Minecraft mod (1.18.2) allowing players to create programmable machines and robots to do what they want them to do. Programs are written in Java.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

28 lines
1013 B

3 years ago
#Use ./sig release <windows|mac|linux> to create a custom installer based on OS.
source ${LANGUAGE}/scripts/version_info
FILES=$(cat ${LANGUAGE}/scripts/.package.files)
if [ "$1" = "windows" ];then
echo "Creating a package for Windows..."
echo "Not implemented yet."
elif [ "$1" = "mac" ];then
echo "Creating a package for Mac..."
echo "Not implemented yet."
elif [ "$1" = "linux" ];then
echo "Creating a package for Linux..."
cd ..
mkdir -vp RabiCloneOut/in
for f in $FILES
cp -Rv --parents $PROJECT_NAME/$f RabiCloneOut/in
jpackage --verbose --input RabiCloneOut/in/RabiClone --main-jar bin/RabiClone.jar --main-class sig.RabiClone --type app-image --dest RabiCloneOut
cp -Rv RabiCloneOut/RabiClone/lib/app/* RabiCloneOut/RabiClone
jpackage --verbose --app-image RabiCloneOut/RabiClone --name RabiClone
rm -Rfv RabiCloneOut
cd RabiClone
echo "Done!"
echo "Usage: "
echo " ./sig release <windows|mac|linux>"