Left Shifter Right Shifter Bit Repair Memory Swapper Corrupter (Randomly destroys bits) "Memory Collection Point" Attach collectors to them (Unit attaches to pipe) Memory Structure (Allocators) RAM Bank (Creates new Memory Structures) has its own rate of creation based on Procedure amount. Range: 2 Points = 1 Tile (24 pixels) 1 Point = 12 Pixels Attack Speed: 1/(AtkSpd/2) attacks per second Range/Attack indicators System has limited resources, both sides fight for resources. Add Bar Quantify Resource Limits Start off w/5 of each resource. Player build Memory Allocators using Resources. (HEALTH,RANGE,ATKSPD,MOVESPD,PROCEDURE) Memory Allocator costs 1/1/1/1/1. Day 4 Visuals/Clarity Line Follow Indicators Attacking Lines Buff/Debuff Indicators Day 5 Enemy AI / Resource Management + Collectors Memory Allocator Platforms Enemy AI Day 6 Multiple Levels Day 7 Tutorializing Hotkeys Day 8 Customized Units Day 9 Sounds/Music - Timer (Speedrun) Difficulty Selection Tutorial (Grey out non-important bars) Level 1: Basic Unit and Controls, move units towards enemy unit Level 2: Introduce another Unit Level 3: Level 4: Level 5: Level 6: (Introduce one unit at a time) Memory Limits Minimap Pause / Slow down time (Hotkeys to speed up/slow down time) Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5 - Hacking a Network Potential Songs: 1 Pixel Space - Cosmos (Tutorials?) Space - Gravity (Ambient 1) 1 Epic Boss Battles (Cut for loop) (Ambient 2) 3 Epic Boss Battles (Cut end for loop) (Ambient 3) 1 Glorious Venture (Ending theme?)