diff --git a/comments/Love%20Live!%20Custom%20Arcade%20Controller.comment b/comments/Love%20Live!%20Custom%20Arcade%20Controller.comment index 6958bba..16d854c 100644 --- a/comments/Love%20Live!%20Custom%20Arcade%20Controller.comment +++ b/comments/Love%20Live!%20Custom%20Arcade%20Controller.comment @@ -1,5 +1,7 @@ -2 +3 First! Sig2022-08-01T15:32:36.648104Z[Etc/UTC];MAGENTA Second!
Sig2022-08-01T16:00:26.660317Z[Etc/UTC];RED +No%20more%20caching%2C%20yay!%E2%9D%A4%EF%B8%8F +Cache%20Gone!2022-08-03T18:10:04.363363Z[Etc/UTC];RED diff --git a/comments/curabitur%20vel%20tempus%20ex.comment b/comments/curabitur%20vel%20tempus%20ex.comment index aa324a3..dbed8c1 100644 --- a/comments/curabitur%20vel%20tempus%20ex.comment +++ b/comments/curabitur%20vel%20tempus%20ex.comment @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -4 +7 New%20article%20test%20hype!

First! New%20article%20comment2022-07-27T20:28:16.622522Z[Etc/UTC];GREEN %5EI%5E%20*am*_%20now_~%20testing~%20%5Ball%5D%20the%20tags.%F0%9F%98%8A%F0%9F%98%94%F0%9F%91%8D%E2%9D%A4%EF%B8%8F%F0%9F%98%A1 @@ -7,3 +7,9 @@ Test%20Tags2022-07-28T18:35:21.171183Z[Etc/UTC];RED 2022-07-28T19:02:38.122403Z[Etc/UTC];GREEN 2022-07-29T15:47:26.100365Z[Etc/UTC];GREEN +Sounds%20good! +Sig2022-08-03T18:06:00.465963Z[Etc/UTC];MAGENTA +no%20cache%20test%3F +test2022-08-03T18:09:36.469541Z[Etc/UTC];CYAN +%F0%9F%91%8D +Sig2022-08-03T18:09:45.125821Z[Etc/UTC];WHITE diff --git a/comments/sigplace1.comment b/comments/sigplace1.comment index acede71..ea80a93 100644 --- a/comments/sigplace1.comment +++ b/comments/sigplace1.comment @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -57 +79 That is a great idea! username,17May2021 08:29:10;GREEN That is a great idea! <p>There used to be folks I worked with who would use the same technique, and it worked great!</p> @@ -71,11 +71,11 @@ fdsa2022-07-28T19:25:51.209453Z[Etc/UTC];GREEN 2022-07-28T19:57:21.107759Z[Etc/UTC];GREEN %255ETest%255E 2022-07-28T19:58:17.524846Z[Etc/UTC];GREEN -~
opefully this code block has no extra endings.opefully this code block has no extra endings.
~ 2022-07-28T20:07:22.711422Z[Etc/UTC];GREEN -~
I think the front one is still thereI think the front one is still there
~ 2022-07-28T20:08:50.191504Z[Etc/UTC];GREEN -
Code block now works!Code block now works!
2022-07-28T20:13:09.268431Z[Etc/UTC];GREEN Very%20nice%2C%20thanks%20for%20sharing! Sig2022-08-01T16:02:59.075004Z[Etc/UTC];GREEN @@ -99,11 +99,11 @@ dfsafdsa2022-08-01T16:08:18.820345Z[Etc/UTC];GREEN 2022-08-01T16:08:24.546240Z[Etc/UTC];GREEN fdsa 2022-08-01T16:08:28.154518Z[Etc/UTC];GREEN -
Cool stuff manCool stuff man
2022-08-01T16:08:43.853845Z[Etc/UTC];GREEN Bold%20Text vdsavdsa2022-08-01T16:11:13.185418Z[Etc/UTC];GREEN -
//Code goes here.//Code goes here.
vdsavdsav2022-08-01T16:11:23.726618Z[Etc/UTC];GREEN Italic%20Text vdsavdsavdsa2022-08-01T16:11:29.316553Z[Etc/UTC];GREEN @@ -111,5 +111,43 @@ dvaavsdvdasv 2022-08-01T16:11:33.383089Z[Etc/UTC];GREEN http%3A%2F%2Flink.%F0%9F%98%8Acom 2022-08-01T16:11:42.223754Z[Etc/UTC];GREEN -
//Code go😔es here.//Code go😔es here.
2022-08-01T16:11:57.246254Z[Etc/UTC];GREEN +Thanks%20for%20fixing%20all%20of%20this!
if (bugsAreGone()) {<br/>   printf("Everyone's happy now!");<br/>}
+Sig2022-08-03T18:13:00.406708Z[Etc/UTC];GREEN +
<br/>Manually typing in multi-line code 't work?<br/>
+2022-08-03T18:13:34.424600Z[Etc/UTC];GREEN +
//Code goes here.
+2022-08-03T18:13:54.283725Z[Etc/UTC];GREEN +
import java.io.IOException;<br/>import java.nio.charset.Charset;<br/>import java.nio.file.CopyOption;<br/>import java.nio.file.Files;<br/>import java.nio.file.Path;<br/>import java.nio.file.Paths;<br/>import java.nio.file.StandardCopyOption;<br/>import java.nio.file.StandardOpenOption;<br/>import java.util.AbstractMap;<br/>import java.util.ArrayList;<br/>import java.util.HashMap;<br/>import java.util.Iterator;<br/>import java.util.List;<br/>import java.util.Map;<br/>import java.util.regex.Pattern;
+2022-08-03T18:21:50.961875Z[Etc/UTC];GREEN +
//Code goes here.  }\NEWLINE\    private static boolean isHTMLFile(Path f) {\NEWLINE\        return f.getFileName().toString().contains(".html");\NEWLINE\    }\NEWLINE\    private static void ExportCodeFile() {\NEWLINE\        try {\NEWLINE\            Path file = Paths.get("sigServer.java");\NEWLINE\            List&lt;String> data = Files.readAllLines(file);\NEWLINE\            int i=0;\NEWLINE\            while (!data.get(i++).contains("sigServer()")&&i&lt;data.size());\NEWLINE\            if (i&lt;data.size()) {\NEWLINE\                Files.write(Paths.get(OUTDIR,"codeBackground"),data.subList(i, Math.min(i+40,data.size())),Charset.defaultCharset(),StandardOpenOption.CREATE,StandardOpenOption.TRUNCATE_EXISTING,StandardOpenOption.WRITE);\NEWLINE\            }\NEWLINE\        } catch (IOException e) {\NEWLINE\            e.printStackTrace();\NEWLINE\        }\NEWLINE\        n f.getFileName().toString().contains(".article");\\NEWLINE\\    }\\NEWLINE\\    private static boolean isHTMLFile(Path f) {\\NEWLINE\\        return f.getFileName().toString().contains(".html");\\NEWLINE\\    }\\NEWLINE\\    private static void ExportCodeFile() {\\NEWLINE\\        try {\\NEWLINE\\            Path file = Paths.get("sigServer.java");\\NEWLINE\\            List&lt;String> data = Files.readAllLines(file);\\NEWLINE\\            int i=0;\\NEWLINE\\            while (!data.get(i++).contains("sigServer()")&&i&lt;data.size());\\NEWLINE\\            if (i&lt;data.size()) {\\NEWLINE\\                Files.write(Paths.get(OUTDIR,"codeBackground"),data.subList(i, Math.min(i+40,data.size())),Charset.defaultCharset(),StandardOpenOption.CREATE,StandardOpenOption.TRUNCATE_EXISTING,StandardOpenOption.WRITE);\\NEWLINE\\            }\\NEWLINE\\        } catch (IOException e) {\\NEWLINE\\            e.printStackTrace();\\NEWLINE\\        }\\NEWLINE\\        \\NEWLINE\\    }still%20work%3F
}\\NEWLINE\\    private static boolean isHTMLFile(Path f) {\\NEWLINE\\        return f.getFileName().toString().contains(".html");\\NEWLINE\\    }\\NEWLINE\\    private static void ExportCodeFile() {\\NEWLINE\\        try {\\NEWLINE\\            Path file = Paths.get("si
//Code goes here. .append(Files.getOwner(f))\\NEWLINE\\ .append("\t")\\NEWLINE\\ .append(Files.size(f))\\NEWLINE\\ .append("</div>\n");\\NEWLINE\\ }\\NEWLINE\\ for (String d : data2) {\\NEWLINE\\ for (String k : sigPlace.map.keySet()) {\\NEWLINE\\ d=d.replaceAll(Pattern.quote(k),sigPlace.map.get(k));\\NEWLINE\\ }\\NEWLINE\\ sb.append(d).append("\n");\\NEWLINE\\ }\\NEWLINE\\ Path newf = Files.write(Paths.get(OUTDIR,key,DIRECTORYLISTING_FILENAME),sb.toString().getBytes());\\NEWLINE\\ System.out.println(" Added info for ("+map.size()+") files to "+newf.toAbsolutePath());\\NEWLINE\\ }\\NEWLINE\\ }\\NEWLINE\\ private static boolean isArticleFile(Path f) {\\NEWLINE\\ return f.getFileName().toString().contains(".article");\\NEWLINE\\ }\\NEWLINE\\ private static boolean isHTMLFile(Path f) {\\NEWLINE\\ return f.getFileName().toString().contains(".html");\\NEWLINE\\ }\\NEWLINE\\ private static void ExportCodeFile() {\\NEWLINE\\ try {ort java.util.AbstractMap;\\NEWLINE\\import java.util.ArrayList;\\NEWLINE\\import java.util.HashMap;\\NEWLINE\\import java.util.Iterator;\\NEWLINE\\import java.util.List;\\NEWLINE\\import java.util.Map;\\NEWLINE\\import java.util.regex.Pattern;\\NEWLINE\\public class sigPlace
+2022-08-03T18:49:58.367173Z[Etc/UTC];GREEN +
//Code goes 
 java.nio.file.Path;\\NEWLINE\\import java.nio.file.Paths;\\NEWLINE\\import java.nio.file.StandardCopyOption;\\NEWLINE\\import java.nio.file.StandardOpenOption;\\NEWLINE\\import java.util.AbstractMap;\\NEWLINE\\import java.util.ArrayList;\\NEWLINE\\import java.util.HashMap;\\NEWLINE\\import java.util.
+2022-08-03T18:50:34.311757Z[Etc/UTC];GREEN +testomg%0A%0Amultiple%0A%0Alines%20make%20sure%20it%20works%0A%0A%F0%9F%98%8A +2022-08-03T18:50:53.534777Z[Etc/UTC];GREEN +Awesomeness +2022-08-03T18:51:18.626238Z[Etc/UTC];BLUE +HOME%0ABLOG%0AARCADE%0ASTREAM%0A%F0%9F%94%B4%20LIVE%0ACODING%20SERVICES%0ADISCORD%0AGITHUB +2022-08-03T18:55:16.129190Z[Etc/UTC];GREEN +fdsa +2022-08-03T18:55:29.796811Z[Etc/UTC];WHITE +dsavsavdsavdsa%0A%0A%0Aefwqfewqfewq%20%F0%9F%91%8D +2022-08-03T18:57:35.135137Z[Etc/UTC];GREEN diff --git a/out/DIRECTORY_LISTING b/out/DIRECTORY_LISTING index ffcea21..c9e1ac9 100644 --- a/out/DIRECTORY_LISTING +++ b/out/DIRECTORY_LISTING @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ - +

Curabitur vel tempus ex



Curabitur vel tempus ex. Duis cursus sapien nisl, ut pulvinar dui porttitor ut. Nullam odio purus, tristique non turpis sit amet, malesuada ultricies purus. Mauris ut nulla nisl. Aenean sit amet est egestas justo volutpat consequat. Suspendisse in sagittis augue, et mattis tortor. Nullam viverra metus et nibh fringilla iaculis.



@@ -54,6 +54,20 @@ Curabitur vel tempus ex. Duis cursus sapien nisl, ut pulvinar dui porttitor ut. document.getElementById("submit").style.borderColor=document.getElementById("msg").style.borderColor=document.getElementById("name").style.borderColor=document.getElementById("col").style.borderColor=document.getElementById("col").options[document.getElementById("col").selectedIndex].text } function submit() { + if (document.getElementById("msg").value.length>1000) { + alert("Your message is longer than 1000 characters!"); + return; + } + if (document.getElementById("col").options[document.getElementById("col").selectedIndex].text!=="GREEN"&& + document.getElementById("col").options[document.getElementById("col").selectedIndex].text!=="RED"&& + document.getElementById("col").options[document.getElementById("col").selectedIndex].text!=="YELLOW"&& + document.getElementById("col").options[document.getElementById("col").selectedIndex].text!=="BLUE"&& + document.getElementById("col").options[document.getElementById("col").selectedIndex].text!=="MAGENTA"&& + document.getElementById("col").options[document.getElementById("col").selectedIndex].text!=="CYAN"&& + document.getElementById("col").options[document.getElementById("col").selectedIndex].text!=="WHITE") { + alert("You chose an invalid color!"); + return; + } document.getElementById("submit").disabled= document.getElementById("name").disabled= document.getElementById("col").disabled= @@ -61,7 +75,7 @@ Curabitur vel tempus ex. Duis cursus sapien nisl, ut pulvinar dui porttitor ut. fetch("/COMMENTS?submit=true&article=curabitur vel tempus ex.comment&message="+encodeURIComponent(document.getElementById("msg").value)+"&name=" +encodeURIComponent(document.getElementById("name").value)+"&color=" +encodeURIComponent(document.getElementById("col").options[document.getElementById("col").selectedIndex].text) - ).then((data)=>data.text()) + , {cache: "no-cache"}).then((data)=>data.text()) .then((data)=>{ document.getElementById("msg").value="" document.getElementById("name").value="" @@ -152,7 +166,7 @@ Curabitur vel tempus ex. Duis cursus sapien nisl, ut pulvinar dui porttitor ut.

Welcome to SigPlace!



This is a SigPlace article! It will contain information that is important (probably) and will be layed out as such.



Paragraphs are automatically split up for readability and generated correctly via the parser. There's quite a bit of flexibility with the system and makes it easy to post updates should they be required.



A lot of content management systems would do this by having a web interface and submitting content and managing it that way, but by coding my own management system and using the built-in OS' filesystem to handle the work, I save myself a lot of pains and headaches.



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In feugiat, urna ut sollicitudin luctus, nulla magna faucibus mauris, at semper nisl nisi ut mauris. Vestibulum cursus tortor velit, ut congue ex porta in. Nullam hendrerit risus sit amet neque euismod faucibus. Sed ac diam non lectus euismod pulvinar eu non mauris. Donec accumsan nisl efficitur, sodales lectus et, finibus quam. Sed vel consectetur leo. Cras ut condimentum quam. Aliquam molestie viverra congue. Donec scelerisque nibh ac nulla dictum semper. Aliquam id massa a massa bibendum finibus id ac sapien. Integer vitae ullamcorper enim, non semper massa.



Proin cursus sodales elit, vitae volutpat mi fermentum a. In vitae magna quis leo cursus accumsan id facilisis purus. Vestibulum accumsan iaculis turpis eu sollicitudin. Sed ultricies felis non elit suscipit interdum. Maecenas sollicitudin turpis justo, vel pretium sapien scelerisque eget. Nullam sagittis finibus risus ut aliquam. Praesent quam orci, dapibus ut ex ac, sodales dapibus nunc.



Fusce magna risus, iaculis non justo sit amet, semper sodales urna. Morbi eu eros lectus. Integer euismod venenatis eros a hendrerit. Nulla ultricies lectus nec quam condimentum fermentum. Quisque a turpis vitae orci pharetra ullamcorper. Nunc fringilla vitae nunc a aliquam. In aliquam gravida massa. Sed imperdiet dignissim sapien, ullamcorper rutrum lacus convallis ut.



Nunc tortor sem, dapibus mattis varius id, varius eu leo. Phasellus efficitur nulla a diam faucibus, id facilisis lacus malesuada. Nulla condimentum egestas erat a fermentum. Ut interdum dui id est condimentum, vel fermentum nisi ornare. Sed eu rhoncus magna, sit amet finibus eros. In a nibh tincidunt, suscipit tellus eleifend, faucibus mauris. Vestibulum sagittis nisi et efficitur ullamcorper. Donec sodales efficitur ligula id congue. Etiam egestas tristique interdum. Mauris at massa eget metus pellentesque fermentum nec non lacus. Nulla turpis nunc, feugiat vel euismod ac, maximus id est. Praesent cursus elit ac dolor hendrerit lacinia.



Vestibulum laoreet lorem consequat, mollis augue finibus, luctus libero. Praesent convallis sed velit vitae molestie. Vestibulum nec fringilla tellus, non dictum nulla. Donec tempor ac diam sit amet porta. Quisque mi ex, vulputate ac tincidunt vel, vestibulum vitae orci. Duis gravida mauris eget mauris pulvinar, lobortis tincidunt neque efficitur. Nunc blandit metus vitae faucibus vulputate. Curabitur rhoncus volutpat lorem, sit amet pulvinar ipsum. Fusce ultricies enim odio, a viverra quam tincidunt quis. Aliquam sollicitudin a sapien id efficitur. Proin at finibus elit, id gravida elit. Nulla facilisi. Ut tincidunt, ligula eu pulvinar dapibus, lorem nisl facilisis tellus, in ornare quam dolor quis libero. Pellentesque ut convallis orci. Donec volutpat nunc velit, tristique convallis purus lacinia sit amet. Maecenas porttitor cursus nisl sed porta.

Hello there! You can see this is the Love Live logo indeed! It is quite smol right now but that's okay. Let's keep on going with the text. If the caption is really long and with commas, they will now be combined,,,,,see how that works? Amazing!


Here we demonstrate the love live logo. But wait, it's literally like in the middle wtf is going on.Here we demonstrate the love live logo. But wait, it's literally like in the middle wtf is going on.Here we demonstrate the love live logo. But wait, it's literally like in the middle wtf is going on.



 import java.io.IOException;
 import java.nio.charset.Charset;
@@ -529,6 +529,20 @@ Here we demonstrate the love live logo. But wait, it's literally like in the mid
     function submit() {
+        if (document.getElementById("msg").value.length>1000) {
+            alert("Your message is longer than 1000 characters!");
+            return;
+        }
+        if (document.getElementById("col").options[document.getElementById("col").selectedIndex].text!=="GREEN"&&
+        document.getElementById("col").options[document.getElementById("col").selectedIndex].text!=="RED"&&
+        document.getElementById("col").options[document.getElementById("col").selectedIndex].text!=="YELLOW"&&
+        document.getElementById("col").options[document.getElementById("col").selectedIndex].text!=="BLUE"&&
+        document.getElementById("col").options[document.getElementById("col").selectedIndex].text!=="MAGENTA"&&
+        document.getElementById("col").options[document.getElementById("col").selectedIndex].text!=="CYAN"&&
+        document.getElementById("col").options[document.getElementById("col").selectedIndex].text!=="WHITE") {
+            alert("You chose an invalid color!");
+            return;
+        }
@@ -536,7 +550,7 @@ Here we demonstrate the love live logo. But wait, it's literally like in the mid
-        ).then((data)=>data.text())
+        , {cache: "no-cache"}).then((data)=>data.text())
@@ -627,7 +641,7 @@ Here we demonstrate the love live logo. But wait, it's literally like in the mid

A Test Title



In dolor erat, malesuada at elit cursus, convallis imperdiet turpis. Ut aliquet magna tellus, at viverra mauris ullamcorper vehicula. Nam quis urna semper magna ornare elementum sed id mauris. Suspendisse faucibus nunc ante, ac rhoncus nisl tristique sed. Vestibulum pretium odio eget scelerisque vestibulum. Aliquam viverra ex ac vestibulum interdum. Donec ligula nunc, dignissim a purus vitae, fermentum laoreet diam. Quisque nec auctor urna. Vestibulum sit amet ligula ullamcorper, congue ipsum et, accumsan ante. Phasellus fermentum, sapien nec pulvinar blandit, elit purus pretium urna, et dapibus orci urna eu metus. Nunc molestie dictum pharetra. Suspendisse luctus felis et ante tristique, vitae commodo diam porttitor. Aliquam orci eros, placerat ac justo vitae, bibendum efficitur metus. Phasellus eget bibendum mauris.

2 May 2022 10:16AM
@@ -48,6 +48,20 @@ document.getElementById("submit").style.borderColor=document.getElementById("msg").style.borderColor=document.getElementById("name").style.borderColor=document.getElementById("col").style.borderColor=document.getElementById("col").options[document.getElementById("col").selectedIndex].text } function submit() { + if (document.getElementById("msg").value.length>1000) { + alert("Your message is longer than 1000 characters!"); + return; + } + if (document.getElementById("col").options[document.getElementById("col").selectedIndex].text!=="GREEN"&& + document.getElementById("col").options[document.getElementById("col").selectedIndex].text!=="RED"&& + document.getElementById("col").options[document.getElementById("col").selectedIndex].text!=="YELLOW"&& + document.getElementById("col").options[document.getElementById("col").selectedIndex].text!=="BLUE"&& + document.getElementById("col").options[document.getElementById("col").selectedIndex].text!=="MAGENTA"&& + document.getElementById("col").options[document.getElementById("col").selectedIndex].text!=="CYAN"&& + document.getElementById("col").options[document.getElementById("col").selectedIndex].text!=="WHITE") { + alert("You chose an invalid color!"); + return; + } document.getElementById("submit").disabled= document.getElementById("name").disabled= document.getElementById("col").disabled= @@ -55,7 +69,7 @@ fetch("/COMMENTS?submit=true&article=test1.comment&message="+encodeURIComponent(document.getElementById("msg").value)+"&name=" +encodeURIComponent(document.getElementById("name").value)+"&color=" +encodeURIComponent(document.getElementById("col").options[document.getElementById("col").selectedIndex].text) - ).then((data)=>data.text()) + , {cache: "no-cache"}).then((data)=>data.text()) .then((data)=>{ document.getElementById("msg").value="" document.getElementById("name").value="" @@ -146,7 +160,7 @@

Another test title



Sed lobortis nisi id nunc tincidunt volutpat. Mauris cursus felis quis condimentum posuere. Pellentesque vitae dolor et justo suscipit ultrices. Integer dapibus leo id felis varius, ut volutpat massa bibendum. Quisque sed nunc arcu. In sit amet faucibus magna, non venenatis massa. Cras sed placerat risus, id consectetur est. Pellentesque in nunc dolor. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Quisque eget lorem ac urna posuere accumsan. Quisque sed imperdiet nisi.

1 May 2022 05:13AM
@@ -48,6 +48,20 @@ document.getElementById("submit").style.borderColor=document.getElementById("msg").style.borderColor=document.getElementById("name").style.borderColor=document.getElementById("col").style.borderColor=document.getElementById("col").options[document.getElementById("col").selectedIndex].text } function submit() { + if (document.getElementById("msg").value.length>1000) { + alert("Your message is longer than 1000 characters!"); + return; + } + if (document.getElementById("col").options[document.getElementById("col").selectedIndex].text!=="GREEN"&& + document.getElementById("col").options[document.getElementById("col").selectedIndex].text!=="RED"&& + document.getElementById("col").options[document.getElementById("col").selectedIndex].text!=="YELLOW"&& + document.getElementById("col").options[document.getElementById("col").selectedIndex].text!=="BLUE"&& + document.getElementById("col").options[document.getElementById("col").selectedIndex].text!=="MAGENTA"&& + document.getElementById("col").options[document.getElementById("col").selectedIndex].text!=="CYAN"&& + document.getElementById("col").options[document.getElementById("col").selectedIndex].text!=="WHITE") { + alert("You chose an invalid color!"); + return; + } document.getElementById("submit").disabled= document.getElementById("name").disabled= document.getElementById("col").disabled= @@ -55,7 +69,7 @@ fetch("/COMMENTS?submit=true&article=test2.comment&message="+encodeURIComponent(document.getElementById("msg").value)+"&name=" +encodeURIComponent(document.getElementById("name").value)+"&color=" +encodeURIComponent(document.getElementById("col").options[document.getElementById("col").selectedIndex].text) - ).then((data)=>data.text()) + , {cache: "no-cache"}).then((data)=>data.text()) .then((data)=>{ document.getElementById("msg").value="" document.getElementById("name").value="" @@ -146,7 +160,7 @@

And More



Curabitur suscipit quam tellus, non rhoncus diam vehicula in. Aliquam ut dapibus tortor. Cras accumsan arcu vel ante maximus ornare. Nam tempus fermentum leo maximus euismod. Donec vehicula pretium est a ultrices. Nunc blandit nibh lorem, nec blandit leo posuere quis. Sed mauris ligula, euismod eu aliquam vel, rhoncus eget magna. Proin eget tortor ut ligula suscipit mattis. Integer rutrum aliquet eleifend. Suspendisse leo libero, placerat nec mi id, sagittis malesuada felis. Quisque euismod ante cursus elit lobortis, eu tempus ligula condimentum. Mauris viverra metus et dignissim efficitur. Ut placerat nunc nunc, eu tempus neque ultrices nec. Suspendisse et magna risus. Phasellus in ullamcorper tortor. Sed lobortis ut mi in blandit.

30 Apr 2022 6:14PM
@@ -48,6 +48,20 @@ document.getElementById("submit").style.borderColor=document.getElementById("msg").style.borderColor=document.getElementById("name").style.borderColor=document.getElementById("col").style.borderColor=document.getElementById("col").options[document.getElementById("col").selectedIndex].text } function submit() { + if (document.getElementById("msg").value.length>1000) { + alert("Your message is longer than 1000 characters!"); + return; + } + if (document.getElementById("col").options[document.getElementById("col").selectedIndex].text!=="GREEN"&& + document.getElementById("col").options[document.getElementById("col").selectedIndex].text!=="RED"&& + document.getElementById("col").options[document.getElementById("col").selectedIndex].text!=="YELLOW"&& + document.getElementById("col").options[document.getElementById("col").selectedIndex].text!=="BLUE"&& + document.getElementById("col").options[document.getElementById("col").selectedIndex].text!=="MAGENTA"&& + document.getElementById("col").options[document.getElementById("col").selectedIndex].text!=="CYAN"&& + document.getElementById("col").options[document.getElementById("col").selectedIndex].text!=="WHITE") { + alert("You chose an invalid color!"); + return; + } document.getElementById("submit").disabled= document.getElementById("name").disabled= document.getElementById("col").disabled= @@ -55,7 +69,7 @@ fetch("/COMMENTS?submit=true&article=test3.comment&message="+encodeURIComponent(document.getElementById("msg").value)+"&name=" +encodeURIComponent(document.getElementById("name").value)+"&color=" +encodeURIComponent(document.getElementById("col").options[document.getElementById("col").selectedIndex].text) - ).then((data)=>data.text()) + , {cache: "no-cache"}).then((data)=>data.text()) .then((data)=>{ document.getElementById("msg").value="" document.getElementById("name").value="" @@ -146,7 +160,7 @@ - +
diff --git a/out/images/DIRECTORY_LISTING b/out/images/DIRECTORY_LISTING index 55ffbf5..5287674 100644 --- a/out/images/DIRECTORY_LISTING +++ b/out/images/DIRECTORY_LISTING @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ - + - +

Welcome to SigPlace!



This is a SigPlace article! It will contain information that is important (probably) and will be layed out as such.



Paragraphs are automatically split up for readability and generated correctly via the parser. There's quite a bit of flexibility with the system and makes it easy to post updates should they be required.



A lot of content management systems would do this by having a web interface and submitting content and managing it that way, but by coding my own management system and using the built-in OS' filesystem to handle the work, I save myself a lot of pains and headaches.



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In feugiat, urna ut sollicitudin luctus, nulla magna faucibus mauris, at semper nisl nisi ut mauris. Vestibulum cursus tortor velit, ut congue ex porta in. Nullam hendrerit risus sit amet neque euismod faucibus. Sed ac diam non lectus euismod pulvinar eu non mauris. Donec accumsan nisl efficitur, sodales lectus et, finibus quam. Sed vel consectetur leo. Cras ut condimentum quam. Aliquam molestie viverra congue. Donec scelerisque nibh ac nulla dictum semper. Aliquam id massa a massa bibendum finibus id ac sapien. Integer vitae ullamcorper enim, non semper massa.



Proin cursus sodales elit, vitae volutpat mi fermentum a. In vitae magna quis leo cursus accumsan id facilisis purus. Vestibulum accumsan iaculis turpis eu sollicitudin. Sed ultricies felis non elit suscipit interdum. Maecenas sollicitudin turpis justo, vel pretium sapien scelerisque eget. Nullam sagittis finibus risus ut aliquam. Praesent quam orci, dapibus ut ex ac, sodales dapibus nunc.



Fusce magna risus, iaculis non justo sit amet, semper sodales urna. Morbi eu eros lectus. Integer euismod venenatis eros a hendrerit. Nulla ultricies lectus nec quam condimentum fermentum. Quisque a turpis vitae orci pharetra ullamcorper. Nunc fringilla vitae nunc a aliquam. In aliquam gravida massa. Sed imperdiet dignissim sapien, ullamcorper rutrum lacus convallis ut.



Nunc tortor sem, dapibus mattis varius id, varius eu leo. Phasellus efficitur nulla a diam faucibus, id facilisis lacus malesuada. Nulla condimentum egestas erat a fermentum. Ut interdum dui id est condimentum, vel fermentum nisi ornare. Sed eu rhoncus magna, sit amet finibus eros. In a nibh tincidunt, suscipit tellus eleifend, faucibus mauris. Vestibulum sagittis nisi et efficitur ullamcorper. Donec sodales efficitur ligula id congue. Etiam egestas tristique interdum. Mauris at massa eget metus pellentesque fermentum nec non lacus. Nulla turpis nunc, feugiat vel euismod ac, maximus id est. Praesent cursus elit ac dolor hendrerit lacinia.



Vestibulum laoreet lorem consequat, mollis augue finibus, luctus libero. Praesent convallis sed velit vitae molestie. Vestibulum nec fringilla tellus, non dictum nulla. Donec tempor ac diam sit amet porta. Quisque mi ex, vulputate ac tincidunt vel, vestibulum vitae orci. Duis gravida mauris eget mauris pulvinar, lobortis tincidunt neque efficitur. Nunc blandit metus vitae faucibus vulputate. Curabitur rhoncus volutpat lorem, sit amet pulvinar ipsum. Fusce ultricies enim odio, a viverra quam tincidunt quis. Aliquam sollicitudin a sapien id efficitur. Proin at finibus elit, id gravida elit. Nulla facilisi. Ut tincidunt, ligula eu pulvinar dapibus, lorem nisl facilisis tellus, in ornare quam dolor quis libero. Pellentesque ut convallis orci. Donec volutpat nunc velit, tristique convallis purus lacinia sit amet. Maecenas porttitor cursus nisl sed porta.

Hello there! You can see this is the Love Live logo indeed! It is quite smol right now but that's okay. Let's keep on going with the text. If the caption is really long and with commas, they will now be combined,,,,,see how that works? Amazing!


Here we demonstrate the love live logo. But wait, it's literally like in the middle wtf is going on.Here we demonstrate the love live logo. But wait, it's literally like in the middle wtf is going on.Here we demonstrate the love live logo. But wait, it's literally like in the middle wtf is going on.



 import java.io.IOException;
 import java.nio.charset.Charset;
@@ -531,33 +511,53 @@ Here we demonstrate the love live logo. But wait, it's literally like in the mid

3 May 2022 10:25AM

⤈ Click to expand.
3 May 2022 10:25AM

⤈ Click to expand.

A Test Title



In dolor erat, malesuada at elit cursus, convallis imperdiet turpis. Ut aliquet magna tellus, at viverra mauris ullamcorper vehicula. Nam quis urna semper magna ornare elementum sed id mauris. Suspendisse faucibus nunc ante, ac rhoncus nisl tristique sed. Vestibulum pretium odio eget scelerisque vestibulum. Aliquam viverra ex ac vestibulum interdum. Donec ligula nunc, dignissim a purus vitae, fermentum laoreet diam. Quisque nec auctor urna. Vestibulum sit amet ligula ullamcorper, congue ipsum et, accumsan ante. Phasellus fermentum, sapien nec pulvinar blandit, elit purus pretium urna, et dapibus orci urna eu metus. Nunc molestie dictum pharetra. Suspendisse luctus felis et ante tristique, vitae commodo diam porttitor. Aliquam orci eros, placerat ac justo vitae, bibendum efficitur metus. Phasellus eget bibendum mauris.

2 May 2022 10:16AM

⤈ Click to expand.
2 May 2022 10:16AM

⤈ Click to expand.

Another test title



Sed lobortis nisi id nunc tincidunt volutpat. Mauris cursus felis quis condimentum posuere. Pellentesque vitae dolor et justo suscipit ultrices. Integer dapibus leo id felis varius, ut volutpat massa bibendum. Quisque sed nunc arcu. In sit amet faucibus magna, non venenatis massa. Cras sed placerat risus, id consectetur est. Pellentesque in nunc dolor. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Quisque eget lorem ac urna posuere accumsan. Quisque sed imperdiet nisi.

1 May 2022 05:13AM

⤈ Click to expand.
1 May 2022 05:13AM

⤈ Click to expand.

And More



Curabitur suscipit quam tellus, non rhoncus diam vehicula in. Aliquam ut dapibus tortor. Cras accumsan arcu vel ante maximus ornare. Nam tempus fermentum leo maximus euismod. Donec vehicula pretium est a ultrices. Nunc blandit nibh lorem, nec blandit leo posuere quis. Sed mauris ligula, euismod eu aliquam vel, rhoncus eget magna. Proin eget tortor ut ligula suscipit mattis. Integer rutrum aliquet eleifend. Suspendisse leo libero, placerat nec mi id, sagittis malesuada felis. Quisque euismod ante cursus elit lobortis, eu tempus ligula condimentum. Mauris viverra metus et dignissim efficitur. Ut placerat nunc nunc, eu tempus neque ultrices nec. Suspendisse et magna risus. Phasellus in ullamcorper tortor. Sed lobortis ut mi in blandit.

30 Apr 2022 6:14PM

⤈ Click to expand.
30 Apr 2022 6:14PM

⤈ Click to expand.

Curabitur vel tempus ex



Curabitur vel tempus ex. Duis cursus sapien nisl, ut pulvinar dui porttitor ut. Nullam odio purus, tristique non turpis sit amet, malesuada ultricies purus. Mauris ut nulla nisl. Aenean sit amet est egestas justo volutpat consequat. Suspendisse in sagittis augue, et mattis tortor. Nullam viverra metus et nibh fringilla iaculis.




29 Apr 2022 7:37PM

⤈ Click to expand.
29 Apr 2022 7:37PM

⤈ Click to expand.
+ +
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