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* @fileoverview Enforce PascalCase for user-defined JSX components
* @author Jake Marsh
'use strict';
const elementType = require('jsx-ast-utils/elementType');
const XRegExp = require('xregexp');
const docsUrl = require('../util/docsUrl');
const jsxUtil = require('../util/jsx');
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Constants
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// eslint-disable-next-line no-new
const hasU = (function hasU() { try { new RegExp('o', 'u'); return true; } catch (e) { return false; } }());
const PASCAL_CASE_REGEX = XRegExp('^(.*[.])*([\\p{Lu}]|[\\p{Lu}]+[\\p{Ll}0-9]+(?:[\\p{Lu}0-9]+[\\p{Ll}0-9]*)*)$', hasU ? 'u' : '');
const ALL_CAPS_TAG_REGEX = XRegExp('^[\\p{Lu}0-9]+([\\p{Lu}0-9_]*[\\p{Lu}0-9]+)?$', hasU ? 'u' : '');
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Rule Definition
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
module.exports = {
meta: {
docs: {
description: 'Enforce PascalCase for user-defined JSX components',
category: 'Stylistic Issues',
recommended: false,
url: docsUrl('jsx-pascal-case')
schema: [{
type: 'object',
properties: {
allowAllCaps: {
type: 'boolean'
ignore: {
type: 'array'
additionalProperties: false
create(context) {
const configuration = context.options[0] || {};
const allowAllCaps = configuration.allowAllCaps || false;
const ignore = configuration.ignore || [];
return {
JSXOpeningElement(node) {
let name = elementType(node);
if (name.length === 1) return undefined;
// Get namespace if the type is JSXNamespacedName or JSXMemberExpression
if (name.indexOf(':') > -1) {
name = name.substring(0, name.indexOf(':'));
} else if (name.indexOf('.') > -1) {
name = name.substring(0, name.indexOf('.'));
const isPascalCase = PASCAL_CASE_REGEX.test(name);
const isCompatTag = jsxUtil.isDOMComponent(node);
const isAllowedAllCaps = allowAllCaps && ALL_CAPS_TAG_REGEX.test(name);
const isIgnored = ignore.indexOf(name) !== -1;
if (!isPascalCase && !isCompatTag && !isAllowedAllCaps && !isIgnored) {
let message = `Imported JSX component ${name} must be in PascalCase`;
if (allowAllCaps) {
message += ' or SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE';
}{node, message});