155 lines
4.1 KiB

'use strict'
var fs = require('graceful-fs')
var path = require('path')
var test = require('tap').test
var rimraf = require('rimraf')
var writeStream = require('../index.js')
var target = path.resolve(__dirname, 'test-rename-eperm1')
var target2 = path.resolve(__dirname, 'test-rename-eperm2')
var target3 = path.resolve(__dirname, 'test-rename-eperm3')
test('rename eperm none existing file', function (t) {
var _rename = fs.rename
fs.existsSync = function (src) {
return true
fs.rename = function (src, dest, cb) {
// simulate a failure during rename where the file
// is renamed successfully but the process encounters
// an EPERM error and the target file does not exist
_rename(src, dest, function (e) {
var err = new Error('TEST BREAK')
err.syscall = 'rename'
err.code = 'EPERM'
var stream = writeStream(target, { isWin: true })
var hadError = false
var calledFinish = false
stream.on('error', function (er) {
hadError = true
console.log('#', er)
stream.on('finish', function () {
calledFinish = true
stream.on('close', function () {
t.is(hadError, true, 'error was caught')
t.is(calledFinish, false, 'finish was called before close')
// test existing file with diff. content
test('rename eperm existing file different content', function (t) {
var _rename = fs.rename
fs.existsSync = function (src) {
return true
fs.rename = function (src, dest, cb) {
// simulate a failure during rename where the file
// is renamed successfully but the process encounters
// an EPERM error and the target file that has another content than the
// destination
_rename(src, dest, function (e) {
fs.writeFile(src, 'dest', function (writeErr) {
if (writeErr) {
return console.log('WRITEERR: ' + writeErr)
fs.writeFile(target2, 'target', function (writeErr) {
if (writeErr) {
return console.log('WRITEERR: ' + writeErr)
var err = new Error('TEST BREAK')
err.syscall = 'rename'
err.code = 'EPERM'
var stream = writeStream(target2, { isWin: true })
var hadError = false
var calledFinish = false
stream.on('error', function (er) {
hadError = true
console.log('#', er)
stream.on('finish', function () {
calledFinish = true
stream.on('close', function () {
t.is(hadError, true, 'error was caught')
t.is(calledFinish, false, 'finish was called before close')
// test existing file with the same content
// test existing file with diff. content
test('rename eperm existing file different content', function (t) {
var _rename = fs.rename
fs.existsSync = function (src) {
return true
fs.rename = function (src, dest, cb) {
// simulate a failure during rename where the file
// is renamed successfully but the process encounters
// an EPERM error and the target file that has the same content than the
// destination
_rename(src, dest, function (e) {
fs.writeFile(src, 'target2', function (writeErr) {
if (writeErr) {
return console.log('WRITEERR: ' + writeErr)
fs.writeFile(target3, 'target2', function (writeErr) {
if (writeErr) {
return console.log('WRITEERR: ' + writeErr)
var err = new Error('TEST BREAK')
err.syscall = 'rename'
err.code = 'EPERM'
var stream = writeStream(target3, { isWin: true })
var hadError = false
var calledFinish = false
stream.on('error', function (er) {
hadError = true
console.log('#', er)
stream.on('finish', function () {
calledFinish = true
stream.on('close', function () {
t.is(hadError, false, 'error was caught')
t.is(calledFinish, true, 'finish was called before close')
test('cleanup', function (t) {