Compare commits
3 Commits
Author | SHA1 | Date |
22fdee85e4 | 2 years ago |
96f582b6bd | 2 years ago |
54435247e3 | 2 years ago |
@ -1,10 +0,0 @@ |
#pragma once |
struct GameFlags{ |
bool unitMetersGreyedOut=true;//If true, all but health meters show up as dark grey.
bool playerInControl=false; |
bool limitedBuildOptions=false; |
bool guideEnabled=false; |
bool flashMemoryBar=false; |
int difficulty=1; //0=Easy, 1=Normal, 2=Hard
}; |
@ -1,9 +0,0 @@ |
#pragma once |
enum class GameState{ |
}; |
@ -1,7 +0,0 @@ |
#pragma once |
#include "MemoryType.h" |
struct Memory{ |
MemoryType type; |
int size; |
}; |
@ -1,838 +1,38 @@ |
#include "Scenario.h" |
#include "TileManager.h" |
#include "olcUTIL_Geometry2D.h" |
extern VirusAttack*game; |
Scenario::Scenario(std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Unit>>&units,std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Renderable>>&IMAGES,std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Audio>>&SOUNDS,std::string&objective,TileTransformedView&game,GameFlags&flags) |
:units(units),IMAGES(IMAGES),SOUNDS(SOUNDS),objective(objective),game(game),flags(flags){} |
Scenario::~Scenario(){}; |
void Scenario::_Start(){ |
state=0; |
camera=utils::Camera2D{game.GetPGE()->GetScreenSize(),game.GetWorldOffset()}; |
camera.SetLazyFollowRate(2); |
camera.SetMode(utils::Camera2D::Mode::LazyFollow); |
targetPos={96,96}; |
box.SetVisible(false); |
initialWaitTime=3; |
camera.SetTarget(targetPos); |
missionCompletedTimer=0; |
transitionToNextLevel=false; |
setupEasyMode=false; |
Start(); |
Scenario::Scenario(){ |
dialog.SetVisible(false); |
} |
void Scenario::Start(){}; |
void Scenario::_Update(Resources&enemy_resources,std::vector<std::shared_ptr<CollectionPoint>>&collectionPoints,int availableMemory,std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Unit>>&queuedUnits,std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Audio>>&SOUNDS){ |
initialWaitTime=std::max(0.f,initialWaitTime-game.GetPGE()->GetElapsedTime()); |
missionFinishWaitTime=std::max(0.f,missionFinishWaitTime-game.GetPGE()->GetElapsedTime()); |
smallTimePass=std::min(1.f,smallTimePass+game.GetPGE()->GetElapsedTime()); |
if(flags.playerInControl){ |
smallTimePass=0; |
} |
if(missionCompleted){ |
missionCompletedTimer+=game.GetPGE()->GetElapsedTime(); |
} else { |
missionCompleted=MissionCompleted(); |
} |
if(flags.playerInControl){ |
RunAI(enemy_resources,collectionPoints,availableMemory,queuedUnits,SOUNDS); |
} |
if(initialWaitTime==0){ |
Update(); |
} |
}; |
void Scenario::RunAI(Resources&enemy_resources,std::vector<std::shared_ptr<CollectionPoint>>&collectionPoints,int availableMemory,std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Unit>>&queuedUnits,std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Audio>>&SOUNDS){ |
if(!flags.guideEnabled||flags.limitedBuildOptions||flags.unitMetersGreyedOut)return; //We don't enable advanced AI during tutorials.
if(!setupEasyMode&&flags.difficulty==0){ |
enemy_resources={100,100,100,100,100}; |
setupEasyMode=true; |
} |
attackTimer=std::max(0.f,attackTimer-game.GetPGE()->GetElapsedTime()); |
unitBuildTimer=std::max(0.f,unitBuildTimer-game.GetPGE()->GetElapsedTime()); |
std::weak_ptr<Unit>baseOfOperations; |
std::weak_ptr<Unit>enemyBaseOfOperations; |
for(auto&u:units){ |
if(!u->IsFriendly()&&u->IsRAMBank()){ |
baseOfOperations=u; |
break; |
} |
} |
for(auto&u:units){ |
if(u->IsFriendly()&&u->IsRAMBank()){ |
enemyBaseOfOperations=u; |
break; |
} |
} |
if(baseOfOperations.expired()){ |
for(auto&u:units){ |
if(!u->IsFriendly()){ |
baseOfOperations=u; |
break; |
} |
} |
} |
//See if there are collectors, if so send memory allocator units towards them.
if(!baseOfOperations.expired()){ |
std::sort(collectionPoints.begin(),collectionPoints.end(),[&](std::shared_ptr<CollectionPoint>cp1,std::shared_ptr<CollectionPoint>cp2){ |
geom2d::line<float>toCP1={cp1->pos,baseOfOperations.lock()->GetPos()}; |
geom2d::line<float>toCP2={cp2->pos,baseOfOperations.lock()->GetPos()}; |
return toCP1.length()<toCP2.length();}); |
} |
int; |
maxOfResources=std::max(maxOfResources,enemy_resources.atkSpd); |
maxOfResources=std::max(maxOfResources,enemy_resources.moveSpd); |
maxOfResources=std::max(maxOfResources,enemy_resources.procedure); |
maxOfResources=std::max(maxOfResources,enemy_resources.range); |
if(maxOfResources<10){ |
for(auto&cp:collectionPoints){ |
if(cp->attachedUnit.expired()){ |
if(cpCheckTimer.count(cp.get())==0||cpCheckTimer[cp.get()]<=0){ |
for(auto&u:units){ |
if(!u->IsFriendly()&&u->IsAllocator()&&u->attachTarget.expired()){ |
//Tell this unit to move towards that collection point.
u->SetTargetCollectionPoint(cp,u); |
break; |
} |
} |
//Hasn't been checked recently.
cpCheckTimer[cp.get()]=60; |
} |
} |
} |
} |
for(auto&key:cpCheckTimer){ |
cpCheckTimer[key.first]=std::max(0.0f,cpCheckTimer[key.first]-game.GetPGE()->GetElapsedTime()); |
} |
int memoryAllocatorCount=0; |
for(auto&u:units){ |
if(!u->IsFriendly()&&u->IsAllocator()){ |
memoryAllocatorCount++; |
} |
} |
if(memoryAllocatorCount<3){ |
for(auto&u:units){ |
if(!u->IsFriendly()&&u->IsRAMBank()){ |
AttemptBuild(UnitType::MemoryAllocator,u->GetPos(),MemoryAllocator::resourceCost,enemy_resources,availableMemory,queuedUnits); |
} |
} |
} |
Scenario::~Scenario(){} |
//Randomly turn memory allocators into other units.
if(unitBuildTimer==0){ |
for(auto&u:units){ |
if(!u->IsFriendly()&&u->IsAllocator()&&u->attachTarget.expired()){ |
std::array<UnitType,10>unitChoiceList={UnitType::LeftShifter,UnitType::LeftShifter,UnitType::RightShifter,UnitType::RightShifter, |
UnitType::Corrupter,UnitType::MemorySwapper,UnitType::BitRestorer,UnitType::BitRestorer,UnitType::_Platform,UnitType::Corrupter}; |
std::array<std::vector<Memory>,10>unitResourceCostList={LeftShifter::resourceCost,LeftShifter::resourceCost,RightShifter::resourceCost,RightShifter::resourceCost, |
Corrupter::resourceCost,MemorySwapper::resourceCost,BitRestorer::resourceCost,BitRestorer::resourceCost,_Platform::resourceCost,Corrupter::resourceCost}; |
int randomIndex=rand()%unitChoiceList.size(); |
UnitType buildUnit=unitChoiceList[randomIndex]; |
void Scenario::Start(){} |
int totalCost=0; |
for(int i=0;i<unitResourceCostList[randomIndex].size();i++){ |
totalCost+=unitResourceCostList[randomIndex][i].size; |
} |
if(totalCost<=availableMemory){ |
#define Build(type) \ |
case UnitType::type:{ \
u->SetBuildUnit(8,std::make_shared<type>(game.GetPGE(),u->GetPos(),IMAGES,false),SOUNDS); \
}break; |
switch(buildUnit){ |
Build(LeftShifter) |
Build(RightShifter) |
Build(BitRestorer) |
Build(_Platform) |
Build(Corrupter) |
Build(MemorySwapper) |
} |
if(>0){,;}else |
if(enemy_resources.atkSpd>0){enemy_resources.atkSpd=std::max(0,enemy_resources.atkSpd-totalCost);}else |
if(enemy_resources.moveSpd>0){enemy_resources.moveSpd=std::max(0,enemy_resources.moveSpd-totalCost);}else |
if(enemy_resources.range>0){enemy_resources.range=std::max(0,enemy_resources.range-totalCost);}else |
{enemy_resources.procedure=std::max(0,enemy_resources.procedure-totalCost); |
} |
availableMemory-=totalCost; |
} |
} |
if(!u->IsFriendly()&&u->IsPlatform()){ |
std::array<UnitType,7>unitChoiceList={UnitType::RAMBank,UnitType::Refresher,UnitType::Refresher,UnitType::Turret, |
UnitType::Turret,UnitType::Turret,UnitType::MemoryGuard}; |
std::array<std::vector<Memory>,7>unitResourceCostList={RAMBank::resourceCost,Refresher::resourceCost,Refresher::resourceCost,Turret::resourceCost, |
Turret::resourceCost,Turret::resourceCost,MemoryGuard::resourceCost}; |
int randomIndex=rand()%unitChoiceList.size(); |
UnitType buildUnit=unitChoiceList[randomIndex]; |
int totalCost=0; |
for(int i=0;i<unitResourceCostList[randomIndex].size();i++){ |
totalCost+=unitResourceCostList[randomIndex][i].size; |
} |
if(totalCost<=availableMemory){ |
#define Build(type) \ |
case UnitType::type:{ \
u->SetBuildUnit(8,std::make_shared<type>(game.GetPGE(),u->GetPos(),IMAGES,false),SOUNDS); \
}break; |
switch(buildUnit){ |
Build(RAMBank) |
Build(Refresher) |
Build(Turret) |
Build(MemoryGuard) |
} |
if(>0){,;}else |
if(enemy_resources.atkSpd>0){enemy_resources.atkSpd=std::max(0,enemy_resources.atkSpd-totalCost);}else |
if(enemy_resources.moveSpd>0){enemy_resources.moveSpd=std::max(0,enemy_resources.moveSpd-totalCost);}else |
if(enemy_resources.range>0){enemy_resources.range=std::max(0,enemy_resources.range-totalCost);}else |
{enemy_resources.procedure=std::max(0,enemy_resources.procedure-totalCost); |
} |
availableMemory-=totalCost; |
} |
} |
switch(flags.difficulty){ |
case 0:{ |
unitBuildTimer=120; |
}break; |
case 1:{ |
unitBuildTimer=60; |
}break; |
case 2:{ |
unitBuildTimer=10; |
}break; |
} |
} |
} |
if(attackTimer==0){ |
if(!enemyBaseOfOperations.expired()){ |
for(auto&u:units){ |
if(!u->IsFriendly()&&rand()%3==0){ |
if(u->CanInteractWithEnemies()&&!u->IsAllocator()&&u->CanMove()){ |
u->SetTargetUnit(enemyBaseOfOperations); |
} |
} |
} |
for(auto&u:units){ |
if(!u->IsFriendly()&&u->GetCurrentTarget().expired()&&u->CanInteractWithAllies()){ |
if(rand()%5==0){ |
u->SetTargetLocation(enemyBaseOfOperations.lock()->GetPos()); |
} |
} |
} |
} |
switch(flags.difficulty){ |
case 0:{ |
attackTimer=999; |
}break; |
case 1:{ |
attackTimer=300; |
}break; |
case 2:{ |
attackTimer=120; |
}break; |
} |
} |
void Scenario::_Update(){ |
initialWaitTimer=std::max(0.f,initialWaitTimer-game->GetElapsedTime()); |
Update(); |
} |
std::shared_ptr<UnitClass>buildUnit=std::make_shared<UnitClass>(this,u->GetPos(),IMAGES,u->IsFriendly()); \
u->SetBuildUnit(CONSTANT::UNIT_BUILD_TIME,std::move(buildUnit),SOUNDS); \
*/ |
bool Scenario::AttemptBuild(UnitType unit,vf2d pos,std::vector<Memory>&resourceCost,Resources&enemy_resources,int availableMemory,std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Unit>>&queuedUnits){ |
int; |
int totalCost=0; |
for(int i=0;i<resourceCost.size();i++){ |
totalCost+=resourceCost[i].size; |
} |
if(totalCost>availableMemory)return false; |
if(enemyTotalResources>=totalCost){ |
if(>0){,;}else |
if(enemy_resources.atkSpd>0){enemy_resources.atkSpd=std::max(0,enemy_resources.atkSpd-totalCost);}else |
if(enemy_resources.moveSpd>0){enemy_resources.moveSpd=std::max(0,enemy_resources.moveSpd-totalCost);}else |
if(enemy_resources.range>0){enemy_resources.range=std::max(0,enemy_resources.range-totalCost);}else |
{enemy_resources.procedure=std::max(0,enemy_resources.procedure-totalCost);} |
#define TranslateUnit(type) \ |
case UnitType::type:{ \
queuedUnits.emplace_back(std::make_shared<type>(game.GetPGE(),pos,IMAGES,false)); \
}break; |
switch(unit){ |
TranslateUnit(MemoryAllocator) |
TranslateUnit(LeftShifter) |
TranslateUnit(RightShifter) |
TranslateUnit(BitRestorer) |
TranslateUnit(MemorySwapper) |
TranslateUnit(Corrupter) |
TranslateUnit(RAMBank) |
TranslateUnit(MemoryGuard) |
TranslateUnit(Refresher) |
TranslateUnit(Turret) |
TranslateUnit(_Platform) |
} |
} |
return true; |
void Scenario::_Draw(){ |
Draw(); |
} |
bool Scenario::MissionCompleted(){return false;} |
void Scenario::Update(){}; |
void Scenario::Draw(){ |
if(objective.length()>0){ |
game.GetPGE()->DrawShadowStringDecal({4,24},"Objective:"); |
game.GetPGE()->DrawShadowStringDecal({6,36},objective); |
game.GetPGE()->DrawShadowStringDecal({4,24},missionCompleted?"Objective Complete!":"Objective:",missionCompleted?GREEN:WHITE); |
vf2d textSize=game.GetPGE()->GetTextSize(objective); |
game.GetPGE()->DrawShadowStringDecal({6,36},objective,missionCompleted?GREEN:WHITE); |
if(missionCompleted&&missionFinishWaitTime==0){ |
game.GetPGE()->FillRectDecal(vf2d{6,36}+vf2d{0,textSize.y/2-1},{textSize.x,3}); |
std::string continueText="< Press [Spacebar] to continue >"; |
vf2d textScale={2,3}; |
vf2d textSize=game.GetPGE()->GetTextSizeProp(continueText)*textScale; |
game.GetPGE()->DrawShadowStringPropDecal(game.GetPGE()->GetScreenSize()/2-textSize/2+vf2d{0,72},continueText,{255,255,255,uint8_t(abs(sin(2*missionCompletedTimer))*255)},{0,0,0,uint8_t(abs(sin(2*missionCompletedTimer))*255)},textScale); |
if(game.GetPGE()->GetKey(SPACE).bPressed){ |
transitionToNextLevel=true; |
} |
} |
} |
Resources temp={0,0,0,0,0}; |
box.UpdateAndDraw({24,64},game.GetPGE(),temp,IMAGES,0,0); |
} |
void Scenario::SetCameraTarget(vf2d pos,bool instant){ |
if(instant){camera.SetMode(utils::Camera2D::Mode::Simple);} else {camera.SetMode(utils::Camera2D::Mode::LazyFollow);} |
targetPos=pos; |
camera.SetTarget(targetPos); |
camera.Update(game.GetPGE()->GetElapsedTime()); |
game.SetWorldOffset(camera.GetViewPosition()); |
} |
void Scenario::SetObjective(std::string objective){ |
this->objective=objective; |
} |
void Scenario::RevealTiles(vf2d pos){ |
for(int y=-1;y<=1;y++){ |
for(int x=-1;x<=1;x++){ |
vi2d basePos={int(pos.x+x*96),int(pos.y+y*96)}; |
TileManager::visibleTiles[{basePos.x/96,basePos.y/96}]=30; |
} |
} |
} |
Stage1::Stage1(std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Unit>>&units,std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Renderable>>&IMAGES,std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Audio>>&SOUNDS,std::string&objective,TileTransformedView&game,GameFlags&flags) |
:Scenario(units,IMAGES,SOUNDS,objective,game,flags){} |
Stage1::Stage1(){} |
Stage1::~Stage1(){} |
void Stage1::Start(){ |
flags.unitMetersGreyedOut=true; |
flags.playerInControl=false; |
nextLevel=LevelName::STAGE2; |
}; |
void Scenario::DisplayBox(std::string text,bool scaryHoodedFigure){ |
if(smallTimePass==1){ |
box.Initialize(text,{24,64},"",scaryHoodedFigure?IMAGES[SPOOK_HOODED_FIGURE].get():IMAGES[HOODED_FIGURE].get(),{378,28},SOUNDS[Sound::VOICEOVER].get()); |
} |
game->unitMetersGreyedOut=true; |
game->playerInControl=false; |
} |
void Stage1::Update(){ |
switch(state){ |
case 0:{ |
DisplayBox("Hello Hacker, thank you for taking on this request for me."); |
if(box.bPressed){ |
state=1; |
} |
}break; |
case 1:{ |
DisplayBox("It appears we have no time to waste, many sectors are already infected and the virus spread will just keep getting worse."); |
if(box.bPressed){ |
state=2; |
SOUNDS[Sound::PING]->PlayCentered(); |
RevealTiles({320,320}); |
} |
}break; |
case 2:{ |
SetCameraTarget({320,320}); |
if(camera.ReachedTarget()){ |
state=3; |
} |
dialog.Initialize("Hello Hacker, thank you for taking on this request for me.",{24,64},"",&game->IMAGES[SEGMENT_BAR],{378,28}); |
}break; |
case 3:{ |
DisplayBox("Your mission is to take out all the RAM banks from the system, this will stop any further creation and spread of viruses."); |
if(box.bPressed){ |
state=4; |
} |
}break; |
case 4:{ |
SetCameraTarget({128,128}); |
if(camera.ReachedTarget()){ |
state=5; |
} |
}break; |
case 5:{ |
DisplayBox("The yellow bars represent units' allocated Health memory. Take out the enemies' and make sure you always have at least 1 bit of it."); |
if(box.bPressed){ |
state=6; |
} |
}break; |
case 6:{ |
DisplayBox("Drag over your target unit and then select a target location via right-click."); |
if(box.bPressed){ |
state=7; |
} |
}break; |
case 7:{ |
SetObjective("Defeat the RAM bank"); |
DisplayBox("That should be all you need for now. I'll be back after my coffee break."); |
if(box.bPressed){ |
state=8; |
box.SetVisible(false); |
flags.playerInControl=true; |
} |
}break; |
case 8:{ |
}break; |
} |
}; |
bool Stage1::MissionCompleted(){ |
for(auto&u:units){ |
if(!u->IsFriendly()&&u->IsRAMBank()){ |
return false; |
} |
} |
return true; |
} |
Stage2::Stage2(std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Unit>>&units,std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Renderable>>&IMAGES,std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Audio>>&SOUNDS,std::string&objective,TileTransformedView&game,GameFlags&flags) |
:Scenario(units,IMAGES,SOUNDS,objective,game,flags){} |
void Stage2::Start(){ |
flags.playerInControl=false; |
flags.limitedBuildOptions=true; |
flags.flashMemoryBar=false; |
SetCameraTarget({7*24,10*24},true); |
nextLevel=LevelName::STAGE3; |
}; |
void Stage2::Update(){ |
switch(state){ |
case 0:{ |
DisplayBox("You took care of that sector flawlessly Hacker, this next one needs a bit more hand-holding."); |
if(box.bPressed){ |
state=1; |
} |
}break; |
case 1:{ |
SetObjective("Create a RAM bank."); |
DisplayBox("We have analyzed the data from the RAM bank and can now create one. Go ahead and select the Platform here and construct one."); |
if(box.bPressed){ |
state=2; |
box.SetVisible(false); |
flags.playerInControl=true; |
} |
}break; |
case 2:{ |
for(auto&u:units){ |
if(u->IsRAMBank()&&u->IsFriendly()){ |
state=3; |
flags.playerInControl=false; |
SetObjective(""); |
break; |
} |
} |
}break; |
case 3:{ |
DisplayBox("Excellent, each RAM bank has the capability to allocate memory into the system. See that indicator down below?"); |
flags.flashMemoryBar=true; |
if(box.bPressed){ |
state=4; |
} |
}break; |
case 4:{ |
DisplayBox("This sector lets us allocate 30 bytes of RAM. That's 240 bits for the savvy folks out there."); |
if(box.bPressed){ |
state=5; |
flags.flashMemoryBar=false; |
} |
}break; |
case 5:{ |
DisplayBox("Some of it has already been used up by our RAM bank and other system resources... "); |
if(box.bPressed){ |
state=6; |
} |
}break; |
case 6:{ |
SetObjective("Build a Memory Allocator."); |
DisplayBox("To allocate 5 bits, select the RAM bank and click the Memory Allocator button.\n\nGive it a try now."); |
if(box.bPressed){ |
state=7; |
box.SetVisible(false); |
flags.playerInControl=true; |
} |
}break; |
case 7:{ |
for(auto&u:units){ |
if(u->IsAllocator()&&u->IsFriendly()){ |
state=8; |
flags.playerInControl=false; |
SetObjective(""); |
break; |
} |
} |
}break; |
case 8:{ |
SetObjective("Build a Left or Right Bit Shifter."); |
DisplayBox("Now select the memory allocator and let's make a Shifter unit."); |
if(box.bPressed){ |
state=9; |
box.SetVisible(false); |
flags.playerInControl=true; |
} |
}break; |
case 9:{ |
for(auto&u:units){ |
if(!u->IsAllocator()&&!u->IsRAMBank()&&u->IsFriendly()){ |
state=10; |
flags.playerInControl=false; |
SetObjective(""); |
break; |
} |
} |
}break; |
case 10:{ |
DisplayBox("The memory shifters will be your primary way to delete memory from units."); |
if(box.bPressed){ |
state=11; |
SOUNDS[Sound::ALARM]->PlayCentered(); |
} |
}break; |
case 11:{ |
SetCameraTarget({22*24,23*24}); |
RevealTiles({22*24,23*24}); |
if(camera.ReachedTarget()){ |
state=12; |
} |
}break; |
case 12:{ |
SetObjective("Defeat all enemy units."); |
DisplayBox("I have detected viruses in the system again. Please eradicate them and free system resources."); |
if(box.bPressed){ |
state=13; |
flags.playerInControl=true; |
box.SetVisible(false); |
} |
}break; |
} |
}; |
bool Stage2::MissionCompleted(){ |
for(auto&u:units){ |
if(!u->IsFriendly()){ |
return false; |
} |
} |
return true; |
} |
Stage3::Stage3(std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Unit>>&units,std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Renderable>>&IMAGES,std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Audio>>&SOUNDS,std::string&objective,TileTransformedView&game,GameFlags&flags) |
:Scenario(units,IMAGES,SOUNDS,objective,game,flags){} |
void Stage3::Start(){ |
flags.playerInControl=false; |
flags.unitMetersGreyedOut=true; |
flags.guideEnabled=false; |
flags.limitedBuildOptions=true; |
SetCameraTarget({3*24,6*24},true); |
oopsTimer=0.3; |
nextLevel=LevelName::STAGE4; |
}; |
void Stage3::Update(){ |
switch(state){ |
case 0:{ |
DisplayBox("I haven't touched on what the other meters on your units are, but they are important!"); |
if(box.bPressed){ |
SOUNDS[Sound::SWITCH]->PlayCentered(); |
flags.unitMetersGreyedOut=false; |
state=1; |
} |
}break; |
case 1:{ |
DisplayBox("The Blue bits indicates movement capabilities of a unit."); |
if(box.bPressed){ |
state=2; |
} |
}break; |
case 2:{ |
DisplayBox("The Green bits indicates the range of a unit."); |
if(box.bPressed){ |
state=3; |
} |
}break; |
case 3:{ |
DisplayBox("The Red bits are the attack speed bits."); |
if(box.bPressed){ |
state=4; |
} |
}break; |
case 4:{ |
DisplayBox("And Purple are the Procedure bits. Without these, your unit will fail to recall how to function."); |
if(box.bPressed){ |
state=5; |
} |
}break; |
case 5:{ |
DisplayBox("As units attack each other, their bits are going to get shuffled around, impeding their ability to perform."); |
if(box.bPressed){ |
state=6; |
} |
}break; |
case 6:{ |
DisplayBox("Your immediate goal is to always take out the Yellow bits but sometimes taking out other bits is important too."); |
if(box.bPressed){ |
SOUNDS[Sound::SWITCH]->PlayCentered(); |
flags.guideEnabled=true; |
state=7; |
} |
}break; |
case 7:{ |
DisplayBox("I'll leave a guide by the map in case your memory betrays you."); |
if(box.bPressed){ |
state=8; |
} |
}break; |
case 8:{ |
SetObjective("Defeat all units"); |
DisplayBox("You now have access to more units as well. Do check them out!"); |
if(box.bPressed){ |
SetObjective("Defeat all units (Oops)"); |
state=9; |
} |
}break; |
case 9:{ |
oopsTimer=std::max(0.f,oopsTimer-game.GetPGE()->GetElapsedTime()); |
if(oopsTimer==0){ |
SetObjective("Defeat all enemy units."); |
state=10; |
flags.limitedBuildOptions=false; |
flags.playerInControl=true; |
box.SetVisible(false); |
} |
}break; |
case 10:{ |
}break; |
} |
}; |
bool Stage3::MissionCompleted(){ |
for(auto&u:units){ |
if(!u->IsFriendly()){ |
return false; |
} |
} |
return true; |
} |
Stage4::Stage4(std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Unit>>&units,std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Renderable>>&IMAGES,std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Audio>>&SOUNDS,std::string&objective,TileTransformedView&game,GameFlags&flags) |
:Scenario(units,IMAGES,SOUNDS,objective,game,flags){} |
void Stage4::Start(){ |
nextLevel=LevelName::STAGE5; |
flags.playerInControl=false; |
flags.guideEnabled=true; |
flags.limitedBuildOptions=false; |
flags.unitMetersGreyedOut=false; |
flags.flashMemoryBar=false; |
SetCameraTarget({4*24,4*24},true); |
}; |
void Stage4::Update(){ |
switch(state){ |
case 0:{ |
DisplayBox("Hacker, I have unfortunate news. I can't supply you with any more bits to construct things with."); |
if(box.bPressed){ |
state=1; |
} |
}break; |
case 1:{ |
DisplayBox("You've only got 3 health bits to start with this time. To allocate memory you always need at least 5 bits of memory."); |
if(box.bPressed){ |
state=2; |
} |
}break; |
case 2:{ |
SetCameraTarget({8*24,1*24}); |
if(camera.ReachedTarget()){ |
state=3; |
} |
}break; |
case 3:{ |
DisplayBox("But we can collect bits from the system using these collection points."); |
if(box.bPressed){ |
state=4; |
} |
}break; |
case 4:{ |
DisplayBox("Simply bring over any unit to these and attach them to it. They will start providing you with system resources to make what you need."); |
if(box.bPressed){ |
state=5; |
} |
}break; |
case 5:{ |
flags.flashMemoryBar=true; |
SetObjective("Setup units at collection points"); |
DisplayBox("Remember that the system has limited memory available. You'll always be fighting for free space from the system."); |
if(box.bPressed){ |
state=6; |
box.SetVisible(false); |
flags.playerInControl=true; |
flags.flashMemoryBar=false; |
} |
}break; |
case 6:{ |
collectorsAttached=0; |
for(auto&u:units){ |
if(u->IsAttached()){ |
collectorsAttached++; |
} |
} |
if(collectorsAttached>=2){ |
std::shared_ptr<Unit>target; |
for(auto&u:units){ |
if(u->IsRAMBank()){ |
target=u; |
} |
} |
state=7; |
SOUNDS[Sound::ALARM]->PlayCentered(); |
flags.playerInControl=false; |
auto u1=std::make_shared<LeftShifter>(game.GetPGE(),vf2d{4*24,10*24},IMAGES,false); |
auto u2=std::make_shared<LeftShifter>(game.GetPGE(),vf2d{4*24,10*24},IMAGES,false); |
auto u3=std::make_shared<LeftShifter>(game.GetPGE(),vf2d{4*24,10*24},IMAGES,false); |
units.push_back(u1); |
units.push_back(u2); |
units.push_back(u3); |
u1->SetTargetUnit(target); |
u2->SetTargetUnit(target); |
u3->SetTargetUnit(target); |
} |
}break; |
case 7:{ |
SetCameraTarget({4*24,4*24}); |
if(camera.ReachedTarget()){ |
state=8; |
SOUNDS[Sound::WIND]->PlayCentered(); |
} |
}break; |
case 8:{ |
DisplayBox("An ambush...? I, WHAT? -- THIS IS NOT-"); |
if(box.bPressed){ |
state=9; |
box.SetVisible(false); |
nextLevelTimer=5; |
} |
}break; |
case 9:{ |
nextLevelTimer=std::max(0.f,nextLevelTimer-game.GetPGE()->GetElapsedTime()); |
if(nextLevelTimer==0){ |
state=10; |
} |
}break; |
case 10:{ |
transitionToNextLevel=true; |
state=11; |
}break; |
} |
}; |
bool Stage4::MissionCompleted(){ |
return false; |
} |
Stage5::Stage5(std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Unit>>&units,std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Renderable>>&IMAGES,std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Audio>>&SOUNDS,std::string&objective,TileTransformedView&game,GameFlags&flags) |
:Scenario(units,IMAGES,SOUNDS,objective,game,flags){} |
void Stage5::Start(){ |
SetCameraTarget({4*24,4*24},true); |
flags.playerInControl=true; |
SetObjective("Defeat all enemy RAM banks."); |
nextLevel=LevelName::STAGE6; |
}; |
void Stage5::Update(){ |
switch(state){ |
case 0:{ |
void Stage1::Draw(){ |
}break; |
} |
}; |
bool Stage5::MissionCompleted(){ |
for(auto&u:units){ |
if(!u->IsFriendly()&&u->IsRAMBank()){ |
return false; |
} |
} |
return true; |
} |
Stage6::Stage6(std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Unit>>&units,std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Renderable>>&IMAGES,std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Audio>>&SOUNDS,std::string&objective,TileTransformedView&game,GameFlags&flags) |
:Scenario(units,IMAGES,SOUNDS,objective,game,flags){} |
void Stage6::Start(){ |
SetCameraTarget({4*24,4*24},true); |
flags.playerInControl=true; |
SetObjective("Defeat all enemy RAM banks."); |
nextLevel=LevelName::STAGE7; |
}; |
void Stage6::Update(){ |
switch(state){ |
case 0:{ |
flags.playerInControl=false; |
DisplayBox("..."); |
if(box.bPressed){ |
box.SetVisible(false); |
state=1; |
} |
}break; |
} |
}; |
bool Stage6::MissionCompleted(){ |
for(auto&u:units){ |
if(!u->IsFriendly()&&u->IsRAMBank()){ |
return false; |
} |
} |
return true; |
} |
Stage7::Stage7(std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Unit>>&units,std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Renderable>>&IMAGES,std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Audio>>&SOUNDS,std::string&objective,TileTransformedView&game,GameFlags&flags) |
:Scenario(units,IMAGES,SOUNDS,objective,game,flags){} |
void Stage7::Start(){ |
SetCameraTarget({4*24,4*24},true); |
flags.playerInControl=true; |
SetObjective("Defeat all enemy units."); |
nextLevel=LevelName::STAGE8; |
}; |
void Stage7::Update(){ |
switch(state){ |
case 0:{ |
flags.playerInControl=false; |
DisplayBox("I see you have a few new tricks up your sleeve, Hacker.",true); |
if(box.bPressed){ |
state=1; |
} |
}break; |
case 1:{ |
DisplayBox("Don't think it'll be that easy to get through this one...",true); |
if(box.bPressed){ |
state=2; |
box.SetVisible(false); |
} |
}break; |
} |
}; |
bool Stage7::MissionCompleted(){ |
for(auto&u:units){ |
if(!u->IsFriendly()){ |
return false; |
} |
} |
return true; |
} |
Stage8::Stage8(std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Unit>>&units,std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Renderable>>&IMAGES,std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Audio>>&SOUNDS,std::string&objective,TileTransformedView&game,GameFlags&flags) |
:Scenario(units,IMAGES,SOUNDS,objective,game,flags){} |
void Stage8::Start(){ |
SetCameraTarget({4*24,4*24},true); |
flags.playerInControl=false; |
SetObjective("Defeat all enemy units."); |
nextLevel=LevelName::FINISH; |
}; |
void Stage8::Update(){ |
switch(state){ |
case 0:{ |
DisplayBox("You need to cease all operations, you are causing more harm than good.",true); |
if(box.bPressed){ |
state=1; |
box.SetVisible(false); |
} |
}break; |
} |
}; |
bool Stage8::MissionCompleted(){ |
for(auto&u:units){ |
if(!u->IsFriendly()){ |
return false; |
} |
} |
return true; |
} |
@ -1,116 +1,26 @@ |
#pragma once |
#include "olcUTIL_Camera2D.h" |
#include "Textbox.h" |
#include "Unit.h" |
#include "olcPGEX_AudioSource.h" |
#include "olcPGEX_TransformedView.h" |
#include "GameFlags.h" |
#include "Level.h" |
#include "VirusAttack.h" |
class Scenario{ |
public: |
Scenario(std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Unit>>&units,std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Renderable>>&IMAGES,std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Audio>>&SOUNDS,std::string&objective,TileTransformedView&game,GameFlags&flags); |
virtual~Scenario(); |
void _Start(); |
void Draw(); |
Scenario(); |
virtual ~Scenario(); |
virtual void Start(); |
void _Update(Resources&enemy_resources,std::vector<std::shared_ptr<CollectionPoint>>&collectionPoints,int availableMemory,std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Unit>>&queuedUnits,std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Audio>>&SOUNDS); |
bool transitionToNextLevel=false; |
LevelName nextLevel=LevelName::STAGE1; |
void RunAI(Resources&enemy_resources,std::vector<std::shared_ptr<CollectionPoint>>&collectionPoints,int availableMemory,std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Unit>>&queuedUnits,std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Audio>>&SOUNDS); |
bool setupEasyMode=false; |
float attackTimer=120; |
std::map<CollectionPoint*,float>cpCheckTimer; |
bool AttemptBuild(UnitType unit,vf2d pos,std::vector<Memory>&resourceCost,Resources&enemy_resources,int availableMemory,std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Unit>>&queuedUnits); |
void _Update(); |
virtual void Update()=0; |
void _Draw(); |
virtual void Draw()=0; |
protected: |
void DisplayBox(std::string text,bool scaryHoodedFigure=false); |
void SetCameraTarget(vf2d pos,bool instant=false); |
void SetObjective(std::string objective); |
void RevealTiles(vf2d pos); |
virtual bool MissionCompleted(); |
virtual void Update(); |
int state=0; |
utils::Camera2D camera; |
vf2d targetPos; |
Textbox box; |
float initialWaitTime=3; |
bool missionCompleted=false; |
float missionFinishWaitTime=3; |
float missionCompletedTimer=0; |
float smallTimePass=0; |
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Unit>>&units; |
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Renderable>>&IMAGES; |
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Audio>>&SOUNDS; |
GameFlags&flags; |
std::string&objective; |
TileTransformedView&game; |
float unitBuildTimer=0; |
Textbox dialog; |
float initialWaitTimer=3; |
}; |
class Stage1:public Scenario{ |
public: |
Stage1(std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Unit>>&units,std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Renderable>>&IMAGES,std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Audio>>&SOUNDS,std::string&objective,TileTransformedView&game,GameFlags&flags); |
protected: |
void Start(); |
void Update(); |
bool MissionCompleted(); |
}; |
class Stage2:public Scenario{ |
public: |
Stage2(std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Unit>>&units,std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Renderable>>&IMAGES,std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Audio>>&SOUNDS,std::string&objective,TileTransformedView&game,GameFlags&flags); |
protected: |
void Start(); |
void Update(); |
bool MissionCompleted(); |
}; |
class Stage3:public Scenario{ |
public: |
float oopsTimer=0.3; |
Stage3(std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Unit>>&units,std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Renderable>>&IMAGES,std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Audio>>&SOUNDS,std::string&objective,TileTransformedView&game,GameFlags&flags); |
protected: |
void Start(); |
void Update(); |
bool MissionCompleted(); |
}; |
class Stage4:public Scenario{ |
public: |
Stage4(std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Unit>>&units,std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Renderable>>&IMAGES,std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Audio>>&SOUNDS,std::string&objective,TileTransformedView&game,GameFlags&flags); |
int collectorsAttached=0; |
float nextLevelTimer=0; |
protected: |
void Start(); |
void Update(); |
bool MissionCompleted(); |
}; |
class Stage5:public Scenario{ |
public: |
Stage5(std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Unit>>&units,std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Renderable>>&IMAGES,std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Audio>>&SOUNDS,std::string&objective,TileTransformedView&game,GameFlags&flags); |
protected: |
void Start(); |
void Update(); |
bool MissionCompleted(); |
}; |
class Stage6:public Scenario{ |
public: |
Stage6(std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Unit>>&units,std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Renderable>>&IMAGES,std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Audio>>&SOUNDS,std::string&objective,TileTransformedView&game,GameFlags&flags); |
protected: |
void Start(); |
void Update(); |
bool MissionCompleted(); |
}; |
class Stage7:public Scenario{ |
public: |
Stage7(std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Unit>>&units,std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Renderable>>&IMAGES,std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Audio>>&SOUNDS,std::string&objective,TileTransformedView&game,GameFlags&flags); |
protected: |
void Start(); |
void Update(); |
bool MissionCompleted(); |
}; |
class Stage8:public Scenario{ |
public: |
Stage8(std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Unit>>&units,std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Renderable>>&IMAGES,std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Audio>>&SOUNDS,std::string&objective,TileTransformedView&game,GameFlags&flags); |
protected: |
void Start(); |
void Update(); |
bool MissionCompleted(); |
Stage1(); |
~Stage1(); |
void Start()override; |
void Update()override; |
void Draw()override; |
}; |
@ -1,30 +1,9 @@ |
#pragma once |
namespace Sound{ |
enum Sound:int{ |
enum class Sound{ |
HUM, |
BOSS1, |
BOSS2, |
HIT1, |
HIT2, |
HIT3, |
DEAD1, |
DEAD2, |
DEAD3, |
}; |
} |
}; |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 31 KiB |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 10 KiB |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 772 B |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 4.2 KiB After Width: | Height: | Size: 576 B |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 3.3 KiB |
@ -1,2 +1,2 @@ |
~\Documents\emsdk\emsdk_env.ps1 activate latest |
em++ -std=c++20 -O2 -s ALLOW_MEMORY_GROWTH=1 -s MAX_WEBGL_VERSION=2 -s MIN_WEBGL_VERSION=2 -s USE_LIBPNG=1 -s USE_SDL_MIXER=2 -sSTACK_SIZE=10MB $(Get-ChildItem *.cpp) soloud.o -o pge.html --preload-file assets |
em++ -std=c++20 -s ALLOW_MEMORY_GROWTH=1 -s MAX_WEBGL_VERSION=2 -s MIN_WEBGL_VERSION=2 -s USE_LIBPNG=1 -s USE_SDL_MIXER=2 -sSTACK_SIZE=5MB $(Get-ChildItem *.cpp) soloud.o -o pge.html --preload-file assets |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 24 MiB After Width: | Height: | Size: 23 MiB |