h1. inspect.lua This function transform any Lua table into a human-readable representation of that table. The objective here is human understanding (i.e. for debugging), not serialization or compactness. h1. Examples of use h1. Gotchas / Warnings h1. Installation Just copy the inspect.lua file somewhere in your projects (maybe inside a /lib/ folder) and require it accordingly. Remember to store the value returned by require somewhere! (I suggest a local variable named inspect, altough others might like table.inspect)
local inspect = require 'inspect'
      -- or --
table.inspect = require 'inspect'
Also, make sure to read the license file; the text of that license file must appear somewhere in your projects' files. h1. Specs This project uses "telescope":https://github.com/norman/telescope for its specs. If you want to run the specs, you will have to install telescope first. Then just enter the spec folder and execute run.lua:
cd path/to/inspect.lua/specs
lua run.lua