/** * The pathfinding visualization. * It uses raphael.js to show the grids. */ var View = { nodeSize: 30, // width and height of a single node, in pixel nodeStyle: { normal: { fill: 'white', 'stroke-opacity': 0.2, // the border }, blocked: { fill: 'grey', 'stroke-opacity': 0.2, }, start: { fill: '#0d0', 'stroke-opacity': 0.2, }, end: { fill: '#e40', 'stroke-opacity': 0.2, }, opened: { fill: '#98fb98', 'stroke-opacity': 0.2, }, closed: { fill: '#afeeee', 'stroke-opacity': 0.2, }, failed: { fill: '#ff8888', 'stroke-opacity': 0.2, }, tested: { fill: '#e5e5e5', 'stroke-opacity': 0.2, }, }, nodeColorizeEffect: { duration: 50, }, nodeZoomEffect: { duration: 200, transform: 's1.2', // scale by 1.2x transformBack: 's1.0', }, pathStyle: { stroke: 'yellow', 'stroke-width': 3, }, supportedOperations: ['opened', 'closed', 'tested'], init: function(opts) { this.numCols = opts.numCols; this.numRows = opts.numRows; this.paper = Raphael('draw_area'); this.$stats = $('#stats'); }, /** * Generate the grid asynchronously. * This method will be a very expensive task. * Therefore, in order to not to block the rendering of browser ui, * I decomposed the task into smaller ones. Each will only generate a row. */ generateGrid: function(callback) { var i, j, x, y, rect, normalStyle, nodeSize, createRowTask, sleep, tasks, nodeSize = this.nodeSize, normalStyle = this.nodeStyle.normal, numCols = this.numCols, numRows = this.numRows, paper = this.paper, rects = this.rects = [], $stats = this.$stats; paper.setSize(numCols * nodeSize, numRows * nodeSize); createRowTask = function(rowId) { return function(done) { rects[rowId] = []; for (j = 0; j < numCols; ++j) { x = j * nodeSize; y = rowId * nodeSize; rect = paper.rect(x, y, nodeSize, nodeSize); rect.attr(normalStyle); rects[rowId].push(rect); } $stats.text( 'generating grid ' + Math.round((rowId + 1) / numRows * 100) + '%' ); done(null); }; }; sleep = function(done) { setTimeout(function() { done(null); }, 0); }; tasks = []; for (i = 0; i < numRows; ++i) { tasks.push(createRowTask(i)); tasks.push(sleep); } async.series(tasks, function() { if (callback) { callback(); } }); }, setStartPos: function(gridX, gridY) { var coord = this.toPageCoordinate(gridX, gridY); if (!this.startNode) { this.startNode = this.paper.rect( coord[0], coord[1], this.nodeSize, this.nodeSize ).attr(this.nodeStyle.normal) .animate(this.nodeStyle.start, 1000); } else { this.startNode.attr({ x: coord[0], y: coord[1] }).toFront(); } }, setEndPos: function(gridX, gridY) { var coord = this.toPageCoordinate(gridX, gridY); if (!this.endNode) { this.endNode = this.paper.rect( coord[0], coord[1], this.nodeSize, this.nodeSize ).attr(this.nodeStyle.normal) .animate(this.nodeStyle.end, 1000); } else { this.endNode.attr({ x: coord[0], y: coord[1] }).toFront(); } }, /** * Set the attribute of the node at the given coordinate. */ setAttributeAt: function(gridX, gridY, attr, value) { var color, nodeStyle = this.nodeStyle; switch (attr) { case 'walkable': color = value ? nodeStyle.normal.fill : nodeStyle.blocked.fill; this.setWalkableAt(gridX, gridY, value); break; case 'opened': this.colorizeNode(this.rects[gridY][gridX], nodeStyle.opened.fill); this.setCoordDirty(gridX, gridY, true); break; case 'closed': this.colorizeNode(this.rects[gridY][gridX], nodeStyle.closed.fill); this.setCoordDirty(gridX, gridY, true); break; case 'tested': color = (value === true) ? nodeStyle.tested.fill : nodeStyle.normal.fill; this.colorizeNode(this.rects[gridY][gridX], color); this.setCoordDirty(gridX, gridY, true); break; case 'parent': // XXX: Maybe draw a line from this node to its parent? // This would be expensive. break; default: console.error('unsupported operation: ' + attr + ':' + value); return; } }, colorizeNode: function(node, color) { node.animate({ fill: color }, this.nodeColorizeEffect.duration); }, zoomNode: function(node) { node.toFront().attr({ transform: this.nodeZoomEffect.transform, }).animate({ transform: this.nodeZoomEffect.transformBack, }, this.nodeZoomEffect.duration); }, setWalkableAt: function(gridX, gridY, value) { var node, i, blockedNodes = this.blockedNodes; if (!blockedNodes) { blockedNodes = this.blockedNodes = new Array(this.numRows); for (i = 0; i < this.numRows; ++i) { blockedNodes[i] = []; } } node = blockedNodes[gridY][gridX]; if (value) { // clear blocked node if (node) { this.colorizeNode(node, this.rects[gridY][gridX].attr('fill')); this.zoomNode(node); setTimeout(function() { node.remove(); }, this.nodeZoomEffect.duration); blockedNodes[gridY][gridX] = null; } } else { // draw blocked node if (node) { return; } node = blockedNodes[gridY][gridX] = this.rects[gridY][gridX].clone(); this.colorizeNode(node, this.nodeStyle.blocked.fill); this.zoomNode(node); } }, clearFootprints: function() { var i, x, y, coord, coords = this.getDirtyCoords(); for (i = 0; i < coords.length; ++i) { coord = coords[i]; x = coord[0]; y = coord[1]; this.rects[y][x].attr(this.nodeStyle.normal); this.setCoordDirty(x, y, false); } }, clearBlockedNodes: function() { var i, j, blockedNodes = this.blockedNodes; if (!blockedNodes) { return; } for (i = 0; i < this.numRows; ++i) { for (j = 0 ;j < this.numCols; ++j) { if (blockedNodes[i][j]) { blockedNodes[i][j].remove(); blockedNodes[i][j] = null; } } } }, drawPath: function(path) { if (!path.length) { return; } var svgPath = this.buildSvgPath(path); this.path = this.paper.path(svgPath).attr(this.pathStyle); }, /** * Given a path, build its SVG represention. */ buildSvgPath: function(path) { var i, strs = [], size = this.nodeSize; strs.push('M' + (path[0][0] * size + size / 2) + ' ' + (path[0][1] * size + size / 2)); for (i = 1; i < path.length; ++i) { strs.push('L' + (path[i][0] * size + size / 2) + ' ' + (path[i][1] * size + size / 2)); } return strs.join(''); }, clearPath: function() { if (this.path) { this.path.remove(); } }, /** * Helper function to convert the page coordinate to grid coordinate */ toGridCoordinate: function(pageX, pageY) { return [ Math.floor(pageX / this.nodeSize), Math.floor(pageY / this.nodeSize) ]; }, /** * helper function to convert the grid coordinate to page coordinate */ toPageCoordinate: function(gridX, gridY) { return [ gridX * this.nodeSize, gridY * this.nodeSize ]; }, showStats: function(opts) { var texts = [ 'length: ' + Math.round(opts.pathLength * 100) / 100, 'time: ' + opts.timeSpent + 'ms', 'operations: ' + opts.operationCount ]; $('#stats').show().html(texts.join('<br>')); }, setCoordDirty: function(gridX, gridY, isDirty) { var x, y, numRows = this.numRows, numCols = this.numCols, coordDirty; if (this.coordDirty === undefined) { coordDirty = this.coordDirty = []; for (y = 0; y < numRows; ++y) { coordDirty.push([]); for (x = 0; x < numCols; ++x) { coordDirty[y].push(false); } } } this.coordDirty[gridY][gridX] = isDirty; }, getDirtyCoords: function() { var x, y, numRows = this.numRows, numCols = this.numCols, coordDirty = this.coordDirty, coords = []; if (coordDirty === undefined) { return []; } for (y = 0; y < numRows; ++y) { for (x = 0; x < numCols; ++x) { if (coordDirty[y][x]) { coords.push([x, y]); } } } return coords; }, };