Setup Forge Project environment

Co-authored-by: sigonasr2 <>
sigonasr2 2 years ago
parent 686d673212
commit 2b5cd49e06
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  101. Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show More

@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
Minecraft Forge: Credits/Thank You
Forge is a set of tools and modifications to the Minecraft base game code to assist
mod developers in creating new and exciting content. It has been in development for
several years now, but I would like to take this time thank a few people who have
helped it along it's way.
First, the people who originally created the Forge projects way back in Minecraft
alpha. Eloraam of RedPower, and SpaceToad of Buildcraft, without their acceptiance
of me taking over the project, who knows what Minecraft modding would be today.
Secondly, someone who has worked with me, and developed some of the core features
that allow modding to be as functional, and as simple as it is, cpw. For developing
FML, which stabelized the client and server modding ecosystem. As well as the base
loading system that allows us to modify Minecraft's code as elegently as possible.
Mezz, who has stepped up as the issue and pull request manager. Helping to keep me
sane as well as guiding the community into creating better additions to Forge.
Searge, Bspks, Fesh0r, ProfMobious, and all the rest over on the MCP team {of which
I am a part}. For creating some of the core tools needed to make Minecraft modding
both possible, and as stable as can be.
On that note, here is some specific information of the MCP data we use:
* Minecraft Coder Pack (MCP) *
Forge Mod Loader and Minecraft Forge have permission to distribute and automatically
download components of MCP and distribute MCP data files. This permission is not
transitive and others wishing to redistribute the Minecraft Forge source independently
should seek permission of MCP or remove the MCP data files and request their users
to download MCP separately.
And lastly, the countless community members who have spent time submitting bug reports,
pull requests, and just helping out the community in general. Thank you.
This is Forge Mod Loader.
You can find the source code at all times at
This minecraft mod is a clean open source implementation of a mod loader for minecraft servers
and minecraft clients.
The code is authored by cpw.
It began by partially implementing an API defined by the client side ModLoader, authored by Risugami.
This support has been dropped as of Minecraft release 1.7, as Risugami no longer maintains ModLoader.
It also contains suggestions and hints and generous helpings of code from LexManos, author of MinecraftForge.
Additionally, it contains an implementation of topological sort based on that
published at
It also contains code from the Maven project for performing versioned dependency
It also contains a partial repackaging of the javaxdelta library from
with credit to it's authors.
Forge Mod Loader downloads components from the Minecraft Coder Pack
( with kind permission from the MCP team.

@ -0,0 +1,520 @@
Unless noted below, Minecraft Forge, Forge Mod Loader, and all
parts herein are licensed under the terms of the LGPL 2.1 found
here and
copied below.
A note on authorship:
All source artifacts are property of their original author, with
the exclusion of the contents of the patches directory and others
copied from it from time to time. Authorship of the contents of
the patches directory is retained by the Minecraft Forge project.
This is because the patches are partially machine generated
artifacts, and are changed heavily due to the way forge works.
Individual attribution within them is impossible.
All contributions to Forge must consent to the release of any
patch content to the Forge project.
A note on infectivity:
The LGPL is chosen specifically so that projects may depend on Forge
features without being infected with its license. That is the
purpose of the LGPL. Mods and others using this code via ordinary
Java mechanics for referencing libraries are specifically not bound
by Forge's license for the Mod code.
=== MCP Data ===
This software includes data from the Minecraft Coder Pack (MCP), with kind permission
from them. The license to MCP data is not transitive - distribution of this data by
third parties requires independent licensing from the MCP team. This data is not
redistributable without permission from the MCP team.
=== Sharing ===
I grant permission for some parts of FML to be redistributed outside the terms of the LGPL, for the benefit of
the minecraft modding community. All contributions to these parts should be licensed under the same additional grant.
-- Runtime patcher --
License is granted to redistribute the runtime patcher code (src/main/java/net/minecraftforge/fml/common/patcher
and subdirectories) under any alternative open source license as classified by the OSI (
-- ASM transformers --
License is granted to redistribute the ASM transformer code (src/main/java/net/minecraftforge/common/asm/ and subdirectories)
under any alternative open source license as classified by the OSI (
This software includes portions from the Apache Maven project at specifically the code. It is
included based on guidelines at
with notices intact. The only change is a non-functional change of package name.
This software contains a partial repackaging of javaxdelta, a BSD licensed program for generating
binary differences and applying them, sourced from the subversion at
authored by genman, heikok, pivot.
The only changes are to replace some Trove collection types with standard Java collections, and repackaged.
Version 2.1, February 1999
Copyright (C) 1991, 1999 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
[This is the first released version of the Lesser GPL. It also counts
as the successor of the GNU Library Public License, version 2, hence
the version number 2.1.]
The licenses for most software are designed to take away your
freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public
Licenses are intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change
free software--to make sure the software is free for all its users.
This license, the Lesser General Public License, applies to some
specially designated software packages--typically libraries--of the
Free Software Foundation and other authors who decide to use it. You
can use it too, but we suggest you first think carefully about whether
this license or the ordinary General Public License is the better
strategy to use in any particular case, based on the explanations below.
When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom of use,
not price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that
you have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge
for this service if you wish); that you receive source code or can get
it if you want it; that you can change the software and use pieces of
it in new free programs; and that you are informed that you can do
these things.
To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid
distributors to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender these
rights. These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for
you if you distribute copies of the library or if you modify it.
For example, if you distribute copies of the library, whether gratis
or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that we gave
you. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the source
code. If you link other code with the library, you must provide
complete object files to the recipients, so that they can relink them
with the library after making changes to the library and recompiling
it. And you must show them these terms so they know their rights.
We protect your rights with a two-step method: (1) we copyright the
library, and (2) we offer you this license, which gives you legal
permission to copy, distribute and/or modify the library.
To protect each distributor, we want to make it very clear that
there is no warranty for the free library. Also, if the library is
modified by someone else and passed on, the recipients should know
that what they have is not the original version, so that the original
author's reputation will not be affected by problems that might be
introduced by others.
Finally, software patents pose a constant threat to the existence of
any free program. We wish to make sure that a company cannot
effectively restrict the users of a free program by obtaining a
restrictive license from a patent holder. Therefore, we insist that
any patent license obtained for a version of the library must be
consistent with the full freedom of use specified in this license.
Most GNU software, including some libraries, is covered by the
ordinary GNU General Public License. This license, the GNU Lesser
General Public License, applies to certain designated libraries, and
is quite different from the ordinary General Public License. We use
this license for certain libraries in order to permit linking those
libraries into non-free programs.
When a program is linked with a library, whether statically or using
a shared library, the combination of the two is legally speaking a
combined work, a derivative of the original library. The ordinary
General Public License therefore permits such linking only if the
entire combination fits its criteria of freedom. The Lesser General
Public License permits more lax criteria for linking other code with
the library.
We call this license the "Lesser" General Public License because it
does Less to protect the user's freedom than the ordinary General
Public License. It also provides other free software developers Less
of an advantage over competing non-free programs. These disadvantages
are the reason we use the ordinary General Public License for many
libraries. However, the Lesser license provides advantages in certain
special circumstances.
For example, on rare occasions, there may be a special need to
encourage the widest possible use of a certain library, so that it becomes
a de-facto standard. To achieve this, non-free programs must be
allowed to use the library. A more frequent case is that a free
library does the same job as widely used non-free libraries. In this
case, there is little to gain by limiting the free library to free
software only, so we use the Lesser General Public License.
In other cases, permission to use a particular library in non-free
programs enables a greater number of people to use a large body of
free software. For example, permission to use the GNU C Library in
non-free programs enables many more people to use the whole GNU
operating system, as well as its variant, the GNU/Linux operating
Although the Lesser General Public License is Less protective of the
users' freedom, it does ensure that the user of a program that is
linked with the Library has the freedom and the wherewithal to run
that program using a modified version of the Library.
The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
modification follow. Pay close attention to the difference between a
"work based on the library" and a "work that uses the library". The
former contains code derived from the library, whereas the latter must
be combined with the library in order to run.
0. This License Agreement applies to any software library or other
program which contains a notice placed by the copyright holder or
other authorized party saying it may be distributed under the terms of
this Lesser General Public License (also called "this License").
Each licensee is addressed as "you".
A "library" means a collection of software functions and/or data
prepared so as to be conveniently linked with application programs
(which use some of those functions and data) to form executables.
The "Library", below, refers to any such software library or work
which has been distributed under these terms. A "work based on the
Library" means either the Library or any derivative work under
copyright law: that is to say, a work containing the Library or a
portion of it, either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated
straightforwardly into another language. (Hereinafter, translation is
included without limitation in the term "modification".)
"Source code" for a work means the preferred form of the work for
making modifications to it. For a library, complete source code means
all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any associated
interface definition files, plus the scripts used to control compilation
and installation of the library.
Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not
covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of
running a program using the Library is not restricted, and output from
such a program is covered only if its contents constitute a work based
on the Library (independent of the use of the Library in a tool for
writing it). Whether that is true depends on what the Library does
and what the program that uses the Library does.
1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Library's
complete source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that
you conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an
appropriate copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact
all the notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any
warranty; and distribute a copy of this License along with the
You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy,
and you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a
2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Library or any portion
of it, thus forming a work based on the Library, and copy and
distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1
above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
a) The modified work must itself be a software library.
b) You must cause the files modified to carry prominent notices
stating that you changed the files and the date of any change.
c) You must cause the whole of the work to be licensed at no
charge to all third parties under the terms of this License.
d) If a facility in the modified Library refers to a function or a
table of data to be supplied by an application program that uses
the facility, other than as an argument passed when the facility
is invoked, then you must make a good faith effort to ensure that,
in the event an application does not supply such function or
table, the facility still operates, and performs whatever part of
its purpose remains meaningful.
(For example, a function in a library to compute square roots has
a purpose that is entirely well-defined independent of the
application. Therefore, Subsection 2d requires that any
application-supplied function or table used by this function must
be optional: if the application does not supply it, the square
root function must still compute square roots.)
These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If
identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Library,
and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in
themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those
sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you
distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based
on the Library, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of
this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the
entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote
Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest
your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to
exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or
collective works based on the Library.
In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Library
with the Library (or with a work based on the Library) on a volume of
a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under
the scope of this License.
3. You may opt to apply the terms of the ordinary GNU General Public
License instead of this License to a given copy of the Library. To do
this, you must alter all the notices that refer to this License, so
that they refer to the ordinary GNU General Public License, version 2,
instead of to this License. (If a newer version than version 2 of the
ordinary GNU General Public License has appeared, then you can specify
that version instead if you wish.) Do not make any other change in
these notices.
Once this change is made in a given copy, it is irreversible for
that copy, so the ordinary GNU General Public License applies to all
subsequent copies and derivative works made from that copy.
This option is useful when you wish to copy part of the code of
the Library into a program that is not a library.
4. You may copy and distribute the Library (or a portion or
derivative of it, under Section 2) in object code or executable form
under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you accompany
it with the complete corresponding machine-readable source code, which
must be distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a
medium customarily used for software interchange.
If distribution of object code is made by offering access to copy
from a designated place, then offering equivalent access to copy the
source code from the same place satisfies the requirement to
distribute the source code, even though third parties are not
compelled to copy the source along with the object code.
5. A program that contains no derivative of any portion of the
Library, but is designed to work with the Library by being compiled or
linked with it, is called a "work that uses the Library". Such a
work, in isolation, is not a derivative work of the Library, and
therefore falls outside the scope of this License.
However, linking a "work that uses the Library" with the Library
creates an executable that is a derivative of the Library (because it
contains portions of the Library), rather than a "work that uses the
library". The executable is therefore covered by this License.
Section 6 states terms for distribution of such executables.
When a "work that uses the Library" uses material from a header file
that is part of the Library, the object code for the work may be a
derivative work of the Library even though the source code is not.
Whether this is true is especially significant if the work can be
linked without the Library, or if the work is itself a library. The
threshold for this to be true is not precisely defined by law.
If such an object file uses only numerical parameters, data
structure layouts and accessors, and small macros and small inline
functions (ten lines or less in length), then the use of the object
file is unrestricted, regardless of whether it is legally a derivative
work. (Executables containing this object code plus portions of the
Library will still fall under Section 6.)
Otherwise, if the work is a derivative of the Library, you may
distribute the object code for the work under the terms of Section 6.
Any executables containing that work also fall under Section 6,
whether or not they are linked directly with the Library itself.
6. As an exception to the Sections above, you may also combine or
link a "work that uses the Library" with the Library to produce a
work containing portions of the Library, and distribute that work
under terms of your choice, provided that the terms permit
modification of the work for the customer's own use and reverse
engineering for debugging such modifications.
You must give prominent notice with each copy of the work that the
Library is used in it and that the Library and its use are covered by
this License. You must supply a copy of this License. If the work
during execution displays copyright notices, you must include the
copyright notice for the Library among them, as well as a reference
directing the user to the copy of this License. Also, you must do one
of these things:
a) Accompany the work with the complete corresponding
machine-readable source code for the Library including whatever
changes were used in the work (which must be distributed under
Sections 1 and 2 above); and, if the work is an executable linked
with the Library, with the complete machine-readable "work that
uses the Library", as object code and/or source code, so that the
user can modify the Library and then relink to produce a modified
executable containing the modified Library. (It is understood
that the user who changes the contents of definitions files in the
Library will not necessarily be able to recompile the application
to use the modified definitions.)
b) Use a suitable shared library mechanism for linking with the
Library. A suitable mechanism is one that (1) uses at run time a
copy of the library already present on the user's computer system,
rather than copying library functions into the executable, and (2)
will operate properly with a modified version of the library, if
the user installs one, as long as the modified version is
interface-compatible with the version that the work was made with.
c) Accompany the work with a written offer, valid for at
least three years, to give the same user the materials
specified in Subsection 6a, above, for a charge no more
than the cost of performing this distribution.
d) If distribution of the work is made by offering access to copy
from a designated place, offer equivalent access to copy the above
specified materials from the same place.
e) Verify that the user has already received a copy of these
materials or that you have already sent this user a copy.
For an executable, the required form of the "work that uses the
Library" must include any data and utility programs needed for
reproducing the executable from it. However, as a special exception,
the materials to be distributed need not include anything that is
normally distributed (in either source or binary form) with the major
components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the operating system on
which the executable runs, unless that component itself accompanies
the executable.
It may happen that this requirement contradicts the license
restrictions of other proprietary libraries that do not normally
accompany the operating system. Such a contradiction means you cannot
use both them and the Library together in an executable that you
7. You may place library facilities that are a work based on the
Library side-by-side in a single library together with other library
facilities not covered by this License, and distribute such a combined
library, provided that the separate distribution of the work based on
the Library and of the other library facilities is otherwise
permitted, and provided that you do these two things:
a) Accompany the combined library with a copy of the same work
based on the Library, uncombined with any other library
facilities. This must be distributed under the terms of the
Sections above.
b) Give prominent notice with the combined library of the fact
that part of it is a work based on the Library, and explaining
where to find the accompanying uncombined form of the same work.
8. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, link with, or distribute
the Library except as expressly provided under this License. Any
attempt otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense, link with, or
distribute the Library is void, and will automatically terminate your
rights under this License. However, parties who have received copies,
or rights, from you under this License will not have their licenses
terminated so long as such parties remain in full compliance.
9. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not
signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or
distribute the Library or its derivative works. These actions are
prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by
modifying or distributing the Library (or any work based on the
Library), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and
all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying
the Library or works based on it.
10. Each time you redistribute the Library (or any work based on the
Library), the recipient automatically receives a license from the
original licensor to copy, distribute, link with or modify the Library
subject to these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further
restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein.
You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties with
this License.
11. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent
infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues),
conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot
distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you
may not distribute the Library at all. For example, if a patent
license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Library by
all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then
the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to
refrain entirely from distribution of the Library.
If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under any
particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to apply,
and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other circumstances.
It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any
patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any
such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the
integrity of the free software distribution system which is
implemented by public license practices. Many people have made
generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed
through that system in reliance on consistent application of that
system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing
to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot
impose that choice.
This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to
be a consequence of the rest of this License.
12. If the distribution and/or use of the Library is restricted in
certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the
original copyright holder who places the Library under this License may add
an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding those countries,
so that distribution is permitted only in or among countries not thus
excluded. In such case, this License incorporates the limitation as if
written in the body of this License.
13. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new
versions of the Lesser General Public License from time to time.
Such new versions will be similar in spirit to the present version,
but may differ in detail to address new problems or concerns.
Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Library
specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and
"any later version", you have the option of following the terms and
conditions either of that version or of any later version published by
the Free Software Foundation. If the Library does not specify a
license version number, you may choose any version ever published by
the Free Software Foundation.
14. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Library into other free
programs whose distribution conditions are incompatible with these,
write to the author to ask for permission. For software which is
copyrighted by the Free Software Foundation, write to the Free
Software Foundation; we sometimes make exceptions for this. Our
decision will be guided by the two goals of preserving the free status
of all derivatives of our free software and of promoting the sharing
and reuse of software generally.

@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
Source installation information for modders
This code follows the Minecraft Forge installation methodology. It will apply
some small patches to the vanilla MCP source code, giving you and it access
to some of the data and functions you need to build a successful mod.
Note also that the patches are built against "un-renamed" MCP source code (aka
SRG Names) - this means that you will not be able to read them directly against
normal code.
Setup Process:
Step 1: Open your command-line and browse to the folder where you extracted the zip file.
Step 2: You're left with a choice.
If you prefer to use Eclipse:
1. Run the following command: `gradlew genEclipseRuns` (`./gradlew genEclipseRuns` if you are on Mac/Linux)
2. Open Eclipse, Import > Existing Gradle Project > Select Folder
or run `gradlew eclipse` to generate the project.
If you prefer to use IntelliJ:
1. Open IDEA, and import project.
2. Select your build.gradle file and have it import.
3. Run the following command: `gradlew genIntellijRuns` (`./gradlew genIntellijRuns` if you are on Mac/Linux)
4. Refresh the Gradle Project in IDEA if required.
If at any point you are missing libraries in your IDE, or you've run into problems you can
run `gradlew --refresh-dependencies` to refresh the local cache. `gradlew clean` to reset everything
{this does not affect your code} and then start the process again.
Mapping Names:
By default, the MDK is configured to use the official mapping names from Mojang for methods and fields
in the Minecraft codebase. These names are covered by a specific license. All modders should be aware of this
license, if you do not agree with it you can change your mapping names to other crowdsourced names in your
build.gradle. For the latest license text, refer to the mapping file itself, or the reference copy here:
Additional Resources:
Community Documentation:
LexManos' Install Video:
Forge Forum:
Forge Discord:

Binary file not shown.

@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
plugins {
id 'eclipse'
id 'maven-publish'
id 'net.minecraftforge.gradle' version '5.1.+'
version = '1.0'
group = 'com.yourname.modid' //
archivesBaseName = 'modid'
// Mojang ships Java 17 to end users in 1.18+, so your mod should target Java 17.
java.toolchain.languageVersion = JavaLanguageVersion.of(17)
println "Java: ${System.getProperty 'java.version'}, JVM: ${System.getProperty 'java.vm.version'} (${System.getProperty 'java.vendor'}), Arch: ${System.getProperty 'os.arch'}"
minecraft {
// The mappings can be changed at any time and must be in the following format.
// Channel: Version:
// official MCVersion Official field/method names from Mojang mapping files
// parchment YYYY.MM.DD-MCVersion Open community-sourced parameter names and javadocs layered on top of official
// You must be aware of the Mojang license when using the 'official' or 'parchment' mappings.
// See more information here:
// Parchment is an unofficial project maintained by ParchmentMC, separate from MinecraftForge
// Additional setup is needed to use their mappings:
// Use non-default mappings at your own risk. They may not always work.
// Simply re-run your setup task after changing the mappings to update your workspace.
mappings channel: 'official', version: '1.19'
// accessTransformer = file('src/main/resources/META-INF/accesstransformer.cfg') // Currently, this location cannot be changed from the default.
// Default run configurations.
// These can be tweaked, removed, or duplicated as needed.
runs {
client {
workingDirectory project.file('run')
// Recommended logging data for a userdev environment
// The markers can be added/remove as needed separated by commas.
// "SCAN": For mods scan.
// "REGISTRIES": For firing of registry events.
// "REGISTRYDUMP": For getting the contents of all registries.
property 'forge.logging.markers', 'REGISTRIES'
// Recommended logging level for the console
// You can set various levels here.
// Please read:
property 'forge.logging.console.level', 'debug'
// Comma-separated list of namespaces to load gametests from. Empty = all namespaces.
property 'forge.enabledGameTestNamespaces', 'examplemod'
mods {
examplemod {
source sourceSets.main
server {
workingDirectory project.file('run')
property 'forge.logging.markers', 'REGISTRIES'
property 'forge.logging.console.level', 'debug'
property 'forge.enabledGameTestNamespaces', 'examplemod'
mods {
examplemod {
source sourceSets.main
// This run config launches GameTestServer and runs all registered gametests, then exits.
// By default, the server will crash when no gametests are provided.
// The gametest system is also enabled by default for other run configs under the /test command.
gameTestServer {
workingDirectory project.file('run')
property 'forge.logging.markers', 'REGISTRIES'
property 'forge.logging.console.level', 'debug'
property 'forge.enabledGameTestNamespaces', 'examplemod'
mods {
examplemod {
source sourceSets.main
data {
workingDirectory project.file('run')
property 'forge.logging.markers', 'REGISTRIES'
property 'forge.logging.console.level', 'debug'
// Specify the modid for data generation, where to output the resulting resource, and where to look for existing resources.
args '--mod', 'examplemod', '--all', '--output', file('src/generated/resources/'), '--existing', file('src/main/resources/')
mods {
examplemod {
source sourceSets.main
// Include resources generated by data generators.
sourceSets.main.resources { srcDir 'src/generated/resources' }
repositories {
// Put repositories for dependencies here
// ForgeGradle automatically adds the Forge maven and Maven Central for you
// If you have mod jar dependencies in ./libs, you can declare them as a repository like so:
// flatDir {
// dir 'libs'
// }
dependencies {
// Specify the version of Minecraft to use. If this is any group other than 'net.minecraft', it is assumed
// that the dep is a ForgeGradle 'patcher' dependency, and its patches will be applied.
// The userdev artifact is a special name and will get all sorts of transformations applied to it.
minecraft 'net.minecraftforge:forge:1.19-41.0.98'
// Real mod deobf dependency examples - these get remapped to your current mappings
// compileOnly fg.deobf("mezz.jei:jei-${mc_version}:${jei_version}:api") // Adds JEI API as a compile dependency
// runtimeOnly fg.deobf("mezz.jei:jei-${mc_version}:${jei_version}") // Adds the full JEI mod as a runtime dependency
// implementation fg.deobf("com.tterrag.registrate:Registrate:MC${mc_version}-${registrate_version}") // Adds registrate as a dependency
// Examples using mod jars from ./libs
// implementation fg.deobf("blank:coolmod-${mc_version}:${coolmod_version}")
// For more info...
// Example for how to get properties into the manifest for reading at runtime.
jar {
manifest {
"Specification-Title" : "examplemod",
"Specification-Vendor" : "examplemodsareus",
"Specification-Version" : "1", // We are version 1 of ourselves
"Implementation-Title" :,
"Implementation-Version" : project.jar.archiveVersion,
"Implementation-Vendor" : "examplemodsareus",
"Implementation-Timestamp": new Date().format("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssZ")
// Example configuration to allow publishing using the maven-publish plugin
// This is the preferred method to reobfuscate your jar file
// However if you are in a multi-project build, dev time needs unobfed jar files, so you can delay the obfuscation until publishing by doing
// publish.dependsOn('reobfJar')
publishing {
publications {
mavenJava(MavenPublication) {
artifact jar
repositories {
maven {
url "file://${project.projectDir}/mcmodsrepo"
tasks.withType(JavaCompile).configureEach {
options.encoding = 'UTF-8' // Use the UTF-8 charset for Java compilation

@ -0,0 +1,377 @@
1.19.x Changelog
- 41.0.98 Fix Global Loot Modifiers not using Dispatch Codec (#8859)
- 41.0.97 Allow block render types to be set in datagen (#8852)
- 41.0.96 Fix renderBreakingTexture not using the target's model data (#8849)
- 41.0.95 Multiple tweaks and fixes to the recent changes in the client refactor PR: Part 2 (#8854)
* Add getter for the component names in an unbaked geometry
* Fix render type hint not being copied in BlockGeometryBakingContext
* Ensure BlockRenderDispatches's renderSingleBlock uses the correct buffer
- 41.0.94 [1.19.x] Apply general renames, A SRG is provided for modders. (#8840)
- 41.0.93 Fix mob block breaking AI not working correctly when chunk 0,0 is unloaded. Closes #8853
- 41.0.92 Fix crash when breaking blocks with multipart models and remove caching. Closes #8850
- 41.0.91 Fixed `` passing arguments in the wrong order (#8846)
- 41.0.90 Make cutout mipmaps explicitly opt-in for item/entity rendering (#8845)
* Make cutout mipmaps explicitly opt-in for item/entity rendering
* Default render type domain to "minecraft" in model datagens
- 41.0.89 Fixed multipart block models not using the new model driven render type system. (#8844)
- 41.0.88 Update to the latest JarJar to fix a collision issue where multiple jars could provide an exact match. (#8847)
- 41.0.87 Add FML config to disable DFU optimizations client-side. (#8842)
* Add client-side command line argument to disable DFU optimizations.
* Switch to using FMLConfig value instead.
- 41.0.86 [1.19] Fixed broken BufferBuilder.putBulkData(ByteBuffer) added by Forge (#8819)
* Fixes BufferBuilder.putBulkData(ByteBuffer)
* use nextElementByte
* Fixed merge conflict
- 41.0.85 [1.19.x] Fix shulker boxes allowing input of items, that return false for Item#canFitInsideContainerItems, through hoppers. (#8823)
* Make ShulkerBoxBlockEntity#canPlaceItemThroughFace delegate to Item#canFitInsideContainerItems.
* Switch to using Or and add comment.
* Switch Or to And.
- 41.0.84 [1.19.x] Added RenderLevelStageEvent to replace RenderLevelLastEvent (#8820)
* Ported RenderLevelStageEvent from 1.18.2
* Updated to fix merge conflicts
- 41.0.83 [1.19.x] Fix door datagenerator (#8821)
* Fix door datagenerator
Fix datagenerator for door blocks. Successor to #8687, addresses comments made there about statement complexity.
* Fix extra space around parameter
Fix extra space before comma around a parameter.
- 41.0.82 Create PieceBeardifierModifier to re-enable piecewise beardifier definitions (#8798)
- 41.0.81 Allow blocks to provide a dynamic MaterialColor for display on maps (#8812)
- 41.0.80 [1.19.x] BiomeTags Fixes/Improvements (#8711)
* dimension specific tag fix
* remove forge:is_beach cause vanilla has it already
* remove forge tags for new 1.19 vanilla tags (savanna, beach, overworld, end)
Co-authored-by: Flemmli97 <>
- 41.0.79 1.19 - Remove GlobalLootModifierSerializer and move to Codecs (#8721)
* convert GLM serializer class to codec
* cleanup
* GLM list needs to be sorted
* datagen
* simplify serialization
* fix test mods (oops)
* properly use suppliers for codec as they are registry obj
- 41.0.78 Implement item hooks for potions and enchantments (#8718)
* Implement item hooks for potions and enchantments
* code style fixes
- 41.0.77 Re-apply missing patch to ServerLevel.EntityCallbacks#onTrackingEnd() (#8828)
- 41.0.76 Double Bar Rendering fixed (#8806) (#8807)
* Double Bar Rendering fixed (#8806)
* Added requested changes by sciwhiz12
- 41.0.75 Multiple tweaks and fixes to the recent changes in the client refactor PR (#8836)
* Add an easy way to get the NamedGuiOverlay from a vanilla overlay
* Fix static member ordering crash in UnitTextureAtlasSprite
* Allow boss bar rendering to be cancelled
* Make fluid container datagen use the new name
- 41.0.74 Add FogMode to ViewportEvent.RenderFog (#8825)
- 41.0.73 Provide additional context to the getFieldOfView event (#8830)
- 41.0.72 Pass renderType to IForgeBakedModel.useAmbientOcclusion (#8834)
- 41.0.71 Load custom ITransformationServices from the classpath in dev (#8818)
* Add a classpath transformer discoverer to load custom transformation services from the classpath
* Update ClasspathTransformerDiscoverer to 1.18
* Update license year
* Update license header
* Fix the other license headers
* Update ClasspathTransformerDiscoverer to 1.19
- 41.0.70 Handle modded packets on the network thread (#8703)
* Handle modded packets on the network thread
- On the server we simply need to remove the call to
- On the client side, we now handle the packet at the very start of the
call. We make sure we're running from a network thread to prevent
calling the handling code twice.
While this does mean we no longer call .release(), in practice this
doesn't cause any leaks as ClientboundCustomPayloadPacket releases
for us.
* Clarify behaviour a little in the documentation
* Javadoc formatting
* Add a helper method for handling packets on the main thread
Also rename the network thread one. Should make it clearer the expected
behaviour of the two, and make it clearer there's a potentially breaking
* Add back consumer() methods
Also document EventNetworkChannel, to clarify the thread behaviour
* Add since = "1.19" to deprecated annotations
- 41.0.69 Cache resource listing calls in resource packs (#8829)
* Make the resource lookups cached.
* Include configurability and handle patch cleanup.
* Document and comment the cache manager.
* Make thread selection configurable.
* Implement a configurable loading mechanic that falls back to default behaviour when the config is not bound yet.
* Use boolean supplier and fix wildcard import.
* Clean up the VPR since this is more elegant.
* Clean up the VPR since this is more elegant.
* Address review comments.
* Address more review comments.
* Fix formatting on `getSource`
* Address comments by ichtt
* Adapt to pups requests.
* Stupid idea.
* Attempt this again with a copy on write list.
* Fix a concurrency and loading issue.
* Fix #8813
Checks if the paths are valid resource paths.
* Move the new methods on vanilla Patch.
- 41.0.68 Update SJH and JIJ
- 41.0.67 Fix #8833 (#8835)
- 41.0.66 Fix backwards fabulous check in SimpleBakedModel (#8832)
Yet another blunder we missed during the review of #8786.
- 41.0.65 Make texture atlas in StandaloneGeometryBakingContext configurable (#8831)
- 41.0.64 [1.19.X] Client code cleanup, updates, and other refactors (#8786)
* Revert "Allow safely registering RenderType predicates at any time (#8685)"
This reverts commit be7275443fd939db9c58bcad47079c3767789ac1.
* Renderable API refactors
- Rename "render values" to "context"
- Rename SimpleRenderable to CompositeRenderable to better reflect its use
- Remove IMultipartRenderValues since it doesn't have any real use
- Add extensive customization options to BakedModelRenderable
* ClientRegistry and MinecraftForgeClient refactors
- Add sprite loader manager and registration event
- Add spectator shader manager and registration event
- Add client tooltip factory manager and registration event
- Add recipe book manager and registration event
- Add key mapping registration event
- Remove ClientRegistry, as everything has been moved out of it
- Remove registration methods from MinecraftForgeClient, as they have dedicated events now
* Dimension special effects refactors
- Fold handlers into an extension class and remove public mutable fields
- Add dimension special effects manager and registration event
* HUD overlay refactors
- Rename to IGuiOverlay match vanilla (instead of Ingame)
- Add overlay manager and registration event
- Move vanilla overlays to a standalone enum
* Model loader refactors
- Rename IModelLoader to IGeometryLoader
- Add loader manager and registration event
- Fold all model events into one
- Move registration of additionally loaded models to an event
- Remove ForgeModelBakery and related classes as they served no purpose anymore
* Render properties refactors
- Rename all render properties to client extensions and relocate accordingly
- Move lookups to the respective interfaces
* Model data refactors
- Convert model data to a final class backed by an immutable map and document mutability requirements. This addresses several thread-safety issues in the current implementation which could result in race conditions
- Transfer ownership of the data manager to the client level. This addresses several issues that arise when multiple levels are used at once
* GUI and widget refactors
- Move all widgets to the correct package
- Rename GuiUtils and children to match vanilla naming
* New vertex pipeline API
- Move to vanilla's VertexConsumer
- Roll back recent PR making VertexConsumer format-aware. This is the opposite of what vanilla does, and should not be relevant with the updated lighting pipeline
* Lighting pipeline refactors
- Move to dedicated lighting package
- Separate flat and smooth lighters
- Convert from a vertex pipeline transformer to a pure vertex source (input is baked quads)
* Model geometry API refactors
- Rename IModelGeometry to IUnbakedGeometry
- Rename IModelConfiguration to IGeometryBakingContext
- Rename other elements to match vanilla naming
- Remove current changes to ModelState, as they do not belong there. Transforms should be specified through vanilla's system. ModelState is intended to transfer state from the blockstate JSON
- Remove multipart geometries and geometry parts. After some discussion, these should not be exposed. Instead, geometries should be baked with only the necessary parts enabled
* Make render types a first-class citizen in baked models
- Add named render types (block + entity + fabulous entity)
- Add named render type manager + registration event
- Make BakedModel aware of render types and transfer control over which ones are used to it instead of ItemBlockRenderTypes (fallback)
- (additional) Add concatenated list view. A wrapper for multiple lists that iterates through them in order without the cost of merging them. Useful for merging lists of baked quads
* General event refactors
- Several renames to either match vanilla or improve clarity
- Relocate client chat event dispatching out of common code
* Forge model type refactors
- Rename SeparatePerspectiveModel to SeparateTransformsModel
- Rename ItemModelMesherForge to ForgeItemModelShaper
- Rename DynamicBucketModel to DynamicFluidContainerModel
- Prefix all OBJ-related classes with "Obj" and decouple parsing from construction
- Extract ElementsModel from model loader registry
- Add EmptyModel (baked, unbaked and loader)
- Refactor CompositeModel to take over ItemMultiLayerBakedModel
- Remove FluidModel as it's not used and isn't compatible with the new fluid rendering in modern versions
- Move model loader registration to a proper event handler
- Update names of several JSON fields (backwards-compatible)
- Update datagens to match
* Miscellaneous changes and overlapping patches
- Dispatch all new registration events
- Convert ExtendedServerListData to a record
- Add/remove hooks from ForgeHooksClient as necessary
* Update test mods
* Fix VertexConsumerWrapper returning parent instead of itself
* Additional event cleanup pass
As discussed on Discord:
- Remove "@hidden" and "@see <callsite>" javadoc annotations from all client events and replace them with @ApiStatus.Internal annotation
- Make all events that shouldn't be fired directly into abstract classes with protected constructors
- Another styling pass, just in case (caught some missed classes)
* Add proper deprecation javadocs and de-dupe some vertex consumer code
* Replace sets of chunk render types with a faster BitSet-backed collection
This largely addresses potential performance concerns that using a plain HashSet might involve by making lookups and iteration as linear as they can likely be (aside from using a plain byte/int/long for bit storage). Further performance concerns related to the implementation may be addressed separately, as all the implementation details are hidden from the end user
* Requested changes
- Remove MinecraftForgeClient and move members to Minecraft, IForgeMinecraft and StencilManager
- Allow non-default elements to be passed into VertexConsumer and add support to derived classes
- Move array instantiation out of quad processing in lighting pipeline
- Fix flipped fluid container model
- Set default UV1 to the correct values in the remapping pipeline
- Minor documentation changes
* Add/update EXC entries and fix AT comment
* Add test mod as per Orion's request
* Additional requested changes
* Allow custom model types to request the particle texture to be loaded
* Even more requested changes
* Improve generics in ConcatenatedListView and add missing fallbacks
* Fix fluid render types being bound to the fluid and not its holder
* Remove non-contractual nullability in ChunkRenderTypeSet and add isEmpty
Additionally, introduce chunk render type checks in ItemBlockRenderTypes
Co-authored-by: Dennis C <>
- 41.0.63 Implement full support for IPv6 (#8742)
- 41.0.62 Fix certain user-configured options being overwritten incorrectly due to validators. (#8780)
- 41.0.61 Allow safely registering RenderType predicates at any time (#8685)
- 41.0.60 Fix crash after loading error due to fluid texture gathering and config lookup (#8802)
- 41.0.59 Remove the configuration option for handling empty tags in ingredients. (#8799)
Now empty tags are considered broken in all states.
- 41.0.58 Fix MC-105317 Structure blocks do not rotate entities correctly when loading (#8792)
- 41.0.57 Fire ChunkWatchEvents after sending packets (#8747)
- 41.0.56 Add item handler capability to chest boats (#8787)
- 41.0.55 Add getter for correct BiomeSpecialEffectsBuilder to BiomeInfo$Builder (#8781)
- 41.0.54 Fix BlockToolModificationEvent missing cancelable annotation (#8778)
- 41.0.53 Fix ticking chunk tickets from forge's chunk manager not causing chunks to fully tick (#8775)
- 41.0.52 Fix default audio device config loading string comparison issue (#8767)
- 41.0.51 Fix missed vanilla method overrides in ForgeRegistry (#8766)
- 41.0.50 Add MinecraftServer reference to ServerTickEvent (#8765)
- 41.0.49 Fix TagsProviders for datapack registries not recognizing existing files (#8761)
- 41.0.48 Add callback after a BlockState was changed and the neighbors were updated (#8686)
- 41.0.47 Add biome tag entries for 1.19 biomes (#8684)
- 41.0.46 Make fishing rods use tool actions for relevant logic (#8681)
- 41.0.45 Update BootstrapLauncher to 1.1.1 and remove the forced
merge of text2speech since new BSL does it.
- 41.0.44 Merge text2speech libs together so the natives are part of the jar
- 41.0.43 Make Forge ConfigValues implement Supplier. (#8776)
- 41.0.42 Fix merge derp in AbstractModProvider and logic derp in ModDiscoverer
- 41.0.41 Add "send to mods in order" method to ModList and use it (#8759)
* Add "send to mods in order" method to ModList and use it in RegistryEvents and DataGen..
* Also preserve order in runAll
* Do better comparator thanks @pupnewfster
* postEvent as well.
- 41.0.40 Update SJH to 2.0.2.. (#8774)
* Update SJH to 2.0.3..
- 41.0.39 Sanity check the version specified in the mod file (#8749)
* Sanity check the version specified in the mod file to
make sure it's compatible with JPMS standards for
version strings.
Closes #8748
Requires SPI 6
- 41.0.38 Fix SP-Devtime world loading crash due to missing server configs (#8757)
- 41.0.37 Remove ForgeWorldPreset and related code (#8756)
Vanilla has a working replacement.
- 41.0.36 Change ConfigValue#get() to throw if called before config loaded (#8236)
This prevents silent issues where a mod gets the value of the setting
before configs are loaded, which means the default value is always
As there may be situations where the getting the config setting before
configs are loaded is needed, and it is not preferable to hardcode the
default value, the original behavior is made available through #getRaw.
Implements and closes #7716
* Remove getRaw() method
This is effectively replaced with the expression `spec.isLoaded() ?
configValue.get() : configValue.getDefault()`.
* Remove forceSystemNanoTime config setting
As implemented, it never had any effect as any place where the config
value would be queried happens before the configs are loaded.
- 41.0.35 Fix EnumArgument to use enum names for suggestions (#8728)
Previously, the suggestions used the string representation of the enum
through Enum#toString, which can differ from the name of the enum as
required by Enum#valueOf, causing invalid suggestions (both in gui and
through the error message).
- 41.0.34 Jar-In-Jar (#8715)
- 41.0.33 [1.19] Fix data-gen output path of custom data-pack registries (#8724)
- 41.0.32 Fix player dive and surface animations in custom fluids (#8738)
- 41.0.31 [1.19.x] Affect ItemEntity Motion in Custom Fluids (#8737)
- 41.0.30 [1.19] Add support for items to add enchantments without setting them in NBT (#8719)
- 41.0.29 [1.19.x] Add stock biome modifier types for adding features and spawns (#8697)
- 41.0.28 [1.19.x] Fluid API Overhaul (#8695)
- 41.0.27 Replace StructureSpawnListGatherEvent with StructureModifiers (#8717)
- 41.0.26 Use stack sensitive translation key by default for FluidAttributes. (#8707)
- 41.0.25 Delete LootItemRandomChanceCondition which added looting bonus enchantment incorrectly. (#8733)
- 41.0.24 Update EventBus to 6.0, ModLauncher to 10.0.1 and BootstrapLauncher to 1.1 (#8725)
- 41.0.23 Replace support bot with support action (#8700)
- 41.0.22 Fix Reach Distance / Attack Range being clamped at 6.0 (#8699)
- 41.0.21 [1.19.x] Fix mods' worldgen data not being loaded when creating new singleplayer worlds (#8693)
- 41.0.20 [1.19.x] Fix experimental confirmation screen (#8727)
- 41.0.19 Move is_mountain to forge's tag instead of vanilla's (#8726)
- 41.0.18 [1.19.x] Add CommandBuildContext to Register Command Events (#8716)
- 41.0.17 Only rewrite datagen cache when needed (#8709)
- 41.0.16 Implement a simple feature system for Forge (#8670)
* Implement a simple feature system for Forge. Allows mods to demand certain features are available in the loading system. An example for java_version is provided, but not expected to be used widely. This is more targeted to properties of the display, such as GL version and glsl profile.
Requires to be merged first in ForgeSPI, and the SPI to be updated appropriately in build.gradle files.
* rebase onto 1.19 and add in SPI update
- 41.0.15 displayTest option in mods.toml (#8656)
* displayTest option in mods.toml
* "MATCH_VERSION" (or none) is existing match version string behaviour
* "IGNORE_SERVER_VERSION" accepts anything and sends special SERVERONLY string
* "IGNORE_ALL_VERSION" accepts anything and sends an empty string
* "NONE" allows the mod to supply their own displaytest using the IExtensionPoint mechanism.
* Update display test with feedback and added the mods.toml discussion in mdk.
- 41.0.14 Update forgeSPI to v5 (#8696)
- 41.0.13 Make IVertexConsumers such as the lighting pipeline, be aware of which format they are dealing with. (#8692)
Also fix Lighting pipeline ignoring the overlay coords from the block renderer.
- 41.0.12 Fixed misaligned patch to invalidateCaps in Entity (#8705)
- 41.0.11 Fix readAdditionalLevelSaveData (#8704)
- 41.0.10 Fixes setPos to syncPacketPositionCodec (#8702)
- 41.0.9 Fix wrong param passed to PlayLevelSoundEvent.AtEntity (#8688)
- 41.0.8 Override initialize in SlotItemHandler, so it uses the itemhandler instead of container (#8679)
- 41.0.7 Update MDK for 1.19 changes (#8675)
- 41.0.6 Add helper to RecipeType, and fix eclipse compiler error in test class.
- 41.0.5 Update modlauncher to latest (#8691)
- 41.0.4 Fix getting entity data serializer id crashing due to improper port to new registry system (#8678)
- 41.0.3 Fire registry events in the order vanilla registers to registries (#8677)
Custom registries are still fired in alphabetical order, after all vanilla registries.
Move forge's data_serializers registry to forge namespace.
- 41.0.2 Add method with pre/post wrap to allow setting/clearing mod context. (#8682)
Fixes ActiveContainer in ModContext not being present in registry events. Closes #8680
- 41.0.1 Fix the Curlie oopsie
- 41.0.0 Forge 1.19
* Bump pack.mcmeta formats
* 1.19 biome modifiers
* Mark ClientPlayerNetworkEvent.LoggedOutEvent's getters as nullable
* Add docs and package-info to client extension interfaces package
* Move RenderBlockOverlayEvent hooks to ForgeHooksClient
* Add package-infos to client events package
* Rename SoundLoadEvent to SoundEngineLoadEvent
This reduces confusion from consumers which may think the
name SoundLoadEvent refers to an individual sound being loaded rather
than the sound engine.
* Document and change SoundLoadEvent to fire on mod bus
Previously, it fired on both the mod bus and the Forge bus, which is
confusing for consumers.
* Delete SoundSetupEvent
Looking at its original implementation shows that there isn't an
appropriate place in the new sound code to reinsert the event, and the
place of 'sound engine/manager initialization event' is taken already by SoundLoadEvent.
* Perform some cleanup on client events
- Removed nullable annotations from ClientPlayerNetworkEvent
- Renamed #getPartialTicks methods to #getPartialTick, to be consistent
with vanilla's naming of the partial tick
- Cleanup documentation to remove line breaks, use the
spelling 'cancelled' over
'canceled', and improve docs on existing and
new methods.
* Remove EntityEvent.CanUpdate
Closes MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge#6394
* Switch to Jetbrains nullability annotations
* New PlayLevelSoundEvent; replaces old PlaySoundAtEntityEvent
* Remove ForgeWorldPresetScreens
* Remove IForgeRegistryEntry
* Remove use of List<Throwable> in FML's CompletableFutures
* Add docs to mod loading stages, stages, and phases
* Gradle 7.4.2
* Use SLF4J in FMLLoader and other subprojects
* Switch dynamic versions in subprojects to pinned ones
* Switch ForgeRoot and MDK to FG plugin markers
* Configure Forge javadoc task
The task now uses a custom stylesheet with MCForge elements, and
configured to combine the generation from the four FML subprojects
(fmlloader, fmlcore, javafmllanguage, mclanguage) and the Forge project
into the javadoc output.
* Update docs/md files, for 1.19 update and the move away from IRC to Discord.
* Make "Potentially dangerous alternative prefix" a debug warning, not info.
Co-authored-by: Curle <>
Co-authored-by: sciwhiz12 <>

Binary file not shown.

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
# Sets default memory used for gradle commands. Can be overridden by user or command line properties.
# This is required to provide enough memory for the Minecraft decompilation process.

Binary file not shown.

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@

gradlew vendored

@ -0,0 +1,234 @@
# Copyright © 2015-2021 the original authors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# Gradle start up script for POSIX generated by Gradle.
# Important for running:
# (1) You need a POSIX-compliant shell to run this script. If your /bin/sh is
# noncompliant, but you have some other compliant shell such as ksh or
# bash, then to run this script, type that shell name before the whole
# command line, like:
# ksh Gradle
# Busybox and similar reduced shells will NOT work, because this script
# requires all of these POSIX shell features:
# * functions;
# * expansions «$var», «${var}», «${var:-default}», «${var+SET}»,
# «${var#prefix}», «${var%suffix}», and «$( cmd )»;
# * compound commands having a testable exit status, especially «case»;
# * various built-in commands including «command», «set», and «ulimit».
# Important for patching:
# (2) This script targets any POSIX shell, so it avoids extensions provided
# by Bash, Ksh, etc; in particular arrays are avoided.
# The "traditional" practice of packing multiple parameters into a
# space-separated string is a well documented source of bugs and security
# problems, so this is (mostly) avoided, by progressively accumulating
# options in "$@", and eventually passing that to Java.
# Where the inherited environment variables (DEFAULT_JVM_OPTS, JAVA_OPTS,
# and GRADLE_OPTS) rely on word-splitting, this is performed explicitly;
# see the in-line comments for details.
# There are tweaks for specific operating systems such as AIX, CygWin,
# Darwin, MinGW, and NonStop.
# (3) This script is generated from the Groovy template
# within the Gradle project.
# You can find Gradle at
# Attempt to set APP_HOME
# Resolve links: $0 may be a link
# Need this for daisy-chained symlinks.
APP_HOME=${app_path%"${app_path##*/}"} # leaves a trailing /; empty if no leading path
[ -h "$app_path" ]
ls=$( ls -ld "$app_path" )
link=${ls#*' -> '}
case $link in #(
/*) app_path=$link ;; #(
*) app_path=$APP_HOME$link ;;
APP_HOME=$( cd "${APP_HOME:-./}" && pwd -P ) || exit
# Add default JVM options here. You can also use JAVA_OPTS and GRADLE_OPTS to pass JVM options to this script.
DEFAULT_JVM_OPTS='"-Xmx64m" "-Xms64m"'
# Use the maximum available, or set MAX_FD != -1 to use that value.
warn () {
echo "$*"
} >&2
die () {
echo "$*"
exit 1
} >&2
# OS specific support (must be 'true' or 'false').
case "$( uname )" in #(
CYGWIN* ) cygwin=true ;; #(
Darwin* ) darwin=true ;; #(
MSYS* | MINGW* ) msys=true ;; #(
NONSTOP* ) nonstop=true ;;
# Determine the Java command to use to start the JVM.
if [ -n "$JAVA_HOME" ] ; then
if [ -x "$JAVA_HOME/jre/sh/java" ] ; then
# IBM's JDK on AIX uses strange locations for the executables
if [ ! -x "$JAVACMD" ] ; then
die "ERROR: JAVA_HOME is set to an invalid directory: $JAVA_HOME
Please set the JAVA_HOME variable in your environment to match the
location of your Java installation."
which java >/dev/null 2>&1 || die "ERROR: JAVA_HOME is not set and no 'java' command could be found in your PATH.
Please set the JAVA_HOME variable in your environment to match the
location of your Java installation."
# Increase the maximum file descriptors if we can.
if ! "$cygwin" && ! "$darwin" && ! "$nonstop" ; then
case $MAX_FD in #(
MAX_FD=$( ulimit -H -n ) ||
warn "Could not query maximum file descriptor limit"
case $MAX_FD in #(
'' | soft) :;; #(
ulimit -n "$MAX_FD" ||
warn "Could not set maximum file descriptor limit to $MAX_FD"
# Collect all arguments for the java command, stacking in reverse order:
# * args from the command line
# * the main class name
# * -classpath
# * -D...appname settings
# * --module-path (only if needed)
# * DEFAULT_JVM_OPTS, JAVA_OPTS, and GRADLE_OPTS environment variables.
# For Cygwin or MSYS, switch paths to Windows format before running java
if "$cygwin" || "$msys" ; then
APP_HOME=$( cygpath --path --mixed "$APP_HOME" )
CLASSPATH=$( cygpath --path --mixed "$CLASSPATH" )
JAVACMD=$( cygpath --unix "$JAVACMD" )
# Now convert the arguments - kludge to limit ourselves to /bin/sh
for arg do
case $arg in #(
-*) false ;; # don't mess with options #(
/?*) t=${arg#/} t=/${t%%/*} # looks like a POSIX filepath
[ -e "$t" ] ;; #(
*) false ;;
arg=$( cygpath --path --ignore --mixed "$arg" )
# Roll the args list around exactly as many times as the number of
# args, so each arg winds up back in the position where it started, but
# possibly modified.
# NB: a `for` loop captures its iteration list before it begins, so
# changing the positional parameters here affects neither the number of
# iterations, nor the values presented in `arg`.
shift # remove old arg
set -- "$@" "$arg" # push replacement arg
# Collect all arguments for the java command;
# * $DEFAULT_JVM_OPTS, $JAVA_OPTS, and $GRADLE_OPTS can contain fragments of
# shell script including quotes and variable substitutions, so put them in
# double quotes to make sure that they get re-expanded; and
# * put everything else in single quotes, so that it's not re-expanded.
set -- \
"-Dorg.gradle.appname=$APP_BASE_NAME" \
-classpath "$CLASSPATH" \
org.gradle.wrapper.GradleWrapperMain \
# Use "xargs" to parse quoted args.
# With -n1 it outputs one arg per line, with the quotes and backslashes removed.
# In Bash we could simply go:
# readarray ARGS < <( xargs -n1 <<<"$var" ) &&
# set -- "${ARGS[@]}" "$@"
# but POSIX shell has neither arrays nor command substitution, so instead we
# post-process each arg (as a line of input to sed) to backslash-escape any
# character that might be a shell metacharacter, then use eval to reverse
# that process (while maintaining the separation between arguments), and wrap
# the whole thing up as a single "set" statement.
# This will of course break if any of these variables contains a newline or
# an unmatched quote.
eval "set -- $(
xargs -n1 |
sed ' s~[^-[:alnum:]+,./:=@_]~\\&~g; ' |
tr '\n' ' '
)" '"$@"'
exec "$JAVACMD" "$@"

gradlew.bat vendored

@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
@rem Copyright 2015 the original author or authors.
@rem Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
@rem you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
@rem You may obtain a copy of the License at
@rem Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
@rem distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
@rem WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
@rem See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
@rem limitations under the License.
@if "%DEBUG%" == "" @echo off
@rem ##########################################################################
@rem Gradle startup script for Windows
@rem ##########################################################################
@rem Set local scope for the variables with windows NT shell
if "%OS%"=="Windows_NT" setlocal
set DIRNAME=%~dp0
if "%DIRNAME%" == "" set DIRNAME=.
set APP_BASE_NAME=%~n0
@rem Resolve any "." and ".." in APP_HOME to make it shorter.
for %%i in ("%APP_HOME%") do set APP_HOME=%%~fi
@rem Add default JVM options here. You can also use JAVA_OPTS and GRADLE_OPTS to pass JVM options to this script.
set DEFAULT_JVM_OPTS="-Xmx64m" "-Xms64m"
@rem Find java.exe
if defined JAVA_HOME goto findJavaFromJavaHome
set JAVA_EXE=java.exe
%JAVA_EXE% -version >NUL 2>&1
if "%ERRORLEVEL%" == "0" goto execute
echo ERROR: JAVA_HOME is not set and no 'java' command could be found in your PATH.
echo Please set the JAVA_HOME variable in your environment to match the
echo location of your Java installation.
goto fail
set JAVA_EXE=%JAVA_HOME%/bin/java.exe
if exist "%JAVA_EXE%" goto execute
echo ERROR: JAVA_HOME is set to an invalid directory: %JAVA_HOME%
echo Please set the JAVA_HOME variable in your environment to match the
echo location of your Java installation.
goto fail
@rem Setup the command line
set CLASSPATH=%APP_HOME%\gradle\wrapper\gradle-wrapper.jar
@rem Execute Gradle
"%JAVA_EXE%" %DEFAULT_JVM_OPTS% %JAVA_OPTS% %GRADLE_OPTS% "-Dorg.gradle.appname=%APP_BASE_NAME%" -classpath "%CLASSPATH%" org.gradle.wrapper.GradleWrapperMain %*
@rem End local scope for the variables with windows NT shell
if "%ERRORLEVEL%"=="0" goto mainEnd
rem Set variable GRADLE_EXIT_CONSOLE if you need the _script_ return code instead of
rem the _cmd.exe /c_ return code!
if not "" == "%GRADLE_EXIT_CONSOLE%" exit 1
exit /b 1
if "%OS%"=="Windows_NT" endlocal

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