import ;
import ;
import ;
import ;
import ;
import ;
import ;
import ;
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets ;
import java.nio.file.Files ;
import java.nio.file.Path ;
import java.nio.file.Paths ;
import java.nio.file.attribute.FileTime ;
import java.time.Instant ;
import java.time.ZoneId ;
import java.time.ZonedDateTime ;
import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter ;
import java.time.temporal.ChronoUnit ;
import java.util.HashMap ;
import java.util.regex.Pattern ;
public class sigServer {
ServerSocket socket ;
sigServer ( ) {
try {
socket = new ServerSocket ( sigPlace . PORT ) ;
System . out . println ( "Listening on port " + sigPlace . PORT + "." ) ;
while ( true ) {
try ( Socket client = socket . accept ( ) ) {
System . out . println ( "New client connection detected: " + client . toString ( ) ) ;
BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader ( new InputStreamReader ( client . getInputStream ( ) ) ) ;
String requestLine , line ;
ZonedDateTime modifiedDate = null ;
/ * String boundary = "" ;
boolean truncateUntilBoundary = false ; * /
requestLine = in . readLine ( ) ; //Read the first line, this should be our request.
if ( requestLine ! = null ) {
while ( in . ready ( ) ) {
line = in . readLine ( ) ;
/ *
if ( ! truncateUntilBoundary ) {
System . out . println ( line ) ;
if ( boundary . length ( ) > 0 ) {
if ( line . equals ( boundary ) ) {
truncateUntilBoundary = true ;
} else
if ( line . contains ( boundary ) ) {
System . out . println ( "<...>" ) ;
System . out . println ( "" ) ;
System . out . println ( line ) ;
truncateUntilBoundary = false ;
} else
if ( line . contains ( "Content-Disposition: " ) | | line . contains ( "Content-Type: " ) ) {
System . out . println ( line ) ;
} * /
if ( line . contains ( "Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=" ) ) {
boundary = "--" + line . substring ( "Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=" . length ( ) ) ;
} else
if ( line . contains ( "If-Modified-Since: " ) ) {
String modifiedSince = line . replace ( "If-Modified-Since: " , "" ) ;
modifiedDate = ZonedDateTime . parse ( modifiedSince , DateTimeFormatter . RFC_1123_DATE_TIME ) ;
//System.out.println("Found a modified date of: "+modifiedDate);
String [ ] splitter = requestLine . split ( Pattern . quote ( " " ) ) ;
if ( splitter . length = = 3 ) {
//This is valid.
if ( splitter [ 0 ] . equals ( "GET" ) ) { //This is a GET request.
if ( splitter [ 2 ] . equals ( "HTTP/1.1" ) | | splitter [ 2 ] . equals ( "HTTP/2.0" ) ) {
String [ ] requestSplit = splitter [ 1 ] . split ( Pattern . quote ( "?" ) ) ;
String requestloc = requestSplit [ 0 ] ;
HashMap < String , String > requestParams = new HashMap < > ( ) ;
if ( requestSplit . length > 1 ) {
String [ ] params = requestSplit [ 1 ] . split ( Pattern . quote ( "&" ) ) ;
for ( String s : params ) {
String key = s . substring ( 0 , s . indexOf ( '=' ) ) ;
String value = s . substring ( s . indexOf ( '=' ) + 1 ) ;
requestParams . put ( key , value ) ;
System . out . println ( " ==Params for this request are: " + requestParams ) ;
if ( requestloc . equals ( "/" ) ) {
//Send default directory.
if ( modifiedDate = = null | | modifiedDate . isBefore ( GetLastModifiedDate ( sigPlace . OUTDIR , "testfile.html" ) ) ) {
System . out . println ( GetLastModifiedDate ( sigPlace . OUTDIR , "testfile.html" ) + "//" + modifiedDate ) ;
CreateRequest ( client , "200" , "OK" , "testfile.html" ) ;
} else {
//System.out.println(" testfile.html is cached! No sending required.");
CreateRequest ( client , "304" , "Not Modified" , "testfile.html" ) ;
} else {
String location = URLDecoder . decode ( requestloc . replaceFirst ( "/" , "" ) , StandardCharsets . UTF_8 ) ;
if ( modifiedDate = = null | | modifiedDate . isBefore ( GetLastModifiedDate ( sigPlace . OUTDIR , location ) ) )
CreateRequest ( client , "200" , "OK" , location ) ;
} else {
//System.out.println(" "+location+" is cached! No sending required.");
CreateRequest ( client , "304" , "Not Modified" , location ) ;
} else
if ( splitter [ 0 ] . equals ( "POST" ) ) { //This is a POST request.
CreateRequest ( client , "501" , "Not Implemented" , "testfile.html" ) ;
} else {
CreateRequest ( client , "501" , "Not Implemented" , "testfile.html" ) ;
} catch ( SocketException | NullPointerException e ) {
e . printStackTrace ( ) ;
} catch ( IOException e ) {
e . printStackTrace ( ) ;
private ZonedDateTime GetLastModifiedDate ( String first , String . . . more ) throws IOException {
Instant newTime = Files . getLastModifiedTime ( Paths . get ( first , more ) ) . toInstant ( ) ;
newTime = newTime . truncatedTo ( ChronoUnit . SECONDS ) ;
return newTime . atZone ( ZoneId . of ( "GMT" ) ) ;
private void CreateRawRequest ( OutputStream stream , String statusCode , String statusMsg , String contentType , byte [ ] content ) {
CreateRawRequest ( stream , statusCode , statusMsg , contentType , content , null ) ;
private void CreateRawRequest ( OutputStream stream , String statusCode , String statusMsg , String contentType , byte [ ] content , FileTime lastModified ) {
try {
stream . write ( ( "HTTP/1.1 " + statusCode + " " + statusMsg + "\r\n" ) . getBytes ( ) ) ;
stream . write ( ( "ContentType: " + contentType + "\r\n" ) . getBytes ( ) ) ;
if ( lastModified ! = null ) {
ZonedDateTime date = lastModified . toInstant ( ) . truncatedTo ( ChronoUnit . SECONDS ) . atZone ( ZoneId . of ( "GMT" ) ) ;
stream . write ( ( "Last-Modified: " + date . format ( DateTimeFormatter . RFC_1123_DATE_TIME ) + "\r\n" ) . getBytes ( ) ) ;
stream . write ( "\r\n" . getBytes ( ) ) ;
stream . write ( content ) ;
} catch ( IOException e ) {
e . printStackTrace ( ) ;
private void CreateRequest ( Socket client , String statusCode , String statusMsg , String string ) {
long startTime = System . currentTimeMillis ( ) ;
Path file = Paths . get ( sigPlace . OUTDIR , string ) ;
try {
OutputStream clientOutput = client . getOutputStream ( ) ;
if ( statusCode . equals ( "200" ) ) {
if ( Files . exists ( file ) ) {
if ( Files . isDirectory ( file ) ) {
CreateRawRequest ( clientOutput , statusCode , statusMsg , "text/html" , Files . readAllBytes ( Paths . get ( sigPlace . OUTDIR , string , sigPlace . DIRECTORYLISTING_FILENAME ) ) , Files . getLastModifiedTime ( file ) ) ;
clientOutput . write ( ( "<div class=\"generateTime\">Webpage generated in " + ( System . currentTimeMillis ( ) - startTime ) + "ms</div>\r\n" ) . getBytes ( ) ) ;
} else {
CreateRawRequest ( clientOutput , statusCode , statusMsg , Files . probeContentType ( file ) , Files . readAllBytes ( file ) , Files . getLastModifiedTime ( file ) ) ;
String contentType = Files . probeContentType ( file ) ;
if ( contentType ! = null & & contentType . equals ( "text/html" ) ) {
clientOutput . write ( ( "<div class=\"generateTime\">Webpage generated in " + ( System . currentTimeMillis ( ) - startTime ) + "ms</div>\r\n" ) . getBytes ( ) ) ;
System . out . println ( "Sent " + file + " to client " + client + "." ) ;
} else {
CreateRawRequest ( clientOutput , statusCode , statusMsg , "text/html" , "<!DOCTYPE html>\nWe're sorry, your webpage is in another castle!" . getBytes ( ) ) ;
System . out . println ( "Sent [404] " + statusMsg + " to client " + client + " for " + file + "." ) ;
} else {
CreateRawRequest ( clientOutput , statusCode , statusMsg , "text/html" , "<!DOCTYPE html>\nWe're sorry, your webpage exploded!" . getBytes ( ) ) ;
System . out . println ( "Sent [" + statusCode + "] " + statusMsg + " to client " + client + " for " + file + "." ) ;
clientOutput . write ( "\r\n\r\n" . getBytes ( ) ) ;
clientOutput . flush ( ) ;
client . close ( ) ;
} catch ( IOException e ) {
e . printStackTrace ( ) ;