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package com.jme3.input.vr;
import com.jme3.app.VREnvironment;
import com.jme3.math.*;
import com.jme3.renderer.Camera;
import com.jme3.texture.FrameBuffer;
import com.jme3.texture.Image;
import com.jme3.texture.Texture2D;
import org.lwjgl.BufferUtils;
import org.lwjgl.PointerBuffer;
import org.lwjgl.ovr.*;
import java.nio.IntBuffer;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import static org.lwjgl.BufferUtils.createPointerBuffer;
import static org.lwjgl.ovr.OVR.*;
import static org.lwjgl.ovr.OVRErrorCode.ovrSuccess;
import static org.lwjgl.ovr.OVRUtil.ovr_Detect;
import static org.lwjgl.system.MemoryUtil.*;
* Oculus VR (LibOVR 1.3.0) Native support.
* @author Campbell Suter <znix@znix.xyz>
public class OculusVR implements VRAPI {
private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(OculusVR.class.getName());
private final VREnvironment environment;
private boolean initialized;
* Pointer to the HMD object
private long session;
* Information about the VR session (should the app quit, is
* it visible or is the universal menu open, etc)
private OVRSessionStatus sessionStatus;
* HMD information, such as product name and manufacturer.
private OVRHmdDesc hmdDesc;
* The horizontal resolution of the HMD
private int resolutionW;
* The vertical resolution of the HMD
private int resolutionH;
* Field-of-view data for each eye (how many degrees from the
* center can the user see).
private final OVRFovPort fovPorts[] = new OVRFovPort[2];
* Data about each eye to be rendered - in particular, the
* offset from the center of the HMD to the eye.
private final OVREyeRenderDesc eyeRenderDesc[] = new OVREyeRenderDesc[2];
* Store the projections for each eye, so we don't have to malloc
* and recalculate them each frame.
private final OVRMatrix4f[] projections = new OVRMatrix4f[2];
* Store the poses for each eye.
* @see #getHMDMatrixPoseLeftEye()
private final Matrix4f[] eyePoses = new Matrix4f[2];
* The eye poses, as used during rendering.
private final OVRPosef eyePosesPtr[] = new OVRPosef[2];
* The eye positions relative to the world, as used by jME.
private final Vector3f eyePositions[] = new Vector3f[2];
* The position and orientation of the user's head.
private OVRPosef headPose;
// The size of the texture drawn onto the HMD
private int textureW;
private int textureH;
// Layers to render into
private PointerBuffer layers;
private OVRLayerEyeFov layer0;
* Chain texture set thing.
private long chain;
* Frame buffers we can draw into.
private FrameBuffer framebuffers[];
public OculusVR(VREnvironment environment) {
this.environment = environment;
public OpenVRInput getVRinput() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
public String getName() {
return "OVR";
public int getDisplayFrequency() {
// TODO find correct frequency. I'm not sure
// if LibOVR has a way to do that, though.
return 60;
public boolean initialize() {
OVRDetectResult detect = OVRDetectResult.calloc();
ovr_Detect(0, detect);
boolean connected = detect.IsOculusHMDConnected();
LOGGER.info("OVRDetectResult.IsOculusHMDConnected = " + connected);
LOGGER.info("OVRDetectResult.IsOculusServiceRunning = " + detect.IsOculusServiceRunning());
if (!connected) {
return false;
initialized = true;
// step 1 - hmd init
System.out.println("step 1 - hmd init");
OVRLogCallback callback = new OVRLogCallback() {
public void invoke(long userData, int level, long message) {
System.out.println("LibOVR [" + userData + "] [" + level + "] " + memASCII(message));
OVRInitParams initParams = OVRInitParams.calloc();
if (ovr_Initialize(initParams) != ovrSuccess) {
System.out.println("init failed");
System.out.println("OVR SDK " + ovr_GetVersionString());
// step 2 - hmd create
System.out.println("step 2 - hmd create");
PointerBuffer pHmd = memAllocPointer(1);
OVRGraphicsLuid luid = OVRGraphicsLuid.calloc();
if (ovr_Create(pHmd, luid) != ovrSuccess) {
System.out.println("create failed, try debug");
//debug headset is now enabled via the Oculus Configuration util . tools -> Service -> Configure
return false;
session = pHmd.get(0);
sessionStatus = OVRSessionStatus.calloc();
// step 3 - hmdDesc queries
System.out.println("step 3 - hmdDesc queries");
hmdDesc = OVRHmdDesc.malloc();
ovr_GetHmdDesc(session, hmdDesc);
System.out.println("ovr_GetHmdDesc = " + hmdDesc.ManufacturerString() + " " + hmdDesc.ProductNameString() + " " + hmdDesc.SerialNumberString() + " " + hmdDesc.Type());
if (hmdDesc.Type() == ovrHmd_None) {
System.out.println("missing init");
return false;
resolutionW = hmdDesc.Resolution().w();
resolutionH = hmdDesc.Resolution().h();
System.out.println("resolution W=" + resolutionW + ", H=" + resolutionH);
if (resolutionW == 0) {
System.out.println("Huh - width=0");
return false;
// FOV
for (int eye = 0; eye < 2; eye++) {
fovPorts[eye] = hmdDesc.DefaultEyeFov(eye);
System.out.println("eye " + eye + " = " + fovPorts[eye].UpTan() + ", " + fovPorts[eye].DownTan() + ", " + fovPorts[eye].LeftTan() + ", " + fovPorts[eye].RightTan());
// TODO what does this do? I think it might be the height of the player, for correct floor heights?
// playerEyePos = new Vector3f(0.0f, -ovr_GetFloat(session, OVR_KEY_EYE_HEIGHT, 1.65f), 0.0f);
// step 4 - tracking - no longer needed as of
// step 5 - projections
System.out.println("step 5 - projections");
for (int eye = 0; eye < 2; eye++) {
projections[eye] = OVRMatrix4f.malloc();
OVRUtil.ovrMatrix4f_Projection(fovPorts[eye], 0.5f, 500f, OVRUtil.ovrProjection_None, projections[eye]);
//1.3 was right handed, now none flag
// step 6 - render desc
System.out.println("step 6 - render desc");
for (int eye = 0; eye < 2; eye++) {
eyeRenderDesc[eye] = OVREyeRenderDesc.malloc();
ovr_GetRenderDesc(session, eye, fovPorts[eye], eyeRenderDesc[eye]);
// Changed from an offset to a pose, so there is also a rotation.
System.out.println("ipd eye " + eye + " = " + eyeRenderDesc[eye].HmdToEyePose().Position().x());
OVRPosef pose = eyeRenderDesc[eye].HmdToEyePose();
Matrix4f jPose = new Matrix4f();
jPose.setTranslation(vecO2J(pose.Position(), new Vector3f()));
jPose.setRotationQuaternion(quatO2J(pose.Orientation(), new Quaternion()));
eyePoses[eye] = jPose;
eyePositions[eye] = new Vector3f(); // Set the absolute position up for later.
// step 7 - recenter
System.out.println("step 7 - recenter");
// throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not yet implemented!");
return true;
public void updatePose() {
double ftiming = ovr_GetPredictedDisplayTime(session, 0);
OVRTrackingState hmdState = OVRTrackingState.malloc();
ovr_GetTrackingState(session, ftiming, true, hmdState);
//get head pose
headPose = hmdState.HeadPose().ThePose();
//build view offsets struct
OVRPosef.Buffer hmdToEyeOffsets = OVRPosef.calloc(2);
hmdToEyeOffsets.put(0, eyeRenderDesc[ovrEye_Left].HmdToEyePose());
hmdToEyeOffsets.put(1, eyeRenderDesc[ovrEye_Right].HmdToEyePose());
//calculate eye poses
OVRPosef.Buffer outEyePoses = OVRPosef.create(2);
OVRUtil.ovr_CalcEyePoses(headPose, hmdToEyeOffsets, outEyePoses);
eyePosesPtr[ovrEye_Left] = outEyePoses.get(0);
eyePosesPtr[ovrEye_Right] = outEyePoses.get(1);
for (int i = 0; i < eyePosesPtr.length; i++) {
vecO2J(eyePosesPtr[i].Position(), eyePositions[i]);
public boolean isInitialized() {
return initialized;
public void destroy() {
// fovPorts: contents are managed by LibOVR, no need to do anything.
// Check if we've set up rendering - if so, clean that up.
if (chain != 0) {
// Destroy our set of huge buffer images.
ovr_DestroyTextureSwapChain(session, chain);
// Free up the layer
// The layers array apparently takes care of itself (and crashes if we try to free it)
for (OVREyeRenderDesc eye : eyeRenderDesc) {
for (OVRMatrix4f projection : projections) {
// Wrap everything up
public void reset() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
public void getRenderSize(Vector2f store) {
store.x = resolutionW;
store.y = resolutionH;
public float getInterpupillaryDistance() {
return 0.065f; // TODO
public Quaternion getOrientation() {
return quatO2J(headPose.Orientation(), new Quaternion());
public Vector3f getPosition() {
return vecO2J(headPose.Position(), new Vector3f());
public void getPositionAndOrientation(Vector3f storePos, Quaternion storeRot) {
vecO2J(headPose.Position(), storePos);
quatO2J(headPose.Orientation(), storeRot);
public Matrix4f getHMDMatrixProjectionLeftEye(Camera cam) {
return matrixO2J(projections[ovrEye_Left], new Matrix4f());
public Matrix4f getHMDMatrixProjectionRightEye(Camera cam) {
return matrixO2J(projections[ovrEye_Right], new Matrix4f());
public Vector3f getHMDVectorPoseLeftEye() {
return eyePositions[ovrEye_Left];
public Vector3f getHMDVectorPoseRightEye() {
return eyePositions[ovrEye_Right];
public Vector3f getSeatedToAbsolutePosition() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
public Matrix4f getHMDMatrixPoseLeftEye() {
return eyePoses[ovrEye_Left];
public Matrix4f getHMDMatrixPoseRightEye() {
return eyePoses[ovrEye_Left];
public HmdType getType() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
public boolean initVRCompositor(boolean set) {
if (!set) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Cannot use LibOVR without compositor!");
// TODO move initialization code here from VRViewManagerOculus
return true;
public void printLatencyInfoToConsole(boolean set) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not yet implemented!");
public void setFlipEyes(boolean set) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not yet implemented!");
public Void getCompositor() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not yet implemented!");
public Void getVRSystem() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not yet implemented!");
// Rendering-type stuff
public void findHMDTextureSize() {
// Texture sizes
float pixelScaling = 1.0f; // pixelsPerDisplayPixel
OVRSizei leftTextureSize = OVRSizei.malloc();
ovr_GetFovTextureSize(session, ovrEye_Left, fovPorts[ovrEye_Left], pixelScaling, leftTextureSize);
System.out.println("leftTextureSize W=" + leftTextureSize.w() + ", H=" + leftTextureSize.h());
OVRSizei rightTextureSize = OVRSizei.malloc();
ovr_GetFovTextureSize(session, ovrEye_Right, fovPorts[ovrEye_Right], pixelScaling, rightTextureSize);
System.out.println("rightTextureSize W=" + rightTextureSize.w() + ", H=" + rightTextureSize.h());
textureW = leftTextureSize.w() + rightTextureSize.w();
textureH = Math.max(leftTextureSize.h(), rightTextureSize.h());
private PointerBuffer setupTextureChain() {
// Set up the information for the texture buffer chain thing
OVRTextureSwapChainDesc swapChainDesc = OVRTextureSwapChainDesc.calloc()
.StaticImage(false); // ovrFalse
// Create the chain
PointerBuffer textureSetPB = createPointerBuffer(1);
if (OVRGL.ovr_CreateTextureSwapChainGL(session, swapChainDesc, textureSetPB) != ovrSuccess) {
throw new RuntimeException("Failed to create Swap Texture Set");
chain = textureSetPB.get(0);
System.out.println("done chain creation");
return textureSetPB;
public void setupLayers() {
PointerBuffer chainPtr = setupTextureChain();
layer0 = OVRLayerEyeFov.calloc();
for (int eye = 0; eye < 2; eye++) {
OVRRecti viewport = OVRRecti.calloc();
layer0.Viewport(eye, viewport);
layer0.Fov(eye, fovPorts[eye]);
// we update pose only when we have it in the render loop
layers = createPointerBuffer(1);
layers.put(0, layer0);
* Create framebuffers bound to each of the eye textures
public void setupFramebuffers() {
// Find the chain length
IntBuffer length = BufferUtils.createIntBuffer(1);
ovr_GetTextureSwapChainLength(session, chain, length);
int chainLength = length.get();
System.out.println("chain length=" + chainLength);
// Create the frame buffers
framebuffers = new FrameBuffer[chainLength];
for (int i = 0; i < chainLength; i++) {
// find the GL texture ID for this texture
IntBuffer textureIdB = BufferUtils.createIntBuffer(1);
OVRGL.ovr_GetTextureSwapChainBufferGL(session, chain, i, textureIdB);
int textureId = textureIdB.get();
// TODO less hacky way of getting our texture into JMonkeyEngine
Image img = new Image();
Texture2D tex = new Texture2D(img);
FrameBuffer buffer = new FrameBuffer(textureW, textureH, 1);
framebuffers[i] = buffer;
// TODO move to helper class
* Copy the values from a LibOVR matrix into a jMonkeyEngine matrix.
* @param from The matrix to copy from.
* @param to The matrix to copy to.
* @return The {@code to} argument.
public static Matrix4f matrixO2J(OVRMatrix4f from, Matrix4f to) {
for (int x = 0; x < 4; x++) {
for (int y = 0; y < 4; y++) {
float val = from.M(x + y * 4); // TODO verify this
to.set(x, y, val);
return to;
* Copy the values from a LibOVR quaternion into a jMonkeyEngine quaternion.
* @param from The quaternion to copy from.
* @param to The quaternion to copy to.
* @return The {@code to} argument.
public static Quaternion quatO2J(OVRQuatf from, Quaternion to) {
return to;
* Copy the values from a LibOVR vector into a jMonkeyEngine vector.
* @param from The vector to copy from.
* @param to The vector to copy to.
* @return The {@code to} argument.
public static Vector3f vecO2J(OVRVector3f from, Vector3f to) {
return to;
// Getters, intended for VRViewManager.
public long getSessionPointer() {
return session;
public long getChain() {
return chain;
public FrameBuffer[] getFramebuffers() {
return framebuffers;
public PointerBuffer getLayers() {
return layers;
public OVRLayerEyeFov getLayer0() {
return layer0;
public OVRPosef[] getEyePosesPtr() {
return eyePosesPtr;
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