- The original jinput project is at https://github.com/jinput/jinput
Class | -Description | -
AbstractComponent | -
- Skeleton implementation of a named axis.
- |
AbstractController | -
- An AbstractController is a skeleton implementation of a controller that
- contains a fixed number of axes, controllers, and rumblers.
- |
AWTEnvironmentPlugin | -- |
Component | -
- An axis is a single button, slider, or dial, which has a single range.
- |
Component.Identifier | -
- Identifiers for different Axes.
- |
Component.Identifier.Axis | -- |
Component.Identifier.Button | -- |
Component.Identifier.Key | -
- KeyIDs for standard PC (LATIN-1) keyboards
- |
Component.POV | -
- POV enum for different positions.
- |
Controller | -
- A Controller represents a physical device, such as a keyboard, mouse,
- or joystick, or a logical grouping of related controls, such as a button
- pad or mouse ball.
- |
Controller.PortType | -
- Common controller port types.
- |
Controller.Type | -
- Types of controller objects.
- |
ControllerEnvironment | -
- A ControllerEnvironment represents a collection of controllers that are
- physically or logically linked.
- |
ControllerEvent | -
- An event that is fired when the state of a controller changes
- |
ControllerListener | -
- A listener for changes in the state of controllers
- |
DirectAndRawInputEnvironmentPlugin | -
- Combines the list of seperate keyboards and mice found with the raw plugin,
- with the game controllers found with direct input.
- |
DirectInputEnvironmentPlugin | -
- DirectInput implementation of controller environment
- |
Event | -- |
EventQueue | -
- A FIFO queue for input events.
- |
Keyboard | -
- A Keyboard is a type of controller consisting of a single controller,
- they keypad, which contains several axes (the keys).
- |
LinuxCombinedController | -- |
LinuxEnvironmentPlugin | -
- Environment plugin for linux
- |
LinuxJoystickPOV | -- |
Mouse | -
- A Mouse is a type of controller consisting of two child controllers,
- a ball and a button pad.
- |
OSXEnvironmentPlugin | -
- OSX HIDManager implementation
- |
Plugin | -
- This is a marker interface used to mark plugins in a Jar file
- for retrieval by the Plugins class.
- |
PluginLoader | -
- This class is used internally by the Plugin system.
- |
Plugins | -
- This is the application interface to the Plugin system.
- |
RawInputEnvironmentPlugin | -
- DirectInput implementation of controller environment
- |
Rumbler | -
- A Rumbler is a controller's mechanism for delivering feedback
- to the user through the device.
- |
Usage | -
- Generic Desktop Usages
- |
Version | -
- The version and build number of this implementation.
- |
Version | -
- The version and build number of this implementation.
- |
WinTabButtonComponent | -- |
WinTabComponent | -- |
WinTabContext | -- |
WinTabCursorComponent | -- |
WinTabDevice | -- |
WinTabEnvironmentPlugin | -- |
WinTabPacket | -- |
All Classes
- AbstractComponent -
- AbstractController -
- AWTEnvironmentPlugin -
- Component -
- Component.Identifier -
- Component.Identifier.Axis -
- Component.Identifier.Button -
- Component.Identifier.Key -
- Component.POV -
- Controller -
- Controller.PortType -
- Controller.Type -
- ControllerEnvironment -
- ControllerEvent -
- ControllerListener -
- DirectAndRawInputEnvironmentPlugin -
- DirectInputEnvironmentPlugin -
- Event -
- EventQueue -
- Keyboard -
- LinuxCombinedController -
- LinuxEnvironmentPlugin -
- LinuxJoystickPOV -
- Mouse -
- OSXEnvironmentPlugin -
- Plugin -
- PluginLoader -
- Plugins -
- RawInputEnvironmentPlugin -
- Rumbler -
- Usage -
- Version -
- Version -
- WinTabButtonComponent -
- WinTabComponent -
- WinTabContext -
- WinTabCursorComponent -
- WinTabDevice -
- WinTabEnvironmentPlugin -
- WinTabPacket -
All Packages
-Package Summary -- - -Package -Description -- -net.java.games.input -- -net.java.games.util -- - -net.java.games.util.plugins -
Constant Field Values
- net.java.* -
-net.java.games.input.Component.POV -- - -Modifier and Type -Constant Field -Value -- -- - -public static final float
- -- - -public static final float
- -- - -public static final float
- -- - -public static final float
- -- - -public static final float
- -- - -public static final float
- -- - -public static final float
- -- - -public static final float
- -- - -public static final float
- - -- - -public static final float
- -
-net.java.games.input.WinTabDevice -- - -Modifier and Type -Constant Field -Value -- -- - -public static final int
- -- - -public static final int
- -- - -public static final int
- -- - -public static final int
- -- - -public static final int
- -- - -public static final int
- - -- - -public static final int
Deprecated API
-How This API Document Is Organized
- -Overview
-The Overview page is the front page of this API document and provides a list of all packages with a summary for each. This page can also contain an overall description of the set of packages.
- -
- -Package
-Each package has a page that contains a list of its classes and interfaces, with a summary for each. These pages may contain six categories:
- Interfaces -
- Classes -
- Enums -
- Exceptions -
- Errors -
- Annotation Types -
- -
- -Class or Interface
-Each class, interface, nested class and nested interface has its own separate page. Each of these pages has three sections consisting of a class/interface description, summary tables, and detailed member descriptions:
- Class Inheritance Diagram -
- Direct Subclasses -
- All Known Subinterfaces -
- All Known Implementing Classes -
- Class or Interface Declaration -
- Class or Interface Description -
- Nested Class Summary -
- Field Summary -
- Property Summary -
- Constructor Summary -
- Method Summary -
- Field Detail -
- Property Detail -
- Constructor Detail -
- Method Detail -
Each summary entry contains the first sentence from the detailed description for that item. The summary entries are alphabetical, while the detailed descriptions are in the order they appear in the source code. This preserves the logical groupings established by the programmer.
- -
- -Annotation Type
-Each annotation type has its own separate page with the following sections:
- Annotation Type Declaration -
- Annotation Type Description -
- Required Element Summary -
- Optional Element Summary -
- Element Detail -
- -
- -Enum
-Each enum has its own separate page with the following sections:
- Enum Declaration -
- Enum Description -
- Enum Constant Summary -
- Enum Constant Detail -
- -
- -Use
-Each documented package, class and interface has its own Use page. This page describes what packages, classes, methods, constructors and fields use any part of the given class or package. Given a class or interface A, its "Use" page includes subclasses of A, fields declared as A, methods that return A, and methods and constructors with parameters of type A. You can access this page by first going to the package, class or interface, then clicking on the "Use" link in the navigation bar.
- -
- -Tree (Class Hierarchy)
-There is a Class Hierarchy page for all packages, plus a hierarchy for each package. Each hierarchy page contains a list of classes and a list of interfaces. Classes are organized by inheritance structure starting with
. Interfaces do not inherit fromjava.lang.Object
- When viewing the Overview page, clicking on "Tree" displays the hierarchy for all packages. -
- When viewing a particular package, class or interface page, clicking on "Tree" displays the hierarchy for only that package. -
- -
- -Deprecated API
-The Deprecated API page lists all of the API that have been deprecated. A deprecated API is not recommended for use, generally due to improvements, and a replacement API is usually given. Deprecated APIs may be removed in future implementations.
- -
- -Index
-The Index contains an alphabetic index of all classes, interfaces, constructors, methods, and fields, as well as lists of all packages and all classes.
- -
- -All Classes
-The All Classes link shows all classes and interfaces except non-static nested types.
- -
- -Serialized Form
-Each serializable or externalizable class has a description of its serialization fields and methods. This information is of interest to re-implementors, not to developers using the API. While there is no link in the navigation bar, you can get to this information by going to any serialized class and clicking "Serialized Form" in the "See also" section of the class description.
- -
- -Constant Field Values
-The Constant Field Values page lists the static final fields and their values.
- -
- -Search
-You can search for definitions of modules, packages, types, fields, methods and other terms defined in the API, using some or all of the name. "Camel-case" abbreviations are supported: for example, "InpStr" will find "InputStream" and "InputStreamReader".
-This help file applies to API documentation generated by the standard doclet.
All Classes All Packages - - -
- A - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Button -
-'A' button on a gamepad-
- A - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Key -
- -
- AbstractComponent - Class in net.java.games.input -
-Skeleton implementation of a named axis.-
- AbstractComponent(String, Component.Identifier) - Constructor for class net.java.games.input.AbstractComponent -
-Protected constructor-
- AbstractController - Class in net.java.games.input -
-An AbstractController is a skeleton implementation of a controller that - contains a fixed number of axes, controllers, and rumblers.-
- AbstractController(String, Component[], Controller[], Rumbler[]) - Constructor for class net.java.games.input.AbstractController -
-Protected constructor for a controller containing the specified - axes, child controllers, and rumblers-
- ADD - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Key -
- -
- addControllerListener(ControllerListener) - Method in class net.java.games.input.ControllerEnvironment -
-Adds a listener for controller state change events.-
- APOSTROPHE - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Key -
- -
- APPS - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Key -
- -
- AT - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Key -
- -
- attemptPluginDefine(Class) - Method in class net.java.games.util.plugins.PluginLoader -
-This function is called as part of scanning the Jar for - plugins.-
- AWTEnvironmentPlugin - Class in net.java.games.input -
- -
- AWTEnvironmentPlugin() - Constructor for class net.java.games.input.AWTEnvironmentPlugin -
- -
- AX - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Key -
- -
- Axis(String) - Constructor for class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Axis -
- -
All Classes All Packages
All Classes All Packages - - -
- K - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Key -
- -
- KANA - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Key -
- -
- KANJI - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Key -
- -
- Key(String) - Constructor for class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Key -
-Protected constructor-
- Keyboard - Class in net.java.games.input -
-A Keyboard is a type of controller consisting of a single controller, - they keypad, which contains several axes (the keys).-
- Keyboard(String, Component[], Controller[], Rumbler[]) - Constructor for class net.java.games.input.Keyboard -
-Protected constructor.-
- KEYBOARD - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Controller.Type -
-A keyboard controller-
All Classes All Packages
All Classes All Packages - - -
- L - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Key -
- -
- LALT - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Key -
- -
- lastKnownValue - Variable in class net.java.games.input.WinTabComponent -
- -
- LBRACKET - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Key -
- -
- LCONTROL - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Key -
- -
- LEFT - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Button -
-The primary or leftmost mouse button.-
- LEFT - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Key -
- -
- LEFT - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.POV -
-Standard value for left HAT position-
- LEFT_THUMB - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Button -
-Left thumb button on a gamepad-
- LEFT_THUMB2 - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Button -
-Second left thumb button on a gamepad-
- LEFT_THUMB3 - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Button -
-Another left thumb button on a gamepad (how many thumbs do you have??)-
- LinuxCombinedController - Class in net.java.games.input -
- -
- LinuxEnvironmentPlugin - Class in net.java.games.input -
-Environment plugin for linux-
- LinuxEnvironmentPlugin() - Constructor for class net.java.games.input.LinuxEnvironmentPlugin -
- -
- LinuxJoystickPOV - Class in net.java.games.input -
- -
- LSHIFT - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Key -
- -
- LWIN - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Key -
- -
All Classes All Packages
All Classes All Packages - - -
- M - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Key -
- -
- main(String[]) - Static method in class net.java.games.input.Version -
- -
- MIDDLE - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Button -
-Returns the middle mouse button, not present if the mouse has fewer than three buttons.-
- MINUS - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Key -
- -
- MODE - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Button -
-'Mode' button on a gamepad-
- Mouse - Class in net.java.games.input -
-A Mouse is a type of controller consisting of two child controllers, - a ball and a button pad.-
- Mouse(String, Component[], Controller[], Rumbler[]) - Constructor for class net.java.games.input.Mouse -
- -
- MOUSE - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Controller.Type -
-Mouse controller.-
- MULTIPLY - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Key -
- -
All Classes All Packages
All Classes All Packages - - -
- N - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Key -
- -
- net.java.games.input - package net.java.games.input -
- -
- net.java.games.util - package net.java.games.util -
- -
- net.java.games.util.plugins - package net.java.games.util.plugins -
- -
- NETWORK - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Controller.PortType -
-Network port-
- NOCONVERT - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Key -
- -
- NPressureAxis - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.WinTabDevice -
- -
- NUMLOCK - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Key -
- -
- NUMPAD0 - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Key -
- -
- NUMPAD1 - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Key -
- -
- NUMPAD2 - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Key -
- -
- NUMPAD3 - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Key -
- -
- NUMPAD4 - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Key -
- -
- NUMPAD5 - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Key -
- -
- NUMPAD6 - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Key -
- -
- NUMPAD7 - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Key -
- -
- NUMPAD8 - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Key -
- -
- NUMPAD9 - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Key -
- -
- NUMPADCOMMA - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Key -
- -
- NUMPADENTER - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Key -
- -
- NUMPADEQUAL - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Key -
- -
All Classes All Packages
All Classes All Packages - - -
- O - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Key -
- -
- OFF - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.POV -
-Standard value for center HAT position-
- open() - Method in class net.java.games.input.WinTabContext -
- -
- OrientationAxis - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.WinTabDevice -
- -
- OSXEnvironmentPlugin - Class in net.java.games.input -
-OSX HIDManager implementation-
- OSXEnvironmentPlugin() - Constructor for class net.java.games.input.OSXEnvironmentPlugin -
- -
All Classes All Packages
All Classes All Packages - - -
- P - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Key -
- -
- PAGEDOWN - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Key -
- -
- PAGEUP - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Key -
- -
- PARALLEL - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Controller.PortType -
-Parallel port-
- PAUSE - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Key -
- -
- PERIOD - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Key -
- -
- PINKIE - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Button -
-The joystick button you play with with you little finger (Pinkie on *that* side - of the pond :P)-
- Plugin - Interface in net.java.games.util.plugins -
-This is a marker interface used to mark plugins in a Jar file - for retrieval by the Plugins class.-
- PluginLoader - Class in net.java.games.util.plugins -
-This class is used internally by the Plugin system.-
- PluginLoader(File) - Constructor for class net.java.games.util.plugins.PluginLoader -
-Creates a new instance of PluginLodaer - If the system property "net.java.games.util.plugins.nolocalnative" is - not set then the laoder will look for requried native libs in the - same directory as the plugin jar.-
- Plugins - Class in net.java.games.util.plugins -
-This is the application interface to the Plugin system.-
- Plugins(File) - Constructor for class net.java.games.util.plugins.Plugins -
-Creates a new instance of Plugins-
- poll() - Method in class net.java.games.input.AbstractComponent -
- -
- poll() - Method in class net.java.games.input.AbstractController -
- -
- poll() - Method in interface net.java.games.input.Controller -
-Polls axes for data.-
- poll() - Method in class net.java.games.input.WinTabComponent -
- -
- pollDevice() - Method in class net.java.games.input.AbstractController -
- -
- pollDevice() - Method in class net.java.games.input.LinuxCombinedController -
- -
- pollDevice() - Method in class net.java.games.input.WinTabDevice -
- -
- PortType(String) - Constructor for class net.java.games.input.Controller.PortType -
-Protected constructor-
- POV - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Axis -
-An axis for a point-of-view control.-
- POV() - Constructor for class net.java.games.input.Component.POV -
- -
- POWER - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Key -
- -
- processEvents() - Method in class net.java.games.input.WinTabContext -
- -
- processPacket(WinTabPacket) - Method in class net.java.games.input.WinTabButtonComponent -
- -
- processPacket(WinTabPacket) - Method in class net.java.games.input.WinTabComponent -
- -
- processPacket(WinTabPacket) - Method in class net.java.games.input.WinTabCursorComponent -
- -
- processPacket(WinTabPacket) - Method in class net.java.games.input.WinTabDevice -
- -
All Classes All Packages
All Classes All Packages - - -
- R - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Key -
- -
- RALT - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Key -
- -
- RawInputEnvironmentPlugin - Class in net.java.games.input -
-DirectInput implementation of controller environment-
- RawInputEnvironmentPlugin() - Constructor for class net.java.games.input.RawInputEnvironmentPlugin -
-Creates new DirectInputEnvironment-
- RBRACKET - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Key -
- -
- RCONTROL - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Key -
- -
- removeControllerListener(ControllerListener) - Method in class net.java.games.input.ControllerEnvironment -
-Removes a listener for controller state change events.-
- rescanControllers() - Method in class net.java.games.input.AWTEnvironmentPlugin -
-Returns a list of all controllers available to this environment, - or an empty array if there are no controllers in this environment.-
- rescanControllers() - Method in class net.java.games.input.ControllerEnvironment -
-Rescans the devices and provides a list of new controllers.-
- rescanControllers() - Method in class net.java.games.input.DirectAndRawInputEnvironmentPlugin -
- -
- rescanControllers() - Method in class net.java.games.input.DirectInputEnvironmentPlugin -
- -
- rescanControllers() - Method in class net.java.games.input.LinuxEnvironmentPlugin -
- -
- rescanControllers() - Method in class net.java.games.input.OSXEnvironmentPlugin -
- -
- rescanControllers() - Method in class net.java.games.input.RawInputEnvironmentPlugin -
- -
- rescanControllers() - Method in class net.java.games.input.WinTabEnvironmentPlugin -
- -
- RETURN - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Key -
- -
- RIGHT - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Button -
-The secondary or rightmost mouse button, not present if the mouse is a single-button mouse.-
- RIGHT - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Key -
- -
- RIGHT - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.POV -
-Standard value for right HAT position-
- RIGHT_THUMB - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Button -
-Right thumb button on a gamepad-
- RIGHT_THUMB2 - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Button -
-Second right thumb button on a gamepad-
- RIGHT_THUMB3 - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Button -
-Another right thumb button on a gamepad-
- RotationAxis - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.WinTabDevice -
- -
- RSHIFT - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Key -
- -
- RUDDER - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Controller.Type -
-Rudder controller.-
- rumble(float) - Method in interface net.java.games.input.Rumbler -
-Rumble with the specified intensity.-
- Rumbler - Interface in net.java.games.input -
-A Rumbler is a controller's mechanism for delivering feedback - to the user through the device.-
- RWIN - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Key -
- -
- RX - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Axis -
-An axis for specifying left-right rotational data.-
- RX_ACCELERATION - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Axis -
-An axis for specifying left-right angular acceleration data.-
- RX_FORCE - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Axis -
-An axis for specifying left-right angular force (torque) data.-
- RX_VELOCITY - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Axis -
-An axis for specifying left-right angular velocity data.-
- RY - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Axis -
-An axis for specifying forward-back rotational data.-
- RY_ACCELERATION - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Axis -
-An axis for specifying forward-back angular acceleration data.-
- RY_FORCE - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Axis -
-An axis for specifying forward-back angular force (torque) data.-
- RY_VELOCITY - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Axis -
-An axis for specifying forward-back angular velocity data.-
- RZ - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Axis -
-An axis for specifying up-down rotational data - (rudder control).-
- RZ_ACCELERATION - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Axis -
-An axis for specifying up-down angular acceleration data.-
- RZ_FORCE - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Axis -
-An axis for specifying up-down angular force (torque) data.-
- RZ_VELOCITY - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Axis -
-An axis for specifying up-down angular velocity data.-
All Classes All Packages
All Classes All Packages - - -
- S - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Key -
- -
- SCROLL - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Key -
- -
- SELECT - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Button -
-'Select' button on a gamepad-
- SEMICOLON - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Key -
- -
- SERIAL - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Controller.PortType -
-Serial port-
- set(Component, float, long) - Method in class net.java.games.input.Event -
- -
- set(Event) - Method in class net.java.games.input.Event -
- -
- setDeviceEventQueueSize(int) - Method in class net.java.games.input.AbstractController -
-Plugins override this method to adjust their internal event queue size-
- setEventQueueSize(int) - Method in class net.java.games.input.AbstractController -
-Creates a new EventQueue.-
- setEventQueueSize(int) - Method in interface net.java.games.input.Controller -
-Initialized the controller event queue to a new size.-
- SIDE - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Button -
-Returns the side mouse button.-
- SLASH - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Key -
- -
- SLEEP - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Key -
- -
- SLIDER - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Axis -
-An axis for a slider or mouse wheel.-
- SLIDER_ACCELERATION - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Axis -
-An axis for slider or mouse wheel acceleration data.-
- SLIDER_FORCE - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Axis -
-An axis for slider force data.-
- SLIDER_VELOCITY - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Axis -
-An axis for slider or mouse wheel velocity data.-
- SPACE - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Key -
- -
- START - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Button -
-'Start' button on a gamepad-
- STICK - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Controller.Type -
-Stick controller, such as a joystick or flightstick.-
- STOP - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Key -
- -
- STYLUS - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Button -
-Digitiser stylus button-
- STYLUS2 - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Button -
-Second digitiser stylus button-
- SUBTRACT - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Key -
- -
- SYSRQ - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Key -
- -
All Classes All Packages
All Classes All Packages - - -
- B - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Button -
-'B' button on a gamepad-
- B - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Key -
- -
- BACK - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Button -
-Returns the back mouse button.-
- BACK - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Key -
- -
- BACKSLASH - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Key -
- -
- BASE - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Button -
-Joystick button on the base of the device-
- BASE2 - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Button -
-Second joystick button on the base of the device-
- BASE3 - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Button -
-Thrid joystick button on the base of the device-
- BASE4 - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Button -
-Fourth joystick button on the base of the device-
- BASE5 - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Button -
-Fifth joystick button on the base of the device-
- BASE6 - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Button -
-Sixth joystick button on the base of the device-
- Button(String) - Constructor for class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Button -
- -
All Classes All Packages
All Classes All Packages - - -
- T - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Key -
- -
- TAB - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Key -
- -
- THUMB - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Button -
-Joystick thumb button-
- THUMB2 - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Button -
-Second joystick thumb button-
- TOOL_AIRBRUSH - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Button -
-Digitiser airbrush tool button-
- TOOL_BRUSH - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Button -
-Digitiser brush tool button-
- TOOL_FINGER - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Button -
-Digitiser finger tool button-
- TOOL_LENS - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Button -
-Digitiser lens tool button-
- TOOL_MOUSE - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Button -
-Digitiser mouse tool button-
- TOOL_PEN - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Button -
-Digitiser pen tool button-
- TOOL_PENCIL - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Button -
-Digitiser pencil tool button-
- TOOL_RUBBER - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Button -
-Digitiser rubber (eraser) tool button-
- TOP - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Button -
-Joystick top button-
- TOP2 - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Button -
-Second joystick top button-
- toString() - Method in class net.java.games.input.AbstractComponent -
-Returns a non-localized string description of this axis.-
- toString() - Method in class net.java.games.input.AbstractController -
-Returns a non-localized string description of this controller.-
- toString() - Method in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier -
-Returns a non-localized string description of this axis type.-
- toString() - Method in class net.java.games.input.Controller.PortType -
-Returns a non-localized string description of this port type.-
- toString() - Method in class net.java.games.input.Controller.Type -
-Returns a non-localized string description of this controller type.-
- toString() - Method in class net.java.games.input.Event -
- -
- TOUCH - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Button -
-Digitiser touch button-
- TPressureAxis - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.WinTabDevice -
- -
- TRACKBALL - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Controller.Type -
-A trackball controller; note that this may sometimes be treated as a - type of mouse.-
- TRACKPAD - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Controller.Type -
-A trackpad, such as a tablet, touchpad, or glidepad; - note that this may sometimes be treated as a type of mouse.-
- TRIGGER - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Button -
-Joystick trigger button-
- Type(String) - Constructor for class net.java.games.input.Controller.Type -
-Protected constructor-
All Classes All Packages
All Classes All Packages - - -
- U - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Key -
- -
- UNDERLINE - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Key -
- -
- UNKNOWN - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Axis -
-An unknown axis.-
- UNKNOWN - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Button -
-An unknown button-
- UNKNOWN - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Key -
- -
- UNKNOWN - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Controller.PortType -
-Unknown port type-
- UNKNOWN - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Controller.Type -
-Unkown controller type.-
- UNLABELED - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Key -
- -
- UP - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Key -
- -
- UP - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.POV -
-Standard value for up HAT position-
- UP_LEFT - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.POV -
-Standard value for up-left HAT position-
- UP_RIGHT - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.POV -
-Standard value for up-right HAT position-
- updateValue() - Method in class net.java.games.input.LinuxJoystickPOV -
- -
- Usage - Interface in net.java.games.input -
-Generic Desktop Usages-
- USB - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Controller.PortType -
-USB port-
All Classes All Packages
All Classes All Packages - - -
- V - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Key -
- -
- Version - Class in net.java.games.input -
-The version and build number of this implementation.-
- Version - Class in net.java.games.util -
-The version and build number of this implementation.-
- VOID - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Key -
-Standard keyboard (LATIN-1) keys - UNIX X11 keysym values are listed to the right-
All Classes All Packages
All Classes All Packages - - -
- W - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Key -
- -
- WHEEL - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Controller.Type -
-A wheel controller, such as a steering wheel (note - that a mouse wheel is considered part of a mouse, not a - wheel controller).-
- WinTabButtonComponent - Class in net.java.games.input -
- -
- WinTabButtonComponent(WinTabContext, int, String, Component.Identifier, int) - Constructor for class net.java.games.input.WinTabButtonComponent -
- -
- WinTabComponent - Class in net.java.games.input -
- -
- WinTabComponent(WinTabContext, int, String, Component.Identifier) - Constructor for class net.java.games.input.WinTabComponent -
- -
- WinTabComponent(WinTabContext, int, String, Component.Identifier, int, int) - Constructor for class net.java.games.input.WinTabComponent -
- -
- WinTabContext - Class in net.java.games.input -
- -
- WinTabContext(DummyWindow) - Constructor for class net.java.games.input.WinTabContext -
- -
- WinTabCursorComponent - Class in net.java.games.input -
- -
- WinTabCursorComponent(WinTabContext, int, String, Component.Identifier, int) - Constructor for class net.java.games.input.WinTabCursorComponent -
- -
- WinTabDevice - Class in net.java.games.input -
- -
- WinTabEnvironmentPlugin - Class in net.java.games.input -
- -
- WinTabEnvironmentPlugin() - Constructor for class net.java.games.input.WinTabEnvironmentPlugin -
-Creates new DirectInputEnvironment-
- WinTabPacket - Class in net.java.games.input -
- -
- WinTabPacket() - Constructor for class net.java.games.input.WinTabPacket -
- -
All Classes All Packages
All Classes All Packages - - -
- X - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Axis -
-An axis for specifying vertical data.-
- X - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Button -
-'X' button on a gamepad-
- X - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Key -
- -
- X_ACCELERATION - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Axis -
-An axis for specifying vertical acceleration data.-
- X_FORCE - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Axis -
-An axis for specifying vertical force data.-
- X_VELOCITY - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Axis -
-An axis for specifying vertical velocity data.-
- XAxis - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.WinTabDevice -
- -
All Classes All Packages
All Classes All Packages - - -
- Y - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Axis -
-An axis for specifying horizontal data.-
- Y - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Button -
-'Y' button on a gamepad-
- Y - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Key -
- -
- Y_ACCELERATION - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Axis -
-An axis for specifying horizontal acceleration data.-
- Y_FORCE - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Axis -
-An axis for specifying horizontal force data.-
- Y_VELOCITY - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Axis -
-An axis for specifying horizontal velocity data.-
- YAxis - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.WinTabDevice -
- -
- YEN - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Key -
- -
All Classes All Packages
All Classes All Packages - - -
- Z - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Axis -
-An axis for specifying third dimensional up/down - data, or linear data in any direction that is - neither horizontal nor vertical.-
- Z - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Button -
-'Z' button on a gamepad-
- Z - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Key -
- -
- Z_ACCELERATION - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Axis -
-An axis for specifying third dimensional up/down acceleration data.-
- Z_FORCE - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Axis -
-An axis for specifying third dimensional up/down force data.-
- Z_VELOCITY - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Axis -
-An axis for specifying third dimensional up/down velocity data.-
- ZAxis - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.WinTabDevice -
- -
All Classes All Packages
All Classes All Packages - - -
- _0 - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Button -
-First device button-
- _0 - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Key -
- -
- _1 - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Button -
-Second device button-
- _1 - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Key -
- -
- _10 - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Button -
- -
- _11 - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Button -
- -
- _12 - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Button -
- -
- _13 - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Button -
- -
- _14 - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Button -
- -
- _15 - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Button -
- -
- _16 - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Button -
- -
- _17 - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Button -
- -
- _18 - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Button -
- -
- _19 - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Button -
- -
- _2 - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Button -
-Thrid device button-
- _2 - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Key -
- -
- _20 - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Button -
- -
- _21 - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Button -
- -
- _22 - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Button -
- -
- _23 - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Button -
- -
- _24 - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Button -
- -
- _25 - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Button -
- -
- _26 - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Button -
- -
- _27 - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Button -
- -
- _28 - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Button -
- -
- _29 - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Button -
- -
- _3 - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Button -
-Fourth device button-
- _3 - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Key -
- -
- _30 - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Button -
- -
- _31 - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Button -
- -
- _4 - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Button -
-Fifth device button-
- _4 - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Key -
- -
- _5 - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Button -
-Sixth device button-
- _5 - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Key -
- -
- _6 - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Button -
-Seventh device button-
- _6 - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Key -
- -
- _7 - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Button -
-Eighth device button-
- _7 - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Key -
- -
- _8 - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Button -
-Ninth device button-
- _8 - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Key -
- -
- _9 - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Button -
-10th device button-
- _9 - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Key -
- -
All Classes All Packages
All Classes All Packages - - -
- C - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Button -
-'C' button on a gamepad-
- C - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Key -
- -
- CAPITAL - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Key -
- -
- CENTER - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.POV -
-Synonmous with OFF-
- CIRCUMFLEX - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Key -
- -
- close() - Method in class net.java.games.input.WinTabContext -
- -
- COLON - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Key -
- -
- COMMA - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Key -
- -
- Component - Interface in net.java.games.input -
-An axis is a single button, slider, or dial, which has a single range.-
- Component.Identifier - Class in net.java.games.input -
-Identifiers for different Axes.-
- Component.Identifier.Axis - Class in net.java.games.input -
- -
- Component.Identifier.Button - Class in net.java.games.input -
- -
- Component.Identifier.Key - Class in net.java.games.input -
-KeyIDs for standard PC (LATIN-1) keyboards-
- Component.POV - Class in net.java.games.input -
-POV enum for different positions.-
- Controller - Interface in net.java.games.input -
-A Controller represents a physical device, such as a keyboard, mouse, - or joystick, or a logical grouping of related controls, such as a button - pad or mouse ball.-
- Controller.PortType - Class in net.java.games.input -
-Common controller port types.-
- Controller.Type - Class in net.java.games.input -
-Types of controller objects.-
- controllerAdded(ControllerEvent) - Method in interface net.java.games.input.ControllerListener -
-Invoked when a controller has been added.-
- ControllerEnvironment - Class in net.java.games.input -
-A ControllerEnvironment represents a collection of controllers that are - physically or logically linked.-
- ControllerEnvironment() - Constructor for class net.java.games.input.ControllerEnvironment -
-Protected constructor for subclassing.-
- ControllerEvent - Class in net.java.games.input -
-An event that is fired when the state of a controller changes-
- ControllerEvent(Controller) - Constructor for class net.java.games.input.ControllerEvent -
-Creates a controller event object.-
- ControllerListener - Interface in net.java.games.input -
-A listener for changes in the state of controllers-
- controllerListeners - Variable in class net.java.games.input.ControllerEnvironment -
-List of controller listeners-
- controllerRemoved(ControllerEvent) - Method in interface net.java.games.input.ControllerListener -
-Invoked when a controller is lost.-
- CONVERT - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Key -
- -
- createButtons(WinTabContext, int, int) - Static method in class net.java.games.input.WinTabComponent -
- -
- createComponents(WinTabContext, int, int, int[]) - Static method in class net.java.games.input.WinTabComponent -
- -
- createCursors(WinTabContext, int, String[]) - Static method in class net.java.games.input.WinTabComponent -
- -
- createDevice(WinTabContext, int) - Static method in class net.java.games.input.WinTabDevice -
- -
All Classes All Packages
All Classes All Packages - - -
- D - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Key -
- -
- DEAD - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Button -
-erm, dunno, but it's in the defines so it might exist.-
- DECIMAL - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Key -
- -
- DELETE - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Key -
- -
- DirectAndRawInputEnvironmentPlugin - Class in net.java.games.input -
-Combines the list of seperate keyboards and mice found with the raw plugin, - with the game controllers found with direct input.-
- DirectAndRawInputEnvironmentPlugin() - Constructor for class net.java.games.input.DirectAndRawInputEnvironmentPlugin -
- -
- DirectInputEnvironmentPlugin - Class in net.java.games.input -
-DirectInput implementation of controller environment-
- DirectInputEnvironmentPlugin() - Constructor for class net.java.games.input.DirectInputEnvironmentPlugin -
-Creates new DirectInputEnvironment-
- DIVIDE - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Key -
- -
- DOWN - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Key -
- -
- DOWN - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.POV -
-Standard value for down HAT position-
- DOWN_LEFT - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.POV -
-Standard value for down-left HAT position-
- DOWN_RIGHT - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.POV -
-Standard value for down-right HAT position-
All Classes All Packages
All Classes All Packages - - -
- E - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Key -
- -
- END - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Key -
- -
- EQUALS - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Key -
- -
- ESCAPE - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Key -
- -
- Event - Class in net.java.games.input -
- -
- Event() - Constructor for class net.java.games.input.Event -
- -
- EventQueue - Class in net.java.games.input -
-A FIFO queue for input events.-
- EventQueue(int) - Constructor for class net.java.games.input.EventQueue -
-This is an internal method and should not be called by applications using the API-
- execute(LinuxDeviceTask) - Static method in class net.java.games.input.LinuxEnvironmentPlugin -
- -
- EXTRA - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Button -
-Returns the extra mouse button.-
- EXTRA_1 - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Button -
-Extra, unnamed, buttons-
- EXTRA_10 - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Button -
- -
- EXTRA_11 - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Button -
- -
- EXTRA_12 - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Button -
- -
- EXTRA_13 - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Button -
- -
- EXTRA_14 - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Button -
- -
- EXTRA_15 - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Button -
- -
- EXTRA_16 - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Button -
- -
- EXTRA_17 - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Button -
- -
- EXTRA_18 - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Button -
- -
- EXTRA_19 - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Button -
- -
- EXTRA_2 - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Button -
- -
- EXTRA_20 - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Button -
- -
- EXTRA_21 - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Button -
- -
- EXTRA_22 - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Button -
- -
- EXTRA_23 - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Button -
- -
- EXTRA_24 - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Button -
- -
- EXTRA_25 - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Button -
- -
- EXTRA_26 - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Button -
- -
- EXTRA_27 - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Button -
- -
- EXTRA_28 - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Button -
- -
- EXTRA_29 - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Button -
- -
- EXTRA_3 - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Button -
- -
- EXTRA_30 - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Button -
- -
- EXTRA_31 - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Button -
- -
- EXTRA_32 - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Button -
- -
- EXTRA_33 - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Button -
- -
- EXTRA_34 - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Button -
- -
- EXTRA_35 - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Button -
- -
- EXTRA_36 - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Button -
- -
- EXTRA_37 - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Button -
- -
- EXTRA_38 - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Button -
- -
- EXTRA_39 - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Button -
- -
- EXTRA_4 - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Button -
- -
- EXTRA_40 - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Button -
- -
- EXTRA_5 - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Button -
- -
- EXTRA_6 - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Button -
- -
- EXTRA_7 - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Button -
- -
- EXTRA_8 - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Button -
- -
- EXTRA_9 - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Button -
- -
All Classes All Packages
All Classes All Packages - - -
- F - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Key -
- -
- F1 - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Key -
- -
- F10 - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Key -
- -
- F11 - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Key -
- -
- F12 - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Key -
- -
- F13 - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Key -
- -
- F14 - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Key -
- -
- F15 - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Key -
- -
- F2 - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Key -
- -
- F3 - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Key -
- -
- F4 - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Key -
- -
- F5 - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Key -
- -
- F6 - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Key -
- -
- F7 - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Key -
- -
- F8 - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Key -
- -
- F9 - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Key -
- -
- findLibrary(String) - Method in class net.java.games.util.plugins.PluginLoader -
-This method is queried by the System.loadLibrary() - code to find the actual native name and path to the - native library to load.-
- FINGERSTICK - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Controller.Type -
-Fingerstick controller; note that this may be sometimes treated as a - type of mouse or stick.-
- fireControllerAdded(Controller) - Method in class net.java.games.input.ControllerEnvironment -
-Creates and sends an event to the controller listeners that a controller - has been added.-
- fireControllerRemoved(Controller) - Method in class net.java.games.input.ControllerEnvironment -
-Creates and sends an event to the controller listeners that a controller - has been lost.-
- FORWARD - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Button -
-Returns the forward mouse button.-
All Classes All Packages
All Classes All Packages - - -
- G - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Key -
- -
- GAME - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Controller.PortType -
-Standard game port-
- GAMEPAD - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Controller.Type -
-Gamepad controller.-
- get() - Method in class net.java.games.util.plugins.Plugins -
-This method returns all the Plugins found in the - directory passed in at object creation time or any of its - sub-directories.-
- getAxisIdentifier() - Method in interface net.java.games.input.Rumbler -
-Get the axis identifier the rumbler is attached to-
- getAxisName() - Method in interface net.java.games.input.Rumbler -
-Get the string name of the axis the rumbler is attached to-
- getBack() - Method in class net.java.games.input.Mouse -
-Returns the back mouse button, null if the mouse hasn't - got one.-
- getButton3() - Method in class net.java.games.input.Mouse -
-Returns forth mouse button, null if the mouse hasn't - got one.-
- getButton4() - Method in class net.java.games.input.Mouse -
-Returns fifth mouse button, null if the mouse hasn't - got one.-
- getComponent() - Method in class net.java.games.input.Event -
- -
- getComponent(Component.Identifier) - Method in class net.java.games.input.AbstractController -
-Returns a single component based on its identifier, or null - if no component with the specified type could be found.-
- getComponent(Component.Identifier) - Method in interface net.java.games.input.Controller -
-Returns a single axis based on its type, or null - if no axis with the specified type could be found.-
- getComponents() - Method in class net.java.games.input.AbstractController -
-Returns the components on this controller, in order of assignment priority.-
- getComponents() - Method in interface net.java.games.input.Controller -
-Returns the components on this controller, in order of assignment priority.-
- getController() - Method in class net.java.games.input.ControllerEvent -
-Returns the controller for this event.-
- getControllers() - Method in class net.java.games.input.AbstractController -
-Returns the controllers connected to make up this controller, or - an empty array if this controller contains no child controllers.-
- getControllers() - Method in class net.java.games.input.AWTEnvironmentPlugin -
- -
- getControllers() - Method in interface net.java.games.input.Controller -
-Returns the controllers connected to make up this controller, or - an empty array if this controller contains no child controllers.-
- getControllers() - Method in class net.java.games.input.ControllerEnvironment -
-Returns a list of all controllers available to this environment, - or an empty array if there are no controllers in this environment.-
- getControllers() - Method in class net.java.games.input.DirectAndRawInputEnvironmentPlugin -
- -
- getControllers() - Method in class net.java.games.input.DirectInputEnvironmentPlugin -
- -
- getControllers() - Method in class net.java.games.input.LinuxEnvironmentPlugin -
-Returns a list of all controllers available to this environment, - or an empty array if there are no controllers in this environment.-
- getControllers() - Method in class net.java.games.input.OSXEnvironmentPlugin -
- -
- getControllers() - Method in class net.java.games.input.RawInputEnvironmentPlugin -
- -
- getControllers() - Method in class net.java.games.input.WinTabContext -
- -
- getControllers() - Method in class net.java.games.input.WinTabEnvironmentPlugin -
- -
- getDeadZone() - Method in class net.java.games.input.AbstractComponent -
-Returns the suggested dead zone for this axis.-
- getDeadZone() - Method in interface net.java.games.input.Component -
-Returns the suggested dead zone for this axis.-
- getDefaultEnvironment() - Static method in class net.java.games.input.ControllerEnvironment -
-Returns the default environment for input controllers.-
- getEventQueue() - Method in class net.java.games.input.AbstractController -
- -
- getEventQueue() - Method in interface net.java.games.input.Controller -
-Get the device event queue-
- getExtends(Class) - Method in class net.java.games.util.plugins.Plugins -
-This method returns a sub-list of all the found Plugin - classes that extend the passed in Class - (either directly or through inheritance.)-
- getExtra() - Method in class net.java.games.input.Mouse -
-Returns the extra or 5th mouse button, null if the mouse has - fewer than 5 buttons.-
- getForward() - Method in class net.java.games.input.Mouse -
-Returns the forward mouse button, null if the mouse hasn't - got one.-
- getIdentifier() - Method in class net.java.games.input.AbstractComponent -
-Returns the type or identifier of the axis.-
- getIdentifier() - Method in interface net.java.games.input.Component -
-Returns the identifier of the axis.-
- getImplementsAll(Class[]) - Method in class net.java.games.util.plugins.Plugins -
-This method returns a sub-list of all the found Plugin - classes that implement all of the passed in set of - Interfaces (either directly or through inheritance.)-
- getImplementsAny(Class[]) - Method in class net.java.games.util.plugins.Plugins -
-This method returns a sub-list of all the found Plugin - classes that implement any of the passed in set of - Interfaces (either directly or through inheritance.)-
- getLeft() - Method in class net.java.games.input.Mouse -
-Returns the left mouse button.-
- getMiddle() - Method in class net.java.games.input.Mouse -
-Returns the middle, null if the mouse has fewer than three buttons.-
- getName() - Method in class net.java.games.input.AbstractComponent -
-Returns a human-readable name for this axis.-
- getName() - Method in class net.java.games.input.AbstractController -
-Returns a human-readable name for this Controller.-
- getName() - Method in interface net.java.games.input.Component -
-Returns a human-readable name for this axis.-
- getName() - Method in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier -
-Returns a non-localized string description of this axis type.-
- getName() - Method in interface net.java.games.input.Controller -
-Returns a human-readable name for this Controller.-
- getNanos() - Method in class net.java.games.input.Event -
-Return the time the event happened, in nanoseconds.-
- getNextDeviceEvent(Event) - Method in class net.java.games.input.AbstractController -
- -
- getNextDeviceEvent(Event) - Method in class net.java.games.input.LinuxCombinedController -
- -
- getNextDeviceEvent(Event) - Method in class net.java.games.input.WinTabDevice -
- -
- getNextEvent(Event) - Method in class net.java.games.input.EventQueue -
-Populates the provided event with the details of the event on the head of the queue.-
- getPollData() - Method in class net.java.games.input.AbstractComponent -
-Returns the data from the last time the control has been polled.-
- getPollData() - Method in interface net.java.games.input.Component -
-Returns the data from the last time the control has been polled.-
- getPortNumber() - Method in class net.java.games.input.AbstractController -
-Returns the zero-based port number for this Controller.-
- getPortNumber() - Method in interface net.java.games.input.Controller -
-Returns the zero-based port number for this Controller.-
- getPortType() - Method in class net.java.games.input.AbstractController -
-Returns the port type for this Controller.-
- getPortType() - Method in interface net.java.games.input.Controller -
-Returns the port type for this Controller.-
- getPortType() - Method in class net.java.games.input.LinuxCombinedController -
- -
- getPrimaryButton() - Method in class net.java.games.input.Mouse -
-Returns the left or primary mouse button, never null.-
- getRight() - Method in class net.java.games.input.Mouse -
-Returns the right, null if the mouse is a single-button mouse.-
- getRumblers() - Method in class net.java.games.input.AbstractController -
-Returns the rumblers for sending feedback to this controller, or an - empty array if there are no rumblers on this controller.-
- getRumblers() - Method in interface net.java.games.input.Controller -
-Returns the rumblers for sending feedback to this controller, or an - empty array if there are no rumblers on this controller.-
- getSecondaryButton() - Method in class net.java.games.input.Mouse -
-Returns the right or secondary mouse button, null if the mouse is - a single-button mouse.-
- getSide() - Method in class net.java.games.input.Mouse -
-Returns the side or 4th mouse button, null if the mouse has - fewer than 4 buttons.-
- getTertiaryButton() - Method in class net.java.games.input.Mouse -
-Returns the middle or tertiary mouse button, null if the mouse has - fewer than three buttons.-
- getType() - Method in class net.java.games.input.AbstractController -
-Returns the type of the Controller.-
- getType() - Method in interface net.java.games.input.Controller -
-Returns the type of the Controller.-
- getType() - Method in class net.java.games.input.Keyboard -
-Returns the type of the Controller.-
- getType() - Method in class net.java.games.input.LinuxCombinedController -
- -
- getType() - Method in class net.java.games.input.Mouse -
-Returns the type of the Controller.-
- getType() - Method in class net.java.games.input.WinTabDevice -
- -
- getValue() - Method in class net.java.games.input.Event -
- -
- getVersion() - Static method in class net.java.games.input.Version -
-Returns the verison string and build number of - this implementation.-
- getVersion() - Static method in class net.java.games.util.Version -
-Returns the verison string and build number of - this implementation.-
- getWheel() - Method in class net.java.games.input.Mouse -
-Returns the mouse wheel, or null if no mouse wheel is present.-
- getX() - Method in class net.java.games.input.Mouse -
-Returns the x-axis for the mouse ball, never null.-
- getXAxis() - Method in class net.java.games.input.LinuxJoystickPOV -
- -
- getY() - Method in class net.java.games.input.Mouse -
-Returns the y-axis for the mouse ball, never null.-
- getYAxis() - Method in class net.java.games.input.LinuxJoystickPOV -
- -
- GRAVE - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Key -
- -
All Classes All Packages
All Classes All Packages - - -
- H - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Key -
- -
- HEADTRACKER - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Controller.Type -
-Headtracker controller.-
- HOME - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Key -
- -
All Classes All Packages
All Classes All Packages - - -
- I - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Key -
- -
- I8042 - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Controller.PortType -
- Identifier(String) - Constructor for class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier -
-Protected constructor-
- INSERT - Static variable in class net.java.games.input.Component.Identifier.Key -
- -
- isAnalog() - Method in class net.java.games.input.AbstractComponent -
-Returns whether or not the axis is analog, or false if it is digital.-
- isAnalog() - Method in interface net.java.games.input.Component -
-Returns whether or not the axis is analog, or false if it is digital.-
- isAnalog() - Method in class net.java.games.input.WinTabComponent -
- -
- isKeyDown(Component.Identifier.Key) - Method in class net.java.games.input.Keyboard -
- -
- isRelative() - Method in interface net.java.games.input.Component -
if data returned frompoll
- is relative to the last call, orfalse
if data - is absolute.
- - isRelative() - Method in class net.java.games.input.WinTabComponent -
- -
- isSupported() - Method in class net.java.games.input.AWTEnvironmentPlugin -
- -
- isSupported() - Method in class net.java.games.input.ControllerEnvironment -
-Returns the isSupported status of this environment.-
- isSupported() - Method in class net.java.games.input.DirectAndRawInputEnvironmentPlugin -
- -
- isSupported() - Method in class net.java.games.input.DirectInputEnvironmentPlugin -
- -
- isSupported() - Method in class net.java.games.input.LinuxEnvironmentPlugin -
- -
- isSupported() - Method in class net.java.games.input.OSXEnvironmentPlugin -
- -
- isSupported() - Method in class net.java.games.input.RawInputEnvironmentPlugin -
- -
- isSupported() - Method in class net.java.games.input.WinTabEnvironmentPlugin -
- -
All Classes All Packages
- The original jinput project is at https://github.com/jinput/jinput
Package | -Description | -
net.java.games.input | -- |
net.java.games.util | -- |
net.java.games.util.plugins | -- |