@ -11089,12 +11089,48 @@ implements Listener
ignitedur + = blazepoweredheads ;
ignitedur + = blazepoweredrareheads * 5 ;
blazerareheads = this . plugin . getMobHeadAmt ( new MobHead ( MobHeadType . BLAZE , true , MobHeadRareType . RARE_TYPE_B ) , playerheads ) ;
int airbornechance = 0 ;
airbornechance + = blazerareheads * 3 ;
airbornechance + = blazepoweredheads ;
airbornechance + = blazepoweredrareheads * 10 ;
if ( Math . random ( ) * 100 < = critchance ) {
e . setDamage ( e . getDamage ( ) * 2 ) ;
if ( Math . random ( ) * 100 < = snarechance ) {
m . addPotionEffect ( new PotionEffect ( PotionEffectType . SLOW , 100 , 7 , true ) ) ;
if ( Math . random ( ) * 100 < = airbornechance ) {
//m.addPotionEffect(new PotionEffect(PotionEffectType.SLOW,100,7,true));
final LivingEntity l = ( LivingEntity ) e . getEntity ( ) ;
Location airborne_loc = l . getLocation ( ) ;
//Check upwards. Stop if we hit a solid block.
int starty = l . getLocation ( ) . getBlockY ( ) ;
int checky = l . getLocation ( ) . getBlockY ( ) ;
/*16 is max height that a mob will be set to.*/
while ( checky - starty < 19 & & l . getWorld ( ) . getBlockAt ( l . getLocation ( ) . getBlockX ( ) , l . getLocation ( ) . getBlockY ( ) + checky , l . getLocation ( ) . getBlockZ ( ) ) . getType ( ) = = Material . AIR ) {
checky + + ;
if ( checky - starty > 3 ) {
checky - = 3 ;
} else {
checky = starty ;
final Location teleport_to = new Location ( l . getWorld ( ) , l . getLocation ( ) . getBlockX ( ) , checky , l . getLocation ( ) . getBlockZ ( ) ) ;
Bukkit . getScheduler ( ) . scheduleSyncDelayedTask ( this . plugin , new Runnable ( ) {
public void run ( ) {
l . teleport ( teleport_to ) ;
} , 1 ) ;
if ( ignitedur > 0 ) {
m . setFireTicks ( m . getFireTicks ( ) + ( ignitedur * 20 ) ) ;
@ -11127,10 +11163,12 @@ implements Listener
i - - ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < nearby_mobs . size ( ) ; i + + ) {
if ( ! nearby_mobs . get ( i ) . getUniqueId ( ) . equals ( m ) ) {
LivingEntity m2 = ( LivingEntity ) nearby_mobs . get ( i ) ;
m2 . damage ( e . getDamage ( ) * ( aoedmg / 100 . 0d ) ) ;
if ( aoedmg > 0 ) {
for ( int i = 0 ; i < nearby_mobs . size ( ) ; i + + ) {
if ( ! nearby_mobs . get ( i ) . getUniqueId ( ) . equals ( m ) ) {
LivingEntity m2 = ( LivingEntity ) nearby_mobs . get ( i ) ;
m2 . damage ( e . getDamage ( ) * ( aoedmg / 100 . 0d ) ) ;
/ * if ( m . hasPotionEffect ( PotionEffectType . SLOW ) & & Main . SERVER_TICK_TIME - this . plugin . getPlayerData ( p ) . lastsneaktime < = 60 ) {
@ -11448,12 +11486,48 @@ implements Listener
ignitedur + = blazepoweredheads ;
ignitedur + = blazepoweredrareheads * 5 ;
blazerareheads = this . plugin . getMobHeadAmt ( new MobHead ( MobHeadType . BLAZE , true , MobHeadRareType . RARE_TYPE_B ) , playerheads ) ;
int airbornechance = 0 ;
airbornechance + = blazerareheads * 3 ;
airbornechance + = blazepoweredheads ;
airbornechance + = blazepoweredrareheads * 10 ;
if ( Math . random ( ) * 100 < = critchance ) {
e . setDamage ( e . getDamage ( ) * 2 ) ;
if ( Math . random ( ) * 100 < = snarechance ) {
m . addPotionEffect ( new PotionEffect ( PotionEffectType . SLOW , 100 , 7 , true ) ) ;
if ( Math . random ( ) * 100 < = airbornechance ) {
//m.addPotionEffect(new PotionEffect(PotionEffectType.SLOW,100,7,true));
final LivingEntity l = ( LivingEntity ) e . getEntity ( ) ;
Location airborne_loc = l . getLocation ( ) ;
//Check upwards. Stop if we hit a solid block.
int starty = l . getLocation ( ) . getBlockY ( ) ;
int checky = l . getLocation ( ) . getBlockY ( ) ;
/*16 is max height that a mob will be set to.*/
while ( checky - starty < 19 & & l . getWorld ( ) . getBlockAt ( l . getLocation ( ) . getBlockX ( ) , l . getLocation ( ) . getBlockY ( ) + checky , l . getLocation ( ) . getBlockZ ( ) ) . getType ( ) = = Material . AIR ) {
checky + + ;
if ( checky - starty > 3 ) {
checky - = 3 ;
} else {
checky = starty ;
final Location teleport_to = new Location ( l . getWorld ( ) , l . getLocation ( ) . getBlockX ( ) , checky , l . getLocation ( ) . getBlockZ ( ) ) ;
Bukkit . getScheduler ( ) . scheduleSyncDelayedTask ( this . plugin , new Runnable ( ) {
public void run ( ) {
l . teleport ( teleport_to ) ;
} , 1 ) ;
if ( ignitedur > 0 ) {
m . setFireTicks ( m . getFireTicks ( ) + ( ignitedur * 20 ) ) ;
@ -11487,10 +11561,12 @@ implements Listener
i - - ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < nearby_mobs . size ( ) ; i + + ) {
if ( ! nearby_mobs . get ( i ) . getUniqueId ( ) . equals ( m ) ) {
LivingEntity m2 = ( LivingEntity ) nearby_mobs . get ( i ) ;
m2 . damage ( e . getDamage ( ) * ( aoedmg / 100 . 0d ) ) ;
if ( aoedmg > 0 ) {
for ( int i = 0 ; i < nearby_mobs . size ( ) ; i + + ) {
if ( ! nearby_mobs . get ( i ) . getUniqueId ( ) . equals ( m ) ) {
LivingEntity m2 = ( LivingEntity ) nearby_mobs . get ( i ) ;
m2 . damage ( e . getDamage ( ) * ( aoedmg / 100 . 0d ) ) ;
int witherskeletonheads = this . plugin . getMobHeadAmt ( new MobHead ( MobHeadType . WITHER_SKELETON ) , playerheads ) ;