import axios from 'axios' import { useEffect, useState } from 'react' import Tabs from 'react-bootstrap/Tabs' import Tab from 'react-bootstrap/Tab' import ToggleButtonGroup from 'react-bootstrap/ButtonGroup' import ToggleButton from 'react-bootstrap/Button' import useSWR from 'swr' import Table from 'react-bootstrap/Table' import 'bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css'; const fetcher = url => axios.get(url).then(res => var RABI_RIBI_GAME_ID = "o6g0o8d2" function VariableSelector(p) { const {values} = p const displayValues = Object.keys(values.values.values).map((key)=>[values.values.values[key],key]) const [selected,setSelected] = useState(Object.keys(values.values.values)[0]) const handleChange=(e)=>{ setSelected( var arr = {...p.selectionValues} arr[][p.selectionID]"," p.setSelectionValues(arr) } return <> {,i)=>{value[0].label})}
} function getLeaderboard(categoryID,variables) { const { data,error } = useSWR(""+RABI_RIBI_GAME_ID+"/category/"+categoryID+variables,fetcher) return { data: data, isLoading: !error && !data, isError: error } } function Leaderboard(p) { const {data} = p return {data?>{/*#*/} {/*Player*/} {/*Time without loads*/} {/*Time with loads*/} {/*Platform*/} {/*Version*/} {/*Date*/} {/*Video*/} )}
# Player Time without loads Time with loads Platform Version Date Video
} export default function Home(p) { var {CATEGORIES,VARIABLES}= p const [selectedTab,setSelectedTab] = useState("") const [selectionValues,setSelectionValues] = useState({}) const [appendStr,setAppendStr] = useState("") const {data} = getLeaderboard(selectedTab,appendStr) useEffect(()=>{ var arr = {...p.selectionValues} CATEGORIES.forEach((cat,i)=>{ if (i==0) { setSelectedTab( } arr[]={} VARIABLES.filter((v)=>(||v.category===null)&&v["is-subcategory"]).forEach((v,i)=>{ arr[][i]=(","+Object.keys(v.values.values)[0]) }) }) setSelectionValues(arr) },[]) useEffect(()=>{ var appendStr = "" //console.log(selectionValues[selectedTab]) for (var val in selectionValues[selectedTab]) { //console.log(selectionValues[selectedTab][val]) var split = selectionValues[selectedTab][val].split(",") if (appendStr.length===0) { appendStr="?" } else { appendStr+="&" } appendStr+="var-"+split[0]+"="+split[1] } setAppendStr(appendStr) },[selectedTab,selectionValues]) return <>{setSelectedTab(e)}}> {> {/*cat.rules*/} {VARIABLES.filter((v)=>(||v.category===null)&&v["is-subcategory"]).map((v,i)=>)} )} {} } export async function getStaticProps() { var CATEGORIES = {} var RUN_DATA = {} var VARIABLES = {} await axios.get(""+RABI_RIBI_GAME_ID+"/categories").then((data)=>{ CATEGORIES = }) await axios.get(""+RABI_RIBI_GAME_ID+"/variables").then((data)=>{ VARIABLES = }) return { props: { RUN_DATA, CATEGORIES, VARIABLES }, // Next.js will attempt to re-generate the page: // - When a request comes in // - At most once every 10 seconds revalidate: 10, // In seconds } }