"use strict";
var __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) {
    return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { "default": mod };
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.WS = void 0;
const transport_js_1 = require("../transport.js");
const parseqs_js_1 = require("../contrib/parseqs.js");
const yeast_js_1 = require("../contrib/yeast.js");
const util_js_1 = require("../util.js");
const websocket_constructor_js_1 = require("./websocket-constructor.js");
const debug_1 = __importDefault(require("debug")); // debug()
const engine_io_parser_1 = require("engine.io-parser");
const debug = (0, debug_1.default)("engine.io-client:websocket"); // debug()
// detect ReactNative environment
const isReactNative = typeof navigator !== "undefined" &&
    typeof navigator.product === "string" &&
    navigator.product.toLowerCase() === "reactnative";
class WS extends transport_js_1.Transport {
     * WebSocket transport constructor.
     * @api {Object} connection options
     * @api public
    constructor(opts) {
        this.supportsBinary = !opts.forceBase64;
     * Transport name.
     * @api public
    get name() {
        return "websocket";
     * Opens socket.
     * @api private
    doOpen() {
        if (!this.check()) {
            // let probe timeout
        const uri = this.uri();
        const protocols = this.opts.protocols;
        // React Native only supports the 'headers' option, and will print a warning if anything else is passed
        const opts = isReactNative
            ? {}
            : (0, util_js_1.pick)(this.opts, "agent", "perMessageDeflate", "pfx", "key", "passphrase", "cert", "ca", "ciphers", "rejectUnauthorized", "localAddress", "protocolVersion", "origin", "maxPayload", "family", "checkServerIdentity");
        if (this.opts.extraHeaders) {
            opts.headers = this.opts.extraHeaders;
        try {
            this.ws =
                websocket_constructor_js_1.usingBrowserWebSocket && !isReactNative
                    ? protocols
                        ? new websocket_constructor_js_1.WebSocket(uri, protocols)
                        : new websocket_constructor_js_1.WebSocket(uri)
                    : new websocket_constructor_js_1.WebSocket(uri, protocols, opts);
        catch (err) {
            return this.emitReserved("error", err);
        this.ws.binaryType = this.socket.binaryType || websocket_constructor_js_1.defaultBinaryType;
     * Adds event listeners to the socket
     * @api private
    addEventListeners() {
        this.ws.onopen = () => {
            if (this.opts.autoUnref) {
        this.ws.onclose = closeEvent => this.onClose({
            description: "websocket connection closed",
            context: closeEvent
        this.ws.onmessage = ev => this.onData(ev.data);
        this.ws.onerror = e => this.onError("websocket error", e);
     * Writes data to socket.
     * @param {Array} array of packets.
     * @api private
    write(packets) {
        this.writable = false;
        // encodePacket efficient as it uses WS framing
        // no need for encodePayload
        for (let i = 0; i < packets.length; i++) {
            const packet = packets[i];
            const lastPacket = i === packets.length - 1;
            (0, engine_io_parser_1.encodePacket)(packet, this.supportsBinary, data => {
                // always create a new object (GH-437)
                const opts = {};
                if (!websocket_constructor_js_1.usingBrowserWebSocket) {
                    if (packet.options) {
                        opts.compress = packet.options.compress;
                    if (this.opts.perMessageDeflate) {
                        const len = 
                        // @ts-ignore
                        "string" === typeof data ? Buffer.byteLength(data) : data.length;
                        if (len < this.opts.perMessageDeflate.threshold) {
                            opts.compress = false;
                // Sometimes the websocket has already been closed but the browser didn't
                // have a chance of informing us about it yet, in that case send will
                // throw an error
                try {
                    if (websocket_constructor_js_1.usingBrowserWebSocket) {
                        // TypeError is thrown when passing the second argument on Safari
                    else {
                        this.ws.send(data, opts);
                catch (e) {
                    debug("websocket closed before onclose event");
                if (lastPacket) {
                    // fake drain
                    // defer to next tick to allow Socket to clear writeBuffer
                    (0, websocket_constructor_js_1.nextTick)(() => {
                        this.writable = true;
                    }, this.setTimeoutFn);
     * Closes socket.
     * @api private
    doClose() {
        if (typeof this.ws !== "undefined") {
            this.ws = null;
     * Generates uri for connection.
     * @api private
    uri() {
        let query = this.query || {};
        const schema = this.opts.secure ? "wss" : "ws";
        let port = "";
        // avoid port if default for schema
        if (this.opts.port &&
            (("wss" === schema && Number(this.opts.port) !== 443) ||
                ("ws" === schema && Number(this.opts.port) !== 80))) {
            port = ":" + this.opts.port;
        // append timestamp to URI
        if (this.opts.timestampRequests) {
            query[this.opts.timestampParam] = (0, yeast_js_1.yeast)();
        // communicate binary support capabilities
        if (!this.supportsBinary) {
            query.b64 = 1;
        const encodedQuery = (0, parseqs_js_1.encode)(query);
        const ipv6 = this.opts.hostname.indexOf(":") !== -1;
        return (schema +
            "://" +
            (ipv6 ? "[" + this.opts.hostname + "]" : this.opts.hostname) +
            port +
            this.opts.path +
            (encodedQuery.length ? "?" + encodedQuery : ""));
     * Feature detection for WebSocket.
     * @return {Boolean} whether this transport is available.
     * @api public
    check() {
        return !!websocket_constructor_js_1.WebSocket;
exports.WS = WS;