  Copyright 2018 Google LLC

  Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
  license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at

import '../_version.mjs';

export const QUEUE_NAME = 'workbox-google-analytics';
export const MAX_RETENTION_TIME = 60 * 48; // Two days in minutes
export const GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_HOST = 'www.google-analytics.com';
export const GTM_HOST = 'www.googletagmanager.com';
export const ANALYTICS_JS_PATH = '/analytics.js';
export const GTAG_JS_PATH = '/gtag/js';
export const GTM_JS_PATH = '/gtm.js';
export const COLLECT_DEFAULT_PATH = '/collect';

// This RegExp matches all known Measurement Protocol single-hit collect
// endpoints. Most of the time the default path (/collect) is used, but
// occasionally an experimental endpoint is used when testing new features,
// (e.g. /r/collect or /j/collect)
export const COLLECT_PATHS_REGEX = /^\/(\w+\/)?collect/;