Where people come together to learn, code, and play. Custom-built HTTP server, site generator, and website from scratch using no external libraries. Goal is to be as minimalistic and fun as possible. http://projectdivar.com

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-Welcome to SigPlace!
This is a SigPlace article! It will contain information that is important (probably) and will be layed out as such.
Paragraphs are automatically split up for readability and generated correctly via the parser. There's quite a bit of flexibility with the system and makes it easy to post updates should they be required.
A lot of content management systems would do this by having a web interface and submitting content and managing it that way, but by coding my own management system and using the built-in OS' filesystem to handle the work, I save myself a lot of pains and headaches.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque volutpat mollis sem sit amet lacinia. Phasellus vitae varius elit. Proin at vestibulum nunc, in pellentesque orci. Vestibulum efficitur mi vel augue pellentesque eleifend. Aenean eu sem ullamcorper justo consectetur ornare. Donec molestie tincidunt dui eget venenatis. Sed varius est faucibus, blandit turpis non, rhoncus neque. Integer sem felis, cursus in elementum ac, mollis in justo. Pellentesque vel risus turpis. Curabitur lectus neque, lobortis in varius et, tristique convallis erat. Morbi id sodales leo. Cras bibendum bibendum lacus, eu ullamcorper sem tempus sed. Nam ut consectetur nulla.
===3 May 2022 10:25AM