A complete 3D game development suite written purely in Java.
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set -euo pipefail
echo " - Checking if natives changed in commit $TRAVIS_COMMIT.."
8 years ago
git status -v
NATIVE_CHANGES="$(git diff-tree --name-only "$TRAVIS_COMMIT" -- jme3-bullet-native/)"
8 years ago
git status -v
git log -n 2
if [ "$NATIVE_CHANGES" != "" ]; then
echo " - Configuring GIT user"
git config --global user.email "travis-ci"
git config --global user.name "travis-ci"
echo " - Decrypting private key"
openssl aes-256-cbc -K $encrypted_f0a0b284e2e8_key -iv $encrypted_f0a0b284e2e8_iv -in private/key.enc -out "$HOME/.ssh/id_rsa" -d
chmod 600 "$HOME/.ssh/id_rsa"
git status -v
ls -lsh jme3-bullet-native/build/libs/bulletjme/shared/
# md5 -r jme3-bullet-native/libs/native/osx/x86/libbulletjme.dylib jme3-bullet-native/build/libs/bulletjme/shared/mac32/libbulletjme.dylib
echo " - Pushing natives onto branch $TRAVIS_BRANCH"
git checkout "$TRAVIS_BRANCH"
git status -v
git add -v -- jme3-bullet-native/libs/native/
git status -v
git commit -v -m "[ci skip] bullet: update $TRAVIS_OS_NAME natives"
git status -v
git pull -q --rebase
git status -v
#git push git@github.com:jMonkeyEngine/jmonkeyengine.git
echo No native changes.