You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

774 lines
26 KiB

"id": "all-property",
"title": "`all` Property",
"description": "A property for defining the reset of all properties of an element",
"specification": "",
"stage": 3,
"caniuse": "css-all",
"docs": {
"mdn": ""
"example": "a {\n all: initial;\n}",
"polyfills": [
"type": "PostCSS Plugin",
"link": ""
"id": "any-link-pseudo-class",
"title": "`:any-link` Hyperlink Pseudo-Class",
"description": "A pseudo-class for matching anchor elements independent of whether they have been visited",
"specification": "",
"stage": 2,
"caniuse": "css-any-link",
"docs": {
"mdn": ""
"example": "nav :any-link > span {\n background-color: yellow;\n}",
"polyfills": [
"type": "PostCSS Plugin",
"link": ""
"id": "blank-pseudo-class",
"title": "`:blank` Empty-Value Pseudo-Class",
"description": "A pseudo-class for matching form elements when they are empty",
"specification": "",
"stage": 1,
"example": "input:blank {\n background-color: yellow;\n}",
"polyfills": [
"type": "JavaScript Library",
"link": ""
"type": "PostCSS Plugin",
"link": ""
"id": "break-properties",
"title": "Break Properties",
"description": "Properties for defining the break behavior between and within boxes",
"specification": "",
"stage": 3,
"caniuse": "multicolumn",
"docs": {
"mdn": ""
"example": "a {\n break-inside: avoid;\n break-before: avoid-column;\n break-after: always;\n}",
"polyfills": [
"type": "PostCSS Plugin",
"link": ""
"id": "case-insensitive-attributes",
"title": "Case-Insensitive Attributes",
"description": "An attribute selector matching attribute values case-insensitively",
"specification": "",
"stage": 2,
"caniuse": "css-case-insensitive",
"docs": {
"mdn": ""
"example": "[frame=hsides i] {\n border-style: solid none;\n}",
"polyfills": [
"type": "PostCSS Plugin",
"link": ""
"id": "color-adjust",
"title": "`color-adjust` Property",
"description": "The color-adjust property is a non-standard CSS extension that can be used to force printing of background colors and images",
"specification": "",
"stage": 2,
"caniuse": "css-color-adjust",
"docs": {
"mdn": ""
"example": ".background {\n background-color:#ccc;\n}\n.background.color-adjust {\n color-adjust: economy;\n}\n.background.color-adjust-exact {\n color-adjust: exact;\n}"
"id": "color-functional-notation",
"title": "Color Functional Notation",
"description": "A space and slash separated notation for specifying colors",
"specification": "",
"stage": 1,
"example": "em {\n background-color: hsl(120deg 100% 25%);\n box-shadow: 0 0 0 10px hwb(120deg 100% 25% / 80%);\n color: rgb(0 255 0);\n}",
"polyfills": [
"type": "PostCSS Plugin",
"link": ""
"id": "color-mod-function",
"title": "`color-mod()` Function",
"description": "A function for modifying colors",
"specification": "",
"stage": -1,
"example": "p {\n color: color-mod(black alpha(50%));\n}",
"polyfills": [
"type": "PostCSS Plugin",
"link": ""
"id": "custom-media-queries",
"title": "Custom Media Queries",
"description": "An at-rule for defining aliases that represent media queries",
"specification": "",
"stage": 1,
"example": "@custom-media --narrow-window (max-width: 30em);\n\n@media (--narrow-window) {}",
"polyfills": [
"type": "PostCSS Plugin",
"link": ""
"id": "custom-properties",
"title": "Custom Properties",
"description": "A syntax for defining custom values accepted by all CSS properties",
"specification": "",
"stage": 3,
"caniuse": "css-variables",
"docs": {
"mdn": ""
"example": "img {\n --some-length: 32px;\n\n height: var(--some-length);\n width: var(--some-length);\n}",
"polyfills": [
"type": "PostCSS Plugin",
"link": ""
"id": "custom-property-sets",
"title": "Custom Property Sets",
"description": "A syntax for storing properties in named variables, referenceable in other style rules",
"specification": "",
"stage": -1,
"caniuse": "css-apply-rule",
"example": "img {\n --some-length-styles: {\n height: 32px;\n width: 32px;\n };\n\n @apply --some-length-styles;\n}",
"polyfills": [
"type": "PostCSS Plugin",
"link": ""
"id": "custom-selectors",
"title": "Custom Selectors",
"description": "An at-rule for defining aliases that represent selectors",
"specification": "",
"stage": 1,
"example": "@custom-selector :--heading h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6;\n\narticle :--heading + p {}",
"polyfills": [
"type": "PostCSS Plugin",
"link": ""
"id": "dir-pseudo-class",
"title": "`:dir` Directionality Pseudo-Class",
"description": "A pseudo-class for matching elements based on their directionality",
"specification": "",
"stage": 2,
"caniuse": "css-dir-pseudo",
"docs": {
"mdn": ""
"example": "blockquote:dir(rtl) {\n margin-right: 10px;\n}\n\nblockquote:dir(ltr) {\n margin-left: 10px;\n}",
"polyfills": [
"type": "PostCSS Plugin",
"link": ""
"id": "double-position-gradients",
"title": "Double Position Gradients",
"description": "A syntax for using two positions in a gradient.",
"specification": "",
"stage": 2,
"caniuse-compat": {
"and_chr": {
"71": "y"
"chrome": {
"71": "y"
"example": ".pie_chart {\n background-image: conic-gradient(yellowgreen 40%, gold 0deg 75%, #f06 0deg);\n}",
"polyfills": [
"type": "PostCSS Plugin",
"link": ""
"id": "environment-variables",
"title": "Custom Environment Variables",
"description": "A syntax for using custom values accepted by CSS globally",
"specification": "",
"stage": 0,
"caniuse-compat": {
"and_chr": {
"69": "y"
"chrome": {
"69": "y"
"ios_saf": {
"11.2": "y"
"safari": {
"11.2": "y"
"docs": {
"mdn": ""
"example": "@media (max-width: env(--brand-small)) {\n body {\n padding: env(--brand-spacing);\n }\n}",
"polyfills": [
"type": "PostCSS Plugin",
"link": ""
"id": "focus-visible-pseudo-class",
"title": "`:focus-visible` Focus-Indicated Pseudo-Class",
"description": "A pseudo-class for matching focused elements that indicate that focus to a user",
"specification": "",
"stage": 2,
"caniuse": "css-focus-visible",
"docs": {
"mdn": ""
"example": ":focus:not(:focus-visible) {\n outline: 0;\n}",
"polyfills": [
"type": "JavaScript Library",
"link": ""
"type": "PostCSS Plugin",
"link": ""
"id": "focus-within-pseudo-class",
"title": "`:focus-within` Focus Container Pseudo-Class",
"description": "A pseudo-class for matching elements that are either focused or that have focused descendants",
"specification": "",
"stage": 2,
"caniuse": "css-focus-within",
"docs": {
"mdn": ""
"example": "form:focus-within {\n background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3);\n}",
"polyfills": [
"type": "JavaScript Library",
"link": ""
"type": "PostCSS Plugin",
"link": ""
"id": "font-variant-property",
"title": "`font-variant` Property",
"description": "A property for defining the usage of alternate glyphs in a font",
"specification": "",
"stage": 3,
"caniuse": "font-variant-alternates",
"docs": {
"mdn": ""
"example": "h2 {\n font-variant: small-caps;\n}",
"polyfills": [
"type": "PostCSS Plugin",
"link": ""
"id": "gap-properties",
"title": "Gap Properties",
"description": "Properties for defining gutters within a layout",
"specification": "",
"stage": 3,
"caniuse-compat": {
"chrome": {
"66": "y"
"edge": {
"16": "y"
"firefox": {
"61": "y"
"safari": {
"11.2": "y",
"TP": "y"
"docs": {
"mdn": ""
"example": ".grid-1 {\n gap: 20px;\n}\n\n.grid-2 {\n column-gap: 40px;\n row-gap: 20px;\n}",
"polyfills": [
"type": "PostCSS Plugin",
"link": ""
"id": "gray-function",
"title": "`gray()` Function",
"description": "A function for specifying fully desaturated colors",
"specification": "",
"stage": 2,
"example": "p {\n color: gray(50);\n}",
"polyfills": [
"type": "PostCSS Plugin",
"link": ""
"id": "grid-layout",
"title": "Grid Layout",
"description": "A syntax for using a grid concept to lay out content",
"specification": "",
"stage": 3,
"caniuse": "css-grid",
"docs": {
"mdn": ""
"example": "section {\n display: grid;\n grid-template-columns: 100px 100px 100px;\n grid-gap: 10px;\n}",
"polyfills": [
"type": "PostCSS Plugin",
"link": ""
"id": "has-pseudo-class",
"title": "`:has()` Relational Pseudo-Class",
"description": "A pseudo-class for matching ancestor and sibling elements",
"specification": "",
"stage": 2,
"caniuse": "css-has",
"docs": {
"mdn": ""
"example": "a:has(> img) {\n display: block;\n}",
"polyfills": [
"type": "JavaScript Library",
"link": ""
"type": "PostCSS Plugin",
"link": ""
"id": "hexadecimal-alpha-notation",
"title": "Hexadecimal Alpha Notation",
"description": "A 4 & 8 character hex color notation for specifying the opacity level",
"specification": "",
"stage": 2,
"caniuse": "css-rrggbbaa",
"docs": {
"mdn": ""
"example": "section {\n background-color: #f3f3f3f3;\n color: #0003;\n}",
"polyfills": [
"type": "PostCSS Plugin",
"link": ""
"id": "hwb-function",
"title": "`hwb()` Function",
"description": "A function for specifying colors by hue and then a degree of whiteness and blackness to mix into it",
"specification": "",
"stage": 2,
"example": "p {\n color: hwb(120 44% 50%);\n}",
"polyfills": [
"type": "PostCSS Plugin",
"link": ""
"id": "image-set-function",
"title": "`image-set()` Function",
"description": "A function for specifying image sources based on the user’s resolution",
"specification": "",
"stage": 2,
"caniuse": "css-image-set",
"example": "p {\n background-image: image-set(\n \"foo.png\" 1x,\n \"foo-2x.png\" 2x,\n \"foo-print.png\" 600dpi\n );\n}",
"polyfills": [
"type": "PostCSS Plugin",
"link": ""
"id": "in-out-of-range-pseudo-class",
"title": "`:in-range` and `:out-of-range` Pseudo-Classes",
"description": "A pseudo-class for matching elements that have range limitations",
"specification": "",
"stage": 2,
"caniuse": "css-in-out-of-range",
"docs": {
"mdn": ""
"example": "input:in-range {\n background-color: rgba(0, 255, 0, 0.25);\n}\ninput:out-of-range {\n background-color: rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.25);\n border: 2px solid red;\n}"
"id": "lab-function",
"title": "`lab()` Function",
"description": "A function for specifying colors expressed in the CIE Lab color space",
"specification": "",
"stage": 2,
"example": "body {\n color: lab(240 50 20);\n}",
"polyfills": [
"type": "PostCSS Plugin",
"link": ""
"id": "lch-function",
"title": "`lch()` Function",
"description": "A function for specifying colors expressed in the CIE Lab color space with chroma and hue",
"specification": "",
"stage": 2,
"example": "body {\n color: lch(53 105 40);\n}",
"polyfills": [
"type": "PostCSS Plugin",
"link": ""
"id": "logical-properties-and-values",
"title": "Logical Properties and Values",
"description": "Flow-relative (left-to-right or right-to-left) properties and values",
"specification": "",
"stage": 2,
"caniuse": "css-logical-props",
"docs": {
"mdn": ""
"example": "span:first-child {\n float: inline-start;\n margin-inline-start: 10px;\n}",
"polyfills": [
"type": "PostCSS Plugin",
"link": ""
"id": "matches-pseudo-class",
"title": "`:matches()` Matches-Any Pseudo-Class",
"description": "A pseudo-class for matching elements in a selector list",
"specification": "",
"stage": 2,
"caniuse": "css-matches-pseudo",
"docs": {
"mdn": ""
"example": "p:matches(:first-child, .special) {\n margin-top: 1em;\n}",
"polyfills": [
"type": "PostCSS Plugin",
"link": ""
"id": "media-query-ranges",
"title": "Media Query Ranges",
"description": "A syntax for defining media query ranges using ordinary comparison operators",
"specification": "",
"stage": 3,
"docs": {
"mdn": ""
"example": "@media (width < 480px) {}\n\n@media (480px <= width < 768px) {}\n\n@media (width >= 768px) {}",
"polyfills": [
"type": "PostCSS Plugin",
"link": ""
"id": "nesting-rules",
"title": "Nesting Rules",
"description": "A syntax for nesting relative rules within rules",
"specification": "",
"stage": 1,
"example": "article {\n & p {\n color: #333;\n }\n}",
"polyfills": [
"type": "PostCSS Plugin",
"link": ""
"id": "not-pseudo-class",
"title": "`:not()` Negation List Pseudo-Class",
"description": "A pseudo-class for ignoring elements in a selector list",
"specification": "",
"stage": 2,
"caniuse": "css-not-sel-list",
"docs": {
"mdn": ""
"example": "p:not(:first-child, .special) {\n margin-top: 1em;\n}",
"polyfills": [
"type": "PostCSS Plugin",
"link": ""
"id": "overflow-property",
"title": "`overflow` Shorthand Property",
"description": "A property for defining `overflow-x` and `overflow-y`",
"specification": "",
"stage": 2,
"caniuse": "css-overflow",
"caniuse-compat": {
"and_chr": {
"68": "y"
"and_ff": {
"61": "y"
"chrome": {
"68": "y"
"firefox": {
"61": "y"
"docs": {
"mdn": ""
"example": "html {\n overflow: hidden auto;\n}",
"polyfills": [
"type": "PostCSS Plugin",
"link": ""
"id": "overflow-wrap-property",
"title": "`overflow-wrap` Property",
"description": "A property for defining whether to insert line breaks within words to prevent overflowing",
"specification": "",
"stage": 2,
"caniuse": "wordwrap",
"docs": {
"mdn": ""
"example": "p {\n overflow-wrap: break-word;\n}",
"polyfills": [
"type": "PostCSS Plugin",
"link": ""
"id": "overscroll-behavior-property",
"title": "`overscroll-behavior` Property",
"description": "Properties for controlling when the scroll position of a scroll container reaches the edge of a scrollport",
"specification": "",
"stage": 1,
"caniuse": "css-overscroll-behavior",
"docs": {
"mdn": ""
"example": ".messages {\n height: 220px;\n overflow: auto;\n overscroll-behavior-y: contain;\n}\n\nbody {\n margin: 0;\n overscroll-behavior: none;\n}"
"id": "place-properties",
"title": "Place Properties",
"description": "Properties for defining alignment within a layout",
"specification": "",
"stage": 2,
"caniuse-compat": {
"chrome": {
"59": "y"
"firefox": {
"45": "y"
"docs": {
"mdn": ""
"example": ".example {\n place-content: flex-end;\n place-items: center / space-between;\n place-self: flex-start / center;\n}",
"polyfills": [
"type": "PostCSS Plugin",
"link": ""
"id": "prefers-color-scheme-query",
"title": "`prefers-color-scheme` Media Query",
"description": "A media query to detect if the user has requested the system use a light or dark color theme",
"specification": "",
"stage": 1,
"caniuse": "prefers-color-scheme",
"caniuse-compat": {
"ios_saf": {
"12.1": "y"
"safari": {
"12.1": "y"
"example": "body {\n background-color: white;\n color: black;\n}\n\n@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) {\n body {\n background-color: black;\n color: white;\n }\n}",
"polyfills": [
"type": "JavaScript Library",
"link": ""
"type": "PostCSS Plugin",
"link": ""
"id": "prefers-reduced-motion-query",
"title": "`prefers-reduced-motion` Media Query",
"description": "A media query to detect if the user has requested less animation and general motion on the page",
"specification": "",
"stage": 1,
"caniuse": "prefers-reduced-motion",
"docs": {
"mdn": ""
"example": ".animation {\n animation: vibrate 0.3s linear infinite both; \n}\n\n@media (prefers-reduced-motion: reduce) {\n .animation {\n animation: none;\n }\n}"
"id": "read-only-write-pseudo-class",
"title": "`:read-only` and `:read-write` selectors",
"description": "Pseudo-classes to match elements which are considered user-alterable",
"specification": "",
"stage": 2,
"caniuse": "css-read-only-write",
"docs": {
"mdn": ""
"example": "input:read-only {\n background-color: #ccc;\n}"
"id": "rebeccapurple-color",
"title": "`rebeccapurple` Color",
"description": "A particularly lovely shade of purple in memory of Rebecca Alison Meyer",
"specification": "",
"stage": 2,
"caniuse": "css-rebeccapurple",
"docs": {
"mdn": ""
"example": "html {\n color: rebeccapurple;\n}",
"polyfills": [
"type": "PostCSS Plugin",
"link": ""
"id": "system-ui-font-family",
"title": "`system-ui` Font Family",
"description": "A generic font used to match the user’s interface",
"specification": "",
"stage": 2,
"caniuse": "font-family-system-ui",
"docs": {
"mdn": ""
"example": "body {\n font-family: system-ui;\n}",
"polyfills": [
"type": "PostCSS Plugin",
"link": ""
"id": "when-else-rules",
"title": "When/Else Rules",
"description": "At-rules for specifying media queries and support queries in a single grammar",
"specification": "",
"stage": 0,
"example": "@when media(width >= 640px) and (supports(display: flex) or supports(display: grid)) {\n /* A */\n} @else media(pointer: coarse) {\n /* B */\n} @else {\n /* C */\n}"
"id": "where-pseudo-class",
"title": "`:where()` Zero-Specificity Pseudo-Class",
"description": "A pseudo-class for matching elements in a selector list without contributing specificity",
"specification": "",
"stage": 1,
"example": "a:where(:not(:hover)) {\n text-decoration: none;\n}"