A bot to help parse and read rank images.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

199 lines
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Tess4J Change Summary
Version 0.1 - initial release (14 Aug 2010):
- Java JNA-based wrapper for Tesseract OCR DLL 2.04
- Support uncompressed, binary TIFF images
Version 0.2 (16 Aug 2010):
- Add support for more image formats (PNG, BMP, GIF, PDF, JPEG)
- Add support for compressed, grayscale and colored images
Version 0.3 (22 Aug 2010):
- Include API support for BufferedImage
- Clean up codes. Remove unsupported API and files
- Document the API
Version 0.3.1 (26 Aug 2010):
- Send only pixel data, not whole image data, to Tesseract engine, to fix a bug that has erroneously put some words at beginning of line towards end of line
Version 0.4 (1 Nov 2010):
- Add JNA Direct Mapping calls, which can provide performance near that of custom JNI
Version 1.0 (30 October 2012):
- Upgrade to Tesseract 3.02 (r798), which is not backward compatible with Tesseract 2.04.
- Implement a new JNA wrapper for the new Tesseract OCR API
- Add more unit test cases
- Update documentation
Version 1.1 (3 March 2013)
- Update Tesseract DLL to r828
- Additional API methods, image helper methods, and unit test cases
- Improve handling of Unicode character encoding
- Fix memory leaks
- Add support for determining skew angle and image rotation
Version 1.2 (22 September 2013)
- Update Tesseract DLL to r866
- More efficient OCR of multiple images
- Various minor improvements
- Update JNA to v4.0
Version 1.3 (31 May 2014)
- Update JNA to v4.1.0
- Update Ghost4J to v0.5.1
- Refactoring
- Bundle Tesseract and Leptonica 64-bit DLLs
Version 1.4 (18 January 2015)
- Refactor to reduce code duplication
- Embed Windows native resources in JAR
- Autoload Windows native libraries
Version 1.4.1 (24 January 2015)
- Enable use of jna.library.path system property for user-customizable path
Version 1.5 (13 March 2015)
- Add UNLV zone file support
- Refactor
Version 2.0 (29 March 2015)
- Upgrade to Tesseract 3.03 (r1050), which is compatible with Tesseract 3.03RC on Linux
- Refactor Tesseract class for extensibility and thread-safety
- Update English language data for Tesseract 3.02
Version 3.0 (25 December 2015)
- Upgrade to Tesseract 3.04 (953523b)
- Include Lept4J library
- Incorporate slf4j and logback libraries for logging
- Make GhostScript calls thread safe
Version 3.1 (21 March 2016)
- Update Tesseract to 3.04.01 (4ef68a0)
- Use Lept4J-1.1.2 (Leptonica 1.72)
- Update JNA to 4.2.2
- Update Ghost4J to 1.0.1
- Delete ResultRenderer after use to release PDF file handler
Version 3.2 (15 May 2016)
- Revert JNA to 4.1.0 due to "Invalid calling convention 63" errors invoking GhostScript via Ghost4J on Linux
- Update Lept4J to 1.2.2 (Leptonica 1.73)
- Recompile Tesseract 3.04.01 DLL against Leptonica 1.73
- Update GhostScript Windows binary to 9.19
Version 3.2.1 (29 May 2016)
- Properly release Box and Boxa resources
- Update Lept4J to 1.2.3
Version 3.2.2 (16 February 2017)
- Update GhostScript to 9.20
- Fix possible NPE with PDF-related codes
- Update dependencies
- Additional image utility methods
Version 3.3.0 (16 February 2017)
- Upgrade to Tesseract 3.05 (2ca5d0a)
- Update Lept4J to 1.3.0 (Leptonica 1.74.1)
Version 3.3.1 (23 March 2017)
- Update Lept4J to 1.3.1
- Update other dependencies
Version 3.4.0 (1 June 2017)
- Upgrade to Tesseract 3.05.01 (2158661)
- Update Lept4J to 1.4.0
- Add support for jboss-vfs protocol
Version 3.4.1 (22 September 2017)
- Not extract/copy native resource if it exists and has same file size
- Update Tesseract 3.05.01 (e2e79c4); link against Leptonica 1.74.4
- Update Lept4J to 1.6.1
Version 3.4.2 (14 November 2017)
- Update Lept4J to 1.6.2
- Update GhostScript to 9.22
- Improve handling of PDF files in multi-threaded environment
- Lift limits on number of pages in PDF
- Use TESSDATA_PREFIX environment variable by default, if defined
Version 3.4.3 (14 January 2018)
- Not extract/copy resource if it exists and has same file size
Version 3.4.4 (22 February 2018)
- Exclude logback.xml from JAR
- Add image rotate and deskew methods
- Update Lept4J to 1.6.3
Version 3.4.5 (21 March 2018)
- Remove GS DLL due to license incompatibility
- Use PDFBox
Version 3.4.6 (25 March 2018)
- Update PDFBox dependencies
Version 3.4.7 (16 April 2018)
- Update dependencies for Java 9 fixes
Version 3.4.8 (2 May 2018)
- Fix a path issue when extracting resources from JAR to temp directory on Windows server
Version 4.0.0 (28 April 2018)
- Upgrade to Tesseract 4.0.0-beta.1 (45bb942)
- Update Lept4J to 1.9.3 (Leptonica 1.75.3)
Version 4.0.1 (2 May 2018)
- Fix a path issue when extracting resources from JAR to temp directory on Windows server
Version 4.0.2 (3 May 2018)
- Replace JNA string constant Platform.RESOURCE_PREFIX
- Update jai-imageio url
- Update Lept4J to 1.9.4
Version 4.1.0 (20 July 2018)
- Upgrade to Tesseract 4.0.0-beta.3 (b502bbf)
- Update Lept4J to 1.10.0
- Improve handling of PDF
- Refactor
Version 4.1.1 (28 July 2018)
- Properly dispose of resources and temporary image files
- Clean up code and test output resources
- Fix NPE in Java 10
Version 4.2.0 (11 August 2018)
- Upgrade to Tesseract 4.0.0-beta.4 (fd49206)
Version 4.2.1 (11 August 2018)
- Recompile using JDK8 to avoid NoSuchMethodError: Method flip() does not exist in class java.nio.ByteBuffer
- Use explicit cast for compatibility with covariant return type on JDK 9's ByteBuffer methods, e.g., flip()
Version 4.2.2 (3 September 2018)
- Fix Invalid memory access exception due of incorrect bit depth value
Version 4.2.3 (17 October 2018)
- Update pdfbox dependencies
Version 4.3.0 (29 October 2018)
- Upgrade to Tesseract 4.0.0 (5131699)
Version 4.3.1 (26 December 2018)
- Fix Windows build
- Improve RenderedImage to ByteBuffer conversion
Version 4.4.0 (13 July 2019)
- Upgrade to Tesseract 4.1.0 (5280bbc)
- Upgrade to Leptonica 1.78.0 (lept4j-1.12.2)
- Update dependencies
Version 4.4.1 (7 October 2019)
- Use tessdata_fast data
- Use Native.loadLibrary method for backward compatibility with older JNA versions
Version 4.5.0 (27 December 2019)
- Upgrade to Tesseract 4.1.1 (7510304)
Version 4.5.1 (3 January 2020)
- Update Leptonica 1.79.0 (lept4j-1.13.0)
- Fix Permission denied issue with Ghostscript 9.50
Version 5.0.0-SNAPSHOT (11 July 2020)
- Upgrade to Tesseract 5.0.0-alpha (135c8a4)