package sig.jam.challenge; import java.awt.Point; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.concurrent.Executors; import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import com.badlogic.gdx.Gdx; import; import; public class Field { int rows = 13; int cols = 9; double fieldSpd = 0.01; double fieldOffset = 0; List block_data = new ArrayList(); boolean horizontal_cursor = true; //If false, uses vertical cursor. Vertical cursor is 1x2 with the second block being above the initial position. Point cursor_pos = new Point(0,0); int player_numb = 0; //AI Controlled. //ScheduledExecutorService scheduler = Executors.newScheduledThreadPool(1); List position_update_list = new ArrayList(); int scheduledTasks=0; BlockColor last_selected_col = BlockColor.INVISIBLE; int same_select_count = 0; public int ID = 0; public Field() { ID = JamChallenge.FIELD_IDENTIFIER++; CreateNewRow(); } public Field setHorizontalCursor(boolean horizontal_cursor) { this.horizontal_cursor=horizontal_cursor; return this; } public Field setPlayerNumber(int numb) { this.player_numb=numb; return this; } public void run() { if (scheduledTasks>0) { //System.out.prinln("Field "+player_numb+" scheduled tasks: "+scheduledTasks); for (int i=0;i=1) { fieldOffset=0; if (cursor_pos.y0) { cursor_pos.x--; } } if (Gdx.input.isKeyJustPressed(JamChallenge.KEYSET_MAP.get(player_numb)[JamChallenge.KEYCODE_UP])) { if (cursor_pos.y0) { cursor_pos.y--; } } if (Gdx.input.isKeyJustPressed(JamChallenge.KEYSET_MAP.get(player_numb)[JamChallenge.KEYCODE_ACTIONKEY])) { Point cursor_pos2 = cursor_pos.getLocation(); if (horizontal_cursor) { cursor_pos2.x++; } else { cursor_pos2.y++; } ////System.out.prinln("POS1 Matches: "+DetectMatchedBlocks(this,cursor_pos).size()+" / POS2 Matches: "+DetectMatchedBlocks(this,cursor_pos2).size()); int b1 = ConvertCursorPositionToBlockID(this,cursor_pos); int b2 = ConvertCursorPositionToBlockID(this,cursor_pos2); Block block1 = block_data.get(b1); Block block2 = block_data.get(b2); if (block1.col!=BlockColor.INVISIBLE && block2.col!=BlockColor.INVISIBLE) { block_data.set(b2, block1); block_data.set(b1, block2); CheckAndRemoveMatchingBlocks(cursor_pos); CheckAndRemoveMatchingBlocks(cursor_pos2); } else if (block1.col!=BlockColor.INVISIBLE ^ block2.col!=BlockColor.INVISIBLE) { block_data.set(b2, block1); block_data.set(b1, block2); if (block1.col==BlockColor.INVISIBLE) { DropDownBlocksAbove(this,cursor_pos2); DropBlockAllTheWayDown(this,cursor_pos); } else if (block2.col==BlockColor.INVISIBLE) { DropDownBlocksAbove(this,cursor_pos); DropBlockAllTheWayDown(this,cursor_pos2); } } } } } private void DropBlockAllTheWayDown(Field field, Point blockPos) { Point fallPos = blockPos.getLocation(); fallPos.y--; int blockID2 = ConvertCursorPositionToBlockID(field, fallPos); Block b2 = block_data.get(blockID2); //System.out.prinln("In here. b2 is "+b2.col); do { /*File f = new File("debug.txt"); try { FileWriter fw = new FileWriter(f,true); fw.write("Inside do loop.\n"); fw.close(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); }*/ if (blockID2=0 && b2.col==BlockColor.INVISIBLE) { fallPos.y--; blockID2 = ConvertCursorPositionToBlockID(field, fallPos); if (blockID2=0) { b2 = block_data.get(blockID2); } else { break; } } else { fallPos.y++; blockID2 = ConvertCursorPositionToBlockID(field, fallPos); if (blockID2=0) { b2 = block_data.get(blockID2); } else { break; } break; } } while (true); //System.out.prinln("Swapping to "+fallPos); SwapBlocks(blockPos,fallPos,true); } private void DropDownBlocksAbove(Field field, Point fallPos) { Point targetPos = fallPos.getLocation(); List updatePoints = new ArrayList(); for (int y=targetPos.y+1;y=0 && pos2_id=0) { Block b1 = block_data.get(pos1_id); Block b2 = block_data.get(pos2_id); block_data.set(pos2_id, b1); block_data.set(pos1_id, b2); if (checkmatches) { scheduledTasks++; position_update_list.add(pos1.getLocation()); scheduledTasks++; position_update_list.add(pos2.getLocation()); } } } private void CheckAndRemoveMatchingBlocks(Point target_pos) { // The first integer stores the X position of each cleared area. // The second integer stores the highest/lowest Y space of each cleared area. To determine fall distance. // HashMap HighPOS = new HashMap(); //Blocks above here will fall. HashMap LowPOS = new HashMap(); //Blocks will fall to this level. /*List matched_blocks = DetectMatchedBlocks(this,cursor_pos); for (Block b : matched_blocks) { b.col = BlockColor.INVISIBLE; AddBlockToGravityList(HighPOS, LowPOS, b); } if (matched_blocks.size()>0) { Block cursorBlock = block_data.get(ConvertCursorPositionToBlockID(this,cursor_pos)); cursorBlock.col=BlockColor.INVISIBLE; AddBlockToGravityList(HighPOS, LowPOS, cursorBlock); }*/ List matched_blocks = DetectMatchedBlocks(this,target_pos); for (Block b : matched_blocks) { b.col = BlockColor.INVISIBLE; AddBlockToGravityList(HighPOS, LowPOS, b); } if (matched_blocks.size()>0) { Block cursorBlock2 = block_data.get(ConvertCursorPositionToBlockID(this,target_pos)); cursorBlock2.col=BlockColor.INVISIBLE; AddBlockToGravityList(HighPOS, LowPOS, cursorBlock2); } //System.out.prinln(HighPOS.toString()); //System.out.prinln(LowPOS.toString()); for (Integer i : HighPOS.keySet()) { for (int y=HighPOS.get(i)+1;y=0) { Point fallPos = blockPos.getLocation(); fallPos.y-=HighPOS.get(i)-LowPOS.get(i); ////System.out.prinln("Block at position "+blockPos+" moved down by "+(HighPOS.get(i)-LowPOS.get(i))); int fallBlockID = ConvertCursorPositionToBlockID(this,fallPos); Block b1 = block_data.get(fallBlockID); Block b2 = block_data.get(blockID); block_data.set(fallBlockID, b2); block_data.set(blockID, b1); scheduledTasks++; position_update_list.add(fallPos.getLocation()); } } } } private void AddBlockToGravityList(HashMap HighPOS, HashMap LowPOS, Block b) { Point pos = ConvertBlockIDToCursorPosition(this,block_data.indexOf(b)); if (HighPOS.containsKey(pos.x)) { if (pos.y>HighPOS.get(pos.x)) { HighPOS.put(pos.x, pos.y); } } else { HighPOS.put(pos.x, pos.y); } if (LowPOS.containsKey(pos.x)) { if (pos.y-1=(rows+1)*cols) { if (TopRowIsCompletelyInvisible()) { for (int i=0;i<9;i++) { block_data.remove(0); } return false; } else { return true; } } return false; } private boolean TopRowIsCompletelyInvisible() { for (int i=0;i<9;i++) { if (block_data.get(i).col!=BlockColor.INVISIBLE) { return false; } } return true; } private boolean IsRealPlayer() { return player_numb>0; } private void CreateNewRow() { for (int i=0;i0) {System.out.println("Selected "+col);} } while(same_select_count==1 && col==last_selected_col); if (col==last_selected_col) { same_select_count++; } else { same_select_count=0; last_selected_col = col; } block_data.add(new Block(col)); /*if (block_data.size()>cols) { scheduledTasks++; position_update_list.add(ConvertBlockIDToCursorPosition(this,block_data.size()-1-cols)); }*/ } for (int i=0;i=0;y--) { for (int x=0;x DetectMatchedBlocks(Field field, Point targetBlockPos) { List blocklist = field.block_data; List vertical_matches = new ArrayList(); List horizontal_matches = new ArrayList(); int blockID = ConvertCursorPositionToBlockID(field, targetBlockPos); List matched_blocks = new ArrayList(); if (blockID=0) { Block targetblock = blocklist.get(blockID); int markerX=0; int markerY=1; //Vertical Check CheckForConnectingBlocks(field, targetBlockPos, blocklist, vertical_matches, targetblock, 0, 1); //Checks for connecting blocks going up. CheckForConnectingBlocks(field, targetBlockPos, blocklist, vertical_matches, targetblock, 0, -1); //Checks for connecting blocks going down. CheckForConnectingBlocks(field, targetBlockPos, blocklist, horizontal_matches, targetblock, -1, 0); //Checks for connecting blocks going left. CheckForConnectingBlocks(field, targetBlockPos, blocklist, horizontal_matches, targetblock, 1, 0); //Checks for connecting blocks going right. if (vertical_matches.size()>=2) { matched_blocks.addAll(vertical_matches); } if (horizontal_matches.size()>=2) { matched_blocks.addAll(horizontal_matches); } } return matched_blocks; } private static void CheckForConnectingBlocks(Field field, Point targetBlockPos, List blocklist, List matches_list, Block targetblock, int markerX, int markerY) { boolean match=true; Point targetPoint = targetBlockPos.getLocation(); while (match) { /*File f = new File("debug.txt"); try { FileWriter fw = new FileWriter(f,true); fw.write("Inside while loop.\n"); fw.close(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); }*/ match=false; targetPoint.x+=markerX; targetPoint.y+=markerY; int checkBlockID = ConvertCursorPositionToBlockID(field,targetPoint); if (checkBlockID=0 && targetPoint.x>=0 && targetPoint.x=-1 && targetPoint.y