@ -35,10 +35,10 @@ var BRANCHDOWN = {type:"BRANCH",direction:DOWN,color1:RED,color2:BLUE} //color 1
var BRANCHLEFT = { type : "BRANCH" , direction : LEFT , color1 : RED , color2 : BLUE }
var BRANCHRIGHT = { type : "BRANCH" , direction : RIGHT , color1 : RED , color2 : BLUE }
var BRANCHUP = { type : "BRANCH" , direction : UP , color1 : RED , color2 : BLUE }
var WRITERDOWN = { type : "WRITER" , direction : DOWN , color1 : RED , color2 : BLUE } //color 1 points left, color 2 points right
var WRITERLEFT = { type : "WRITER" , direction : LEFT , color1 : RED , color2 : BLUE }
var WRITERRIGHT = { type : "WRITER" , direction : RIGHT , color1 : RED , color2 : BLUE }
var WRITERUP = { type : "WRITER" , direction : UP , color1 : RED , color2 : BLUE }
var WRITERDOWN = { type : "WRITER" , direction : DOWN , color : RED /*overwrite - if turned on, the writer overwrites the current tape position instead of appending.*/ }
var WRITERLEFT = { type : "WRITER" , direction : LEFT , color : RED }
var WRITERRIGHT = { type : "WRITER" , direction : RIGHT , color : RED }
var WRITERUP = { type : "WRITER" , direction : UP , color : RED }
var lastGameUpdate = 0 ;
@ -64,6 +64,12 @@ var LEVEL2 = [
[ { } , { ... BRANCHRIGHT } , { } , { } , { } , ] ,
[ { } , { ... BELTRIGHT } , { } , { } , { } , ] , //RED
[ { } , { } , { } , { } , { } , ] , ]
var LEVEL3 = [
[ { } , { } , { } , { } , { } , ] ,
[ { } , { ... WRITERUP , overwrite : true } , { } , { } , { } , ] ,
[ { } , { ... WRITERDOWN } , { } , { } , { } , ] ,
[ { } , { ... BELTRIGHT } , { } , { } , { } , ] ,
[ { } , { } , { } , { } , { } , ] , ]
var gameGrid = [ ]
@ -92,23 +98,29 @@ function runBot(testing) {
case DOWN : { nextSquare = gameGrid [ ++ BOT _Y ] [ BOT _X ] ; } break ;
if ( nextSquare . direction !== undefined ) {
if ( nextSquare . type === "BRANCH" ) {
//console.log("Branch found")
if ( BOT _TAPE [ 0 ] . color === nextSquare . color1 ) {
//console.log("Matches color1")
//Move towards left side of the branch.
BOT _DIR = LeftOf ( nextSquare . direction )
ConsumeTape ( )
} else
if ( BOT _TAPE [ 0 ] . color === nextSquare . color2 ) {
//console.log("Matches color2")
//Move towards left side of the branch.
BOT _DIR = RightOf ( nextSquare . direction )
ConsumeTape ( )
switch ( nextSquare . type ) {
case "BRANCH" : {
//console.log("Branch found")
if ( BOT _TAPE [ 0 ] . color === nextSquare . color1 ) {
//console.log("Matches color1")
//Move towards left side of the branch.
BOT _DIR = LeftOf ( nextSquare . direction )
ConsumeTape ( )
} else
if ( BOT _TAPE [ 0 ] . color === nextSquare . color2 ) {
//console.log("Matches color2")
//Move towards left side of the branch.
BOT _DIR = RightOf ( nextSquare . direction )
ConsumeTape ( )
} break ;
case "WRITER" : {
AppendTape ( nextSquare . color )
BOT _DIR = nextSquare . direction
} break ;
default : {
BOT _DIR = nextSquare . direction
} else {
BOT _DIR = nextSquare . direction
//console.log("Direction is now "+BOT_DIR)
} else {
@ -176,6 +188,9 @@ function draw() {
function ConsumeTape ( ) {
BOT _TAPE . shift ( )
function AppendTape ( col ) {
BOT _TAPE . push ( { color : col } )
function LeftOf ( dir ) {
return ( dir + 1 ) % 4