case17:{//Label for whether to enable flexible team options.
return"Flexible Team?"
case8:{//Tooltip for flexible team options (mouseover)
return"If turned on, calculates scoring options using lower % teams also."
case18:{//Label for what the max score in free lives is.
return"Max Free Live Score:"
case9:{//Tooltip for what the max score in free lives is. (Setting it to 0 forces the calculator to use Rehearsal)
return"The maximum score you can get from playing a song using <font color=\"aqua\">Free Live</font>.<br><sub>(Use 0 for Rehearsals Only)</sub>"
case10:{//Label for Advanced Settings toggle.
return"Advanced Options?"
case11:{//Tooltip for Advanced Settings toggle.
return"Enable voltage & EP limits."
case12:{//Label for setting the lowest EP where voltage is allowed.
return"Use voltage until: "
case13:{//Label for setting the total amount of voltage the calculator may consume.
return"Max Voltage to use:"
case14:{//Label for setting the Starting EP amount.
return"Starting EP:"
case15:{//Label for setting the final EP amount.
return"Target EP:"
case16:{//The text for the button users click to run the calculator.
case19:{//Tip: Here's the Light on EX or Synchrogazer on Hard/EX difficulty are some of the highest scoring songs you can pick.
return"Here's the Light on EX or Synchrogazer on Hard/EX difficulty are some of the highest scoring songs you can pick."
case20:{//Tip: When you get close to the score you need in Free Live, purposely fail the song. Notes are worth 10% their normal value when you have 0 health so you can finish easily.
return"When you get close to the score you need in Free Live, purposely fail the song. Notes are worth 10% their normal value when you have 0 health so you can finish easily."
case21:{//Tip: The "Flexible Team" option gives you the fastest park, but at the expense of more voltage.
return"The <b>\"Flexible Team\"</b> option gives you the fastest park, but at the expense of more voltage."
return"Calculating from %START% to %TARGET% for event type %EVENT%...\n\t(All games are done in Free Live)\n\nFound a park! %STEPS% step%PLURAL_STEPS% and %VOLTAGE% voltage required!"
case"%STEP%":{//This message is displayed for each normal voltage step in the process.