Self-contained Express-Postgresql-React project container.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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695 B

create table users(id serial,username text,birth_day integer,birth_month integer,birth_year integer,birth_minute integer,birth_hour integer);
create table signs(id serial,sign_name text,symbol text,strengths text,weaknesses text,element text,ruler text,jewelry text,yinyang boolean);
create table compatibility(id serial,signId integer,compatibleSignId integer);
create table incompatibility(id serial,signId integer,incompatibleSignId integer);
create table numbers(id serial,signId integer,number integer);
create table colors(id serial,signId integer,color text);
create table flowers(id serial,signId integer,flower text);
create table directions(id serial,signId integer,direction integer);