@ -27,6 +27,20 @@ import java.util.regex.Pattern;
public class sigServer {
ServerSocket socket ;
/ * *
* Writes a span tag with the included class .
* * * /
private static String SPAN ( String className ) {
return "<span class=\"" + className + "\">" ;
private static boolean validNumericalConstantCharacters ( String storedCodeBlock , int lengthOfConstant , int j ) {
return storedCodeBlock . charAt ( j ) > = '0' & & storedCodeBlock . charAt ( j ) < = '9' | | lengthOfConstant > 0 & & storedCodeBlock . charAt ( j ) = = '.' | | lengthOfConstant > 0 & & storedCodeBlock . charAt ( j ) > = 'A' & & lengthOfConstant > 0 & & storedCodeBlock . charAt ( j ) < = 'F' | | lengthOfConstant > 0 & & storedCodeBlock . charAt ( j ) > = 'a' & & lengthOfConstant > 0 & & storedCodeBlock . charAt ( j ) < = 'f' | | lengthOfConstant > 0 & & storedCodeBlock . charAt ( j ) = = 'x' | | lengthOfConstant > 0 & & storedCodeBlock . charAt ( j ) = = 'X' ;
private static boolean isAlphanumeric ( String storedCodeBlock , int j ) {
return storedCodeBlock . charAt ( j ) > = '0' & & storedCodeBlock . charAt ( j ) < = '9' | | storedCodeBlock . charAt ( j ) > = 'A' & & storedCodeBlock . charAt ( j ) < = 'Z' | | storedCodeBlock . charAt ( j ) > = 'a' & & storedCodeBlock . charAt ( j ) < = 'z' ;
sigServer ( ) {
try {
socket = new ServerSocket ( sigPlace . PORT ) ;
@ -145,15 +159,211 @@ public class sigServer {
if ( location . equals ( "COMMENTS" ) & & requestParams . containsKey ( "message" ) & & requestParams . containsKey ( "name" ) & & requestParams . containsKey ( "color" ) ) {
String finalMsg = requestParams . get ( "message" ) . replaceAll ( Pattern . quote ( "%0A" ) , "<br/>" ) . replaceAll ( Pattern . quote ( "%3C" ) , "<" ) ;
boolean boldBlock = false ;
boolean italicBlock = false ;
boolean underlineBlock = false ;
boolean codeBlock = false ;
boolean linkBlock = false ;
StringBuilder storedLink = new StringBuilder ( ) ;
StringBuilder codeBlockMsg = new StringBuilder ( ) ;
StringBuilder buildMsg = new StringBuilder ( ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < finalMsg . length ( ) ; i + + ) {
if ( i < finalMsg . length ( ) - 1 & & finalMsg . charAt ( i ) = = '~' & & finalMsg . charAt ( i + 1 ) = = '~' ) {
if ( codeBlock ) {
codeBlockMsg . append ( "~~" ) ;
String storedCodeBlock = "" ;
String s = URLDecoder . decode ( codeBlockMsg . toString ( ) , StandardCharsets . UTF_8 . toString ( ) ) ;
boolean keyword = false ;
boolean inString = false ;
boolean inComment = false ;
boolean inMultiLineComment = false ;
char stringChar = ' ' ;
boolean canBeNumericalConstant = false ;
int lengthOfConstant = 0 ;
storedCodeBlock + = s . substring ( 0 , s . indexOf ( "~~" ) ) ;
storedCodeBlock = storedCodeBlock . replaceAll ( Pattern . quote ( "<" ) , "\2" ) ;
storedCodeBlock + = "</pre>" ;
int startPos = 0 ;
String endText = s . substring ( s . indexOf ( "~~" ) + "~~" . length ( ) , s . length ( ) ) ;
s = "" ;
for ( int j = 0 ; j < storedCodeBlock . length ( ) ; j + + ) {
if ( storedCodeBlock . charAt ( j ) = = '\n' & & inString ) {
inString = false ;
s + = "</span>" ;
} else
if ( storedCodeBlock . charAt ( j ) = = '\n' & & inComment ) {
inComment = false ;
s + = SPAN ( "comment" ) + storedCodeBlock . substring ( startPos , j ) + "</span>" ;
startPos = j + 1 ;
if ( ! inComment & & ! inMultiLineComment & & ( j > 0 & & storedCodeBlock . charAt ( j - 1 ) ! = '\\' & & ( ! inString & & ( storedCodeBlock . charAt ( j ) = = '"' | | storedCodeBlock . charAt ( j ) = = '\'' ) | | inString & & ( storedCodeBlock . charAt ( j ) = = stringChar ) ) ) ) {
inString = ! inString ;
if ( inString ) {
stringChar = storedCodeBlock . charAt ( j ) ;
s + = SPAN ( "string" ) + stringChar ;
} else {
s + = stringChar ;
s + = "</span>" ;
startPos = j + 1 ;
} else
if ( ! inString ) {
if ( canBeNumericalConstant & & validNumericalConstantCharacters ( storedCodeBlock , lengthOfConstant , j ) ) {
lengthOfConstant + + ;
//System.out.println("Length of Constant now "+lengthOfConstant);
if ( j > 0 & & storedCodeBlock . charAt ( j ) = = '/' & & storedCodeBlock . charAt ( j + 1 ) = = '*' | | inMultiLineComment ) {
if ( ! inMultiLineComment ) {
inMultiLineComment = true ;
} else {
if ( storedCodeBlock . charAt ( j - 1 ) = = '*' & & storedCodeBlock . charAt ( j ) = = '/' ) {
inMultiLineComment = false ;
s + = SPAN ( "comment" ) + storedCodeBlock . substring ( startPos , j ) + storedCodeBlock . charAt ( j ) + "</span>" ;
startPos = j + 1 ;
//Stops further execution since we're in a comment.
} else
if ( j > 0 & & storedCodeBlock . charAt ( j ) = = '/' & & storedCodeBlock . charAt ( j + 1 ) = = '/' | | inComment ) {
if ( ! inComment ) {
inComment = true ;
//Stops further execution since we're in a comment.
} else
if ( canBeNumericalConstant & & lengthOfConstant > 0 & & ! ( validNumericalConstantCharacters ( storedCodeBlock , lengthOfConstant , j ) ) ) {
s + = SPAN ( "number" ) + storedCodeBlock . substring ( startPos , j ) + "</span>" + storedCodeBlock . charAt ( j ) ;
//System.out.println("Setting "+storedCodeBlock.substring(startPos,j)+storedCodeBlock.charAt(j));
lengthOfConstant = 0 ;
canBeNumericalConstant = false ;
startPos = j + 1 ;
} else
if ( ! canBeNumericalConstant & & storedCodeBlock . charAt ( j ) = = '.' ) {
//Previous section was a member.
s + = SPAN ( "class" ) + storedCodeBlock . substring ( startPos , j ) + "</span>" + storedCodeBlock . charAt ( j ) ;
startPos = j + 1 ;
} else
if ( j > 3 & & storedCodeBlock . substring ( j - 3 , j + 1 ) . equals ( "true" ) & & ! isAlphanumeric ( storedCodeBlock , j - 4 ) & & ! isAlphanumeric ( storedCodeBlock , j + 1 ) ) {
s + = SPAN ( "number" ) + storedCodeBlock . substring ( startPos , j ) + storedCodeBlock . charAt ( j ) + "</span>" ;
startPos = j + 1 ;
} else
if ( j > 4 & & storedCodeBlock . substring ( j - 4 , j + 1 ) . equals ( "false" ) & & ! isAlphanumeric ( storedCodeBlock , j - 5 ) & & ! isAlphanumeric ( storedCodeBlock , j + 1 ) ) {
s + = SPAN ( "number" ) + storedCodeBlock . substring ( startPos , j ) + storedCodeBlock . charAt ( j ) + "</span>" ;
startPos = j + 1 ;
} else
if ( storedCodeBlock . charAt ( j ) = = '(' ) {
s + = SPAN ( "function" ) + storedCodeBlock . substring ( startPos , j ) + "</span>" + storedCodeBlock . charAt ( j ) ;
startPos = j + 1 ;
} else
if ( j > 0 & & isAlphanumeric ( storedCodeBlock , j - 1 ) & & storedCodeBlock . charAt ( j ) = = ' ' & & storedCodeBlock . charAt ( j - 1 ) ! = ' ' ) {
//Previous section was a keyword.
keyword = true ;
s + = SPAN ( "keyword" ) + storedCodeBlock . substring ( startPos , j ) + "</span>" + storedCodeBlock . charAt ( j ) ;
startPos = j + 1 ;
} else
if ( j > 0 & & isAlphanumeric ( storedCodeBlock , j - 1 ) & & ( storedCodeBlock . charAt ( j ) = = ';' | | storedCodeBlock . charAt ( j ) = = ':' ) ) {
//Previous section was a keyword.
s + = SPAN ( "keyword" ) + storedCodeBlock . substring ( startPos , j ) + "</span>" + storedCodeBlock . charAt ( j ) ;
startPos = j + 1 ;
} else
if ( keyword & & ! ( storedCodeBlock . charAt ( j ) = = '_' | | storedCodeBlock . charAt ( j ) > = '0' & & storedCodeBlock . charAt ( j ) < = '9' | | storedCodeBlock . charAt ( j ) > = 'A' & & storedCodeBlock . charAt ( j ) < = 'Z' | | storedCodeBlock . charAt ( j ) > = 'a' & & storedCodeBlock . charAt ( j ) < = 'z' | | storedCodeBlock . charAt ( j ) = = ' ' ) ) {
keyword = false ;
s + = SPAN ( "variable" ) + storedCodeBlock . substring ( startPos , j ) + "</span>" + storedCodeBlock . charAt ( j ) ;
startPos = j + 1 ;
} else
if ( ! isAlphanumeric ( storedCodeBlock , j ) ) {
if ( startPos < j ) {
s + = storedCodeBlock . substring ( startPos , j ) + storedCodeBlock . charAt ( j ) ;
} else {
s + = storedCodeBlock . charAt ( j ) ;
startPos = j + 1 ;
} else {
s + = storedCodeBlock . charAt ( j ) ;
startPos = j + 1 ;
if ( canBeNumericalConstant & & lengthOfConstant = = 0 & & ! ( storedCodeBlock . charAt ( j ) > = '0' & & storedCodeBlock . charAt ( j ) < = '9' ) ) {
canBeNumericalConstant = false ;
if ( ! canBeNumericalConstant & & ! isAlphanumeric ( storedCodeBlock , j ) ) {
canBeNumericalConstant = true ;
lengthOfConstant = 0 ;
//System.out.println("Found "+storedCodeBlock.charAt(j)+", can be numeric...");
for ( int j = 0 ; j < s . length ( ) ; j + + ) {
if ( s . charAt ( j ) = = '\2' ) {
s = s . substring ( 0 , j ) + "<" + s . substring ( j + 1 , s . length ( ) ) ;
s = "<pre>" + s ;
s + = endText ;
buildMsg . append ( s ) ;
} else {
codeBlockMsg = codeBlockMsg . delete ( 0 , codeBlockMsg . length ( ) ) ;
i + = 1 ;
codeBlock = ! codeBlock ;
} else
if ( codeBlock ) {
codeBlockMsg . append ( finalMsg . charAt ( i ) ) ; continue ;
if ( foundSub ( "%5E%5E" , finalMsg , i ) ) {
if ( boldBlock ) {
buildMsg . append ( "</b>" ) ;
} else {
buildMsg . append ( "<b>" ) ;
boldBlock = ! boldBlock ;
i + = 5 ;
continue ;
if ( i < finalMsg . length ( ) - 1 & & finalMsg . charAt ( i ) = = '*' & & finalMsg . charAt ( i + 1 ) = = '*' ) {
if ( italicBlock ) {
buildMsg . append ( "</i>" ) ;
} else {
buildMsg . append ( "<i>" ) ;
italicBlock = ! italicBlock ;
i + = 1 ;
continue ;
if ( i < finalMsg . length ( ) - 1 & & finalMsg . charAt ( i ) = = '_' & & finalMsg . charAt ( i + 1 ) = = '_' ) {
if ( underlineBlock ) {
buildMsg . append ( "</u>" ) ;
} else {
buildMsg . append ( "<u>" ) ;
underlineBlock = ! underlineBlock ;
i + = 1 ;
continue ;
if ( foundSub ( "%5B%5B" , finalMsg , i ) | | foundSub ( "%5D%5D" , finalMsg , i ) ) {
if ( linkBlock ) {
buildMsg . append ( "\">" ) . append ( storedLink ) . append ( "</a>" ) ;
} else {
storedLink . delete ( 0 , storedLink . length ( ) ) ;
buildMsg . append ( "<a href=\"" ) ;
linkBlock = ! linkBlock ;
i + = 5 ;
continue ;
if ( linkBlock ) {
storedLink . append ( finalMsg . charAt ( i ) ) ;
buildMsg . append ( finalMsg . charAt ( i ) ) ;
if ( Files . exists ( Paths . get ( sigPlace . COMMENTSDIR , requestParams . get ( "article" ) ) ) ) {
List < String > data = Files . readAllLines ( Paths . get ( sigPlace . COMMENTSDIR , requestParams . get ( "article" ) ) ) ;
data . set ( 0 , Integer . toString ( Integer . parseInt ( data . get ( 0 ) ) + 1 ) ) ;
data . add ( finalMsg + "\n" + requestParams . get ( "name" ) + ZonedDateTime . now ( ) + ";" + requestParams . get ( "color" ) ) ;
data . add ( buildMsg . toString ( ) + "\n" + requestParams . get ( "name" ) + ZonedDateTime . now ( ) + ";" + requestParams . get ( "color" ) ) ;
Files . write ( Paths . get ( sigPlace . COMMENTSDIR , requestParams . get ( "article" ) ) , data , StandardOpenOption . TRUNCATE_EXISTING , StandardOpenOption . WRITE ) ;
} else {
List < String > data = new ArrayList < String > ( ) ;
data . add ( "1" ) ;
data . add ( finalMsg + "\n" + requestParams . get ( "name" ) + ZonedDateTime . now ( ) + ";" + requestParams . get ( "color" ) ) ;
data . add ( buildMsg . toString ( ) + "\n" + requestParams . get ( "name" ) + ZonedDateTime . now ( ) + ";" + requestParams . get ( "color" ) ) ;
Files . write ( Paths . get ( sigPlace . COMMENTSDIR , requestParams . get ( "article" ) ) , data , StandardOpenOption . TRUNCATE_EXISTING , StandardOpenOption . WRITE , StandardOpenOption . CREATE_NEW ) ;
CreateRequest ( client , "200" , "OK" , Paths . get ( sigPlace . OUTDIR , "testfile.html" ) ) ;
@ -192,6 +402,17 @@ public class sigServer {
private boolean foundSub ( String string , String finalMsg , int i ) {
if ( i + string . length ( ) < = finalMsg . length ( ) ) {
for ( int j = 0 ; j < string . length ( ) ; j + + ) {
if ( string . charAt ( j ) ! = finalMsg . charAt ( i + j ) ) {
return false ;
return true ;
return false ;
private ZonedDateTime GetLastModifiedDate ( Path p ) throws IOException {
Instant newTime = Files . getLastModifiedTime ( p ) . toInstant ( ) ;
newTime = newTime . truncatedTo ( ChronoUnit . SECONDS ) ;