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260 lines
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260 lines
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"use strict";
var _interopRequireDefault = require("@babel/runtime-corejs3/helpers/interopRequireDefault");
var _Object$defineProperty = require("@babel/runtime-corejs3/core-js-stable/object/define-property");
_Object$defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
value: true
exports.default = void 0;
var _concat = _interopRequireDefault(require("@babel/runtime-corejs3/core-js-stable/instance/concat"));
var _includes = _interopRequireDefault(require("@babel/runtime-corejs3/core-js-stable/instance/includes"));
var _map = _interopRequireDefault(require("@babel/runtime-corejs3/core-js-stable/instance/map"));
var _reduce = _interopRequireDefault(require("@babel/runtime-corejs3/core-js-stable/instance/reduce"));
* 4.3.0
* <>
* Steven Levithan (c) 2012-present MIT License
var _default = function _default(XRegExp) {
var REGEX_DATA = 'xregexp';
var subParts = /(\()(?!\?)|\\([1-9]\d*)|\\[\s\S]|\[(?:[^\\\]]|\\[\s\S])*\]/g;
var parts = XRegExp.union([/\({{([\w$]+)}}\)|{{([\w$]+)}}/, subParts], 'g', {
conjunction: 'or'
* Strips a leading `^` and trailing unescaped `$`, if both are present.
* @private
* @param {String} pattern Pattern to process.
* @returns {String} Pattern with edge anchors removed.
function deanchor(pattern) {
// Allow any number of empty noncapturing groups before/after anchors, because regexes
// built/generated by XRegExp sometimes include them
var leadingAnchor = /^(?:\(\?:\))*\^/;
var trailingAnchor = /\$(?:\(\?:\))*$/;
if (leadingAnchor.test(pattern) && trailingAnchor.test(pattern) && // Ensure that the trailing `$` isn't escaped
trailingAnchor.test(pattern.replace(/\\[\s\S]/g, ''))) {
return pattern.replace(leadingAnchor, '').replace(trailingAnchor, '');
return pattern;
* Converts the provided value to an XRegExp. Native RegExp flags are not preserved.
* @private
* @param {String|RegExp} value Value to convert.
* @param {Boolean} [addFlagX] Whether to apply the `x` flag in cases when `value` is not
* already a regex generated by XRegExp
* @returns {RegExp} XRegExp object with XRegExp syntax applied.
function asXRegExp(value, addFlagX) {
var flags = addFlagX ? 'x' : '';
return XRegExp.isRegExp(value) ? value[REGEX_DATA] && value[REGEX_DATA].captureNames ? // Don't recompile, to preserve capture names
value : // Recompile as XRegExp
XRegExp(value.source, flags) : // Compile string as XRegExp
XRegExp(value, flags);
function interpolate(substitution) {
return substitution instanceof RegExp ? substitution : XRegExp.escape(substitution);
function reduceToSubpatternsObject(subpatterns, interpolated, subpatternIndex) {
subpatterns["subpattern".concat(subpatternIndex)] = interpolated;
return subpatterns;
function embedSubpatternAfter(raw, subpatternIndex, rawLiterals) {
var hasSubpattern = subpatternIndex < rawLiterals.length - 1;
return raw + (hasSubpattern ? "{{subpattern".concat(subpatternIndex, "}}") : '');
* Provides tagged template literals that create regexes with XRegExp syntax and flags. The
* provided pattern is handled as a raw string, so backslashes don't need to be escaped.
* Interpolation of strings and regexes shares the features of ``. Interpolated
* patterns are treated as atomic units when quantified, interpolated strings have their special
* characters escaped, a leading `^` and trailing unescaped `$` are stripped from interpolated
* regexes if both are present, and any backreferences within an interpolated regex are
* rewritten to work within the overall pattern.
* @memberOf XRegExp
* @param {String} [flags] Any combination of XRegExp flags.
* @returns {Function} Handler for template literals that construct regexes with XRegExp syntax.
* @example
* const h12 = /1[0-2]|0?[1-9]/;
* const h24 = /2[0-3]|[01][0-9]/;
* const hours = XRegExp.tag('x')`${h12} : | ${h24}`;
* const minutes = /^[0-5][0-9]$/;
* // Note that explicitly naming the 'minutes' group is required for named backreferences
* const time = XRegExp.tag('x')`^ ${hours} (?<minutes>${minutes}) $`;
* time.test('10:59'); // -> true
* XRegExp.exec('10:59', time).minutes; // -> '59'
XRegExp.tag = function (flags) {
return function (literals) {
var _context, _context2;
for (var _len = arguments.length, substitutions = new Array(_len > 1 ? _len - 1 : 0), _key = 1; _key < _len; _key++) {
substitutions[_key - 1] = arguments[_key];
var subpatterns = (0, _reduce.default)(_context = (0, _map.default)(substitutions).call(substitutions, interpolate)).call(_context, reduceToSubpatternsObject, {});
var pattern = (0, _map.default)(_context2 = literals.raw).call(_context2, embedSubpatternAfter).join('');
return, subpatterns, flags);
* Builds regexes using named subpatterns, for readability and pattern reuse. Backreferences in
* the outer pattern and provided subpatterns are automatically renumbered to work correctly.
* Native flags used by provided subpatterns are ignored in favor of the `flags` argument.
* @memberOf XRegExp
* @param {String} pattern XRegExp pattern using `{{name}}` for embedded subpatterns. Allows
* `({{name}})` as shorthand for `(?<name>{{name}})`. Patterns cannot be embedded within
* character classes.
* @param {Object} subs Lookup object for named subpatterns. Values can be strings or regexes. A
* leading `^` and trailing unescaped `$` are stripped from subpatterns, if both are present.
* @param {String} [flags] Any combination of XRegExp flags.
* @returns {RegExp} Regex with interpolated subpatterns.
* @example
* const time ='(?x)^ {{hours}} ({{minutes}}) $', {
* hours:'{{h12}} : | {{h24}}', {
* h12: /1[0-2]|0?[1-9]/,
* h24: /2[0-3]|[01][0-9]/
* }, 'x'),
* minutes: /^[0-5][0-9]$/
* });
* time.test('10:59'); // -> true
* XRegExp.exec('10:59', time).minutes; // -> '59'
| = function (pattern, subs, flags) {
flags = flags || ''; // Used with `asXRegExp` calls for `pattern` and subpatterns in `subs`, to work around how
// some browsers convert `RegExp('\n')` to a regex that contains the literal characters `\`
// and `n`. See more details at <>.
var addFlagX = (0, _includes.default)(flags).call(flags, 'x');
var inlineFlags = /^\(\?([\w$]+)\)/.exec(pattern); // Add flags within a leading mode modifier to the overall pattern's flags
if (inlineFlags) {
flags = XRegExp._clipDuplicates(flags + inlineFlags[1]);
var data = {};
for (var p in subs) {
if (subs.hasOwnProperty(p)) {
// Passing to XRegExp enables extended syntax and ensures independent validity,
// lest an unescaped `(`, `)`, `[`, or trailing `\` breaks the `(?:)` wrapper. For
// subpatterns provided as native regexes, it dies on octals and adds the property
// used to hold extended regex instance data, for simplicity.
var sub = asXRegExp(subs[p], addFlagX);
data[p] = {
// Deanchoring allows embedding independently useful anchored regexes. If you
// really need to keep your anchors, double them (i.e., `^^...$$`).
pattern: deanchor(sub.source),
names: sub[REGEX_DATA].captureNames || []
} // Passing to XRegExp dies on octals and ensures the outer pattern is independently valid;
// helps keep this simple. Named captures will be put back.
var patternAsRegex = asXRegExp(pattern, addFlagX); // 'Caps' is short for 'captures'
var numCaps = 0;
var numPriorCaps;
var numOuterCaps = 0;
var outerCapsMap = [0];
var outerCapNames = patternAsRegex[REGEX_DATA].captureNames || [];
var output = patternAsRegex.source.replace(parts, function ($0, $1, $2, $3, $4) {
var subName = $1 || $2;
var capName;
var intro;
var localCapIndex; // Named subpattern
if (subName) {
var _context3;
if (!data.hasOwnProperty(subName)) {
throw new ReferenceError("Undefined property ".concat($0));
} // Named subpattern was wrapped in a capturing group
if ($1) {
capName = outerCapNames[numOuterCaps];
outerCapsMap[++numOuterCaps] = ++numCaps; // If it's a named group, preserve the name. Otherwise, use the subpattern name
// as the capture name
intro = "(?<".concat(capName || subName, ">");
} else {
intro = '(?:';
numPriorCaps = numCaps;
var rewrittenSubpattern = data[subName].pattern.replace(subParts, function (match, paren, backref) {
// Capturing group
if (paren) {
capName = data[subName].names[numCaps - numPriorCaps];
++numCaps; // If the current capture has a name, preserve the name
if (capName) {
return "(?<".concat(capName, ">");
} // Backreference
} else if (backref) {
localCapIndex = +backref - 1; // Rewrite the backreference
return data[subName].names[localCapIndex] ? // Need to preserve the backreference name in case using flag `n`
"\\k<".concat(data[subName].names[localCapIndex], ">") : "\\".concat(+backref + numPriorCaps);
return match;
return (0, _concat.default)(_context3 = "".concat(intro)).call(_context3, rewrittenSubpattern, ")");
} // Capturing group
if ($3) {
capName = outerCapNames[numOuterCaps];
outerCapsMap[++numOuterCaps] = ++numCaps; // If the current capture has a name, preserve the name
if (capName) {
return "(?<".concat(capName, ">");
} // Backreference
} else if ($4) {
localCapIndex = +$4 - 1; // Rewrite the backreference
return outerCapNames[localCapIndex] ? // Need to preserve the backreference name in case using flag `n`
"\\k<".concat(outerCapNames[localCapIndex], ">") : "\\".concat(outerCapsMap[+$4]);
return $0;
return XRegExp(output, flags);
exports.default = _default;
module.exports = exports["default"]; |