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import { Observable } from '../Observable';
import { Unsubscribable, ObservableInput } from '../types';
* Creates an Observable that uses a resource which will be disposed at the same time as the Observable.
* <span class="informal">Use it when you catch yourself cleaning up after an Observable.</span>
* `using` is a factory operator, which accepts two functions. First function returns a disposable resource.
* It can be an arbitrary object that implements `unsubscribe` method. Second function will be injected with
* that object and should return an Observable. That Observable can use resource object during its execution.
* Both functions passed to `using` will be called every time someone subscribes - neither an Observable nor
* resource object will be shared in any way between subscriptions.
* When Observable returned by `using` is subscribed, Observable returned from the second function will be subscribed
* as well. All its notifications (nexted values, completion and error events) will be emitted unchanged by the output
* Observable. If however someone unsubscribes from the Observable or source Observable completes or errors by itself,
* the `unsubscribe` method on resource object will be called. This can be used to do any necessary clean up, which
* otherwise would have to be handled by hand. Note that complete or error notifications are not emitted when someone
* cancels subscription to an Observable via `unsubscribe`, so `using` can be used as a hook, allowing you to make
* sure that all resources which need to exist during an Observable execution will be disposed at appropriate time.
* @see {@link defer}
* @param {function(): ISubscription} resourceFactory A function which creates any resource object
* that implements `unsubscribe` method.
* @param {function(resource: ISubscription): Observable<T>} observableFactory A function which
* creates an Observable, that can use injected resource object.
* @return {Observable<T>} An Observable that behaves the same as Observable returned by `observableFactory`, but
* which - when completed, errored or unsubscribed - will also call `unsubscribe` on created resource object.
export declare function using<T>(resourceFactory: () => Unsubscribable | void, observableFactory: (resource: Unsubscribable | void) => ObservableInput<T> | void): Observable<T>;