You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

96 lines
3.2 KiB

var assert = require('assert');
var vows = require('vows');
var path = require('path');
var fs = require('fs');
var validate = require('../lib/validate').validate;
var revision = 'draft-03';
var schemaRoot = path.join(__dirname, '..', revision);
var schemaNames = ['schema', 'hyper-schema', 'links', 'json-ref' ];
var schemas = {};
schemaNames.forEach(function(name) {
var file = path.join(schemaRoot, name);
schemas[name] = loadSchema(file);
schemaNames.forEach(function(name) {
var s, n = name+'-nsd', f = path.join(schemaRoot, name);
schemas[n] = loadSchema(f);
s = schemas[n];
delete s['$schema'];
function loadSchema(path) {
var data = fs.readFileSync(path, 'utf-8');
var schema = JSON.parse(data);
return schema;
function resultIsValid() {
return function(result) {
assert.equal(typeof(result.valid), 'boolean');
for (var i = 0; i < result.errors.length; i++) {
assert.notEqual(result.errors[i], null, 'errors['+i+'] is null');
function assertValidates(doc, schema) {
var context = {};
context[': validate('+doc+', '+schema+')'] = {
topic: validate(schemas[doc], schemas[schema]),
'returns valid result': resultIsValid(),
'with valid=true': function(result) { assert.equal(result.valid, true); },
'and no errors': function(result) {
// XXX work-around for bug in vows: [null] chokes it
if (result.errors[0] == null)'(errors contains null)');
assert.length(result.errors, 0);
return context;
function assertSelfValidates(doc) {
var context = {};
context[': validate('+doc+')'] = {
topic: validate(schemas[doc]),
'returns valid result': resultIsValid(),
'with valid=true': function(result) { assert.equal(result.valid, true); },
'and no errors': function(result) { assert.length(result.errors, 0); }
return context;
var suite = vows.describe('JSON Schema').addBatch({
'Core-NSD self-validates': assertSelfValidates('schema-nsd'),
'Core-NSD/Core-NSD': assertValidates('schema-nsd', 'schema-nsd'),
'Core-NSD/Core': assertValidates('schema-nsd', 'schema'),
'Core self-validates': assertSelfValidates('schema'),
'Core/Core': assertValidates('schema', 'schema'),
'Hyper-NSD self-validates': assertSelfValidates('hyper-schema-nsd'),
'Hyper self-validates': assertSelfValidates('hyper-schema'),
'Hyper/Hyper': assertValidates('hyper-schema', 'hyper-schema'),
'Hyper/Core': assertValidates('hyper-schema', 'schema'),
'Links-NSD self-validates': assertSelfValidates('links-nsd'),
'Links self-validates': assertSelfValidates('links'),
'Links/Hyper': assertValidates('links', 'hyper-schema'),
'Links/Core': assertValidates('links', 'schema'),
'Json-Ref self-validates': assertSelfValidates('json-ref'),
'Json-Ref/Hyper': assertValidates('json-ref', 'hyper-schema'),
'Json-Ref/Core': assertValidates('json-ref', 'schema')