commit 257d8fb28f13028cbe8be790208c04a667dd38a8 Author: sigonasr2 Date: Sun Oct 9 04:21:46 2022 -0500 Initial commit diff --git a/.vscode/launch.json b/.vscode/launch.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4c47955 --- /dev/null +++ b/.vscode/launch.json @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ +{ + // Use IntelliSense to learn about possible attributes. + // Hover to view descriptions of existing attributes. + // For more information, visit: + "version": "0.2.0", + "configurations": [{ + "preLaunchTask": "Build", + "name": "(gdb) Launch", + "type": "cppdbg", + "request": "launch", + "program": "${workspaceFolder}/a.out", + "args": [], + "stopAtEntry": false, + "cwd": "${fileDirname}", + "environment": [], + "externalConsole": false, + "MIMode": "gdb", + "setupCommands": [ + { + "description": "Enable pretty-printing for gdb", + "text": "-enable-pretty-printing", + "ignoreFailures": true + }, + { + "description": "Set Disassembly Flavor to Intel", + "text": "-gdb-set disassembly-flavor intel", + "ignoreFailures": true + } + ] + }] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/.vscode/settings.json b/.vscode/settings.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2c4cf1d --- /dev/null +++ b/.vscode/settings.json @@ -0,0 +1,64 @@ +{ + "files.associations": { + "map1": "plaintext", + "iostream": "cpp", + "array": "cpp", + "atomic": "cpp", + "bit": "cpp", + "*.tcc": "cpp", + "cctype": "cpp", + "chrono": "cpp", + "clocale": "cpp", + "cmath": "cpp", + "codecvt": "cpp", + "compare": "cpp", + "concepts": "cpp", + "cstdarg": "cpp", + "cstddef": "cpp", + "cstdint": "cpp", + "cstdio": "cpp", + "cstdlib": "cpp", + "cstring": "cpp", + "ctime": "cpp", + "cwchar": "cpp", + "cwctype": "cpp", + "deque": "cpp", + "list": "cpp", + "map": "cpp", + "string": "cpp", + "unordered_map": "cpp", + "vector": "cpp", + "exception": "cpp", + "algorithm": "cpp", + "functional": "cpp", + "iterator": "cpp", + "memory": "cpp", + "memory_resource": "cpp", + "numeric": "cpp", + "random": "cpp", + "ratio": "cpp", + 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at end of file diff --git a/Block.cpp b/Block.cpp new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5f224f0 --- /dev/null +++ b/Block.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +#include "Block.h" + +Block::Block(int x, int y, int R, int B, int G) +{ + X = x; + Y = y; + color = std::make_tuple(R, G, B); +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Block.h b/Block.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2f4a7fd --- /dev/null +++ b/Block.h @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +#pragma once +#include + +class Block +{ +public: + Block(){}; + Block(int x, int y, int R, int B, int G); + void display(float CameraX, float CameraY, float Zoom); +private: + int X; + int Y; + std::tuple color; +}; \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/C++/scripts/ b/C++/scripts/ new file mode 100755 index 0000000..0656a8a --- /dev/null +++ b/C++/scripts/ @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +#Compiles the entire program then runs it, producing an executable. +#C++ +printf "Running program...\n\n\n" +if g++ $(find . -type f -name "*.cpp") ${CUSTOM_PARAMS} -o ${PROJECT_NAME}; then + ./${PROJECT_NAME} "$@" +fi +printf "\n\n" diff --git a/C++/scripts/ b/C++/scripts/ new file mode 100755 index 0000000..2693b46 --- /dev/null +++ b/C++/scripts/ @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +#Adds a commit message and pushes project to github repository. +#C++ +COMMIT_MESSAGE="$*" +FIRST_LINE=true +while IFS= read -r line +do +if [ "$FIRST_LINE" = true ]; then + COMMIT_MESSAGE+=" + +Co-authored-by: $line" +FIRST_LINE=false +else + COMMIT_MESSAGE+=" +Co-authored-by: $line" +fi +done < utils/.coauthors +git add -u +git add * +git commit -m "$COMMIT_MESSAGE" +git push \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/C++/scripts/filelist b/C++/scripts/filelist new file mode 100644 index 0000000..faf6fb4 --- /dev/null +++ b/C++/scripts/filelist @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +temp diff --git a/C++/scripts/ b/C++/scripts/ new file mode 100755 index 0000000..90e6d10 --- /dev/null +++ b/C++/scripts/ @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +#Returns the line counts of your project. +#C++ +shopt -s extglob +ls -1 @(*.h|*.cpp) > temp +while read a; do + if [ "$a" != "pixelGameEngine.h" ] && [ "$a" != "soundwaveEngine.h" ] && [ "$a" != "splash.h" ]; + then + echo -e "$a\n" >> temp2 + fi +done < temp +wc -l $(cat temp2) + +rm temp +rm temp2 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/C++/scripts/md5 b/C++/scripts/md5 new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b71151f --- /dev/null +++ b/C++/scripts/md5 @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ - - - +temp:d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e - - diff --git a/C++/scripts/temp b/C++/scripts/temp new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e69de29 diff --git a/C++/scripts/ b/C++/scripts/ new file mode 100755 index 0000000..2e1a1f3 --- /dev/null +++ b/C++/scripts/ @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ +#Compiles emscripten instance of this project for the web. +#C++ +if [ -d "assets" ]; then + em++ -std=c++17 -O2 -s ALLOW_MEMORY_GROWTH=1 -s MAX_WEBGL_VERSION=2 -s MIN_WEBGL_VERSION=2 -s USE_SDL_MIXER=2 -s USE_LIBPNG=1 $(find . -type f -name "*.cpp") -o ${PROJECT_NAME}.html -I pixelGameEngine.h --preload-file ./assets +else + em++ -std=c++17 -O2 -s ALLOW_MEMORY_GROWTH=1 -s MAX_WEBGL_VERSION=2 -s MIN_WEBGL_VERSION=2 -s USE_SDL_MIXER=2 -s USE_LIBPNG=1 $(find . -type f -name "*.cpp") -o ${PROJECT_NAME}.html -I pixelGameEngine.h +fi + +cp buildtemplate.html ${PROJECT_NAME}.html +sed -i "s/_REPLACEME_/$PROJECT_NAME.js/" ${PROJECT_NAME}.html + +if [ "$1" == "headless" ]; then + echo "Running as headless web server" + emrun --no_browser ${PROJECT_NAME}.html +else + emrun --serve_after_close ${PROJECT_NAME}.html +fi + diff --git a/C++ProjectTemplate b/C++ProjectTemplate new file mode 100755 index 0000000..5e869d1 Binary files /dev/null and b/C++ProjectTemplate differ diff --git a/C++ProjectTemplate.html b/C++ProjectTemplate.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..de51b65 --- /dev/null +++ b/C++ProjectTemplate.html @@ -0,0 +1,75 @@ + + + + + + + + Emscripten-Generated Code + + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/C++ProjectTemplate.js b/C++ProjectTemplate.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1b053e0 --- /dev/null +++ b/C++ProjectTemplate.js @@ 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instance}).then(receiver,function(reason){err("failed to asynchronously prepare wasm: "+reason);abort(reason)})}function instantiateAsync(){if(!wasmBinary&&typeof WebAssembly.instantiateStreaming=="function"&&!isDataURI(wasmBinaryFile)&&!isFileURI(wasmBinaryFile)&&!ENVIRONMENT_IS_NODE&&typeof fetch=="function"){return fetch(wasmBinaryFile,{credentials:"same-origin"}).then(function(response){var result=WebAssembly.instantiateStreaming(response,info);return result.then(receiveInstantiationResult,function(reason){err("wasm streaming compile failed: "+reason);err("falling back to ArrayBuffer instantiation");return instantiateArrayBuffer(receiveInstantiationResult)})})}else{return instantiateArrayBuffer(receiveInstantiationResult)}}if(Module["instantiateWasm"]){try{var exports=Module["instantiateWasm"](info,receiveInstance);return exports}catch(e){err("Module.instantiateWasm callback failed with error: "+e);return false}}instantiateAsync();return{}}var tempDouble;var tempI64;var 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FS.ErrnoError(60)}var bytesRead=0;for(var i=0;i0){result=buf.slice(0,bytesRead).toString("utf-8")}else{result=null}}else if(typeof window!="undefined"&&typeof window.prompt=="function"){result=window.prompt("Input: ");if(result!==null){result+="\n"}}else if(typeof readline=="function"){result=readline();if(result!==null){result+="\n"}}if(!result){return null}tty.input=intArrayFromString(result,true)}return tty.input.shift()},put_char:function(tty,val){if(val===null||val===10){out(UTF8ArrayToString(tty.output,0));tty.output=[]}else{if(val!=0)tty.output.push(val)}},fsync:function(tty){if(tty.output&&tty.output.length>0){out(UTF8ArrayToString(tty.output,0));tty.output=[]}}},default_tty1_ops:{put_char:function(tty,val){if(val===null||val===10){err(UTF8ArrayToString(tty.output,0));tty.output=[]}else{if(val!=0)tty.output.push(val)}},fsync:function(tty){if(tty.output&&tty.output.length>0){err(UTF8ArrayToString(tty.output,0));tty.output=[]}}}};function mmapAlloc(size){abort()}var 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FS.ErrnoError(63)}if(!MEMFS.ops_table){MEMFS.ops_table={dir:{node:{getattr:MEMFS.node_ops.getattr,setattr:MEMFS.node_ops.setattr,lookup:MEMFS.node_ops.lookup,mknod:MEMFS.node_ops.mknod,rename:MEMFS.node_ops.rename,unlink:MEMFS.node_ops.unlink,rmdir:MEMFS.node_ops.rmdir,readdir:MEMFS.node_ops.readdir,symlink:MEMFS.node_ops.symlink},stream:{llseek:MEMFS.stream_ops.llseek}},file:{node:{getattr:MEMFS.node_ops.getattr,setattr:MEMFS.node_ops.setattr},stream:{llseek:MEMFS.stream_ops.llseek,,write:MEMFS.stream_ops.write,allocate:MEMFS.stream_ops.allocate,mmap:MEMFS.stream_ops.mmap,msync:MEMFS.stream_ops.msync}},link:{node:{getattr:MEMFS.node_ops.getattr,setattr:MEMFS.node_ops.setattr,readlink:MEMFS.node_ops.readlink},stream:{}},chrdev:{node:{getattr:MEMFS.node_ops.getattr,setattr:MEMFS.node_ops.setattr},stream:FS.chrdev_stream_ops}}}var node=FS.createNode(parent,name,mode,dev);if(FS.isDir(node.mode)){node.node_ops=MEMFS.ops_table.dir.node;;node.contents={}}else 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node.contents){if(!node.contents.hasOwnProperty(key)){continue}entries.push(key)}return entries},symlink:function(parent,newname,oldpath){var node=MEMFS.createNode(parent,newname,511|40960,0);;return node},readlink:function(node){if(!FS.isLink(node.mode)){throw new FS.ErrnoError(28)}return}},stream_ops:{read:function(stream,buffer,offset,length,position){var contents=stream.node.contents;if(position>=stream.node.usedBytes)return 0;var size=Math.min(stream.node.usedBytes-position,length);if(size>8&&contents.subarray){buffer.set(contents.subarray(position,position+size),offset)}else{for(var i=0;i0||position+length{assert(arrayBuffer,'Loading data file "'+url+'" failed (no arrayBuffer).');onload(new Uint8Array(arrayBuffer));if(dep)removeRunDependency(dep)},event=>{if(onerror){onerror()}else{throw'Loading data file "'+url+'" failed.'}});if(dep)addRunDependency(dep)}var 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node===node.parent},isMountpoint:node=>{return!!node.mounted},isFile:mode=>{return(mode&61440)===32768},isDir:mode=>{return(mode&61440)===16384},isLink:mode=>{return(mode&61440)===40960},isChrdev:mode=>{return(mode&61440)===8192},isBlkdev:mode=>{return(mode&61440)===24576},isFIFO:mode=>{return(mode&61440)===4096},isSocket:mode=>{return(mode&49152)===49152},flagModes:{"r":0,"r+":2,"w":577,"w+":578,"a":1089,"a+":1090},modeStringToFlags:str=>{var flags=FS.flagModes[str];if(typeof flags=="undefined"){throw new Error("Unknown file open mode: "+str)}return flags},flagsToPermissionString:flag=>{var perms=["r","w","rw"][flag&3];if(flag&512){perms+="w"}return perms},nodePermissions:(node,perms)=>{if(FS.ignorePermissions){return 0}if(perms.includes("r")&&!(node.mode&292)){return 2}else if(perms.includes("w")&&!(node.mode&146)){return 2}else if(perms.includes("x")&&!(node.mode&73)){return 2}return 0},mayLookup:dir=>{var errCode=FS.nodePermissions(dir,"x");if(errCode)return 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FS.ErrnoError(33)},getStream:fd=>FS.streams[fd],createStream:(stream,fd_start,fd_end)=>{if(!FS.FSStream){FS.FSStream=function(){this.shared={}};FS.FSStream.prototype={};Object.defineProperties(FS.FSStream.prototype,{object:{get:function(){return this.node},set:function(val){this.node=val}},isRead:{get:function(){return(this.flags&2097155)!==1}},isWrite:{get:function(){return(this.flags&2097155)!==0}},isAppend:{get:function(){return this.flags&1024}},flags:{get:function(){return this.shared.flags},set:function(val){this.shared.flags=val}},position:{get:function(){return this.shared.position},set:function(val){this.shared.position=val}}})}stream=Object.assign(new FS.FSStream,stream);var fd=FS.nextfd(fd_start,fd_end);stream.fd=fd;FS.streams[fd]=stream;return stream},closeStream:fd=>{FS.streams[fd]=null},chrdev_stream_ops:{open:stream=>{var device=FS.getDevice(stream.node.rdev);stream.stream_ops=device.stream_ops;if({}},llseek:()=>{throw new FS.ErrnoError(70)}},major:dev=>dev>>8,minor:dev=>dev&255,makedev:(ma,mi)=>ma<<8|mi,registerDevice:(dev,ops)=>{FS.devices[dev]={stream_ops:ops}},getDevice:dev=>FS.devices[dev],getMounts:mount=>{var mounts=[];var check=[mount];while(check.length){var m=check.pop();mounts.push(m);check.push.apply(check,m.mounts)}return mounts},syncfs:(populate,callback)=>{if(typeof populate=="function"){callback=populate;populate=false}FS.syncFSRequests++;if(FS.syncFSRequests>1){err("warning: "+FS.syncFSRequests+" FS.syncfs operations in flight at once, probably just doing extra work")}var mounts=FS.getMounts(FS.root.mount);var completed=0;function doCallback(errCode){FS.syncFSRequests--;return callback(errCode)}function done(errCode){if(errCode){if(!done.errored){done.errored=true;return doCallback(errCode)}return}if(++completed>=mounts.length){doCallback(null)}}mounts.forEach(mount=>{if(!mount.type.syncfs){return done(null)}mount.type.syncfs(mount,populate,done)})},mount:(type,opts,mountpoint)=>{var root=mountpoint==="/";var pseudo=!mountpoint;var node;if(root&&FS.root){throw new FS.ErrnoError(10)}else if(!root&&!pseudo){var lookup=FS.lookupPath(mountpoint,{follow_mount:false});mountpoint=lookup.path;node=lookup.node;if(FS.isMountpoint(node)){throw new FS.ErrnoError(10)}if(!FS.isDir(node.mode)){throw new FS.ErrnoError(54)}}var mount={type:type,opts:opts,mountpoint:mountpoint,mounts:[]};var mountRoot=type.mount(mount);mountRoot.mount=mount;mount.root=mountRoot;if(root){FS.root=mountRoot}else if(node){node.mounted=mount;if(node.mount){node.mount.mounts.push(mount)}}return mountRoot},unmount:mountpoint=>{var lookup=FS.lookupPath(mountpoint,{follow_mount:false});if(!FS.isMountpoint(lookup.node)){throw new FS.ErrnoError(28)}var node=lookup.node;var mount=node.mounted;var mounts=FS.getMounts(mount);Object.keys(FS.nameTable).forEach(hash=>{var current=FS.nameTable[hash];while(current){var next=current.name_next;if(mounts.includes(current.mount)){FS.destroyNode(current)}current=next}});node.mounted=null;var idx=node.mount.mounts.indexOf(mount);node.mount.mounts.splice(idx,1)},lookup:(parent,name)=>{return parent.node_ops.lookup(parent,name)},mknod:(path,mode,dev)=>{var lookup=FS.lookupPath(path,{parent:true});var parent=lookup.node;var name=PATH.basename(path);if(!name||name==="."||name===".."){throw new FS.ErrnoError(28)}var errCode=FS.mayCreate(parent,name);if(errCode){throw new FS.ErrnoError(errCode)}if(!parent.node_ops.mknod){throw new FS.ErrnoError(63)}return parent.node_ops.mknod(parent,name,mode,dev)},create:(path,mode)=>{mode=mode!==undefined?mode:438;mode&=4095;mode|=32768;return FS.mknod(path,mode,0)},mkdir:(path,mode)=>{mode=mode!==undefined?mode:511;mode&=511|512;mode|=16384;return FS.mknod(path,mode,0)},mkdirTree:(path,mode)=>{var dirs=path.split("/");var d="";for(var i=0;i{if(typeof dev=="undefined"){dev=mode;mode=438}mode|=8192;return 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FS.ErrnoError(10)}parent.node_ops.unlink(parent,name);FS.destroyNode(node)},readlink:path=>{var lookup=FS.lookupPath(path);var link=lookup.node;if(!link){throw new FS.ErrnoError(44)}if(!link.node_ops.readlink){throw new FS.ErrnoError(28)}return PATH_FS.resolve(FS.getPath(link.parent),link.node_ops.readlink(link))},stat:(path,dontFollow)=>{var lookup=FS.lookupPath(path,{follow:!dontFollow});var node=lookup.node;if(!node){throw new FS.ErrnoError(44)}if(!node.node_ops.getattr){throw new FS.ErrnoError(63)}return node.node_ops.getattr(node)},lstat:path=>{return FS.stat(path,true)},chmod:(path,mode,dontFollow)=>{var node;if(typeof path=="string"){var lookup=FS.lookupPath(path,{follow:!dontFollow});node=lookup.node}else{node=path}if(!node.node_ops.setattr){throw new FS.ErrnoError(63)}node.node_ops.setattr(node,{mode:mode&4095|node.mode&~4095,})},lchmod:(path,mode)=>{FS.chmod(path,mode,true)},fchmod:(fd,mode)=>{var stream=FS.getStream(fd);if(!stream){throw new FS.ErrnoError(8)}FS.chmod(stream.node,mode)},chown:(path,uid,gid,dontFollow)=>{var node;if(typeof path=="string"){var lookup=FS.lookupPath(path,{follow:!dontFollow});node=lookup.node}else{node=path}if(!node.node_ops.setattr){throw new FS.ErrnoError(63)}node.node_ops.setattr(node,{})},lchown:(path,uid,gid)=>{FS.chown(path,uid,gid,true)},fchown:(fd,uid,gid)=>{var stream=FS.getStream(fd);if(!stream){throw new FS.ErrnoError(8)}FS.chown(stream.node,uid,gid)},truncate:(path,len)=>{if(len<0){throw new FS.ErrnoError(28)}var node;if(typeof path=="string"){var lookup=FS.lookupPath(path,{follow:true});node=lookup.node}else{node=path}if(!node.node_ops.setattr){throw new FS.ErrnoError(63)}if(FS.isDir(node.mode)){throw new FS.ErrnoError(31)}if(!FS.isFile(node.mode)){throw new FS.ErrnoError(28)}var errCode=FS.nodePermissions(node,"w");if(errCode){throw new FS.ErrnoError(errCode)}node.node_ops.setattr(node,{size:len,})},ftruncate:(fd,len)=>{var stream=FS.getStream(fd);if(!stream){throw new FS.ErrnoError(8)}if((stream.flags&2097155)===0){throw new FS.ErrnoError(28)}FS.truncate(stream.node,len)},utime:(path,atime,mtime)=>{var lookup=FS.lookupPath(path,{follow:true});var node=lookup.node;node.node_ops.setattr(node,{timestamp:Math.max(atime,mtime)})},open:(path,flags,mode)=>{if(path===""){throw new FS.ErrnoError(44)}flags=typeof flags=="string"?FS.modeStringToFlags(flags):flags;mode=typeof mode=="undefined"?438:mode;if(flags&64){mode=mode&4095|32768}else{mode=0}var node;if(typeof path=="object"){node=path}else{path=PATH.normalize(path);try{var lookup=FS.lookupPath(path,{follow:!(flags&131072)});node=lookup.node}catch(e){}}var created=false;if(flags&64){if(node){if(flags&128){throw new FS.ErrnoError(20)}}else{node=FS.mknod(path,mode,0);created=true}}if(!node){throw new FS.ErrnoError(44)}if(FS.isChrdev(node.mode)){flags&=~512}if(flags&65536&&!FS.isDir(node.mode)){throw new FS.ErrnoError(54)}if(!created){var errCode=FS.mayOpen(node,flags);if(errCode){throw new FS.ErrnoError(errCode)}}if(flags&512&&!created){FS.truncate(node,0)}flags&=~(128|512|131072);var stream=FS.createStream({node:node,path:FS.getPath(node),flags:flags,seekable:true,position:0,stream_ops:node.stream_ops,ungotten:[],error:false});if({}if(Module["logReadFiles"]&&!(flags&1)){if(!FS.readFiles)FS.readFiles={};if(!(path in FS.readFiles)){FS.readFiles[path]=1}}return stream},close:stream=>{if(FS.isClosed(stream)){throw new FS.ErrnoError(8)}if(stream.getdents)stream.getdents=null;try{if(stream.stream_ops.close){stream.stream_ops.close(stream)}}catch(e){throw e}finally{FS.closeStream(stream.fd)}stream.fd=null},isClosed:stream=>{return stream.fd===null},llseek:(stream,offset,whence)=>{if(FS.isClosed(stream)){throw new FS.ErrnoError(8)}if(!stream.seekable||!stream.stream_ops.llseek){throw new FS.ErrnoError(70)}if(whence!=0&&whence!=1&&whence!=2){throw new FS.ErrnoError(28)}stream.position=stream.stream_ops.llseek(stream,offset,whence);stream.ungotten=[];return stream.position},read:(stream,buffer,offset,length,position)=>{if(length<0||position<0){throw new FS.ErrnoError(28)}if(FS.isClosed(stream)){throw new FS.ErrnoError(8)}if((stream.flags&2097155)===1){throw new FS.ErrnoError(8)}if(FS.isDir(stream.node.mode)){throw new FS.ErrnoError(31)}if(!{throw new FS.ErrnoError(28)}var seeking=typeof position!="undefined";if(!seeking){position=stream.position}else if(!stream.seekable){throw new FS.ErrnoError(70)}var,buffer,offset,length,position);if(!seeking)stream.position+=bytesRead;return bytesRead},write:(stream,buffer,offset,length,position,canOwn)=>{if(length<0||position<0){throw new FS.ErrnoError(28)}if(FS.isClosed(stream)){throw new FS.ErrnoError(8)}if((stream.flags&2097155)===0){throw new FS.ErrnoError(8)}if(FS.isDir(stream.node.mode)){throw new FS.ErrnoError(31)}if(!stream.stream_ops.write){throw new FS.ErrnoError(28)}if(stream.seekable&&stream.flags&1024){FS.llseek(stream,0,2)}var seeking=typeof position!="undefined";if(!seeking){position=stream.position}else if(!stream.seekable){throw new FS.ErrnoError(70)}var bytesWritten=stream.stream_ops.write(stream,buffer,offset,length,position,canOwn);if(!seeking)stream.position+=bytesWritten;return bytesWritten},allocate:(stream,offset,length)=>{if(FS.isClosed(stream)){throw new FS.ErrnoError(8)}if(offset<0||length<=0){throw new FS.ErrnoError(28)}if((stream.flags&2097155)===0){throw new FS.ErrnoError(8)}if(!FS.isFile(stream.node.mode)&&!FS.isDir(stream.node.mode)){throw new FS.ErrnoError(43)}if(!stream.stream_ops.allocate){throw new FS.ErrnoError(138)}stream.stream_ops.allocate(stream,offset,length)},mmap:(stream,length,position,prot,flags)=>{if((prot&2)!==0&&(flags&2)===0&&(stream.flags&2097155)!==2){throw new FS.ErrnoError(2)}if((stream.flags&2097155)===1){throw new FS.ErrnoError(2)}if(!stream.stream_ops.mmap){throw new FS.ErrnoError(43)}return stream.stream_ops.mmap(stream,length,position,prot,flags)},msync:(stream,buffer,offset,length,mmapFlags)=>{if(!stream||!stream.stream_ops.msync){return 0}return stream.stream_ops.msync(stream,buffer,offset,length,mmapFlags)},munmap:stream=>0,ioctl:(stream,cmd,arg)=>{if(!stream.stream_ops.ioctl){throw new FS.ErrnoError(59)}return stream.stream_ops.ioctl(stream,cmd,arg)},readFile:(path,opts={})=>{opts.flags=opts.flags||0;opts.encoding=opts.encoding||"binary";if(opts.encoding!=="utf8"&&opts.encoding!=="binary"){throw new Error('Invalid encoding type "'+opts.encoding+'"')}var ret;var,opts.flags);var stat=FS.stat(path);var length=stat.size;var buf=new Uint8Array(length);,buf,0,length,0);if(opts.encoding==="utf8"){ret=UTF8ArrayToString(buf,0)}else if(opts.encoding==="binary"){ret=buf}FS.close(stream);return ret},writeFile:(path,data,opts={})=>{opts.flags=opts.flags||577;var,opts.flags,opts.mode);if(typeof data=="string"){var buf=new Uint8Array(lengthBytesUTF8(data)+1);var actualNumBytes=stringToUTF8Array(data,buf,0,buf.length);FS.write(stream,buf,0,actualNumBytes,undefined,opts.canOwn)}else if(ArrayBuffer.isView(data)){FS.write(stream,data,0,data.byteLength,undefined,opts.canOwn)}else{throw new Error("Unsupported data type")}FS.close(stream)},cwd:()=>FS.currentPath,chdir:path=>{var lookup=FS.lookupPath(path,{follow:true});if(lookup.node===null){throw new FS.ErrnoError(44)}if(!FS.isDir(lookup.node.mode)){throw new FS.ErrnoError(54)}var errCode=FS.nodePermissions(lookup.node,"x");if(errCode){throw new FS.ErrnoError(errCode)}FS.currentPath=lookup.path},createDefaultDirectories:()=>{FS.mkdir("/tmp");FS.mkdir("/home");FS.mkdir("/home/web_user")},createDefaultDevices:()=>{FS.mkdir("/dev");FS.registerDevice(FS.makedev(1,3),{read:()=>0,write:(stream,buffer,offset,length,pos)=>length});FS.mkdev("/dev/null",FS.makedev(1,3));TTY.register(FS.makedev(5,0),TTY.default_tty_ops);TTY.register(FS.makedev(6,0),TTY.default_tty1_ops);FS.mkdev("/dev/tty",FS.makedev(5,0));FS.mkdev("/dev/tty1",FS.makedev(6,0));var random_device=getRandomDevice();FS.createDevice("/dev","random",random_device);FS.createDevice("/dev","urandom",random_device);FS.mkdir("/dev/shm");FS.mkdir("/dev/shm/tmp")},createSpecialDirectories:()=>{FS.mkdir("/proc");var proc_self=FS.mkdir("/proc/self");FS.mkdir("/proc/self/fd");FS.mount({mount:()=>{var node=FS.createNode(proc_self,"fd",16384|511,73);node.node_ops={lookup:(parent,name)=>{var fd=+name;var stream=FS.getStream(fd);if(!stream)throw new FS.ErrnoError(8);var ret={parent:null,mount:{mountpoint:"fake"},node_ops:{readlink:()=>stream.path}};ret.parent=ret;return ret}};return node}},{},"/proc/self/fd")},createStandardStreams:()=>{if(Module["stdin"]){FS.createDevice("/dev","stdin",Module["stdin"])}else{FS.symlink("/dev/tty","/dev/stdin")}if(Module["stdout"]){FS.createDevice("/dev","stdout",null,Module["stdout"])}else{FS.symlink("/dev/tty","/dev/stdout")}if(Module["stderr"]){FS.createDevice("/dev","stderr",null,Module["stderr"])}else{FS.symlink("/dev/tty1","/dev/stderr")}var"/dev/stdin",0);var"/dev/stdout",1);var"/dev/stderr",1)},ensureErrnoError:()=>{if(FS.ErrnoError)return;FS.ErrnoError=function ErrnoError(errno,node){this.node=node;this.setErrno=function(errno){this.errno=errno};this.setErrno(errno);this.message="FS error"};FS.ErrnoError.prototype=new Error;FS.ErrnoError.prototype.constructor=FS.ErrnoError;[44].forEach(code=>{FS.genericErrors[code]=new FS.ErrnoError(code);FS.genericErrors[code].stack=""})},staticInit:()=>{FS.ensureErrnoError();FS.nameTable=new Array(4096);FS.mount(MEMFS,{},"/");FS.createDefaultDirectories();FS.createDefaultDevices();FS.createSpecialDirectories();FS.filesystems={"MEMFS":MEMFS}},init:(input,output,error)=>{FS.init.initialized=true;FS.ensureErrnoError();Module["stdin"]=input||Module["stdin"];Module["stdout"]=output||Module["stdout"];Module["stderr"]=error||Module["stderr"];FS.createStandardStreams()},quit:()=>{FS.init.initialized=false;for(var i=0;i{var mode=0;if(canRead)mode|=292|73;if(canWrite)mode|=146;return mode},findObject:(path,dontResolveLastLink)=>{var ret=FS.analyzePath(path,dontResolveLastLink);if(!ret.exists){return null}return ret.object},analyzePath:(path,dontResolveLastLink)=>{try{var lookup=FS.lookupPath(path,{follow:!dontResolveLastLink});path=lookup.path}catch(e){}var ret={isRoot:false,exists:false,error:0,name:null,path:null,object:null,parentExists:false,parentPath:null,parentObject:null};try{var lookup=FS.lookupPath(path,{parent:true});ret.parentExists=true;ret.parentPath=lookup.path;ret.parentObject=lookup.node;;lookup=FS.lookupPath(path,{follow:!dontResolveLastLink});ret.exists=true;ret.path=lookup.path;ret.object=lookup.node;;ret.isRoot=lookup.path==="/"}catch(e){ret.error=e.errno}return ret},createPath:(parent,path,canRead,canWrite)=>{parent=typeof parent=="string"?parent:FS.getPath(parent);var parts=path.split("/").reverse();while(parts.length){var part=parts.pop();if(!part)continue;var current=PATH.join2(parent,part);try{FS.mkdir(current)}catch(e){}parent=current}return current},createFile:(parent,name,properties,canRead,canWrite)=>{var path=PATH.join2(typeof parent=="string"?parent:FS.getPath(parent),name);var mode=FS.getMode(canRead,canWrite);return FS.create(path,mode)},createDataFile:(parent,name,data,canRead,canWrite,canOwn)=>{var path=name;if(parent){parent=typeof parent=="string"?parent:FS.getPath(parent);path=name?PATH.join2(parent,name):parent}var mode=FS.getMode(canRead,canWrite);var node=FS.create(path,mode);if(data){if(typeof data=="string"){var arr=new Array(data.length);for(var i=0,len=data.length;i{var path=PATH.join2(typeof parent=="string"?parent:FS.getPath(parent),name);var mode=FS.getMode(!!input,!!output);if(!FS.createDevice.major)FS.createDevice.major=64;var dev=FS.makedev(FS.createDevice.major++,0);FS.registerDevice(dev,{open:stream=>{stream.seekable=false},close:stream=>{if(output&&output.buffer&&output.buffer.length){output(10)}},read:(stream,buffer,offset,length,pos)=>{var bytesRead=0;for(var i=0;i{for(var i=0;i{if(obj.isDevice||obj.isFolder||||obj.contents)return true;if(typeof XMLHttpRequest!="undefined"){throw new Error("Lazy loading should have been performed (contents set) in createLazyFile, but it was not. Lazy loading only works in web workers. Use --embed-file or --preload-file in emcc on the main thread.")}else if(read_){try{obj.contents=intArrayFromString(read_(obj.url),true);obj.usedBytes=obj.contents.length}catch(e){throw new FS.ErrnoError(29)}}else{throw new Error("Cannot load without read() or XMLHttpRequest.")}},createLazyFile:(parent,name,url,canRead,canWrite)=>{function LazyUint8Array(){this.lengthKnown=false;this.chunks=[]}LazyUint8Array.prototype.get=function LazyUint8Array_get(idx){if(idx>this.length-1||idx<0){return undefined}var chunkOffset=idx%this.chunkSize;var chunkNum=idx/this.chunkSize|0;return this.getter(chunkNum)[chunkOffset]};LazyUint8Array.prototype.setDataGetter=function LazyUint8Array_setDataGetter(getter){this.getter=getter};LazyUint8Array.prototype.cacheLength=function LazyUint8Array_cacheLength(){var xhr=new XMLHttpRequest;"HEAD",url,false);xhr.send(null);if(!(xhr.status>=200&&xhr.status<300||xhr.status===304))throw new Error("Couldn't load "+url+". 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Status: "+xhr.status);if(xhr.response!==undefined){return new Uint8Array(xhr.response||[])}return intArrayFromString(xhr.responseText||"",true)};var lazyArray=this;lazyArray.setDataGetter(chunkNum=>{var start=chunkNum*chunkSize;var end=(chunkNum+1)*chunkSize-1;end=Math.min(end,datalength-1);if(typeof lazyArray.chunks[chunkNum]=="undefined"){lazyArray.chunks[chunkNum]=doXHR(start,end)}if(typeof lazyArray.chunks[chunkNum]=="undefined")throw new Error("doXHR failed!");return lazyArray.chunks[chunkNum]});if(usesGzip||!datalength){chunkSize=datalength=1;datalength=this.getter(0).length;chunkSize=datalength;out("LazyFiles on gzip forces download of the whole file when length is accessed")}this._length=datalength;this._chunkSize=chunkSize;this.lengthKnown=true};if(typeof XMLHttpRequest!="undefined"){if(!ENVIRONMENT_IS_WORKER)throw"Cannot do synchronous binary XHRs outside webworkers in modern browsers. Use --embed-file or --preload-file in emcc";var lazyArray=new LazyUint8Array;Object.defineProperties(lazyArray,{length:{get:function(){if(!this.lengthKnown){this.cacheLength()}return this._length}},chunkSize:{get:function(){if(!this.lengthKnown){this.cacheLength()}return this._chunkSize}}});var properties={isDevice:false,contents:lazyArray}}else{var properties={isDevice:false,url:url}}var node=FS.createFile(parent,name,properties,canRead,canWrite);if(properties.contents){node.contents=properties.contents}else if(properties.url){node.contents=null;node.url=properties.url}Object.defineProperties(node,{usedBytes:{get:function(){return this.contents.length}}});var stream_ops={};var keys=Object.keys(node.stream_ops);keys.forEach(key=>{var fn=node.stream_ops[key];stream_ops[key]=function forceLoadLazyFile(){FS.forceLoadFile(node);return fn.apply(null,arguments)}});function writeChunks(stream,buffer,offset,length,position){var contents=stream.node.contents;if(position>=contents.length)return 0;var size=Math.min(contents.length-position,length);if(contents.slice){for(var i=0;i{FS.forceLoadFile(node);return writeChunks(stream,buffer,offset,length,position)};stream_ops.mmap=(stream,length,position,prot,flags)=>{FS.forceLoadFile(node);var ptr=mmapAlloc(length);if(!ptr){throw new FS.ErrnoError(48)}writeChunks(stream,HEAP8,ptr,length,position);return{ptr:ptr,allocated:true}};node.stream_ops=stream_ops;return node},createPreloadedFile:(parent,name,url,canRead,canWrite,onload,onerror,dontCreateFile,canOwn,preFinish)=>{var fullname=name?PATH_FS.resolve(PATH.join2(parent,name)):parent;var dep=getUniqueRunDependency("cp "+fullname);function processData(byteArray){function finish(byteArray){if(preFinish)preFinish();if(!dontCreateFile){FS.createDataFile(parent,name,byteArray,canRead,canWrite,canOwn)}if(onload)onload();removeRunDependency(dep)}if(Browser.handledByPreloadPlugin(byteArray,fullname,finish,()=>{if(onerror)onerror();removeRunDependency(dep)})){return}finish(byteArray)}addRunDependency(dep);if(typeof url=="string"){asyncLoad(url,byteArray=>processData(byteArray),onerror)}else{processData(url)}},indexedDB:()=>{return window.indexedDB||window.mozIndexedDB||window.webkitIndexedDB||window.msIndexedDB},DB_NAME:()=>{return"EM_FS_"+window.location.pathname},DB_VERSION:20,DB_STORE_NAME:"FILE_DATA",saveFilesToDB:(paths,onload,onerror)=>{onload=onload||(()=>{});onerror=onerror||(()=>{});var indexedDB=FS.indexedDB();try{var,FS.DB_VERSION)}catch(e){return onerror(e)}openRequest.onupgradeneeded=()=>{out("creating db");var db=openRequest.result;db.createObjectStore(FS.DB_STORE_NAME)};openRequest.onsuccess=()=>{var db=openRequest.result;var transaction=db.transaction([FS.DB_STORE_NAME],"readwrite");var files=transaction.objectStore(FS.DB_STORE_NAME);var ok=0,fail=0,total=paths.length;function finish(){if(fail==0)onload();else onerror()}paths.forEach(path=>{var putRequest=files.put(FS.analyzePath(path).object.contents,path);putRequest.onsuccess=()=>{ok++;if(ok+fail==total)finish()};putRequest.onerror=()=>{fail++;if(ok+fail==total)finish()}});transaction.onerror=onerror};openRequest.onerror=onerror},loadFilesFromDB:(paths,onload,onerror)=>{onload=onload||(()=>{});onerror=onerror||(()=>{});var indexedDB=FS.indexedDB();try{var,FS.DB_VERSION)}catch(e){return onerror(e)}openRequest.onupgradeneeded=onerror;openRequest.onsuccess=()=>{var db=openRequest.result;try{var transaction=db.transaction([FS.DB_STORE_NAME],"readonly")}catch(e){onerror(e);return}var files=transaction.objectStore(FS.DB_STORE_NAME);var ok=0,fail=0,total=paths.length;function finish(){if(fail==0)onload();else onerror()}paths.forEach(path=>{var getRequest=files.get(path);getRequest.onsuccess=()=>{if(FS.analyzePath(path).exists){FS.unlink(path)}FS.createDataFile(PATH.dirname(path),PATH.basename(path),getRequest.result,true,true,true);ok++;if(ok+fail==total)finish()};getRequest.onerror=()=>{fail++;if(ok+fail==total)finish()}});transaction.onerror=onerror};openRequest.onerror=onerror}};var SYSCALLS={DEFAULT_POLLMASK:5,calculateAt:function(dirfd,path,allowEmpty){if(PATH.isAbs(path)){return path}var dir;if(dirfd===-100){dir=FS.cwd()}else{var dirstream=FS.getStream(dirfd);if(!dirstream)throw new FS.ErrnoError(8);dir=dirstream.path}if(path.length==0){if(!allowEmpty){throw new FS.ErrnoError(44)}return dir}return PATH.join2(dir,path)},doStat:function(func,path,buf){try{var stat=func(path)}catch(e){if(e&&e.node&&PATH.normalize(path)!==PATH.normalize(FS.getPath(e.node))){return-54}throw e}HEAP32[buf>>2];HEAP32[buf+8>>2]=stat.ino;HEAP32[buf+12>>2]=stat.mode;HEAP32[buf+16>>2]=stat.nlink;HEAP32[buf+20>>2]=stat.uid;HEAP32[buf+24>>2]=stat.gid;HEAP32[buf+28>>2]=stat.rdev;tempI64=[stat.size>>>0,(tempDouble=stat.size,+Math.abs(tempDouble)>=1?tempDouble>0?(Math.min(+Math.floor(tempDouble/4294967296),4294967295)|0)>>>0:~~+Math.ceil((tempDouble-+(~~tempDouble>>>0))/4294967296)>>>0:0)],HEAP32[buf+40>>2]=tempI64[0],HEAP32[buf+44>>2]=tempI64[1];HEAP32[buf+48>>2]=4096;HEAP32[buf+52>>2]=stat.blocks;tempI64=[Math.floor(stat.atime.getTime()/1e3)>>>0,(tempDouble=Math.floor(stat.atime.getTime()/1e3),+Math.abs(tempDouble)>=1?tempDouble>0?(Math.min(+Math.floor(tempDouble/4294967296),4294967295)|0)>>>0:~~+Math.ceil((tempDouble-+(~~tempDouble>>>0))/4294967296)>>>0:0)],HEAP32[buf+56>>2]=tempI64[0],HEAP32[buf+60>>2]=tempI64[1];HEAP32[buf+64>>2]=0;tempI64=[Math.floor(stat.mtime.getTime()/1e3)>>>0,(tempDouble=Math.floor(stat.mtime.getTime()/1e3),+Math.abs(tempDouble)>=1?tempDouble>0?(Math.min(+Math.floor(tempDouble/4294967296),4294967295)|0)>>>0:~~+Math.ceil((tempDouble-+(~~tempDouble>>>0))/4294967296)>>>0:0)],HEAP32[buf+72>>2]=tempI64[0],HEAP32[buf+76>>2]=tempI64[1];HEAP32[buf+80>>2]=0;tempI64=[Math.floor(stat.ctime.getTime()/1e3)>>>0,(tempDouble=Math.floor(stat.ctime.getTime()/1e3),+Math.abs(tempDouble)>=1?tempDouble>0?(Math.min(+Math.floor(tempDouble/4294967296),4294967295)|0)>>>0:~~+Math.ceil((tempDouble-+(~~tempDouble>>>0))/4294967296)>>>0:0)],HEAP32[buf+88>>2]=tempI64[0],HEAP32[buf+92>>2]=tempI64[1];HEAP32[buf+96>>2]=0;tempI64=[stat.ino>>>0,(tempDouble=stat.ino,+Math.abs(tempDouble)>=1?tempDouble>0?(Math.min(+Math.floor(tempDouble/4294967296),4294967295)|0)>>>0:~~+Math.ceil((tempDouble-+(~~tempDouble>>>0))/4294967296)>>>0:0)],HEAP32[buf+104>>2]=tempI64[0],HEAP32[buf+108>>2]=tempI64[1];return 0},doMsync:function(addr,stream,len,flags,offset){var buffer=HEAPU8.slice(addr,addr+len);FS.msync(stream,buffer,offset,len,flags)},varargs:undefined,get:function(){SYSCALLS.varargs+=4;var ret=HEAP32[SYSCALLS.varargs-4>>2];return ret},getStr:function(ptr){var ret=UTF8ToString(ptr);return ret},getStreamFromFD:function(fd){var stream=FS.getStream(fd);if(!stream)throw new FS.ErrnoError(8);return stream}};function ___syscall_fcntl64(fd,cmd,varargs){SYSCALLS.varargs=varargs;try{var stream=SYSCALLS.getStreamFromFD(fd);switch(cmd){case 0:{var arg=SYSCALLS.get();if(arg<0){return-28}var newStream;newStream=FS.createStream(stream,arg);return newStream.fd}case 1:case 2:return 0;case 3:return stream.flags;case 4:{var arg=SYSCALLS.get();stream.flags|=arg;return 0}case 5:{var arg=SYSCALLS.get();var offset=0;HEAP16[arg+offset>>1]=2;return 0}case 6:case 7:return 0;case 16:case 8:return-28;case 9:setErrNo(28);return-1;default:{return-28}}}catch(e){if(typeof FS=="undefined"||!(e instanceof FS.ErrnoError))throw e;return-e.errno}}function ___syscall_ioctl(fd,op,varargs){SYSCALLS.varargs=varargs;try{var stream=SYSCALLS.getStreamFromFD(fd);switch(op){case 21509:case 21505:{if(!stream.tty)return-59;return 0}case 21510:case 21511:case 21512:case 21506:case 21507:case 21508:{if(!stream.tty)return-59;return 0}case 21519:{if(!stream.tty)return-59;var argp=SYSCALLS.get();HEAP32[argp>>2]=0;return 0}case 21520:{if(!stream.tty)return-59;return-28}case 21531:{var argp=SYSCALLS.get();return FS.ioctl(stream,op,argp)}case 21523:{if(!stream.tty)return-59;return 0}case 21524:{if(!stream.tty)return-59;return 0}default:return-28}}catch(e){if(typeof FS=="undefined"||!(e instanceof FS.ErrnoError))throw e;return-e.errno}}function ___syscall_openat(dirfd,path,flags,varargs){SYSCALLS.varargs=varargs;try{path=SYSCALLS.getStr(path);path=SYSCALLS.calculateAt(dirfd,path);var mode=varargs?SYSCALLS.get():0;return,flags,mode).fd}catch(e){if(typeof FS=="undefined"||!(e instanceof FS.ErrnoError))throw 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i=JSEvents.eventHandlers.length-1;i>=0;--i){JSEvents._removeHandler(i)}JSEvents.eventHandlers=[];JSEvents.deferredCalls=[]},registerRemoveEventListeners:function(){if(!JSEvents.removeEventListenersRegistered){__ATEXIT__.push(JSEvents.removeAllEventListeners);JSEvents.removeEventListenersRegistered=true}},deferredCalls:[],deferCall:function(targetFunction,precedence,argsList){function arraysHaveEqualContent(arrA,arrB){if(arrA.length!=arrB.length)return false;for(var i in arrA){if(arrA[i]!=arrB[i])return false}return true}for(var i in JSEvents.deferredCalls){var call=JSEvents.deferredCalls[i];if(call.targetFunction==targetFunction&&arraysHaveEqualContent(call.argsList,argsList)){return}}JSEvents.deferredCalls.push({targetFunction:targetFunction,precedence:precedence,argsList:argsList});JSEvents.deferredCalls.sort(function(x,y){return x.precedence2?UTF8ToString(cString):cString}var specialHTMLTargets=[0,typeof document!="undefined"?document:0,typeof window!="undefined"?window:0];function 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touches){t=touches[i];HEAP32[idx+0]=t.identifier;HEAP32[idx+1]=t.screenX;HEAP32[idx+2]=t.screenY;HEAP32[idx+3]=t.clientX;HEAP32[idx+4]=t.clientY;HEAP32[idx+5]=t.pageX;HEAP32[idx+6]=t.pageY;HEAP32[idx+7]=t.isChanged;HEAP32[idx+8]=t.onTarget;HEAP32[idx+9]=t.clientX-targetRect.left;HEAP32[idx+10];idx+=13;if(++numTouches>31){break}}HEAP32[touchEvent+8>>2]=numTouches;if(getWasmTableEntry(callbackfunc)(eventTypeId,touchEvent,userData))e.preventDefault()};var eventHandler={target:target,allowsDeferredCalls:eventTypeString=="touchstart"||eventTypeString=="touchend",eventTypeString:eventTypeString,callbackfunc:callbackfunc,handlerFunc:touchEventHandlerFunc,useCapture:useCapture};JSEvents.registerOrRemoveHandler(eventHandler)}function _emscripten_set_touchend_callback_on_thread(target,userData,useCapture,callbackfunc,targetThread){registerTouchEventCallback(target,userData,useCapture,callbackfunc,23,"touchend",targetThread);return 0}function 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env[x];else env[x]=ENV[x]}var strings=[];for(var x in env){strings.push(x+"="+env[x])}getEnvStrings.strings=strings}return getEnvStrings.strings}function writeAsciiToMemory(str,buffer,dontAddNull){for(var i=0;i>0]=str.charCodeAt(i)}if(!dontAddNull)HEAP8[buffer>>0]=0}function _environ_get(__environ,environ_buf){var bufSize=0;getEnvStrings().forEach(function(string,i){var ptr=environ_buf+bufSize;HEAPU32[__environ+i*4>>2]=ptr;writeAsciiToMemory(string,ptr);bufSize+=string.length+1});return 0}function _environ_sizes_get(penviron_count,penviron_buf_size){var strings=getEnvStrings();HEAPU32[penviron_count>>2]=strings.length;var bufSize=0;strings.forEach(function(string){bufSize+=string.length+1});HEAPU32[penviron_buf_size>>2]=bufSize;return 0}function _fd_close(fd){try{var stream=SYSCALLS.getStreamFromFD(fd);FS.close(stream);return 0}catch(e){if(typeof FS=="undefined"||!(e instanceof FS.ErrnoError))throw e;return e.errno}}function doReadv(stream,iov,iovcnt,offset){var ret=0;for(var i=0;i>2];var len=HEAPU32[iov+4>>2];iov+=8;var,HEAP8,ptr,len,offset);if(curr<0)return-1;ret+=curr;if(curr>2]=num;return 0}catch(e){if(typeof FS=="undefined"||!(e instanceof FS.ErrnoError))throw e;return e.errno}}function convertI32PairToI53Checked(lo,hi){return hi+2097152>>>0<4194305-!!lo?(lo>>>0)+hi*4294967296:NaN}function _fd_seek(fd,offset_low,offset_high,whence,newOffset){try{var offset=convertI32PairToI53Checked(offset_low,offset_high);if(isNaN(offset))return 61;var stream=SYSCALLS.getStreamFromFD(fd);FS.llseek(stream,offset,whence);tempI64=[stream.position>>>0,(tempDouble=stream.position,+Math.abs(tempDouble)>=1?tempDouble>0?(Math.min(+Math.floor(tempDouble/4294967296),4294967295)|0)>>>0:~~+Math.ceil((tempDouble-+(~~tempDouble>>>0))/4294967296)>>>0:0)],HEAP32[newOffset>>2]=tempI64[0],HEAP32[newOffset+4>>2]=tempI64[1];if(stream.getdents&&offset===0&&whence===0)stream.getdents=null;return 0}catch(e){if(typeof FS=="undefined"||!(e instanceof FS.ErrnoError))throw e;return e.errno}}function doWritev(stream,iov,iovcnt,offset){var ret=0;for(var i=0;i>2];var len=HEAPU32[iov+4>>2];iov+=8;var curr=FS.write(stream,HEAP8,ptr,len,offset);if(curr<0)return-1;ret+=curr}return ret}function _fd_write(fd,iov,iovcnt,pnum){try{var stream=SYSCALLS.getStreamFromFD(fd);var num=doWritev(stream,iov,iovcnt);HEAPU32[pnum>>2]=num;return 0}catch(e){if(typeof FS=="undefined"||!(e instanceof FS.ErrnoError))throw e;return e.errno}}var tempRet0=0;function getTempRet0(){return tempRet0}var _getTempRet0=getTempRet0;function _glAttachShader(program,shader){GLctx.attachShader(GL.programs[program],GL.shaders[shader])}function _glBindBuffer(target,buffer){if(target==35051){GLctx.currentPixelPackBufferBinding=buffer}else if(target==35052){GLctx.currentPixelUnpackBufferBinding=buffer}GLctx.bindBuffer(target,GL.buffers[buffer])}function _glBindTexture(target,texture){GLctx.bindTexture(target,GL.textures[texture])}function _glBindVertexArray(vao){GLctx["bindVertexArray"](GL.vaos[vao])}function _glBlendFunc(x0,x1){GLctx["blendFunc"](x0,x1)}function _glBufferData(target,size,data,usage){if(true){if(data&&size){GLctx.bufferData(target,HEAPU8,usage,data,size)}else{GLctx.bufferData(target,size,usage)}}else{GLctx.bufferData(target,data?HEAPU8.subarray(data,data+size):size,usage)}}function _glClear(x0){GLctx["clear"](x0)}function _glClearColor(x0,x1,x2,x3){GLctx["clearColor"](x0,x1,x2,x3)}function _glCompileShader(shader){GLctx.compileShader(GL.shaders[shader])}function _glCreateProgram(){var id=GL.getNewId(GL.programs);var program=GLctx.createProgram();;program.maxUniformLength=program.maxAttributeLength=program.maxUniformBlockNameLength=0;program.uniformIdCounter=1;GL.programs[id]=program;return id}function _glCreateShader(shaderType){var id=GL.getNewId(GL.shaders);GL.shaders[id]=GLctx.createShader(shaderType);return id}function _glDeleteProgram(id){if(!id)return;var program=GL.programs[id];if(!program){GL.recordError(1281);return}GLctx.deleteProgram(program);;GL.programs[id]=null}function _glDeleteShader(id){if(!id)return;var shader=GL.shaders[id];if(!shader){GL.recordError(1281);return}GLctx.deleteShader(shader);GL.shaders[id]=null}function _glDeleteTextures(n,textures){for(var i=0;i>2];var texture=GL.textures[id];if(!texture)continue;GLctx.deleteTexture(texture);;GL.textures[id]=null}}function _glDrawArrays(mode,first,count){GLctx.drawArrays(mode,first,count)}function _glEnable(x0){GLctx["enable"](x0)}function _glEnableVertexAttribArray(index){GLctx.enableVertexAttribArray(index)}function __glGenObject(n,buffers,createFunction,objectTable){for(var i=0;i>2]=id}}function _glGenBuffers(n,buffers){__glGenObject(n,buffers,"createBuffer",GL.buffers)}function _glGenTextures(n,textures){__glGenObject(n,textures,"createTexture",GL.textures)}function _glGenVertexArrays(n,arrays){__glGenObject(n,arrays,"createVertexArray",GL.vaos)}function _glGetShaderInfoLog(shader,maxLength,length,infoLog){var log=GLctx.getShaderInfoLog(GL.shaders[shader]);if(log===null)log="(unknown error)";var numBytesWrittenExclNull=maxLength>0&&infoLog?stringToUTF8(log,infoLog,maxLength):0;if(length)HEAP32[length>>2]=numBytesWrittenExclNull}function _glLinkProgram(program){program=GL.programs[program];GLctx.linkProgram(program);program.uniformLocsById=0;program.uniformSizeAndIdsByName={}}function computeUnpackAlignedImageSize(width,height,sizePerPixel,alignment){function roundedToNextMultipleOf(x,y){return x+y-1&-y}var plainRowSize=width*sizePerPixel;var alignedRowSize=roundedToNextMultipleOf(plainRowSize,alignment);return height*alignedRowSize}function __colorChannelsInGlTextureFormat(format){var colorChannels={5:3,6:4,8:2,29502:3,29504:4,26917:2,26918:2,29846:3,29847:4};return colorChannels[format-6402]||1}function heapObjectForWebGLType(type){type-=5120;if(type==0)return HEAP8;if(type==1)return HEAPU8;if(type==2)return HEAP16;if(type==4)return HEAP32;if(type==6)return HEAPF32;if(type==5||type==28922||type==28520||type==30779||type==30782)return HEAPU32;return HEAPU16}function heapAccessShiftForWebGLHeap(heap){return 31-Math.clz32(heap.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT)}function emscriptenWebGLGetTexPixelData(type,format,width,height,pixels,internalFormat){var heap=heapObjectForWebGLType(type);var shift=heapAccessShiftForWebGLHeap(heap);var byteSize=1<>shift,pixels+bytes>>shift)}function _glReadPixels(x,y,width,height,format,type,pixels){if(true){if(GLctx.currentPixelPackBufferBinding){GLctx.readPixels(x,y,width,height,format,type,pixels)}else{var heap=heapObjectForWebGLType(type);GLctx.readPixels(x,y,width,height,format,type,heap,pixels>>heapAccessShiftForWebGLHeap(heap))}return}var pixelData=emscriptenWebGLGetTexPixelData(type,format,width,height,pixels,format);if(!pixelData){GL.recordError(1280);return}GLctx.readPixels(x,y,width,height,format,type,pixelData)}function _glShaderSource(shader,count,string,length){var source=GL.getSource(shader,count,string,length);GLctx.shaderSource(GL.shaders[shader],source)}function _glTexImage2D(target,level,internalFormat,width,height,border,format,type,pixels){if(true){if(GLctx.currentPixelUnpackBufferBinding){GLctx.texImage2D(target,level,internalFormat,width,height,border,format,type,pixels)}else if(pixels){var heap=heapObjectForWebGLType(type);GLctx.texImage2D(target,level,internalFormat,width,height,border,format,type,heap,pixels>>heapAccessShiftForWebGLHeap(heap))}else{GLctx.texImage2D(target,level,internalFormat,width,height,border,format,type,null)}return}GLctx.texImage2D(target,level,internalFormat,width,height,border,format,type,pixels?emscriptenWebGLGetTexPixelData(type,format,width,height,pixels,internalFormat):null)}function _glTexParameteri(x0,x1,x2){GLctx["texParameteri"](x0,x1,x2)}function _glUseProgram(program){program=GL.programs[program];GLctx.useProgram(program);GLctx.currentProgram=program}function _glVertexAttribPointer(index,size,type,normalized,stride,ptr){GLctx.vertexAttribPointer(index,size,type,!!normalized,stride,ptr)}function _glViewport(x0,x1,x2,x3){GLctx["viewport"](x0,x1,x2,x3)}function setTempRet0(val){tempRet0=val}var _setTempRet0=setTempRet0;function __isLeapYear(year){return year%4===0&&(year%100!==0||year%400===0)}function __arraySum(array,index){var sum=0;for(var i=0;i<=index;sum+=array[i++]){}return sum}var __MONTH_DAYS_LEAP=[31,29,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31];var __MONTH_DAYS_REGULAR=[31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31];function __addDays(date,days){var newDate=new Date(date.getTime());while(days>0){var leap=__isLeapYear(newDate.getFullYear());var currentMonth=newDate.getMonth();var daysInCurrentMonth=(leap?__MONTH_DAYS_LEAP:__MONTH_DAYS_REGULAR)[currentMonth];if(days>daysInCurrentMonth-newDate.getDate()){days-=daysInCurrentMonth-newDate.getDate()+1;newDate.setDate(1);if(currentMonth<11){newDate.setMonth(currentMonth+1)}else{newDate.setMonth(0);newDate.setFullYear(newDate.getFullYear()+1)}}else{newDate.setDate(newDate.getDate()+days);return newDate}}return newDate}function _strftime(s,maxsize,format,tm){var tm_zone=HEAP32[tm+40>>2];var date={tm_sec:HEAP32[tm>>2],tm_min:HEAP32[tm+4>>2],tm_hour:HEAP32[tm+8>>2],tm_mday:HEAP32[tm+12>>2],tm_mon:HEAP32[tm+16>>2],tm_year:HEAP32[tm+20>>2],tm_wday:HEAP32[tm+24>>2],tm_yday:HEAP32[tm+28>>2],tm_isdst:HEAP32[tm+32>>2],tm_gmtoff:HEAP32[tm+36>>2],tm_zone:tm_zone?UTF8ToString(tm_zone):""};var pattern=UTF8ToString(format);var EXPANSION_RULES_1={"%c":"%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y","%D":"%m/%d/%y","%F":"%Y-%m-%d","%h":"%b","%r":"%I:%M:%S %p","%R":"%H:%M","%T":"%H:%M:%S","%x":"%m/%d/%y","%X":"%H:%M:%S","%Ec":"%c","%EC":"%C","%Ex":"%m/%d/%y","%EX":"%H:%M:%S","%Ey":"%y","%EY":"%Y","%Od":"%d","%Oe":"%e","%OH":"%H","%OI":"%I","%Om":"%m","%OM":"%M","%OS":"%S","%Ou":"%u","%OU":"%U","%OV":"%V","%Ow":"%w","%OW":"%W","%Oy":"%y"};for(var rule in EXPANSION_RULES_1){pattern=pattern.replace(new RegExp(rule,"g"),EXPANSION_RULES_1[rule])}var WEEKDAYS=["Sunday","Monday","Tuesday","Wednesday","Thursday","Friday","Saturday"];var MONTHS=["January","February","March","April","May","June","July","August","September","October","November","December"];function leadingSomething(value,digits,character){var str=typeof value=="number"?value.toString():value||"";while(str.length0?1:0}var compare;if((compare=sgn(date1.getFullYear()-date2.getFullYear()))===0){if((compare=sgn(date1.getMonth()-date2.getMonth()))===0){compare=sgn(date1.getDate()-date2.getDate())}}return compare}function getFirstWeekStartDate(janFourth){switch(janFourth.getDay()){case 0:return new Date(janFourth.getFullYear()-1,11,29);case 1:return janFourth;case 2:return new Date(janFourth.getFullYear(),0,3);case 3:return new Date(janFourth.getFullYear(),0,2);case 4:return new Date(janFourth.getFullYear(),0,1);case 5:return new Date(janFourth.getFullYear()-1,11,31);case 6:return new Date(janFourth.getFullYear()-1,11,30)}}function getWeekBasedYear(date){var thisDate=__addDays(new Date(date.tm_year+1900,0,1),date.tm_yday);var janFourthThisYear=new Date(thisDate.getFullYear(),0,4);var janFourthNextYear=new Date(thisDate.getFullYear()+1,0,4);var firstWeekStartThisYear=getFirstWeekStartDate(janFourthThisYear);var firstWeekStartNextYear=getFirstWeekStartDate(janFourthNextYear);if(compareByDay(firstWeekStartThisYear,thisDate)<=0){if(compareByDay(firstWeekStartNextYear,thisDate)<=0){return thisDate.getFullYear()+1}return thisDate.getFullYear()}return thisDate.getFullYear()-1}var EXPANSION_RULES_2={"%a":function(date){return WEEKDAYS[date.tm_wday].substring(0,3)},"%A":function(date){return WEEKDAYS[date.tm_wday]},"%b":function(date){return MONTHS[date.tm_mon].substring(0,3)},"%B":function(date){return MONTHS[date.tm_mon]},"%C":function(date){var year=date.tm_year+1900;return leadingNulls(year/100|0,2)},"%d":function(date){return leadingNulls(date.tm_mday,2)},"%e":function(date){return leadingSomething(date.tm_mday,2," ")},"%g":function(date){return getWeekBasedYear(date).toString().substring(2)},"%G":function(date){return getWeekBasedYear(date)},"%H":function(date){return leadingNulls(date.tm_hour,2)},"%I":function(date){var twelveHour=date.tm_hour;if(twelveHour==0)twelveHour=12;else if(twelveHour>12)twelveHour-=12;return leadingNulls(twelveHour,2)},"%j":function(date){return leadingNulls(date.tm_mday+__arraySum(__isLeapYear(date.tm_year+1900)?__MONTH_DAYS_LEAP:__MONTH_DAYS_REGULAR,date.tm_mon-1),3)},"%m":function(date){return leadingNulls(date.tm_mon+1,2)},"%M":function(date){return leadingNulls(date.tm_min,2)},"%n":function(){return"\n"},"%p":function(date){if(date.tm_hour>=0&&date.tm_hour<12){return"AM"}return"PM"},"%S":function(date){return leadingNulls(date.tm_sec,2)},"%t":function(){return"\t"},"%u":function(date){return date.tm_wday||7},"%U":function(date){var days=date.tm_yday+7-date.tm_wday;return leadingNulls(Math.floor(days/7),2)},"%V":function(date){var val=Math.floor((date.tm_yday+7-(date.tm_wday+6)%7)/7);if((date.tm_wday+371-date.tm_yday-2)%7<=2){val++}if(!val){val=52;var dec31=(date.tm_wday+7-date.tm_yday-1)%7;if(dec31==4||dec31==5&&__isLeapYear(date.tm_year%400-1)){val++}}else if(val==53){var jan1=(date.tm_wday+371-date.tm_yday)%7;if(jan1!=4&&(jan1!=3||!__isLeapYear(date.tm_year)))val=1}return leadingNulls(val,2)},"%w":function(date){return date.tm_wday},"%W":function(date){var days=date.tm_yday+7-(date.tm_wday+6)%7;return leadingNulls(Math.floor(days/7),2)},"%y":function(date){return(date.tm_year+1900).toString().substring(2)},"%Y":function(date){return date.tm_year+1900},"%z":function(date){var off=date.tm_gmtoff;var ahead=off>=0;off=Math.abs(off)/60;off=off/60*100+off%60;return(ahead?"+":"-")+String("0000"+off).slice(-4)},"%Z":function(date){return date.tm_zone},"%%":function(){return"%"}};pattern=pattern.replace(/%%/g,"\0\0");for(var rule in EXPANSION_RULES_2){if(pattern.includes(rule)){pattern=pattern.replace(new RegExp(rule,"g"),EXPANSION_RULES_2[rule](date))}}pattern=pattern.replace(/\0\0/g,"%");var bytes=intArrayFromString(pattern,false);if(bytes.length>maxsize){return 0}writeArrayToMemory(bytes,s);return bytes.length-1}function _strftime_l(s,maxsize,format,tm){return _strftime(s,maxsize,format,tm)}function uleb128Encode(n,target){if(n<128){target.push(n)}else{target.push(n%128|128,n>>7)}}function sigToWasmTypes(sig){var typeNames={"i":"i32","j":"i64","f":"f32","d":"f64","p":"i32"};var type={parameters:[],results:sig[0]=="v"?[]:[typeNames[sig[0]]]};for(var i=1;i{var ret=0;if(str!==null&&str!==undefined&&str!==0){var len=(str.length<<2)+1;ret=stackAlloc(len);stringToUTF8(str,ret,len)}return ret},"array":arr=>{var ret=stackAlloc(arr.length);writeArrayToMemory(arr,ret);return ret}};function convertReturnValue(ret){if(returnType==="string"){return UTF8ToString(ret)}if(returnType==="boolean")return Boolean(ret);return ret}var func=getCFunc(ident);var cArgs=[];var stack=0;if(args){for(var i=0;i0){return}preRun();if(runDependencies>0){return}function doRun(){if(calledRun)return;calledRun=true;Module["calledRun"]=true;if(ABORT)return;initRuntime();preMain();if(Module["onRuntimeInitialized"])Module["onRuntimeInitialized"]();if(shouldRunNow)callMain(args);postRun()}if(Module["setStatus"]){Module["setStatus"]("Running...");setTimeout(function(){setTimeout(function(){Module["setStatus"]("")},1);doRun()},1)}else{doRun()}}if(Module["preInit"]){if(typeof Module["preInit"]=="function")Module["preInit"]=[Module["preInit"]];while(Module["preInit"].length>0){Module["preInit"].pop()()}}var shouldRunNow=true;if(Module["noInitialRun"])shouldRunNow=false;run(); diff --git a/C++ProjectTemplate.wasm b/C++ProjectTemplate.wasm new file mode 100755 index 0000000..da925f5 Binary files /dev/null and b/C++ProjectTemplate.wasm differ diff --git a/Map.cpp b/Map.cpp new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e8dd690 --- /dev/null +++ b/Map.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +#include "Map.h" + +void Map::test(){ + printf("Hello Map\n"); +} + diff --git a/Map.h b/Map.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..91cd82a --- /dev/null +++ b/Map.h @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +#pragma once +#include + +class Player; + +class Map{ + public: + Player*p; + void test(); +}; \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Player.cpp b/Player.cpp new file mode 100644 index 0000000..716b219 --- /dev/null +++ b/Player.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +#include "Player.h" + +void Player::test(){ + printf("Hello Player\n"); +} + diff --git a/Player.h b/Player.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..af5d8f0 --- /dev/null +++ b/Player.h @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +#pragma once +#include + +class Map; + +class Player{ + public: + Map*map; + void test(); +}; \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/ b/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0a3a1b9 --- /dev/null +++ b/ @@ -0,0 +1,33 @@ +This repository contains general build scripts and pipelines for all languages that I incorporate in my projects. The goal is to provide an easy retrieval and update system for the project. Each script will be a shell script containing the following template: +```bash + #Short description about what I do + #Language[Folder] + # #The script's code goes in here. + # rm -Rf out/* + # javac -Xlint:unchecked -cp ${PROJECT_DIR}/.. -d ${OUT_DIR} ${PROJECT_DIR}/*.java + # printf "\n\n\nRunning Program...\n\n" + # cd $OUT_DIR + # java ${MAIN_CLASS} "$@" + # ../scripts/ + +``` +Each language will be in the following structure: +``` + - + -- + ---[script] +``` + +The `sig` script will display by default any scripts in the `scripts` folder, therefore when creating a project, copy over the scripts folder of the desired language into your project then the `sig` script handles the rest appropriately. If your project requires multiple languages and build setups, then you can use the `sig2` command, which has an additional parameter to specify the language when running it. When setting up a multi-language setup, you'll just copy the entire folder to include the programming language itself. So a multi-language project structure may look something like this: +``` + -C + --scripts + + + + -Java + --scripts + + + +``` diff --git a/a.out b/a.out new file mode 100755 index 0000000..48a50f8 Binary files /dev/null and b/a.out differ diff --git a/buildtemplate.html b/buildtemplate.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7e6698d --- /dev/null +++ b/buildtemplate.html @@ -0,0 +1,75 @@ + + + + + + + + Emscripten-Generated Code + + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/car.png b/car.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5341b13 Binary files /dev/null and b/car.png differ diff --git a/co2.png b/co2.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a9a48aa Binary files /dev/null and b/co2.png differ diff --git a/ b/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..207b66d Binary files /dev/null and b/ differ diff --git a/diff b/diff new file mode 100644 index 0000000..68dbe45 --- /dev/null +++ b/diff @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +1114d1113 +< void SetFPSDisplay(bool display); +1176,1177c1175 +< int nFrameCount = 0; +< bool showFPS = true; +--- +> int nFrameCount = 0; +3203,3204d3200 +< void PixelGameEngine::SetFPSDisplay(bool display) +< { showFPS=display; } +3543c3539 +< std::string sTitle = " - Pixel Game Engine - " + sAppName + ((showFPS)?" - FPS: " + std::to_string(nFrameCount):""); +--- +> std::string sTitle = " - Pixel Game Engine - " + sAppName + " - FPS: " + std::to_string(nFrameCount); diff --git a/dirtblock.png b/dirtblock.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..af8bd91 Binary files /dev/null and b/dirtblock.png differ diff --git a/grass.png b/grass.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3212025 Binary files /dev/null and b/grass.png differ diff --git a/main.cpp b/main.cpp new file mode 100644 index 0000000..622b2d5 --- /dev/null +++ b/main.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,37 @@ +#define OLC_PGE_APPLICATION +#include "pixelGameEngine.h" +#include +#include "Block.h" + +class Example : public olc::PixelGameEngine +{ +public: + Example() + { + sAppName = "Example"; + } + +public: + std::unordered_map Blocks; + bool OnUserCreate() override + { + // Called once at the start, so create things here + Blocks[126]=Block(25,10,255,255,255); + return true; + } + + bool OnUserUpdate(float fElapsedTime) override + { + return true; + } +}; + + +int main() +{ + Example demo; + if (demo.Construct(256, 240, 4, 4)) + demo.Start(); + + return 0; +} diff --git a/mountain.png b/mountain.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1101b9f Binary files /dev/null and b/mountain.png differ diff --git a/pixelGameEngine.h b/pixelGameEngine.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f2a8ee2 --- /dev/null +++ b/pixelGameEngine.h @@ -0,0 +1,6195 @@ +#pragma region license_and_help +/* + olcPixelGameEngine.h + + +-------------------------------------------------------------+ + | OneLoneCoder Pixel Game Engine v2.19 | + | "What do you need? Pixels... Lots of Pixels..." - javidx9 | + +-------------------------------------------------------------+ + + What is this? + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + olc::PixelGameEngine is a single file, cross platform graphics and userinput + framework used for games, visualisations, algorithm exploration and learning. + It was developed by YouTuber "javidx9" as an assistive tool for many of his + videos. The goal of this project is to provide high speed graphics with + minimal project setup complexity, to encourage new programmers, younger people, + and anyone else that wants to make fun things. + + However, olc::PixelGameEngine is not a toy! It is a powerful and fast utility + capable of delivering high resolution, high speed, high quality applications + which behave the same way regardless of the operating system or platform. + + This file provides the core utility set of the olc::PixelGameEngine, including + window creation, keyboard/mouse input, main game thread, timing, pixel drawing + routines, image/sprite loading and drawing routines, and a bunch of utility + types to make rapid development of games/visualisations possible. + + + License (OLC-3) + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + + Copyright 2018 - 2022 + + Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, + are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: + + 1. Redistributions or derivations of source code must retain the above copyright + notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. + + 2. Redistributions or derivative works in binary form must reproduce the above + copyright notice. This list of conditions and the following disclaimer must be + reproduced in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. + + 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its contributors may + be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific + prior written permission. + + THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY + EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES + OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT + SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, + INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED + TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR + BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN + CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN + ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF + SUCH DAMAGE. + + Links + ~~~~~ + YouTube: + + Discord: + Twitter: + Twitch: + GitHub: + Homepage: + Patreon: + Community: + + + + Compiling in Linux + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + You will need a modern C++ compiler, so update yours! + To compile use the command: + + g++ -o YourProgName YourSource.cpp -lX11 -lGL -lpthread -lpng -lstdc++fs -std=c++17 + + On some Linux configurations, the frame rate is locked to the refresh + rate of the monitor. This engine tries to unlock it but may not be + able to, in which case try launching your program like this: + + vblank_mode=0 ./YourProgName + + + + Compiling in Code::Blocks on Windows + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + Well I wont judge you, but make sure your Code::Blocks installation + is really up to date - you may even consider updating your C++ toolchain + to use MinGW32-W64. + + Guide for installing recent GCC for Windows: + + Guide for configuring code::blocks: + + + + Add these libraries to "Linker Options": + user32 gdi32 opengl32 gdiplus Shlwapi dwmapi stdc++fs + + Set these compiler options: -std=c++17 + + + + Compiling on Mac - EXPERIMENTAL! PROBABLY HAS BUGS + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + Yes yes, people use Macs for C++ programming! Who knew? Anyway, enough + arguing, thanks to Mumflr the PGE is now supported on Mac. Now I know nothing + about Mac, so if you need support, I suggest checking out the instructions + here: + + clang++ -arch x86_64 -std=c++17 -mmacosx-version-min=10.15 -Wall -framework OpenGL + -framework GLUT -framework Carbon -lpng YourSource.cpp -o YourProgName + + + + Compiling with Emscripten (New & Experimental) + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + Emscripten compiler will turn your awesome C++ PixelGameEngine project into WASM! + This means you can run your application in teh browser, great for distributing + and submission in to jams and things! It's a bit new at the moment. + + em++ -std=c++17 -O2 -s ALLOW_MEMORY_GROWTH=1 -s MAX_WEBGL_VERSION=2 -s MIN_WEBGL_VERSION=2 -s USE_LIBPNG=1 ./YourSource.cpp -o pge.html + + + + Using stb_image.h + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + The PGE will load png images by default (with help from libpng on non-windows systems). + However, the excellent "stb_image.h" can be used instead, supporting a variety of + image formats, and has no library dependence - something we like at OLC studios ;) + To use stb_image.h, make sure it's in your code base, and simply: + + #define OLC_IMAGE_STB + + Before including the olcPixelGameEngine.h header file. stb_image.h works on many systems + and can be downloaded here: + + + + Multiple cpp file projects? + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + As a single header solution, the OLC_PGE_APPLICATION definition is used to + insert the engine implementation at a project location of your choosing. + The simplest way to setup multifile projects is to create a file called + "olcPixelGameEngine.cpp" which includes the following: + + #define OLC_PGE_APPLICATION + #include "olcPixelGameEngine.h" + + That's all it should include. You can also include PGEX includes and + defines in here too. With this in place, you dont need to + #define OLC_PGE_APPLICATION anywhere, and can simply include this + header file as an when you need to. + + + + Ports + ~~~~~ + olc::PixelGameEngine has been ported and tested with varying degrees of + success to: WinXP, Win7, Win8, Win10, Various Linux, Raspberry Pi, + Chromebook, Playstation Portable (PSP) and Nintendo Switch. If you are + interested in the details of these ports, come and visit the Discord! + + + + Thanks + ~~~~~~ + I'd like to extend thanks to Ian McKay, Bispoo, Eremiell, slavka, Kwizatz77, gurkanctn, Phantim, + IProgramInCPP, JackOJC, KrossX, Huhlig, Dragoneye, Appa, JustinRichardsMusic, SliceNDice, + dandistine, Ralakus, Gorbit99, raoul, joshinils, benedani, Moros1138, Alexio, SaladinAkara + & MagetzUb for advice, ideas and testing, and I'd like to extend my appreciation to the + 250K YouTube followers, 80+ Patreons, 4.8K Twitch followers and 10K Discord server members + who give me the motivation to keep going with all this :D + + Significant Contributors: @Moros1138, @SaladinAkara, @MaGetzUb, @slavka, + @Dragoneye, @Gorbit99, @dandistine & @Mumflr + + Special thanks to those who bring gifts! + GnarGnarHead.......Domina + Gorbit99...........Bastion, Ori & The Blind Forest, Terraria, Spelunky 2, Skully + Marti Morta........Gris + Danicron...........Terraria + SaladinAkara.......Aseprite, Inside, Quern: Undying Thoughts, Outer Wilds + AlterEgo...........Final Fantasy XII - The Zodiac Age + SlicEnDicE.........Noita, Inside + TGD................Voucher Gift + + Special thanks to my Patreons too - I wont name you on here, but I've + certainly enjoyed my tea and flapjacks :D + + + + Author + ~~~~~~ + David Barr, aka javidx9, �OneLoneCoder 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 +*/ +#pragma endregion + +#pragma region version_history +/* + 2.01: Made renderer and platform static for multifile projects + 2.02: Added Decal destructor, optimised Pixel constructor + 2.03: Added FreeBSD flags, Added DrawStringDecal() + 2.04: Windows Full-Screen bug fixed + 2.05: +DrawPartialWarpedDecal() - draws a warped decal from a subset image + +DrawPartialRotatedDecal() - draws a rotated decal from a subset image + 2.06: +GetTextSize() - returns area occupied by multiline string + +GetWindowSize() - returns actual window size + +GetElapsedTime() - returns last calculated fElapsedTime + +GetWindowMouse() - returns actual mouse location in window + +DrawExplicitDecal() - bow-chikka-bow-bow + +DrawPartialDecal(pos, size) - draws a partial decal to specified area + +FillRectDecal() - draws a flat shaded rectangle as a decal + +GradientFillRectDecal() - draws a rectangle, with unique colour corners + +Modified DrawCircle() & FillCircle() - Thanks IanM-Matrix1 (#PR121) + +Gone someway to appeasing pedants + 2.07: +GetPixelSize() - returns user specified pixel size + +GetScreenPixelSize() - returns actual size in monitor pixels + +Pixel Cohesion Mode (flag in Construct()) - disallows arbitrary window scaling + +Working VSYNC in Windows windowed application - now much smoother + +Added string conversion for olc::vectors + +Added comparator operators for olc::vectors + +Added DestroyWindow() on windows platforms for serial PGE launches + +Added GetMousePos() to stop TarriestPython whinging + 2.08: Fix SetScreenSize() aspect ratio pre-calculation + Fix DrawExplicitDecal() - stupid oversight with multiple decals + Disabled olc::Sprite copy constructor + +olc::Sprite Duplicate() - produces a new clone of the sprite + +olc::Sprite Duplicate(pos, size) - produces a new sprite from the region defined + +Unary operators for vectors + +More pedant mollification - Thanks TheLandfill + +ImageLoader modules - user selectable image handling core, gdi+, libpng, stb_image + +Mac Support via GLUT - thanks Mumflr! + 2.09: Fix olc::Renderable Image load error - Thanks MaGetzUb & Zij-IT for finding and moaning about it + Fix file rejection in image loaders when using resource packs + Tidied Compiler defines per platform - Thanks slavka + +Pedant fixes, const correctness in parts + +DecalModes - Normal, Additive, Multiplicative blend modes + +Pixel Operators & Lerping + +Filtered Decals - If you hate pixels, then erase this file + +DrawStringProp(), GetTextSizeProp(), DrawStringPropDecal() - Draws non-monospaced font + 2.10: Fix PixelLerp() - oops my bad, lerped the wrong way :P + Fix "Shader" support for strings - thanks Megarev for crying about it + Fix GetTextSizeProp() - Height was just plain wrong... + +vec2d operator overloads (element wise *=, /=) + +vec2d comparison operators... :| yup... hmmmm... + +vec2d ceil(), floor(), min(), max() functions - surprising how often I do it manually + +DrawExplicitDecal(... uint32_t elements) - complete control over convex polygons and lines + +DrawPolygonDecal() - to keep Bispoo happy, required significant rewrite of EVERYTHING, but hey ho + +Complete rewrite of decal renderer + +OpenGL 3.3 Renderer (also supports Raspberry Pi) + +PGEX Break-In Hooks - with a push from Dandistine + +Wireframe Decal Mode - For debug overlays + 2.11: Made PGEX hooks optional - (provide true to super constructor) + 2.12: Fix for MinGW compiler non-compliance :( - why is its sdk structure different?? why??? + 2.13: +GetFontSprite() - allows access to font data + 2.14: Fix WIN32 Definition reshuffle + Fix DrawPartialDecal() - messed up dimension during renderer experiment, didnt remove junk code, thanks Alexio + Fix? Strange error regarding GDI+ Image Loader not knowing about COM, SDK change? + 2.15: Big Reformat + +WASM Platform (via Emscripten) - Big Thanks to OLC Community - See Platform for details + +Sample Mode for Decals + +Made olc_ConfigureSystem() accessible + +Added OLC_----_CUSTOM_EX for externalised platforms, renderers and image loaders + =Refactored olc::Sprite pixel data store + -Deprecating LoadFromPGESprFile() + -Deprecating SaveToPGESprFile() + Fix Pixel -= operator (thanks Au Lit) + 2.16: FIX Emscripten JS formatting in VS IDE (thanks Moros) + +"Headless" Mode + +DrawLineDecal() + +Mouse Button Constants + +Move Constructor for olc::Renderable + +Polar/Cartesian conversion for v2d_generic + +DrawRotatedStringDecal()/DrawRotatedStringPropDecal() (thanks Oso-Grande/Sopadeoso (PR #209)) + =Using olc::Renderable for layer surface + +Major Mac and GLUT Update (thanks Mumflr) + 2.17: +Clipping for DrawLine() functions + +Reintroduced sub-pixel decals + +Modified DrawPartialDecal() to quantise and correctly sample from tile atlasses + +olc::Sprite::GetPixel() - Clamp Mode + 2.18: +Option to not "dirty" layers with SetDrawTarget() - Thanks TerasKasi! + =Detection for Mac M1, fix for scroll wheel interrogation - Thanks ruarq! + 2.19: Textual Input(of)course Edition! + =Built in font is now olc::Renderable + +EnablePixelTransfer() - Gate if layer content transfers occur (speedup in decal only apps) + +TextEntryEnable() - Enables/Disables text entry mode + +TextEntryGetString() - Gets the current accumulated string in text entry mode + +TextEntryGetCursor() - Gets the current cursor position in text entry mode + +IsTextEntryEnabled() - Returns true if text entry mode is activated + +OnTextEntryComplete() - Override is called when user presses "ENTER" in text entry mode + +Potential for regional keyboard mappings - needs volunteers to do this + +ConsoleShow() - Opens built in command console + +ConsoleClear() - Clears built in command console output + +ConsoleOut() - Stream strings to command console output + +ConsoleCaptureStdOut() - Capture std::cout by redirecting to built-in console + +IsConsoleShowing() - Returns true if console is currently active + +OnConsoleCommand() - Override is called when command is entered into built in console + + !! Apple Platforms will not see these updates immediately - Sorry, I dont have a mac to test... !! + !! Volunteers willing to help appreciated, though PRs are manually integrated with credit !! +*/ +#pragma endregion + +#pragma region hello_world_example +// O------------------------------------------------------------------------------O +// | Example "Hello World" Program (main.cpp) | +// O------------------------------------------------------------------------------O +/* + +#define OLC_PGE_APPLICATION +#include "olcPixelGameEngine.h" + +// Override base class with your custom functionality +class Example : public olc::PixelGameEngine +{ +public: + Example() + { + // Name your application + sAppName = "Example"; + } + +public: + bool OnUserCreate() override + { + // Called once at the start, so create things here + return true; + } + + bool OnUserUpdate(float fElapsedTime) override + { + // Called once per frame, draws random coloured pixels + for (int x = 0; x < ScreenWidth(); x++) + for (int y = 0; y < ScreenHeight(); y++) + Draw(x, y, olc::Pixel(rand() % 256, rand() % 256, rand() % 256)); + return true; + } +}; + +int main() +{ + Example demo; + if (demo.Construct(256, 240, 4, 4)) + demo.Start(); + return 0; +} + +*/ +#pragma endregion + +#ifndef OLC_PGE_DEF +#define OLC_PGE_DEF + +#pragma region std_includes +// O------------------------------------------------------------------------------O +// | STANDARD INCLUDES | +// O------------------------------------------------------------------------------O +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#pragma endregion + +#define PGE_VER 219 + +// O------------------------------------------------------------------------------O +// | COMPILER CONFIGURATION ODDITIES | +// O------------------------------------------------------------------------------O +#pragma region compiler_config +#define USE_EXPERIMENTAL_FS +#if defined(_WIN32) + #if _MSC_VER >= 1920 && _MSVC_LANG >= 201703L + #undef USE_EXPERIMENTAL_FS + #endif +#endif +#if defined(__linux__) || defined(__MINGW32__) || defined(__EMSCRIPTEN__) || defined(__FreeBSD__) || defined(__APPLE__) + #if __cplusplus >= 201703L + #undef USE_EXPERIMENTAL_FS + #endif +#endif + +#if !defined(OLC_KEYBOARD_UK) + #define OLC_KEYBOARD_UK +#endif + + +#if defined(USE_EXPERIMENTAL_FS) || defined(FORCE_EXPERIMENTAL_FS) + // C++14 + #define _SILENCE_EXPERIMENTAL_FILESYSTEM_DEPRECATION_WARNING + #include + namespace _gfs = std::experimental::filesystem::v1; +#else + // C++17 + #include + namespace _gfs = std::filesystem; +#endif + +#if defined(UNICODE) || defined(_UNICODE) + #define olcT(s) L##s +#else + #define olcT(s) s +#endif + +#define UNUSED(x) (void)(x) + +// O------------------------------------------------------------------------------O +// | PLATFORM SELECTION CODE, Thanks slavka! | +// O------------------------------------------------------------------------------O + +// Platform +#if !defined(OLC_PLATFORM_WINAPI) && !defined(OLC_PLATFORM_X11) && !defined(OLC_PLATFORM_GLUT) && !defined(OLC_PLATFORM_EMSCRIPTEN) + #if !defined(OLC_PLATFORM_CUSTOM_EX) + #if defined(_WIN32) + #define OLC_PLATFORM_WINAPI + #endif + #if defined(__linux__) || defined(__FreeBSD__) + #define OLC_PLATFORM_X11 + #endif + #if defined(__APPLE__) + #define GL_SILENCE_DEPRECATION + #define OLC_PLATFORM_GLUT + #endif + #if defined(__EMSCRIPTEN__) + #define OLC_PLATFORM_EMSCRIPTEN + #endif + #endif +#endif + +// Start Situation +#if defined(OLC_PLATFORM_GLUT) || defined(OLC_PLATFORM_EMSCRIPTEN) + #define PGE_USE_CUSTOM_START +#endif + +// Renderer +#if !defined(OLC_GFX_OPENGL10) && !defined(OLC_GFX_OPENGL33) && !defined(OLC_GFX_DIRECTX10) + #if !defined(OLC_GFX_CUSTOM_EX) + #if defined(OLC_PLATFORM_EMSCRIPTEN) + #define OLC_GFX_OPENGL33 + #else + #define OLC_GFX_OPENGL10 + #endif + #endif +#endif + +// Image loader +#if !defined(OLC_IMAGE_STB) && !defined(OLC_IMAGE_GDI) && !defined(OLC_IMAGE_LIBPNG) + #if !defined(OLC_IMAGE_CUSTOM_EX) + #if defined(_WIN32) + #define OLC_IMAGE_GDI + #endif + #if defined(__linux__) || defined(__APPLE__) || defined(__FreeBSD__) || defined(__EMSCRIPTEN__) + #define OLC_IMAGE_LIBPNG + #endif + #endif +#endif + + +// O------------------------------------------------------------------------------O +// | PLATFORM-SPECIFIC DEPENDENCIES | +// O------------------------------------------------------------------------------O +#if !defined(OLC_PGE_HEADLESS) +#if defined(OLC_PLATFORM_WINAPI) + #define _WINSOCKAPI_ // Thanks Cornchipss + #if !defined(VC_EXTRALEAN) + #define VC_EXTRALEAN + #endif + #if !defined(NOMINMAX) + #define NOMINMAX + #endif + + // In Code::Blocks + #if !defined(_WIN32_WINNT) + #ifdef HAVE_MSMF + #define _WIN32_WINNT 0x0600 // Windows Vista + #else + #define _WIN32_WINNT 0x0500 // Windows 2000 + #endif + #endif + + #include + #undef _WINSOCKAPI_ +#endif + +#if defined(OLC_PLATFORM_X11) + namespace X11 + { + #include + #include + } +#endif + +#if defined(OLC_PLATFORM_GLUT) + #if defined(__linux__) + #include + #include + #endif + #if defined(__APPLE__) + #include + #include + #include + #endif +#endif +#endif +#pragma endregion + +// O------------------------------------------------------------------------------O +// | olcPixelGameEngine INTERFACE DECLARATION | +// O------------------------------------------------------------------------------O +#pragma region pge_declaration +namespace olc +{ + class PixelGameEngine; + class Sprite; + + // Pixel Game Engine Advanced Configuration + constexpr uint8_t nMouseButtons = 5; + constexpr uint8_t nDefaultAlpha = 0xFF; + constexpr uint32_t nDefaultPixel = (nDefaultAlpha << 24); + constexpr uint8_t nTabSizeInSpaces = 4; + enum rcode { FAIL = 0, OK = 1, NO_FILE = -1 }; + + // O------------------------------------------------------------------------------O + // | olc::Pixel - Represents a 32-Bit RGBA colour | + // O------------------------------------------------------------------------------O + struct Pixel + { + union + { + uint32_t n = nDefaultPixel; + struct { uint8_t r; uint8_t g; uint8_t b; uint8_t a; }; + }; + + enum Mode { NORMAL, MASK, ALPHA, CUSTOM }; + + Pixel(); + Pixel(uint8_t red, uint8_t green, uint8_t blue, uint8_t alpha = nDefaultAlpha); + Pixel(uint32_t p); + Pixel& operator = (const Pixel& v) = default; + bool operator ==(const Pixel& p) const; + bool operator !=(const Pixel& p) const; + Pixel operator * (const float i) const; + Pixel operator / (const float i) const; + Pixel& operator *=(const float i); + Pixel& operator /=(const float i); + Pixel operator + (const Pixel& p) const; + Pixel operator - (const Pixel& p) const; + Pixel& operator +=(const Pixel& p); + Pixel& operator -=(const Pixel& p); + Pixel inv() const; + }; + + Pixel PixelF(float red, float green, float blue, float alpha = 1.0f); + Pixel PixelLerp(const olc::Pixel& p1, const olc::Pixel& p2, float t); + + + // O------------------------------------------------------------------------------O + // | USEFUL CONSTANTS | + // O------------------------------------------------------------------------------O + static const Pixel + GREY(192, 192, 192), DARK_GREY(128, 128, 128), VERY_DARK_GREY(64, 64, 64), + RED(255, 0, 0), DARK_RED(128, 0, 0), VERY_DARK_RED(64, 0, 0), + YELLOW(255, 255, 0), DARK_YELLOW(128, 128, 0), VERY_DARK_YELLOW(64, 64, 0), + GREEN(0, 255, 0), DARK_GREEN(0, 128, 0), VERY_DARK_GREEN(0, 64, 0), + CYAN(0, 255, 255), DARK_CYAN(0, 128, 128), VERY_DARK_CYAN(0, 64, 64), + BLUE(0, 0, 255), DARK_BLUE(0, 0, 128), VERY_DARK_BLUE(0, 0, 64), + MAGENTA(255, 0, 255), DARK_MAGENTA(128, 0, 128), VERY_DARK_MAGENTA(64, 0, 64), + WHITE(255, 255, 255), BLACK(0, 0, 0), BLANK(0, 0, 0, 0); + + // Thanks to scripticuk and others for updating the key maps + // NOTE: The GLUT platform will need updating, open to contributions ;) + enum Key + { + NONE, + A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z, + K0, K1, K2, K3, K4, K5, K6, K7, K8, K9, + F1, F2, F3, F4, F5, F6, F7, F8, F9, F10, F11, F12, + UP, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT, + SPACE, TAB, SHIFT, CTRL, INS, DEL, HOME, END, PGUP, PGDN, + BACK, ESCAPE, RETURN, ENTER, PAUSE, SCROLL, + NP0, NP1, NP2, NP3, NP4, NP5, NP6, NP7, NP8, NP9, + NP_MUL, NP_DIV, NP_ADD, NP_SUB, NP_DECIMAL, PERIOD, + EQUALS, COMMA, MINUS, + OEM_1, OEM_2, OEM_3, OEM_4, OEM_5, OEM_6, OEM_7, OEM_8, + CAPS_LOCK, ENUM_END + }; + + namespace Mouse + { + static constexpr int32_t LEFT = 0; + static constexpr int32_t RIGHT = 1; + static constexpr int32_t MIDDLE = 2; + }; + + // O------------------------------------------------------------------------------O + // | olc::HWButton - Represents the state of a hardware button (mouse/key/joy) | + // O------------------------------------------------------------------------------O + struct HWButton + { + bool bPressed = false; // Set once during the frame the event occurs + bool bReleased = false; // Set once during the frame the event occurs + bool bHeld = false; // Set true for all frames between pressed and released events + }; + + + + + // O------------------------------------------------------------------------------O + // | olc::vX2d - A generic 2D vector type | + // O------------------------------------------------------------------------------O +#if !defined(OLC_IGNORE_VEC2D) + template + struct v2d_generic + { + T x = 0; + T y = 0; + v2d_generic() : x(0), y(0) {} + v2d_generic(T _x, T _y) : x(_x), y(_y) {} + v2d_generic(const v2d_generic& v) : x(v.x), y(v.y) {} + v2d_generic& operator=(const v2d_generic& v) = default; + T mag() const { return T(std::sqrt(x * x + y * y)); } + T mag2() const { return x * x + y * y; } + v2d_generic norm() const { T r = 1 / mag(); return v2d_generic(x * r, y * r); } + v2d_generic perp() const { return v2d_generic(-y, x); } + v2d_generic floor() const { return v2d_generic(std::floor(x), std::floor(y)); } + v2d_generic ceil() const { return v2d_generic(std::ceil(x), std::ceil(y)); } + v2d_generic max(const v2d_generic& v) const { return v2d_generic(std::max(x, v.x), std::max(y, v.y)); } + v2d_generic min(const v2d_generic& v) const { return v2d_generic(std::min(x, v.x), std::min(y, v.y)); } + v2d_generic cart() { return { std::cos(y) * x, std::sin(y) * x }; } + v2d_generic polar() { return { mag(), std::atan2(y, x) }; } + T dot(const v2d_generic& rhs) const { return this->x * rhs.x + this->y * rhs.y; } + T cross(const v2d_generic& rhs) const { return this->x * rhs.y - this->y * rhs.x; } + v2d_generic operator + (const v2d_generic& rhs) const { return v2d_generic(this->x + rhs.x, this->y + rhs.y); } + v2d_generic operator - (const v2d_generic& rhs) const { return v2d_generic(this->x - rhs.x, this->y - rhs.y); } + v2d_generic operator * (const T& rhs) const { return v2d_generic(this->x * rhs, this->y * rhs); } + v2d_generic operator * (const v2d_generic& rhs) const { return v2d_generic(this->x * rhs.x, this->y * rhs.y); } + v2d_generic operator / (const T& rhs) const { return v2d_generic(this->x / rhs, this->y / rhs); } + v2d_generic operator / (const v2d_generic& rhs) const { return v2d_generic(this->x / rhs.x, this->y / rhs.y); } + v2d_generic& operator += (const v2d_generic& rhs) { this->x += rhs.x; this->y += rhs.y; return *this; } + v2d_generic& operator -= (const v2d_generic& rhs) { this->x -= rhs.x; this->y -= rhs.y; return *this; } + v2d_generic& operator *= (const T& rhs) { this->x *= rhs; this->y *= rhs; return *this; } + v2d_generic& operator /= (const T& rhs) { this->x /= rhs; this->y /= rhs; return *this; } + v2d_generic& operator *= (const v2d_generic& rhs) { this->x *= rhs.x; this->y *= rhs.y; return *this; } + v2d_generic& operator /= (const v2d_generic& rhs) { this->x /= rhs.x; this->y /= rhs.y; return *this; } + v2d_generic operator + () const { return { +x, +y }; } + v2d_generic operator - () const { return { -x, -y }; } + bool operator == (const v2d_generic& rhs) const { return (this->x == rhs.x && this->y == rhs.y); } + bool operator != (const v2d_generic& rhs) const { return (this->x != rhs.x || this->y != rhs.y); } + const std::string str() const { return std::string("(") + std::to_string(this->x) + "," + std::to_string(this->y) + ")"; } + friend std::ostream& operator << (std::ostream& os, const v2d_generic& rhs) { os << rhs.str(); return os; } + operator v2d_generic() const { return { static_cast(this->x), static_cast(this->y) }; } + operator v2d_generic() const { return { static_cast(this->x), static_cast(this->y) }; } + operator v2d_generic() const { return { static_cast(this->x), static_cast(this->y) }; } + }; + + // Note: joshinils has some good suggestions here, but they are complicated to implement at this moment, + // however they will appear in a future version of PGE + template inline v2d_generic operator * (const float& lhs, const v2d_generic& rhs) + { return v2d_generic((T)(lhs * (float)rhs.x), (T)(lhs * (float)rhs.y)); } + template inline v2d_generic operator * (const double& lhs, const v2d_generic& rhs) + { return v2d_generic((T)(lhs * (double)rhs.x), (T)(lhs * (double)rhs.y)); } + template inline v2d_generic operator * (const int& lhs, const v2d_generic& rhs) + { return v2d_generic((T)(lhs * (int)rhs.x), (T)(lhs * (int)rhs.y)); } + template inline v2d_generic operator / (const float& lhs, const v2d_generic& rhs) + { return v2d_generic((T)(lhs / (float)rhs.x), (T)(lhs / (float)rhs.y)); } + template inline v2d_generic operator / (const double& lhs, const v2d_generic& rhs) + { return v2d_generic((T)(lhs / (double)rhs.x), (T)(lhs / (double)rhs.y)); } + template inline v2d_generic operator / (const int& lhs, const v2d_generic& rhs) + { return v2d_generic((T)(lhs / (int)rhs.x), (T)(lhs / (int)rhs.y)); } + + // To stop dandistine crying... + template inline bool operator < (const v2d_generic& lhs, const v2d_generic& rhs) + { return lhs.y < rhs.y || (lhs.y == rhs.y && lhs.x < rhs.x); } + template inline bool operator > (const v2d_generic& lhs, const v2d_generic& rhs) + { return lhs.y > rhs.y || (lhs.y == rhs.y && lhs.x > rhs.x); } + + typedef v2d_generic vi2d; + typedef v2d_generic vu2d; + typedef v2d_generic vf2d; + typedef v2d_generic vd2d; +#endif + + + + + + + // O------------------------------------------------------------------------------O + // | olc::ResourcePack - A virtual scrambled filesystem to pack your assets into | + // O------------------------------------------------------------------------------O + struct ResourceBuffer : public std::streambuf + { + ResourceBuffer(std::ifstream& ifs, uint32_t offset, uint32_t size); + std::vector vMemory; + }; + + class ResourcePack : public std::streambuf + { + public: + ResourcePack(); + ~ResourcePack(); + bool AddFile(const std::string& sFile); + bool LoadPack(const std::string& sFile, const std::string& sKey); + bool SavePack(const std::string& sFile, const std::string& sKey); + ResourceBuffer GetFileBuffer(const std::string& sFile); + bool Loaded(); + private: + struct sResourceFile { uint32_t nSize; uint32_t nOffset; }; + std::map mapFiles; + std::ifstream baseFile; + std::vector scramble(const std::vector& data, const std::string& key); + std::string makeposix(const std::string& path); + }; + + + class ImageLoader + { + public: + ImageLoader() = default; + virtual ~ImageLoader() = default; + virtual olc::rcode LoadImageResource(olc::Sprite* spr, const std::string& sImageFile, olc::ResourcePack* pack) = 0; + virtual olc::rcode SaveImageResource(olc::Sprite* spr, const std::string& sImageFile) = 0; + }; + + + // O------------------------------------------------------------------------------O + // | olc::Sprite - An image represented by a 2D array of olc::Pixel | + // O------------------------------------------------------------------------------O + class Sprite + { + public: + Sprite(); + Sprite(const std::string& sImageFile, olc::ResourcePack* pack = nullptr); + Sprite(int32_t w, int32_t h); + Sprite(const olc::Sprite&) = delete; + ~Sprite(); + + public: + olc::rcode LoadFromFile(const std::string& sImageFile, olc::ResourcePack* pack = nullptr); + + public: + int32_t width = 0; + int32_t height = 0; + enum Mode { NORMAL, PERIODIC, CLAMP }; + enum Flip { NONE = 0, HORIZ = 1, VERT = 2 }; + + public: + void SetSampleMode(olc::Sprite::Mode mode = olc::Sprite::Mode::NORMAL); + Pixel GetPixel(int32_t x, int32_t y) const; + bool SetPixel(int32_t x, int32_t y, Pixel p); + Pixel GetPixel(const olc::vi2d& a) const; + bool SetPixel(const olc::vi2d& a, Pixel p); + Pixel Sample(float x, float y) const; + Pixel SampleBL(float u, float v) const; + Pixel* GetData(); + olc::Sprite* Duplicate(); + olc::Sprite* Duplicate(const olc::vi2d& vPos, const olc::vi2d& vSize); + std::vector pColData; + Mode modeSample = Mode::NORMAL; + + static std::unique_ptr loader; + }; + + // O------------------------------------------------------------------------------O + // | olc::Decal - A GPU resident storage of an olc::Sprite | + // O------------------------------------------------------------------------------O + class Decal + { + public: + Decal(olc::Sprite* spr, bool filter = false, bool clamp = true); + Decal(const uint32_t nExistingTextureResource, olc::Sprite* spr); + virtual ~Decal(); + void Update(); + void UpdateSprite(); + + public: // But dont touch + int32_t id = -1; + olc::Sprite* sprite = nullptr; + olc::vf2d vUVScale = { 1.0f, 1.0f }; + }; + + enum class DecalMode + { + NORMAL, + ADDITIVE, + MULTIPLICATIVE, + STENCIL, + ILLUMINATE, + WIREFRAME, + MODEL3D, + }; + + enum class DecalStructure + { + LINE, + FAN, + STRIP, + LIST + }; + + // O------------------------------------------------------------------------------O + // | olc::Renderable - Convenience class to keep a sprite and decal together | + // O------------------------------------------------------------------------------O + class Renderable + { + public: + Renderable() = default; + Renderable(Renderable&& r) : pSprite(std::move(r.pSprite)), pDecal(std::move(r.pDecal)) {} + Renderable(const Renderable&) = delete; + olc::rcode Load(const std::string& sFile, ResourcePack* pack = nullptr, bool filter = false, bool clamp = true); + void Create(uint32_t width, uint32_t height, bool filter = false, bool clamp = true); + olc::Decal* Decal() const; + olc::Sprite* Sprite() const; + + private: + std::unique_ptr pSprite = nullptr; + std::unique_ptr pDecal = nullptr; + }; + + + // O------------------------------------------------------------------------------O + // | Auxilliary components internal to engine | + // O------------------------------------------------------------------------------O + + struct DecalInstance + { + olc::Decal* decal = nullptr; + std::vector pos; + std::vector uv; + std::vector w; + std::vector tint; + olc::DecalMode mode = olc::DecalMode::NORMAL; + olc::DecalStructure structure = olc::DecalStructure::FAN; + uint32_t points = 0; + }; + + struct LayerDesc + { + olc::vf2d vOffset = { 0, 0 }; + olc::vf2d vScale = { 1, 1 }; + bool bShow = false; + bool bUpdate = false; + olc::Renderable pDrawTarget; + uint32_t nResID = 0; + std::vector vecDecalInstance; + olc::Pixel tint = olc::WHITE; + std::function funcHook = nullptr; + }; + + class Renderer + { + public: + virtual ~Renderer() = default; + virtual void PrepareDevice() = 0; + virtual olc::rcode CreateDevice(std::vector params, bool bFullScreen, bool bVSYNC) = 0; + virtual olc::rcode DestroyDevice() = 0; + virtual void DisplayFrame() = 0; + virtual void PrepareDrawing() = 0; + virtual void SetDecalMode(const olc::DecalMode& mode) = 0; + virtual void DrawLayerQuad(const olc::vf2d& offset, const olc::vf2d& scale, const olc::Pixel tint) = 0; + virtual void DrawDecal(const olc::DecalInstance& decal) = 0; + virtual uint32_t CreateTexture(const uint32_t width, const uint32_t height, const bool filtered = false, const bool clamp = true) = 0; + virtual void UpdateTexture(uint32_t id, olc::Sprite* spr) = 0; + virtual void ReadTexture(uint32_t id, olc::Sprite* spr) = 0; + virtual uint32_t DeleteTexture(const uint32_t id) = 0; + virtual void ApplyTexture(uint32_t id) = 0; + virtual void UpdateViewport(const olc::vi2d& pos, const olc::vi2d& size) = 0; + virtual void ClearBuffer(olc::Pixel p, bool bDepth) = 0; + static olc::PixelGameEngine* ptrPGE; + }; + + class Platform + { + public: + virtual ~Platform() = default; + virtual olc::rcode ApplicationStartUp() = 0; + virtual olc::rcode ApplicationCleanUp() = 0; + virtual olc::rcode ThreadStartUp() = 0; + virtual olc::rcode ThreadCleanUp() = 0; + virtual olc::rcode CreateGraphics(bool bFullScreen, bool bEnableVSYNC, const olc::vi2d& vViewPos, const olc::vi2d& vViewSize) = 0; + virtual olc::rcode CreateWindowPane(const olc::vi2d& vWindowPos, olc::vi2d& vWindowSize, bool bFullScreen) = 0; + virtual olc::rcode SetWindowTitle(const std::string& s) = 0; + virtual olc::rcode StartSystemEventLoop() = 0; + virtual olc::rcode HandleSystemEvent() = 0; + static olc::PixelGameEngine* ptrPGE; + }; + + class PGEX; + + // The Static Twins (plus one) + static std::unique_ptr renderer; + static std::unique_ptr platform; + static std::map mapKeys; + + // O------------------------------------------------------------------------------O + // | olc::PixelGameEngine - The main BASE class for your application | + // O------------------------------------------------------------------------------O + class PixelGameEngine + { + public: + PixelGameEngine(); + virtual ~PixelGameEngine(); + public: + olc::rcode Construct(int32_t screen_w, int32_t screen_h, int32_t pixel_w, int32_t pixel_h, + bool full_screen = false, bool vsync = false, bool cohesion = false); + olc::rcode Start(); + + public: // User Override Interfaces + // Called once on application startup, use to load your resources + virtual bool OnUserCreate(); + // Called every frame, and provides you with a time per frame value + virtual bool OnUserUpdate(float fElapsedTime); + // Called once on application termination, so you can be one clean coder + virtual bool OnUserDestroy(); + + // Called when a text entry is confirmed with "enter" key + virtual void OnTextEntryComplete(const std::string& sText); + // Called when a console command is executed + virtual bool OnConsoleCommand(const std::string& sCommand); + + public: // Hardware Interfaces + // Returns true if window is currently in focus + bool IsFocused() const; + // Get the state of a specific keyboard button + HWButton GetKey(Key k) const; + // Get the state of a specific mouse button + HWButton GetMouse(uint32_t b) const; + // Get Mouse X coordinate in "pixel" space + int32_t GetMouseX() const; + // Get Mouse Y coordinate in "pixel" space + int32_t GetMouseY() const; + // Get Mouse Wheel Delta + int32_t GetMouseWheel() const; + // Get the mouse in window space + const olc::vi2d& GetWindowMouse() const; + // Gets the mouse as a vector to keep Tarriest happy + const olc::vi2d& GetMousePos() const; + + static const std::map& GetKeyMap() { return mapKeys; } + + public: // Utility + // Returns the width of the screen in "pixels" + int32_t ScreenWidth() const; + // Returns the height of the screen in "pixels" + int32_t ScreenHeight() const; + // Returns the width of the currently selected drawing target in "pixels" + int32_t GetDrawTargetWidth() const; + // Returns the height of the currently selected drawing target in "pixels" + int32_t GetDrawTargetHeight() const; + // Returns the currently active draw target + olc::Sprite* GetDrawTarget() const; + // Resize the primary screen sprite + void SetScreenSize(int w, int h); + // Specify which Sprite should be the target of drawing functions, use nullptr + // to specify the primary screen + void SetDrawTarget(Sprite* target); + // Gets the current Frames Per Second + uint32_t GetFPS() const; + // Gets last update of elapsed time + float GetElapsedTime() const; + // Gets Actual Window size + const olc::vi2d& GetWindowSize() const; + // Gets pixel scale + const olc::vi2d& GetPixelSize() const; + // Gets actual pixel scale + const olc::vi2d& GetScreenPixelSize() const; + + public: // CONFIGURATION ROUTINES + // Layer targeting functions + void SetDrawTarget(uint8_t layer, bool bDirty = true); + void EnableLayer(uint8_t layer, bool b); + void SetLayerOffset(uint8_t layer, const olc::vf2d& offset); + void SetLayerOffset(uint8_t layer, float x, float y); + void SetLayerScale(uint8_t layer, const olc::vf2d& scale); + void SetLayerScale(uint8_t layer, float x, float y); + void SetLayerTint(uint8_t layer, const olc::Pixel& tint); + void SetLayerCustomRenderFunction(uint8_t layer, std::function f); + + std::vector& GetLayers(); + uint32_t CreateLayer(); + + // Change the pixel mode for different optimisations + // olc::Pixel::NORMAL = No transparency + // olc::Pixel::MASK = Transparent if alpha is < 255 + // olc::Pixel::ALPHA = Full transparency + void SetPixelMode(Pixel::Mode m); + Pixel::Mode GetPixelMode(); + // Use a custom blend function + void SetPixelMode(std::function pixelMode); + // Change the blend factor from between 0.0f to 1.0f; + void SetPixelBlend(float fBlend); + + + + public: // DRAWING ROUTINES + // Draws a single Pixel + virtual bool Draw(int32_t x, int32_t y, Pixel p = olc::WHITE); + bool Draw(const olc::vi2d& pos, Pixel p = olc::WHITE); + // Draws a line from (x1,y1) to (x2,y2) + void DrawLine(int32_t x1, int32_t y1, int32_t x2, int32_t y2, Pixel p = olc::WHITE, uint32_t pattern = 0xFFFFFFFF); + void DrawLine(const olc::vi2d& pos1, const olc::vi2d& pos2, Pixel p = olc::WHITE, uint32_t pattern = 0xFFFFFFFF); + // Draws a circle located at (x,y) with radius + void DrawCircle(int32_t x, int32_t y, int32_t radius, Pixel p = olc::WHITE, uint8_t mask = 0xFF); + void DrawCircle(const olc::vi2d& pos, int32_t radius, Pixel p = olc::WHITE, uint8_t mask = 0xFF); + // Fills a circle located at (x,y) with radius + void FillCircle(int32_t x, int32_t y, int32_t radius, Pixel p = olc::WHITE); + void FillCircle(const olc::vi2d& pos, int32_t radius, Pixel p = olc::WHITE); + // Draws a rectangle at (x,y) to (x+w,y+h) + void DrawRect(int32_t x, int32_t y, int32_t w, int32_t h, Pixel p = olc::WHITE); + void DrawRect(const olc::vi2d& pos, const olc::vi2d& size, Pixel p = olc::WHITE); + // Fills a rectangle at (x,y) to (x+w,y+h) + void FillRect(int32_t x, int32_t y, int32_t w, int32_t h, Pixel p = olc::WHITE); + void FillRect(const olc::vi2d& pos, const olc::vi2d& size, Pixel p = olc::WHITE); + // Draws a triangle between points (x1,y1), (x2,y2) and (x3,y3) + void DrawTriangle(int32_t x1, int32_t y1, int32_t x2, int32_t y2, int32_t x3, int32_t y3, Pixel p = olc::WHITE); + void DrawTriangle(const olc::vi2d& pos1, const olc::vi2d& pos2, const olc::vi2d& pos3, Pixel p = olc::WHITE); + // Flat fills a triangle between points (x1,y1), (x2,y2) and (x3,y3) + void FillTriangle(int32_t x1, int32_t y1, int32_t x2, int32_t y2, int32_t x3, int32_t y3, Pixel p = olc::WHITE); + void FillTriangle(const olc::vi2d& pos1, const olc::vi2d& pos2, const olc::vi2d& pos3, Pixel p = olc::WHITE); + // Draws an entire sprite at location (x,y) + void DrawSprite(int32_t x, int32_t y, Sprite* sprite, uint32_t scale = 1, uint8_t flip = olc::Sprite::NONE); + void DrawSprite(const olc::vi2d& pos, Sprite* sprite, uint32_t scale = 1, uint8_t flip = olc::Sprite::NONE); + // Draws an area of a sprite at location (x,y), where the + // selected area is (ox,oy) to (ox+w,oy+h) + void DrawPartialSprite(int32_t x, int32_t y, Sprite* sprite, int32_t ox, int32_t oy, int32_t w, int32_t h, uint32_t scale = 1, uint8_t flip = olc::Sprite::NONE); + void DrawPartialSprite(const olc::vi2d& pos, Sprite* sprite, const olc::vi2d& sourcepos, const olc::vi2d& size, uint32_t scale = 1, uint8_t flip = olc::Sprite::NONE); + // Draws a single line of text - traditional monospaced + void DrawString(int32_t x, int32_t y, const std::string& sText, Pixel col = olc::WHITE, uint32_t scale = 1); + void DrawString(const olc::vi2d& pos, const std::string& sText, Pixel col = olc::WHITE, uint32_t scale = 1); + olc::vi2d GetTextSize(const std::string& s); + // Draws a single line of text - non-monospaced + void DrawStringProp(int32_t x, int32_t y, const std::string& sText, Pixel col = olc::WHITE, uint32_t scale = 1); + void DrawStringProp(const olc::vi2d& pos, const std::string& sText, Pixel col = olc::WHITE, uint32_t scale = 1); + olc::vi2d GetTextSizeProp(const std::string& s); + + // Decal Quad functions + void SetDecalMode(const olc::DecalMode& mode); + void SetDecalStructure(const olc::DecalStructure& structure); + // Draws a whole decal, with optional scale and tinting + void DrawDecal(const olc::vf2d& pos, olc::Decal* decal, const olc::vf2d& scale = { 1.0f,1.0f }, const olc::Pixel& tint = olc::WHITE); + // Draws a region of a decal, with optional scale and tinting + void DrawPartialDecal(const olc::vf2d& pos, olc::Decal* decal, const olc::vf2d& source_pos, const olc::vf2d& source_size, const olc::vf2d& scale = { 1.0f,1.0f }, const olc::Pixel& tint = olc::WHITE); + void DrawPartialDecal(const olc::vf2d& pos, const olc::vf2d& size, olc::Decal* decal, const olc::vf2d& source_pos, const olc::vf2d& source_size, const olc::Pixel& tint = olc::WHITE); + // Draws fully user controlled 4 vertices, pos(pixels), uv(pixels), colours + void DrawExplicitDecal(olc::Decal* decal, const olc::vf2d* pos, const olc::vf2d* uv, const olc::Pixel* col, uint32_t elements = 4); + // Draws a decal with 4 arbitrary points, warping the texture to look "correct" + void DrawWarpedDecal(olc::Decal* decal, const olc::vf2d(&pos)[4], const olc::Pixel& tint = olc::WHITE); + void DrawWarpedDecal(olc::Decal* decal, const olc::vf2d* pos, const olc::Pixel& tint = olc::WHITE); + void DrawWarpedDecal(olc::Decal* decal, const std::array& pos, const olc::Pixel& tint = olc::WHITE); + // As above, but you can specify a region of a decal source sprite + void DrawPartialWarpedDecal(olc::Decal* decal, const olc::vf2d(&pos)[4], const olc::vf2d& source_pos, const olc::vf2d& source_size, const olc::Pixel& tint = olc::WHITE); + void DrawPartialWarpedDecal(olc::Decal* decal, const olc::vf2d* pos, const olc::vf2d& source_pos, const olc::vf2d& source_size, const olc::Pixel& tint = olc::WHITE); + void DrawPartialWarpedDecal(olc::Decal* decal, const std::array& pos, const olc::vf2d& source_pos, const olc::vf2d& source_size, const olc::Pixel& tint = olc::WHITE); + // Draws a decal rotated to specified angle, wit point of rotation offset + void DrawRotatedDecal(const olc::vf2d& pos, olc::Decal* decal, const float fAngle, const olc::vf2d& center = { 0.0f, 0.0f }, const olc::vf2d& scale = { 1.0f,1.0f }, const olc::Pixel& tint = olc::WHITE); + void DrawPartialRotatedDecal(const olc::vf2d& pos, olc::Decal* decal, const float fAngle, const olc::vf2d& center, const olc::vf2d& source_pos, const olc::vf2d& source_size, const olc::vf2d& scale = { 1.0f, 1.0f }, const olc::Pixel& tint = olc::WHITE); + // Draws a multiline string as a decal, with tiniting and scaling + void DrawStringDecal(const olc::vf2d& pos, const std::string& sText, const Pixel col = olc::WHITE, const olc::vf2d& scale = { 1.0f, 1.0f }); + void DrawStringPropDecal(const olc::vf2d& pos, const std::string& sText, const Pixel col = olc::WHITE, const olc::vf2d& scale = { 1.0f, 1.0f }); + // Draws a single shaded filled rectangle as a decal + void FillRectDecal(const olc::vf2d& pos, const olc::vf2d& size, const olc::Pixel col = olc::WHITE); + // Draws a corner shaded rectangle as a decal + void GradientFillRectDecal(const olc::vf2d& pos, const olc::vf2d& size, const olc::Pixel colTL, const olc::Pixel colBL, const olc::Pixel colBR, const olc::Pixel colTR); + // Draws an arbitrary convex textured polygon using GPU + void DrawPolygonDecal(olc::Decal* decal, const std::vector& pos, const std::vector& uv, const olc::Pixel tint = olc::WHITE); + void DrawPolygonDecal(olc::Decal* decal, const std::vector& pos, const std::vector& depth, const std::vector& uv, const olc::Pixel tint = olc::WHITE); + void DrawPolygonDecal(olc::Decal* decal, const std::vector& pos, const std::vector& uv, const std::vector& tint); + + // Draws a line in Decal Space + void DrawLineDecal(const olc::vf2d& pos1, const olc::vf2d& pos2, Pixel p = olc::WHITE); + void DrawRotatedStringDecal(const olc::vf2d& pos, const std::string& sText, const float fAngle, const olc::vf2d& center = { 0.0f, 0.0f }, const olc::Pixel col = olc::WHITE, const olc::vf2d& scale = { 1.0f, 1.0f }); + void DrawRotatedStringPropDecal(const olc::vf2d& pos, const std::string& sText, const float fAngle, const olc::vf2d& center = { 0.0f, 0.0f }, const olc::Pixel col = olc::WHITE, const olc::vf2d& scale = { 1.0f, 1.0f }); + // Clears entire draw target to Pixel + void Clear(Pixel p); + // Clears the rendering back buffer + void ClearBuffer(Pixel p, bool bDepth = true); + // Returns the font image + olc::Sprite* GetFontSprite(); + + // Clip a line segment to visible area + bool ClipLineToScreen(olc::vi2d& in_p1, olc::vi2d& in_p2); + + // Dont allow PGE to mark layers as dirty, so pixel graphics don't update + void EnablePixelTransfer(const bool bEnable = true); + + // Command Console Routines + void ConsoleShow(const olc::Key &keyExit, bool bSuspendTime = true); + bool IsConsoleShowing() const; + void ConsoleClear(); + std::stringstream& ConsoleOut(); + void ConsoleCaptureStdOut(const bool bCapture); + + // Text Entry Routines + void TextEntryEnable(const bool bEnable, const std::string& sText = ""); + std::string TextEntryGetString() const; + int32_t TextEntryGetCursor() const; + bool IsTextEntryEnabled() const; + void SetFPSDisplay(bool display); + + + + private: + void UpdateTextEntry(); + void UpdateConsole(); + + public: + + // Experimental Lightweight 3D Routines ================ +#ifdef OLC_ENABLE_EXPERIMENTAL + // Set Manual View Matrix + void LW3D_View(const std::array& m); + // Set Manual World Matrix + void LW3D_World(const std::array& m); + // Set Manual Projection Matrix + void LW3D_Projection(const std::array& m); + + // Draws a vector of vertices, interprted as individual triangles + void LW3D_DrawTriangles(olc::Decal* decal, const std::vector>& pos, const std::vector& tex, const std::vector& col); + + void LW3D_ModelTranslate(const float x, const float y, const float z); + + // Camera convenience functions + void LW3D_SetCameraAtTarget(const float fEyeX, const float fEyeY, const float fEyeZ, + const float fTargetX, const float fTargetY, const float fTargetZ, + const float fUpX = 0.0f, const float fUpY = 1.0f, const float fUpZ = 0.0f); + void LW3D_SetCameraAlongDirection(const float fEyeX, const float fEyeY, const float fEyeZ, + const float fDirX, const float fDirY, const float fDirZ, + const float fUpX = 0.0f, const float fUpY = 1.0f, const float fUpZ = 0.0f); + + // 3D Rendering Flags + void LW3D_EnableDepthTest(const bool bEnableDepth); + void LW3D_EnableBackfaceCulling(const bool bEnableCull); +#endif + public: // Branding + std::string sAppName; + + private: // Inner mysterious workings + olc::Sprite* pDrawTarget = nullptr; + Pixel::Mode nPixelMode = Pixel::NORMAL; + float fBlendFactor = 1.0f; + olc::vi2d vScreenSize = { 256, 240 }; + olc::vf2d vInvScreenSize = { 1.0f / 256.0f, 1.0f / 240.0f }; + olc::vi2d vPixelSize = { 4, 4 }; + olc::vi2d vScreenPixelSize = { 4, 4 }; + olc::vi2d vMousePos = { 0, 0 }; + int32_t nMouseWheelDelta = 0; + olc::vi2d vMousePosCache = { 0, 0 }; + olc::vi2d vMouseWindowPos = { 0, 0 }; + int32_t nMouseWheelDeltaCache = 0; + olc::vi2d vWindowSize = { 0, 0 }; + olc::vi2d vViewPos = { 0, 0 }; + olc::vi2d vViewSize = { 0,0 }; + bool bFullScreen = false; + olc::vf2d vPixel = { 1.0f, 1.0f }; + bool bHasInputFocus = false; + bool bHasMouseFocus = false; + bool bEnableVSYNC = false; + float fFrameTimer = 1.0f; + float fLastElapsed = 0.0f; + int nFrameCount = 0; + bool showFPS = true; + bool bSuspendTextureTransfer = false; + Renderable fontRenderable; + std::vector vLayers; + uint8_t nTargetLayer = 0; + uint32_t nLastFPS = 0; + bool bPixelCohesion = false; + DecalMode nDecalMode = DecalMode::NORMAL; + DecalStructure nDecalStructure = DecalStructure::FAN; + std::function funcPixelMode; + std::chrono::time_point m_tp1, m_tp2; + std::vector vFontSpacing; + + // Command Console Specific + bool bConsoleShow = false; + bool bConsoleSuspendTime = false; + olc::Key keyConsoleExit = olc::Key::F1; + std::stringstream ssConsoleOutput; + std::streambuf* sbufOldCout = nullptr; + olc::vi2d vConsoleSize; + olc::vi2d vConsoleCursor = { 0,0 }; + olc::vf2d vConsoleCharacterScale = { 1.0f, 2.0f }; + std::vector sConsoleLines; + std::list sCommandHistory; + std::list::iterator sCommandHistoryIt; + + // Text Entry Specific + bool bTextEntryEnable = false; + std::string sTextEntryString = ""; + int32_t nTextEntryCursor = 0; + std::vector> vKeyboardMap; + + + + // State of keyboard + bool pKeyNewState[256] = { 0 }; + bool pKeyOldState[256] = { 0 }; + HWButton pKeyboardState[256] = { 0 }; + + // State of mouse + bool pMouseNewState[nMouseButtons] = { 0 }; + bool pMouseOldState[nMouseButtons] = { 0 }; + HWButton pMouseState[nMouseButtons] = { 0 }; + + // The main engine thread + void EngineThread(); + + + // If anything sets this flag to false, the engine + // "should" shut down gracefully + static std::atomic bAtomActive; + + public: + // "Break In" Functions + void olc_UpdateMouse(int32_t x, int32_t y); + void olc_UpdateMouseWheel(int32_t delta); + void olc_UpdateWindowSize(int32_t x, int32_t y); + void olc_UpdateViewport(); + void olc_ConstructFontSheet(); + void olc_CoreUpdate(); + void olc_PrepareEngine(); + void olc_UpdateMouseState(int32_t button, bool state); + void olc_UpdateKeyState(int32_t key, bool state); + void olc_UpdateMouseFocus(bool state); + void olc_UpdateKeyFocus(bool state); + void olc_Terminate(); + void olc_Reanimate(); + bool olc_IsRunning(); + + // At the very end of this file, chooses which + // components to compile + virtual void olc_ConfigureSystem(); + + // NOTE: Items Here are to be deprecated, I have left them in for now + // in case you are using them, but they will be removed. + // olc::vf2d vSubPixelOffset = { 0.0f, 0.0f }; + + public: // PGEX Stuff + friend class PGEX; + void pgex_Register(olc::PGEX* pgex); + + private: + std::vector vExtensions; + }; + + + + // O------------------------------------------------------------------------------O + // | PGE EXTENSION BASE CLASS - Permits access to PGE functions from extension | + // O------------------------------------------------------------------------------O + class PGEX + { + friend class olc::PixelGameEngine; + public: + PGEX(bool bHook = false); + + protected: + virtual void OnBeforeUserCreate(); + virtual void OnAfterUserCreate(); + virtual bool OnBeforeUserUpdate(float &fElapsedTime); + virtual void OnAfterUserUpdate(float fElapsedTime); + + protected: + static PixelGameEngine* pge; + }; +} + +#pragma endregion + +#endif // OLC_PGE_DEF + + +// O------------------------------------------------------------------------------O +// | START OF OLC_PGE_APPLICATION | +// O------------------------------------------------------------------------------O +#ifdef OLC_PGE_APPLICATION +#undef OLC_PGE_APPLICATION + +// O------------------------------------------------------------------------------O +// | olcPixelGameEngine INTERFACE IMPLEMENTATION (CORE) | +// | Note: The core implementation is platform independent | +// O------------------------------------------------------------------------------O +#pragma region pge_implementation +namespace olc +{ + // O------------------------------------------------------------------------------O + // | olc::Pixel IMPLEMENTATION | + // O------------------------------------------------------------------------------O + Pixel::Pixel() + { r = 0; g = 0; b = 0; a = nDefaultAlpha; } + + Pixel::Pixel(uint8_t red, uint8_t green, uint8_t blue, uint8_t alpha) + { n = red | (green << 8) | (blue << 16) | (alpha << 24); } // Thanks jarekpelczar + + Pixel::Pixel(uint32_t p) + { n = p; } + + bool Pixel::operator==(const Pixel& p) const + { return n == p.n; } + + bool Pixel::operator!=(const Pixel& p) const + { return n != p.n; } + + Pixel Pixel::operator * (const float i) const + { + float fR = std::min(255.0f, std::max(0.0f, float(r) * i)); + float fG = std::min(255.0f, std::max(0.0f, float(g) * i)); + float fB = std::min(255.0f, std::max(0.0f, float(b) * i)); + return Pixel(uint8_t(fR), uint8_t(fG), uint8_t(fB), a); + } + + Pixel Pixel::operator / (const float i) const + { + float fR = std::min(255.0f, std::max(0.0f, float(r) / i)); + float fG = std::min(255.0f, std::max(0.0f, float(g) / i)); + float fB = std::min(255.0f, std::max(0.0f, float(b) / i)); + return Pixel(uint8_t(fR), uint8_t(fG), uint8_t(fB), a); + } + + Pixel& Pixel::operator *=(const float i) + { + this->r = uint8_t(std::min(255.0f, std::max(0.0f, float(r) * i))); + this->g = uint8_t(std::min(255.0f, std::max(0.0f, float(g) * i))); + this->b = uint8_t(std::min(255.0f, std::max(0.0f, float(b) * i))); + return *this; + } + + Pixel& Pixel::operator /=(const float i) + { + this->r = uint8_t(std::min(255.0f, std::max(0.0f, float(r) / i))); + this->g = uint8_t(std::min(255.0f, std::max(0.0f, float(g) / i))); + this->b = uint8_t(std::min(255.0f, std::max(0.0f, float(b) / i))); + return *this; + } + + Pixel Pixel::operator + (const Pixel& p) const + { + uint8_t nR = uint8_t(std::min(255, std::max(0, int(r) + int(p.r)))); + uint8_t nG = uint8_t(std::min(255, std::max(0, int(g) + int(p.g)))); + uint8_t nB = uint8_t(std::min(255, std::max(0, int(b) + int(p.b)))); + return Pixel(nR, nG, nB, a); + } + + Pixel Pixel::operator - (const Pixel& p) const + { + uint8_t nR = uint8_t(std::min(255, std::max(0, int(r) - int(p.r)))); + uint8_t nG = uint8_t(std::min(255, std::max(0, int(g) - int(p.g)))); + uint8_t nB = uint8_t(std::min(255, std::max(0, int(b) - int(p.b)))); + return Pixel(nR, nG, nB, a); + } + + Pixel& Pixel::operator += (const Pixel& p) + { + this->r = uint8_t(std::min(255, std::max(0, int(r) + int(p.r)))); + this->g = uint8_t(std::min(255, std::max(0, int(g) + int(p.g)))); + this->b = uint8_t(std::min(255, std::max(0, int(b) + int(p.b)))); + return *this; + } + + Pixel& Pixel::operator -= (const Pixel& p) // Thanks Au Lit + { + this->r = uint8_t(std::min(255, std::max(0, int(r) - int(p.r)))); + this->g = uint8_t(std::min(255, std::max(0, int(g) - int(p.g)))); + this->b = uint8_t(std::min(255, std::max(0, int(b) - int(p.b)))); + return *this; + } + + Pixel Pixel::inv() const + { + uint8_t nR = uint8_t(std::min(255, std::max(0, 255 - int(r)))); + uint8_t nG = uint8_t(std::min(255, std::max(0, 255 - int(g)))); + uint8_t nB = uint8_t(std::min(255, std::max(0, 255 - int(b)))); + return Pixel(nR, nG, nB, a); + } + + Pixel PixelF(float red, float green, float blue, float alpha) + { return Pixel(uint8_t(red * 255.0f), uint8_t(green * 255.0f), uint8_t(blue * 255.0f), uint8_t(alpha * 255.0f)); } + + Pixel PixelLerp(const olc::Pixel& p1, const olc::Pixel& p2, float t) + { return (p2 * t) + p1 * (1.0f - t); } + + // O------------------------------------------------------------------------------O + // | olc::Sprite IMPLEMENTATION | + // O------------------------------------------------------------------------------O + Sprite::Sprite() + { width = 0; height = 0; } + + Sprite::Sprite(const std::string& sImageFile, olc::ResourcePack* pack) + { LoadFromFile(sImageFile, pack); } + + Sprite::Sprite(int32_t w, int32_t h) + { + width = w; height = h; + pColData.resize(width * height); + pColData.resize(width * height, nDefaultPixel); + } + + Sprite::~Sprite() + { pColData.clear(); } + + void Sprite::SetSampleMode(olc::Sprite::Mode mode) + { modeSample = mode; } + + Pixel Sprite::GetPixel(const olc::vi2d& a) const + { return GetPixel(a.x, a.y); } + + bool Sprite::SetPixel(const olc::vi2d& a, Pixel p) + { return SetPixel(a.x, a.y, p); } + + Pixel Sprite::GetPixel(int32_t x, int32_t y) const + { + if (modeSample == olc::Sprite::Mode::NORMAL) + { + if (x >= 0 && x < width && y >= 0 && y < height) + return pColData[y * width + x]; + else + return Pixel(0, 0, 0, 0); + } + else + { + if (modeSample == olc::Sprite::Mode::PERIODIC) + return pColData[abs(y % height) * width + abs(x % width)]; + else + return pColData[std::max(0, std::min(y, height-1)) * width + std::max(0, std::min(x, width-1))]; + } + } + + bool Sprite::SetPixel(int32_t x, int32_t y, Pixel p) + { + if (x >= 0 && x < width && y >= 0 && y < height) + { + pColData[y * width + x] = p; + return true; + } + else + return false; + } + + Pixel Sprite::Sample(float x, float y) const + { + int32_t sx = std::min((int32_t)((x * (float)width)), width - 1); + int32_t sy = std::min((int32_t)((y * (float)height)), height - 1); + return GetPixel(sx, sy); + } + + Pixel Sprite::SampleBL(float u, float v) const + { + u = u * width - 0.5f; + v = v * height - 0.5f; + int x = (int)floor(u); // cast to int rounds toward zero, not downward + int y = (int)floor(v); // Thanks @joshinils + float u_ratio = u - x; + float v_ratio = v - y; + float u_opposite = 1 - u_ratio; + float v_opposite = 1 - v_ratio; + + olc::Pixel p1 = GetPixel(std::max(x, 0), std::max(y, 0)); + olc::Pixel p2 = GetPixel(std::min(x + 1, (int)width - 1), std::max(y, 0)); + olc::Pixel p3 = GetPixel(std::max(x, 0), std::min(y + 1, (int)height - 1)); + olc::Pixel p4 = GetPixel(std::min(x + 1, (int)width - 1), std::min(y + 1, (int)height - 1)); + + return olc::Pixel( + (uint8_t)((p1.r * u_opposite + p2.r * u_ratio) * v_opposite + (p3.r * u_opposite + p4.r * u_ratio) * v_ratio), + (uint8_t)((p1.g * u_opposite + p2.g * u_ratio) * v_opposite + (p3.g * u_opposite + p4.g * u_ratio) * v_ratio), + (uint8_t)((p1.b * u_opposite + p2.b * u_ratio) * v_opposite + (p3.b * u_opposite + p4.b * u_ratio) * v_ratio)); + } + + Pixel* Sprite::GetData() + { return; } + + + olc::rcode Sprite::LoadFromFile(const std::string& sImageFile, olc::ResourcePack* pack) + { + UNUSED(pack); + return loader->LoadImageResource(this, sImageFile, pack); + } + + olc::Sprite* Sprite::Duplicate() + { + olc::Sprite* spr = new olc::Sprite(width, height); + std::memcpy(spr->GetData(), GetData(), width * height * sizeof(olc::Pixel)); + spr->modeSample = modeSample; + return spr; + } + + olc::Sprite* Sprite::Duplicate(const olc::vi2d& vPos, const olc::vi2d& vSize) + { + olc::Sprite* spr = new olc::Sprite(vSize.x, vSize.y); + for (int y = 0; y < vSize.y; y++) + for (int x = 0; x < vSize.x; x++) + spr->SetPixel(x, y, GetPixel(vPos.x + x, vPos.y + y)); + return spr; + } + + // O------------------------------------------------------------------------------O + // | olc::Decal IMPLEMENTATION | + // O------------------------------------------------------------------------------O + Decal::Decal(olc::Sprite* spr, bool filter, bool clamp) + { + id = -1; + if (spr == nullptr) return; + sprite = spr; + id = renderer->CreateTexture(sprite->width, sprite->height, filter, clamp); + Update(); + } + + Decal::Decal(const uint32_t nExistingTextureResource, olc::Sprite* spr) + { + if (spr == nullptr) return; + id = nExistingTextureResource; + } + + void Decal::Update() + { + if (sprite == nullptr) return; + vUVScale = { 1.0f / float(sprite->width), 1.0f / float(sprite->height) }; + renderer->ApplyTexture(id); + renderer->UpdateTexture(id, sprite); + } + + void Decal::UpdateSprite() + { + if (sprite == nullptr) return; + renderer->ApplyTexture(id); + renderer->ReadTexture(id, sprite); + } + + Decal::~Decal() + { + if (id != -1) + { + renderer->DeleteTexture(id); + id = -1; + } + } + + void Renderable::Create(uint32_t width, uint32_t height, bool filter, bool clamp) + { + pSprite = std::make_unique(width, height); + pDecal = std::make_unique(pSprite.get(), filter, clamp); + } + + olc::rcode Renderable::Load(const std::string& sFile, ResourcePack* pack, bool filter, bool clamp) + { + pSprite = std::make_unique(); + if (pSprite->LoadFromFile(sFile, pack) == olc::rcode::OK) + { + pDecal = std::make_unique(pSprite.get(), filter, clamp); + return olc::rcode::OK; + } + else + { + pSprite.release(); + pSprite = nullptr; + return olc::rcode::NO_FILE; + } + } + + olc::Decal* Renderable::Decal() const + { return pDecal.get(); } + + olc::Sprite* Renderable::Sprite() const + { return pSprite.get(); } + + // O------------------------------------------------------------------------------O + // | olc::ResourcePack IMPLEMENTATION | + // O------------------------------------------------------------------------------O + + + //============================================================= + // Resource Packs - Allows you to store files in one large + // scrambled file - Thanks MaGetzUb for debugging a null char in std::stringstream bug + ResourceBuffer::ResourceBuffer(std::ifstream& ifs, uint32_t offset, uint32_t size) + { + vMemory.resize(size); + ifs.seekg(offset);, vMemory.size()); + setg(,, + size); + } + + ResourcePack::ResourcePack() { } + ResourcePack::~ResourcePack() { baseFile.close(); } + + bool ResourcePack::AddFile(const std::string& sFile) + { + const std::string file = makeposix(sFile); + + if (_gfs::exists(file)) + { + sResourceFile e; + e.nSize = (uint32_t)_gfs::file_size(file); + e.nOffset = 0; // Unknown at this stage + mapFiles[file] = e; + return true; + } + return false; + } + + bool ResourcePack::LoadPack(const std::string& sFile, const std::string& sKey) + { + // Open the resource file +, std::ifstream::binary); + if (!baseFile.is_open()) return false; + + // 1) Read Scrambled index + uint32_t nIndexSize = 0; +*)&nIndexSize, sizeof(uint32_t)); + + std::vector buffer(nIndexSize); + for (uint32_t j = 0; j < nIndexSize; j++) + buffer[j] = baseFile.get(); + + std::vector decoded = scramble(buffer, sKey); + size_t pos = 0; + auto read = [&decoded, &pos](char* dst, size_t size) { + memcpy((void*)dst, (const void*)( + pos), size); + pos += size; + }; + + auto get = [&read]() -> int { char c; read(&c, 1); return c; }; + + // 2) Read Map + uint32_t nMapEntries = 0; + read((char*)&nMapEntries, sizeof(uint32_t)); + for (uint32_t i = 0; i < nMapEntries; i++) + { + uint32_t nFilePathSize = 0; + read((char*)&nFilePathSize, sizeof(uint32_t)); + + std::string sFileName(nFilePathSize, ' '); + for (uint32_t j = 0; j < nFilePathSize; j++) + sFileName[j] = get(); + + sResourceFile e; + read((char*)&e.nSize, sizeof(uint32_t)); + read((char*)&e.nOffset, sizeof(uint32_t)); + mapFiles[sFileName] = e; + } + + // Don't close base file! we will provide a stream + // pointer when the file is requested + return true; + } + + bool ResourcePack::SavePack(const std::string& sFile, const std::string& sKey) + { + // Create/Overwrite the resource file + std::ofstream ofs(sFile, std::ofstream::binary); + if (!ofs.is_open()) return false; + + // Iterate through map + uint32_t nIndexSize = 0; // Unknown for now + ofs.write((char*)&nIndexSize, sizeof(uint32_t)); + uint32_t nMapSize = uint32_t(mapFiles.size()); + ofs.write((char*)&nMapSize, sizeof(uint32_t)); + for (auto& e : mapFiles) + { + // Write the path of the file + size_t nPathSize = e.first.size(); + ofs.write((char*)&nPathSize, sizeof(uint32_t)); + ofs.write(e.first.c_str(), nPathSize); + + // Write the file entry properties + ofs.write((char*)&e.second.nSize, sizeof(uint32_t)); + ofs.write((char*)&e.second.nOffset, sizeof(uint32_t)); + } + + // 2) Write the individual Data + std::streampos offset = ofs.tellp(); + nIndexSize = (uint32_t)offset; + for (auto& e : mapFiles) + { + // Store beginning of file offset within resource pack file + e.second.nOffset = (uint32_t)offset; + + // Load the file to be added + std::vector vBuffer(e.second.nSize); + std::ifstream i(e.first, std::ifstream::binary); +*), e.second.nSize); + i.close(); + + // Write the loaded file into resource pack file + ofs.write((char*), e.second.nSize); + offset += e.second.nSize; + } + + // 3) Scramble Index + std::vector stream; + auto write = [&stream](const char* data, size_t size) { + size_t sizeNow = stream.size(); + stream.resize(sizeNow + size); + memcpy( + sizeNow, data, size); + }; + + // Iterate through map + write((char*)&nMapSize, sizeof(uint32_t)); + for (auto& e : mapFiles) + { + // Write the path of the file + size_t nPathSize = e.first.size(); + write((char*)&nPathSize, sizeof(uint32_t)); + write(e.first.c_str(), nPathSize); + + // Write the file entry properties + write((char*)&e.second.nSize, sizeof(uint32_t)); + write((char*)&e.second.nOffset, sizeof(uint32_t)); + } + std::vector sIndexString = scramble(stream, sKey); + uint32_t nIndexStringLen = uint32_t(sIndexString.size()); + // 4) Rewrite Map (it has been updated with offsets now) + // at start of file + ofs.seekp(0, std::ios::beg); + ofs.write((char*)&nIndexStringLen, sizeof(uint32_t)); + ofs.write(, nIndexStringLen); + ofs.close(); + return true; + } + + ResourceBuffer ResourcePack::GetFileBuffer(const std::string& sFile) + { return ResourceBuffer(baseFile, mapFiles[sFile].nOffset, mapFiles[sFile].nSize); } + + bool ResourcePack::Loaded() + { return baseFile.is_open(); } + + std::vector ResourcePack::scramble(const std::vector& data, const std::string& key) + { + if (key.empty()) return data; + std::vector o; + size_t c = 0; + for (auto s : data) o.push_back(s ^ key[(c++) % key.size()]); + return o; + }; + + std::string ResourcePack::makeposix(const std::string& path) + { + std::string o; + for (auto s : path) o += std::string(1, s == '\\' ? '/' : s); + return o; + }; + + // O------------------------------------------------------------------------------O + // | olc::PixelGameEngine IMPLEMENTATION | + // O------------------------------------------------------------------------------O + PixelGameEngine::PixelGameEngine() + { + sAppName = "Undefined"; + olc::PGEX::pge = this; + + // Bring in relevant Platform & Rendering systems depending + // on compiler parameters + olc_ConfigureSystem(); + } + + PixelGameEngine::~PixelGameEngine() + {} + + + olc::rcode PixelGameEngine::Construct(int32_t screen_w, int32_t screen_h, int32_t pixel_w, int32_t pixel_h, bool full_screen, bool vsync, bool cohesion) + { + bPixelCohesion = cohesion; + vScreenSize = { screen_w, screen_h }; + vInvScreenSize = { 1.0f / float(screen_w), 1.0f / float(screen_h) }; + vPixelSize = { pixel_w, pixel_h }; + vWindowSize = vScreenSize * vPixelSize; + bFullScreen = full_screen; + bEnableVSYNC = vsync; + vPixel = 2.0f / vScreenSize; + + if (vPixelSize.x <= 0 || vPixelSize.y <= 0 || vScreenSize.x <= 0 || vScreenSize.y <= 0) + return olc::FAIL; + return olc::OK; + } + + + void PixelGameEngine::SetScreenSize(int w, int h) + { + vScreenSize = { w, h }; + vInvScreenSize = { 1.0f / float(w), 1.0f / float(h) }; + for (auto& layer : vLayers) + { + layer.pDrawTarget.Create(vScreenSize.x, vScreenSize.y); + layer.bUpdate = true; + } + SetDrawTarget(nullptr); + renderer->ClearBuffer(olc::BLACK, true); + renderer->DisplayFrame(); + renderer->ClearBuffer(olc::BLACK, true); + renderer->UpdateViewport(vViewPos, vViewSize); + } + +#if !defined(PGE_USE_CUSTOM_START) + olc::rcode PixelGameEngine::Start() + { + if (platform->ApplicationStartUp() != olc::OK) return olc::FAIL; + + // Construct the window + if (platform->CreateWindowPane({ 30,30 }, vWindowSize, bFullScreen) != olc::OK) return olc::FAIL; + olc_UpdateWindowSize(vWindowSize.x, vWindowSize.y); + + // Start the thread + bAtomActive = true; + std::thread t = std::thread(&PixelGameEngine::EngineThread, this); + + // Some implementations may form an event loop here + platform->StartSystemEventLoop(); + + // Wait for thread to be exited + t.join(); + + if (platform->ApplicationCleanUp() != olc::OK) return olc::FAIL; + + return olc::OK; + } +#endif + + void PixelGameEngine::SetDrawTarget(Sprite* target) + { + if (target) + { + pDrawTarget = target; + } + else + { + nTargetLayer = 0; + pDrawTarget = vLayers[0].pDrawTarget.Sprite(); + } + } + + void PixelGameEngine::SetDrawTarget(uint8_t layer, bool bDirty) + { + if (layer < vLayers.size()) + { + pDrawTarget = vLayers[layer].pDrawTarget.Sprite(); + vLayers[layer].bUpdate = bDirty; + nTargetLayer = layer; + } + } + + void PixelGameEngine::EnableLayer(uint8_t layer, bool b) + { if (layer < vLayers.size()) vLayers[layer].bShow = b; } + + void PixelGameEngine::SetLayerOffset(uint8_t layer, const olc::vf2d& offset) + { SetLayerOffset(layer, offset.x, offset.y); } + + void PixelGameEngine::SetLayerOffset(uint8_t layer, float x, float y) + { if (layer < vLayers.size()) vLayers[layer].vOffset = { x, y }; } + + void PixelGameEngine::SetLayerScale(uint8_t layer, const olc::vf2d& scale) + { SetLayerScale(layer, scale.x, scale.y); } + + void PixelGameEngine::SetLayerScale(uint8_t layer, float x, float y) + { if (layer < vLayers.size()) vLayers[layer].vScale = { x, y }; } + + void PixelGameEngine::SetLayerTint(uint8_t layer, const olc::Pixel& tint) + { if (layer < vLayers.size()) vLayers[layer].tint = tint; } + + void PixelGameEngine::SetLayerCustomRenderFunction(uint8_t layer, std::function f) + { if (layer < vLayers.size()) vLayers[layer].funcHook = f; } + + std::vector& PixelGameEngine::GetLayers() + { return vLayers; } + + uint32_t PixelGameEngine::CreateLayer() + { + LayerDesc ld; + ld.pDrawTarget.Create(vScreenSize.x, vScreenSize.y); + vLayers.push_back(std::move(ld)); + return uint32_t(vLayers.size()) - 1; + } + + Sprite* PixelGameEngine::GetDrawTarget() const + { return pDrawTarget; } + + int32_t PixelGameEngine::GetDrawTargetWidth() const + { + if (pDrawTarget) + return pDrawTarget->width; + else + return 0; + } + + int32_t PixelGameEngine::GetDrawTargetHeight() const + { + if (pDrawTarget) + return pDrawTarget->height; + else + return 0; + } + + uint32_t PixelGameEngine::GetFPS() const + { return nLastFPS; } + + bool PixelGameEngine::IsFocused() const + { return bHasInputFocus; } + + HWButton PixelGameEngine::GetKey(Key k) const + { return pKeyboardState[k]; } + + HWButton PixelGameEngine::GetMouse(uint32_t b) const + { return pMouseState[b]; } + + int32_t PixelGameEngine::GetMouseX() const + { return vMousePos.x; } + + int32_t PixelGameEngine::GetMouseY() const + { return vMousePos.y; } + + const olc::vi2d& PixelGameEngine::GetMousePos() const + { return vMousePos; } + + int32_t PixelGameEngine::GetMouseWheel() const + { return nMouseWheelDelta; } + + int32_t PixelGameEngine::ScreenWidth() const + { return vScreenSize.x; } + + int32_t PixelGameEngine::ScreenHeight() const + { return vScreenSize.y; } + + float PixelGameEngine::GetElapsedTime() const + { return fLastElapsed; } + + const olc::vi2d& PixelGameEngine::GetWindowSize() const + { return vWindowSize; } + + const olc::vi2d& PixelGameEngine::GetPixelSize() const + { return vPixelSize; } + + const olc::vi2d& PixelGameEngine::GetScreenPixelSize() const + { return vScreenPixelSize; } + + const olc::vi2d& PixelGameEngine::GetWindowMouse() const + { return vMouseWindowPos; } + + bool PixelGameEngine::Draw(const olc::vi2d& pos, Pixel p) + { return Draw(pos.x, pos.y, p); } + + // This is it, the critical function that plots a pixel + bool PixelGameEngine::Draw(int32_t x, int32_t y, Pixel p) + { + if (!pDrawTarget) return false; + + if (nPixelMode == Pixel::NORMAL) + { + return pDrawTarget->SetPixel(x, y, p); + } + + if (nPixelMode == Pixel::MASK) + { + if (p.a == 255) + return pDrawTarget->SetPixel(x, y, p); + } + + if (nPixelMode == Pixel::ALPHA) + { + Pixel d = pDrawTarget->GetPixel(x, y); + float a = (float)(p.a / 255.0f) * fBlendFactor; + float c = 1.0f - a; + float r = a * (float)p.r + c * (float)d.r; + float g = a * (float)p.g + c * (float)d.g; + float b = a * (float)p.b + c * (float)d.b; + return pDrawTarget->SetPixel(x, y, Pixel((uint8_t)r, (uint8_t)g, (uint8_t)b/*, (uint8_t)(p.a * fBlendFactor)*/)); + } + + if (nPixelMode == Pixel::CUSTOM) + { + return pDrawTarget->SetPixel(x, y, funcPixelMode(x, y, p, pDrawTarget->GetPixel(x, y))); + } + + return false; + } + + + void PixelGameEngine::DrawLine(const olc::vi2d& pos1, const olc::vi2d& pos2, Pixel p, uint32_t pattern) + { DrawLine(pos1.x, pos1.y, pos2.x, pos2.y, p, pattern); } + + void PixelGameEngine::DrawLine(int32_t x1, int32_t y1, int32_t x2, int32_t y2, Pixel p, uint32_t pattern) + { + int x, y, dx, dy, dx1, dy1, px, py, xe, ye, i; + dx = x2 - x1; dy = y2 - y1; + + auto rol = [&](void) { pattern = (pattern << 1) | (pattern >> 31); return pattern & 1; }; + + olc::vi2d p1(x1, y1), p2(x2, y2); + //if (!ClipLineToScreen(p1, p2)) + // return; + x1 = p1.x; y1 = p1.y; + x2 = p2.x; y2 = p2.y; + + // straight lines idea by gurkanctn + if (dx == 0) // Line is vertical + { + if (y2 < y1) std::swap(y1, y2); + for (y = y1; y <= y2; y++) if (rol()) Draw(x1, y, p); + return; + } + + if (dy == 0) // Line is horizontal + { + if (x2 < x1) std::swap(x1, x2); + for (x = x1; x <= x2; x++) if (rol()) Draw(x, y1, p); + return; + } + + // Line is Funk-aye + dx1 = abs(dx); dy1 = abs(dy); + px = 2 * dy1 - dx1; py = 2 * dx1 - dy1; + if (dy1 <= dx1) + { + if (dx >= 0) + { + x = x1; y = y1; xe = x2; + } + else + { + x = x2; y = y2; xe = x1; + } + + if (rol()) Draw(x, y, p); + + for (i = 0; x < xe; i++) + { + x = x + 1; + if (px < 0) + px = px + 2 * dy1; + else + { + if ((dx < 0 && dy < 0) || (dx > 0 && dy > 0)) y = y + 1; else y = y - 1; + px = px + 2 * (dy1 - dx1); + } + if (rol()) Draw(x, y, p); + } + } + else + { + if (dy >= 0) + { + x = x1; y = y1; ye = y2; + } + else + { + x = x2; y = y2; ye = y1; + } + + if (rol()) Draw(x, y, p); + + for (i = 0; y < ye; i++) + { + y = y + 1; + if (py <= 0) + py = py + 2 * dx1; + else + { + if ((dx < 0 && dy < 0) || (dx > 0 && dy > 0)) x = x + 1; else x = x - 1; + py = py + 2 * (dx1 - dy1); + } + if (rol()) Draw(x, y, p); + } + } + } + + void PixelGameEngine::DrawCircle(const olc::vi2d& pos, int32_t radius, Pixel p, uint8_t mask) + { DrawCircle(pos.x, pos.y, radius, p, mask); } + + void PixelGameEngine::DrawCircle(int32_t x, int32_t y, int32_t radius, Pixel p, uint8_t mask) + { // Thanks to IanM-Matrix1 #PR121 + if (radius < 0 || x < -radius || y < -radius || x - GetDrawTargetWidth() > radius || y - GetDrawTargetHeight() > radius) + return; + + if (radius > 0) + { + int x0 = 0; + int y0 = radius; + int d = 3 - 2 * radius; + + while (y0 >= x0) // only formulate 1/8 of circle + { + // Draw even octants + if (mask & 0x01) Draw(x + x0, y - y0, p);// Q6 - upper right right + if (mask & 0x04) Draw(x + y0, y + x0, p);// Q4 - lower lower right + if (mask & 0x10) Draw(x - x0, y + y0, p);// Q2 - lower left left + if (mask & 0x40) Draw(x - y0, y - x0, p);// Q0 - upper upper left + if (x0 != 0 && x0 != y0) + { + if (mask & 0x02) Draw(x + y0, y - x0, p);// Q7 - upper upper right + if (mask & 0x08) Draw(x + x0, y + y0, p);// Q5 - lower right right + if (mask & 0x20) Draw(x - y0, y + x0, p);// Q3 - lower lower left + if (mask & 0x80) Draw(x - x0, y - y0, p);// Q1 - upper left left + } + + if (d < 0) + d += 4 * x0++ + 6; + else + d += 4 * (x0++ - y0--) + 10; + } + } + else + Draw(x, y, p); + } + + void PixelGameEngine::FillCircle(const olc::vi2d& pos, int32_t radius, Pixel p) + { FillCircle(pos.x, pos.y, radius, p); } + + void PixelGameEngine::FillCircle(int32_t x, int32_t y, int32_t radius, Pixel p) + { // Thanks to IanM-Matrix1 #PR121 + if (radius < 0 || x < -radius || y < -radius || x - GetDrawTargetWidth() > radius || y - GetDrawTargetHeight() > radius) + return; + + if (radius > 0) + { + int x0 = 0; + int y0 = radius; + int d = 3 - 2 * radius; + + auto drawline = [&](int sx, int ex, int y) + { + for (int x = sx; x <= ex; x++) + Draw(x, y, p); + }; + + while (y0 >= x0) + { + drawline(x - y0, x + y0, y - x0); + if (x0 > 0) drawline(x - y0, x + y0, y + x0); + + if (d < 0) + d += 4 * x0++ + 6; + else + { + if (x0 != y0) + { + drawline(x - x0, x + x0, y - y0); + drawline(x - x0, x + x0, y + y0); + } + d += 4 * (x0++ - y0--) + 10; + } + } + } + else + Draw(x, y, p); + } + + void PixelGameEngine::DrawRect(const olc::vi2d& pos, const olc::vi2d& size, Pixel p) + { DrawRect(pos.x, pos.y, size.x, size.y, p); } + + void PixelGameEngine::DrawRect(int32_t x, int32_t y, int32_t w, int32_t h, Pixel p) + { + DrawLine(x, y, x + w, y, p); + DrawLine(x + w, y, x + w, y + h, p); + DrawLine(x + w, y + h, x, y + h, p); + DrawLine(x, y + h, x, y, p); + } + + void PixelGameEngine::Clear(Pixel p) + { + int pixels = GetDrawTargetWidth() * GetDrawTargetHeight(); + Pixel* m = GetDrawTarget()->GetData(); + for (int i = 0; i < pixels; i++) m[i] = p; + } + + void PixelGameEngine::ClearBuffer(Pixel p, bool bDepth) + { renderer->ClearBuffer(p, bDepth); } + + olc::Sprite* PixelGameEngine::GetFontSprite() + { return fontRenderable.Sprite(); } + + bool PixelGameEngine::ClipLineToScreen(olc::vi2d& in_p1, olc::vi2d& in_p2) + { + // + static constexpr int SEG_I = 0b0000, SEG_L = 0b0001, SEG_R = 0b0010, SEG_B = 0b0100, SEG_T = 0b1000; + auto Segment = [&vScreenSize = vScreenSize](const olc::vi2d& v) + { + int i = SEG_I; + if (v.x < 0) i |= SEG_L; else if (v.x > vScreenSize.x) i |= SEG_R; + if (v.y < 0) i |= SEG_B; else if (v.y > vScreenSize.y) i |= SEG_T; + return i; + }; + + int s1 = Segment(in_p1), s2 = Segment(in_p2); + + while (true) + { + if (!(s1 | s2)) return true; + else if (s1 & s2) return false; + else + { + int s3 = s2 > s1 ? s2 : s1; + olc::vi2d n; + if (s3 & SEG_T) { n.x = in_p1.x + (in_p2.x - in_p1.x) * (vScreenSize.y - in_p1.y) / (in_p2.y - in_p1.y); n.y = vScreenSize.y; } + else if (s3 & SEG_B) { n.x = in_p1.x + (in_p2.x - in_p1.x) * (0 - in_p1.y) / (in_p2.y - in_p1.y); n.y = 0; } + else if (s3 & SEG_R) { n.x = vScreenSize.x; n.y = in_p1.y + (in_p2.y - in_p1.y) * (vScreenSize.x - in_p1.x) / (in_p2.x - in_p1.x); } + else if (s3 & SEG_L) { n.x = 0; n.y = in_p1.y + (in_p2.y - in_p1.y) * (0 - in_p1.x) / (in_p2.x - in_p1.x); } + if (s3 == s1) { in_p1 = n; s1 = Segment(in_p1); } + else { in_p2 = n; s2 = Segment(in_p2); } + } + } + return true; + } + + void PixelGameEngine::EnablePixelTransfer(const bool bEnable) + { + bSuspendTextureTransfer = !bEnable; + } + + + void PixelGameEngine::FillRect(const olc::vi2d& pos, const olc::vi2d& size, Pixel p) + { FillRect(pos.x, pos.y, size.x, size.y, p); } + + void PixelGameEngine::FillRect(int32_t x, int32_t y, int32_t w, int32_t h, Pixel p) + { + int32_t x2 = x + w; + int32_t y2 = y + h; + + if (x < 0) x = 0; + if (x >= (int32_t)GetDrawTargetWidth()) x = (int32_t)GetDrawTargetWidth(); + if (y < 0) y = 0; + if (y >= (int32_t)GetDrawTargetHeight()) y = (int32_t)GetDrawTargetHeight(); + + if (x2 < 0) x2 = 0; + if (x2 >= (int32_t)GetDrawTargetWidth()) x2 = (int32_t)GetDrawTargetWidth(); + if (y2 < 0) y2 = 0; + if (y2 >= (int32_t)GetDrawTargetHeight()) y2 = (int32_t)GetDrawTargetHeight(); + + for (int i = x; i < x2; i++) + for (int j = y; j < y2; j++) + Draw(i, j, p); + } + + void PixelGameEngine::DrawTriangle(const olc::vi2d& pos1, const olc::vi2d& pos2, const olc::vi2d& pos3, Pixel p) + { DrawTriangle(pos1.x, pos1.y, pos2.x, pos2.y, pos3.x, pos3.y, p); } + + void PixelGameEngine::DrawTriangle(int32_t x1, int32_t y1, int32_t x2, int32_t y2, int32_t x3, int32_t y3, Pixel p) + { + DrawLine(x1, y1, x2, y2, p); + DrawLine(x2, y2, x3, y3, p); + DrawLine(x3, y3, x1, y1, p); + } + + void PixelGameEngine::FillTriangle(const olc::vi2d& pos1, const olc::vi2d& pos2, const olc::vi2d& pos3, Pixel p) + { FillTriangle(pos1.x, pos1.y, pos2.x, pos2.y, pos3.x, pos3.y, p); } + + // + void PixelGameEngine::FillTriangle(int32_t x1, int32_t y1, int32_t x2, int32_t y2, int32_t x3, int32_t y3, Pixel p) + { + auto drawline = [&](int sx, int ex, int ny) { for (int i = sx; i <= ex; i++) Draw(i, ny, p); }; + + int t1x, t2x, y, minx, maxx, t1xp, t2xp; + bool changed1 = false; + bool changed2 = false; + int signx1, signx2, dx1, dy1, dx2, dy2; + int e1, e2; + // Sort vertices + if (y1 > y2) { std::swap(y1, y2); std::swap(x1, x2); } + if (y1 > y3) { std::swap(y1, y3); std::swap(x1, x3); } + if (y2 > y3) { std::swap(y2, y3); std::swap(x2, x3); } + + t1x = t2x = x1; y = y1; // Starting points + dx1 = (int)(x2 - x1); + if (dx1 < 0) { dx1 = -dx1; signx1 = -1; } + else signx1 = 1; + dy1 = (int)(y2 - y1); + + dx2 = (int)(x3 - x1); + if (dx2 < 0) { dx2 = -dx2; signx2 = -1; } + else signx2 = 1; + dy2 = (int)(y3 - y1); + + if (dy1 > dx1) { std::swap(dx1, dy1); changed1 = true; } + if (dy2 > dx2) { std::swap(dy2, dx2); changed2 = true; } + + e2 = (int)(dx2 >> 1); + // Flat top, just process the second half + if (y1 == y2) goto next; + e1 = (int)(dx1 >> 1); + + for (int i = 0; i < dx1;) { + t1xp = 0; t2xp = 0; + if (t1x < t2x) { minx = t1x; maxx = t2x; } + else { minx = t2x; maxx = t1x; } + // process first line until y value is about to change + while (i < dx1) { + i++; + e1 += dy1; + while (e1 >= dx1) { + e1 -= dx1; + if (changed1) t1xp = signx1;//t1x += signx1; + else goto next1; + } + if (changed1) break; + else t1x += signx1; + } + // Move line + next1: + // process second line until y value is about to change + while (1) { + e2 += dy2; + while (e2 >= dx2) { + e2 -= dx2; + if (changed2) t2xp = signx2;//t2x += signx2; + else goto next2; + } + if (changed2) break; + else t2x += signx2; + } + next2: + if (minx > t1x) minx = t1x; + if (minx > t2x) minx = t2x; + if (maxx < t1x) maxx = t1x; + if (maxx < t2x) maxx = t2x; + drawline(minx, maxx, y); // Draw line from min to max points found on the y + // Now increase y + if (!changed1) t1x += signx1; + t1x += t1xp; + if (!changed2) t2x += signx2; + t2x += t2xp; + y += 1; + if (y == y2) break; + } + next: + // Second half + dx1 = (int)(x3 - x2); if (dx1 < 0) { dx1 = -dx1; signx1 = -1; } + else signx1 = 1; + dy1 = (int)(y3 - y2); + t1x = x2; + + if (dy1 > dx1) { // swap values + std::swap(dy1, dx1); + changed1 = true; + } + else changed1 = false; + + e1 = (int)(dx1 >> 1); + + for (int i = 0; i <= dx1; i++) { + t1xp = 0; t2xp = 0; + if (t1x < t2x) { minx = t1x; maxx = t2x; } + else { minx = t2x; maxx = t1x; } + // process first line until y value is about to change + while (i < dx1) { + e1 += dy1; + while (e1 >= dx1) { + e1 -= dx1; + if (changed1) { t1xp = signx1; break; }//t1x += signx1; + else goto next3; + } + if (changed1) break; + else t1x += signx1; + if (i < dx1) i++; + } + next3: + // process second line until y value is about to change + while (t2x != x3) { + e2 += dy2; + while (e2 >= dx2) { + e2 -= dx2; + if (changed2) t2xp = signx2; + else goto next4; + } + if (changed2) break; + else t2x += signx2; + } + next4: + + if (minx > t1x) minx = t1x; + if (minx > t2x) minx = t2x; + if (maxx < t1x) maxx = t1x; + if (maxx < t2x) maxx = t2x; + drawline(minx, maxx, y); + if (!changed1) t1x += signx1; + t1x += t1xp; + if (!changed2) t2x += signx2; + t2x += t2xp; + y += 1; + if (y > y3) return; + } + } + + void PixelGameEngine::DrawSprite(const olc::vi2d& pos, Sprite* sprite, uint32_t scale, uint8_t flip) + { DrawSprite(pos.x, pos.y, sprite, scale, flip); } + + void PixelGameEngine::DrawSprite(int32_t x, int32_t y, Sprite* sprite, uint32_t scale, uint8_t flip) + { + if (sprite == nullptr) + return; + + int32_t fxs = 0, fxm = 1, fx = 0; + int32_t fys = 0, fym = 1, fy = 0; + if (flip & olc::Sprite::Flip::HORIZ) { fxs = sprite->width - 1; fxm = -1; } + if (flip & olc::Sprite::Flip::VERT) { fys = sprite->height - 1; fym = -1; } + + if (scale > 1) + { + fx = fxs; + for (int32_t i = 0; i < sprite->width; i++, fx += fxm) + { + fy = fys; + for (int32_t j = 0; j < sprite->height; j++, fy += fym) + for (uint32_t is = 0; is < scale; is++) + for (uint32_t js = 0; js < scale; js++) + Draw(x + (i * scale) + is, y + (j * scale) + js, sprite->GetPixel(fx, fy)); + } + } + else + { + fx = fxs; + for (int32_t i = 0; i < sprite->width; i++, fx += fxm) + { + fy = fys; + for (int32_t j = 0; j < sprite->height; j++, fy += fym) + Draw(x + i, y + j, sprite->GetPixel(fx, fy)); + } + } + } + + void PixelGameEngine::DrawPartialSprite(const olc::vi2d& pos, Sprite* sprite, const olc::vi2d& sourcepos, const olc::vi2d& size, uint32_t scale, uint8_t flip) + { DrawPartialSprite(pos.x, pos.y, sprite, sourcepos.x, sourcepos.y, size.x, size.y, scale, flip); } + + void PixelGameEngine::DrawPartialSprite(int32_t x, int32_t y, Sprite* sprite, int32_t ox, int32_t oy, int32_t w, int32_t h, uint32_t scale, uint8_t flip) + { + if (sprite == nullptr) + return; + + int32_t fxs = 0, fxm = 1, fx = 0; + int32_t fys = 0, fym = 1, fy = 0; + if (flip & olc::Sprite::Flip::HORIZ) { fxs = w - 1; fxm = -1; } + if (flip & olc::Sprite::Flip::VERT) { fys = h - 1; fym = -1; } + + if (scale > 1) + { + fx = fxs; + for (int32_t i = 0; i < w; i++, fx += fxm) + { + fy = fys; + for (int32_t j = 0; j < h; j++, fy += fym) + for (uint32_t is = 0; is < scale; is++) + for (uint32_t js = 0; js < scale; js++) + Draw(x + (i * scale) + is, y + (j * scale) + js, sprite->GetPixel(fx + ox, fy + oy)); + } + } + else + { + fx = fxs; + for (int32_t i = 0; i < w; i++, fx += fxm) + { + fy = fys; + for (int32_t j = 0; j < h; j++, fy += fym) + Draw(x + i, y + j, sprite->GetPixel(fx + ox, fy + oy)); + } + } + } + + void PixelGameEngine::SetDecalMode(const olc::DecalMode& mode) + { nDecalMode = mode; } + + void PixelGameEngine::SetDecalStructure(const olc::DecalStructure& structure) + { nDecalStructure = structure; } + + void PixelGameEngine::DrawPartialDecal(const olc::vf2d& pos, olc::Decal* decal, const olc::vf2d& source_pos, const olc::vf2d& source_size, const olc::vf2d& scale, const olc::Pixel& tint) + { + olc::vf2d vScreenSpacePos = + { + (pos.x * vInvScreenSize.x) * 2.0f - 1.0f, + -((pos.y * vInvScreenSize.y) * 2.0f - 1.0f) + }; + + + olc::vf2d vScreenSpaceDim = + { + ((pos.x + source_size.x * scale.x) * vInvScreenSize.x) * 2.0f - 1.0f, + -(((pos.y + source_size.y * scale.y) * vInvScreenSize.y) * 2.0f - 1.0f) + }; + + olc::vf2d vWindow = olc::vf2d(vViewSize); + olc::vf2d vQuantisedPos = ((vScreenSpacePos * vWindow) + olc::vf2d(0.5f, 0.5f)).floor() / vWindow; + olc::vf2d vQuantisedDim = ((vScreenSpaceDim * vWindow) + olc::vf2d(0.5f, -0.5f)).ceil() / vWindow; + + DecalInstance di; + di.points = 4; + di.decal = decal; + di.tint = { tint, tint, tint, tint }; + di.pos = { { vQuantisedPos.x, vQuantisedPos.y }, { vQuantisedPos.x, vQuantisedDim.y }, { vQuantisedDim.x, vQuantisedDim.y }, { vQuantisedDim.x, vQuantisedPos.y } }; + olc::vf2d uvtl = (source_pos + olc::vf2d(0.0001f, 0.0001f)) * decal->vUVScale; + olc::vf2d uvbr = (source_pos + source_size - olc::vf2d(0.0001f, 0.0001f)) * decal->vUVScale; + di.uv = { { uvtl.x, uvtl.y }, { uvtl.x, uvbr.y }, { uvbr.x, uvbr.y }, { uvbr.x, uvtl.y } }; + di.w = { 1,1,1,1 }; + di.mode = nDecalMode; + di.structure = nDecalStructure; + vLayers[nTargetLayer].vecDecalInstance.push_back(di); + } + + void PixelGameEngine::DrawPartialDecal(const olc::vf2d& pos, const olc::vf2d& size, olc::Decal* decal, const olc::vf2d& source_pos, const olc::vf2d& source_size, const olc::Pixel& tint) + { + olc::vf2d vScreenSpacePos = + { + (pos.x * vInvScreenSize.x) * 2.0f - 1.0f, + ((pos.y * vInvScreenSize.y) * 2.0f - 1.0f) * -1.0f + }; + + olc::vf2d vScreenSpaceDim = + { + vScreenSpacePos.x + (2.0f * size.x * vInvScreenSize.x), + vScreenSpacePos.y - (2.0f * size.y * vInvScreenSize.y) + }; + + DecalInstance di; + di.points = 4; + di.decal = decal; + di.tint = { tint, tint, tint, tint }; + di.pos = { { vScreenSpacePos.x, vScreenSpacePos.y }, { vScreenSpacePos.x, vScreenSpaceDim.y }, { vScreenSpaceDim.x, vScreenSpaceDim.y }, { vScreenSpaceDim.x, vScreenSpacePos.y } }; + olc::vf2d uvtl = (source_pos) * decal->vUVScale; + olc::vf2d uvbr = uvtl + ((source_size) * decal->vUVScale); + di.uv = { { uvtl.x, uvtl.y }, { uvtl.x, uvbr.y }, { uvbr.x, uvbr.y }, { uvbr.x, uvtl.y } }; + di.w = { 1,1,1,1 }; + di.mode = nDecalMode; + di.structure = nDecalStructure; + vLayers[nTargetLayer].vecDecalInstance.push_back(di); + } + + + void PixelGameEngine::DrawDecal(const olc::vf2d& pos, olc::Decal* decal, const olc::vf2d& scale, const olc::Pixel& tint) + { + olc::vf2d vScreenSpacePos = + { + (pos.x * vInvScreenSize.x) * 2.0f - 1.0f, + ((pos.y * vInvScreenSize.y) * 2.0f - 1.0f) * -1.0f + }; + + olc::vf2d vScreenSpaceDim = + { + vScreenSpacePos.x + (2.0f * (float(decal->sprite->width) * vInvScreenSize.x)) * scale.x, + vScreenSpacePos.y - (2.0f * (float(decal->sprite->height) * vInvScreenSize.y)) * scale.y + }; + + DecalInstance di; + di.decal = decal; + di.points = 4; + di.tint = { tint, tint, tint, tint }; + di.pos = { { vScreenSpacePos.x, vScreenSpacePos.y }, { vScreenSpacePos.x, vScreenSpaceDim.y }, { vScreenSpaceDim.x, vScreenSpaceDim.y }, { vScreenSpaceDim.x, vScreenSpacePos.y } }; + di.uv = { { 0.0f, 0.0f}, {0.0f, 1.0f}, {1.0f, 1.0f}, {1.0f, 0.0f} }; + di.w = { 1, 1, 1, 1 }; + di.mode = nDecalMode; + di.structure = nDecalStructure; + vLayers[nTargetLayer].vecDecalInstance.push_back(di); + } + + void PixelGameEngine::DrawExplicitDecal(olc::Decal* decal, const olc::vf2d* pos, const olc::vf2d* uv, const olc::Pixel* col, uint32_t elements) + { + DecalInstance di; + di.decal = decal; + di.pos.resize(elements); + di.uv.resize(elements); + di.w.resize(elements); + di.tint.resize(elements); + di.points = elements; + for (uint32_t i = 0; i < elements; i++) + { + di.pos[i] = { (pos[i].x * vInvScreenSize.x) * 2.0f - 1.0f, ((pos[i].y * vInvScreenSize.y) * 2.0f - 1.0f) * -1.0f }; + di.uv[i] = uv[i]; + di.tint[i] = col[i]; + di.w[i] = 1.0f; + } + di.mode = nDecalMode; + di.structure = nDecalStructure; + vLayers[nTargetLayer].vecDecalInstance.push_back(di); + } + + void PixelGameEngine::DrawPolygonDecal(olc::Decal* decal, const std::vector& pos, const std::vector& uv, const olc::Pixel tint) + { + DecalInstance di; + di.decal = decal; + di.points = uint32_t(pos.size()); + di.pos.resize(di.points); + di.uv.resize(di.points); + di.w.resize(di.points); + di.tint.resize(di.points); + for (uint32_t i = 0; i < di.points; i++) + { + di.pos[i] = { (pos[i].x * vInvScreenSize.x) * 2.0f - 1.0f, ((pos[i].y * vInvScreenSize.y) * 2.0f - 1.0f) * -1.0f }; + di.uv[i] = uv[i]; + di.tint[i] = tint; + di.w[i] = 1.0f; + } + di.mode = nDecalMode; + di.structure = nDecalStructure; + vLayers[nTargetLayer].vecDecalInstance.push_back(di); + } + + void PixelGameEngine::DrawPolygonDecal(olc::Decal* decal, const std::vector& pos, const std::vector& uv, const std::vector &tint) + { + DecalInstance di; + di.decal = decal; + di.points = uint32_t(pos.size()); + di.pos.resize(di.points); + di.uv.resize(di.points); + di.w.resize(di.points); + di.tint.resize(di.points); + for (uint32_t i = 0; i < di.points; i++) + { + di.pos[i] = { (pos[i].x * vInvScreenSize.x) * 2.0f - 1.0f, ((pos[i].y * vInvScreenSize.y) * 2.0f - 1.0f) * -1.0f }; + di.uv[i] = uv[i]; + di.tint[i] = tint[i]; + di.w[i] = 1.0f; + } + di.mode = nDecalMode; + di.structure = nDecalStructure; + vLayers[nTargetLayer].vecDecalInstance.push_back(di); + } + + void PixelGameEngine::DrawPolygonDecal(olc::Decal* decal, const std::vector& pos, const std::vector& depth, const std::vector& uv, const olc::Pixel tint) + { + DecalInstance di; + di.decal = decal; + di.points = uint32_t(pos.size()); + di.pos.resize(di.points); + di.uv.resize(di.points); + di.w.resize(di.points); + di.tint.resize(di.points); + for (uint32_t i = 0; i < di.points; i++) + { + di.pos[i] = { (pos[i].x * vInvScreenSize.x) * 2.0f - 1.0f, ((pos[i].y * vInvScreenSize.y) * 2.0f - 1.0f) * -1.0f }; + di.uv[i] = uv[i]; + di.tint[i] = tint; + di.w[i] = 1.0f; + } + di.mode = nDecalMode; + di.structure = nDecalStructure; + vLayers[nTargetLayer].vecDecalInstance.push_back(di); + } + +#ifdef OLC_ENABLE_EXPERIMENTAL + // Lightweight 3D + void PixelGameEngine::LW3D_DrawTriangles(olc::Decal* decal, const std::vector>& pos, const std::vector& tex, const std::vector& col) + { + DecalInstance di; + di.decal = decal; + di.points = uint32_t(pos.size()); + di.pos.resize(di.points); + di.uv.resize(di.points); + di.w.resize(di.points); + di.tint.resize(di.points); + for (uint32_t i = 0; i < di.points; i++) + { + di.pos[i] = { pos[i][0], pos[i][1] }; + di.w[i] = pos[i][2]; + di.uv[i] = tex[i]; + di.tint[i] = col[i]; + } + di.mode = DecalMode::MODEL3D; + vLayers[nTargetLayer].vecDecalInstance.push_back(di); + } +#endif + + void PixelGameEngine::DrawLineDecal(const olc::vf2d& pos1, const olc::vf2d& pos2, Pixel p) + { + DecalInstance di; + di.decal = nullptr; + di.points = uint32_t(2); + di.pos.resize(di.points); + di.uv.resize(di.points); + di.w.resize(di.points); + di.tint.resize(di.points); + di.pos[0] = { (pos1.x * vInvScreenSize.x) * 2.0f - 1.0f, ((pos1.y * vInvScreenSize.y) * 2.0f - 1.0f) * -1.0f }; + di.uv[0] = { 0.0f, 0.0f }; + di.tint[0] = p; + di.w[0] = 1.0f; + di.pos[1] = { (pos2.x * vInvScreenSize.x) * 2.0f - 1.0f, ((pos2.y * vInvScreenSize.y) * 2.0f - 1.0f) * -1.0f }; + di.uv[1] = { 0.0f, 0.0f }; + di.tint[1] = p; + di.w[1] = 1.0f; + di.mode = olc::DecalMode::WIREFRAME; + vLayers[nTargetLayer].vecDecalInstance.push_back(di); + } + + void PixelGameEngine::FillRectDecal(const olc::vf2d& pos, const olc::vf2d& size, const olc::Pixel col) + { + olc::vf2d vNewSize = (size - olc::vf2d(0.375f, 0.375f)).ceil(); + std::array points = { { {pos}, {pos.x, pos.y + vNewSize.y}, {pos + vNewSize}, {pos.x + vNewSize.x, pos.y} } }; + std::array uvs = { {{0,0},{0,0},{0,0},{0,0}} }; + std::array cols = { {col, col, col, col} }; + DrawExplicitDecal(nullptr,,,, 4); + } + + void PixelGameEngine::GradientFillRectDecal(const olc::vf2d& pos, const olc::vf2d& size, const olc::Pixel colTL, const olc::Pixel colBL, const olc::Pixel colBR, const olc::Pixel colTR) + { + std::array points = { { {pos}, {pos.x, pos.y + size.y}, {pos + size}, {pos.x + size.x, pos.y} } }; + std::array uvs = { {{0,0},{0,0},{0,0},{0,0}} }; + std::array cols = { {colTL, colBL, colBR, colTR} }; + DrawExplicitDecal(nullptr,,,, 4); + } + + void PixelGameEngine::DrawRotatedDecal(const olc::vf2d& pos, olc::Decal* decal, const float fAngle, const olc::vf2d& center, const olc::vf2d& scale, const olc::Pixel& tint) + { + DecalInstance di; + di.decal = decal; + di.pos.resize(4); + di.uv = { { 0.0f, 0.0f}, {0.0f, 1.0f}, {1.0f, 1.0f}, {1.0f, 0.0f} }; + di.w = { 1, 1, 1, 1 }; + di.tint = { tint, tint, tint, tint }; + di.points = 4; + di.pos[0] = (olc::vf2d(0.0f, 0.0f) - center) * scale; + di.pos[1] = (olc::vf2d(0.0f, float(decal->sprite->height)) - center) * scale; + di.pos[2] = (olc::vf2d(float(decal->sprite->width), float(decal->sprite->height)) - center) * scale; + di.pos[3] = (olc::vf2d(float(decal->sprite->width), 0.0f) - center) * scale; + float c = cos(fAngle), s = sin(fAngle); + for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) + { + di.pos[i] = pos + olc::vf2d(di.pos[i].x * c - di.pos[i].y * s, di.pos[i].x * s + di.pos[i].y * c); + di.pos[i] = di.pos[i] * vInvScreenSize * 2.0f - olc::vf2d(1.0f, 1.0f); + di.pos[i].y *= -1.0f; + di.w[i] = 1; + } + di.mode = nDecalMode; + di.structure = nDecalStructure; + vLayers[nTargetLayer].vecDecalInstance.push_back(di); + } + + + void PixelGameEngine::DrawPartialRotatedDecal(const olc::vf2d& pos, olc::Decal* decal, const float fAngle, const olc::vf2d& center, const olc::vf2d& source_pos, const olc::vf2d& source_size, const olc::vf2d& scale, const olc::Pixel& tint) + { + DecalInstance di; + di.decal = decal; + di.points = 4; + di.tint = { tint, tint, tint, tint }; + di.w = { 1, 1, 1, 1 }; + di.pos.resize(4); + di.pos[0] = (olc::vf2d(0.0f, 0.0f) - center) * scale; + di.pos[1] = (olc::vf2d(0.0f, source_size.y) - center) * scale; + di.pos[2] = (olc::vf2d(source_size.x, source_size.y) - center) * scale; + di.pos[3] = (olc::vf2d(source_size.x, 0.0f) - center) * scale; + float c = cos(fAngle), s = sin(fAngle); + for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) + { + di.pos[i] = pos + olc::vf2d(di.pos[i].x * c - di.pos[i].y * s, di.pos[i].x * s + di.pos[i].y * c); + di.pos[i] = di.pos[i] * vInvScreenSize * 2.0f - olc::vf2d(1.0f, 1.0f); + di.pos[i].y *= -1.0f; + } + + olc::vf2d uvtl = source_pos * decal->vUVScale; + olc::vf2d uvbr = uvtl + (source_size * decal->vUVScale); + di.uv = { { uvtl.x, uvtl.y }, { uvtl.x, uvbr.y }, { uvbr.x, uvbr.y }, { uvbr.x, uvtl.y } }; + di.mode = nDecalMode; + di.structure = nDecalStructure; + vLayers[nTargetLayer].vecDecalInstance.push_back(di); + } + + void PixelGameEngine::DrawPartialWarpedDecal(olc::Decal* decal, const olc::vf2d* pos, const olc::vf2d& source_pos, const olc::vf2d& source_size, const olc::Pixel& tint) + { + DecalInstance di; + di.points = 4; + di.decal = decal; + di.tint = { tint, tint, tint, tint }; + di.w = { 1, 1, 1, 1 }; + di.pos.resize(4); + di.uv = { { 0.0f, 0.0f}, {0.0f, 1.0f}, {1.0f, 1.0f}, {1.0f, 0.0f} }; + olc::vf2d center; + float rd = ((pos[2].x - pos[0].x) * (pos[3].y - pos[1].y) - (pos[3].x - pos[1].x) * (pos[2].y - pos[0].y)); + if (rd != 0) + { + olc::vf2d uvtl = source_pos * decal->vUVScale; + olc::vf2d uvbr = uvtl + (source_size * decal->vUVScale); + di.uv = { { uvtl.x, uvtl.y }, { uvtl.x, uvbr.y }, { uvbr.x, uvbr.y }, { uvbr.x, uvtl.y } }; + + rd = 1.0f / rd; + float rn = ((pos[3].x - pos[1].x) * (pos[0].y - pos[1].y) - (pos[3].y - pos[1].y) * (pos[0].x - pos[1].x)) * rd; + float sn = ((pos[2].x - pos[0].x) * (pos[0].y - pos[1].y) - (pos[2].y - pos[0].y) * (pos[0].x - pos[1].x)) * rd; + if (!(rn < 0.f || rn > 1.f || sn < 0.f || sn > 1.f)) center = pos[0] + rn * (pos[2] - pos[0]); + float d[4]; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) d[i] = (pos[i] - center).mag(); + for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) + { + float q = d[i] == 0.0f ? 1.0f : (d[i] + d[(i + 2) & 3]) / d[(i + 2) & 3]; + di.uv[i] *= q; di.w[i] *= q; + di.pos[i] = { (pos[i].x * vInvScreenSize.x) * 2.0f - 1.0f, ((pos[i].y * vInvScreenSize.y) * 2.0f - 1.0f) * -1.0f }; + } + di.mode = nDecalMode; + di.structure = nDecalStructure; + vLayers[nTargetLayer].vecDecalInstance.push_back(di); + } + } + + void PixelGameEngine::DrawWarpedDecal(olc::Decal* decal, const olc::vf2d* pos, const olc::Pixel& tint) + { + // Thanks Nathan Reed, a brilliant article explaining whats going on here + // + DecalInstance di; + di.points = 4; + di.decal = decal; + di.tint = { tint, tint, tint, tint }; + di.w = { 1, 1, 1, 1 }; + di.pos.resize(4); + di.uv = { { 0.0f, 0.0f}, {0.0f, 1.0f}, {1.0f, 1.0f}, {1.0f, 0.0f} }; + olc::vf2d center; + float rd = ((pos[2].x - pos[0].x) * (pos[3].y - pos[1].y) - (pos[3].x - pos[1].x) * (pos[2].y - pos[0].y)); + if (rd != 0) + { + rd = 1.0f / rd; + float rn = ((pos[3].x - pos[1].x) * (pos[0].y - pos[1].y) - (pos[3].y - pos[1].y) * (pos[0].x - pos[1].x)) * rd; + float sn = ((pos[2].x - pos[0].x) * (pos[0].y - pos[1].y) - (pos[2].y - pos[0].y) * (pos[0].x - pos[1].x)) * rd; + if (!(rn < 0.f || rn > 1.f || sn < 0.f || sn > 1.f)) center = pos[0] + rn * (pos[2] - pos[0]); + float d[4]; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) d[i] = (pos[i] - center).mag(); + for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) + { + float q = d[i] == 0.0f ? 1.0f : (d[i] + d[(i + 2) & 3]) / d[(i + 2) & 3]; + di.uv[i] *= q; di.w[i] *= q; + di.pos[i] = { (pos[i].x * vInvScreenSize.x) * 2.0f - 1.0f, ((pos[i].y * vInvScreenSize.y) * 2.0f - 1.0f) * -1.0f }; + } + di.mode = nDecalMode; + di.structure = nDecalStructure; + vLayers[nTargetLayer].vecDecalInstance.push_back(di); + } + } + + void PixelGameEngine::DrawWarpedDecal(olc::Decal* decal, const std::array& pos, const olc::Pixel& tint) + { DrawWarpedDecal(decal,, tint); } + + void PixelGameEngine::DrawWarpedDecal(olc::Decal* decal, const olc::vf2d(&pos)[4], const olc::Pixel& tint) + { DrawWarpedDecal(decal, &pos[0], tint); } + + void PixelGameEngine::DrawPartialWarpedDecal(olc::Decal* decal, const std::array& pos, const olc::vf2d& source_pos, const olc::vf2d& source_size, const olc::Pixel& tint) + { DrawPartialWarpedDecal(decal,, source_pos, source_size, tint); } + + void PixelGameEngine::DrawPartialWarpedDecal(olc::Decal* decal, const olc::vf2d(&pos)[4], const olc::vf2d& source_pos, const olc::vf2d& source_size, const olc::Pixel& tint) + { DrawPartialWarpedDecal(decal, &pos[0], source_pos, source_size, tint); } + + void PixelGameEngine::DrawStringDecal(const olc::vf2d& pos, const std::string& sText, const Pixel col, const olc::vf2d& scale) + { + olc::vf2d spos = { 0.0f, 0.0f }; + for (auto c : sText) + { + if (c == '\n') + { + spos.x = 0; spos.y += 8.0f * scale.y; + } + else if (c == '\t') + { + spos.x += 8.0f * float(nTabSizeInSpaces) * scale.x; + } + else + { + int32_t ox = (c - 32) % 16; + int32_t oy = (c - 32) / 16; + DrawPartialDecal(pos + spos, fontRenderable.Decal(), {float(ox) * 8.0f, float(oy) * 8.0f}, {8.0f, 8.0f}, scale, col); + spos.x += 8.0f * scale.x; + } + } + } + + void PixelGameEngine::DrawStringPropDecal(const olc::vf2d& pos, const std::string& sText, const Pixel col, const olc::vf2d& scale) + { + olc::vf2d spos = { 0.0f, 0.0f }; + for (auto c : sText) + { + if (c == '\n') + { + spos.x = 0; spos.y += 8.0f * scale.y; + } + else if (c == '\t') + { + spos.x += 8.0f * float(nTabSizeInSpaces) * scale.x; + } + else + { + int32_t ox = (c - 32) % 16; + int32_t oy = (c - 32) / 16; + DrawPartialDecal(pos + spos, fontRenderable.Decal(), { float(ox) * 8.0f + float(vFontSpacing[c - 32].x), float(oy) * 8.0f }, { float(vFontSpacing[c - 32].y), 8.0f }, scale, col); + spos.x += float(vFontSpacing[c - 32].y) * scale.x; + } + } + } + // Thanks Oso-Grande/Sopadeoso For these awesom and stupidly clever Text Rotation routines... duh XD + void PixelGameEngine::DrawRotatedStringDecal(const olc::vf2d& pos, const std::string& sText, const float fAngle, const olc::vf2d& center, const Pixel col, const olc::vf2d& scale) + { + olc::vf2d spos = center; + for (auto c : sText) + { + if (c == '\n') + { + spos.x = center.x; spos.y -= 8.0f; + } + else if (c == '\t') + { + spos.x += 8.0f * float(nTabSizeInSpaces) * scale.x; + } + else + { + int32_t ox = (c - 32) % 16; + int32_t oy = (c - 32) / 16; + DrawPartialRotatedDecal(pos, fontRenderable.Decal(), fAngle, spos, { float(ox) * 8.0f, float(oy) * 8.0f }, { 8.0f, 8.0f }, scale, col); + spos.x -= 8.0f; + } + } + } + + void PixelGameEngine::DrawRotatedStringPropDecal(const olc::vf2d& pos, const std::string& sText, const float fAngle, const olc::vf2d& center, const Pixel col, const olc::vf2d& scale) + { + olc::vf2d spos = center; + for (auto c : sText) + { + if (c == '\n') + { + spos.x = center.x; spos.y -= 8.0f; + } + else if (c == '\t') + { + spos.x += 8.0f * float(nTabSizeInSpaces) * scale.x; + } + else + { + int32_t ox = (c - 32) % 16; + int32_t oy = (c - 32) / 16; + DrawPartialRotatedDecal(pos, fontRenderable.Decal(), fAngle, spos, { float(ox) * 8.0f + float(vFontSpacing[c - 32].x), float(oy) * 8.0f }, { float(vFontSpacing[c - 32].y), 8.0f }, scale, col); + spos.x -= float(vFontSpacing[c - 32].y); + } + } + } + + olc::vi2d PixelGameEngine::GetTextSize(const std::string& s) + { + olc::vi2d size = { 0,1 }; + olc::vi2d pos = { 0,1 }; + for (auto c : s) + { + if (c == '\n') { pos.y++; pos.x = 0; } + else if (c == '\t') { pos.x += nTabSizeInSpaces; } + else pos.x++; + size.x = std::max(size.x, pos.x); + size.y = std::max(size.y, pos.y); + } + return size * 8; + } + + void PixelGameEngine::DrawString(const olc::vi2d& pos, const std::string& sText, Pixel col, uint32_t scale) + { DrawString(pos.x, pos.y, sText, col, scale); } + + void PixelGameEngine::DrawString(int32_t x, int32_t y, const std::string& sText, Pixel col, uint32_t scale) + { + int32_t sx = 0; + int32_t sy = 0; + Pixel::Mode m = nPixelMode; + // Thanks @tucna, spotted bug with col.ALPHA :P + if (m != Pixel::CUSTOM) // Thanks @Megarev, required for "shaders" + { + if (col.a != 255) SetPixelMode(Pixel::ALPHA); + else SetPixelMode(Pixel::MASK); + } + for (auto c : sText) + { + if (c == '\n') + { + sx = 0; sy += 8 * scale; + } + else if (c == '\t') + { + sx += 8 * nTabSizeInSpaces * scale; + } + else + { + int32_t ox = (c - 32) % 16; + int32_t oy = (c - 32) / 16; + + if (scale > 1) + { + for (uint32_t i = 0; i < 8; i++) + for (uint32_t j = 0; j < 8; j++) + if (fontRenderable.Sprite()->GetPixel(i + ox * 8, j + oy * 8).r > 0) + for (uint32_t is = 0; is < scale; is++) + for (uint32_t js = 0; js < scale; js++) + Draw(x + sx + (i * scale) + is, y + sy + (j * scale) + js, col); + } + else + { + for (uint32_t i = 0; i < 8; i++) + for (uint32_t j = 0; j < 8; j++) + if (fontRenderable.Sprite()->GetPixel(i + ox * 8, j + oy * 8).r > 0) + Draw(x + sx + i, y + sy + j, col); + } + sx += 8 * scale; + } + } + SetPixelMode(m); + } + + olc::vi2d PixelGameEngine::GetTextSizeProp(const std::string& s) + { + olc::vi2d size = { 0,1 }; + olc::vi2d pos = { 0,1 }; + for (auto c : s) + { + if (c == '\n') { pos.y += 1; pos.x = 0; } + else if (c == '\t') { pos.x += nTabSizeInSpaces * 8; } + else pos.x += vFontSpacing[c - 32].y; + size.x = std::max(size.x, pos.x); + size.y = std::max(size.y, pos.y); + } + + size.y *= 8; + return size; + } + + void PixelGameEngine::DrawStringProp(const olc::vi2d& pos, const std::string& sText, Pixel col, uint32_t scale) + { DrawStringProp(pos.x, pos.y, sText, col, scale); } + + void PixelGameEngine::DrawStringProp(int32_t x, int32_t y, const std::string& sText, Pixel col, uint32_t scale) + { + int32_t sx = 0; + int32_t sy = 0; + Pixel::Mode m = nPixelMode; + + if (m != Pixel::CUSTOM) + { + if (col.a != 255) SetPixelMode(Pixel::ALPHA); + else SetPixelMode(Pixel::MASK); + } + for (auto c : sText) + { + if (c == '\n') + { + sx = 0; sy += 8 * scale; + } + else if (c == '\t') + { + sx += 8 * nTabSizeInSpaces * scale; + } + else + { + int32_t ox = (c - 32) % 16; + int32_t oy = (c - 32) / 16; + + if (scale > 1) + { + for (int32_t i = 0; i < vFontSpacing[c - 32].y; i++) + for (int32_t j = 0; j < 8; j++) + if (fontRenderable.Sprite()->GetPixel(i + ox * 8 + vFontSpacing[c - 32].x, j + oy * 8).r > 0) + for (int32_t is = 0; is < int(scale); is++) + for (int32_t js = 0; js < int(scale); js++) + Draw(x + sx + (i * scale) + is, y + sy + (j * scale) + js, col); + } + else + { + for (int32_t i = 0; i < vFontSpacing[c - 32].y; i++) + for (int32_t j = 0; j < 8; j++) + if (fontRenderable.Sprite()->GetPixel(i + ox * 8 + vFontSpacing[c - 32].x, j + oy * 8).r > 0) + Draw(x + sx + i, y + sy + j, col); + } + sx += vFontSpacing[c - 32].y * scale; + } + } + SetPixelMode(m); + } + + void PixelGameEngine::SetPixelMode(Pixel::Mode m) + { nPixelMode = m; } + + Pixel::Mode PixelGameEngine::GetPixelMode() + { return nPixelMode; } + + void PixelGameEngine::SetPixelMode(std::function pixelMode) + { + funcPixelMode = pixelMode; + nPixelMode = Pixel::Mode::CUSTOM; + } + + void PixelGameEngine::SetPixelBlend(float fBlend) + { + fBlendFactor = fBlend; + if (fBlendFactor < 0.0f) fBlendFactor = 0.0f; + if (fBlendFactor > 1.0f) fBlendFactor = 1.0f; + } + + std::stringstream& PixelGameEngine::ConsoleOut() + { return ssConsoleOutput; } + + bool PixelGameEngine::IsConsoleShowing() const + { return bConsoleShow; } + + void PixelGameEngine::ConsoleShow(const olc::Key& keyExit, bool bSuspendTime) + { + if (bConsoleShow) + return; + + bConsoleShow = true; + bConsoleSuspendTime = bSuspendTime; + TextEntryEnable(true); + keyConsoleExit = keyExit; + pKeyboardState[keyConsoleExit].bHeld = false; + pKeyboardState[keyConsoleExit].bPressed = false; + pKeyboardState[keyConsoleExit].bReleased = true; + } + + void PixelGameEngine::ConsoleClear() + { sConsoleLines.clear(); } + + void PixelGameEngine::ConsoleCaptureStdOut(const bool bCapture) + { + if(bCapture) + sbufOldCout = std::cout.rdbuf(ssConsoleOutput.rdbuf()); + else + std::cout.rdbuf(sbufOldCout); + } + + void PixelGameEngine::UpdateConsole() + { + if (GetKey(keyConsoleExit).bPressed) + { + TextEntryEnable(false); + bConsoleSuspendTime = false; + bConsoleShow = false; + return; + } + + // Keep Console sizes based in real screen dimensions + vConsoleCharacterScale = olc::vf2d(1.0f, 2.0f) / (olc::vf2d(vViewSize) * vInvScreenSize); + vConsoleSize = (vViewSize / olc::vi2d(8, 16)) - olc::vi2d(2, 4); + + // If console has changed size, simply reset it + if (vConsoleSize.y != sConsoleLines.size()) + { + vConsoleCursor = { 0,0 }; + sConsoleLines.clear(); + sConsoleLines.resize(vConsoleSize.y); + } + + auto TypeCharacter = [&](const char c) + { + if (c >= 32 && c < 127) + { + sConsoleLines[vConsoleCursor.y].append(1, c); + vConsoleCursor.x++; + } + + if( c == '\n' || vConsoleCursor.x >= vConsoleSize.x) + { + vConsoleCursor.y++; vConsoleCursor.x = 0; + } + + if (vConsoleCursor.y >= vConsoleSize.y) + { + vConsoleCursor.y = vConsoleSize.y - 1; + for (size_t i = 1; i < vConsoleSize.y; i++) + sConsoleLines[i - 1] = sConsoleLines[i]; + sConsoleLines[vConsoleCursor.y].clear(); + } + }; + + // Empty out "std::cout", parsing as we go + while (ssConsoleOutput.rdbuf()->sgetc() != -1) + { + char c = ssConsoleOutput.rdbuf()->sbumpc(); + TypeCharacter(c); + } + + // Draw Shadow + GradientFillRectDecal({ 0,0 }, olc::vf2d(vScreenSize), olc::PixelF(0, 0, 0.5f, 0.5f), olc::PixelF(0, 0, 0.25f, 0.5f), olc::PixelF(0, 0, 0.25f, 0.5f), olc::PixelF(0, 0, 0.25f, 0.5f)); + + // Draw the console buffer + SetDecalMode(olc::DecalMode::NORMAL); + for (int32_t nLine = 0; nLine < vConsoleSize.y; nLine++) + DrawStringDecal(olc::vf2d( 1, 1 + float(nLine) ) * vConsoleCharacterScale * 8.0f, sConsoleLines[nLine], olc::WHITE, vConsoleCharacterScale); + + // Draw Input State + FillRectDecal(olc::vf2d(1 + float((TextEntryGetCursor() + 1)), 1 + float((vConsoleSize.y - 1))) * vConsoleCharacterScale * 8.0f, olc::vf2d(8, 8) * vConsoleCharacterScale, olc::DARK_CYAN); + DrawStringDecal(olc::vf2d(1, 1 + float((vConsoleSize.y - 1))) * vConsoleCharacterScale * 8.0f, std::string(">") + TextEntryGetString(), olc::YELLOW, vConsoleCharacterScale); + } + + + + void PixelGameEngine::TextEntryEnable(const bool bEnable, const std::string& sText) + { + if (bEnable) + { + nTextEntryCursor = int32_t(sText.size()); + sTextEntryString = sText; + bTextEntryEnable = true; + } + else + { + bTextEntryEnable = false; + } + } + + std::string PixelGameEngine::TextEntryGetString() const + { return sTextEntryString; } + + int32_t PixelGameEngine::TextEntryGetCursor() const + { return nTextEntryCursor; } + + bool PixelGameEngine::IsTextEntryEnabled() const + { return bTextEntryEnable; } + void PixelGameEngine::SetFPSDisplay(bool display) + { showFPS=display; } + + + void PixelGameEngine::UpdateTextEntry() + { + // Check for typed characters + for (const auto& key : vKeyboardMap) + if (GetKey(std::get<0>(key)).bPressed) + { + sTextEntryString.insert(nTextEntryCursor, GetKey(olc::Key::SHIFT).bHeld ? std::get<2>(key) : std::get<1>(key)); + nTextEntryCursor++; + } + + // Check for command characters + if (GetKey(olc::Key::LEFT).bPressed) + nTextEntryCursor = std::max(0, nTextEntryCursor - 1); + if (GetKey(olc::Key::RIGHT).bPressed) + nTextEntryCursor = std::min(int32_t(sTextEntryString.size()), nTextEntryCursor + 1); + if (GetKey(olc::Key::BACK).bPressed && nTextEntryCursor > 0) + { + sTextEntryString.erase(nTextEntryCursor-1, 1); + nTextEntryCursor = std::max(0, nTextEntryCursor - 1); + } + if (GetKey(olc::Key::DEL).bPressed && nTextEntryCursor < sTextEntryString.size()) + sTextEntryString.erase(nTextEntryCursor, 1); + + if (GetKey(olc::Key::UP).bPressed) + { + if (!sCommandHistory.empty()) + { + if (sCommandHistoryIt != sCommandHistory.begin()) + sCommandHistoryIt--; + + nTextEntryCursor = int32_t(sCommandHistoryIt->size()); + sTextEntryString = *sCommandHistoryIt; + } + } + + if (GetKey(olc::Key::DOWN).bPressed) + { + if (!sCommandHistory.empty()) + { + if (sCommandHistoryIt != sCommandHistory.end()) + { + sCommandHistoryIt++; + if (sCommandHistoryIt != sCommandHistory.end()) + { + nTextEntryCursor = int32_t(sCommandHistoryIt->size()); + sTextEntryString = *sCommandHistoryIt; + } + else + { + nTextEntryCursor = 0; + sTextEntryString = ""; + } + } + } + } + + if (GetKey(olc::Key::ENTER).bPressed) + { + if (bConsoleShow) + { + std::cout << ">" + sTextEntryString + "\n"; + if (OnConsoleCommand(sTextEntryString)) + { + sCommandHistory.push_back(sTextEntryString); + sCommandHistoryIt = sCommandHistory.end(); + } + sTextEntryString.clear(); + nTextEntryCursor = 0; + } + else + { + OnTextEntryComplete(sTextEntryString); + TextEntryEnable(false); + } + } + } + + // User must override these functions as required. I have not made + // them abstract because I do need a default behaviour to occur if + // they are not overwritten + + bool PixelGameEngine::OnUserCreate() + { return false; } + + bool PixelGameEngine::OnUserUpdate(float fElapsedTime) + { UNUSED(fElapsedTime); return false; } + + bool PixelGameEngine::OnUserDestroy() + { return true; } + + void PixelGameEngine::OnTextEntryComplete(const std::string& sText) { UNUSED(sText); } + bool PixelGameEngine::OnConsoleCommand(const std::string& sCommand) { UNUSED(sCommand); return false; } + + + // Externalised API + void PixelGameEngine::olc_UpdateViewport() + { + int32_t ww = vScreenSize.x * vPixelSize.x; + int32_t wh = vScreenSize.y * vPixelSize.y; + float wasp = (float)ww / (float)wh; + + if (bPixelCohesion) + { + vScreenPixelSize = (vWindowSize / vScreenSize); + vViewSize = (vWindowSize / vScreenSize) * vScreenSize; + } + else + { + vViewSize.x = (int32_t)vWindowSize.x; + vViewSize.y = (int32_t)((float)vViewSize.x / wasp); + + if (vViewSize.y > vWindowSize.y) + { + vViewSize.y = vWindowSize.y; + vViewSize.x = (int32_t)((float)vViewSize.y * wasp); + } + } + + vViewPos = (vWindowSize - vViewSize) / 2; + } + + void PixelGameEngine::olc_UpdateWindowSize(int32_t x, int32_t y) + { + vWindowSize = { x, y }; + olc_UpdateViewport(); + } + + void PixelGameEngine::olc_UpdateMouseWheel(int32_t delta) + { nMouseWheelDeltaCache += delta; } + + void PixelGameEngine::olc_UpdateMouse(int32_t x, int32_t y) + { + // Mouse coords come in screen space + // But leave in pixel space + bHasMouseFocus = true; + vMouseWindowPos = { x, y }; + // Full Screen mode may have a weird viewport we must clamp to + x -= vViewPos.x; + y -= vViewPos.y; + vMousePosCache.x = (int32_t)(((float)x / (float)(vWindowSize.x - (vViewPos.x * 2)) * (float)vScreenSize.x)); + vMousePosCache.y = (int32_t)(((float)y / (float)(vWindowSize.y - (vViewPos.y * 2)) * (float)vScreenSize.y)); + if (vMousePosCache.x >= (int32_t)vScreenSize.x) vMousePosCache.x = vScreenSize.x - 1; + if (vMousePosCache.y >= (int32_t)vScreenSize.y) vMousePosCache.y = vScreenSize.y - 1; + if (vMousePosCache.x < 0) vMousePosCache.x = 0; + if (vMousePosCache.y < 0) vMousePosCache.y = 0; + } + + void PixelGameEngine::olc_UpdateMouseState(int32_t button, bool state) + { pMouseNewState[button] = state; } + + void PixelGameEngine::olc_UpdateKeyState(int32_t key, bool state) + { pKeyNewState[key] = state; } + + void PixelGameEngine::olc_UpdateMouseFocus(bool state) + { bHasMouseFocus = state; } + + void PixelGameEngine::olc_UpdateKeyFocus(bool state) + { bHasInputFocus = state; } + + void PixelGameEngine::olc_Reanimate() + { bAtomActive = true; } + + bool PixelGameEngine::olc_IsRunning() + { return bAtomActive; } + + void PixelGameEngine::olc_Terminate() + { bAtomActive = false; } + + void PixelGameEngine::EngineThread() + { + // Allow platform to do stuff here if needed, since its now in the + // context of this thread + if (platform->ThreadStartUp() == olc::FAIL) return; + + // Do engine context specific initialisation + olc_PrepareEngine(); + + // Create user resources as part of this thread + for (auto& ext : vExtensions) ext->OnBeforeUserCreate(); + if (!OnUserCreate()) bAtomActive = false; + for (auto& ext : vExtensions) ext->OnAfterUserCreate(); + + while (bAtomActive) + { + // Run as fast as possible + while (bAtomActive) { olc_CoreUpdate(); } + + // Allow the user to free resources if they have overrided the destroy function + if (!OnUserDestroy()) + { + // User denied destroy for some reason, so continue running + bAtomActive = true; + } + } + + platform->ThreadCleanUp(); + } + + void PixelGameEngine::olc_PrepareEngine() + { + // Start OpenGL, the context is owned by the game thread + if (platform->CreateGraphics(bFullScreen, bEnableVSYNC, vViewPos, vViewSize) == olc::FAIL) return; + + // Construct default font sheet + olc_ConstructFontSheet(); + + // Create Primary Layer "0" + CreateLayer(); + vLayers[0].bUpdate = true; + vLayers[0].bShow = true; + SetDrawTarget(nullptr); + + m_tp1 = std::chrono::system_clock::now(); + m_tp2 = std::chrono::system_clock::now(); + } + + + void PixelGameEngine::olc_CoreUpdate() + { + // Handle Timing + m_tp2 = std::chrono::system_clock::now(); + std::chrono::duration elapsedTime = m_tp2 - m_tp1; + m_tp1 = m_tp2; + + // Our time per frame coefficient + float fElapsedTime = elapsedTime.count(); + fLastElapsed = fElapsedTime; + + if (bConsoleSuspendTime) + fElapsedTime = 0.0f; + + // Some platforms will need to check for events + platform->HandleSystemEvent(); + + // Compare hardware input states from previous frame + auto ScanHardware = [&](HWButton* pKeys, bool* pStateOld, bool* pStateNew, uint32_t nKeyCount) + { + for (uint32_t i = 0; i < nKeyCount; i++) + { + pKeys[i].bPressed = false; + pKeys[i].bReleased = false; + if (pStateNew[i] != pStateOld[i]) + { + if (pStateNew[i]) + { + pKeys[i].bPressed = !pKeys[i].bHeld; + pKeys[i].bHeld = true; + } + else + { + pKeys[i].bReleased = true; + pKeys[i].bHeld = false; + } + } + pStateOld[i] = pStateNew[i]; + } + }; + + ScanHardware(pKeyboardState, pKeyOldState, pKeyNewState, 256); + ScanHardware(pMouseState, pMouseOldState, pMouseNewState, nMouseButtons); + + // Cache mouse coordinates so they remain consistent during frame + vMousePos = vMousePosCache; + nMouseWheelDelta = nMouseWheelDeltaCache; + nMouseWheelDeltaCache = 0; + + if (bTextEntryEnable) + { + UpdateTextEntry(); + } + + // Handle Frame Update + bool bExtensionBlockFrame = false; + for (auto& ext : vExtensions) bExtensionBlockFrame |= ext->OnBeforeUserUpdate(fElapsedTime); + if (!bExtensionBlockFrame) + { + if (!OnUserUpdate(fElapsedTime)) bAtomActive = false; + } + for (auto& ext : vExtensions) ext->OnAfterUserUpdate(fElapsedTime); + + if (bConsoleShow) + { + SetDrawTarget((uint8_t)0); + UpdateConsole(); + } + + // Display Frame + renderer->UpdateViewport(vViewPos, vViewSize); + renderer->ClearBuffer(olc::BLACK, true); + + // Layer 0 must always exist + vLayers[0].bUpdate = true; + vLayers[0].bShow = true; + SetDecalMode(DecalMode::NORMAL); + renderer->PrepareDrawing(); + + for (auto layer = vLayers.rbegin(); layer != vLayers.rend(); ++layer) + { + if (layer->bShow) + { + if (layer->funcHook == nullptr) + { + renderer->ApplyTexture(layer->pDrawTarget.Decal()->id); + if (!bSuspendTextureTransfer && layer->bUpdate) + { + layer->pDrawTarget.Decal()->Update(); + layer->bUpdate = false; + } + + renderer->DrawLayerQuad(layer->vOffset, layer->vScale, layer->tint); + + // Display Decals in order for this layer + for (auto& decal : layer->vecDecalInstance) + renderer->DrawDecal(decal); + layer->vecDecalInstance.clear(); + } + else + { + // Mwa ha ha.... Have Fun!!! + layer->funcHook(); + } + } + } + + + + // Present Graphics to screen + renderer->DisplayFrame(); + + // Update Title Bar + fFrameTimer += fElapsedTime; + nFrameCount++; + if (fFrameTimer >= 1.0f) + { + nLastFPS = nFrameCount; + fFrameTimer -= 1.0f; + std::string sTitle = " - Pixel Game Engine - " + sAppName + ((showFPS)?" - FPS: " + std::to_string(nFrameCount):""); + platform->SetWindowTitle(sTitle); + nFrameCount = 0; + } + } + + void PixelGameEngine::olc_ConstructFontSheet() + { + std::string data; + data += "?Q`0001oOch0o01o@F40o000000000"; + data += "O000000nOT0063Qo4d8>?7a14Gno94AA4gno94AaOT0>o3`oO400o7QN00000400"; + data += "Of80001oOg<7O7moBGT7O7lABET024@aBEd714AiOdl717a_=TH013Q>00000000"; + data += "720D000V?V5oB3Q_HdUoE7a9@DdDE4A9@DmoE4A;Hg]oM4Aj8S4D84@`00000000"; + data += "OaPT1000Oa`^13P1@AI[?g`1@A=[OdAoHgljA4Ao?WlBA7l1710007l100000000"; + data += "ObM6000oOfMV?3QoBDD`O7a0BDDH@5A0BDD<@5A0BGeVO5ao@CQR?5Po00000000"; + data += "Oc``000?Ogij70PO2D]??0Ph2DUM@7i`2DTg@7lh2GUj?0TO0C1870T?00000000"; + data += "70<4001o?P<7?1QoHg43O;`h@GT0@:@LB@d0>:@hN@L0@?aoN@<0O7ao0000?000"; + data += "OcH0001SOglLA7mg24TnK7ln24US>0PL24U140PnOgl0>7QgOcH0K71S0000A000"; + data += "00H00000@Dm1S007@DUSg00?OdTnH7YhOfTL<7Yh@Cl0700?@Ah0300700000000"; + data += "<008001QL00ZA41a@6HnI<1i@FHLM81M@@0LG81?O`0nC?Y7?`0ZA7Y300080000"; + data += "O`082000Oh0827mo6>Hn?Wmo?6HnMb11MP08@C11H`08@FP0@@0004@000000000"; + data += "00P00001Oab00003OcKP0006@6=PMgl<@440MglH@000000`@000001P00000000"; + data += "Ob@8@@00Ob@8@Ga13R@8Mga172@8?PAo3R@827QoOb@820@0O`0007`0000007P0"; + data += "O`000P08Od400g`<3V=P0G`673IP0`@3>1`00P@6O`P00g`SetPixel(px, py, olc::Pixel(k, k, k, k)); + if (++py == 48) { px++; py = 0; } + } + } + + fontRenderable.Decal()->Update(); + + constexpr std::array vSpacing = { { + 0x03,0x25,0x16,0x08,0x07,0x08,0x08,0x04,0x15,0x15,0x08,0x07,0x15,0x07,0x24,0x08, + 0x08,0x17,0x08,0x08,0x08,0x08,0x08,0x08,0x08,0x08,0x24,0x15,0x06,0x07,0x16,0x17, + 0x08,0x08,0x08,0x08,0x08,0x08,0x08,0x08,0x08,0x17,0x08,0x08,0x17,0x08,0x08,0x08, + 0x08,0x08,0x08,0x08,0x17,0x08,0x08,0x08,0x08,0x17,0x08,0x15,0x08,0x15,0x08,0x08, + 0x24,0x18,0x17,0x17,0x17,0x17,0x17,0x17,0x17,0x33,0x17,0x17,0x33,0x18,0x17,0x17, + 0x17,0x17,0x17,0x17,0x07,0x17,0x17,0x18,0x18,0x17,0x17,0x07,0x33,0x07,0x08,0x00, } }; + + for (auto c : vSpacing) vFontSpacing.push_back({ c >> 4, c & 15 }); + + // UK Standard Layout +#ifdef OLC_KEYBOARD_UK + vKeyboardMap = + { + {olc::Key::A, "a", "A"}, {olc::Key::B, "b", "B"}, {olc::Key::C, "c", "C"}, {olc::Key::D, "d", "D"}, {olc::Key::E, "e", "E"}, + {olc::Key::F, "f", "F"}, {olc::Key::G, "g", "G"}, {olc::Key::H, "h", "H"}, {olc::Key::I, "i", "I"}, {olc::Key::J, "j", "J"}, + {olc::Key::K, "k", "K"}, {olc::Key::L, "l", "L"}, {olc::Key::M, "m", "M"}, {olc::Key::N, "n", "N"}, {olc::Key::O, "o", "O"}, + {olc::Key::P, "p", "P"}, {olc::Key::Q, "q", "Q"}, {olc::Key::R, "r", "R"}, {olc::Key::S, "s", "S"}, {olc::Key::T, "t", "T"}, + {olc::Key::U, "u", "U"}, {olc::Key::V, "v", "V"}, {olc::Key::W, "w", "W"}, {olc::Key::X, "x", "X"}, {olc::Key::Y, "y", "Y"}, + {olc::Key::Z, "z", "Z"}, + + {olc::Key::K0, "0", ")"}, {olc::Key::K1, "1", "!"}, {olc::Key::K2, "2", "\""}, {olc::Key::K3, "3", "#"}, {olc::Key::K4, "4", "$"}, + {olc::Key::K5, "5", "%"}, {olc::Key::K6, "6", "^"}, {olc::Key::K7, "7", "&"}, {olc::Key::K8, "8", "*"}, {olc::Key::K9, "9", "("}, + + {olc::Key::NP0, "0", "0"}, {olc::Key::NP1, "1", "1"}, {olc::Key::NP2, "2", "2"}, {olc::Key::NP3, "3", "3"}, {olc::Key::NP4, "4", "4"}, + {olc::Key::NP5, "5", "5"}, {olc::Key::NP6, "6", "6"}, {olc::Key::NP7, "7", "7"}, {olc::Key::NP8, "8", "8"}, {olc::Key::NP9, "9", "9"}, + {olc::Key::NP_MUL, "*", "*"}, {olc::Key::NP_DIV, "/", "/"}, {olc::Key::NP_ADD, "+", "+"}, {olc::Key::NP_SUB, "-", "-"}, {olc::Key::NP_DECIMAL, ".", "."}, + + {olc::Key::PERIOD, ".", ">"}, {olc::Key::EQUALS, "=", "+"}, {olc::Key::COMMA, ",", "<"}, {olc::Key::MINUS, "-", "_"}, {olc::Key::SPACE, " ", " "}, + + {olc::Key::OEM_1, ";", ":"}, {olc::Key::OEM_2, "/", "?"}, {olc::Key::OEM_3, "\'", "@"}, {olc::Key::OEM_4, "[", "{"}, + {olc::Key::OEM_5, "\\", "|"}, {olc::Key::OEM_6, "]", "}"}, {olc::Key::OEM_7, "#", "~"}, + + // {olc::Key::TAB, "\t", "\t"} + }; +#endif + } + + void PixelGameEngine::pgex_Register(olc::PGEX* pgex) + { + if (std::find(vExtensions.begin(), vExtensions.end(), pgex) == vExtensions.end()) + vExtensions.push_back(pgex); + } + + + PGEX::PGEX(bool bHook) { if(bHook) pge->pgex_Register(this); } + void PGEX::OnBeforeUserCreate() {} + void PGEX::OnAfterUserCreate() {} + bool PGEX::OnBeforeUserUpdate(float& fElapsedTime) { return false; } + void PGEX::OnAfterUserUpdate(float fElapsedTime) {} + + // Need a couple of statics as these are singleton instances + // read from multiple locations + std::atomic PixelGameEngine::bAtomActive{ false }; + olc::PixelGameEngine* olc::PGEX::pge = nullptr; + olc::PixelGameEngine* olc::Platform::ptrPGE = nullptr; + olc::PixelGameEngine* olc::Renderer::ptrPGE = nullptr; + std::unique_ptr olc::Sprite::loader = nullptr; +}; +#pragma endregion + +// O------------------------------------------------------------------------------O +// | olcPixelGameEngine Renderers - the draw-y bits | +// O------------------------------------------------------------------------------O + +#if !defined(OLC_PGE_HEADLESS) + +#pragma region renderer_ogl10 +// O------------------------------------------------------------------------------O +// | START RENDERER: OpenGL 1.0 (the original, the best...) | +// O------------------------------------------------------------------------------O +#if defined(OLC_GFX_OPENGL10) + +#if defined(OLC_PLATFORM_WINAPI) + #include + #include + #if !defined(__MINGW32__) + #pragma comment(lib, "Dwmapi.lib") + #endif + typedef BOOL(WINAPI wglSwapInterval_t) (int interval); + static wglSwapInterval_t* wglSwapInterval = nullptr; + typedef HDC glDeviceContext_t; + typedef HGLRC glRenderContext_t; +#endif + +#if defined(__linux__) || defined(__FreeBSD__) + #include +#endif + +#if defined(OLC_PLATFORM_X11) + namespace X11 + { + #include + } + typedef int(glSwapInterval_t)(X11::Display* dpy, X11::GLXDrawable drawable, int interval); + static glSwapInterval_t* glSwapIntervalEXT; + typedef X11::GLXContext glDeviceContext_t; + typedef X11::GLXContext glRenderContext_t; +#endif + +#if defined(__APPLE__) + #define GL_SILENCE_DEPRECATION + #include + #include + #include +#endif + +namespace olc +{ + class Renderer_OGL10 : public olc::Renderer + { + private: +#if defined(OLC_PLATFORM_GLUT) + bool mFullScreen = false; +#else + glDeviceContext_t glDeviceContext = 0; + glRenderContext_t glRenderContext = 0; +#endif + + bool bSync = false; + olc::DecalMode nDecalMode = olc::DecalMode(-1); // Thanks Gusgo & Bispoo + olc::DecalStructure nDecalStructure = olc::DecalStructure(-1); +#if defined(OLC_PLATFORM_X11) + X11::Display* olc_Display = nullptr; + X11::Window* olc_Window = nullptr; + X11::XVisualInfo* olc_VisualInfo = nullptr; +#endif + + public: + void PrepareDevice() override + { +#if defined(OLC_PLATFORM_GLUT) + //glutInit has to be called with main() arguments, make fake ones + int argc = 0; + char* argv[1] = { (char*)"" }; + glutInit(&argc, argv); + glutInitWindowPosition(0, 0); + glutInitWindowSize(512, 512); + glutInitDisplayMode(GLUT_DOUBLE | GLUT_DEPTH | GLUT_RGBA); + // Creates the window and the OpenGL context for it + glutCreateWindow(" - Pixel Game Engine"); + glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); // Turn on texturing + glHint(GL_PERSPECTIVE_CORRECTION_HINT, GL_NICEST); +#endif + } + + olc::rcode CreateDevice(std::vector params, bool bFullScreen, bool bVSYNC) override + { +#if defined(OLC_PLATFORM_WINAPI) + // Create Device Context + glDeviceContext = GetDC((HWND)(params[0])); + PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR pfd = + { + sizeof(PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR), 1, + PFD_DRAW_TO_WINDOW | PFD_SUPPORT_OPENGL | PFD_DOUBLEBUFFER, + PFD_TYPE_RGBA, 32, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, + PFD_MAIN_PLANE, 0, 0, 0, 0 + }; + + int pf = 0; + if (!(pf = ChoosePixelFormat(glDeviceContext, &pfd))) return olc::FAIL; + SetPixelFormat(glDeviceContext, pf, &pfd); + + if (!(glRenderContext = wglCreateContext(glDeviceContext))) return olc::FAIL; + wglMakeCurrent(glDeviceContext, glRenderContext); + + // Remove Frame cap + wglSwapInterval = (wglSwapInterval_t*)wglGetProcAddress("wglSwapIntervalEXT"); + if (wglSwapInterval && !bVSYNC) wglSwapInterval(0); + bSync = bVSYNC; +#endif + +#if defined(OLC_PLATFORM_X11) + using namespace X11; + // Linux has tighter coupling between OpenGL and X11, so we store + // various "platform" handles in the renderer + olc_Display = (X11::Display*)(params[0]); + olc_Window = (X11::Window*)(params[1]); + olc_VisualInfo = (X11::XVisualInfo*)(params[2]); + + glDeviceContext = glXCreateContext(olc_Display, olc_VisualInfo, nullptr, GL_TRUE); + glXMakeCurrent(olc_Display, *olc_Window, glDeviceContext); + + XWindowAttributes gwa; + XGetWindowAttributes(olc_Display, *olc_Window, &gwa); + glViewport(0, 0, gwa.width, gwa.height); + + glSwapIntervalEXT = nullptr; + glSwapIntervalEXT = (glSwapInterval_t*)glXGetProcAddress((unsigned char*)"glXSwapIntervalEXT"); + + if (glSwapIntervalEXT == nullptr && !bVSYNC) + { + printf("NOTE: Could not disable VSYNC, glXSwapIntervalEXT() was not found!\n"); + printf(" Don't worry though, things will still work, it's just the\n"); + printf(" frame rate will be capped to your monitors refresh rate - javidx9\n"); + } + + if (glSwapIntervalEXT != nullptr && !bVSYNC) + glSwapIntervalEXT(olc_Display, *olc_Window, 0); +#endif + +#if defined(OLC_PLATFORM_GLUT) + mFullScreen = bFullScreen; + if (!bVSYNC) + { +#if defined(__APPLE__) + GLint sync = 0; + CGLContextObj ctx = CGLGetCurrentContext(); + if (ctx) CGLSetParameter(ctx, kCGLCPSwapInterval, &sync); +#endif + } +#else + glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); // Turn on texturing + glHint(GL_PERSPECTIVE_CORRECTION_HINT, GL_NICEST); +#endif + return olc::rcode::OK; + } + + olc::rcode DestroyDevice() override + { +#if defined(OLC_PLATFORM_WINAPI) + wglDeleteContext(glRenderContext); +#endif + +#if defined(OLC_PLATFORM_X11) + glXMakeCurrent(olc_Display, None, NULL); + glXDestroyContext(olc_Display, glDeviceContext); +#endif + +#if defined(OLC_PLATFORM_GLUT) + glutDestroyWindow(glutGetWindow()); +#endif + return olc::rcode::OK; + } + + void DisplayFrame() override + { +#if defined(OLC_PLATFORM_WINAPI) + SwapBuffers(glDeviceContext); + if (bSync) DwmFlush(); // Woooohooooooo!!!! SMOOOOOOOTH! +#endif + +#if defined(OLC_PLATFORM_X11) + X11::glXSwapBuffers(olc_Display, *olc_Window); +#endif + +#if defined(OLC_PLATFORM_GLUT) + glutSwapBuffers(); +#endif + } + + void PrepareDrawing() override + { + + //ClearBuffer(olc::GREEN, true); + glEnable(GL_BLEND); + nDecalMode = DecalMode::NORMAL; + nDecalStructure = DecalStructure::FAN; + glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); + } + + void SetDecalMode(const olc::DecalMode& mode) + { + if (mode != nDecalMode) + { + switch (mode) + { + case olc::DecalMode::NORMAL: + case olc::DecalMode::MODEL3D: + glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); + break; + case olc::DecalMode::ADDITIVE: + glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE); + break; + case olc::DecalMode::MULTIPLICATIVE: + glBlendFunc(GL_DST_COLOR, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); + break; + case olc::DecalMode::STENCIL: + glBlendFunc(GL_ZERO, GL_SRC_ALPHA); + break; + case olc::DecalMode::ILLUMINATE: + glBlendFunc(GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA, GL_SRC_ALPHA); + break; + case olc::DecalMode::WIREFRAME: + glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); + break; + } + + nDecalMode = mode; + } + } + + void DrawLayerQuad(const olc::vf2d& offset, const olc::vf2d& scale, const olc::Pixel tint) override + { + glBegin(GL_QUADS); + glColor4ub(tint.r, tint.g, tint.b, tint.a); + glTexCoord2f(0.0f * scale.x + offset.x, 1.0f * scale.y + offset.y); + glVertex3f(-1.0f /*+ vSubPixelOffset.x*/, -1.0f /*+ vSubPixelOffset.y*/, 0.0f); + glTexCoord2f(0.0f * scale.x + offset.x, 0.0f * scale.y + offset.y); + glVertex3f(-1.0f /*+ vSubPixelOffset.x*/, 1.0f /*+ vSubPixelOffset.y*/, 0.0f); + glTexCoord2f(1.0f * scale.x + offset.x, 0.0f * scale.y + offset.y); + glVertex3f(1.0f /*+ vSubPixelOffset.x*/, 1.0f /*+ vSubPixelOffset.y*/, 0.0f); + glTexCoord2f(1.0f * scale.x + offset.x, 1.0f * scale.y + offset.y); + glVertex3f(1.0f /*+ vSubPixelOffset.x*/, -1.0f /*+ vSubPixelOffset.y*/, 0.0f); + glEnd(); + } + + void DrawDecal(const olc::DecalInstance& decal) override + { + SetDecalMode(decal.mode); + + if (decal.decal == nullptr) + glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0); + else + glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, decal.decal->id); + + if (nDecalMode == DecalMode::MODEL3D) + { +#ifdef OLC_ENABLE_EXPERIMENTAL + glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION); glPushMatrix(); + glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); glPushMatrix(); + + glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); + glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION); + glLoadIdentity(); + glFrustum(-1.0f, 1.0f, -1.0f, 1.0f, 1, 1000); + + #pragma comment (lib, "winmm.lib") + + glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); + glLoadIdentity(); + glTranslatef(0, -40, -200); + glRotatef(float(clock()) * 0.1f, 1, 0, 0); + glRotatef(float(clock()) * 0.1f * 2, 0, 1, 0); + glEnable(GL_BLEND); + glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); + + glBegin(GL_TRIANGLES); + + + // Render as 3D Spatial Entity + for (uint32_t n = 0; n < decal.points; n++) + { + glColor4ub(decal.tint[n].r, decal.tint[n].g, decal.tint[n].b, decal.tint[n].a); + glTexCoord2f(decal.uv[n].x, decal.uv[n].y); + glVertex3f(decal.pos[n].x, decal.pos[n].y, decal.w[n]); + } + + glEnd(); + + glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION); glPopMatrix(); + glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); glPopMatrix(); + glDisable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); +#endif + } + else + { + if (nDecalMode == DecalMode::WIREFRAME) + glBegin(GL_LINE_LOOP); + else + { + if(decal.structure == olc::DecalStructure::FAN) + glBegin(GL_TRIANGLE_FAN); + else if(decal.structure == olc::DecalStructure::STRIP) + glBegin(GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP); + else if(decal.structure == olc::DecalStructure::LIST) + glBegin(GL_TRIANGLES); + } + + // Render as 2D Spatial entity + for (uint32_t n = 0; n < decal.points; n++) + { + glColor4ub(decal.tint[n].r, decal.tint[n].g, decal.tint[n].b, decal.tint[n].a); + glTexCoord4f(decal.uv[n].x, decal.uv[n].y, 0.0f, decal.w[n]); + glVertex2f(decal.pos[n].x, decal.pos[n].y); + } + + glEnd(); + } + + + //glDisable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); + } + + uint32_t CreateTexture(const uint32_t width, const uint32_t height, const bool filtered, const bool clamp) override + { + UNUSED(width); + UNUSED(height); + uint32_t id = 0; + glGenTextures(1, &id); + glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, id); + if (filtered) + { + glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, GL_LINEAR); + glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, GL_LINEAR); + } + else + { + glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, GL_NEAREST); + glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, GL_NEAREST); + } + + if (clamp) + { + glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S, GL_CLAMP); + glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T, GL_CLAMP); + } + else + { + glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S, GL_REPEAT); + glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T, GL_REPEAT); + } + + glTexEnvf(GL_TEXTURE_ENV, GL_TEXTURE_ENV_MODE, GL_MODULATE); + return id; + } + + uint32_t DeleteTexture(const uint32_t id) override + { + glDeleteTextures(1, &id); + return id; + } + + void UpdateTexture(uint32_t id, olc::Sprite* spr) override + { + UNUSED(id); + glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGBA, spr->width, spr->height, 0, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, spr->GetData()); + } + + void ReadTexture(uint32_t id, olc::Sprite* spr) override + { + glReadPixels(0, 0, spr->width, spr->height, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, spr->GetData()); + } + + void ApplyTexture(uint32_t id) override + { + glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, id); + } + + void ClearBuffer(olc::Pixel p, bool bDepth) override + { + glClearColor(float(p.r) / 255.0f, float(p.g) / 255.0f, float(p.b) / 255.0f, float(p.a) / 255.0f); + glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT); + if (bDepth) glClear(GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT); + } + + void UpdateViewport(const olc::vi2d& pos, const olc::vi2d& size) override + { + glViewport(pos.x, pos.y, size.x, size.y); + } + }; +} +#endif +// O------------------------------------------------------------------------------O +// | END RENDERER: OpenGL 1.0 (the original, the best...) | +// O------------------------------------------------------------------------------O +#pragma endregion + +#pragma region renderer_ogl33 +// O------------------------------------------------------------------------------O +// | START RENDERER: OpenGL 3.3 (3.0 es) (sh-sh-sh-shaders....) | +// O------------------------------------------------------------------------------O +#if defined(OLC_GFX_OPENGL33) + +#if defined(OLC_PLATFORM_WINAPI) + #include + #include + #if !defined(__MINGW32__) + #pragma comment(lib, "Dwmapi.lib") + #endif + typedef void __stdcall locSwapInterval_t(GLsizei n); + typedef HDC glDeviceContext_t; + typedef HGLRC glRenderContext_t; + #define CALLSTYLE __stdcall + #define OGL_LOAD(t, n) (t*)wglGetProcAddress(#n) +#endif + +#if defined(__linux__) || defined(__FreeBSD__) + #include +#endif + +#if defined(OLC_PLATFORM_X11) + namespace X11 + { + #include + } + typedef int(locSwapInterval_t)(X11::Display* dpy, X11::GLXDrawable drawable, int interval); + typedef X11::GLXContext glDeviceContext_t; + typedef X11::GLXContext glRenderContext_t; + #define CALLSTYLE + #define OGL_LOAD(t, n) (t*)glXGetProcAddress((unsigned char*)#n); +#endif + +#if defined(__APPLE__) + #define GL_SILENCE_DEPRECATION + #include + #include + #include +#endif + +#if defined(OLC_PLATFORM_EMSCRIPTEN) + #include + #include + #define GL_GLEXT_PROTOTYPES + #include + #include + #define CALLSTYLE + typedef EGLBoolean(locSwapInterval_t)(EGLDisplay display, EGLint interval); + #define GL_CLAMP GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE + #define OGL_LOAD(t, n) n; +#endif + +namespace olc +{ + typedef char GLchar; + typedef ptrdiff_t GLsizeiptr; + typedef GLuint CALLSTYLE locCreateShader_t(GLenum type); + typedef GLuint CALLSTYLE locCreateProgram_t(void); + typedef void CALLSTYLE locDeleteShader_t(GLuint shader); +#if defined(OLC_PLATFORM_EMSCRIPTEN) + typedef void CALLSTYLE locShaderSource_t(GLuint shader, GLsizei count, const GLchar* const* string, const GLint* length); +#else + typedef void CALLSTYLE locShaderSource_t(GLuint shader, GLsizei count, const GLchar** string, const GLint* length); +#endif + typedef void CALLSTYLE locCompileShader_t(GLuint shader); + typedef void CALLSTYLE locLinkProgram_t(GLuint program); + typedef void CALLSTYLE locDeleteProgram_t(GLuint program); + typedef void CALLSTYLE locAttachShader_t(GLuint program, GLuint shader); + typedef void CALLSTYLE locBindBuffer_t(GLenum target, GLuint buffer); + typedef void CALLSTYLE locBufferData_t(GLenum target, GLsizeiptr size, const void* data, GLenum usage); + typedef void CALLSTYLE locGenBuffers_t(GLsizei n, GLuint* buffers); + typedef void CALLSTYLE locVertexAttribPointer_t(GLuint index, GLint size, GLenum type, GLboolean normalized, GLsizei stride, const void* pointer); + typedef void CALLSTYLE locEnableVertexAttribArray_t(GLuint index); + typedef void CALLSTYLE locUseProgram_t(GLuint program); + typedef void CALLSTYLE locBindVertexArray_t(GLuint array); + typedef void CALLSTYLE locGenVertexArrays_t(GLsizei n, GLuint* arrays); + typedef void CALLSTYLE locGetShaderInfoLog_t(GLuint shader, GLsizei bufSize, GLsizei* length, GLchar* infoLog); + + constexpr size_t OLC_MAX_VERTS = 128; + + class Renderer_OGL33 : public olc::Renderer + { + private: +#if defined(OLC_PLATFORM_EMSCRIPTEN) + EGLDisplay olc_Display; + EGLConfig olc_Config; + EGLContext olc_Context; + EGLSurface olc_Surface; +#endif + +#if defined(OLC_PLATFORM_GLUT) + bool mFullScreen = false; +#else + #if !defined(OLC_PLATFORM_EMSCRIPTEN) + glDeviceContext_t glDeviceContext = 0; + glRenderContext_t glRenderContext = 0; + #endif +#endif + bool bSync = false; + olc::DecalMode nDecalMode = olc::DecalMode(-1); // Thanks Gusgo & Bispoo +#if defined(OLC_PLATFORM_X11) + X11::Display* olc_Display = nullptr; + X11::Window* olc_Window = nullptr; + X11::XVisualInfo* olc_VisualInfo = nullptr; +#endif + + private: + locCreateShader_t* locCreateShader = nullptr; + locShaderSource_t* locShaderSource = nullptr; + locCompileShader_t* locCompileShader = nullptr; + locDeleteShader_t* locDeleteShader = nullptr; + locCreateProgram_t* locCreateProgram = nullptr; + locDeleteProgram_t* locDeleteProgram = nullptr; + locLinkProgram_t* locLinkProgram = nullptr; + locAttachShader_t* locAttachShader = nullptr; + locBindBuffer_t* locBindBuffer = nullptr; + locBufferData_t* locBufferData = nullptr; + locGenBuffers_t* locGenBuffers = nullptr; + locVertexAttribPointer_t* locVertexAttribPointer = nullptr; + locEnableVertexAttribArray_t* locEnableVertexAttribArray = nullptr; + locUseProgram_t* locUseProgram = nullptr; + locBindVertexArray_t* locBindVertexArray = nullptr; + locGenVertexArrays_t* locGenVertexArrays = nullptr; + locSwapInterval_t* locSwapInterval = nullptr; + locGetShaderInfoLog_t* locGetShaderInfoLog = nullptr; + + uint32_t m_nFS = 0; + uint32_t m_nVS = 0; + uint32_t m_nQuadShader = 0; + uint32_t m_vbQuad = 0; + uint32_t m_vaQuad = 0; + + struct locVertex + { + float pos[3]; + olc::vf2d tex; + olc::Pixel col; + }; + + locVertex pVertexMem[OLC_MAX_VERTS]; + + olc::Renderable rendBlankQuad; + + public: + void PrepareDevice() override + { +#if defined(OLC_PLATFORM_GLUT) + //glutInit has to be called with main() arguments, make fake ones + int argc = 0; + char* argv[1] = { (char*)"" }; + glutInit(&argc, argv); + glutInitWindowPosition(0, 0); + glutInitWindowSize(512, 512); + glutInitDisplayMode(GLUT_DOUBLE | GLUT_DEPTH | GLUT_RGBA); + // Creates the window and the OpenGL context for it + glutCreateWindow(" - Pixel Game Engine"); + glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); // Turn on texturing + glHint(GL_PERSPECTIVE_CORRECTION_HINT, GL_NICEST); +#endif + } + + olc::rcode CreateDevice(std::vector params, bool bFullScreen, bool bVSYNC) override + { + // Create OpenGL Context +#if defined(OLC_PLATFORM_WINAPI) + // Create Device Context + glDeviceContext = GetDC((HWND)(params[0])); + PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR pfd = + { + sizeof(PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR), 1, + PFD_DRAW_TO_WINDOW | PFD_SUPPORT_OPENGL | PFD_DOUBLEBUFFER, + PFD_TYPE_RGBA, 32, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, + PFD_MAIN_PLANE, 0, 0, 0, 0 + }; + + int pf = 0; + if (!(pf = ChoosePixelFormat(glDeviceContext, &pfd))) return olc::FAIL; + SetPixelFormat(glDeviceContext, pf, &pfd); + + if (!(glRenderContext = wglCreateContext(glDeviceContext))) return olc::FAIL; + wglMakeCurrent(glDeviceContext, glRenderContext); + + // Set Vertical Sync + locSwapInterval = OGL_LOAD(locSwapInterval_t, "wglSwapIntervalEXT"); + if (locSwapInterval && !bVSYNC) locSwapInterval(0); + bSync = bVSYNC; +#endif + +#if defined(OLC_PLATFORM_X11) + using namespace X11; + // Linux has tighter coupling between OpenGL and X11, so we store + // various "platform" handles in the renderer + olc_Display = (X11::Display*)(params[0]); + olc_Window = (X11::Window*)(params[1]); + olc_VisualInfo = (X11::XVisualInfo*)(params[2]); + + glDeviceContext = glXCreateContext(olc_Display, olc_VisualInfo, nullptr, GL_TRUE); + glXMakeCurrent(olc_Display, *olc_Window, glDeviceContext); + + XWindowAttributes gwa; + XGetWindowAttributes(olc_Display, *olc_Window, &gwa); + glViewport(0, 0, gwa.width, gwa.height); + + locSwapInterval = OGL_LOAD(locSwapInterval_t, "glXSwapIntervalEXT"); + + if (locSwapInterval == nullptr && !bVSYNC) + { + printf("NOTE: Could not disable VSYNC, glXSwapIntervalEXT() was not found!\n"); + printf(" Don't worry though, things will still work, it's just the\n"); + printf(" frame rate will be capped to your monitors refresh rate - javidx9\n"); + } + + if (locSwapInterval != nullptr && !bVSYNC) + locSwapInterval(olc_Display, *olc_Window, 0); +#endif + +#if defined(OLC_PLATFORM_EMSCRIPTEN) + EGLint const attribute_list[] = { EGL_RED_SIZE, 8, EGL_GREEN_SIZE, 8, EGL_BLUE_SIZE, 8, EGL_ALPHA_SIZE, 8, EGL_NONE }; + EGLint const context_config[] = { EGL_CONTEXT_CLIENT_VERSION , 2, EGL_NONE }; + EGLint num_config; + + olc_Display = eglGetDisplay(EGL_DEFAULT_DISPLAY); + eglInitialize(olc_Display, nullptr, nullptr); + eglChooseConfig(olc_Display, attribute_list, &olc_Config, 1, &num_config); + + /* create an EGL rendering context */ + olc_Context = eglCreateContext(olc_Display, olc_Config, EGL_NO_CONTEXT, context_config); + olc_Surface = eglCreateWindowSurface(olc_Display, olc_Config, NULL, nullptr); + eglMakeCurrent(olc_Display, olc_Surface, olc_Surface, olc_Context); + //eglSwapInterval is currently a NOP, plement anyways in case it becomes supported + locSwapInterval = &eglSwapInterval; + locSwapInterval(olc_Display, bVSYNC ? 1 : 0); +#endif + +#if defined(OLC_PLATFORM_GLUT) + mFullScreen = bFullScreen; + if (!bVSYNC) + { +#if defined(__APPLE__) + GLint sync = 0; + CGLContextObj ctx = CGLGetCurrentContext(); + if (ctx) CGLSetParameter(ctx, kCGLCPSwapInterval, &sync); +#endif + } +#else + #if !defined(OLC_PLATFORM_EMSCRIPTEN) + glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); // Turn on texturing + glHint(GL_PERSPECTIVE_CORRECTION_HINT, GL_NICEST); + #endif +#endif + // Load External OpenGL Functions + locCreateShader = OGL_LOAD(locCreateShader_t, glCreateShader); + locCompileShader = OGL_LOAD(locCompileShader_t, glCompileShader); + locShaderSource = OGL_LOAD(locShaderSource_t, glShaderSource); + locDeleteShader = OGL_LOAD(locDeleteShader_t, glDeleteShader); + locCreateProgram = OGL_LOAD(locCreateProgram_t, glCreateProgram); + locDeleteProgram = OGL_LOAD(locDeleteProgram_t, glDeleteProgram); + locLinkProgram = OGL_LOAD(locLinkProgram_t, glLinkProgram); + locAttachShader = OGL_LOAD(locAttachShader_t, glAttachShader); + locBindBuffer = OGL_LOAD(locBindBuffer_t, glBindBuffer); + locBufferData = OGL_LOAD(locBufferData_t, glBufferData); + locGenBuffers = OGL_LOAD(locGenBuffers_t, glGenBuffers); + locVertexAttribPointer = OGL_LOAD(locVertexAttribPointer_t, glVertexAttribPointer); + locEnableVertexAttribArray = OGL_LOAD(locEnableVertexAttribArray_t, glEnableVertexAttribArray); + locUseProgram = OGL_LOAD(locUseProgram_t, glUseProgram); + locGetShaderInfoLog = OGL_LOAD(locGetShaderInfoLog_t, glGetShaderInfoLog); +#if !defined(OLC_PLATFORM_EMSCRIPTEN) + locBindVertexArray = OGL_LOAD(locBindVertexArray_t, glBindVertexArray); + locGenVertexArrays = OGL_LOAD(locGenVertexArrays_t, glGenVertexArrays); +#else + locBindVertexArray = glBindVertexArrayOES; + locGenVertexArrays = glGenVertexArraysOES; +#endif + + // Load & Compile Quad Shader - assumes no errors + m_nFS = locCreateShader(0x8B30); + const GLchar* strFS = +#if defined(__arm__) || defined(OLC_PLATFORM_EMSCRIPTEN) + "#version 300 es\n" + "precision mediump float;" +#else + "#version 330 core\n" +#endif + "out vec4 pixel;\n""in vec2 oTex;\n" + "in vec4 oCol;\n""uniform sampler2D sprTex;\n""void main(){pixel = texture(sprTex, oTex) * oCol;}"; + locShaderSource(m_nFS, 1, &strFS, NULL); + locCompileShader(m_nFS); + + m_nVS = locCreateShader(0x8B31); + const GLchar* strVS = +#if defined(__arm__) || defined(OLC_PLATFORM_EMSCRIPTEN) + "#version 300 es\n" + "precision mediump float;" +#else + "#version 330 core\n" +#endif + "layout(location = 0) in vec3 aPos;\n""layout(location = 1) in vec2 aTex;\n" + "layout(location = 2) in vec4 aCol;\n""out vec2 oTex;\n""out vec4 oCol;\n" + "void main(){ float p = 1.0 / aPos.z; gl_Position = p * vec4(aPos.x, aPos.y, 0.0, 1.0); oTex = p * aTex; oCol = aCol;}"; + locShaderSource(m_nVS, 1, &strVS, NULL); + locCompileShader(m_nVS); + + m_nQuadShader = locCreateProgram(); + locAttachShader(m_nQuadShader, m_nFS); + locAttachShader(m_nQuadShader, m_nVS); + locLinkProgram(m_nQuadShader); + + // Create Quad + locGenBuffers(1, &m_vbQuad); + locGenVertexArrays(1, &m_vaQuad); + locBindVertexArray(m_vaQuad); + locBindBuffer(0x8892, m_vbQuad); + + locVertex verts[OLC_MAX_VERTS]; + locBufferData(0x8892, sizeof(locVertex) * OLC_MAX_VERTS, verts, 0x88E0); + locVertexAttribPointer(0, 3, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, sizeof(locVertex), 0); locEnableVertexAttribArray(0); + locVertexAttribPointer(1, 2, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, sizeof(locVertex), (void*)(3 * sizeof(float))); locEnableVertexAttribArray(1); + locVertexAttribPointer(2, 4, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, GL_TRUE, sizeof(locVertex), (void*)(5 * sizeof(float))); locEnableVertexAttribArray(2); + locBindBuffer(0x8892, 0); + locBindVertexArray(0); + + // Create blank texture for spriteless decals + rendBlankQuad.Create(1, 1); + rendBlankQuad.Sprite()->GetData()[0] = olc::WHITE; + rendBlankQuad.Decal()->Update(); + return olc::rcode::OK; + } + + olc::rcode DestroyDevice() override + { +#if defined(OLC_PLATFORM_WINAPI) + wglDeleteContext(glRenderContext); +#endif + +#if defined(OLC_PLATFORM_X11) + glXMakeCurrent(olc_Display, None, NULL); + glXDestroyContext(olc_Display, glDeviceContext); +#endif + +#if defined(OLC_PLATFORM_GLUT) + glutDestroyWindow(glutGetWindow()); +#endif + +#if defined(OLC_PLATFORM_EMSCRIPTEN) + eglMakeCurrent(olc_Display, EGL_NO_SURFACE, EGL_NO_SURFACE, EGL_NO_CONTEXT); + eglDestroyContext(olc_Display, olc_Context); + eglDestroySurface(olc_Display, olc_Surface); + eglTerminate(olc_Display); + olc_Display = EGL_NO_DISPLAY; + olc_Surface = EGL_NO_SURFACE; + olc_Context = EGL_NO_CONTEXT; +#endif + return olc::rcode::OK; + } + + void DisplayFrame() override + { +#if defined(OLC_PLATFORM_WINAPI) + SwapBuffers(glDeviceContext); + if (bSync) DwmFlush(); // Woooohooooooo!!!! SMOOOOOOOTH! +#endif + +#if defined(OLC_PLATFORM_X11) + X11::glXSwapBuffers(olc_Display, *olc_Window); +#endif + +#if defined(OLC_PLATFORM_GLUT) + glutSwapBuffers(); +#endif + +#if defined(OLC_PLATFORM_EMSCRIPTEN) + eglSwapBuffers(olc_Display, olc_Surface); +#endif + } + + void PrepareDrawing() override + { + glEnable(GL_BLEND); + nDecalMode = DecalMode::NORMAL; + glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); + locUseProgram(m_nQuadShader); + locBindVertexArray(m_vaQuad); + +#if defined(OLC_PLATFORM_EMSCRIPTEN) + locVertexAttribPointer(0, 3, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, sizeof(locVertex), 0); locEnableVertexAttribArray(0); + locVertexAttribPointer(1, 2, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, sizeof(locVertex), (void*)(3 * sizeof(float))); locEnableVertexAttribArray(1); + locVertexAttribPointer(2, 4, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, GL_TRUE, sizeof(locVertex), (void*)(5 * sizeof(float))); locEnableVertexAttribArray(2); +#endif + } + + void SetDecalMode(const olc::DecalMode& mode) override + { + if (mode != nDecalMode) + { + switch (mode) + { + case olc::DecalMode::NORMAL: glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); break; + case olc::DecalMode::ADDITIVE: glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE); break; + case olc::DecalMode::MULTIPLICATIVE: glBlendFunc(GL_DST_COLOR, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); break; + case olc::DecalMode::STENCIL: glBlendFunc(GL_ZERO, GL_SRC_ALPHA); break; + case olc::DecalMode::ILLUMINATE: glBlendFunc(GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA, GL_SRC_ALPHA); break; + case olc::DecalMode::WIREFRAME: glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); break; + } + + nDecalMode = mode; + } + } + + void DrawLayerQuad(const olc::vf2d& offset, const olc::vf2d& scale, const olc::Pixel tint) override + { + locBindBuffer(0x8892, m_vbQuad); + locVertex verts[4] = { + {{-1.0f, -1.0f, 1.0}, {0.0f * scale.x + offset.x, 1.0f * scale.y + offset.y}, tint}, + {{+1.0f, -1.0f, 1.0}, {1.0f * scale.x + offset.x, 1.0f * scale.y + offset.y}, tint}, + {{-1.0f, +1.0f, 1.0}, {0.0f * scale.x + offset.x, 0.0f * scale.y + offset.y}, tint}, + {{+1.0f, +1.0f, 1.0}, {1.0f * scale.x + offset.x, 0.0f * scale.y + offset.y}, tint}, + }; + + locBufferData(0x8892, sizeof(locVertex) * 4, verts, 0x88E0); + glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP, 0, 4); + } + + void DrawDecal(const olc::DecalInstance& decal) override + { + SetDecalMode(decal.mode); + if (decal.decal == nullptr) + glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, rendBlankQuad.Decal()->id); + else + glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, decal.decal->id); + + locBindBuffer(0x8892, m_vbQuad); + + for (uint32_t i = 0; i < decal.points; i++) + pVertexMem[i] = { { decal.pos[i].x, decal.pos[i].y, decal.w[i] }, { decal.uv[i].x, decal.uv[i].y }, decal.tint[i] }; + + locBufferData(0x8892, sizeof(locVertex) * decal.points, pVertexMem, 0x88E0); + + if (nDecalMode == DecalMode::WIREFRAME) + glDrawArrays(GL_LINE_LOOP, 0, decal.points); + else + glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLE_FAN, 0, decal.points); + } + + uint32_t CreateTexture(const uint32_t width, const uint32_t height, const bool filtered, const bool clamp) override + { + UNUSED(width); + UNUSED(height); + uint32_t id = 0; + glGenTextures(1, &id); + glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, id); + + if (filtered) + { + glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, GL_LINEAR); + glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, GL_LINEAR); + } + else + { + glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, GL_NEAREST); + glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, GL_NEAREST); + } + + if (clamp) + { + glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S, GL_CLAMP); + glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T, GL_CLAMP); + } + else + { + glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S, GL_REPEAT); + glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T, GL_REPEAT); + } +#if !defined(OLC_PLATFORM_EMSCRIPTEN) + glTexEnvf(GL_TEXTURE_ENV, GL_TEXTURE_ENV_MODE, GL_MODULATE); +#endif + return id; + } + + uint32_t DeleteTexture(const uint32_t id) override + { + glDeleteTextures(1, &id); + return id; + } + + void UpdateTexture(uint32_t id, olc::Sprite* spr) override + { + UNUSED(id); + glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGBA, spr->width, spr->height, 0, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, spr->GetData()); + } + + void ReadTexture(uint32_t id, olc::Sprite* spr) override + { + glReadPixels(0, 0, spr->width, spr->height, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, spr->GetData()); + } + + void ApplyTexture(uint32_t id) override + { + glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, id); + } + + void ClearBuffer(olc::Pixel p, bool bDepth) override + { + glClearColor(float(p.r) / 255.0f, float(p.g) / 255.0f, float(p.b) / 255.0f, float(p.a) / 255.0f); + glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT); + if (bDepth) glClear(GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT); + } + + void UpdateViewport(const olc::vi2d& pos, const olc::vi2d& size) override + { + glViewport(pos.x, pos.y, size.x, size.y); + } + }; +} +#endif +// O------------------------------------------------------------------------------O +// | END RENDERER: OpenGL 3.3 (3.0 es) (sh-sh-sh-shaders....) | +// O------------------------------------------------------------------------------O +#pragma endregion + +// O------------------------------------------------------------------------------O +// | olcPixelGameEngine Image loaders | +// O------------------------------------------------------------------------------O + +#pragma region image_gdi +// O------------------------------------------------------------------------------O +// | START IMAGE LOADER: GDI+, Windows Only, always exists, a little slow | +// O------------------------------------------------------------------------------O +#if defined(OLC_IMAGE_GDI) + +#define min(a, b) ((a < b) ? a : b) +#define max(a, b) ((a > b) ? a : b) +#include +#include +#if defined(__MINGW32__) // Thanks Gusgo & Dandistine, but c'mon mingw!! wtf?! + #include +#else + #include +#endif +#include +#undef min +#undef max + +#if !defined(__MINGW32__) + #pragma comment(lib, "gdiplus.lib") + #pragma comment(lib, "Shlwapi.lib") +#endif + +namespace olc +{ + // Thanks @MaGetzUb for this, which allows sprites to be defined + // at construction, by initialising the GDI subsystem + static class GDIPlusStartup + { + public: + GDIPlusStartup() + { + Gdiplus::GdiplusStartupInput startupInput; + GdiplusStartup(&token, &startupInput, NULL); + } + + ULONG_PTR token; + + ~GDIPlusStartup() + { + // Well, MarcusTU thought this was important :D + Gdiplus::GdiplusShutdown(token); + } + } gdistartup; + + class ImageLoader_GDIPlus : public olc::ImageLoader + { + private: + std::wstring ConvertS2W(std::string s) + { +#ifdef __MINGW32__ + wchar_t* buffer = new wchar_t[s.length() + 1]; + mbstowcs(buffer, s.c_str(), s.length()); + buffer[s.length()] = L'\0'; +#else + int count = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, s.c_str(), -1, NULL, 0); + wchar_t* buffer = new wchar_t[count]; + MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, s.c_str(), -1, buffer, count); +#endif + std::wstring w(buffer); + delete[] buffer; + return w; + } + + public: + ImageLoader_GDIPlus() : ImageLoader() + {} + + olc::rcode LoadImageResource(olc::Sprite* spr, const std::string& sImageFile, olc::ResourcePack* pack) override + { + // clear out existing sprite + spr->pColData.clear(); + + // Open file + UNUSED(pack); + Gdiplus::Bitmap* bmp = nullptr; + if (pack != nullptr) + { + // Load sprite from input stream + ResourceBuffer rb = pack->GetFileBuffer(sImageFile); + bmp = Gdiplus::Bitmap::FromStream(SHCreateMemStream((BYTE*), UINT(rb.vMemory.size()))); + } + else + { + // Check file exists + if (!_gfs::exists(sImageFile)) return olc::rcode::NO_FILE; + + // Load sprite from file + bmp = Gdiplus::Bitmap::FromFile(ConvertS2W(sImageFile).c_str()); + } + + if (bmp->GetLastStatus() != Gdiplus::Ok) return olc::rcode::FAIL; + spr->width = bmp->GetWidth(); + spr->height = bmp->GetHeight(); + + spr->pColData.resize(spr->width * spr->height); + + for (int y = 0; y < spr->height; y++) + for (int x = 0; x < spr->width; x++) + { + Gdiplus::Color c; + bmp->GetPixel(x, y, &c); + spr->SetPixel(x, y, olc::Pixel(c.GetRed(), c.GetGreen(), c.GetBlue(), c.GetAlpha())); + } + delete bmp; + return olc::rcode::OK; + } + + olc::rcode SaveImageResource(olc::Sprite* spr, const std::string& sImageFile) override + { + return olc::rcode::OK; + } + }; +} +#endif +// O------------------------------------------------------------------------------O +// | END IMAGE LOADER: GDI+ | +// O------------------------------------------------------------------------------O +#pragma endregion + +#pragma region image_libpng +// O------------------------------------------------------------------------------O +// | START IMAGE LOADER: libpng, default on linux, requires -lpng (libpng-dev) | +// O------------------------------------------------------------------------------O +#if defined(OLC_IMAGE_LIBPNG) +#include +namespace olc +{ + void pngReadStream(png_structp pngPtr, png_bytep data, png_size_t length) + { + png_voidp a = png_get_io_ptr(pngPtr); + ((std::istream*)a)->read((char*)data, length); + } + + class ImageLoader_LibPNG : public olc::ImageLoader + { + public: + ImageLoader_LibPNG() : ImageLoader() + {} + + olc::rcode LoadImageResource(olc::Sprite* spr, const std::string& sImageFile, olc::ResourcePack* pack) override + { + UNUSED(pack); + + // clear out existing sprite + spr->pColData.clear(); + + //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + // Use libpng, Thanks to Guillaume Cottenceau + // + // Also reading png from streams + // + png_structp png; + png_infop info; + + auto loadPNG = [&]() + { + png_read_info(png, info); + png_byte color_type; + png_byte bit_depth; + png_bytep* row_pointers; + spr->width = png_get_image_width(png, info); + spr->height = png_get_image_height(png, info); + color_type = png_get_color_type(png, info); + bit_depth = png_get_bit_depth(png, info); + if (bit_depth == 16) png_set_strip_16(png); + if (color_type == PNG_COLOR_TYPE_PALETTE) png_set_palette_to_rgb(png); + if (color_type == PNG_COLOR_TYPE_GRAY && bit_depth < 8) png_set_expand_gray_1_2_4_to_8(png); + if (png_get_valid(png, info, PNG_INFO_tRNS)) png_set_tRNS_to_alpha(png); + if (color_type == PNG_COLOR_TYPE_RGB || color_type == PNG_COLOR_TYPE_GRAY || color_type == PNG_COLOR_TYPE_PALETTE) + png_set_filler(png, 0xFF, PNG_FILLER_AFTER); + if (color_type == PNG_COLOR_TYPE_GRAY || color_type == PNG_COLOR_TYPE_GRAY_ALPHA) + png_set_gray_to_rgb(png); + png_read_update_info(png, info); + row_pointers = (png_bytep*)malloc(sizeof(png_bytep) * spr->height); + for (int y = 0; y < spr->height; y++) { + row_pointers[y] = (png_byte*)malloc(png_get_rowbytes(png, info)); + } + png_read_image(png, row_pointers); + //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + // Create sprite array + spr->pColData.resize(spr->width * spr->height); + // Iterate through image rows, converting into sprite format + for (int y = 0; y < spr->height; y++) + { + png_bytep row = row_pointers[y]; + for (int x = 0; x < spr->width; x++) + { + png_bytep px = &(row[x * 4]); + spr->SetPixel(x, y, Pixel(px[0], px[1], px[2], px[3])); + } + } + + for (int y = 0; y < spr->height; y++) // Thanks maksym33 + free(row_pointers[y]); + free(row_pointers); + png_destroy_read_struct(&png, &info, nullptr); + }; + + png = png_create_read_struct(PNG_LIBPNG_VER_STRING, NULL, NULL, NULL); + if (!png) goto fail_load; + + info = png_create_info_struct(png); + if (!info) goto fail_load; + + if (setjmp(png_jmpbuf(png))) goto fail_load; + + if (pack == nullptr) + { + FILE* f = fopen(sImageFile.c_str(), "rb"); + if (!f) return olc::rcode::NO_FILE; + png_init_io(png, f); + loadPNG(); + fclose(f); + } + else + { + ResourceBuffer rb = pack->GetFileBuffer(sImageFile); + std::istream is(&rb); + png_set_read_fn(png, (png_voidp)&is, pngReadStream); + loadPNG(); + } + + return olc::rcode::OK; + + fail_load: + spr->width = 0; + spr->height = 0; + spr->pColData.clear(); + return olc::rcode::FAIL; + } + + olc::rcode SaveImageResource(olc::Sprite* spr, const std::string& sImageFile) override + { + return olc::rcode::OK; + } + }; +} +#endif +// O------------------------------------------------------------------------------O +// | END IMAGE LOADER: | +// O------------------------------------------------------------------------------O +#pragma endregion + +#pragma region image_stb +// O------------------------------------------------------------------------------O +// | START IMAGE LOADER: stb_image.h, all systems, very fast | +// O------------------------------------------------------------------------------O +// Thanks to Sean Barrett - +// MIT License - Copyright(c) 2017 Sean Barrett + +// Note you need to download the above file into your project folder, and +// #define OLC_IMAGE_STB +// #define OLC_PGE_APPLICATION +// #include "olcPixelGameEngine.h" + +#if defined(OLC_IMAGE_STB) +#define STB_IMAGE_IMPLEMENTATION +#include "stb_image.h" +namespace olc +{ + class ImageLoader_STB : public olc::ImageLoader + { + public: + ImageLoader_STB() : ImageLoader() + {} + + olc::rcode LoadImageResource(olc::Sprite* spr, const std::string& sImageFile, olc::ResourcePack* pack) override + { + UNUSED(pack); + // clear out existing sprite + spr->pColData.clear(); + // Open file + stbi_uc* bytes = nullptr; + int w = 0, h = 0, cmp = 0; + if (pack != nullptr) + { + ResourceBuffer rb = pack->GetFileBuffer(sImageFile); + bytes = stbi_load_from_memory((unsigned char*), rb.vMemory.size(), &w, &h, &cmp, 4); + } + else + { + // Check file exists + if (!_gfs::exists(sImageFile)) return olc::rcode::NO_FILE; + bytes = stbi_load(sImageFile.c_str(), &w, &h, &cmp, 4); + } + + if (!bytes) return olc::rcode::FAIL; + spr->width = w; spr->height = h; + spr->pColData.resize(spr->width * spr->height); + std::memcpy(spr->, bytes, spr->width * spr->height * 4); + delete[] bytes; + return olc::rcode::OK; + } + + olc::rcode SaveImageResource(olc::Sprite* spr, const std::string& sImageFile) override + { + return olc::rcode::OK; + } + }; +} +#endif +// O------------------------------------------------------------------------------O +// | START IMAGE LOADER: stb_image.h | +// O------------------------------------------------------------------------------O +#pragma endregion + +// O------------------------------------------------------------------------------O +// | olcPixelGameEngine Platforms | +// O------------------------------------------------------------------------------O + +#pragma region platform_windows +// O------------------------------------------------------------------------------O +// | START PLATFORM: MICROSOFT WINDOWS XP, VISTA, 7, 8, 10 | +// O------------------------------------------------------------------------------O +#if defined(OLC_PLATFORM_WINAPI) + +#if defined(_WIN32) && !defined(__MINGW32__) + #pragma comment(lib, "user32.lib") // Visual Studio Only + #pragma comment(lib, "gdi32.lib") // For other Windows Compilers please add + #pragma comment(lib, "opengl32.lib") // these libs to your linker input +#endif + +namespace olc +{ + class Platform_Windows : public olc::Platform + { + private: + HWND olc_hWnd = nullptr; + std::wstring wsAppName; + + std::wstring ConvertS2W(std::string s) + { +#ifdef __MINGW32__ + wchar_t* buffer = new wchar_t[s.length() + 1]; + mbstowcs(buffer, s.c_str(), s.length()); + buffer[s.length()] = L'\0'; +#else + int count = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, s.c_str(), -1, NULL, 0); + wchar_t* buffer = new wchar_t[count]; + MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, s.c_str(), -1, buffer, count); +#endif + std::wstring w(buffer); + delete[] buffer; + return w; + } + + public: + virtual olc::rcode ApplicationStartUp() override { return olc::rcode::OK; } + virtual olc::rcode ApplicationCleanUp() override { return olc::rcode::OK; } + virtual olc::rcode ThreadStartUp() override { return olc::rcode::OK; } + + virtual olc::rcode ThreadCleanUp() override + { + renderer->DestroyDevice(); + PostMessage(olc_hWnd, WM_DESTROY, 0, 0); + return olc::OK; + } + + virtual olc::rcode CreateGraphics(bool bFullScreen, bool bEnableVSYNC, const olc::vi2d& vViewPos, const olc::vi2d& vViewSize) override + { + if (renderer->CreateDevice({ olc_hWnd }, bFullScreen, bEnableVSYNC) == olc::rcode::OK) + { + renderer->UpdateViewport(vViewPos, vViewSize); + return olc::rcode::OK; + } + else + return olc::rcode::FAIL; + } + + virtual olc::rcode CreateWindowPane(const olc::vi2d& vWindowPos, olc::vi2d& vWindowSize, bool bFullScreen) override + { + WNDCLASS wc; + wc.hIcon = LoadIcon(NULL, IDI_APPLICATION); + wc.hCursor = LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_ARROW); + = CS_HREDRAW | CS_VREDRAW | CS_OWNDC; + wc.hInstance = GetModuleHandle(nullptr); + wc.lpfnWndProc = olc_WindowEvent; + wc.cbClsExtra = 0; + wc.cbWndExtra = 0; + wc.lpszMenuName = nullptr; + wc.hbrBackground = nullptr; + wc.lpszClassName = olcT("OLC_PIXEL_GAME_ENGINE"); + RegisterClass(&wc); + + // Define window furniture + DWORD dwExStyle = WS_EX_APPWINDOW | WS_EX_WINDOWEDGE; + DWORD dwStyle = WS_CAPTION | WS_SYSMENU | WS_VISIBLE | WS_THICKFRAME; + + olc::vi2d vTopLeft = vWindowPos; + + // Handle Fullscreen + if (bFullScreen) + { + dwExStyle = 0; + dwStyle = WS_VISIBLE | WS_POPUP; + HMONITOR hmon = MonitorFromWindow(olc_hWnd, MONITOR_DEFAULTTONEAREST); + MONITORINFO mi = { sizeof(mi) }; + if (!GetMonitorInfo(hmon, &mi)) return olc::rcode::FAIL; + vWindowSize = { mi.rcMonitor.right, mi.rcMonitor.bottom }; + vTopLeft.x = 0; + vTopLeft.y = 0; + } + + // Keep client size as requested + RECT rWndRect = { 0, 0, vWindowSize.x, vWindowSize.y }; + AdjustWindowRectEx(&rWndRect, dwStyle, FALSE, dwExStyle); + int width = rWndRect.right - rWndRect.left; + int height = rWndRect.bottom -; + + olc_hWnd = CreateWindowEx(dwExStyle, olcT("OLC_PIXEL_GAME_ENGINE"), olcT(""), dwStyle, + vTopLeft.x, vTopLeft.y, width, height, NULL, NULL, GetModuleHandle(nullptr), this); + + // Create Keyboard Mapping + mapKeys[0x00] = Key::NONE; + mapKeys[0x41] = Key::A; mapKeys[0x42] = Key::B; mapKeys[0x43] = Key::C; mapKeys[0x44] = Key::D; mapKeys[0x45] = Key::E; + mapKeys[0x46] = Key::F; mapKeys[0x47] = Key::G; mapKeys[0x48] = Key::H; mapKeys[0x49] = Key::I; mapKeys[0x4A] = Key::J; + mapKeys[0x4B] = Key::K; mapKeys[0x4C] = Key::L; mapKeys[0x4D] = Key::M; mapKeys[0x4E] = Key::N; mapKeys[0x4F] = Key::O; + mapKeys[0x50] = Key::P; mapKeys[0x51] = Key::Q; mapKeys[0x52] = Key::R; mapKeys[0x53] = Key::S; mapKeys[0x54] = Key::T; + mapKeys[0x55] = Key::U; mapKeys[0x56] = Key::V; mapKeys[0x57] = Key::W; mapKeys[0x58] = Key::X; mapKeys[0x59] = Key::Y; + mapKeys[0x5A] = Key::Z; + + mapKeys[VK_F1] = Key::F1; mapKeys[VK_F2] = Key::F2; mapKeys[VK_F3] = Key::F3; mapKeys[VK_F4] = Key::F4; + mapKeys[VK_F5] = Key::F5; mapKeys[VK_F6] = Key::F6; mapKeys[VK_F7] = Key::F7; mapKeys[VK_F8] = Key::F8; + mapKeys[VK_F9] = Key::F9; mapKeys[VK_F10] = Key::F10; mapKeys[VK_F11] = Key::F11; mapKeys[VK_F12] = Key::F12; + + mapKeys[VK_DOWN] = Key::DOWN; mapKeys[VK_LEFT] = Key::LEFT; mapKeys[VK_RIGHT] = Key::RIGHT; mapKeys[VK_UP] = Key::UP; + //mapKeys[VK_RETURN] = Key::ENTER;// mapKeys[VK_RETURN] = Key::RETURN; + + mapKeys[VK_BACK] = Key::BACK; mapKeys[VK_ESCAPE] = Key::ESCAPE; mapKeys[VK_RETURN] = Key::ENTER; mapKeys[VK_PAUSE] = Key::PAUSE; + mapKeys[VK_SCROLL] = Key::SCROLL; mapKeys[VK_TAB] = Key::TAB; mapKeys[VK_DELETE] = Key::DEL; mapKeys[VK_HOME] = Key::HOME; + mapKeys[VK_END] = Key::END; mapKeys[VK_PRIOR] = Key::PGUP; mapKeys[VK_NEXT] = Key::PGDN; mapKeys[VK_INSERT] = Key::INS; + mapKeys[VK_SHIFT] = Key::SHIFT; mapKeys[VK_CONTROL] = Key::CTRL; + mapKeys[VK_SPACE] = Key::SPACE; + + mapKeys[0x30] = Key::K0; mapKeys[0x31] = Key::K1; mapKeys[0x32] = Key::K2; mapKeys[0x33] = Key::K3; mapKeys[0x34] = Key::K4; + mapKeys[0x35] = Key::K5; mapKeys[0x36] = Key::K6; mapKeys[0x37] = Key::K7; mapKeys[0x38] = Key::K8; mapKeys[0x39] = Key::K9; + + mapKeys[VK_NUMPAD0] = Key::NP0; mapKeys[VK_NUMPAD1] = Key::NP1; mapKeys[VK_NUMPAD2] = Key::NP2; mapKeys[VK_NUMPAD3] = Key::NP3; mapKeys[VK_NUMPAD4] = Key::NP4; + mapKeys[VK_NUMPAD5] = Key::NP5; mapKeys[VK_NUMPAD6] = Key::NP6; mapKeys[VK_NUMPAD7] = Key::NP7; mapKeys[VK_NUMPAD8] = Key::NP8; mapKeys[VK_NUMPAD9] = Key::NP9; + mapKeys[VK_MULTIPLY] = Key::NP_MUL; mapKeys[VK_ADD] = Key::NP_ADD; mapKeys[VK_DIVIDE] = Key::NP_DIV; mapKeys[VK_SUBTRACT] = Key::NP_SUB; mapKeys[VK_DECIMAL] = Key::NP_DECIMAL; + + // Thanks scripticuk + mapKeys[VK_OEM_1] = Key::OEM_1; // On US and UK keyboards this is the ';:' key + mapKeys[VK_OEM_2] = Key::OEM_2; // On US and UK keyboards this is the '/?' key + mapKeys[VK_OEM_3] = Key::OEM_3; // On US keyboard this is the '~' key + mapKeys[VK_OEM_4] = Key::OEM_4; // On US and UK keyboards this is the '[{' key + mapKeys[VK_OEM_5] = Key::OEM_5; // On US keyboard this is '\|' key. + mapKeys[VK_OEM_6] = Key::OEM_6; // On US and UK keyboards this is the ']}' key + mapKeys[VK_OEM_7] = Key::OEM_7; // On US keyboard this is the single/double quote key. On UK, this is the single quote/@ symbol key + mapKeys[VK_OEM_8] = Key::OEM_8; // miscellaneous characters. Varies by keyboard + mapKeys[VK_OEM_PLUS] = Key::EQUALS; // the '+' key on any keyboard + mapKeys[VK_OEM_COMMA] = Key::COMMA; // the comma key on any keyboard + mapKeys[VK_OEM_MINUS] = Key::MINUS; // the minus key on any keyboard + mapKeys[VK_OEM_PERIOD] = Key::PERIOD; // the period key on any keyboard + mapKeys[VK_CAPITAL] = Key::CAPS_LOCK; + return olc::OK; + } + + virtual olc::rcode SetWindowTitle(const std::string& s) override + { +#ifdef UNICODE + SetWindowText(olc_hWnd, ConvertS2W(s).c_str()); +#else + SetWindowText(olc_hWnd, s.c_str()); +#endif + return olc::OK; + } + + virtual olc::rcode StartSystemEventLoop() override + { + MSG msg; + while (GetMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0) > 0) + { + TranslateMessage(&msg); + DispatchMessage(&msg); + } + return olc::OK; + } + + virtual olc::rcode HandleSystemEvent() override { return olc::rcode::FAIL; } + + // Windows Event Handler - this is statically connected to the windows event system + static LRESULT CALLBACK olc_WindowEvent(HWND hWnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) + { + switch (uMsg) + { + case WM_MOUSEMOVE: + { + // Thanks @ForAbby (Discord) + uint16_t x = lParam & 0xFFFF; uint16_t y = (lParam >> 16) & 0xFFFF; + int16_t ix = *(int16_t*)&x; int16_t iy = *(int16_t*)&y; + ptrPGE->olc_UpdateMouse(ix, iy); + return 0; + } + case WM_SIZE: ptrPGE->olc_UpdateWindowSize(lParam & 0xFFFF, (lParam >> 16) & 0xFFFF); return 0; + case WM_MOUSEWHEEL: ptrPGE->olc_UpdateMouseWheel(GET_WHEEL_DELTA_WPARAM(wParam)); return 0; + case WM_MOUSELEAVE: ptrPGE->olc_UpdateMouseFocus(false); return 0; + case WM_SETFOCUS: ptrPGE->olc_UpdateKeyFocus(true); return 0; + case WM_KILLFOCUS: ptrPGE->olc_UpdateKeyFocus(false); return 0; + case WM_KEYDOWN: ptrPGE->olc_UpdateKeyState(mapKeys[wParam], true); return 0; + case WM_KEYUP: ptrPGE->olc_UpdateKeyState(mapKeys[wParam], false); return 0; + case WM_SYSKEYDOWN: ptrPGE->olc_UpdateKeyState(mapKeys[wParam], true); return 0; + case WM_SYSKEYUP: ptrPGE->olc_UpdateKeyState(mapKeys[wParam], false); return 0; + case WM_LBUTTONDOWN:ptrPGE->olc_UpdateMouseState(0, true); return 0; + case WM_LBUTTONUP: ptrPGE->olc_UpdateMouseState(0, false); return 0; + case WM_RBUTTONDOWN:ptrPGE->olc_UpdateMouseState(1, true); return 0; + case WM_RBUTTONUP: ptrPGE->olc_UpdateMouseState(1, false); return 0; + case WM_MBUTTONDOWN:ptrPGE->olc_UpdateMouseState(2, true); return 0; + case WM_MBUTTONUP: ptrPGE->olc_UpdateMouseState(2, false); return 0; + case WM_CLOSE: ptrPGE->olc_Terminate(); return 0; + case WM_DESTROY: PostQuitMessage(0); DestroyWindow(hWnd); return 0; + } + return DefWindowProc(hWnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam); + } + }; +} +#endif +// O------------------------------------------------------------------------------O +// | END PLATFORM: MICROSOFT WINDOWS XP, VISTA, 7, 8, 10 | +// O------------------------------------------------------------------------------O +#pragma endregion + +#pragma region platform_linux +// O------------------------------------------------------------------------------O +// | START PLATFORM: LINUX | +// O------------------------------------------------------------------------------O +#if defined(OLC_PLATFORM_X11) +namespace olc +{ + class Platform_Linux : public olc::Platform + { + private: + X11::Display* olc_Display = nullptr; + X11::Window olc_WindowRoot; + X11::Window olc_Window; + X11::XVisualInfo* olc_VisualInfo; + X11::Colormap olc_ColourMap; + X11::XSetWindowAttributes olc_SetWindowAttribs; + + public: + virtual olc::rcode ApplicationStartUp() override + { + return olc::rcode::OK; + } + + virtual olc::rcode ApplicationCleanUp() override + { + XDestroyWindow(olc_Display, olc_Window); + return olc::rcode::OK; + } + + virtual olc::rcode ThreadStartUp() override + { + return olc::rcode::OK; + } + + virtual olc::rcode ThreadCleanUp() override + { + renderer->DestroyDevice(); + return olc::OK; + } + + virtual olc::rcode CreateGraphics(bool bFullScreen, bool bEnableVSYNC, const olc::vi2d& vViewPos, const olc::vi2d& vViewSize) override + { + if (renderer->CreateDevice({ olc_Display, &olc_Window, olc_VisualInfo }, bFullScreen, bEnableVSYNC) == olc::rcode::OK) + { + renderer->UpdateViewport(vViewPos, vViewSize); + return olc::rcode::OK; + } + else + return olc::rcode::FAIL; + } + + virtual olc::rcode CreateWindowPane(const olc::vi2d& vWindowPos, olc::vi2d& vWindowSize, bool bFullScreen) override + { + using namespace X11; + XInitThreads(); + + // Grab the deafult display and window + olc_Display = XOpenDisplay(NULL); + olc_WindowRoot = DefaultRootWindow(olc_Display); + + // Based on the display capabilities, configure the appearance of the window + GLint olc_GLAttribs[] = { GLX_RGBA, GLX_DEPTH_SIZE, 24, GLX_DOUBLEBUFFER, None }; + olc_VisualInfo = glXChooseVisual(olc_Display, 0, olc_GLAttribs); + olc_ColourMap = XCreateColormap(olc_Display, olc_WindowRoot, olc_VisualInfo->visual, AllocNone); + olc_SetWindowAttribs.colormap = olc_ColourMap; + + // Register which events we are interested in receiving + olc_SetWindowAttribs.event_mask = ExposureMask | KeyPressMask | KeyReleaseMask | + ButtonPressMask | ButtonReleaseMask | PointerMotionMask | FocusChangeMask | StructureNotifyMask; + + // Create the window + olc_Window = XCreateWindow(olc_Display, olc_WindowRoot, vWindowPos.x, vWindowPos.y, + vWindowSize.x, vWindowSize.y, + 0, olc_VisualInfo->depth, InputOutput, olc_VisualInfo->visual, + CWColormap | CWEventMask, &olc_SetWindowAttribs); + + Atom wmDelete = XInternAtom(olc_Display, "WM_DELETE_WINDOW", true); + XSetWMProtocols(olc_Display, olc_Window, &wmDelete, 1); + + XMapWindow(olc_Display, olc_Window); + XStoreName(olc_Display, olc_Window, " - Pixel Game Engine"); + + if (bFullScreen) // Thanks DragonEye, again :D + { + Atom wm_state; + Atom fullscreen; + wm_state = XInternAtom(olc_Display, "_NET_WM_STATE", False); + fullscreen = XInternAtom(olc_Display, "_NET_WM_STATE_FULLSCREEN", False); + XEvent xev{ 0 }; + xev.type = ClientMessage; + xev.xclient.window = olc_Window; + xev.xclient.message_type = wm_state; + xev.xclient.format = 32; +[0] = (bFullScreen ? 1 : 0); // the action (0: off, 1: on, 2: toggle) +[1] = fullscreen; // first property to alter +[2] = 0; // second property to alter +[3] = 0; // source indication + XMapWindow(olc_Display, olc_Window); + XSendEvent(olc_Display, DefaultRootWindow(olc_Display), False, + SubstructureRedirectMask | SubstructureNotifyMask, &xev); + XFlush(olc_Display); + XWindowAttributes gwa; + XGetWindowAttributes(olc_Display, olc_Window, &gwa); + vWindowSize.x = gwa.width; + vWindowSize.y = gwa.height; + } + + // Create Keyboard Mapping + mapKeys[0x00] = Key::NONE; + mapKeys[0x61] = Key::A; mapKeys[0x62] = Key::B; mapKeys[0x63] = Key::C; mapKeys[0x64] = Key::D; mapKeys[0x65] = Key::E; + mapKeys[0x66] = Key::F; mapKeys[0x67] = Key::G; mapKeys[0x68] = Key::H; mapKeys[0x69] = Key::I; mapKeys[0x6A] = Key::J; + mapKeys[0x6B] = Key::K; mapKeys[0x6C] = Key::L; mapKeys[0x6D] = Key::M; mapKeys[0x6E] = Key::N; mapKeys[0x6F] = Key::O; + mapKeys[0x70] = Key::P; mapKeys[0x71] = Key::Q; mapKeys[0x72] = Key::R; mapKeys[0x73] = Key::S; mapKeys[0x74] = Key::T; + mapKeys[0x75] = Key::U; mapKeys[0x76] = Key::V; mapKeys[0x77] = Key::W; mapKeys[0x78] = Key::X; mapKeys[0x79] = Key::Y; + mapKeys[0x7A] = Key::Z; + + mapKeys[XK_F1] = Key::F1; mapKeys[XK_F2] = Key::F2; mapKeys[XK_F3] = Key::F3; mapKeys[XK_F4] = Key::F4; + mapKeys[XK_F5] = Key::F5; mapKeys[XK_F6] = Key::F6; mapKeys[XK_F7] = Key::F7; mapKeys[XK_F8] = Key::F8; + mapKeys[XK_F9] = Key::F9; mapKeys[XK_F10] = Key::F10; mapKeys[XK_F11] = Key::F11; mapKeys[XK_F12] = Key::F12; + + mapKeys[XK_Down] = Key::DOWN; mapKeys[XK_Left] = Key::LEFT; mapKeys[XK_Right] = Key::RIGHT; mapKeys[XK_Up] = Key::UP; + mapKeys[XK_KP_Enter] = Key::ENTER; mapKeys[XK_Return] = Key::ENTER; + + mapKeys[XK_BackSpace] = Key::BACK; mapKeys[XK_Escape] = Key::ESCAPE; mapKeys[XK_Linefeed] = Key::ENTER; mapKeys[XK_Pause] = Key::PAUSE; + mapKeys[XK_Scroll_Lock] = Key::SCROLL; mapKeys[XK_Tab] = Key::TAB; mapKeys[XK_Delete] = Key::DEL; mapKeys[XK_Home] = Key::HOME; + mapKeys[XK_End] = Key::END; mapKeys[XK_Page_Up] = Key::PGUP; mapKeys[XK_Page_Down] = Key::PGDN; mapKeys[XK_Insert] = Key::INS; + mapKeys[XK_Shift_L] = Key::SHIFT; mapKeys[XK_Shift_R] = Key::SHIFT; mapKeys[XK_Control_L] = Key::CTRL; mapKeys[XK_Control_R] = Key::CTRL; + mapKeys[XK_space] = Key::SPACE; mapKeys[XK_period] = Key::PERIOD; + + mapKeys[XK_0] = Key::K0; mapKeys[XK_1] = Key::K1; mapKeys[XK_2] = Key::K2; mapKeys[XK_3] = Key::K3; mapKeys[XK_4] = Key::K4; + mapKeys[XK_5] = Key::K5; mapKeys[XK_6] = Key::K6; mapKeys[XK_7] = Key::K7; mapKeys[XK_8] = Key::K8; mapKeys[XK_9] = Key::K9; + + mapKeys[XK_KP_0] = Key::NP0; mapKeys[XK_KP_1] = Key::NP1; mapKeys[XK_KP_2] = Key::NP2; mapKeys[XK_KP_3] = Key::NP3; mapKeys[XK_KP_4] = Key::NP4; + mapKeys[XK_KP_5] = Key::NP5; mapKeys[XK_KP_6] = Key::NP6; mapKeys[XK_KP_7] = Key::NP7; mapKeys[XK_KP_8] = Key::NP8; mapKeys[XK_KP_9] = Key::NP9; + mapKeys[XK_KP_Multiply] = Key::NP_MUL; mapKeys[XK_KP_Add] = Key::NP_ADD; mapKeys[XK_KP_Divide] = Key::NP_DIV; mapKeys[XK_KP_Subtract] = Key::NP_SUB; mapKeys[XK_KP_Decimal] = Key::NP_DECIMAL; + + // These keys vary depending on the keyboard. I've included comments for US and UK keyboard layouts + mapKeys[XK_semicolon] = Key::OEM_1; // On US and UK keyboards this is the ';:' key + mapKeys[XK_slash] = Key::OEM_2; // On US and UK keyboards this is the '/?' key + mapKeys[XK_asciitilde] = Key::OEM_3; // On US keyboard this is the '~' key + mapKeys[XK_bracketleft] = Key::OEM_4; // On US and UK keyboards this is the '[{' key + mapKeys[XK_backslash] = Key::OEM_5; // On US keyboard this is '\|' key. + mapKeys[XK_bracketright] = Key::OEM_6; // On US and UK keyboards this is the ']}' key + mapKeys[XK_apostrophe] = Key::OEM_7; // On US keyboard this is the single/double quote key. On UK, this is the single quote/@ symbol key + mapKeys[XK_numbersign] = Key::OEM_8; // miscellaneous characters. Varies by keyboard. I believe this to be the '#~' key on UK keyboards + mapKeys[XK_equal] = Key::EQUALS; // the '+' key on any keyboard + mapKeys[XK_comma] = Key::COMMA; // the comma key on any keyboard + mapKeys[XK_minus] = Key::MINUS; // the minus key on any keyboard + + mapKeys[XK_Caps_Lock] = Key::CAPS_LOCK; + + return olc::OK; + } + + virtual olc::rcode SetWindowTitle(const std::string& s) override + { + X11::XStoreName(olc_Display, olc_Window, s.c_str()); + return olc::OK; + } + + virtual olc::rcode StartSystemEventLoop() override + { + return olc::OK; + } + + virtual olc::rcode HandleSystemEvent() override + { + using namespace X11; + // Handle Xlib Message Loop - we do this in the + // same thread that OpenGL was created so we dont + // need to worry too much about multithreading with X11 + XEvent xev; + while (XPending(olc_Display)) + { + XNextEvent(olc_Display, &xev); + if (xev.type == Expose) + { + XWindowAttributes gwa; + XGetWindowAttributes(olc_Display, olc_Window, &gwa); + ptrPGE->olc_UpdateWindowSize(gwa.width, gwa.height); + } + else if (xev.type == ConfigureNotify) + { + XConfigureEvent xce = xev.xconfigure; + ptrPGE->olc_UpdateWindowSize(xce.width, xce.height); + } + else if (xev.type == KeyPress) + { + KeySym sym = XLookupKeysym(&xev.xkey, 0); + ptrPGE->olc_UpdateKeyState(mapKeys[sym], true); + XKeyEvent* e = (XKeyEvent*)&xev; // Because DragonEye loves numpads + XLookupString(e, NULL, 0, &sym, NULL); + ptrPGE->olc_UpdateKeyState(mapKeys[sym], true); + } + else if (xev.type == KeyRelease) + { + KeySym sym = XLookupKeysym(&xev.xkey, 0); + ptrPGE->olc_UpdateKeyState(mapKeys[sym], false); + XKeyEvent* e = (XKeyEvent*)&xev; + XLookupString(e, NULL, 0, &sym, NULL); + ptrPGE->olc_UpdateKeyState(mapKeys[sym], false); + } + else if (xev.type == ButtonPress) + { + switch (xev.xbutton.button) + { + case 1: ptrPGE->olc_UpdateMouseState(0, true); break; + case 2: ptrPGE->olc_UpdateMouseState(2, true); break; + case 3: ptrPGE->olc_UpdateMouseState(1, true); break; + case 4: ptrPGE->olc_UpdateMouseWheel(120); break; + case 5: ptrPGE->olc_UpdateMouseWheel(-120); break; + default: break; + } + } + else if (xev.type == ButtonRelease) + { + switch (xev.xbutton.button) + { + case 1: ptrPGE->olc_UpdateMouseState(0, false); break; + case 2: ptrPGE->olc_UpdateMouseState(2, false); break; + case 3: ptrPGE->olc_UpdateMouseState(1, false); break; + default: break; + } + } + else if (xev.type == MotionNotify) + { + ptrPGE->olc_UpdateMouse(xev.xmotion.x, xev.xmotion.y); + } + else if (xev.type == FocusIn) + { + ptrPGE->olc_UpdateKeyFocus(true); + } + else if (xev.type == FocusOut) + { + ptrPGE->olc_UpdateKeyFocus(false); + } + else if (xev.type == ClientMessage) + { + ptrPGE->olc_Terminate(); + } + } + return olc::OK; + } + }; +} +#endif +// O------------------------------------------------------------------------------O +// | END PLATFORM: LINUX | +// O------------------------------------------------------------------------------O +#pragma endregion + +#pragma region platform_glut +// O------------------------------------------------------------------------------O +// | START PLATFORM: GLUT (used to make it simple for Apple) | +// O------------------------------------------------------------------------------O +// +// VERY IMPORTANT!!! The Apple port was originally created by @Mumflr (discord) +// and the repo for the development of this project can be found here: +// which contains maccy goodness +// and support on how to setup your build environment. +// +// "MASSIVE MASSIVE THANKS TO MUMFLR" - Javidx9 +#if defined(OLC_PLATFORM_GLUT) +namespace olc { + + class Platform_GLUT : public olc::Platform + { + public: + static std::atomic* bActiveRef; + + virtual olc::rcode ApplicationStartUp() override { + return olc::rcode::OK; + } + + virtual olc::rcode ApplicationCleanUp() override + { + return olc::rcode::OK; + } + + virtual olc::rcode ThreadStartUp() override + { + return olc::rcode::OK; + } + + virtual olc::rcode ThreadCleanUp() override + { + renderer->DestroyDevice(); + return olc::OK; + } + + virtual olc::rcode CreateGraphics(bool bFullScreen, bool bEnableVSYNC, const olc::vi2d& vViewPos, const olc::vi2d& vViewSize) override + { + if (renderer->CreateDevice({}, bFullScreen, bEnableVSYNC) == olc::rcode::OK) + { + renderer->UpdateViewport(vViewPos, vViewSize); + return olc::rcode::OK; + } + else + return olc::rcode::FAIL; + } + + static void ExitMainLoop() { + if (!ptrPGE->OnUserDestroy()) { + *bActiveRef = true; + return; + } + platform->ThreadCleanUp(); + platform->ApplicationCleanUp(); + exit(0); + } + +#if defined(__APPLE__) + static void scrollWheelUpdate(id selff, SEL _sel, id theEvent) { + static const SEL deltaYSel = sel_registerName("deltaY"); + +#if defined(__aarch64__) // Thanks ruarq! + double deltaY = ((double (*)(id, SEL))objc_msgSend)(theEvent, deltaYSel); +#else + double deltaY = ((double (*)(id, SEL))objc_msgSend_fpret)(theEvent, deltaYSel); +#endif + + for (int i = 0; i < abs(deltaY); i++) { + if (deltaY > 0) { + ptrPGE->olc_UpdateMouseWheel(-1); + } + else if (deltaY < 0) { + ptrPGE->olc_UpdateMouseWheel(1); + } + } + } +#endif + static void ThreadFunct() { +#if defined(__APPLE__) + static bool hasEnabledCocoa = false; + if (!hasEnabledCocoa) { + // Objective-C Wizardry + Class NSApplicationClass = objc_getClass("NSApplication"); + + // NSApp = [NSApplication sharedApplication] + SEL sharedApplicationSel = sel_registerName("sharedApplication"); + id NSApp = ((id(*)(Class, SEL))objc_msgSend)(NSApplicationClass, sharedApplicationSel); + // window = [NSApp mainWindow] + SEL mainWindowSel = sel_registerName("mainWindow"); + id window = ((id(*)(id, SEL))objc_msgSend)(NSApp, mainWindowSel); + + // [window setStyleMask: NSWindowStyleMaskClosable | ~NSWindowStyleMaskResizable] + SEL setStyleMaskSel = sel_registerName("setStyleMask:"); + ((void (*)(id, SEL, NSUInteger))objc_msgSend)(window, setStyleMaskSel, 7); + + hasEnabledCocoa = true; + } +#endif + if (!*bActiveRef) { + ExitMainLoop(); + return; + } + glutPostRedisplay(); + } + + static void DrawFunct() { + ptrPGE->olc_CoreUpdate(); + } + + virtual olc::rcode CreateWindowPane(const olc::vi2d& vWindowPos, olc::vi2d& vWindowSize, bool bFullScreen) override + { +#if defined(__APPLE__) + Class GLUTViewClass = objc_getClass("GLUTView"); + + SEL scrollWheelSel = sel_registerName("scrollWheel:"); + bool resultAddMethod = class_addMethod(GLUTViewClass, scrollWheelSel, (IMP)scrollWheelUpdate, "v@:@"); + assert(resultAddMethod); +#endif + + renderer->PrepareDevice(); + + if (bFullScreen) + { + vWindowSize.x = glutGet(GLUT_SCREEN_WIDTH); + vWindowSize.y = glutGet(GLUT_SCREEN_HEIGHT); + glutFullScreen(); + } + else + { + if (vWindowSize.x > glutGet(GLUT_SCREEN_WIDTH) || vWindowSize.y > glutGet(GLUT_SCREEN_HEIGHT)) + { + perror("ERROR: The specified window dimensions do not fit on your screen\n"); + return olc::FAIL; + } + glutReshapeWindow(vWindowSize.x, vWindowSize.y - 1); + } + + // Create Keyboard Mapping + mapKeys[0x00] = Key::NONE; + mapKeys['A'] = Key::A; mapKeys['B'] = Key::B; mapKeys['C'] = Key::C; mapKeys['D'] = Key::D; mapKeys['E'] = Key::E; + mapKeys['F'] = Key::F; mapKeys['G'] = Key::G; mapKeys['H'] = Key::H; mapKeys['I'] = Key::I; mapKeys['J'] = Key::J; + mapKeys['K'] = Key::K; mapKeys['L'] = Key::L; mapKeys['M'] = Key::M; mapKeys['N'] = Key::N; mapKeys['O'] = Key::O; + mapKeys['P'] = Key::P; mapKeys['Q'] = Key::Q; mapKeys['R'] = Key::R; mapKeys['S'] = Key::S; mapKeys['T'] = Key::T; + mapKeys['U'] = Key::U; mapKeys['V'] = Key::V; mapKeys['W'] = Key::W; mapKeys['X'] = Key::X; mapKeys['Y'] = Key::Y; + mapKeys['Z'] = Key::Z; + + mapKeys[GLUT_KEY_F1] = Key::F1; mapKeys[GLUT_KEY_F2] = Key::F2; mapKeys[GLUT_KEY_F3] = Key::F3; mapKeys[GLUT_KEY_F4] = Key::F4; + mapKeys[GLUT_KEY_F5] = Key::F5; mapKeys[GLUT_KEY_F6] = Key::F6; mapKeys[GLUT_KEY_F7] = Key::F7; mapKeys[GLUT_KEY_F8] = Key::F8; + mapKeys[GLUT_KEY_F9] = Key::F9; mapKeys[GLUT_KEY_F10] = Key::F10; mapKeys[GLUT_KEY_F11] = Key::F11; mapKeys[GLUT_KEY_F12] = Key::F12; + + mapKeys[GLUT_KEY_DOWN] = Key::DOWN; mapKeys[GLUT_KEY_LEFT] = Key::LEFT; mapKeys[GLUT_KEY_RIGHT] = Key::RIGHT; mapKeys[GLUT_KEY_UP] = Key::UP; + mapKeys[13] = Key::ENTER; + + mapKeys[127] = Key::BACK; mapKeys[27] = Key::ESCAPE; + mapKeys[9] = Key::TAB; mapKeys[GLUT_KEY_HOME] = Key::HOME; + mapKeys[GLUT_KEY_END] = Key::END; mapKeys[GLUT_KEY_PAGE_UP] = Key::PGUP; mapKeys[GLUT_KEY_PAGE_DOWN] = Key::PGDN; mapKeys[GLUT_KEY_INSERT] = Key::INS; + mapKeys[32] = Key::SPACE; mapKeys[46] = Key::PERIOD; + + mapKeys[48] = Key::K0; mapKeys[49] = Key::K1; mapKeys[50] = Key::K2; mapKeys[51] = Key::K3; mapKeys[52] = Key::K4; + mapKeys[53] = Key::K5; mapKeys[54] = Key::K6; mapKeys[55] = Key::K7; mapKeys[56] = Key::K8; mapKeys[57] = Key::K9; + + // NOTE: MISSING KEYS :O + + glutKeyboardFunc([](unsigned char key, int x, int y) -> void { + switch (glutGetModifiers()) { + case 0: //This is when there are no modifiers + if ('a' <= key && key <= 'z') key -= 32; + break; + case GLUT_ACTIVE_SHIFT: + ptrPGE->olc_UpdateKeyState(Key::SHIFT, true); + break; + case GLUT_ACTIVE_CTRL: + if ('a' <= key && key <= 'z') key -= 32; + ptrPGE->olc_UpdateKeyState(Key::CTRL, true); + break; + case GLUT_ACTIVE_ALT: + if ('a' <= key && key <= 'z') key -= 32; + break; + } + + if (mapKeys[key]) + ptrPGE->olc_UpdateKeyState(mapKeys[key], true); + }); + + glutKeyboardUpFunc([](unsigned char key, int x, int y) -> void { + switch (glutGetModifiers()) { + case 0: //This is when there are no modifiers + if ('a' <= key && key <= 'z') key -= 32; + break; + case GLUT_ACTIVE_SHIFT: + ptrPGE->olc_UpdateKeyState(Key::SHIFT, false); + break; + case GLUT_ACTIVE_CTRL: + if ('a' <= key && key <= 'z') key -= 32; + ptrPGE->olc_UpdateKeyState(Key::CTRL, false); + break; + case GLUT_ACTIVE_ALT: + if ('a' <= key && key <= 'z') key -= 32; + //No ALT in PGE + break; + } + + if (mapKeys[key]) + ptrPGE->olc_UpdateKeyState(mapKeys[key], false); + }); + + //Special keys + glutSpecialFunc([](int key, int x, int y) -> void { + if (mapKeys[key]) + ptrPGE->olc_UpdateKeyState(mapKeys[key], true); + }); + + glutSpecialUpFunc([](int key, int x, int y) -> void { + if (mapKeys[key]) + ptrPGE->olc_UpdateKeyState(mapKeys[key], false); + }); + + glutMouseFunc([](int button, int state, int x, int y) -> void { + switch (button) { + case GLUT_LEFT_BUTTON: + if (state == GLUT_UP) ptrPGE->olc_UpdateMouseState(0, false); + else if (state == GLUT_DOWN) ptrPGE->olc_UpdateMouseState(0, true); + break; + case GLUT_MIDDLE_BUTTON: + if (state == GLUT_UP) ptrPGE->olc_UpdateMouseState(2, false); + else if (state == GLUT_DOWN) ptrPGE->olc_UpdateMouseState(2, true); + break; + case GLUT_RIGHT_BUTTON: + if (state == GLUT_UP) ptrPGE->olc_UpdateMouseState(1, false); + else if (state == GLUT_DOWN) ptrPGE->olc_UpdateMouseState(1, true); + break; + } + }); + + auto mouseMoveCall = [](int x, int y) -> void { + ptrPGE->olc_UpdateMouse(x, y); + }; + + glutMotionFunc(mouseMoveCall); + glutPassiveMotionFunc(mouseMoveCall); + + glutEntryFunc([](int state) -> void { + if (state == GLUT_ENTERED) ptrPGE->olc_UpdateKeyFocus(true); + else if (state == GLUT_LEFT) ptrPGE->olc_UpdateKeyFocus(false); + }); + + glutDisplayFunc(DrawFunct); + glutIdleFunc(ThreadFunct); + + return olc::OK; + } + + virtual olc::rcode SetWindowTitle(const std::string& s) override + { + glutSetWindowTitle(s.c_str()); + return olc::OK; + } + + virtual olc::rcode StartSystemEventLoop() override { + glutMainLoop(); + return olc::OK; + } + + virtual olc::rcode HandleSystemEvent() override + { + return olc::OK; + } + }; + + std::atomic* Platform_GLUT::bActiveRef{ nullptr }; + + //Custom Start + olc::rcode PixelGameEngine::Start() + { + if (platform->ApplicationStartUp() != olc::OK) return olc::FAIL; + + // Construct the window + if (platform->CreateWindowPane({ 30,30 }, vWindowSize, bFullScreen) != olc::OK) return olc::FAIL; + olc_UpdateWindowSize(vWindowSize.x, vWindowSize.y); + + if (platform->ThreadStartUp() == olc::FAIL) return olc::FAIL; + olc_PrepareEngine(); + if (!OnUserCreate()) return olc::FAIL; + Platform_GLUT::bActiveRef = &bAtomActive; + glutWMCloseFunc(Platform_GLUT::ExitMainLoop); + bAtomActive = true; + platform->StartSystemEventLoop(); + + //This code will not even be run but why not + if (platform->ApplicationCleanUp() != olc::OK) return olc::FAIL; + + return olc::OK; + } +} + +#endif +// O------------------------------------------------------------------------------O +// | END PLATFORM: GLUT | +// O------------------------------------------------------------------------------O +#pragma endregion + + +#pragma region platform_emscripten +// O------------------------------------------------------------------------------O +// | START PLATFORM: Emscripten - Totally Game Changing... | +// O------------------------------------------------------------------------------O + +// +// Firstly a big mega thank you to members of the OLC Community for sorting this +// out. Making a browser compatible version has been a priority for quite some +// time, but I lacked the expertise to do it. This awesome feature is possible +// because a group of former strangers got together and formed friendships over +// their shared passion for code. If anything demonstrates how powerful helping +// each other can be, it's this. - Javidx9 + +// Emscripten Platform: MaGetzUb, Moros1138, Slavka, Dandistine, Gorbit99, Bispoo +// also: Ishidex, Gusgo99, SlicEnDicE, Alexio + + +#if defined(OLC_PLATFORM_EMSCRIPTEN) + +#include +#include + +extern "C" +{ + EMSCRIPTEN_KEEPALIVE inline int olc_OnPageUnload() + { olc::platform->ApplicationCleanUp(); return 0; } +} + +namespace olc +{ + class Platform_Emscripten : public olc::Platform + { + public: + + virtual olc::rcode ApplicationStartUp() override + { return olc::rcode::OK; } + + virtual olc::rcode ApplicationCleanUp() override + { ThreadCleanUp(); return olc::rcode::OK; } + + virtual olc::rcode ThreadStartUp() override + { return olc::rcode::OK; } + + virtual olc::rcode ThreadCleanUp() override + { renderer->DestroyDevice(); return olc::OK; } + + virtual olc::rcode CreateGraphics(bool bFullScreen, bool bEnableVSYNC, const olc::vi2d& vViewPos, const olc::vi2d& vViewSize) override + { + if (renderer->CreateDevice({}, bFullScreen, bEnableVSYNC) == olc::rcode::OK) + { + renderer->UpdateViewport(vViewPos, vViewSize); + return olc::rcode::OK; + } + else + return olc::rcode::FAIL; + } + + virtual olc::rcode CreateWindowPane(const olc::vi2d& vWindowPos, olc::vi2d& vWindowSize, bool bFullScreen) override + { + emscripten_set_canvas_element_size("#canvas", vWindowSize.x, vWindowSize.y); + + mapKeys[DOM_PK_UNKNOWN] = Key::NONE; + mapKeys[DOM_PK_A] = Key::A; mapKeys[DOM_PK_B] = Key::B; mapKeys[DOM_PK_C] = Key::C; mapKeys[DOM_PK_D] = Key::D; + mapKeys[DOM_PK_E] = Key::E; mapKeys[DOM_PK_F] = Key::F; mapKeys[DOM_PK_G] = Key::G; mapKeys[DOM_PK_H] = Key::H; + mapKeys[DOM_PK_I] = Key::I; mapKeys[DOM_PK_J] = Key::J; mapKeys[DOM_PK_K] = Key::K; mapKeys[DOM_PK_L] = Key::L; + mapKeys[DOM_PK_M] = Key::M; mapKeys[DOM_PK_N] = Key::N; mapKeys[DOM_PK_O] = Key::O; mapKeys[DOM_PK_P] = Key::P; + mapKeys[DOM_PK_Q] = Key::Q; mapKeys[DOM_PK_R] = Key::R; mapKeys[DOM_PK_S] = Key::S; mapKeys[DOM_PK_T] = Key::T; + mapKeys[DOM_PK_U] = Key::U; mapKeys[DOM_PK_V] = Key::V; mapKeys[DOM_PK_W] = Key::W; mapKeys[DOM_PK_X] = Key::X; + mapKeys[DOM_PK_Y] = Key::Y; mapKeys[DOM_PK_Z] = Key::Z; + mapKeys[DOM_PK_0] = Key::K0; mapKeys[DOM_PK_1] = Key::K1; mapKeys[DOM_PK_2] = Key::K2; + mapKeys[DOM_PK_3] = Key::K3; mapKeys[DOM_PK_4] = Key::K4; mapKeys[DOM_PK_5] = Key::K5; + mapKeys[DOM_PK_6] = Key::K6; mapKeys[DOM_PK_7] = Key::K7; mapKeys[DOM_PK_8] = Key::K8; + mapKeys[DOM_PK_9] = Key::K9; + mapKeys[DOM_PK_F1] = Key::F1; mapKeys[DOM_PK_F2] = Key::F2; mapKeys[DOM_PK_F3] = Key::F3; mapKeys[DOM_PK_F4] = Key::F4; + mapKeys[DOM_PK_F5] = Key::F5; mapKeys[DOM_PK_F6] = Key::F6; mapKeys[DOM_PK_F7] = Key::F7; mapKeys[DOM_PK_F8] = Key::F8; + mapKeys[DOM_PK_F9] = Key::F9; mapKeys[DOM_PK_F10] = Key::F10; mapKeys[DOM_PK_F11] = Key::F11; mapKeys[DOM_PK_F12] = Key::F12; + mapKeys[DOM_PK_ARROW_UP] = Key::UP; mapKeys[DOM_PK_ARROW_DOWN] = Key::DOWN; + mapKeys[DOM_PK_ARROW_LEFT] = Key::LEFT; mapKeys[DOM_PK_ARROW_RIGHT] = Key::RIGHT; + mapKeys[DOM_PK_SPACE] = Key::SPACE; mapKeys[DOM_PK_TAB] = Key::TAB; + mapKeys[DOM_PK_SHIFT_LEFT] = Key::SHIFT; mapKeys[DOM_PK_SHIFT_RIGHT] = Key::SHIFT; + mapKeys[DOM_PK_CONTROL_LEFT] = Key::CTRL; mapKeys[DOM_PK_CONTROL_RIGHT] = Key::CTRL; + mapKeys[DOM_PK_INSERT] = Key::INS; mapKeys[DOM_PK_DELETE] = Key::DEL; mapKeys[DOM_PK_HOME] = Key::HOME; + mapKeys[DOM_PK_END] = Key::END; mapKeys[DOM_PK_PAGE_UP] = Key::PGUP; mapKeys[DOM_PK_PAGE_DOWN] = Key::PGDN; + mapKeys[DOM_PK_BACKSPACE] = Key::BACK; mapKeys[DOM_PK_ESCAPE] = Key::ESCAPE; + mapKeys[DOM_PK_ENTER] = Key::ENTER; mapKeys[DOM_PK_NUMPAD_EQUAL] = Key::EQUALS; + mapKeys[DOM_PK_NUMPAD_ENTER] = Key::ENTER; mapKeys[DOM_PK_PAUSE] = Key::PAUSE; + mapKeys[DOM_PK_SCROLL_LOCK] = Key::SCROLL; + mapKeys[DOM_PK_NUMPAD_0] = Key::NP0; mapKeys[DOM_PK_NUMPAD_1] = Key::NP1; mapKeys[DOM_PK_NUMPAD_2] = Key::NP2; + mapKeys[DOM_PK_NUMPAD_3] = Key::NP3; mapKeys[DOM_PK_NUMPAD_4] = Key::NP4; mapKeys[DOM_PK_NUMPAD_5] = Key::NP5; + mapKeys[DOM_PK_NUMPAD_6] = Key::NP6; mapKeys[DOM_PK_NUMPAD_7] = Key::NP7; mapKeys[DOM_PK_NUMPAD_8] = Key::NP8; + mapKeys[DOM_PK_NUMPAD_9] = Key::NP9; + mapKeys[DOM_PK_NUMPAD_MULTIPLY] = Key::NP_MUL; mapKeys[DOM_PK_NUMPAD_DIVIDE] = Key::NP_DIV; + mapKeys[DOM_PK_NUMPAD_ADD] = Key::NP_ADD; mapKeys[DOM_PK_NUMPAD_SUBTRACT] = Key::NP_SUB; + mapKeys[DOM_PK_NUMPAD_DECIMAL] = Key::NP_DECIMAL; + mapKeys[DOM_PK_PERIOD] = Key::PERIOD; mapKeys[DOM_PK_EQUAL] = Key::EQUALS; + mapKeys[DOM_PK_COMMA] = Key::COMMA; mapKeys[DOM_PK_MINUS] = Key::MINUS; + mapKeys[DOM_PK_CAPS_LOCK] = Key::CAPS_LOCK; + mapKeys[DOM_PK_SEMICOLON] = Key::OEM_1; mapKeys[DOM_PK_SLASH] = Key::OEM_2; mapKeys[DOM_PK_BACKQUOTE] = Key::OEM_3; + mapKeys[DOM_PK_BRACKET_LEFT] = Key::OEM_4; mapKeys[DOM_PK_BACKSLASH] = Key::OEM_5; mapKeys[DOM_PK_BRACKET_RIGHT] = Key::OEM_6; + mapKeys[DOM_PK_QUOTE] = Key::OEM_7; mapKeys[DOM_PK_BACKSLASH] = Key::OEM_8; + + // Keyboard Callbacks + emscripten_set_keydown_callback("#canvas", 0, 1, keyboard_callback); + emscripten_set_keyup_callback("#canvas", 0, 1, keyboard_callback); + + // Mouse Callbacks + emscripten_set_wheel_callback("#canvas", 0, 1, wheel_callback); + emscripten_set_mousedown_callback("#canvas", 0, 1, mouse_callback); + emscripten_set_mouseup_callback("#canvas", 0, 1, mouse_callback); + emscripten_set_mousemove_callback("#canvas", 0, 1, mouse_callback); + + // Touch Callbacks + emscripten_set_touchstart_callback("#canvas", 0, 1, touch_callback); + emscripten_set_touchmove_callback("#canvas", 0, 1, touch_callback); + emscripten_set_touchend_callback("#canvas", 0, 1, touch_callback); + + // Canvas Focus Callbacks + emscripten_set_blur_callback("#canvas", 0, 1, focus_callback); + emscripten_set_focus_callback("#canvas", 0, 1, focus_callback); + +#pragma warning disable format + EM_ASM( window.onunload = Module._olc_OnPageUnload; ); + + // IMPORTANT! - Sorry About This... + // + // In order to handle certain browser based events, such as resizing and + // going to full screen, we have to effectively inject code into the container + // running the PGE. Yes, I vomited about 11 times too when the others were + // convincing me this is the future. Well, this isnt the future, and if it + // were to be, I want no part of what must be a miserable distopian free + // for all of anarchic code injection to get rudimentary events like "Resize()". + // + // Wake up people! Of course theres a spoon. There has to be to keep feeding + // the giant web baby. + + + // Fullscreen and Resize Observers + EM_ASM({ + + // cache for reuse + Module._olc_EmscriptenShellCss = "width: 100%; height: 70vh; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;"; + + // width / height = aspect ratio + Module._olc_WindowAspectRatio = $0 / $1; + Module.canvas.parentNode.addEventListener("resize", function(e) { + + if (e.defaultPrevented) { e.stopPropagation(); return; } + var viewWidth = e.detail.width; + var viewHeight = e.detail.width / Module._olc_WindowAspectRatio; + if (viewHeight > e.detail.height) + { + viewHeight = e.detail.height; + viewWidth = e.detail.height * Module._olc_WindowAspectRatio; + } + + if (Module.canvas.parentNode.className == 'emscripten_border') + = Module._olc_EmscriptenShellCss + " width: " + viewWidth.toString() + "px; height: " + viewHeight.toString() + "px;"; + + Module.canvas.setAttribute("width", viewWidth); + Module.canvas.setAttribute("height", viewHeight); + + if (document.fullscreenElement != null) + { + var top = (e.detail.height - viewHeight) / 2; + var left = (e.detail.width - viewWidth) / 2; + = "fixed"; + = top.toString() + "px"; + = left.toString() + "px"; + = ""; + = ""; + } + + // trigger PGE update + Module._olc_PGE_UpdateWindowSize(viewWidth, viewHeight); + // this is really only needed when enter/exiting fullscreen + Module.canvas.focus(); + // prevent this event from ever affecting the document beyond this element + e.stopPropagation(); + }); + + // helper function to prevent repeating the same code everywhere + Module._olc_ResizeCanvas = function() + { + // yes, we still have to wait, sigh.. + setTimeout(function() + { + // if default template, stretch width as well + if (Module.canvas.parentNode.className == 'emscripten_border') + = Module._olc_EmscriptenShellCss; + + // override it's styling so we can get it's stretched size + = "width: 100%; height: 100%; outline: none;"; + + // setup custom resize event + var resizeEvent = new CustomEvent('resize', + { + detail: { + width: Module.canvas.clientWidth, + height : Module.canvas.clientHeight + }, + bubbles : true, + cancelable : true + }); + + // trigger custom resize event on canvas element + Module.canvas.dispatchEvent(resizeEvent); + }, 50); + }; + + + // Disable Refresh Gesture on mobile + += " overscroll-behavior-y: contain;"; + + if (Module.canvas.parentNode.className == 'emscripten_border') + { + // force body to have no margin in emscripten's minimal shell + = "0"; + = Module._olc_EmscriptenShellCss; + } + + Module._olc_ResizeCanvas(); + + // observe and react to resizing of the container element + var resizeObserver = new ResizeObserver(function(entries) {Module._olc_ResizeCanvas();}).observe(Module.canvas.parentNode); + + // observe and react to changes that occur when entering/exiting fullscreen + var mutationObserver = new MutationObserver(function(mutationsList, observer) + { + // a change has occurred, let's check them out! + for (var i = 0; i < mutationsList.length; i++) + { + // cycle through all of the newly added elements + for (var j = 0; j < mutationsList[i].addedNodes.length; j++) + { + // if this element is a our canvas, trigger resize + if (mutationsList[i].addedNodes[j].id == 'canvas') + Module._olc_ResizeCanvas(); + } + } + }).observe(Module.canvas.parentNode, + { + attributes: false, + childList : true, + subtree : false + }); + + // add resize listener on window + window.addEventListener("resize", function(e) { Module._olc_ResizeCanvas(); }); + + }, vWindowSize.x, vWindowSize.y); // Fullscreen and Resize Observers +#pragma warning restore format + return olc::rcode::OK; + } + + // Interface PGE's UpdateWindowSize, for use in Javascript + void UpdateWindowSize(int width, int height) + { + ptrPGE->olc_UpdateWindowSize(width, height); + } + + //TY Gorbit + static EM_BOOL focus_callback(int eventType, const EmscriptenFocusEvent* focusEvent, void* userData) + { + if (eventType == EMSCRIPTEN_EVENT_BLUR) + { + ptrPGE->olc_UpdateKeyFocus(false); + ptrPGE->olc_UpdateMouseFocus(false); + } + else if (eventType == EMSCRIPTEN_EVENT_FOCUS) + { + ptrPGE->olc_UpdateKeyFocus(true); + ptrPGE->olc_UpdateMouseFocus(true); + } + + return 0; + } + + //TY Moros + static EM_BOOL keyboard_callback(int eventType, const EmscriptenKeyboardEvent* e, void* userData) + { + if (eventType == EMSCRIPTEN_EVENT_KEYDOWN) + ptrPGE->olc_UpdateKeyState(mapKeys[emscripten_compute_dom_pk_code(e->code)], true); + + // THANK GOD!! for this compute function. And thanks Dandistine for pointing it out! + if (eventType == EMSCRIPTEN_EVENT_KEYUP) + ptrPGE->olc_UpdateKeyState(mapKeys[emscripten_compute_dom_pk_code(e->code)], false); + + //Consume keyboard events so that keys like F1 and F5 don't do weird things + return EM_TRUE; + } + + //TY Moros + static EM_BOOL wheel_callback(int eventType, const EmscriptenWheelEvent* e, void* userData) + { + if (eventType == EMSCRIPTEN_EVENT_WHEEL) + ptrPGE->olc_UpdateMouseWheel(-1 * e->deltaY); + + return EM_TRUE; + } + + //TY Bispoo + static EM_BOOL touch_callback(int eventType, const EmscriptenTouchEvent* e, void* userData) + { + // Move + if (eventType == EMSCRIPTEN_EVENT_TOUCHMOVE) + { + ptrPGE->olc_UpdateMouse(e->touches->targetX, e->touches->targetY); + } + + // Start + if (eventType == EMSCRIPTEN_EVENT_TOUCHSTART) + { + ptrPGE->olc_UpdateMouse(e->touches->targetX, e->touches->targetY); + ptrPGE->olc_UpdateMouseState(0, true); + } + + // End + if (eventType == EMSCRIPTEN_EVENT_TOUCHEND) + { + ptrPGE->olc_UpdateMouseState(0, false); + } + + return EM_TRUE; + } + + //TY Moros + static EM_BOOL mouse_callback(int eventType, const EmscriptenMouseEvent* e, void* userData) + { + //Mouse Movement + if (eventType == EMSCRIPTEN_EVENT_MOUSEMOVE) + ptrPGE->olc_UpdateMouse(e->targetX, e->targetY); + + + //Mouse button press + if (e->button == 0) // left click + { + if (eventType == EMSCRIPTEN_EVENT_MOUSEDOWN) + ptrPGE->olc_UpdateMouseState(0, true); + else if (eventType == EMSCRIPTEN_EVENT_MOUSEUP) + ptrPGE->olc_UpdateMouseState(0, false); + } + + if (e->button == 2) // right click + { + if (eventType == EMSCRIPTEN_EVENT_MOUSEDOWN) + ptrPGE->olc_UpdateMouseState(1, true); + else if (eventType == EMSCRIPTEN_EVENT_MOUSEUP) + ptrPGE->olc_UpdateMouseState(1, false); + + } + + if (e->button == 1) // middle click + { + if (eventType == EMSCRIPTEN_EVENT_MOUSEDOWN) + ptrPGE->olc_UpdateMouseState(2, true); + else if (eventType == EMSCRIPTEN_EVENT_MOUSEUP) + ptrPGE->olc_UpdateMouseState(2, false); + + //at the moment only middle mouse needs to consume events. + return EM_TRUE; + } + + return EM_FALSE; + } + + + virtual olc::rcode SetWindowTitle(const std::string& s) override + { emscripten_set_window_title(s.c_str()); return olc::OK; } + + virtual olc::rcode StartSystemEventLoop() override + { return olc::OK; } + + virtual olc::rcode HandleSystemEvent() override + { return olc::OK; } + + static void MainLoop() + { + olc::Platform::ptrPGE->olc_CoreUpdate(); + if (!ptrPGE->olc_IsRunning()) + { + if (ptrPGE->OnUserDestroy()) + { + emscripten_cancel_main_loop(); + platform->ApplicationCleanUp(); + } + else + { + ptrPGE->olc_Reanimate(); + } + } + } + }; + + //Emscripten needs a special Start function + //Much of this is usually done in EngineThread, but that isn't used here + olc::rcode PixelGameEngine::Start() + { + if (platform->ApplicationStartUp() != olc::OK) return olc::FAIL; + + // Construct the window + if (platform->CreateWindowPane({ 30,30 }, vWindowSize, bFullScreen) != olc::OK) return olc::FAIL; + olc_UpdateWindowSize(vWindowSize.x, vWindowSize.y); + + // Some implementations may form an event loop here + if (platform->ThreadStartUp() == olc::FAIL) return olc::FAIL; + + // Do engine context specific initialisation + olc_PrepareEngine(); + + // Consider the "thread" started + bAtomActive = true; + + // Create user resources as part of this thread + for (auto& ext : vExtensions) ext->OnBeforeUserCreate(); + if (!OnUserCreate()) bAtomActive = false; + for (auto& ext : vExtensions) ext->OnAfterUserCreate(); + + platform->StartSystemEventLoop(); + + //This causes a heap memory corruption in Emscripten for some reason + //Platform_Emscripten::bActiveRef = &bAtomActive; + emscripten_set_main_loop(&Platform_Emscripten::MainLoop, 0, 1); + + // Wait for thread to be exited + if (platform->ApplicationCleanUp() != olc::OK) return olc::FAIL; + return olc::OK; + } +} + +extern "C" +{ + EMSCRIPTEN_KEEPALIVE inline void olc_PGE_UpdateWindowSize(int width, int height) + { + emscripten_set_canvas_element_size("#canvas", width, height); + // Thanks slavka + ((olc::Platform_Emscripten*)olc::platform.get())->UpdateWindowSize(width, height); + } +} + +#endif +// O------------------------------------------------------------------------------O +// | END PLATFORM: Emscripten | +// O------------------------------------------------------------------------------O +#pragma endregion + + +#endif // Headless + +// O------------------------------------------------------------------------------O +// | olcPixelGameEngine Auto-Configuration | +// O------------------------------------------------------------------------------O +#pragma region pge_config +namespace olc +{ + void PixelGameEngine::olc_ConfigureSystem() + { + +#if !defined(OLC_PGE_HEADLESS) + +#if defined(OLC_IMAGE_GDI) + olc::Sprite::loader = std::make_unique(); +#endif + +#if defined(OLC_IMAGE_LIBPNG) + olc::Sprite::loader = std::make_unique(); +#endif + +#if defined(OLC_IMAGE_STB) + olc::Sprite::loader = std::make_unique(); +#endif + +#if defined(OLC_IMAGE_CUSTOM_EX) + olc::Sprite::loader = std::make_unique(); +#endif + + + + +#if defined(OLC_PLATFORM_WINAPI) + platform = std::make_unique(); +#endif + +#if defined(OLC_PLATFORM_X11) + platform = std::make_unique(); +#endif + +#if defined(OLC_PLATFORM_GLUT) + platform = std::make_unique(); +#endif + +#if defined(OLC_PLATFORM_EMSCRIPTEN) + platform = std::make_unique(); +#endif + +#if defined(OLC_PLATFORM_CUSTOM_EX) + platform = std::make_unique(); +#endif + + + +#if defined(OLC_GFX_OPENGL10) + renderer = std::make_unique(); +#endif + +#if defined(OLC_GFX_OPENGL33) + renderer = std::make_unique(); +#endif + +#if defined(OLC_GFX_OPENGLES2) + renderer = std::make_unique(); +#endif + +#if defined(OLC_GFX_DIRECTX10) + renderer = std::make_unique(); +#endif + +#if defined(OLC_GFX_DIRECTX11) + renderer = std::make_unique(); +#endif + +#if defined(OLC_GFX_CUSTOM_EX) + renderer = std::make_unique(); +#endif + + // Associate components with PGE instance + platform->ptrPGE = this; + renderer->ptrPGE = this; +#else + olc::Sprite::loader = nullptr; + platform = nullptr; + renderer = nullptr; +#endif + } +} + +#pragma endregion + +#endif // End OLC_PGE_APPLICATION + +// O------------------------------------------------------------------------------O +// | END OF OLC_PGE_APPLICATION | +// O------------------------------------------------------------------------------O + diff --git a/road.png b/road.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d188bd3 Binary files /dev/null and b/road.png differ diff --git a/sig b/sig new file mode 100755 index 0000000..65804b4 --- /dev/null +++ b/sig @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +export AUTO_UPDATE=true + +source utils/ + +define PROJECT_NAME "C++ProjectTemplate" +define CUSTOM_PARAMS "-std=c++17 -lX11 -lGL -lpthread -lpng -lstdc++fs -lpulse -lpulse-simple" +define LANGUAGE "C++" + +source utils/ diff --git a/start.png b/start.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..20dccae Binary files /dev/null and b/start.png differ diff --git a/utils/.coauthors b/utils/.coauthors new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b904d0f --- /dev/null +++ b/utils/.coauthors @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +sigonasr2 diff --git a/utils/.updateDirectories b/utils/.updateDirectories new file mode 100644 index 0000000..56274ea --- /dev/null +++ b/utils/.updateDirectories @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +Java/ +C/ +C++/ +scripts/ +utils/ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/utils/ b/utils/ new file mode 100755 index 0000000..214fc50 --- /dev/null +++ b/utils/ @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +export VARS=("") + +export LANGUAGE="" + +function define() { + VARS+=("$1") + value="${*:2}" + eval export "$1"='$value' +} + +if [[ $(pwd) != *"SigScript" && $AUTO_UPDATE = "true" && $1 != "update" ]]; then + source utils/ + + find . -type f -name md5 -delete + find . -type f -name filelist -delete + + #Check for hashes + FILES=$(cat utils/.updateDirectories) + for f in $FILES + do + search $f + check $f + done +else + echo "Dev build, no checks required." +fi \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/utils/filelist b/utils/filelist new file mode 100644 index 0000000..95ad5ff --- /dev/null +++ b/utils/filelist @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +.coauthors +.updateDirectories diff --git a/utils/ b/utils/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0a4c92a --- /dev/null +++ b/utils/ @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +if [ -z "$1" ] + then + echo "" + echo " Usage: ./sig {args}" + echo "" + printf "====\tCurrent Configuration" + printf "\t=====================" + for t in ${VARS[@]} + do + printf "\n\t%-15s%20s" $t ${!t} + done + printf "\n=====================================================" + echo "" + echo "" + echo " Command List:" + FILES=$(ls -1A ./$LANGUAGE/scripts 2>/dev/null | sed -e 's/\.sh$//' | sed -e 's/^/ /') + for f in $FILES + do + if [ -f "./$LANGUAGE/scripts/$" ]; then + DESC="$(head -n1 ./$LANGUAGE/scripts/$" + printf "\n\t%-15s%-65s" $f "${DESC:1}" + fi + done + echo "" + exit +fi + +./$LANGUAGE/scripts/$ "${@:2}" \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/utils/md5 b/utils/md5 new file mode 100644 index 0000000..349fa70 --- /dev/null +++ b/utils/md5 @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ - - - +.updateDirectories:971afb892e8280cb4c9ad43fb72a46a0 - diff --git a/utils/ b/utils/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6707c16 --- /dev/null +++ b/utils/ @@ -0,0 +1,103 @@ +function search() { + FILES2=$(ls -A $1 2>/dev/null) + for g in $FILES2 + do + if [ -d $1$g ]; + then + echo "$1$g is a directory" + search $1$g/ + else + echo "$1$g is a file" + if [ $g != "md5" ] && [ $g != "filelist" ] && [ $g != ".package.files" ]; then + if [ $g != ".coauthors" ] && [ $g != "version_info" ]; then + SUM=$(md5sum < $1$g) + echo "$g:$SUM" >> $1md5 + fi + echo "$g" >> $1filelist + else + echo " ignoring $g..." + fi + fi + done +} + +function check() { + echo "Check $1" + FILES2=$(ls -A $1 2>/dev/null) + if [ -f "$1/md5" ]; + then + echo " md5:$1md5" + curl -H 'Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store' -s "$1md5" --output /tmp/out + cmp -s $1/md5 /tmp/out + if [ "$?" -ne 0 ] + then + echo " Differences detected!" + cat /tmp/out + while IFS= read -r line + do + IFS=':' read -ra split <<< $line + g="${split[0]}" + echo "LINE -- $g" + if [ "$g" != "md5" ] && [ "$g" != "filelist" ] && [ "$g" != ".package.files" ]; then + if [ -f $1$g ]; + then + if [ "$g" != ".coauthors" ] && [ "$g" != "version_info" ]; then + echo "++Redownload $1$g..." + if [ -f "$1$g" ]; then + curl -H 'Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store' "$1$g" --output $1$g + else + echo "===Could not find directory, assuming regular scripts directory exists." + curl -H 'Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store' "$1$g" --output $LANGUAGE/scripts/$g + fi + fi + else + echo "++==Downloading $1$g..." + curl -H 'Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store' "$1$g" --output $1$g + fi + fi + done < /tmp/out + fi + fi + if [ -f "$1/filelist" ]; + then + echo " filelist:$1filelist" + curl -H 'Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store' -s "$1filelist" --output /tmp/out + cmp -s $1/filelist /tmp/out + if [ "$?" -ne 0 ] + then + echo " Differences detected!" + cat /tmp/out + while IFS= read -r line + do + IFS=':' read -ra split <<< $line + g="${split[0]}" + echo "LINE -- $g" + if [ "$g" != "md5" ] && [ "$g" != "filelist" ] && [ "$g" != ".package.files" ]; then + if [ -f $1$g ]; + then + if [ "$g" != ".coauthors" ] && [ "$g" != "version_info" ]; then + echo "++Redownload $1$g..." + if [ -f "$1$g" ]; then + curl -H 'Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store' "$1$g" --output $1$g + else + echo "===Could not find directory, assuming regular scripts directory exists." + curl -H 'Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store' "$1$g" --output $LANGUAGE/scripts/$g + fi + fi + else + echo "++==Downloading $1$g..." + curl -H 'Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store' "$1$g" --output $1$g + fi + fi + done < /tmp/out + fi + fi + for g in $FILES2 + do + if [ -d $1$g ]; + then + echo "$1$g is a directory" + check $1$g/ + fi + done +}