
fileset(dir: jmeSvnRoot + 'src/core-effects') {
exclude(name: '**/*.java')
exclude(name: '**/*.html')
ant.copy(todir: 'jme3-examples/src/main/java',
includeEmptyDirs: false) {
fileset(dir: jmeSvnRoot + 'src/test') {
include(name: '**/*.java')
ant.copy(todir: 'jme3-jogg/src/main/java',
includeEmptyDirs: false) {
fileset(dir: jmeSvnRoot + 'src/jogg') {
include(name: '**/*.java')
ant.copy(todir: 'jme3-jogl/src/main/java',
includeEmptyDirs: false) {
fileset(dir: jmeSvnRoot + 'src/jogl') {
include(name: '**/*.java')
ant.copy(todir: 'jme3-lwjgl/src/main/java',
includeEmptyDirs: false) {
fileset(dir: jmeSvnRoot + 'src/lwjgl') {
include(name: '**/*.java')
ant.copy(todir: 'jme3-networking/src/main/java',
includeEmptyDirs: false) {
fileset(dir: jmeSvnRoot + 'src/networking') {
include(name: '**/*.java')
ant.copy(todir: 'jme3-niftygui/src/main/java',
includeEmptyDirs: false) {
fileset(dir: jmeSvnRoot + 'src/niftygui') {
include(name: '**/*.java')
ant.copy(todir: 'jme3-plugins/src/xml/java',
includeEmptyDirs: false) {
fileset(dir: jmeSvnRoot + 'src/xml') {
include(name: '**/*.java')
ant.copy(todir: 'jme3-plugins/src/ogre/java',
includeEmptyDirs: false) {
fileset(dir: jmeSvnRoot + 'src/ogre') {
include(name: '**/*.java')
ant.copy(todir: 'jme3-terrain/src/main/java',
includeEmptyDirs: false) {
fileset(dir: jmeSvnRoot + 'src/terrain') {
include(name: '**/*.java')
ant.copy(todir: 'jme3-terrain/src/main/resources',
includeEmptyDirs: false) {
fileset(dir: jmeSvnRoot + 'src/terrain') {
exclude(name: '**/*.java')
exclude(name: '**/*.html')
ant.copy(todir: 'jme3-testdata/src/main/resources',
includeEmptyDirs: false) {
fileset(dir: jmeSvnRoot + 'test-data')
//task copyjme(type: Copy, dependsOn:clearjme) {
// from(jmeSvnRoot+'src/android') {
// include '**/*.java'
// into 'jme3-android/src/main/java'
// }
// from(jmeSvnRoot+'src/blender') {
// include '**/*.java'
// into 'jme3-blender/src/main/java'
// }
// // BULLET
// from(jmeSvnRoot+'src/bullet') {
// include '**/*.java'
// into 'jme3-bullet/src/main/java'
// }
// from(jmeSvnRoot+'src/bullet-common') {
// include '**/*.java'
// into 'jme3-bullet/src/common/java'
// }
// from(jmeSvnRoot+'src/jbullet') {
// include '**/*.java'
// into 'jme3-jbullet/src/main/java'
// }
// from(jmeSvnRoot+'src/bullet-native') {
// include '**/*.h'
// include '**/*.cpp'
// exclude 'android/**'
// into 'jme3-bullet-native/src/native/cpp'
// }
// from(jmeSvnRoot+'src/bullet-native') {
// include '**/*.mk'
// into 'jme3-bullet-native/src/native/android-mk'
// }
// // CORE
// from(jmeSvnRoot+'src/core') {
// include '**/*.java'
// into 'jme3-core/src/main/java'
// }
// from(jmeSvnRoot+'src/core') {
// exclude '**/*.java'
// exclude '**/*.html'
// into 'jme3-core/src/main/resources'
// }
// from(jmeSvnRoot+'src/core-data') {
// exclude '**/*.java'
// exclude '**/*.html'
// into 'jme3-core/src/main/resources'
// }
// from(jmeSvnRoot+'src/core-plugins') {
// include '**/*.java'
// into 'jme3-core/src/plugins/java'
// }
// from(jmeSvnRoot+'src/tools') {
// include '**/*.java'
// into 'jme3-core/src/tools/java'
// }
// from(jmeSvnRoot+'src/desktop') {
// include '**/*.java'
// into 'jme3-desktop/src/main/java'
// }
// from(jmeSvnRoot+'src/desktop') {
// exclude '**/*.java'
// exclude '**/*.html'
// into 'jme3-desktop/src/main/resources'
// }
// from(jmeSvnRoot+'src/core-effects') {
// include '**/*.java'
// into 'jme3-effects/src/main/java'
// }
// from(jmeSvnRoot+'src/core-effects') {
// exclude '**/*.java'
// exclude '**/*.html'
// into 'jme3-effects/src/main/resources'
// }
// from(jmeSvnRoot+'src/test') {
// include '**/*.java'
// into 'jme3-examples/src/main/java'
// }
// //JOGG
// from(jmeSvnRoot+'src/jogg') {
// include '**/*.java'
// into 'jme3-jogg/src/main/java'
// }
// //JOGL
// from(jmeSvnRoot+'src/jogl') {
// include '**/*.java'
// into 'jme3-jogl/src/main/java'
// }
// //LWJGL
// from(jmeSvnRoot+'src/lwjgl') {
// include '**/*.java'
// into 'jme3-lwjgl/src/main/java'
// }
// from(jmeSvnRoot+'src/networking') {
// include '**/*.java'
// into 'jme3-networking/src/main/java'
// }
// from(jmeSvnRoot+'src/niftygui') {
// include '**/*.java'
// into 'jme3-niftygui/src/main/java'
// }
// from(jmeSvnRoot+'src/xml') {
// include '**/*.java'
// into 'jme3-plugins/src/xml/java'
// }
// from(jmeSvnRoot+'src/ogre') {
// include '**/*.java'
// into 'jme3-plugins/src/ogre/java'
// }
// from(jmeSvnRoot+'src/terrain') {
// include '**/*.java'
// into 'jme3-terrain/src/main/java'
// }
// from(jmeSvnRoot+'src/terrain') {
// exclude '**/*.java'
// exclude '**/*.html'
// into 'jme3-terrain/src/main/resources'
// }
// from(jmeSvnRoot+'test-data') {
// into 'jme3-testdata/src/main/resources'
// }
// includeEmptyDirs = false
// into '.'
task libDist(dependsOn: subprojects.build) << {
// description 'Builds and copies the engine binaries, sources and javadoc to build/libDist'
File libFolder = mkdir("$buildDir/libDist/lib")
File sourceFolder = mkdir("$buildDir/libDist/sources")
File javadocFolder = mkdir("$buildDir/libDist/javadoc")
subprojects.each {project ->
if(project.ext.mainClass == ''){
project.tasks.withType(Jar).each {archiveTask ->
if(archiveTask.classifier == "sources"){
copy {
from archiveTask.archivePath
into sourceFolder
} else if(archiveTask.classifier == "javadoc"){
copy {
from archiveTask.archivePath
into javadocFolder
} else{
copy {
from archiveTask.archivePath
into libFolder
task copyLibs(type: Copy){
// description 'Copies the engine dependencies to build/libDist'
from {
subprojects*.configurations*.compile*.copyRecursive({ !(it instanceof ProjectDependency); })*.resolve()
into "$buildDir/libDist/lib-ext" //buildDir.path + '/' + libsDirName + '/lib'
task dist{
description 'Creates a distribution of all jme3 binaries, sources, javadoc and external libraries under build/libDist'
dist.dependsOn libDist
dist.dependsOn copyLibs
task mergedJavadoc(type: Javadoc, description: 'Creates Javadoc from all the projects.') {
title = 'All modules'
destinationDir = new File(project.buildDir, 'merged-javadoc')
// Note: The closures below are executed lazily.
source subprojects.collect {project ->
classpath = files(subprojects.collect {project ->
// source {
// subprojects*.sourceSets*.main*.allSource
// }
// classpath.from {
// subprojects*.configurations*.compile*.copyRecursive({ !(it instanceof ProjectDependency); })*.resolve()
// }
//task javadoc(type: Javadoc) {
// source subprojects.collect {project ->
// project.sourceSets*.allJava
// }
// destinationDir = new File(buildDir, 'javadoc')
// // Might need a classpath
// classpath = files(subprojects.collect {project ->
// project.sourceSets.main.compileClasspath})
task wrapper(type: Wrapper, description: 'Creates and deploys the Gradle wrapper to the current directory.') {
gradleVersion = '1.10'
//class IncrementalReverseTask extends DefaultTask {
// @InputDirectory
// def File inputDir
// @OutputDirectory
// def File outputDir
// @Input
// def inputProperty
// @TaskAction
// void execute(IncrementalTaskInputs inputs) {
// println inputs.incremental ? "CHANGED inputs considered out of date" : "ALL inputs considered out of date"
// inputs.outOfDate { change ->
// println "out of date: ${change.file.name}"
// def targetFile = new File(outputDir, change.file.name)
// targetFile.text = change.file.text.reverse()
// }
// inputs.removed { change ->
// println "removed: ${change.file.name}"
// def targetFile = new File(outputDir, change.file.name)
// targetFile.delete()
// }
// }