Will need to try different difficulties and variations to make sure the parser is happy with everything.
For Love Live: Try all difficulties. For DDR: Try all difficulties. Try Doubles. For Pop'n: Try all difficulties. Try single-digit difficulty For SDVX: Try all difficulties. Try single-digit difficulty
For all games: Try failing with 0s or very low score digit counts to verify that the parser handles everything correctly.
Will need to try different difficulties and variations to make sure the parser is happy with everything.
`For Love Live:` Try all difficulties.
`For DDR:` Try all difficulties. Try Doubles.
`For Pop'n:` Try all difficulties. Try single-digit difficulty
`For SDVX:` Try all difficulties. Try single-digit difficulty
For all games: Try failing with 0s or very low score digit counts to verify that the parser handles everything correctly.
added this to the Arcade Parser milestone 3 years ago
Each letter grade now corresponds to the following ranges:
AAA : 999,000+
AA+ : 950,000 ~ 989,990
AA : 900,000 ~ 949,990
AA- : 890,000 ~ 899,990
A+ : 850,000 ~ 889,990
A : 800,000 ~ 849,990
A- : 790,000 ~ 799,990
B+ : 750,000 ~ 789,990
B : 700,000 ~ 749,990
B- : 690,000 ~ 699,990
C+ : 650,000 ~ 689,990
C : 600,000 ~ 649,990
C- : 590,000 ~ 599,990
D+ : 550,000 ~ 589,990
D : 0 ~ 549,990
For Pop'n Music: Scoring and grading ;
S > 98,000
AAA 95,000 - 97,999
AA 90,000 - 94,999
A 82,000 - 89,999
B 72,000 - 81,999
C 62,000 - 71,999
D 50,000 - 61,999
E < 49,999
As an additional requirement, AA grade or higher requires a stage clear. If the player fails the stage but scored more than 90,000, the player will instead be awarded an A grade.
For ITG:
4 Stars: 100%
3 Stars: 99%
2 Stars: 98%
1 Star: 96%
S+: 94%
S: 92%
S-: 89%
A+: 86%
A: 83%
A-: 80%
B+: 76%
B: 72%
B-: 68%
C+: 64%
C: 60%
C-: 55%
D: Less than 55%, but not Life Depleted
F: Life Depleted - Round Failed
S > 9,900,000
AAA+ 9,800,000 - 9,899,999
AAA 9,700,000 - 9,799,999
AA+ 9,500,000 - 9,699,999
AA 9,300,000 - 9,499,999
A+ 9,000,000 - 9,299,999
A 8,700,000 - 8,999,999
B 8,000,000 - 8,699,999
C 7,000,000 - 7,999,999
D < 7,000,000
Love Live is literally the only game where the Scoring is not consistent with actual score. So we will have to read the letter grade (color) for that one.
For DDR: Letter Grade is determined by score.
> Each letter grade now corresponds to the following ranges:
AAA : 999,000+
AA+ : 950,000 ~ 989,990
AA : 900,000 ~ 949,990
AA- : 890,000 ~ 899,990
A+ : 850,000 ~ 889,990
A : 800,000 ~ 849,990
A- : 790,000 ~ 799,990
B+ : 750,000 ~ 789,990
B : 700,000 ~ 749,990
B- : 690,000 ~ 699,990
C+ : 650,000 ~ 689,990
C : 600,000 ~ 649,990
C- : 590,000 ~ 599,990
D+ : 550,000 ~ 589,990
D : 0 ~ 549,990
For Pop'n Music: Scoring and grading ;
> S > 98,000
AAA 95,000 - 97,999
AA 90,000 - 94,999
A 82,000 - 89,999
B 72,000 - 81,999
C 62,000 - 71,999
D 50,000 - 61,999
E < 49,999
As an additional requirement, AA grade or higher requires a stage clear. If the player fails the stage but scored more than 90,000, the player will instead be awarded an A grade.
For ITG:
> 4 Stars: 100%
3 Stars: 99%
2 Stars: 98%
1 Star: 96%
S+: 94%
S: 92%
S-: 89%
A+: 86%
A: 83%
A-: 80%
B+: 76%
B: 72%
B-: 68%
C+: 64%
C: 60%
C-: 55%
D: Less than 55%, but not Life Depleted
F: Life Depleted - Round Failed
> S > 9,900,000
AAA+ 9,800,000 - 9,899,999
AAA 9,700,000 - 9,799,999
AA+ 9,500,000 - 9,699,999
AA 9,300,000 - 9,499,999
A+ 9,000,000 - 9,299,999
A 8,700,000 - 8,999,999
B 8,000,000 - 8,699,999
C 7,000,000 - 7,999,999
D < 7,000,000
Love Live is literally the only game where the Scoring is not consistent with actual score. So we will have to read the letter grade (color) for that one.
Will need to try different difficulties and variations to make sure the parser is happy with everything.
For Love Live:
Try all difficulties.For DDR:
Try all difficulties. Try Doubles.For Pop'n:
Try all difficulties. Try single-digit difficultyFor SDVX:
Try all difficulties. Try single-digit difficultyFor all games: Try failing with 0s or very low score digit counts to verify that the parser handles everything correctly.
Grab lots of test images and make sure they all produce the correct results.
Perhaps create a test suite?
Difficulty and Text variationsto Difficulty and Grades 3 years agoFor DDR: Letter Grade is determined by score.
For Pop'n Music: Scoring and grading ;
For ITG:
Love Live is literally the only game where the Scoring is not consistent with actual score. So we will have to read the letter grade (color) for that one.