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'use strict';
/* global WorkerGlobalScope self */
var _require = require('./log'),
log = _require.log;
function reloadApp(_ref, _ref2) {
var hotReload = _ref.hotReload,
hot =,
liveReload = _ref.liveReload;
var isUnloading = _ref2.isUnloading,
currentHash = _ref2.currentHash;
if (isUnloading || !hotReload) {
if (hot) {'[WDS] App hot update...');
var hotEmitter = require('webpack/hot/emitter');
hotEmitter.emit('webpackHotUpdate', currentHash);
if (typeof self !== 'undefined' && self.window) {
// broadcast update to window
self.postMessage("webpackHotUpdate".concat(currentHash), '*');
} // allow refreshing the page only if liveReload isn't disabled
else if (liveReload) {
var rootWindow = self; // use parent window for reload (in case we're in an iframe with no valid src)
var intervalId = self.setInterval(function () {
if (rootWindow.location.protocol !== 'about:') {
// reload immediately if protocol is valid
applyReload(rootWindow, intervalId);
} else {
rootWindow = rootWindow.parent;
if (rootWindow.parent === rootWindow) {
// if parent equals current window we've reached the root which would continue forever, so trigger a reload anyways
applyReload(rootWindow, intervalId);
function applyReload(rootWindow, intervalId) {
clearInterval(intervalId);'[WDS] App updated. Reloading...');
module.exports = reloadApp;