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2 years ago
SoLoud audio engine
Copyright (c) 2013-2015 Jari Komppa
This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages
arising from the use of this software.
Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it
freely, subject to the following restrictions:
1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not
claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software
in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be
appreciated but is not required.
2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be
misrepresented as being the original software.
3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source
#include "soloud.h"
#include "soloud_fader.h"
#include "soloud_filter.h"
namespace SoLoud
class AudioSource;
class AudioSourceInstance;
class AudioSourceInstance3dData;
class AudioCollider
// Calculate volume multiplier. Assumed to return value between 0 and 1.
virtual float collide(Soloud *aSoloud, AudioSourceInstance3dData *aAudioInstance3dData, int aUserData) = 0;
class AudioAttenuator
virtual float attenuate(float aDistance, float aMinDistance, float aMaxDistance, float aRolloffFactor) = 0;
class AudioSourceInstance3dData
// ctor
// Set settings from audiosource
void init(AudioSource &aSource);
// 3d position
float m3dPosition[3];
// 3d velocity
float m3dVelocity[3];
// 3d cone direction
float m3dConeDirection[3];
// 3d cone inner angle
float m3dConeInnerAngle;
// 3d cone outer angle
float m3dConeOuterAngle;
// 3d cone outer volume multiplier
float m3dConeOuterVolume;
// 3d min distance
float m3dMinDistance;
// 3d max distance
float m3dMaxDistance;
// 3d attenuation rolloff factor
float m3dAttenuationRolloff;
// 3d attenuation model
unsigned int m3dAttenuationModel;
// 3d doppler factor
float m3dDopplerFactor;
// Pointer to a custom audio collider object
AudioCollider *mCollider;
// Pointer to a custom audio attenuator object
AudioAttenuator *mAttenuator;
// User data related to audio collider
int mColliderData;
// Doppler sample rate multiplier
float mDopplerValue;
// Overall 3d volume
float m3dVolume;
// Channel volume
float mChannelVolume[MAX_CHANNELS];
// Copy of flags
unsigned int mFlags;
// Latest handle for this voice
handle mHandle;
// Base class for audio instances
class AudioSourceInstance
enum FLAGS
// This audio instance loops (if supported)
// This audio instance is protected - won't get stopped if we run out of voices
// This audio instance is paused
// This audio instance is affected by 3d processing
// This audio instance has listener-relative 3d coordinates
// Currently inaudible
// If inaudible, should be killed (default = don't kill kill)
// If inaudible, should still be ticked (default = pause)
// Ctor
// Dtor
virtual ~AudioSourceInstance();
// Play index; used to identify instances from handles
unsigned int mPlayIndex;
// Loop count
unsigned int mLoopCount;
// Flags; see AudioSourceInstance::FLAGS
unsigned int mFlags;
// Pan value, for getPan()
float mPan;
// Volume for each channel (panning)
float mChannelVolume[MAX_CHANNELS];
// Set volume
float mSetVolume;
// Overall volume overall = set * 3d
float mOverallVolume;
// Base samplerate; samplerate = base samplerate * relative play speed
float mBaseSamplerate;
// Samplerate; samplerate = base samplerate * relative play speed
float mSamplerate;
// Number of channels this audio source produces
unsigned int mChannels;
// Relative play speed; samplerate = base samplerate * relative play speed
float mSetRelativePlaySpeed;
// Overall relative plays peed; overall = set * 3d
float mOverallRelativePlaySpeed;
// How long this stream has played, in seconds.
time mStreamTime;
// Position of this stream, in seconds.
time mStreamPosition;
// Fader for the audio panning
Fader mPanFader;
// Fader for the audio volume
Fader mVolumeFader;
// Fader for the relative play speed
Fader mRelativePlaySpeedFader;
// Fader used to schedule pausing of the stream
Fader mPauseScheduler;
// Fader used to schedule stopping of the stream
Fader mStopScheduler;
// Affected by some fader
int mActiveFader;
// Current channel volumes, used to ramp the volume changes to avoid clicks
float mCurrentChannelVolume[MAX_CHANNELS];
// ID of the sound source that generated this instance
unsigned int mAudioSourceID;
// Handle of the bus this audio instance is playing on. 0 for root.
unsigned int mBusHandle;
// Filter pointer
FilterInstance *mFilter[FILTERS_PER_STREAM];
// Initialize instance. Mostly internal use.
void init(AudioSource &aSource, int aPlayIndex);
// Buffers for the resampler
AlignedFloatBuffer *mResampleData[2];
// Sub-sample playhead; 16.16 fixed point
unsigned int mSrcOffset;
// Samples left over from earlier pass
unsigned int mLeftoverSamples;
// Number of samples to delay streaming
unsigned int mDelaySamples;
// When looping, start playing from this time
time mLoopPoint;
// Get N samples from the stream to the buffer. Report samples written.
virtual unsigned int getAudio(float *aBuffer, unsigned int aSamplesToRead, unsigned int aBufferSize) = 0;
// Has the stream ended?
virtual bool hasEnded() = 0;
// Seek to certain place in the stream. Base implementation is generic "tape" seek (and slow).
virtual result seek(time aSeconds, float *mScratch, unsigned int mScratchSize);
// Rewind stream. Base implementation returns NOT_IMPLEMENTED, meaning it can't rewind.
virtual result rewind();
// Get information. Returns 0 by default.
virtual float getInfo(unsigned int aInfoKey);
class Soloud;
// Base class for audio sources
class AudioSource
enum FLAGS
// The instances from this audio source should loop
// Only one instance of this audio source should play at the same time
// Visualization data gathering enabled. Only for busses.
// Audio instances created from this source are affected by 3d processing
// Audio instances created from this source have listener-relative 3d coordinates
// Delay start of sound by the distance from listener
// If inaudible, should be killed (default)
// If inaudible, should still be ticked (default = pause)
// No attenuation
// Inverse distance attenuation model
// Linear distance attenuation model
// Exponential distance attenuation model
// Flags. See AudioSource::FLAGS
unsigned int mFlags;
// Base sample rate, used to initialize instances
float mBaseSamplerate;
// Default volume for created instances
float mVolume;
// Number of channels this audio source produces
unsigned int mChannels;
// Sound source ID. Assigned by SoLoud the first time it's played.
unsigned int mAudioSourceID;
// 3d min distance
float m3dMinDistance;
// 3d max distance
float m3dMaxDistance;
// 3d attenuation rolloff factor
float m3dAttenuationRolloff;
// 3d attenuation model
unsigned int m3dAttenuationModel;
// 3d doppler factor
float m3dDopplerFactor;
// Filter pointer
Filter *mFilter[FILTERS_PER_STREAM];
// Pointer to the Soloud object. Needed to stop all instances in dtor.
Soloud *mSoloud;
// Pointer to a custom audio collider object
AudioCollider *mCollider;
// Pointer to custom attenuator object
AudioAttenuator *mAttenuator;
// User data related to audio collider
int mColliderData;
// When looping, start playing from this time
time mLoopPoint;
// CTor
// Set default volume for instances
void setVolume(float aVolume);
// Set the looping of the instances created from this audio source
void setLooping(bool aLoop);
// Set whether only one instance of this sound should ever be playing at the same time
void setSingleInstance(bool aSingleInstance);
// Set the minimum and maximum distances for 3d audio source (closer to min distance = max vol)
void set3dMinMaxDistance(float aMinDistance, float aMaxDistance);
// Set attenuation model and rolloff factor for 3d audio source
void set3dAttenuation(unsigned int aAttenuationModel, float aAttenuationRolloffFactor);
// Set doppler factor to reduce or enhance doppler effect, default = 1.0
void set3dDopplerFactor(float aDopplerFactor);
// Set the coordinates for this audio source to be relative to listener's coordinates.
void set3dListenerRelative(bool aListenerRelative);
// Enable delaying the start of the sound based on the distance.
void set3dDistanceDelay(bool aDistanceDelay);
// Set a custom 3d audio collider. Set to NULL to disable.
void set3dCollider(AudioCollider *aCollider, int aUserData = 0);
// Set a custom attenuator. Set to NULL to disable.
void set3dAttenuator(AudioAttenuator *aAttenuator);
// Set behavior for inaudible sounds
void setInaudibleBehavior(bool aMustTick, bool aKill);
// Set time to jump to when looping
void setLoopPoint(time aLoopPoint);
// Get current loop point value
time getLoopPoint();
// Set filter. Set to NULL to clear the filter.
virtual void setFilter(unsigned int aFilterId, Filter *aFilter);
// DTor
virtual ~AudioSource();
// Create instance from the audio source. Called from within Soloud class.
virtual AudioSourceInstance *createInstance() = 0;
// Stop all instances of this audio source
void stop();