/*"Step "+(step++)+") Use Rehearsal w/"+Math.round(tbonus*100)+"% team. EP +"+gain+". Remaining:"+(end-start)+" EP \n"*/
/*"Step "+(step++)+") Use Rehearsal w/"+Math.round(tbonus*100)+"% team. EP +"+gain+". Remaining:"+(end-start)+" EP \n"*/
if(isBonus&&((end-start)==38||(end-start)==36)){// If bonus exists, and gap is 36 or 38, need to do special exception because bonus teams can't reach 160% or 180%
/*"Calculating from "+originalTarget+" to "+end+" for event type "+type+"...\n\t(All games are done in Free Live)\n\nFound a park! "+(step-1)+" step"+Plural(step-1)+" and "+flameCount+" voltage required!\n\n"+document.getElementById("console").value*/
/*"Calculating from "+originalTarget+" to "+end+" for event type "+type+"...\n\t(All games are done in Free Live)\n\nFound a park! "+(step-1)+" step"+Plural(step-1)+" and "+flameCount+" voltage required!\n\n"+document.getElementById("console").value*/
<spanclass="tooltiptext translate8">If turned on, calculates scoring options using lower % teams also.</span>
<spanclass="tooltiptext">If turned on, calculates scoring options using lower % teams also.</span>
<spanid="warningparktext"style="visibility:hidden;"><fontcolor="red"><b>WARNING!</b> If your team% changes as you are parking you will have to recalculate the <fontcolor="black"><b><u>PARAMETER</u></b></font> value in the middle of parking!</font></span>
<spanclass="tooltip"><labelfor="maxscore"><b>Max Free Live Score: </b></label><inputid="maxscore"min="0"type="number"value="620000"/><spanclass="tooltiptext translate22">
<spanclass="tooltip"><labelfor="maxscore"><bclass="translate18">Max Free Live Score: </b></label
<li>When trying to park during Raid(Special) type events, if you get "Impossible" messages, try lowering the max free live score by 100k increments.</li>
<liclass="translate19">Here's the Light on EX or Synchrogazer on Hard/EX difficulty are some of the highest scoring songs you can pick.</li>
<liclass="translate19">Here's the Light on EX or Synchrogazer on Hard/EX difficulty are some of the highest scoring songs you can pick.</li>
<liclass="translate20">When you get close to the score you need in Free Live, purposely fail the song. Notes are worth 10% their normal value when you have 0 health so you can finish easily.</li>
<liclass="translate20">When you get close to the score you need in Free Live, purposely fail the song. Notes are worth 10% their normal value when you have 0 health so you can finish easily.</li>
<liclass="translate21">The <b>"Flexible Team"</b> option gives you the fastest park, but at the expense of more voltage.</li>
<liclass="translate21">The <b>"Flexible Team"</b> option gives you the fastest park, but at the expense of more voltage.</li>
<liclass="translate23">See any issues? Contact Mirby#5516 on D4DJ discord.</li>