function English(str) {
switch (str) {
case 1:{ //Tab Title of Webpage
return "D4DJ Parkings Calculator | Powered by Muni"
case 2:{ //Header Title (Top) of Webpage
return "D4DJ Event Parking Calculator"
case 3:{ //Set up your options (Category Title)
return "Parking Configuration"
case 4:{ //Selection for event type: Poker
return "Poker"
case 5:{ //Selection for event type: Bingo
return "Bingo"
case 6:{ //Selection for event type: Medley
return "Medley"
case 24:{ //Selection for event type: Raid
return "Raid"
case 7:{ //Label for team % selector (Include ":")
return "Event Team Bonus:"
case 17:{ //Label for whether to enable flexible team options.
return "Flexible Team?"
case 8:{ //Tooltip for flexible team options (mouseover)
return "If turned on, calculates scoring options using lower % teams also."
case 18:{ //Label for what the max score in free lives is.
return "Max Free Live Score:"
case 9:{ //Tooltip for what the max score in free lives is. (Setting it to 0 forces the calculator to use Rehearsal)
return "The maximum score you can get from playing a song using Free Live.
(Use 0 for Rehearsals Only)"
case 10:{ //Label for Advanced Settings toggle.
return "Advanced Options?"
case 11:{ //Tooltip for Advanced Settings toggle.
return "Enable voltage & EP limits."
case 12:{ //Label for setting the lowest EP where voltage is allowed.
return "Use voltage until: "
case 13:{ //Label for setting the total amount of voltage the calculator may consume.
return "Max Voltage to use:"
case 14:{ //Label for setting the Starting EP amount.
return "Starting EP:"
case 15:{ //Label for setting the final EP amount.
return "Target EP:"
case 16:{ //The text for the button users click to run the calculator.
return "Calculate"
case 19:{ //Tip: Here's the Light on EX or Synchrogazer on Hard/EX difficulty are some of the highest scoring songs you can pick.
return "Here's the Light on EX or Synchrogazer on Hard/EX difficulty are some of the highest scoring songs you can pick."
case 20:{ //Tip: When you get close to the score you need in Free Live, purposely fail the song. Notes are worth 10% their normal value when you have 0 health so you can finish easily.
return "When you get close to the score you need in Free Live, purposely fail the song. Notes are worth 10% their normal value when you have 0 health so you can finish easily."
case 21:{ //Tip: The "Flexible Team" option gives you the fastest park, but at the expense of more voltage.
return "The \"Flexible Team\" option gives you the fastest park, but at the expense of more voltage."
case 22:{ //Tip: The maximum score you can get from playing a song using "Free Live" (Use 0 for Rehearsals Only)
return "The maximum score you can get from playing a song using Free Live.
(Use 0 for Rehearsals Only)"
case 23:{ //See any issues? Contact Mirby#5516 on D4DJ discord
return "See any issues? Contact Mirby#5516 on D4DJ discord"
case "%INITIAL%":{ //This message is the first thing to display for a normal calculation.
//Sample message:
Calculating from 100000 to 104000 for event type Poker/Raid...
(All games are done in Free Live)
Found a park! 9 steps and 13 voltage required!
//Variables for this message:
Calculating from %START% to %TARGET% for event type %EVENT%...
(All games are done in Free Live)
Found a park! %STEPS% step%PLURAL_STEPS% and %VOLTAGE% voltage required!
return "Calculating from %START% to %TARGET% for event type %EVENT%...\n\t(All games are done in Free Live)\n\nFound a park! %STEPS% step%PLURAL_STEPS% and %VOLTAGE% voltage required!"
case "%STEP%":{ //This message is displayed for each normal voltage step in the process.
//Sample message:
Step 1) Using 5 voltage w/160% team, score between 640000~649999 pts. EP +1480. Remaining:2520 EP
//Variables for this message:
Step %STEP%) Using %VOLTAGE% voltage w/%PERCENT%% team, score between %LOWSCORE%~%HIGHSCORE% pts. EP +%EPGAIN%. Remaining:%REMAINING% EP
return "Step %STEP%) Using %VOLTAGE% voltage w/%PERCENT%% team, score between %LOWSCORE%~%HIGHSCORE% pts. EP +%EPGAIN%. Remaining:%REMAINING% EP"
case "%REHEARSAL%":{ //Similar to above, but for a rehearsal step instead.
return "Step %STEP%) Use Rehearsal w/%PERCENT%% team. EP +%EPGAIN%. Remaining:%REMAINING% EP"
case "%LARGEGAP%":{ //This message is displayed if the Starting EP and Final EP gap is too big for reasonable calculations.
return "Get closer to target score before using parking calculator!";
case "%FAILED%":{ //This message is displayed if it's impossible to park.
return "Impossible to park using this team!"
return "???"