# Who I Am Welcome. If you are reading this you have successfully found my blog! I started this blog because I got tired of having to use some external framework outside of my regular day-to-day pipeline just to send words to the Internet! I go by **Sig**. I have been doing computer programming for 18 years of my life as of this date. I will do a more detailed synopsis of my history in a future post as this is mostly what my blog will entail: A biography about me. ## Why Blogging Is Useful When I first did blogging using Wordpress long ago (Between the years of 2004-2011), I noticed that I enjoyed archiving and recording my day-to-day and life whereabouts. When I can review them at a later point in time, it helps me recall memories, my surroundings, and what I was dealing with at that time. Recalling pleasurable and enjoyable life experiences, and even not-so-enjoyable times is a very powerful feeling and reading / seeing what is happening helps recall those things in the far future. ## Why Github? As a computer programmer, I use Github on a day-to-day basis. Since I use this platform anyways it feels like a very simple and great way to publish things. I don't need anything fancy, and markdown gives me simple and helpful visual formatting. I don't need statistics or analytics. I only require a location to store text in chronological order. So a basic filesystem hosted in an online repository does the job very well. Sometimes **simple is better**! And trust me, this is way better than that wonky Wordpress suite I used to run. ## Target audience If you are reading this then you are probably my target audience. These are for the people that I have become close to and want to know the ins-and-outs of my thought processes and what I go through in life. I want this blog repository to become a definitive source for any and all ideas and mindsets that I have developed over the years. I will be **explaining many of my philosophies** that I have been developing in my life. I have been told that I am a very **successful** person and that I have achieved **nirvana**, **perfection**, and **stability** in life. Keep in mind, success does not come in the form of wealth. Nor does it come in the form of religion. It is just a state of happiness and satisfaction with life. Something I realized after deep discussions with folks, not a lot of people surprisingly can achieve! I hope that my daily posts to break down and dissect these concepts and how I achieved them will aid in your journey to have an enjoyable life as well. I will do my best to make a daily post. Until then, good luck. \- Sig