function search() { FILES2=$(ls -A $1) for g in $FILES2 do if [ -d $1$g ]; then echo "$1$g is a directory" search $1$g/ else echo "$1$g is a file" if [ $g != "md5" ]; then md5sum < $1$g >> $1md5 else echo " md5 file, ignoring..." fi fi done } function check() { echo "Check $1" FILES2=$(ls -A $1) if [ -f "$1/md5" ]; then echo " md5:$1md5" curl -H 'Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store' -s$1md5 --output /tmp/out DIFF=$(diff $1/md5 /tmp/out) if [ "$DIFF" != "" ] then echo " Differences detected!" for g in $FILES2 do if [ "$g" != "md5" ]; then if [ -f $1$g ]; then echo "++Redownload $1$g..." if [ -f "$1$g" ]; then #Read the 2nd line and see if it has a special directory. CHECKLINE=$(sed -n '2{p;q;}' $1$g) if [ "${CHECKLINE:0:1}" = "#" ]; then #This could be a different diff, try that one. echo " md5:${CHECKLINE:1}/$1md5" curl -H 'Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store' -s${CHECKLINE:1}/$1md5 --output /tmp/out DIFF=$(diff $1/md5 /tmp/out) if [ "$DIFF" != "" ] then echo " Differences detected here too." curl -H 'Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store'${CHECKLINE:1}/$1$g --output $1$g fi else curl -H 'Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store'$1$g --output $1$g fi else echo "===Could not find directory, assuming regular scripts directory exists." curl -H 'Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store'$1$g --output scripts/$g fi fi fi done fi fi for g in $FILES2 do if [ -d $1$g ]; then echo "$1$g is a directory" check $1$g/ fi done }