import ;
import java.nio.charset.Charset ;
import java.nio.file.CopyOption ;
import java.nio.file.Files ;
import java.nio.file.Path ;
import java.nio.file.Paths ;
import java.nio.file.StandardCopyOption ;
import java.nio.file.StandardOpenOption ;
import java.util.AbstractMap ;
import java.util.ArrayList ;
import java.util.HashMap ;
import java.util.Iterator ;
import java.util.List ;
import java.util.Map ;
import java.util.regex.Pattern ;
public class sigPlace {
final static String ROOTDIR = "sitefiles" ;
final static String REFDIR = "ref" ;
final static String OUTDIR = "out" ;
final static String ARTICLESDIR = "articles" ;
final static String UPLOADSDIR = "uploads" ;
final static String COMMENTSDIR = "comments" ;
static int PORT = 8080 ;
static double COLOR_ROTATION = 0 ;
static boolean inCodeBlock = false ;
static String storedCodeBlock = "" ;
final static HashMap < String , String > map = new HashMap < > ( Map . ofEntries (
new AbstractMap . SimpleEntry < > ( "$SITENAME" , "SigPlace" ) ,
new AbstractMap . SimpleEntry < > ( "$SITE_BACKCOL" , "#111" ) ,
new AbstractMap . SimpleEntry < > ( "$TITLE_CONTENT_START" , "<div class=\"contentWrapper\"><h1>" ) ,
new AbstractMap . SimpleEntry < > ( "$TITLE_CONTENT_END" , "</h1><div class=\"content\" %ID%>" ) ,
new AbstractMap . SimpleEntry < > ( "$CONTENT_END" , "</div>" ) ,
new AbstractMap . SimpleEntry < > ( "$DATE_CONTENT_START" , "<div class=\"datebar\"></div><div class=\"date\">" )
) ) ;
final static HashMap < String , Path > ops = new HashMap < > ( Map . ofEntries (
new AbstractMap . SimpleEntry < > (
"%DEFAULT" , Paths . get ( REFDIR , "DEFAULT.html" ) ) ,
new AbstractMap . SimpleEntry < > (
"%FOOTER" , Paths . get ( REFDIR , "FOOTER.html" ) )
) ) ;
public static void main ( String [ ] args ) {
if ( args . length > 0 & & args . length % 2 = = 0 ) {
int i = 0 ;
while ( i < args . length ) {
String arg1 = args [ i ] ;
String arg2 = args [ i + 1 ] ;
i + = 2 ;
if ( arg1 . equals ( "-p" ) ) {
PORT = Integer . parseInt ( arg2 ) ;
System . out . println ( "Port set to " + PORT + "." ) ;
} else {
System . err . println ( "Invalid argument \"" + arg1 + "\"." ) ;
return ;
System . out . println ( "Copying files over to output directory..." ) ;
try {
copyDirectory ( "sitefiles" , "out" ) ;
Iterator < Path > items = Files . walk ( Paths . get ( "out" ) ) . iterator ( ) ;
ParseArticleFiles ( items ) ;
items = Files . walk ( Paths . get ( "out" ) ) . iterator ( ) ;
ConvertArticleReferences ( items ) ;
items = Files . walk ( Paths . get ( "out" , "articles" ) ) . iterator ( ) ;
GenerateArticleFiles ( items ) ;
} catch ( IOException e ) {
e . printStackTrace ( ) ;
System . err . println ( "Copying files over failed!" ) ;
return ;
System . out . println ( "Building directory listings..." ) ;
try {
buildDirectoryListings ( ) ;
} catch ( IOException e ) {
e . printStackTrace ( ) ;
System . err . println ( "Failed to build directory listings!" ) ;
return ;
System . out . println ( "Site has been built into the " + OUTDIR + " directory." ) ;
ExportCodeFile ( ) ;
System . out . println ( "\nStarting web server..." ) ;
new sigServer ( ) ;
private static void ParseArticleFiles ( Iterator < Path > items ) {
while ( items . hasNext ( ) ) {
Path f = items . next ( ) ;
System . out . println ( " Found " + f . getFileName ( ) ) ;
if ( Files . isRegularFile ( f ) ) {
try {
System . out . println ( " Preparing " + f . getFileName ( ) ) ;
List < String > content = Files . readAllLines ( f ) ;
if ( isHTMLFile ( f ) ) {
content . addAll ( 0 , Files . readAllLines ( ops . get ( "%DEFAULT" ) ) ) ;
content . addAll ( Files . readAllLines ( ops . get ( "%FOOTER" ) ) ) ;
System . out . println ( " Parsing " + f . getFileName ( ) ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < content . size ( ) ; i + + ) {
String s = content . get ( i ) ;
if ( s . length ( ) > 0 & & isArticleFile ( f ) ) {
//Check for markdown pieces.
if ( s . charAt ( 0 ) = = '-' ) {
//Start of a title piece.
s = s . replace ( "-" , map . get ( "$TITLE_CONTENT_START" ) ) ;
s = s + map . get ( "$TITLE_CONTENT_END" ) . replace ( "%ID%" , "id=\"content_" + f + "\"" ) ;
//Use ⤈ if there's more text to be shown than can fit.
} else
if ( s . contains ( "===" ) ) {
s = map . get ( "$CONTENT_END" ) + map . get ( "$DATE_CONTENT_START" ) + s . replace ( "===" , "" ) + map . get ( "$CONTENT_END" ) + "%CONDITIONAL_EXPAND%" + map . get ( "$CONTENT_END" ) ;
} else
if ( s . charAt ( 0 ) = = ':' ) {
//Image with caption.
String [ ] splitter = s . split ( Pattern . quote ( "," ) ) ;
StringBuilder captionText = new StringBuilder ( splitter [ 3 ] ) ;
for ( int j = 4 ; j < splitter . length ; j + + ) {
captionText . append ( "," ) . append ( splitter [ j ] ) ;
s = "<div><figure style=\"text-align:center;" + ( ( splitter [ 1 ] . equals ( "left" ) | | splitter [ 1 ] . equals ( "right" ) ) ? "width:" + splitter [ 2 ] + "%;float:" + splitter [ 1 ] + ";" : "" ) + "\"><img src=\"/" + splitter [ 0 ] . substring ( 1 ) + "\" style=\"margin:auto;width:100%;\"><figcaption>" + captionText . toString ( ) + "</figcaption></figure></div>" ;
} else {
//It's regular content, so add paragraphs.
s = "<p class=\"color" + ( ( ( int ) ( COLOR_ROTATION = ( COLOR_ROTATION + 0 . 4 ) % 6 ) ) + 1 ) + "\">" + s + "</p>" ;
} else
if ( s . length ( ) = = 0 & & isArticleFile ( f ) ) {
s = "<br/>" ; //Setup a line break here.
for ( String key : map . keySet ( ) ) {
s = s . replaceAll ( Pattern . quote ( key ) , map . get ( key ) ) ;
if ( s . length ( ) > 0 & & isHTMLFile ( f ) ) {
if ( ! inCodeBlock ) {
if ( s . contains ( "<pre>" ) ) {
inCodeBlock = true ;
storedCodeBlock + = s . substring ( s . indexOf ( "<pre>" ) ) ;
s = s . substring ( 0 , s . indexOf ( "<pre>" ) ) ;
} else {
if ( s . contains ( "</pre>" ) ) {
inCodeBlock = false ;
storedCodeBlock + = s . substring ( 0 , s . indexOf ( "</pre>" ) + "</pre>" . length ( ) ) ;
int startPos = 0 ;
String endText = s . substring ( s . indexOf ( "</pre>" ) + "</pre>" . length ( ) , s . length ( ) ) ;
s = "" ;
for ( int j = 0 ; j < storedCodeBlock . length ( ) ; j + + ) {
if ( storedCodeBlock . charAt ( j ) = = '.' ) {
//Previous section was a member.
s + = SPAN ( "variable" ) + storedCodeBlock . substring ( startPos , j ) + "</span>" + storedCodeBlock . charAt ( j ) ;
startPos = j + 1 ;
continue ;
} else
if ( storedCodeBlock . charAt ( j ) = = '\n' ) {
System . out . println ( "newline" ) ;
//Previous section is done.
s + = "\r\n" ;
startPos = j + 1 ;
continue ;
} else
if ( storedCodeBlock . charAt ( j ) = = '(' ) {
//Previous section was a keyword.
s + = SPAN ( "function" ) + storedCodeBlock . substring ( startPos , j ) + "</span>" + storedCodeBlock . charAt ( j ) ;
startPos = j + 1 ;
continue ;
} else
if ( storedCodeBlock . charAt ( j ) = = ' ' & & j > 0 & & storedCodeBlock . charAt ( j - 1 ) ! = ' ' ) {
//Previous section was a keyword.
s + = SPAN ( "keyword" ) + storedCodeBlock . substring ( startPos , j ) + "</span>" + storedCodeBlock . charAt ( j ) ;
startPos = j + 1 ;
continue ;
s + = endText ;
//System.out.println("Stored code block: "+storedCodeBlock);
} else {
storedCodeBlock + = s ;
s = "" ;
content . set ( i , s ) ;
System . out . println ( " Writing to " + f . toAbsolutePath ( ) ) ;
Files . write ( f , content , Charset . defaultCharset ( ) , StandardOpenOption . CREATE , StandardOpenOption . TRUNCATE_EXISTING , StandardOpenOption . WRITE ) ;
System . out . println ( " " + f . getFileName ( ) + " conversion complete!" ) ;
} catch ( IOException e ) {
e . printStackTrace ( ) ;
/ * *
* Writes a span tag with the included class .
* * * /
private static String SPAN ( String className ) {
return "<span class=\"" + className + "\">" ;
private static void GenerateArticleFiles ( Iterator < Path > items ) {
System . out . println ( " Generating article files..." ) ;
while ( items . hasNext ( ) ) {
Path f = items . next ( ) ;
try {
if ( Files . isRegularFile ( f ) & & isArticleFile ( f ) ) {
System . out . println ( " Creating article for " + f . getFileName ( ) ) ;
List < String > content = Files . readAllLines ( f ) ;
List < String > preContent = Files . readAllLines ( ops . get ( "%DEFAULT" ) ) ;
List < String > postContent = Files . readAllLines ( ops . get ( "%FOOTER" ) ) ;
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder ( ) ;
for ( String d : preContent ) {
for ( String k : sigPlace . map . keySet ( ) ) {
d = d . replaceAll ( Pattern . quote ( k ) , sigPlace . map . get ( k ) ) ;
sb . append ( d ) . append ( "\n" ) ;
for ( String d : content ) {
for ( String k : sigPlace . map . keySet ( ) ) {
d = d . replaceAll ( Pattern . quote ( k ) , sigPlace . map . get ( k ) ) ;
d = d . replaceFirst ( "div class=\"content\"" , "div class=\"expandedContent\"" ) ;
d = d . replaceFirst ( "%CONDITIONAL_EXPAND%" , "" ) ;
sb . append ( d ) . append ( "\n" ) ;
for ( String d : postContent ) {
for ( String k : sigPlace . map . keySet ( ) ) {
d = d . replaceAll ( Pattern . quote ( k ) , sigPlace . map . get ( k ) ) ;
sb . append ( d ) . append ( "\n" ) ;
Files . write ( Paths . get ( f . getParent ( ) . toString ( ) , f . getFileName ( ) + ".html" ) , sb . toString ( ) . getBytes ( ) ) ;
} catch ( IOException e ) {
e . printStackTrace ( ) ;
private static void ConvertArticleReferences ( Iterator < Path > items ) {
while ( items . hasNext ( ) ) {
Path f = items . next ( ) ;
System . out . println ( " Looking for Article References..." + f . getFileName ( ) ) ;
boolean articleJavascriptIncluded = false ;
if ( Files . isRegularFile ( f ) & & isHTMLFile ( f ) ) {
System . out . println ( " Searching " + f . getFileName ( ) ) ;
try {
List < String > content = Files . readAllLines ( f ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < content . size ( ) ; i + + ) {
String s = content . get ( i ) ;
if ( s . length ( ) > 0 & & s . contains ( "$ARTICLE_PREVIEW" ) ) {
String article = ARTICLESDIR + "/" + s . replace ( "$ARTICLE_PREVIEW " , "" ) + ".article" ;
System . out . println ( " Found article preview request in " + f . getFileName ( ) + " for article " + article + "." ) ;
Path file = Paths . get ( OUTDIR , article ) ;
List < String > newData = Files . readAllLines ( file ) ;
if ( newData . size ( ) > 0 ) {
content . set ( i , newData . get ( 0 ) ) ;
for ( int j = 1 ; j < newData . size ( ) ; j + + ) {
content . add ( i + j , newData . get ( j ) ) ;
String lastline = content . get ( i + newData . size ( ) - 1 ) ;
lastline = lastline . replace ( "%CONDITIONAL_EXPAND%" , "<div class=\"unexpanded\" id=\"expand_" + i + "\" onClick=\"expand(this,'" + Paths . get ( OUTDIR , article . toString ( ) ) + "')\"><br/><br/><br/><br/>⤈ Click to expand.</div>" ) ;
content . set ( i + newData . size ( ) - 1 , lastline ) ; //<div class=\"unexpanded\" id=\"expand_"+i+"\" onClick=\"expand("+i+")\"><br/><br/><br/><br/>⤈ Click to expand.</div>");
} else {
content . set ( i , "" ) ;
if ( ! articleJavascriptIncluded ) {
List < String > articlejs = Files . readAllLines ( Paths . get ( REFDIR , "article.js" ) ) ;
for ( int j = articlejs . size ( ) - 1 ; j > = 0 ; j - - ) {
content . add ( i , articlejs . get ( j ) ) ;
articleJavascriptIncluded = true ;
Files . write ( f , content ) ;
} catch ( IOException e ) {
e . printStackTrace ( ) ;
static void copyDirectory ( String sourceDirectoryLocation , String destinationDirectoryLocation )
throws IOException {
Files . walk ( Paths . get ( sourceDirectoryLocation ) )
. forEach ( source - > {
Path destination = Paths . get ( destinationDirectoryLocation , source . toString ( )
. substring ( sourceDirectoryLocation . length ( ) ) ) ;
try {
if ( Files . isDirectory ( destination ) ) {
Files . createDirectories ( destination ) ;
} else {
Files . copy ( source , destination , new CopyOption [ ] { StandardCopyOption . COPY_ATTRIBUTES , StandardCopyOption . REPLACE_EXISTING } ) ;
} catch ( IOException e ) {
e . printStackTrace ( ) ;
} ) ;
static void buildDirectoryListings ( )
throws IOException {
String startingPath = Paths . get ( sigPlace . OUTDIR ) . toAbsolutePath ( ) . toString ( ) ;
HashMap < String , List < Path > > map = new HashMap < > ( ) ;
Iterator < Path > it = Files . walk ( Paths . get ( sigPlace . OUTDIR ) ) . iterator ( ) ;
map . put ( "/" , new ArrayList < Path > ( ) ) ;
while ( it . hasNext ( ) ) {
Path f = it . next ( ) ;
if ( ! f . getFileName ( ) . toString ( ) . equals ( OUTDIR ) ) {
String myKey = f . toAbsolutePath ( ) . toString ( ) . replace ( startingPath , "" ) . replace ( f . getFileName ( ) . toString ( ) , "" ) ;
map . putIfAbsent ( myKey , new ArrayList < Path > ( ) ) ;
map . get ( myKey ) . add ( f ) ;
System . out . println ( "Directory structure determined:" ) ;
System . out . println ( " " + map ) ;
for ( String key : map . keySet ( ) ) {
System . out . println ( "Creating directory listing for " + key + "..." ) ;
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder ( "" ) ;
List < String > data = Files . readAllLines ( ops . get ( "%DEFAULT" ) ) ;
List < String > data2 = Files . readAllLines ( ops . get ( "%FOOTER" ) ) ;
for ( String d : data ) {
for ( String k : sigPlace . map . keySet ( ) ) {
d = d . replaceAll ( Pattern . quote ( k ) , sigPlace . map . get ( k ) ) ;
sb . append ( d ) . append ( "\n" ) ;
sb . append ( "<h2>Directory Listing for " + key + "</h2>" ) ;
sb . append ( "<div class=\"folderlisting\"><a href=\"" )
. append ( key )
. append ( "..\" class=\"icon\">📁</a><a href=\"" )
. append ( key )
. append ( "..\">.. </a><a href=\"" )
. append ( key )
. append ( "..\" class=\"nounderline\">(Previous Directory)</a></div>" ) ;
for ( Path f : map . get ( key ) ) {
sb . append ( "<div class=\"" ) . append ( ( Files . isDirectory ( f ) ? "folderlisting" : "filelisting" ) ) . append ( "\">" )
. append ( "<a href=\"" + ( f . toAbsolutePath ( ) . toString ( ) . replace ( Paths . get ( OUTDIR ) . toAbsolutePath ( ) . toString ( ) , "" ) ) + "\" class=\"icon\">" )
. append ( ( Files . isDirectory ( f ) ? "📁" : "🗎" ) )
. append ( "</a>" )
. append ( "<a href=\"" + ( f . toAbsolutePath ( ) . toString ( ) . replace ( Paths . get ( OUTDIR ) . toAbsolutePath ( ) . toString ( ) , "" ) ) + "\">" )
. append ( f . getFileName ( ) )
. append ( "</a>\t" )
. append ( Files . getLastModifiedTime ( f ) )
. append ( "\t" )
. append ( Files . getOwner ( f ) )
. append ( "\t" )
. append ( Files . size ( f ) )
. append ( "</div>\n" ) ;
for ( String d : data2 ) {
for ( String k : sigPlace . map . keySet ( ) ) {
d = d . replaceAll ( Pattern . quote ( k ) , sigPlace . map . get ( k ) ) ;
sb . append ( d ) . append ( "\n" ) ;
Path newf = Files . write ( Paths . get ( OUTDIR , key , DIRECTORYLISTING_FILENAME ) , sb . toString ( ) . getBytes ( ) ) ;
System . out . println ( " Added info for (" + map . size ( ) + ") files to " + newf . toAbsolutePath ( ) ) ;
private static boolean isArticleFile ( Path f ) {
return f . getFileName ( ) . toString ( ) . contains ( ".article" ) ;
private static boolean isHTMLFile ( Path f ) {
return f . getFileName ( ) . toString ( ) . contains ( ".html" ) ;
private static void ExportCodeFile ( ) {
try {
Path file = Paths . get ( "" ) ;
List < String > data = Files . readAllLines ( file ) ;
int i = 0 ;
while ( ! data . get ( i + + ) . contains ( "sigServer()" ) & & i < data . size ( ) ) ;
if ( i < data . size ( ) ) {
Files . write ( Paths . get ( OUTDIR , "codeBackground" ) , data . subList ( i , Math . min ( i + 40 , data . size ( ) ) ) , Charset . defaultCharset ( ) , StandardOpenOption . CREATE , StandardOpenOption . TRUNCATE_EXISTING , StandardOpenOption . WRITE ) ;
} catch ( IOException e ) {
e . printStackTrace ( ) ;