#include #include #ifdef __EMSCRIPTEN__ EM_JS(int, hamsterNet__initSession, (), { return Asyncify.handleSleep(function(wakeUp) { fetch('/session', { method: 'POST', credentials: 'same-origin' }) .then((response) => { return response.ok ? response.json().then((data) => JSON.stringify(data, null, 2)) : Promise.reject(new Error("Unexpected response")); }) .then((message) => { console.log(message); wakeUp(1); }) .catch((err) => { console.error(err.message); wakeUp(0); }) }); }); EM_JS(int, hamsterNet__setRacerName, (const char* str), { let racerName = UTF8ToString(str); return Asyncify.handleSleep(function(wakeUp) { fetch('/name', { method: 'POST', credentials: 'same-origin', headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json", }, body: JSON.stringify({ userName: racerName }) }).then((response) => { return response.ok ? response.json().then((data) => JSON.stringify(data, null, 2)) : Promise.reject(new Error("Unexpected response")); }) .then((message) => { wakeUp(1); }) .catch((err) => { console.error(err.message); wakeUp(0); }) }); }); EM_JS(int, hamsterNet__startRace, (), { return Asyncify.handleSleep(function(wakeUp) { fetch('/race', { method: 'POST', credentials: 'same-origin', headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json", }, body: JSON.stringify({}) }).then((response) => { return response.ok ? response.json() : Promise.reject(new Error("Unexpected response")); }) .then((message) => { Module.hamsterRaceId = message.raceId; wakeUp(1); }) .catch((err) => { console.error(err.message); wakeUp(0); }) }); }); EM_JS(int, hamsterNet__finishRace, (const char* raceMap, const char* raceColor, int raceTime), { if(Module.hamsterRaceId === undefined) { console.error("Trying to finish a race that never start!"); return 0; } const raceData = { raceId: Module.hamsterRaceId, raceTime: raceTime, raceMap: UTF8ToString(raceMap), raceColor: UTF8ToString(raceColor), }; return Asyncify.handleSleep(function(wakeUp) { fetch('/race', { method: 'PATCH', credentials: 'same-origin', headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json", }, body: JSON.stringify(raceData) }).then((response) => { return response.ok ? response.json().then((data) => JSON.stringify(data, null, 2)) : Promise.reject(new Error("Unexpected response")); }) .then((message) => { wakeUp(1); }) .catch((err) => { console.error(err.message); wakeUp(0); }) }); }); EM_JS(int, hamsterNet__getLeaderboard, (const char* map, const char* sortBy, const int offset, const int limit, const int ascending), { return Asyncify.handleSleep(function(wakeUp) { // just some rudimentary input validation const params = { sort: ((ascending == 1) ? "asc" : "desc"), map: encodeURIComponent(UTF8ToString(map)), offset: offset, limit: limit, sortBy: "id" }; if(['id', 'color', 'map', 'time', 'created_at'].indexOf(UTF8ToString(sortBy)) !== -1) { params.sortBy = UTF8ToString(sortBy); } fetch(`/race?map=${params.map}&sortBy=${params.sortBy}&sort=${params.sort}&offset=${params.offset}&limit=${params.limit}`, { method: 'GET', credentials: 'same-origin', }).then((response) => { return response.ok ? response.json() : Promise.reject(new Error("Unexpected response")); }) .then((message) => { // set aside the results, so we can use them in the next phase. Module._leaderboardResults = JSON.stringify(message.results); wakeUp(1); }) .catch((err) => { console.error(err.message); wakeUp(0); }); }); }); #else extern "C" { int hamsterNet__initSession() { std::cout << "hamsterNet__initSession is not implemented on this platform, artificially succeeding.\n"; return 1; } int hamsterNet__setRacerName(const char* str) { std::cout << "hamsterNet__setRacerName is not implemented on this platform, artificially succeeding.\n"; return 1; } int hamsterNet__startRace() { std::cout << "hamsterNet__startRace is not implemented on this platform, artificially succeeding.\n"; return 1; } int hamsterNet__finishRace(const char* raceMap, const char* raceColor, int raceTime) { std::cout << "hamsterNet__finishRace is not implemented on this platform, artificially succeeding.\n"; return 1; } int hamsterNet__getLeaderboard(const char *map, const char *sortBy, int offset, int limit, int ascending) { std::cout << "hamsterNet__getLeaderboard is not implemented on this platform, artificially succeeding.\n"; return 1; } } #endif HamsterNet::HamsterNet() { } bool HamsterNet::InitSession() { return (hamsterNet__initSession() == 1); } void HamsterNet::SetColor(const std::string& hamsterColor) { m_color = hamsterColor; } bool HamsterNet::SetName(const std::string& name) { m_name = name; return (hamsterNet__setRacerName(m_name.c_str()) == 1); } bool HamsterNet::StartRace(const std::string& map) { m_map = map; m_tp1 = std::chrono::system_clock::now(); m_tp2 = std::chrono::system_clock::now(); return (hamsterNet__startRace() == 1); } int HamsterNet::GetCurrentRaceTime(const std::string& map){ std::chrono::duration duration = std::chrono::system_clock::now() - m_tp1; return static_cast(duration.count()); } std::pair HamsterNet::FinishRace() { m_tp2 = std::chrono::system_clock::now(); std::chrono::duration duration = m_tp2 - m_tp1; m_time = static_cast(duration.count()); return {m_time,(hamsterNet__finishRace(m_map.c_str(), m_color.c_str(), m_time) == 1)}; } std::vector HamsterNet::GetLeaderboard(const std::string& map, const int offset, const int limit, const std::string& sortBy, bool ascending) { std::vector leaderboard; int result = hamsterNet__getLeaderboard(map.c_str(), sortBy.c_str(), offset, limit, (ascending) ? 1 : 0); if(result == 1) { #ifdef __EMSCRIPTEN__ char* leaderboardJsonString = (char*)EM_ASM_PTR({ // get the number of bytes we need to allocate to fit the string let lengthBytes = lengthBytesUTF8(Module._leaderboardResults) + 1; // allocate enough memory to hold the string let stringOnWasmHeap = _malloc(lengthBytes); // copy the javascript string into the heap stringToUTF8(Module._leaderboardResults, stringOnWasmHeap, lengthBytes); // we're done with this, remove it! delete Module._leaderboardResults; // return the pointer return stringOnWasmHeap; }); using json = nlohmann::json; json leaderboardJson = json::parse(leaderboardJsonString); free(leaderboardJsonString); for(auto &el : leaderboardJson.items()) { // std::string color; // std::string name; // std::string map; // int time; leaderboard.push_back(LeaderboardEntry{ el.value().at("color"), el.value().at("name"), el.value().at("map"), el.value().at("time"), }); } std::cout << "get leaderboard successful\n"; #else std::cout << "HamsterNet::GetLeaderboard is not implemented for this platform\n"; #endif } return leaderboard; }