Test Branch for this ACTWebSocket overlay updated for EW release. See below for the temporary link until the main project is updated:
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

39 lines
1.2 KiB

* Welcome to your Workbox-powered service worker!
* You'll need to register this file in your web app and you should
* disable HTTP caching for this file too.
* See https://goo.gl/nhQhGp
* The rest of the code is auto-generated. Please don't update this file
* directly; instead, make changes to your Workbox build configuration
* and re-run your build process.
* See https://goo.gl/2aRDsh
self.addEventListener('message', (event) => {
if (event.data && event.data.type === 'SKIP_WAITING') {
* The workboxSW.precacheAndRoute() method efficiently caches and responds to
* requests for URLs in the manifest.
* See https://goo.gl/S9QRab
self.__precacheManifest = [].concat(self.__precacheManifest || []);
workbox.precaching.precacheAndRoute(self.__precacheManifest, {});
workbox.routing.registerNavigationRoute(workbox.precaching.getCacheKeyForURL("/SkillDisplay/index.html"), {
blacklist: [/^\/_/,/\/[^\/?]+\.[^\/]+$/],